Blackhead comedones. Comedones removal methods

Closed comedones are a problem familiar to many. They appear on the face and can even spread to the back. The cause of their occurrence can be stress, diseases of internal organs, but most often teenagers suffer from them when their body is experiencing a hormonal surge, as well as women during pregnancy, menopause and when there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Sebum accumulates under the skin and turns into a small nodule. They are often small and almost unnoticeable, but sometimes they are quite large and also cause pain. Being under the skin, they do not have the opportunity to finally ripen and come out; and if an infection penetrates into such a comedone, then there is a high probability of developing serious inflammation. How to get rid of them? Let's figure it out.

Open and closed comedones - what's the difference?

Skin rashes, called comedones, are divided into two types - open and closed comedones. The first are formed when the contents of the mouth of the follicle appear on the surface of the skin. This type is considered the most noticeable, as it visually represents black dots. Such formations are easy to remove even at home.

Getting rid of closed comedones is not so easy. An attempt at conventional mechanical removal can only lead to the fact that they turn into red, inflamed pimples with a white tip. This type of comedones is popularly called “millet” because they look similar to millet grains. In dermatology, the term “milia” is used to define them.

What reasons give rise to the appearance of closed comedones on the skin of the face? The main reason is the accumulation of secretions in the sebaceous glands, secreted in excess. The inability to release secretions into the pores contributes to the formation of small whitish nodules located under a thin layer of skin (subcutaneous acne).

Among the many causes of closed comedones, the main factors in their appearance are improper skin care (especially oily or dry skin), as well as the use of cosmetics that cause closed comedones.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones is various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  3. In some cases, the cause may be the use of certain medications.
  4. A genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor their skin condition.
  5. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.
  6. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones may be influenced by environmental pollution. The result is clogging of skin pores with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal problems also increase the likelihood of the formation of such acne.

What closed comedones look like, photo

Closed comedones are small flesh-colored or white bumps that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. From the outside they can be completely invisible and can only be felt by touch if you run your hand over the skin. They feel like a slight roughness or unevenness.

Drug treatment

Closed comedones need to be treated comprehensively. First, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance and cure them, and then deal with cosmetic skin defects.

Preparations for the treatment of acne and comedones are aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating comedones and skin defects from their occurrence. Medicines can be for both internal and external use.

The most used medications for comedones:

  1. Zerkalin (ointment) is a product related to antibiotics. Production - Croatia. Able to treat acne and other similar formations on the skin. Effectively fights comedones.
  2. Roaccutane (in capsules) is a drug aimed at suppressing acne and comedones. Made in Switzerland. Contains beeswax, soybean oil. The drug should be started at small doses and gradually increased.
  3. Zincteral (tablets) – catalyzes metabolic processes. Manufacturer Poland.
  4. Series of cosmetics – Hollyland. It produces drugs in the form of ointments, lotions, and masks for the treatment of problem skin. The drugs were produced in Israel.

Any drug may have side effects or incompatibility with other drugs. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of their use.

Skin cleansing

First of all, at home, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin with a special cosmetic product using a sponge or sponge. Hygienic care begins with applying the cleansing composition to damp skin, then rubbing without pressure until bubbles appear and removing with a wet sponge. This helps cleanse the epidermis of particles of fat, layers of dead cells and dirt.

Every week you need to exfoliate with fruit acids or use a scrub to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Masks with bodyaga or clay also help expand pores and renew the epidermis. However, when using a peel or scrub, they can only be done once a week. If masks are the only method in the fight against closed comedones, then in a day or two.

At home, vegetable masks made from carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and apples will help cope with closed comedones. The vegetables are finely ground, using a grater or a blender, and if they do not contain acids, then lemon juice is added. The composition is supplemented with vegetable oil, most often olive oil. But in the advice of cosmetologists and reviews of many women, you can read that this oil can clog pores. In this case, you need to use a cosmetic vegetable oil suitable for your skin.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help combat this problem. Herbal decoctions and various masks made from natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin, no worse than expensive pharmaceutical products.

Effective remedies against closed comedones:

  1. Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile, pour a small amount of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, strain, apply the paste on your face, keep for 15 minutes, do this every day. After a week, you will notice that the comedones have decreased in size, and over time, the grass will disappear completely.
  2. Protein treatment. Take one fresh chicken egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat it with 1 tablespoon of sugar, divide the mixture into 2 equal parts. Apply the first half to your face, wait until it dries completely, then do the same with the second half of the mass. Rinse off the mask with cool water, and do not forget to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream after the procedure. Such manipulations remove impurities, cleanse pores, and promote the opening of grains;
  3. Vitamin mask. Grate carrots, zucchini, cucumber (in equal quantities), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoon of olive oil, mix thoroughly. Spread the resulting paste onto your face in a thin layer, wait 10–15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  4. Salt. Take a glass of boiled water, dilute a finely grated piece of antibacterial soap in it, add 1 tablespoon of fine salt. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, rub it into problem areas on the skin for no more than three minutes, do not overdo it, this method should be used very carefully so as not to damage the skin;
  5. Citrus tonic. Dilute 1 spoon of lemon or grapefruit juice with 1 glass of boiled water. Moisten a cotton pad with this product and wipe the areas where the grains accumulate. Use this remedy morning and evening.

