Herpes type 2 in a child. Herpes in children: varieties, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Viral infections pose a serious danger to children, in particular, the herpes virus is not at all as harmless as it seems, and in addition to external manifestations, it can affect internal organs, the nervous system and cause other serious complications. .

And if in the first months of life the baby's body is still protected by the mother's immunity and antibodies to the virus that he receives with breast milk, then later this protection weakens. Herpes is especially often diagnosed in a child at 2 years of age, but by the age of 5, the baby's body begins to produce its own antibodies that can resist the virus.

What are the symptoms of a herpes infection in young children? What are the main features of the disease and how to treat herpes in a child in order to prevent possible complications? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

Infection of a child in most cases occurs in the children's team or through contact with adult carriers of the virus. A baby can easily become infected from the mother if she has a relapse of the disease and an exacerbation of herpes infection occurs.

This is especially true for infants, since during this period it is impossible to stop the contact of the baby with the mother and take such precautions that would guarantee the absence of infection. In addition, the source of infection, without knowing it, can be any person who has the virus in a latent (not active) form and its visible manifestations are absent.

The transmission of the virus occurs as follows:

  • Airborne droplet. When a person with herpes or who is its carrier coughs or sneezes, the virus spreads through the air and easily enters the baby's body through the mucous membranes.
  • Household. This type of virus transmission is most common in families where personal hygiene rules are violated. That is, family members share common dishes, cutlery, towels, bed linen.
  • Perinatal. From a mother infected with the virus, the infection is transmitted to the child during childbirth.
  • During medical manipulations (during blood transfusion).

According to statistics, out of 100 newborns whose mothers first became infected with the herpes virus during pregnancy, up to 50% of babies are born with a congenital herpes virus infection. This can have the most severe consequences for the child. If during pregnancy a woman has a relapse of the disease, then this practically does not affect the child, since the mother's body already has a developed immunity to the virus.

Concomitant factors that provoke the appearance or exacerbation of herpetic manifestations are:

  • Colds
  • hypothermia
  • Weakened immunity
  • Irrational nutrition, with a lack of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the child
  • stress factor
  • Influence of the environment (infection occurs more often in the autumn - winter period)

The herpes virus has many varieties, the most common being the types that cause "colds" on the lips and chicken pox. In fact, there are many more types of herpesvirus and each of them has its own characteristics. A child can become infected with any type of pathogen, so parents need to know the main symptoms of the disease and methods of fighting the infection.

Types of herpes

To date, scientists know more than 200 varieties of herpesvirus, of which the most common and well-studied are 6 types:

All types of herpesvirus infections in children pose a serious danger and need timely treatment, as they can provoke serious complications.

The danger of herpes in young children

Infants and newborns are usually immune to the virus that they receive from their mother, but from 1-2 years of age, this protection weakens. Herpes in a 3 year old of life appears as a result of the fact that the child's own immune system is still weak and cannot resist infection. In some cases, the consequence of infection can be serious complications affecting the internal organs and body systems. The following conditions are among the complications caused by the herpes virus:

  • Herpetic eye lesions (keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis, corneal erosion)
  • Ear lesions, often resulting in deafness
  • Herpetic sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis
  • Damage to the cardiovascular system (myocarditis)
  • Damage to the nervous system (neuritis, paralysis of the limbs) and the brain (encephalitis, meningitis)
  • Damage to internal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen)

All of the above complications are very serious, it is difficult to cope with them even for an adult. In a child with a weak immune system, they can be life-threatening and, in severe cases, result in disability.


The specialist makes a diagnosis based on the general clinical picture and a number of laboratory and instrumental studies confirming the presence of the virus in the body. The main diagnostic methods are:

When making a diagnosis, it is important to differentiate herpes from other viral diseases with similar symptoms (SARS, rubella, allergic reactions, dermatological diseases accompanied by rashes). An early and correct diagnosis will allow timely initiation of therapy. The pediatrician will advise the parents and explain how to treat herpes in a child.

Main symptoms

From the moment of infection to the first symptoms of herpes, a certain time passes (incubation period), which can range from several days to 2 weeks. Then there are characteristic symptoms corresponding to the type of herpes infection.

Cold sores

Herpes of the first type begins with a sensation of tingling, burning, itching and redness in the place where the rash subsequently appears. The primary stage is accompanied by a general malaise: fever, fever, headache, an increase in lymph nodes is observed. These manifestations resemble the symptoms of a cold, but soon parents notice other signs of infection. Herpes on the lip of a child is manifested by the appearance of small itchy vesicles filled with transparent contents.

After some time, they open and secrete a liquid containing the virus in high concentration. At this time, you need to make sure that the child does not touch the formed erosion with his hands, this can lead to further spread of the infection. After a few more days, the weeping sores begin to dry out and become covered with a crust, which soon disappears.

