An effective raw food diet: what foods to use and how. Products for raw foodists, principles of a raw food diet and an approximate diet menu

18/11/2015 14:35

A raw food diet is a philosophical way of life that people with a strong will and a pure mind can come to. Not everyone is able to give up their usual dishes and put up with the constant hungry rumbling of the stomach.

So what are raw foodists anyway? People who have given up the pleasure of pampering themselves with delicious food or healthy and full of strength personalities? You will find the answers to these questions in our article!

What is a raw food diet and what are its types?

A raw food diet is a nutrition system in which the basis of your diet is raw foods, without heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, smoking, pasteurization).

Proponents of such nutrition argue that the processing of products by the thermal method is unnatural, because our forefathers ate exclusively raw, natural products.

Modern culinary innovations are a tribute to fashion, which does not benefit our body in any way, as adherents of a raw food diet believe.

A well-recognised fact why so many people choose to go raw has to do with vitamins and minerals. During heat treatment, most of the vitamins and useful trace elements die, and in raw food they remain intact and are better absorbed by the body.

The system of raw food diet according to the admissibility of products is divided into several types:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet- in the diet you can include meat, fish, eggs in raw or dried form.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet- it is forbidden to eat meat and fish, eggs and dairy products in raw form are allowed. This is the most common type of raw food diet in the world.
  3. Vegan raw food- excludes food of animal origin, including eggs, milk and dairy products. The vegan diet contains only raw plant foods.
  4. fruitarianism- this is nutrition with the fruits of plants - fruits, berries, nuts, fruit vegetables.

Raw food options also differ in the method of diet planning:

  • Mixed- products are divided by composition, and in one meal they use products that are adjacent in composition - vegetables + vegetables, fruits + nuts, and so on.
  • Monotrophic- in one meal only 1 product is used without heat treatment.

Where to start - how to switch to a raw food diet?

A raw food diet is not a diet, but a food system in which you give up your usual foods and from cooking with the help of heat treatment.


A sharp rejection of an established diet can adversely affect the body. Therefore, you should switch to a raw food diet smoothly and with the knowledge that you really need it.

  • First of all, give up industrial products, in the 2nd week - from red meat, in the 3rd - from white meat, in the 4th - from eggs, in the 5th - from fish, in the 6th - from milk and dairy products, from the 7th week - from cereals. Eat more raw food every week.
  • Keep a diary of a raw foodist, where you will write down all the feelings, thoughts, information about harmful and useful foods, your goals (getting rid of excess weight, improving health, and so on) and, of course, the results.
  • Plan your diet according to the time of year. Summer and autumn are the most favorable periods for starting a raw food diet, because your diet will be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter and spring, you can include in the menu products that are stored in the cellar (onions, carrots, potatoes, apples). In the spring, you can add more greens to your diet.
  • An important factor in the transition to a raw food diet is willpower. The main principle of this nutrition system is duration. If you want fried fish, then do not deny yourself once in pleasure. The rest of the time, eat, adhering to the raw food diet.

Benefit and harm

What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

Adherents of a raw food diet claim that by adhering to this nutrition system, you can cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances. At the same time, you are adjusting to a new lifestyle, getting one step closer to natural, simple food.

The benefits of a raw food diet include:

  • Development of immunity to colds.
  • Nutritional endurance. If harmful substances are found in products, the body senses them, neutralizes and rejects them without consequences for the gastrointestinal tract and for health in general.
  • Weight loss by eating healthy, non-cooked foods.
  • A surge of energy, improved well-being, the ability to lead an active lifestyle.
  • Raw foodists do not receive harmful trans fats and saturated fats, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Harm of a raw food diet

According to experts, a person eats fully if six elements enter the body daily - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. A raw food diet does not provide enough nutrients to the body.

The disadvantages of a raw food diet include:

  1. Protein deficiency. Some essential amino acids are found only in foods of animal origin. According to doctors, the lack of nutrients in the body of a raw foodist leads to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Lack of B vitamins. Vitamins B12 and B2 are found in beef liver and dairy products. They are important for proper metabolism and the full functioning of the central nervous system.
  3. Lack of healthy plant foods in winter. The raw food diet was founded in countries with a hot and humid climate, where fruits and vegetables are available to residents all year round. But the winter period in our country is characterized by a minimum of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as their dubious usefulness. Most often, greenhouse products contain many harmful chemical additives, which means that they will no longer be useful.