Do not expect lightning-fast action from these recipes; for high-quality results, it should take 2-3 weeks. Don't be alarmed if it takes longer to clear up on your nose than in all other areas; this is a natural process.

Treatment with laser

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is also completely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  1. Pulsed laser. During treatment, bacteria are killed and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of new ones forming is reduced.
  2. Blue laser treatment (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria located deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  3. Diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure helps to completely stop the secretion of sebum. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones form in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work specifically with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissue.

Why doesn't the medicine help?

Many patients ask dermatologists and cosmetologists this impatient question after several weeks of treatment with the recommended drug. Doctors usually explain that there are several reasons to consider a medicine ineffective:

  • the medicine was taken continuously and in the indicated dosage;
  • the use complied with the instructions attached to the drug;
  • if it was used only in the place where acne appeared;
  • When using the medicine, all hygienic rules were observed.

If comedones on the nose or other part of the face have not disappeared a week after starting to take the drug, this is quite natural. At the first stage, the medicine prevents the occurrence of new acne. The old ones disappear on their own, but this takes time, at least a month. It is advisable to change medications only if an allergic reaction occurs.

How effective a particular medicine is can be assessed no earlier than after two months. You should not take two drugs at the same time, as it is difficult to know which of them is truly beneficial. And we can talk about the ineffectiveness of treatment only after two months, when it becomes clear that there is no improvement and new foci of acne appear. In this case, you need to consult a doctor again.

You need to remember this constantly and throughout the entire course of treatment with medications, cosmetics or folk remedies, adhere to the following simple recommendations.

  1. Use facial cleansers (milk, toner, lotion) daily, scrubs or gommage weekly.
  2. Self-squeezing of comedones is strictly prohibited, which in 95% of cases leads to their inflammation, which must be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Choose the right line of cosmetics for skin care.
  4. Do not leave decorative cosmetics on your face overnight.
  5. Limit the amount of fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salty, sweet, flour foods in your diet.
  6. Stop long-term use of medications.
  7. It is useless to fight comedones if you smoke a lot or abuse alcohol. It's time to say goodbye to bad habits for problem skin.
  8. Try to be less likely to be influenced by stressful situations.
  9. Treat existing stomach diseases.
  10. Move to an area with a better environmental situation.

All these measures are not only an effective fight against comedones, but also the prevention of this cosmetic defect. It won't be easy to change your life, but it is necessary if you want to look stunning.

Comedones are one of the manifestations of acne. Despite the use of numerous remedies for acne and acne in the beauty industry, the number of people suffering from the disease is increasing every day. According to statistics, 90% of adolescents and 25% of adults have skin affected by this unpleasant cosmetic defect.

What are comedones?

Comedones on the face at first seem like a mere trifle. “You’ll outgrow it,” parents brush off their children’s complaints about acne, which generously “decorate” the teenager’s forehead and nose. But this is a typical mistake that adults make. After all, comedones, if left untreated, quickly and confidently develop from a cosmetic problem into a medical one. These formations are clots of sebum that accumulate in the hair follicles. Comedones are even called a type of cyst; their appearance is often caused by dirt and fat.

In a word, on the epidermis of every person there are pores through which he breathes. When they become clogged, the process is disrupted - comedones appear. These are the consequences of contamination of the skin ducts with sebum, dead epidermal cells, and dust, which form a plug that interferes with the normal functioning of the follicle. Stagnant fat becomes fertile ground for the emergence of microbes and toxins. This trio turns into a viscous substance. When there is not enough space for it in the hair follicle, it comes out and forms a comedone.


There are quite a lot of them. Firstly, if acne appears on your facial skin, most likely you have a genetic predisposition to this disease. If parents had juvenile acne, then children usually suffer too.

Secondly, oily skin, which requires special care, is also to blame. When you choose the wrong cosmetics, the problem, as they say, is obvious. Trouble also arises if a person has elevated testosterone levels. Therefore, a young man or man with oily skin is the first at risk. Very often, pregnant and lactating women, women experiencing menopause, complain of comedones. This means that their appearance is also caused by altered hormonal levels.

Thirdly, disturbances in the functioning of the intestines also lead to acne. In this case, you need to carefully study the diet, exclude fatty and smoked foods, baked goods and baked goods, alcohol and caffeine. These foods most often cause problems with the digestive tract. Fourthly, the use of decorative cosmetics is another common cause of comedones. If it is of poor quality or simply does not suit your skin type, you are not protected from acne.

Other factors

We have named the most common causes of the appearance of hated comedones. It remains to add a few more factors that can trigger the appearance of pimples and blackheads on the skin:

  • Individual physiological characteristics of the epidermis, for example, small pore diameter.
  • Disorder of the functions of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, disorders of the sex glands, hyper- or hypothyroidism.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, as well as frequent stress, neuroses, depression, sleep disorders.
  • Taking medications, especially hormonal drugs.
  • Bad habits: regular drinking, smoking.
  • Poor ecology, polluted atmosphere, increased content of heavy metal ions and chemicals in the air.