With primary infection, the development of herpetic stomatitis is possible, when painful blisters form on the tonsils and palate. Herpes in the mouth of a child leads to the fact that the baby becomes capricious, does not sleep well. Painful erosions that form at the site of burst bubbles cause refusal to eat and lack of appetite. With weakened immunity, primary infection with the virus can lead to the development of complications associated with damage to internal organs.

Genital herpes

Herpes of the second type is especially dangerous for a child, since infection most often occurs in utero, when a pregnant woman becomes ill with herpes. If the infection of the expectant mother occurs for the first time, then the risk of developing severe complications in the fetus is very high.

The first symptoms in a newborn appear within 2 days after birth. Characteristic bubble rashes appear all over the body, the temperature rises, febrile conditions occur, lymph nodes increase. The child is diagnosed with malformations of the nervous system, liver, heart, pancreas. Rashes and sores appear on the genitals. After a few days, jaundice develops, convulsions may appear, and the risk of developing viral pneumonia increases, with a high degree of death.

Herpes in a child of type 3 - 6

Type 3 herpes virus causes chicken pox, accompanied by characteristic rashes all over the body, high fever, chills, and weakness. After treatment of chickenpox, the virus remains in the body and reminds of itself with relapses of herpes zoster, when, with weakened immunity, bubble rashes appear on the back, along the nerve fibers. Herpes zoster is accompanied by intense itching, fever and severe pain.

Type 4 virus causes infectious mononucleosis, manifested by tonsillitis, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. Herpes in the throat of a child accompanied by painful rashes in the oral cavity, fever, enlarged lymph nodes (mainly cervical), liver and spleen. Infectious mononucleosis can occur with complications affecting almost all internal organs and body systems (nervous, pulmonary, cardiovascular).

Herpes type 5 is a cytomegalovirus infection. The virus is introduced into the body and is waiting in the wings, manifesting itself with a decrease in immunity with a common respiratory infection (ARVI). A virus of this type is dangerous when a pregnant woman is exposed to infection, resulting in intrauterine infection. In this case, the child dies or is born with severe lesions of the central nervous system.

Herpes type 6 in children causes exanthema, the manifestations of which resemble rubella. The disease begins acutely, with a sharp rise in temperature and the appearance of a pale pink rash on the body, dense to the touch and slightly rising above the surface of the skin. In this case, damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is noted. Herpes in the mouth of a child manifested by a painful rash on the soft palate and tongue, as a result of which the child becomes restless, often cries and refuses to eat.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of herpesvirus infections in children should be comprehensive. The doctor selects a treatment regimen and dosage of drugs on an individual basis, depending on the age, weight and condition of the child. What is included in the complex therapy?

To strengthen and support the child's body, a complete diet containing the necessary nutrients and vitamins is recommended. Preference should be given to dairy products, dietary meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Doctors advise to adhere to a plentiful drinking regimen, this will help remove toxins from the body. It is necessary to give the child compotes, juices, fruit drinks, decoctions, rehydration solutions. This will eliminate dehydration and relieve intoxication.

With generalized forms of infection, congenital herpes and a severe course of the disease, accompanied by complications, therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital.

Treatment with folk remedies

As additional measures, you can use traditional medicine. This will help ease the course of the disease and speed up recovery. In order to avoid allergic reactions or other complications, you should consult your doctor before using alternative recipes.

The following measures will help prevent recurrence of cold herpes in a child:

Since the virus is transmitted in different ways, including household ones, parents need to teach their child to observe personal hygiene from a very early age. The kid should keep his hands clean and know that you can only use your own towel, toothbrush, clothes and other personal items.

In the winter season, parents can give their child drugs that stimulate the immune system as a preventive measure. The attending physician should prescribe such funds.

There is the biggest law of meanness: if you have some important meeting ahead of you, shooting for a memorable photo or an interview for a new job, herpes will definitely appear on your face on that day. The appearance of this disease is not associated only with adulthood, most often infection with herpes occurs in childhood, and in adulthood we see only an exacerbation of a viral infection.

Herpetic infection is chronic. This is due to the fact that the herpes virus is localized in the nerve cells of the mucosa, where antiviral drugs cannot penetrate. It is in these cells that the virus is in a dormant state and begins to actively multiply with a decrease in the body's defenses.

Causes of herpes in children

Infection most often occurs through common dishes, kisses, a common towel. Most often, children become infected with the herpes virus from adults (from parents), as they are in close contact with them. Soothers are especially dangerous for infecting children. Very often you can observe a picture when a mother, before giving a baby a nipple, licks it to remove excess microbes from its surface. At the same time, not a single mother thinks about how many bacteria and viruses are in her oral cavity, including herpes viruses. In no case should you lick the child's personal items, only rinse with boiled water.

The herpes virus can remain on toys for some time, so it is very important to periodically boil toys, especially in kindergartens, where more than 10 children can play with the same toy in a day. Therefore, in kindergartens, all toys should be only plastic or rubber.