To whom is a raw food diet contraindicated?

  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acids in fresh foods irritate the stomach lining).
  • In case of allergic reactions to certain foods (nuts, citrus fruits, pollen).
  • In addition, experts do not recommend switching to a raw food diet before the age of 30. Before this age mark, some processes in the body are still actively formed, but after 30 years the body is already fully developed.
  • A raw food diet is also contraindicated for pregnant women, since good protein nutrition is important for the full development of the fetus.

Raw food rules and tips for beginners - what are the most common mistakes beginners make?

You already know that the transition to a raw food diet should be gradual so as not to injure the body. However, raw food beginners often make common mistakes at the beginning of their journey.

Beginning Raw Foodists Mistakes:

  1. Lack of water. Many novice raw foodists believe that they get enough water from plant foods, but this is not the case. In addition to plant foods, a person should consume at least a little purified water in order to saturate the body with it.
  2. Lack of green vegetation. There is a danger that raw foodists do not have enough animal protein. To make up for this deficiency, greens (parsley, onion, dill, celery, nettle) and nuts should be eaten.
  3. The use of vegetable oils in the diet, a large number of dried fruits, honey, canned, fermented foods. Oils are concentrated foods that contain a lot of fat. And fat disrupts metabolism and impairs the functioning of the digestive system. Dried fruits for raw foodists are acceptable when raw food is temporarily unavailable (for example, on the road).
  4. Binge eating. Abuse of food leads to drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy, heavy morning rise. Over time, you need to reduce the amount of food eaten.
  5. Regular exercise or at least jogging helps to strengthen muscles and cleanse the body. By itself, raw food will not strengthen your muscles and will not make you healthy if the sofa is your best friend.

Raw food diet - we make the right menu for 7 days


Breakfast. 2 bananas, 1 kiwi.
Dinner. Green buckwheat, fresh cucumber salad with tomato, onion and sweet pepper, dressed with extra virgin olive oil.
afternoon tea. A handful of any raw nuts.
Dinner. 1 cup vegetable smoothie (tomato, avocado, basil, herbs)


Breakfast. 2 persimmons.
Dinner. Sprouted with tomato and greens of onion, garlic, parsley.
afternoon tea. Raw carrot cutlets.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese.


Breakfast. Fruit and vegetable smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with linseed oil and pumpkin seeds.
afternoon tea. 2 apples.
Dinner. Zucchini caviar with rye bread.


Breakfast. 2 slices of fresh melon.
Dinner. Vegetable cream soup (made from onions, cauliflower, carrots, young peas and greens).
afternoon tea. Salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and linseed oil.
Dinner. Sprouted wheat porridge with blackcurrant.


Breakfast. 1 cup banana and strawberry smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.
afternoon tea. 2 oranges.
Dinner. Arugula, cauliflower and tomato salad with sesame seeds, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.


Breakfast. A handful of fresh strawberries.
Dinner. Sprouted chickpeas, salad of young zucchini and carrots in Korean.
afternoon tea. Apples stuffed with dried fruits.
Dinner. Seaweed, broccoli, onion salad dressed with lemon juice and linseed oil.


Breakfast. Smoothies from kefir and blackcurrant.
Dinner. Gazpacho soup.
afternoon tea. A handful of any nuts.
Dinner. from vegetables.

A raw food diet is a nutritional system that consists in a radical change in diet. It assumes a complete rejection of the usual heat treatment of food - frying, boiling, stewing, baking. Adherents of such a diet point out that initially a person did not cook food and ate it only in the form in which it is found in wildlife. This means that only raw food is natural for a person from a biological point of view. Refusal of heat treatment is the first step. Next, you need to figure out which foods and drinks are allowed and which are prohibited.

What can and cannot be eaten by raw foodists?