Comedones on the face can appear for a short time and after prolonged exposure to the sun. Therefore, before and after visiting the beach, you must always apply a protective cream.

Comedones: main types

In order to know how to get rid of comedones, you first need to determine their type. Cosmetologists distinguish two types of acne:

  1. Open. They look like ordinary acne - black dots on the nose, cheeks, forehead. When the sebum accumulated in the follicles mixes with dirt and dead skin cells of the epidermis, its top layer is oxidized by oxygen. The fatty substance that comes out changes color, turning into the painfully familiar dark formations on the face. Open blackheads are the least dangerous type.
  2. Closed comedones. These are the same acne. They look like nodes or balls that rise above the surface of the epidermis. They differ from acne in that they remain under the skin with no way out. And this situation is already more serious, since closed pimples are an ideal place for the proliferation of fungal infections, staphylococci. The skin around them becomes inflamed, purulent formations appear, which not only look unsightly, but are also terribly painful. Subsequently, they can provoke the appearance of abscesses and boils, scars and uneven skin.

Whatever comedones are, they must be treated. To do this, you should contact a dermatologist and cosmetologist.


The first thing a specialist will recommend is regular washing with warm water. Twice a day it should be mixed with bactericidal soap or foam. After this procedure, be sure to wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in lotion that does not contain alcohol - this way you will avoid drying out the epidermis. If after this you still continue to suffer from comedones, treatment can be supplemented with salicylic acid. You need to wipe the affected areas of the skin with it: the substance perfectly softens sebaceous plugs, works as a scrub, removing dead skin cells.

Gels and lotions from the Cetaphil, Clearasil Ultra, Sebium and others lines have a good effect. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If the situation is dire, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Since these medications have many side effects, their use occurs only under the supervision of a specialist. The patient may be recommended a diet with a reduced content of sweet, flour and fatty foods. But eating large quantities of fish and poultry, vegetables and fruits, milk and cereals will only be beneficial.

Folk remedies

Having discovered comedones, treatment must begin immediately, otherwise skin problems can become widespread. Traditional medicine also helps with this, which has several effective and beneficial masks for the skin:

  • Protein. Beat a tablespoon of sugar with the white of one egg and apply to your face, patting with your fingers. The mask deeply cleanses the skin, drawing out all kinds of impurities from the pores.
  • Soda. Take 4 grams of soda and salt, mix them and add a few drops of water. Use the resulting mixture to treat areas of skin with comedones, rubbing it over the entire surface. Instead of salt, you can add chopped oatmeal.
  • Rice. Pour 0.3 liters of boiling water over 50 g of rice. You insist all night. In the morning, drain the water and mash the rice to a puree. Apply the paste, leave for 20 minutes and rinse off. An alternative to water is kefir, which dissolves fat with a bang.

Now you know how to get rid of comedones using improvised means. Actively use masks not only to treat acne and acne, but also for preventive purposes. It is better to prevent a problem than to spend a lot of effort and money to eliminate it later.


It is a very important weapon that will reduce the occurrence of acne to a minimum. There are a number of products that do not tolerate comedones. Reviews from professional cosmetologists and ordinary people say that the most effective is an ordinary scrub - it should be used once a week. Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene and regular moisturizing of the face with creams and gels also helps. Once a month you can visit a beauty salon for mechanical cleaning of the epidermis - a procedure performed by a specialist.

If the skin is porous and oily, you can use antibacterial and tonic lotions, but definitely not alcohol ones. It is desirable that they be made on the basis of extracts of green tea, aloe, juniper, chamomile, and pine needles. Essential oils are also recommended: lemon, clove, eucalyptus, menthol, cedar, tea tree. They prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes and relieve existing lesions well.

Is it possible to squeeze out comedones?

A very popular question from people suffering from this cosmetic defect. Any cosmetologist will tell you that comedones can only be removed by an experienced specialist. By doing the procedure yourself, you risk “decorating” your face with scars and scars - removing them will be much more difficult than ordinary acne. If comedones pop up suddenly before an important meeting and you don’t have time to see a professional, use lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in liquid - this will discolor the formations and make them less noticeable.

When comedones on the face do not form whole scatterings, but are isolated, they can be squeezed out. But in this case you need to follow the rules of hygiene as much as possible so as not to introduce an infection into the resulting wound. First, wash your hands, cleanse your face and steam it over a bowl of herbal infusion. Secondly, after the procedure, disinfect your skin with lotion and wash with cool boiled water. Third, apply a soothing mask. For the next two days, avoid using decorative cosmetics and alcohol-based facial care products. Be healthy and beautiful!