It is customary to distinguish two types of herpes infection: herpes of the 1st and 2nd types. Previously, it was believed that type 1 herpes can only cause damage to the mucous lips (labial), and type 2 herpes can only cause damage to the genital organs (genital). However, more recently, scientists have shown that both herpes type 1 and herpes type 2 can cause damage to both the lips and genitals. Therefore, if a mother, for example, has labial herpes, and she uses the child's towel to wipe her face, and then wipes the child with this towel after washing, the child may develop genital herpes, although it was previously thought that it could only be transmitted through sexual contact.

Most often, a herpes infection manifests itself against the background of colds, since it is then that the child's immunity decreases. Malnutrition, beriberi, frequent hypothermia, and chronic stress also lead to the development of a herpetic infection. The season for the appearance of a herpes infection is autumn-spring, when daylight hours are shortened, the amount of vitamins and minerals entering the body decreases, and the ambient temperature decreases. In some cases, a herpes infection can manifest itself in the summer, and this is due to the presence of immunodeficiency conditions in a child or chronic hypothermia when using fans and air conditioners, or sunburn of the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of herpes in children

Symptoms of a herpes infection in a child are fever and a vesicular rash. The child's body temperature may rise slightly, up to 37-37.5 ° C. In some cases, if the child's body is weakened, the body temperature may rise to 38.5 ° C. The temperature usually lasts 2-3 days, and then decreases if there are no complications . A vesicular rash appears on the mucous membrane of the lips against the background of hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the lips. Usually a herpetic rash is represented by 1-2 small vesicles filled with a clear liquid. Due to the compression of the nerve endings in the area of ​​the rash, there is pain and itching in this area. After the vesicle opens, a small sore forms in its place, which heals without leaving any traces. A feature of a herpes infection is that the vesicles appear in the same place with each exacerbation of the disease. This is explained by the fact that the herpes virus lives in the nerve fibers that innervate this area.

With a significant decrease in immunity, the child's condition can be very serious. He is concerned about a significant increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40˚ C), weakness, headache, loss of appetite. A rash on the mucous membranes occupies a large area of ​​​​the lip, after opening the bubbles, a wound surface is formed, which is then covered with a crust. Wound healing occurs under this crust. In this condition, if there is no proper treatment, children may develop complications in the form of herpetic lesions of internal organs (most often the liver), herpetic gastroenterocolitis (manifested by vomiting, diarrhea), herpetic encephalitis (virus damage to brain cells). All these complications are a serious danger to the health of the child and their treatment should be carried out only in specialized clinics.

Congenital herpes in children

Of particular danger to children is congenital herpes. This disease develops due to the virus entering the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth. The most serious complications are observed if the mother of the child became infected with the herpes virus during pregnancy, the development of an exacerbation of an already existing infection is less dangerous. The time of exacerbation of the infection also matters: the most dangerous in terms of transmitting the infection to the child is the period preceding childbirth. In some cases, a viral infection in the mother may be asymptomatic.

The first symptoms of the disease can appear in newborns as early as 48 hours after birth, especially for children whose infection occurred in early pregnancy. A later onset of the disease (one month after birth) is associated with infection of the child during childbirth.

Symptoms of a herpes infection depend on the form of the disease and the timing of infection. If the infection occurred during childbirth, then the manifestations of the disease are reduced to the appearance of a vesicular rash on the skin, mucous membranes, palms and feet. When a child is infected during fetal development, the symptoms are associated with impaired development of various organs: the nervous system, liver, heart, pancreas. The symptoms of congenital herpes are as follows:

1. Jaundice. Jaundice has a wave-like character, begins on the 3-4th day. The chair at the beginning of the disease is colored, then loses color and becomes colorless. Urine is initially light and then darkens.
2. Damage to the central nervous system manifests itself in the form of convulsions, increased excitability, children refuse to eat, they are drowsy, and the process of thermoregulation is disturbed.
3. Generalization of the process. The child's condition deteriorates sharply, they are lethargic, adynamic, refuse to eat, herpetic pneumonia develops.

It is very important to start treatment on time, because in the absence of medical care for such children, the likelihood of death increases, in some cases, mortality can reach 90%.

Treatment of herpes in children

For the treatment of herpes infection, an antiviral drug, immunostimulants, interferons are used.

Antiviral drug used for herpes infection is acyclovir. This drug can be used both in the form of intravenous injections and in the form of tablets. The method of administration of the drug depends on the severity of the disease and its form. The drug is administered intravenously at a dosage of 30-60 mg/kg of the child's body weight, through the mouth - 90 mg/kg. The drug should be divided into 3-4 parts. Also, this drug can be used externally in the form of an ointment. It must be applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes 4-5 times a day.

Immunostimulating drugs contribute to the fact that the child's body fights the virus more effectively and does not allow the virus to infect new areas of the mucous membranes and internal organs. For treatment, you can use immunostimulating drugs such as immunal, groprinosin, arpetol.