Traditionally, a good cook is a person who has mastered the art of cooking. In the raw food system, the opposite is true. You can not eat everything that is heated to a temperature above +42 degrees. Under this condition, natural enzymes are preserved in the products. These are active substances that promote the digestion of food and facilitate its absorption.

Consider first the vegan raw food diet. This is the most common type, which involves the rejection of all animal products, that is, meat and fish should not be consumed even raw.

Approved Products

Usually people think that a raw food diet is eating only raw fruits and vegetables. In fact, the menu within this food system is varied.

Many products are allowed in their raw form:

  1. Fresh fruits - up to 50% of the diet of a raw foodist. These products give energy and charge with positive, because they are rich in glucose and useful substances. Scientists have proven that we get the maximum amount of vitamins from freshly picked fruits. As they lie down, they become less useful.
  2. Fresh and frozen berries.
  3. Natural dried fruits - in winter you can keep your body in good condition with the help of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dried apples and dates. The main condition is natural drying in the open air, and not in high-temperature ovens or using chemicals. Raw foodists call such dried fruits "sun fruits".
  4. Fresh vegetables and root crops - take up to 35% of the diet of a raw foodist. Often used not just raw, but even with the skin. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. It is best to eat vegetables grown without the use of harmful fertilizers.
  5. Fresh, dried and frozen herbs, including domestic and wild herbs like dandelions, quinoa.
  6. Grains are valued in the raw food diet for their high content of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats and amino acids.
  7. Legumes are the leaders among other products in terms of the content of vegetable proteins, which the body absorbs more easily, fats and starch.
  8. Seeds - most often used germinated.
  9. Nuts - make up about 15% of the diet of raw foodists. These are important foods, but they should not be abused, as they can harm the body due to their high fat content (the walnut contains 12% carbohydrates, 18% protein and 70% fat). People with liver disease, obesity and diabetes should be especially careful.
  10. Cold pressed vegetable oils. They are allowed to eat, provided that during production the raw materials were not heated above +40 degrees. At home, even butter is prepared without heat treatment.
  11. Dried seasonings from natural herbs, herbs and vegetables.
  12. Raw and dried mushrooms.
  13. Beekeeping products - honey, propolis, pollen, perga, etc.
  14. Sea and other natural salt.

These foods can be eaten separately. Another option is to cook full-fledged meals, many of which are familiar to all of us. These are salads and soups, cocktails, bread, cheese, cocktails and smoothies, even cakes and sweets. The taste of raw food at first seems unusual, but gradually the receptors are cleared, and the taste impressions become brighter.

Prohibited Products

A raw food diet involves a complete rejection of food, in the cultivation and production of which chemistry, GMOs, and any types of high-temperature processing were used.

The following products are banned:

  1. Everything that was cooked with heating up to +42 degrees and more.
  2. Animal products - fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.;
  3. Cereals, bread and polished white rice.
  4. Genetically modified foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables.
  5. Refined and non-natural vegetable oils - primarily sunflower and corn, which are familiar to everyone.
  6. Dried fruits treated with sulfur or dried in high temperature ovens.
  7. Store-bought muesli and instant cereals.
  8. Sugar and any products containing it.
  9. Black peppercorns and seasonings that are dried at high temperatures.
  10. Rock salt.

Video: What does a raw foodist eat in winter? Daily diet of a raw foodist in winter.

What can and what can not be drunk on a raw food diet?

Drinking regimen in a raw food diet is no less important than proper nutrition. The body must receive a sufficient amount of moisture - this is necessary for normal digestion and metabolism. The same rule applies here as with food. Drinks should not be prepared when heated to a temperature above +42 degrees, contain chemicals, sugar.

Allowed drinks

It is very important to drink plenty of pure water in a raw food diet. Boiled food should not be used. Bottled water is also best not to drink. Most mineral waters do not bring benefits to the body either.

The best water is the one that comes from a personally verified source or well. Not everyone has access to this. What to do?

Tap water is strictly forbidden to drink. It is not recommended not only in a raw food diet, but also in normal nutrition. Shungite or slate stone can be used to purify tap water. It has bactericidal properties. This stone absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. It is used not only for water disinfection, but also for its mineralization.