– small skin cysts formed due to the accumulation or blockage of the mouths of the hair follicles by sebum and desquamated cells. Comedones can appear as whitish nodules (whiteheads, closed comedones) or blackheads (blackheads, open comedones). They occur more often on oily and porous skin. Diagnosis and elimination of the causes of comedones is carried out by dermatologists, endocrinologists, and gastroenterologists. Competent and regular hygienic skin care and cosmetic procedures (skin cleansing, chemical and mechanical peeling, etc.) are important in solving the problem.

General information

Comedones are a symptom of some skin diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and endocrine disorders. Sebum, dirt and desquamated epidermal cells clog the pores, resulting in the formation of comedones. Comedones occur in all age groups, but in adolescents during puberty and in women, especially with changes in hormonal levels (menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, menopause), comedones are more common. Comedones of varying degrees of manifestation occur in 85% of the age group from 12 to 24 years. In older age, due to a natural decrease in sebum production, comedones are diagnosed less frequently.

Causes of comedones

The main cause of comedones is the accumulation of sebum at the mouth of the hair follicle, which is clogged with a plug of skin cells and dust particles. That is, sebum cannot be evacuated from the follicle on its own and gradually accumulates in it. Toxins that are supposed to be eliminated through the skin pores interact with sebum, resulting in a thick sticky mass. Externally, a comedone becomes noticeable when sebum, mixed with toxins and bacteria, partially exits through the narrowed mouth of the follicle and, under the influence of oxygen, acquires a dark shade.

The main cause of comedones is improper care of the skin of the face and body. The use of fat-based cosmetics, the use of makeup and the habit of going to bed without washing your face leads to the accumulation of dead cells, hardened sebum, dust, bacteria and salt crystals (from sweat) on the skin of the face. If the skin of the face is prone to oiliness, then one or more of the above factors is sufficient for the formation of comedones. Genetic predisposition is also one of the causes of comedones, since women whose close relatives had or have comedones on their facial skin have a higher incidence rate.

An increased level of testosterone, especially in people prone to acne, stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands; in addition, the epithelial cells lining the opening of the hair follicle do not fall off in time, which first causes a narrowing of the duct, and then its complete blockage, after which a comedon is formed. In rare cases, taking some medications as a side effect may be accompanied by the appearance of comedones, which go away on their own after discontinuation of the medications.

In stressful situations, the composition of sebum also changes; also during stress, people pay less attention to hygiene and facial care, which indirectly leads to the formation of comedones. After restoring a normal lifestyle and with proper skin care, comedones that arise for this reason will go away on their own. A humid climate and air pollution contribute to the accumulation of microparticles of dirt on the skin and provoke the formation of comedones.

Clinical manifestations of comedones

The first signs of comedones, when there are no manifestations on the skin yet, are roughening of the skin and enlarged pores. Oily skin, but prone to peeling, is also a clinical manifestation that precedes comedones. The skin color becomes unhealthy, with a gray, sometimes greenish tint. Cosmetics do not last well because they “drip” from the skin due to its increased oil content. At this stage, therapy is most effective, since there are no comedonal nodules yet or they are at the stage when the mouth of the follicle is completely closed. Some of the sebum can still be evacuated from the follicle, but some of it remains inside, so you can notice small bumps on the skin, which can be felt well when stroking areas of the face with a large number of sebaceous glands (T-zone of the face and chin).

Subsequently, open comedones appear, which outwardly resemble a nodule with a blackhead due to oxidation of the surface part of the sebum. Closed comedones are located under the skin, and therefore, without the ability to evacuate the contents, they often become inflamed. Externally they look like pink or red bumps with unchanged or inflamed skin on top.

Independent removal of comedones leads to the formation of scars and the addition of a secondary infection of a purulent nature with the development of pyoderma. Therefore, on the skin of patients there are both unopened comedones and a pustular rash; sometimes there are serous and bloody crusts at the site of squeezed out comedones.

Diagnosis and treatment of comedones

The diagnosis is made based on visual examination and questioning of patients. There are almost always concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine disorders. Therefore, patients with comedones are recommended to consult a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

Treatment of comedones should be comprehensive. It is necessary to carry out therapy, and if impossible, correction of the underlying disease. Cosmetic procedures aimed at normalizing sebum production and exfoliating dead cells help to heal the skin and return it to its normal state. It is necessary to be more attentive to personal hygiene, wash with detergents no more than 2 times a day, touch the skin of your face with your hands as little as possible and not allow your hair to fall on your face.

Fruit acid peeling and microdermabrasion remove the top layer of dead cells. After which it is recommended to apply cosmetic medications with anti-comedogenic properties to the face. Inflamed areas are wiped with a salicylic solution and antibacterial gels are applied. It is mandatory to take vitamin complexes and follow a hypoallergenic diet with the exception of fatty and sweet foods. When a secondary infection occurs, antibacterial drugs are indicated.

What are comedones on the face? The word “comedones” itself comes from the Latin language, and it is literally translated as “gluttons.” However, if the modern meaning of the word has anything to do with overeating, it is indirect. But more on that later.

Comedones on the face are a cosmetic defect, a skin disease associated with the skin. As a rule, they do not pose a direct danger to health, but they spoil the appearance, sometimes very seriously.