Interferons contribute to the destruction of viruses and do not allow them to multiply uncontrollably. They can be used both in tablet form and in the form of candles. Candles are introduced into the anus of the child 2 times a day for 5 days, repeat the course 2-3 times with a break of 5 days.

In addition to herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes, the herpes virus (usually a type of herpes zoster virus) can also affect the skin. In this case, diseases such as chicken pox and shingles can develop.

Prevention of herpes in children

To prevent herpes, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and not use other people's personal belongings, avoid close contact with people with herpes. To strengthen the child's immune system, proper nutrition, vitamin therapy in the autumn-spring period, and the use of immunostimulating drugs in prophylactic doses in the winter period are necessary. You can also use the method of autohemotherapy, when the child's blood from a vein is injected into the gluteal muscle according to a special scheme.

Remember! Herpes cannot be cured, it can only be healed.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

Herpes is a generic term for viral diseases caused by the herpes virus. This virus also provokes herpes in children. The herpes virus can affect almost all organs in the human body. Currently, 8 types of this virus are known.

There are several types of the virus, but type 1 herpes is more common in children.

Children are just as susceptible to the virus as adults. Herpes infection is transmitted mainly from parents or after contact with an already sick child. Herpes in children is not easy. There are several types of this disease, but herpes type 1 is more common in children. Babies are less likely to get sick because they are immune from their mother. By the age of 3-4 years, children become infected, and by the age of 5-6 years, 60-80% develop immunity.

Varieties of herpes in children

Type 1 virus is different from the others. This species is the most common among the herpes simplex viruses. It is herpes on the child's body that causes general malaise and fever. Most often, children 1-2 years old have sores in the mouth, they can appear in anyone at any time.

Genital herpes in children is a type 2 virus, it has similar symptoms to type 1, but in children it is more difficult. If a pregnant woman is infected with genital herpes, then the child becomes infected during childbirth. Such children may suffer from stomatitis, herpetic sore throat, and eye diseases.

Herpes of the 6th species causes roseola rosea: in children, a pink spotted rash appears on the body, similar to acne.

The herpes virus in a child of type 3 at the first infection causes the development of chicken pox. Chickenpox symptoms begin with general malaise, fever, abdominal pain, and headache. Then herpes on the body appears as a red rash. With a repeated outbreak of the virus, the disease proceeds as shingles or herpes. Herpes on the body causes weakness, itching and burning in the area of ​​redness. Herpetic infection appears in the locations of the nerve trunks.

Herpes virus 4, 5, 6 species causes infectious mononucleosis - an acute infectious disease, manifested by symptoms of fever, enlarged lymph nodes, inflammation of the palatine tonsils, lymphocytosis and some changes in blood cells.

Children can become infected with cytomegalovirus in kindergarten or nursery. Infection with cytomegalovirus occurs only through contact with an infected person. Babies can become infected in the womb. The virus is transmitted through saliva, urine, blood and other bodily fluids. Cytomegalovirus infection in children is asymptomatic, sometimes manifested by subtle symptoms similar to mononucleosis, which disappear after a while.

Also, Herpes of the 6th species causes roseola rosea disease: in children, a pink spotted rash similar to acne appears on the body. Children under 2 years old are prone to this disease. Signs are spots on the body, runny nose, cough and high fever. The fever goes away within a few days. As soon as the temperature drops, the skin becomes covered with a rash with elements 1-3 mm in size, when pressed, the pimples turn white - this is the feature that distinguishes this disease from rubella. The rash may go away quickly or may last for several days. Basically, pimples pop up on the torso and gradually move to the neck, face, arms and legs.

Infection of infants with the herpes virus of the 6th and 7th species provokes exanthema in the newborn.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and assess the condition of the child.

Herpes in infants

Herpes infection in children is more difficult. The herpes virus in a child is extremely dangerous. Infants infected with the herpes virus can develop internal herpes, that is, damage to the internal organs and nervous system can occur. When an infection enters the mucous membrane of the eye, it can cause keratitis, etc. Now doctors can diagnose neonatal herpes at earlier stages than in previous years. However, until a diagnosis is made, the virus is already causing irreversible harm to the newborn.

If the mother, father, or any other sexual partner of the mother is infected with the herpes virus, this must be reported to the pediatrician, since this fact is important in determining the causes of the child's malaise.

Doctors can now diagnose neonatal herpes earlier than in years past.

The neonatal type of herpes is possible in a child even if both parents have never had herpes of any type.

Symptoms of herpes in children

Common signs of herpes in children:

  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • nervousness;
  • tearfulness.

At the site of future rashes, the patient feels:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • itching and tingling of the skin.

The rash is followed by sores. If herpes appears on the hands, the baby continuously scratches the sores, this aggravates the healing process of the wound and delays recovery. Herpes on the hands is usually associated with hypothermia or injury.

In addition, herpes on the hands can appear due to touching, for example, the affected lips. With a mild infection, herpes on the lips in children will heal in a few days.