There are 2 ways to use shungite:

  1. Purification of water in a glass jar. You just need to put a slate stone in the container, pour water into it and wait. Shungite needs to be changed about once a month.
  2. The use of shungite filters for water. They are more convenient than conventional coal. Some believe that such filters are even more reliable, since they contain silicon and quartz. They last about a couple of months.

Some raw foodists do not drink water, believing that they get enough liquid along with vegetables and fruits. This is mistake. To cleanse the body, you need 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. During the first 1-2 years of a raw food diet, it is especially important, because at this time all accumulated toxins and toxins are actively removed.

Other drinks that raw foodists can and should drink:

  1. Fruit, vegetable and mixed juices. They are very healthy, but they need to be made by yourself with fresh ingredients and consumed immediately after preparation. So the body receives the maximum amount of vitamins. Good drinks are obtained when using a screw juicer.
  2. fruit water. It is prepared as follows: a juicy fruit is squeezed into pre-prepared water. It can be a lemon with the addition of ginger root.
  3. Honey water - it is made with the addition of a spoonful of natural honey.
  4. Cold herbal teas and infusions. These are not the drinks that are made from tea leaves and boiling water. Raw foodists add the ingredients to a jar of water and leave to infuse in the sun. So tea absorbs his energy, and then transfers it to people. An approximate composition is a couple of rose hips, a dried echinacea flower and a pinch of herbs. If you need to quickly prepare tea, you can use water heated to +40 degrees. It turns out a healthy and tasty drink for every day.

There are also raw fruit compotes, coconut water, refreshing and warming drinks. There are many recipes, but you can come up with your own.

Forbidden drinks

If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, you will have to exclude the following drinks from your diet:

  1. Alcohol. Raw foodists do not drink beer, vodka, whiskey, because these are poisons that poison the body. A controversial issue is the possibility of drinking grape wine made without sugar and heat treatment. Proponents of the drink believe that it is not very strong and contains the beneficial substances of grapes, although it should not be abused. There is also an opinion that wine, even exclusively from natural ingredients, is alcohol, which means it kills living cells.
  2. Shop juices and nectars. They are prepared not from fruits, but from a powder with a lot of flavors, dyes and other chemicals. They don't benefit anyone.
  3. Boiled compotes - even if they are made from fresh fruits and berries, heat treatment is used. It is prohibited in the raw food diet.
  4. Green and black teas, coffee. They contain caffeine, they are brewed with boiling water, so they do not fit into the concept of a raw food diet at all.

All drinks must be prepared by yourself. This is the raw food rule. Components can be grown on their own, buy them in the markets from familiar sellers. There are also many raw food online stores where you can find a variety of food and drinks.

Answer the question: “What do raw foodists eat?” not as simple as it seems at first glance. The practice of a raw food diet is quite complex, with different directions suggesting different dietary restrictions.

But in general, the menu of raw foodists can be quite diverse. Moreover, it must be so - otherwise a person simply will not receive the entire necessary set of useful substances, vitamins and trace elements.

Types of raw food diet

A raw food diet is a dietary practice that allows you to eat only raw foods, that is, those that have not undergone heat treatment. According to the beliefs of raw foodists, heating any food to a temperature exceeding 40 ° C leads to the destruction of enzymes. Such food ceases to be "alive", and it can not be consumed.

A raw food diet is a special food system in which only fresh products can be used in food.

The diet of a raw foodist largely depends on which direction the raw foodist belongs to:

  1. The monotrophic raw food diet is one of the most restrictive varieties. During one meal, monotrophic raw foodists can eat only one type of food. At the same time, gaps are necessarily made between meals for the absorption of nutrients.
  2. A non-monotrophic raw food diet, unlike the previous variety, allows the use of different foods during one meal. But mixing them is not recommended.
  3. A mixed raw food diet is a nutritional practice in which you can combine thermally unprocessed foods in any way. Due to this, the diet of mixed raw foodists can include dishes such as soups, burgers, salads, rolls, etc.
  4. Fruitarianism is one of the most radical types of raw food diet. Only fruits and berries are allowed (not even greens, nuts, etc.).