That's why so many people wonder how to treat comedones. We'll talk about this in this article.

What are comedones on the face?

Comedones are essentially the same thing as acne or acne. The mechanism of their formation has been known for a long time.

The glands around the hair follicles produce sebum, the task of which is to remove dead skin flakes and other dirt from the skin pores. However, sometimes the glands begin to work excessively, and then sebum accumulates in the pores and clogs them.

Most often, comedones are located on certain areas of the face: on the wings of the nose, on the chin and forehead. However, they can appear on any part of the face, on the neck, shoulders, upper back and sometimes on the chest.

For the most part, they are not dangerous to health, but a person with such a disorder looks unpleasant. This can affect a person’s personal life and mental state: complexes, self-doubt, and sometimes even depression arise.

There is a great temptation to simply squeeze out the comedone, especially since this is quite easy to do. However, as a result, there is a risk of infection in the resulting wound.

As a result, new ones may appear in place of the squeezed pimple, or other types of inflammation may develop.

2 types of comedones

Comedones are divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

They differ, first of all, in the method of formation and, as a result, in appearance.

Open comedones look like blackheads on the skin. They are called open because the dirt accumulated in the pores is in direct contact with the air.

By the way, this same contact explains the black color of the dot: the secretion of the sebaceous glands oxidizes and acquires this color.

Such formations on the face are much more common than closed comedones, but they also cause any complications much less frequently.

Closed comedones develop where the exit from the skin pores is blocked for some reason.

Sebum accumulates in the cavity under the skin. Externally, they look like a bump on the skin with a white head.

In this case, sebum does not come into contact with oxygen and does not oxidize.

Bacteria can begin to develop in the mass that has accumulated under the skin, leading to inflammation. This is why closed comedones often cause various complications.

7 reasons for the problem

Without eliminating the cause, treatment of comedones is often ineffective. And, it is possible to relieve inflammation here and now, but the problem will arise again and again.

Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to figure out why exactly you are having comedones.

The causes of this disease can be very diverse:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Improper skin care.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Hormonal disorders.
  6. Taking certain medications.
  7. Constant stress.

Of all the reasons, only the first one is irremovable - heredity. If parents suffered from comedones, then children are also likely to encounter this problem. In this case, you can only pay more attention to prevention.

Teenagers and women during pregnancy and menopause most often experience hormonal disorders.

There are also various diseases that cause disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

By the way, some medications can cause the same disorders. In this case, you need to discuss with your doctors a change in the course of treatment.

If the cause is disease, then before getting rid of comedones, you need to treat the cause of the disease.

Question answer

If they appear, then there are some problems. These can be not only pathologies, but also simple improper care. That’s why you should start taking better care of your skin, this is the only way to improve the situation.
And comedones are unlikely to go away on their own.

All methods have their advantages. But laser, ultrasonic cleaning, and chemical peelings can boast of particular popularity.


There are several areas of treatment for comedones:

  • various facial cleansings;
  • treatment with medications;
  • therapeutic cosmetics;
  • ethnoscience.

Facial cleansing (5 procedures)

As already mentioned, you cannot squeeze out comedones yourself because of the risk of infection. However, in this regard, it is completely safe, since it is performed under sterile conditions and not with hands, but with special instruments.

First, the client’s face is steamed, and then the pores are cleaned from blackheads and closed comedones with a special spatula.

However, this procedure is quite painful. Now there are many much more effective and more comfortable methods.

There are also such salon cleanings:

OptionPhotoThe essence
Ultrasonic cleaningUltrasound exfoliates
upper layers of skin, cleanses
they are stimulated by the process
cell regeneration.
This procedure is effective
and not so painful
like mechanical cleaning.
Vacuum cleaningA special apparatus creates
low pressure area
inside a special tube.
It is passed over the skin of the face, and
sebaceous plugs are sucked out
inside the device. However, such
the technique is less effective,
than ultrasonic cleaning.
It is considered the most effective
and therefore the most popular.
She removes it painlessly
not only comedones, but also dead ones
skin cells, which prevents
the emergence of new formations.
VaporizationOne of the newest developments.
This technique uses tight
thin jets of water for cleansing
skin from open comedones.
facial cleansing – peeling with
fruit acids. They dissolve
dead skin flakes and
sebaceous plugs.

Whatever method of facial cleansing you choose, you will inevitably encounter side effects: redness of the skin and slight swelling. They will go away within 24 hours after the procedure.

However, this must be taken into account when choosing the time for the procedure, so that you do not have to appear in public in this form.


Any medications are quite strong. Yes, they are effective, however, you should not use them without their intended purpose. The skin can be seriously damaged.