Ulcers can also appear on the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks, gums, and palate. However, the gums look inflamed and swollen. The rash may spread to the chin and then move to the neck. Lymph nodes enlarge and hurt. Due to the fact that the herpes virus spills out on the mucous membrane of the throat, the child feels pain and discomfort when swallowing, at this time the child may refuse to eat.

If symptoms are present, a diet must be followed. Do not feed your child hard food, so as not to scratch the wounds, otherwise recovery may take weeks. Parents should exercise vigilant supervision.

Children's herpes: treatment

In the treatment of the herpes virus in children, antiviral agents are used, these can be interferons and other immunity-stimulating drugs. If these symptoms are present, treatment should be started immediately. As soon as the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes antiviral drugs, symptomatic treatment is recommended to alleviate the child's condition. If left untreated, herpes infection in children can become chronic. Timely treatment of herpes in children will help improve the general condition and stop the spread of infection in the body. Antiviral ointments, creams and tablets will relieve pain, itching and burning. If the baby has a fever, you should give an antipyretic and provide the child with plenty of warm drink.

Doctors often use in practice Acyclovir - an antiviral drug. It can be used as a tablet, injection, or topical ointment. The dosage depends on the severity and form of the infection. The drug is administered intravenously at a dosage of 30-60 mg/kg of the child's body weight, orally - 90 mg/kg per day. Take 3 times a day. An ointment for external use is used, it should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 4-5 times a day.

Immunostimulating agents help the child quickly suppress the infection and prevent the virus from spreading to healthy areas of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs.

Interferon has a detrimental effect on the virus, preventing it from multiplying. Interferon is available in tablets and suppositories.

If a child has relapses, contact an immunologist immediately. The immunologist will prescribe the appropriate treatment that will increase the immunity of a weakened child. The fight against the herpes virus in children should take place under the supervision of a doctor who will calculate the dosage of drugs without harm to the child's body.

Once in the body of a child, the herpes virus remains hidden in it, activating from time to time. The main goal of parents is to help the baby cope with the disease, following all the doctor's instructions. Particular attention in the fight against the virus is paid to the observance of the personal hygiene of the baby.

For prevention, the following rules must be observed: do not use other people's personal hygiene items, avoid communicating with a carrier of the herpes virus, etc. Good nutrition, taking vitamins in the spring and autumn, taking immunostimulating drugs for prevention will help strengthen children's immunity. During the season of outbreaks of colds, use antiviral ointments and nasal drops as a preventive measure 1-2 times a day. Preventing infection in parents can help reduce the risk of infection in children.

It is important to remember: for any manifestations and symptoms similar to a virus, in no case do not treat the child yourself, as improper treatment leads to serious consequences.

Any treatment, especially in childhood, should be carried out only with the use of funds recommended by the doctor, and under his supervision. Be healthy!

Herpes - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Genital herpes in children and pregnancy

What to do about herpes? Children's doctor.

The body of a child is more often affected by pathogens of herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-I). Outwardly, a herpetic infection in children is manifested by the growth of vesicles with watery contents on the lips, nostrils, and in the oral cavity. Therapy is recommended to be carried out with immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, folk remedies. It is important for parents and other adults to remember that viruses can easily spread between people, so it is advisable to limit the social circle of a sick child during the period of illness.

About 8 types of herpesviruses cause human disease, five of them are better studied, research is ongoing for the next three. Clinical manifestations of herpesvirus infection in children depend on the age of small patients, the immune status, the site of penetration of the pathogen and its typology. Primary infection is accompanied by more severe symptoms than relapses.

A child can be infected with any of the following virus genotypes:

  1. HSV-I, II - causative agents of herpes simplex.
  2. Varicella zoster causes chickenpox, shingles (herpes zoster).
  3. Epstein-Barr virus - the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis (rarely).
  4. Cytomegalovirus - the cause of infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis (rarely).
  5. Causative agents of sudden exanthema or "pseudo-rubella" (rare).

Primary infection almost always leads to the appearance of pronounced symptoms, a higher incidence of complications.

Various lesions of the skin, including the appearance of rashes on the face, provoke HSV-I and Varicella zoster. Herpetic stomatogingivitis and tonsillitis are caused by viruses of the first three types. HSV-I infection usually results in mucosal changes in the throat and mouth. HSV-II usually causes genital infections, a serious illness in newborns. The most common ways of infection with herpesviruses of the first and second types are contact-household.

The following factors contribute to the activity of herpes infection in the body:

  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • hypo- and beriberi;
  • poor digestion;
  • weak immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • stress.

After infection, a herpes infection in a child manifests itself or passes into a latent form and remains in sensory neurons. Relapses of the disease are associated with both adverse external and internal changes. Type 1 hepatitis virus reactivation may follow oral trauma, unsuccessful dental procedures.