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Telling below what raw foodists eat, we will focus primarily on the “classic” raw food diet, which does not contain strict restrictions.

In addition to raw foods, their diet also contains cereals.

What do raw foodists eat: a list of products

Now let's analyze what raw foodists can eat. The main approaches are clear: the food must be “alive”, i.e. not subjected to heat treatment.

The list of products that are allowed to be consumed is extensive:

  • Berries and fruits are the basis of the diet (up to 50% of the volume). They contain fiber, a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Used fresh and dried. The use of dried fruits dried under the influence of high temperatures is not allowed.
  • Vegetables - up to 35% of the total diet (including greens). Ideally, if these are vegetables grown in their own garden, with minimal use of mineral fertilizers, stimulants and other chemicals. Raw foodists prefer to eat vegetables with peel, because it contains most of the biologically active substances.
  • Legumes and cereals - contain a large amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is better to use with caution, in a germinated form.
  • Nuts are a source of fatty acids and some trace elements. They have significant calories. If there are problems with the liver, nuts should be consumed in limited quantities.

Every year the number of supporters of thermally unprocessed food only increases.

  • Oils - it is allowed to use virgin vegetable oils that have not undergone heat treatment.
  • Mushrooms - only those that can be eaten raw without harm to the body. In our latitudes, these are primarily champignons and oyster mushrooms.

As for drinks, the first place in the diet of raw foodists is occupied by pure water (artesian water is preferable - it does not need to be boiled for disinfection). You can also use freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions in warm (not hot!) Water.

There are some aspects that need to be specifically mentioned:

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  • do raw foodists eat cheese? – No, the use of cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products is not recommended. The thing is that in the industrial production of such products, raw materials are disinfected by high-temperature processing. Some raw foodists make exceptions for homemade cottage cheese and cheese, but this is very rare;
  • do raw foodists eat meat? “No, just like with cheese.” And the point here is not only the inadmissibility of heat treatment, but also the ideology of a raw food diet, which is close to ethical vegetarianism. If a raw foodist eats meat or fish (the same sashimi), then most likely he does not share the ethical prerequisites of a raw food diet, but simply modifies his diet.

Eliminate meat and fish from your diet

Raw food diet in winter

For those who are only interested in the practice of a raw food diet, the question often arises: what do raw foodists eat in winter? Yes, in the cold season, especially in regions far from the tropics, the diet of a raw foodist is greatly reduced.

  • In winter, the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet is reduced, but not minimized. Preference should be given to citrus fruits, as well as vegetables and fruits with a long shelf life.
  • Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins and at the same time very tasty. It is during the cold season that it can be consumed in large quantities.
  • This can also include seaweed - kelp. If cooked properly, it can be very tasty. In addition, it contains iodine and other elements necessary for our body.

A raw diet is a special nutritional system that slows down all the aging processes and contributes to the soft loss of extra pounds.

  • Seeds, nuts and dried fruits help compensate for the lack of vitamins.
  • Wheat germ and other germinated cereals are an indispensable source of nutrients and vitamins. If in the summer you can do without them, then in winter, porridge from germinated cereals or legumes must be present in the diet.

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If the principles described above are of interest to you, and you are planning to practice a raw food diet, then you should heed the following recommendations:

  • Prepare theoretically: study the list of acceptable foods, find out what a raw foodist eats in winter, spring and autumn, check out popular recipes.
  • Choose the optimal form of raw food diet.

Many people are afraid to switch to a new lifestyle because of the fear that the raw food menu is quite limited.

  • Start changing your diet gradually. At the first stage, exclude meat products that have undergone heat treatment, then vegetable dishes, then teas and decoctions. Do not rush, let the body adapt to innovations.
  • Think in advance how you will solve the problem of protein deficiency. Seaweed, sprouted legumes, etc. will help here.
  • Diversify your diet. The more products you include in it, the less the risk of deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • There is nothing wrong with practicing a raw food diet periodically, to restore health or fight excess weight.