The following drugs are used to treat comedones:

  1. Ichthyol ointment: this should be used to lubricate comedones before going to bed. It is inexpensive and yet quite effective. However, the unpleasant smell puts many people off from using it.
  2. : Sold in powder. It must be diluted with boiling water to a creamy consistency and lubricated with it on the comedones and kept for about 15 minutes.
  3. Lactic acid: it is diluted with boiled water in equal parts, cotton pads are moistened in this mixture and applied to problem areas.
  4. Salicylic acid: used in the same way as lactic acid.
  5. A whole layer of ointments, such as retinoic, zinc, Skinoren, Differin and others.
  6. In particularly difficult cases, antibiotic-based ointments may be required.

Cosmetology products

These remedies are somewhat less effective than medications, but they can be used without medical supervision. In addition, they have fewer side effects and unpleasant consequences.

Blue clay has a pronounced disinfecting and cleansing property. Masks based on it perfectly help cope with comedones and other inflammations on the face. At the same time, the cost of one bag of clay is not high - about 20 rubles.

You can also use cosmetics containing essential oils, such as tea tree oil. However, you should not use ethers in their pure form; you can get a serious chemical burn.

There are also more expensive cosmetics. Various lotions and tonics from well-known companies. The cost of such medicinal cosmetics starts at thousands of rubles per package.

Among them the following funds can be distinguished:

  • Holy Land lotion;
  • drops with extract for softening comedones from Tapuach;
  • AHA cream from Exfoliac.

The main thing in using cosmetics for comedones is regularity.

Traditional medicine (5 best recipes)

Full treatment using traditional methods is impossible, but supporting and supplementing treatment with masks and lotions made from natural ingredients is completely permitted.

The main thing here, as in the case of treatment with cosmetic products, is regularity. Otherwise, they simply will not have any effect. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. One of the most effective folk methods is a protein mask. Egg white is mixed with sugar. The mixture is divided into 2 parts. The first is applied to the face and left until dry. This usually takes about 3 minutes. Then apply the rest of the mixture on top of the dried mask with gentle tapping movements and leave for another 10 minutes. After this, the mask must be washed off.
  2. Another great remedy is a chamomile mask. To prepare it you will need 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. They need to be poured with boiling water so that a thick paste is obtained. To it you need to add 2 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of rye flour. Mix everything well and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes.
  3. A mask made from baking soda and oatmeal is a very effective remedy. To prepare it, you need 5 grams of soda and 15 grams of oatmeal, ground into flour. They are mixed together and 10 ml of water is added. The composition is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

All masks should be done once a week; you shouldn’t do it more often, it can damage the skin. But you can combine several types of masks.

Toners based on natural materials are also good remedies for comedones. For example, a tonic made from lemon or grapefruit juice.

A spoonful of lemon juice to make tonic is diluted with a quarter glass of water, and for grapefruit tonic you need a glass of water per spoonful of juice. This composition should be used to wipe the comedones twice a day.

Prevention of comedones

If you are at risk or you have encountered comedones before, then it makes sense to pay attention to preventive measures:

Daily facial cleansing
using lotions and tunics,
to prevent clogging
pores with scrapers of dead skin and
Don't go to bed with makeup on
on the face.
Pay special attention to the selection
cosmetic line, it should
match your skin type and be
high quality.
Adjust your diet: reduce
consumption of fatty and sweet foods,
baked goods, salty and spicy foods.
Give up bad habits:
smoking and alcohol abuse.
Avoid stressful situations.

Compliance with these measures will help make your face clean and fresh, and in general will have a positive effect on the health of the body.

Expert opinion

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

The first thing you should do when comedones appear is to undergo an examination. If there are no health problems, then you should devote more time to skin care. In such a situation, a cosmetologist can help. I would advise you to pay attention to laser resurfacing or ultrasonic cleaning.

Comedones often have a detrimental effect on a person’s psychological state. They become an additional source of stress and complexes. And this not only worsens the quality of life, but also provokes the development of new comedones. There is a risk of falling into a real vicious circle.

Blackheads are a type of pimple that occurs in clogged pores in the skin.

The plug for the pore opening is a mixture of thickened sebaceous gland secretion, dead epithelial cells and dirt. Initially, there is no inflammatory process in these formations, but without proper care, infection and complications will appear.

Under no circumstances should you try to cleanse the skin of comedones on your own - infection can penetrate into the open pores. In addition, pressing on the skin around the acne with your fingernails or fingertips causes the pore to expand and deform even more, becoming even more dirty.

The appearance of comedones is a sign of malfunctions in the body, or a signal of improper facial care.


Closed comedones

The accumulation of sebum occurs inside the skin, a tubercle appears, which over time begins to become inflamed and leads to severe infection. Closed comedones are also called whiteheads or blackheads; they cannot be squeezed out; the treatment is complex, sometimes even medicinal.

Open comedones

More often called blackheads. There is a gradual accumulation of sebum, which does not come out naturally due to the blockage of the pores with a clot of dirt and dead cells. This type of comedones is easier to treat. Prevention of open comedones - following the rules of personal hygiene and regular cleansing procedures.

Symptoms of comedones

Comedones are small blackheads and most often occur in teenagers.

Signs of comedones include:

  • dull skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • roughening of the skin.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, contact a dermatologist who will conduct an external examination, prescribe a series of tests and select the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of comedones

As a rule, comedones are accompanied by concomitant endocrine diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment is complex - therapy for concomitant diseases that cause the appearance of comedones.