Causes and danger of children with herpes simplex

Infection of the fetus occurs during fetal development through the placenta. A newborn becomes infected when passing through the birth canal, after childbirth - through contact with the mother, medical staff. HSV-I is found in saliva, is transmitted through shared utensils and other items. Diseases of children are often noted after the age of one year, by which time the action of the mother's antibodies ends in the body of the babies. If the child already attends a preschool institution, then it becomes infected through toys, hygiene items.

The virus remains in the human body forever, treatment is mainly aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of the disease, preventing complications and relapses.

Often, the primary infection with HSV-I is asymptomatic, but the virus "sleeps" in the child's nerve cells - it is in a latent form (latent). From time to time, it reactivates in response to hypothermia, overheating, fever, or other factors. A recurrence of HSV-I often begins with a tingling, itching sensation in the area where the blisters used to be.

The development of primary herpes infection of the second type in newborns is observed in the first weeks of life. The virus infects the central nervous system, skin, eyes and oropharynx. The generalized form of HSV-II often causes the development of herpes pneumonia in the newborn. The addition of a bacterial and fungal infection to it leaves little hope for the recovery of the baby. Such forms of herpes require hospitalization of the patient. If relapses occur and they are less dangerous, then treatment is carried out at home.

Reactivation of HSV-II is manifested by the growth of vesicles on the genitals and adjacent areas of the body - in the vagina, on the cervix, vulva, penis, buttocks and thighs.

Early age, lack of treatment, reduced immunity- the main causes of serious complications of herpes simplex in a child. Then stomatitis or tonsillitis proceed in a severe form, the herpes virus causes eye damage - conjunctivitis, keratitis. The most serious cases lead to diseases of the joints, internal organs, herpetic encephalitis or meningitis.

Signs of herpes type 1

When a primary HSV-I infection develops, inflammation of the oral mucosa begins, the gums swell, the lymph nodes swell, and the temperature rises. There are bubbles in the mouth, as in the photo. They then turn into ulcers and heal slowly over 7 to 14 days. During a recurrence of herpes, sores around the mouth may develop.

In most cases, rashes during HSV-I infection are localized in children in the oral cavity and in the oropharynx. The virus of the first type causes herpetic stomatitis, affects the red border of the lips and the area around, other parts of the face. But only 10–30% of HSV-I carriers develop symptoms that persist for 5–14 days. Virus shedding lasts approximately 3 weeks.

Clinical signs and symptoms of herpes infection in children:

  • Sudden onset of illness, lethargy or irritability, fever.
  • Increased salivation in infants, pain on sucking and swallowing.
  • Redness, swelling of the gums, their bleeding.
  • Vesicles on the tongue, palate, gums, sometimes on the lips.
  • Reluctance to eat and/or drink.

A common clinical manifestation of HSV-I in a child aged 6 months to 5 years is considered acute herpetic stomatitis. Herpes in children 2-3 years old is manifested by lethargy, malaise, redness and pain in the throat, temperature. Symptoms of a herpes infection in the throat in children of primary school age and adolescents resemble pharyngotonsillitis. Lesions can spread to areas of the mucosa or skin if they get infected saliva. Complications often develop in the case of a primary infection, in the subsequent immunity usually copes with the virus.

Genital herpetic infection. Diagnosis of HSV

The second type of virus mainly affects the organs of the reproductive system, although this pathogen also causes oral herpes. If the infection occurred in utero or during the passage of the child through the birth canal, then the weakened baby begins to hurt immediately after birth. The incubation period averages 6 to 8 days.

Generalized herpes of newborns leads to lesions of the most important organs and systems - nervous, digestive, cardiovascular.

The most severe disease occurs with intrauterine infection, infection of the child immediately before childbirth. Within a few days after birth, characteristic symptoms are observed - fever develops, rashes appear on the body. Signs of herpes are complemented by yellowing of the skin, urine darkens, and the child's stool becomes discolored. The external genitalia are covered with vesicles. With the development of herpesvirus pneumonia, a fatal outcome is possible.

The doctor prescribes general blood analysis to determine changes in its composition. Swabs are taken from the mucous membranes to detect the virus. Diagnosis is most facilitated by blood tests using enzyme immunoassay or polymerase chain reaction (ELISA and PCR, respectively).

The final diagnosis is confirmed by virus isolation in tissue cultures. For adequate treatment, it is important to identify its genotype.

In the case of a generalized infection, the medical staff performs scrapings from the affected areas. Doctors prescribe lumbar puncture to examine the cerebrospinal fluid for signs of disease. In addition, it helps to identify the degree of damage to individual organs. electroencephalogram, ultrasound and other studies (MRI, CT).

Drug treatment of herpes infection

Children with a generalized form of herpes need hospitalization, intensive care. It is necessary to contact the pediatrician if the newborn, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, develops a fever, rashes, redness and inflammation of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes. When children older than one year develop superficial lesions of the mouth, pharynx, and skin, home treatment may suffice. During this period, it is necessary to prevent combing of the bubbles, scratching of the crusts.