In addition, both beginners and experienced raw foodists should be attentive to the state of their body. When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to contact specialists for qualified medical help.


As you can see, it is not difficult to figure out what raw foodists eat: the list of products includes dozens and hundreds of items. So the main task here is to draw up a balanced diet - only in this case, a raw food diet will benefit the body and contribute to its natural healing!

Hippocrates said that food should be medicine. According to this motto, people live who prefer to eat raw foods. They are convinced that a person can extend his life up to 200 years if he does not poison himself with bad food.

Food that has undergone heat treatment clogs our body, internal organs wear out earlier than the time set for it by nature. Proponents of this way of life, by their own example, argue that this way of eating not only heals, but also saturates with energy, helps to cope with many diseases and prevent their occurrence.

People who have not come across raw foodists and have only heard about them think that they eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. In fact, their diet surprises with variety and numerous recipes. What do raw foodists eat?

Raw products:

  • and their roots. Present on the table all year round. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for nutrition. and pickled cucumbers. Prepare salads, juices, assorted.
  • . Rich in easily digestible carbohydrates and fructose, make up for the lack of glucose and vitamins.
  • Berries fresh and frozen. An excellent addition to the menu, saturate and nourish.
  • Dried fruits without high heat treatment in a dehydrator with a temperature controller (not higher than 40 degrees) and without oils. In autumn and winter, they are especially needed as an additional source of food. Before use, dried fruits are soaked to soften.
  • Fresh herbs, dried and frozen. Seasoned dry and used fresh in salads. Enhance the taste of food and give it a piquancy. Beet tops, clover and dandelion leaves, purslane, leek, arugula are put in salads and soups. Greens are rich in trace elements and necessary for the life of the body.
  • Cereals, peas, beans, seeds and their sprouts. Cereal sprouts are saturated with amino acids and vitamins. Especially useful in the early years, when the body is not adapted to such a lifestyle.
  • Nuts. They serve as a source of fatty acids.
  • Dried mushrooms and some types of raw mushrooms grown without chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Seaweed. A rich source of iodine, which the thyroid gland needs.
  • Beekeeping products.
  • that have not been heat treated.
  • Flowers.
  • Sea salt.

List of products in the table

Fruits and berries Greens and vegetables Nuts, seeds, cereals, legumes Other
Beets and their shoots walnut Seaweed
Chard (leaf beet) Hazelnuts (hazel) Honey and other bee products
Cherry Carrot and its green shoots Hazelnut Dried fruits of natural drying
Cherries Parsley Pine nuts Mushrooms, raw (various)
apricots Dill Pecan Various herbs for iced tea
Strawberry Celery, root vegetable and stalks Pistachios, unsalted Hibiscus
Raspberries Basil Almond Dog-rose fruit
Mulberry White cabbage Coconut Fresh birch sap
Currant (white, black and red) red cabbage Apricot pits from apricots Sweet grass (stevia)
Gooseberry Cauliflower sunflower seeds Carob unroasted
cherry plum Kohlrabi Linen (golden, white) condiments
Peaches Broccoli Peanut Cold pressed oils
plums Chinese cabbage chickpeas
Radish and its shoots Mash Sea salt, Himalayan
Quince Onion and green onions Lentil green, red Bran, food cake
Blackberry Leek Peas
strawberries Slime Bow Soy organic
Blueberry Shallot oats
Blueberry Garlic and its shoots Wheat
Cranberry All types of lettuce Spelled
Sea ​​buckthorn Iceberg lettuce Rye
bird cherry Romaine lettuce Millet yellow, red
viburnum Dill sweet () canary
Rowan chokeberry Mint Fenugreek
mint melissa Rice, unpolished
Avocado Parsnip: root and greens Barley
Spinach Green buckwheat
tangerines Sorrel Sesame black and gray
Tangerine cilantro pumpkin seeds
Tangelo Rhubarb Poppy
Kumquat Horseradish roots Corn
Kiwi Swede hemp seed
Grapefruit Daikon radish Black cumin
pomelo Turnip milk thistle
Pomegranate Radish black, green, red redhead
Lemon Potato Amaranth
Lime Jerusalem artichoke Mustard
A pineapple ginger root Alfalfa
Mango Pumpkin chia
Papaya vegetable marrow
Persimmon Zucchini
Tomatoes Eggplant
Melon Bulgarian pepper
figs Salad pepper
feijoa young peas
Dogwood young corn
Honeysuckle String beans (young)
Patisson (young)
wild herbs and plants

Approximate diet

We offer a raw food menu for the week. What foods and what can be eaten by a raw foodist, everyone determines based on their taste preferences.