Patients need regular cosmetic treatments to slough off dead skin cells and release sebum. Skin care should be regular and thorough. Wash your face with a cleanser twice a day, touch your face with your hands as little as possible, and make sure your hair does not touch your skin.

To remove the layer of dead cells, peelings with fruit acids and microdermabrasion are done. After this procedure, apply a remedy to your face that prevents the development of comedones. If some areas of the skin are inflamed, treatment with a salicylic acid solution and antimicrobial gel is required.

Which doctors should I consult for comedones?

Treatment of comedones

Before treating comedones, you need to consult a dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. If you have a disease, you will first need appropriate treatment. As a rule, after eliminating the identified cause, comedones will disappear on their own.

Effective treatment of comedones includes the following components:

  • elimination of excess sebum;
  • use of skin products;
  • regular skin peeling.

In addition, dermatologists use topical and oral antibiotics, as well as oral contraceptives for women, to treat comedones.

Skin cleansing

It is important to learn how to properly cleanse your skin on your own. The skin needs systematic cleansing. You should also not forget about dead skin cells, which affect the clogging of pores and the formation of comedones.

The treatment uses peelings, scrubs and cosmetic exfoliants, which are aimed at eliminating the upper, dead layer of skin, which will ensure that closed acne comes to the surface of the skin on its own. Nevertheless, this approach is effective when the number of comedones is small.

Manual cleaning

Manual cleaning is a lengthy process. The cleansed facial skin is pre-steamed and then the blackheads are squeezed out one by one with fingers wrapped in sterile napkins. Then the cosmetologist wipes the skin with a special disinfectant lotion, and at the end of the procedure makes a tightening and soothing mask.

Vacuum cleaning

The vacuum pore cleaner pulls out accumulated secretions from the sebaceous glands, like a small vacuum cleaner. The cleaning procedure is divided into stages. First, dirt and cosmetics are removed using cleansers. Then the skin is irrigated with steam to open the pores. Then they perform a disincrustation procedure by electrophoresis, during which the secretion from the sebaceous glands is liquefied, and the keratinized cells blocking the exits from the ducts are partially removed.

When the skin is prepared, it is exposed to a vacuum cleaning apparatus. For 15-20 minutes, the skin is massaged using a vacuum cleaner, which draws out the contents from the pores. After the procedure, a mask is applied to the cleaned areas, narrowing open pores so that infection does not get through them and moisturizes the skin. The set of procedures takes 1-1.5 hours.

Vacuum cleaning is much gentler on the skin than the hands of a cosmetologist; the procedure is often compared to a relaxing massage. This cleaning method is painless, it does not leave marks on the skin in the form of abrasions, but the force with which the contents of the pores is drawn out is sometimes not enough for narrow ducts. In these cases, the procedure is supplemented with manual cleaning.

Fruit acids

Chemical facial cleansing using AHA - fruit acids - is a relatively new technique. The mask will help open the pores and thus replace a steam bath. Then a composition is applied to the face, which warms up the skin and also softens and even partially dissolves fatty cores. The procedure is completed by a soothing mask with a pore-tightening effect.

Pros: the cleaning method is officially recognized as non-traumatic; the recovery period is reduced to a minimum. Since fruit acids stimulate cell renewal, the skin looks fresh after such cleansing. Cons: it is impossible to remove 100% of blackheads using fruit acids; On sensitive skin, irritation sometimes occurs.


Disincrustation, or ionization of the skin using a mask or lotion, depending on the condition of the skin. A special preparation that is applied to acne-affected areas contains anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and other components, the effect of which is enhanced by galvanic current. In this case, the contents of the pores are liquefied and drawn out. Pros: non-traumatic and painless. Cons: to achieve results, the procedure is repeated several times. And this pleasure is not cheap.

Comedones removal

When it comes to large comedones, the doctor prescribes removal. This procedure is carried out using the following methods:

In addition, Ayurvedic treatment methods using essential oils have become widespread. Creams for home use and other skin care products are made from essential oils.

A table of comedogenicity of natural oils has been developed. In this list, the oils received an index (0-5), which indicates the level of comedogenicity. So, at a zero value, the oil does not clog the pores, but the higher the value, the stronger this happens.

Folk remedies for the treatment of comedones

Folk remedies help in the treatment of comedones. However, it is better to discuss the use of a particular recipe with a dermatologist.

Rice cleansing mask

In the evening, cook 50 g of rice and rinse, then add a glass of water. The next morning, strain and mash the rice. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face in a thick layer.

Grapefruit mask

Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix with a glass of grapefruit juice diluted with water 1 to 10. Rub the affected areas with the mask for two minutes and rinse, then apply an everyday light cream.

Tomato mask

Take a ripe tomato, squeeze out the juice and mix with a tablespoon of oatmeal and grated egg yolk. Apply a mask based on the mixture to the problematic part of the skin for half an hour. Then rinse off and apply moisturizer.