Children who experience discomfort due to sores in the mouth or on the lips are given paracetamol (acetaminophen). When a viral herpes infection develops in children in the oropharynx, the use of medications accelerates the healing of ulcers, reduces the risk of complications and relapses. Antiviral therapy is more often used in the case of a generalized infection of newborns, genital herpes, a weakened immune system, and severe brain damage.

Doctors prescribe drugs and select dosages in accordance with the age, body weight and condition of the child.

How to treat herpes of the first and second type in children:

  1. Treatment of affected areas with antiseptic and anesthetic fluids (chlorhexidine, lidocaine).
  2. Lotions with solutions of proteolytic enzymes to dissolve dead tissue (lysozyme).
  3. Immunomodulatory medicines based on interferon - suppositories, gel and ointment "Viferon".
  4. Antiviral agent acyclovir - tablets inside, cream - externally.
  5. Desensitizing therapy (fenkarol, pipolfen).
  6. Applications from oil solutions of tocopherol and vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil.
  7. Antiherpetic vaccination between relapses of the disease.

It is recommended to include in the diet of sick children dairy products, veal, poultry, rabbit, fish, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts. It is necessary to avoid foods and drinks that irritate the inflamed epithelium. Dehydration of the body should not be allowed, therefore they give apple juice, mineral water without gas.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine suggests using medicinal plants and natural substances to treat herpes in children. Simple home procedures - compresses, baths, lotions - alleviate the condition and speed up recovery. Separate dishes and towels should be given to the patient to prevent the spread of infection in the family. The child can attend school, but in case of primary infection, pediatricians recommend leaving children at home.

List of natural remedies for oral and external treatment of herpes simplex:

  1. Crushed garlic, pulp of an apple, potato - wrap in a bandage, apply to a sore spot to reduce discomfort.
  2. Infusion of lemon balm leaves or lemon mint - 2 tsp. brew herbs with a cup of boiling water, divided into three doses.
  3. Infusion of celandine - 1 tsp. brew herbs with a glass of boiling water, rinse rashes and ulcers.

herpetic infection

Herpes is a viral infection caused by various types of the herpes virus. It is characterized by rashes in the form of small, crowded vesicles on the mucous membranes and skin. The disease is dangerous complications for infants and intrauterine infection.

How to treat herpes in children? The herpetic virus cannot be cured forever if it has already entered the body. It can only be calmed, muffled. A person has the genetic ability of the immune system to fight the herpes virus. In one child, herpes appears every three months, in another - once a year, and in the third it does not “wake up” at all. Sooner or later, every child becomes infected with one or another type of herpes virus. It is believed that 100% of the population of our planet has cytomegalovirus, and the herpes simplex virus occurs in 90% of people.

The reasons

In an inactive state, the virus lives in nerve cells. Under the influence of what factors is it activated?

  • Constant fatigue.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Stress.
  • Emotional overload.
  • SARS and other diseases.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, overheating.
  • Drying of mucous membranes.
  • Frequent hypothermia.
  • Injuries to mucous membranes and skin.
  • Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.

But still, the main reason is the decrease in the protective properties of the body. With weak immunity in children, the herpes virus progresses, affecting large areas of the body and mucous membranes. The weaker the immune system, the more difficult the herpes infection is tolerated.

How does infection occur

The herpetic virus is highly contagious, that is, contagious. The main routes of transmission are airborne and contact. The most contagious person is considered during the rash. Where and how is it most likely to get infected? In everyday life, if there are carriers of the virus in the house, strict rules of personal hygiene are not observed. You can get infected through shared towels, dishes, unwashed hands. If an infection has occurred, this does not mean that the child will immediately have a fever on the lip. The virus can be activated only under favorable conditions - a weakened immune system.

Types of herpes

There are about 80 (according to some sources, about 100) herpes viruses. In medical science, 8 types of herpes are described, which can cause various types of herpes infection. They may differ in symptoms, duration, severity of the disease.