In the morning, half an hour before meals, we drink clean water.


It must be complete and should not be missed. You can eat fruits. In winter and spring, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, grapes can be on the table. In summer and autumn, melons and watermelons, sweet peaches, apricots, persimmons ripen. They have a lot of vitamins and they will energize. Fruit juices are also well absorbed, which will replace fresh fruit. You can make assorted with the addition of lemon. It all depends on your ingenuity.


For lunch, we recommend making tomato gazpacho if you like soups. Strawberry will bring a summer touch to it. In addition to soup, prepare vegetable salads. Oils are suitable for dressing, in which you can add dry herbs and spices. Very nutritious guacamole with tomatoes, onions and cilantro. Vegetables in its composition can be changed, the main thing is that avocados are present. This Mexican dish can be prepared in the form of rolls. They will decorate any table. Smoothies with the addition of various vegetables and fruits will replace salads.


In the evening we prepare a vegetable salad with peas. You can make zucchini spaghetti by adding peppers, tomatoes, and soaked nuts. The dressing is prepared in oil with the addition of your favorite spices. Bread made from cereals is dried in a dehydrator. We add dry fruits and herbs to its composition. We delight ourselves with desserts based on ground nuts.

As a snack, you can eat all of the above: apple, tomato, carrot, nuts. You can make a sandwich from bread, which we prepare in advance and dry in a dehydrator. We make a mixture of finely chopped tomatoes, a glass of flax seeds, fresh corn, onions, herbs and salt, lay on the bottom and dry. We start to taste. Sandwiches are ready, and hunger does not threaten us. Cooking goats. Soak the dates in water and grind finely with a food processor. Add seeds (flax, sesame, sunflower), mix and send to the dryer. They replace candy and are very useful.

By alternating foods, you diversify your raw food diet throughout the week.

Menu for the week


  • Fruit smoothies with water (kiwi, pear, banana, lemon juice, parsley, spinach).
  • Soup. Ingredients (700 grams of water, 3 peeled cucumbers, a handful of pine nuts, juice of 1 lemon, mint, salt) with a blender bring to a state of sour cream, decorate with mint leaves.
  • Green salad: arugula, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, grain sprouts. Season with linseed oil, sprinkle with chia seeds and salt.


  • Melon.
  • Tomato gazpacho (5-6 large tomatoes, 3 peeled cucumbers, paprika, 2 garlic cloves, 100 ml of water). Grind with a food processor.
  • Delicious salad with radish and carrots (parsley, dill, two radishes, two carrots, green onions, salt, mustard oil).


  • Grapes, peaches.
  • Green soup (6 cucumbers, 2 stalks of celery, avocado, green onion, parsley, lime juice, pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 bell peppers, 1 hot pepper, salt, 100 g of water).
  • Delicious salad with radish and carrots (parsley, dill, two radishes, 2 carrots, green onions, salt, mustard oil).


  • Apples, pears.
  • Pumpkin soup (300 g pumpkin, 1 onion, pepper, Peking, green peas, salt, water).
  • Salad with avocado and champignons (500 g champignons, 2 avocados, 3 cucumbers, dill, salt, sesame oil).
  • Raw borscht (savoy cabbage, beets, peppers, 3 tomatoes, herbs to taste, green onions, salt, water, lemon).
  • Salad with carrots and walnuts (3 carrots, 2 apples, a handful of walnuts, wheat germ, cinnamon).