White clay mask

To prepare this mask you will need magnesia, powdered boric acid, rice starch, white clay and burnt alum. Take the ingredients one teaspoon at a time, mix and add a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour, then wash your face and apply the cream.

Kefir-based mask

Apply kefir to the affected areas of the skin and wash off after 20 minutes, after which the skin is moisturized. Kefir helps open pores and dissolve fat.

Citrus mask

Dilute lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and wipe the resulting liquid onto your skin in the morning.

Vitamin mask

Grate the carrots, cucumber and zucchini, then add lemon juice or olive oil. After cleansing the skin, apply a mask from the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Salt and soda scrub

Take 4 g of salt and soda and mix, dilute slightly with water. Next, apply to the affected areas, but not to three. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash it off. The procedure cannot be done more than once a week.

Egg scrub

Beat an egg with a glass of sugar and two teaspoons of lemon juice and aloe vera juice. Whisk and apply to face. Keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Cosmetics for comedones

When choosing cosmetics for problem skin, pay attention to special products that include:

  • zinc;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ammonium lactate;
  • retinol;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • sulfur;
  • skinoren;
  • essential oils;
  • plant extracts.

These products will cleanse the skin and relieve or prevent inflammation. In addition, micellar water (“Exfoliac”), special gels or lotions are used for washing:

  • "Cleanans";
  • "Clerasil Ultra";
  • "Cetaphil";
  • "Sebium".

No less effective in cleansing oily skin will be tonics and lotions (non-alcoholic) containing essential oils:

  • lemon;
  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • aloe plant extracts;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • green tea;
  • witch hazel.

Cosmetic brands offer special “anti-comedone” lines:

  • "Clean Line" from Garnier;
  • "Pure Zone" from L'Oreal;
  • "Visibly Clear" from Neutrogena;
  • "Normaderm" from Vichy.

Special strips are used to cleanse the skin in the nose area.

Causes of comedones

Dermatologists identify the following reasons for the appearance of comedones:

  • changes in hormonal levels during puberty;
  • pregnancy and menopause;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • unbalanced diet, in the absence of necessary vitamins;
  • uncontrolled medication intake;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics, causing allergic reactions;
  • heredity.

Doctors also note that stressful situations and emotional overload can negatively affect the condition of the skin and cause the appearance of comedones.

Foods that trigger comedones

Dermatologists have long proven the relationship between skin health and diet. Among the products that negatively affect the quality of the skin, coffee ranks first. Those with problem skin are also advised to avoid consuming:

  • fast food;
  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol.

It is important for women to remember that the problem of rashes is easier to prevent than to cure. If you want to look good, watch your health: follow a daily routine and give preference to healthy foods.

Prevention of comedones

Use only properly selected cosmetics. For example, if you have oily skin, you should not use thick and greasy creams or overuse oil-based cosmetics.
For daily care, choose products that reduce sebum production, tighten pores, exfoliate dead cells, and prevent the development of inflammation.
Cleanse skin thoroughly. For oily and combination skin, it is recommended to wash your face with warm water without using soap or alcohol-containing cleansers, which dry the skin and stimulate the production of sebaceous secretions.
Regularly use soft scrubs and exfoliants to remove dead skin cells from the epithelium, as well as clay and film masks to cleanse pores.
Touch your face with your hands as little as possible; when in places with polluted air, cover your face with a scarf, bandages or other items of clothing.

Questions and answers on the topic "Comedones"

Question:Hello. I have the following question: in certain lighting, my facial skin seems clear, but when I look in bright daylight, I see many small, colorless bumps. When washing your face, if you run your fingers over the soapy skin, you will feel small bumps. What will you advice me? Does Skinoren or an analogue of Skinonorm help with this problem, or does it only act on acne vulgaris? I also wipe my face with 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid in the evenings, am I doing the right thing? What can you recommend for facial care?

Answer: Hello. You need to add products with AHA acids (gels, mousses) to your daily care; from professional procedures, chemical peelings in a course, for example, Jessner, light TCA. Azelaic acid preparations (Skinoren, Azelik) are effective in solving this problem, so they can be applied in the evening after washing. It is better not to use alcohol lotions on the face, as this can lead to increased skin sensitivity and drying out.

Question:Hello. I am 20 years old, male. For the past 3 years, the main problem has been the forehead, nose, and the most problematic area is the chin on both sides, in general the T-zone. Acne, the so-called closed comedones of flesh-colored color, are disturbing, visible when the skin is stretched. How to get rid of them? They provoke inflamed red pimples.

Answer: Hello. First you need to determine the cause of your problem. I recommend getting tested for Demodex mites, a general blood test, and a biochemical blood test. These studies will help clarify the cause, making it easier to deal with the problem and provide recommendations for facial skin care.

Question:Hello. I have closed comedones, how can I deal with this with the help of creams and ointments? In general, there is no inflammation on my face, sometimes I get a pimple, I heard that Differin and Skinoren can help? Or is there something better?

Answer: Hello. You need an in-person consultation with a dermatologist.



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