  • Herpes type 1. Herpes simplex virus, in which rashes appear on the lips (fever), on the wings of the nose, around the mouth, on the oral mucosa. One of the most common types.
  • Herpes type 2. It affects the mucous membranes of the genitals. It is less common than herpes type 1. Sometimes type 1 and type 2 viruses appear at the same time. Infection most often occurs during passage through the birth canal. In boys, the glans penis is affected, in girls, the mucous membrane of the labia. Genital herpes in children causes severe itching. This type of virus is also capable of causing herpetic sore throats and stomatitis.
  • Herpes type 3. The famous chickenpox caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Read more about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children in our other article. A variant of the lesion may be herpes zoster. It occurs more frequently in adults who are re-infected with Varicella Zoster.
  • Herpes type 4 in children. The Epstein-Barr virus causes infectious mononucleosis. Severe disease with damage to the lymphoid system. With infectious mononucleosis, the following symptoms are observed: fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, swelling of the adenoids, enlargement of the spleen and liver. The disease is dangerous complications, leads to a weakening of the immune system. The final diagnosis is established only after a blood test and the detection of atypical mononuclear cells.
  • Herpes type 5. Causes cytomegalovirus infection. This type of herpes in a child first occurs at the age of 2, when a visit to the nursery group of the kindergarten begins. Intrauterine infection with cytomegalovirus occurs less frequently, which entails serious consequences and developmental disorders. Cytomegalovirus infection may not manifest itself for a long time. The child may be a carrier of the virus. With the activation of cytomegalovirus, symptoms similar to infectious mononucleosis occur. However, lymph nodes and tonsils are not affected. It is treated in the same way as other types of herpes virus - anti-herpetic drugs. Extremely dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Herpes type 6. Herpes simplex virus type 6 in children causes roseola, or sudden exanthema. This disease is also called pseudorubella. A characteristic symptom is pink small papules on the skin, which turn pale when pressed. At the beginning of the disease, the temperature rises, but there is no cough or runny nose. The child recovers quickly. Herpes type 6 in children often misleads doctors: it seems that there was an acute onset, fever, but no catarrhal signs followed. First, a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections is made, and only after the appearance of a rash do suspicions arise: is it rubella or roseola? Often a rash with a sudden exanthema is confused with allergic rashes.
  • Herpes 7 and 8 types. Viruses of a new generation, recently discovered. There is an assumption that they cause chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and cancer.

If antibodies to any of the types of the virus are found in the blood test, this indicates that the pathogen has already entered the body, and the immune system has successfully dealt with it. If there are antibodies, but there are no rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, the disease does not need to be treated.

Most common rashes

Herpes treatment

Treatment of herpes infection in children is carried out at the initial stage of the disease. If 3 days have passed since the appearance of the bubbles, it makes no sense to use special preparations. Usually, treatment is prescribed if the virus recurs often, the rashes last a long time, spread to other parts of the body.

  • Antiherpetic agents. They come in the form of ointments, creams, gels, tablets and injections. The most effective in chronic forms of herpes is considered not local treatment, but oral administration of drugs. This allows you to increase the concentration of the substance in the blood. The discovery of acyclovir was a big event in medicine. To date, this is the most effective cure for the herpes virus. The most famous drugs: Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Famacyclovir, Virolex, Tebrofen, Vidarabine, Riodoxol, Zovirax. For the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection, Phosphonoformat, Ganciclovir are used.
  • The use of antiviral, immunostimulating agents. Quickly stop the action of the virus, do not allow to affect other areas of the skin. The doctor may prescribe: "Arpetol", "Immunal", "Groprinosin". The insidiousness of the herpes virus is that when it is active, interferon is not produced in the body, as is the case with other viruses. Therefore, the doctor prescribes the drug "Interferon" in injections. Also, drugs are used that stimulate the production of natural interferon: Neovir, Cycloferon.
  • Vitamin therapy. The body needs help to cope with the virus, strengthen the immune system. For this, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins. Especially useful is vitamin C, a group of B vitamins, as well as calcium. Eleutherococcus tincture is shown, which increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves physical, emotional and mental overwork.
  • Antipyretics and bed rest. With infectious mononucleosis, roseola, chicken pox, the temperature rises. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child and bring down the temperature above 38.5 ° C. You also need to give the child as much to drink as possible. The air in the room should be fresh, cool and humid.
  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed for severe itching, extensive skin lesions. The most commonly used drugs are: "Erius", "Fenistil", "Claritin", "Gismanal", "Ketitofen", "Terfen", "Tsetrin".

The essence of the treatment of herpes in children is to suppress the virus, reduce its activity. There is no cure for the herpes virus. The treatment of chickenpox, sudden exanthema, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus is handled by a pediatrician. If the rashes are too frequent, bring discomfort, severe itching, you need to seek advice from a pediatric immunologist. The doctor will prescribe special immunological studies.

Features of herpes infection in infants

Herpes in infants is rare. The primary infection with herpes in a child can occur at 1 year old, when mother's antibodies no longer protect against the virus. Herpes of any type in infancy is dangerous with complications. First of all, the organs of hearing and vision, the cardiac, genitourinary and nervous systems are affected. The virus can lead to hepatitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the meninges and the development of herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, mental disorders, impaired reproductive function. Also, in babies, often against the background of a herpes infection, lesions of the oral mucosa occur - stomatitis. They can be severe and require long-term treatment.

If the house has a baby and adults who have a herpes infection, you need to adhere to strict preventive measures during rashes:

  • put on a gauze bandage;
  • do not kiss the child;
  • do not touch the bubbles, wash your hands often;
  • use individual utensils.

Herpes in a child often occurs on the lips, around the mouth, on the wings of the nose, on the oral mucosa. Less often - on the body, cases of genital herpes are even less common. The disease is effectively treated with antiherpetic drugs. Herpes is dangerous with such complications: herpetic eczema, encephalitis, mental disorders, inflammation of internal organs.




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