  • Smoothie with strawberries and blueberries.
  • Soup-puree with buckwheat (1 glass of sprouted buckwheat, onions, walnuts, herbs, a little oil).
  • Summer salad with nuts (5 tomatoes, spinach, parsley, green onions, pine nuts, oil).
  • Vegetable soup with oats (a glass of oat sprouts, an onion, 3 garlic cloves, 3 tomatoes, 2 celery stalks, bell peppers, herbs, a little oil).
  • Salad with vegetables and peas (2 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, bell peppers, green peas, parsley, cilantro, cereal sprouts, flax oil).

Prohibited Products

When raw food diet is unacceptable:

  • Products that have undergone heat treatment above 42 degrees;
  • Fish, meat, eggs, milk and all its derivatives;
  • Processed rice, bread;
  • Oils obtained using high temperature;
  • Fruit dried in thermal ovens treated with sulfur;
  • Muesli and instant cereals;
  • Sugar and everything where it is contained;
  • Rock salt;
  • GMO products;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Alcoholic drinks and natural wine;
  • Juices from the store in bags and bottles;
  • Coffee, black and green tea.

Many are interested in whether it is possible for raw foodists to drink wine? Absolutely impossible. All wines are alcoholic products and can cause serious poisoning.

Product Compatibility

To feel good after eating raw foods, you must adhere to their correct compatibility:

  1. Never mix fat and sugar. This combination causes fermentation inside the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. It is forbidden to mix starch and various acids.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to mix different types of fats.

Product Compatibility Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Meat, fish, poultry (fast) 1 P P P P P P P P P H P P P P P P
Cereals, legumes 2 P H X X P H P P X X P P P P P P
Butter, cream 3 P H H P P X X P X X H P H P P P
Sour cream 4 P X H H P X X H X X P P P P X P
Vegetable oil 5 P X P H P X X H X X P P P P X P
Sugar, confectionery 6 P P P P P P P P X P P P P P P P
Bread, cereals, potatoes 7 P H X X X P P P X X P P H P H P
Sour fruits, tomatoes 8 P P X X X P P H X H P H X P X P
Sweet fruits, dried fruits 9 P P P H H P P H X H H X P P H P
Vegetables are green and non-starchy 10 X X X X X X X X X X P X X X X P
Starchy vegetables 11 H X X X X P X H H X H X X H X P
Milk 12 P P H P P P P P H P H P P P P P
Cottage cheese, dairy products 13 P P P P P P P H X X X P X P X P
Cheese, cheese 14 P P H P P P H X P X X P X P H P
Eggs 15 P P P P P P P P P X H P P P P P
nuts 16 P X P X X P H X H X X P X H P P
Melon 17 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

X - well compatible, N - normally compatible, P - poorly compatible.

Results of dietary change

  • Weight normalization. In the first month, the most extra pounds go. After 6-8 months, the weight reaches the optimal parameters: height - 110.
  • ARVI and influenza in the midst of epidemics are bypassed or practically not felt during infection. Immunity is restored, the symptoms of old sores disappear. You forget about doctors and start enjoying life without drugs and ailments.
  • Sensitivity to everything harmful is aggravated, but the body copes and cleanses itself.
  • Digestive problems disappear: constipation, diarrhea, bloating. Everything is digested and disinfected.
  • The digestibility of products becomes fantastic: dozens of times higher than usual. After an eight-month crisis diet, a raw foodist needs a couple of cucumbers with three apples to get enough. Everything is assimilated, from greens to shoots of young plants.
  • Dependence on circumstances disappears. Even in nature you will find something to chew on.
  • Taste qualities are filled with all sorts of shades, the body itself tells which food it approves or rejects. Saturation comes with small doses, it is impossible to overeat.
  • Unloading days are easily tolerated, hunger does not torment even during physical exertion.
  • No need to spend hours at the stove. Free time can be devoted to your favorite pastime.
  • Unusual endurance appears, you can redo a lot of things and not feel ill.
  • The mind becomes clear. Memory ceases to fail, logical thinking amazes others. Increased desire to learn and learn new things. Creativity increases at any age and there is no hint of sclerosis.
  • Daytime sleepiness disappears. The need for sleep is reduced to 5-6 hours. You sleep well. Morning irritability disappears, the body sings and rejoices.


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