Chest pain between breasts. Pain in the chest, chest or mammary glands - causes and diseases

Chest pain can occur in people of all ages. It not only brings with it discomfort, but also a signal that it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a doctor in a medical institution.

As you know, in the chest there are organs that are very important for life, and a failure in the work of one of them can lead to death. Consider all the possible causes of chest pain and methods for its elimination.

Pain with what characteristics you need to pay attention to:

  1. The nature of the manifestation of pain: pulls, pricks, whines, burns.
  2. Pain type: dull or sharp.
  3. Place of localization: right, left, center chest.
  4. Where does it send: hand, spatula.
  5. When it appears most often: day or night.
  6. What can cause pain: coughing, physical activity, breathing or something else. Read about it here.
  7. What helps relieve pain: change in body position, drugs.

Pressing pain on the left

When you feel a pressing pain in the left side of the chest you need to see a doctor without delay.

The main reasons for its development:

  1. Aortic aneurysm. A very serious illness. There is an accumulation of blood in the vessel as a result of the fact that their membranes have exfoliated.
  2. Myocardial infarction or angina attack. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. Pain in this condition indicates a problem with a large muscle.
  3. Gastric ulcer. Pain occurs after eating. Often a common antispasmodic drug (no-shpa) can alleviate a person's condition.
  4. Inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis). Pain in this organ is projected onto the left side of the chest and is pronounced. In most cases, discomfort provokes eating.
  5. Hernia in the diaphragm. This pathology occurs due to the prolapse of intestinal loops through weakened places in the diaphragm into the chest cavity. As a result, it is very difficult for the patient to breathe.

Presses on the right

There are many reasons for feeling pain on the right, both easily eliminated and very serious:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia or panic attack.
  2. If, with pain on the right, the heart contracts very quickly, then this can be a signal for the development of cardiac pathologies.
  3. Associated cough, sputum production, and fever may indicate lung problems.
  4. and rapid breathing indicate tracheitis.
  5. With pathological processes in the stomach and esophagus, the food eaten will cause discomfort.
  6. If there is pain when swallowing and compression of the chest at the top right, then this may be a symptom of ordinary laryngitis. Visit an otolaryngologist to confirm the diagnosis.
  7. Right-sided fracture of the ribs is also the cause of discomfort in the chest.

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Presses in the middle

The sensation of pain in the central part of the chest signals all of the above diseases.

In addition to them will be:

  • Stress.
  • Nervous breakdowns and anxiety states.
  • In the presence of these factors, muscle spasm may develop and unpleasant pain sensations may occur.

    Also, the infringement of the nerves and the sensation of pain in the middle of the chest are affected by:

    1. Scoliosis.
    2. Osteochondrosis.
    3. Hernias of small vertebrae.

    Disease symptoms

    When pain occurs behind the sternum, the symptoms are quite different. This is due to a wide range of diseases that provoke unpleasant pain.

    Dangerous symptoms, the appearance of which, you must immediately consult a doctor:

    1. A sharp jump in body temperature.
    2. Nausea and urge to vomit.
    3. Increase in sweating.
    4. The appearance of shortness of breath and impaired breathing.
    5. Loss of consciousness. It can become one of the main symptoms of myocardial infarction.
    6. An increase or decrease in heart rate.
    7. During a change in body position, coughing or active movement, pain may increase.
    8. Muscle weakness.
    9. Body aches.

    Symptoms are rarely alone, often they are combined and interfere with the correct provision of first aid.

    If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance:

    1. When the nature of the pain changes.
    2. Pain in the left side of the chest, then in the right.
    3. Increased pain when lying down.
    4. First aid drugs do not show effectiveness.

    After carrying out all possible types of diagnostics, the patient is sent to a specialist for treatment.


    Treatment begins only after the attending physician makes a diagnosis.

    Depending on the causes of pressure behind the sternum, the following drugs are used:

    1. Angina. It is possible to remove the attack with the help of nitroglycerin.
    2. Cerebral atherosclerosis. First aid to reduce high blood pressure - "Farmadipin" drops, and for normal blood circulation in the brain, "Glycine" is prescribed.
    3. Myocardial infarction. It is forbidden to take drugs at home. The patient must be urgently admitted to the hospital. Often these patients end up in the intensive care unit.
    4. Osteochondrosis. In this disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen), () are used. Actovegin is prescribed to improve blood circulation. Also, a positive effect in the treatment of this disease produces massage and acupuncture.
    5. Intercostal neuralgia. Often this disease is confused with a heart attack. To stop the pain syndrome, muscle relaxants (tizanidine), corticosteroids (dexamethasone) are used, a warming patch is glued to the ribs or rubbed with an anesthetic ointment.
    6. Gastritis in the acute stage. The first aid will be antispasmodics (no-shpa, bellastezin), sorbents (smecta, enterosgel, phosphalugel).
    7. Angina. In the treatment of angina, it is important to provide the patient with complex treatment: antibiotics (Flemoxin, Summamed), gargling (Givalex), use sprays (Bioparox, Septolete).
    8. Pulmonary embolism. First aid is provided only by the ambulance. In case of untimely treatment, it will not be possible to save the patient.
    9. Depression, stress, hysteria. It is necessary to calm the person with special medicines (persen, dormiplant), provide psychological assistance.

    Let's summarize all of the above and find out what needs to be done to provide first aid:

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. While the team is driving, give the patient a semi-sitting position. Never place it on your back or stomach.
    3. Help you breathe evenly and calmly.
    4. For cardiac pathologies, put a tablet of validol or nitroglycerin under the tongue.
    5. If the patient has fainted, wet a cotton ball with ammonia and hold it up to the nose.
    6. Do not leave the person alone, wait together for the arrival of the doctors.
    7. Never self-reset fractures and dislocations.
    8. If the cause of chest pain is unknown, then warm compresses should not be used.

    What is a person? This is a numerous connection of cells and tissues that perform countless vital functions. At the same time, they are all aimed at only one thing - to function as a whole.

    Human body consists of tissues that form systems. Of the 6 main systems, we will talk about only one - the motor.

    Brief information about the anatomy of the chest

    Bone tissue refers to the human motor system. It is divided into active and passive. The latter includes the skeleton, which is the basis or core of a person, but it is called passive because of the impossibility of changing (meaning changing the position of parts in the body).

    The active part includes muscles and muscles. They can be modified due to muscle fibers. They are attached to the bone tissue with the help of tendons. With their help, a person moves and is able to perform various actions.

    The skeleton consists of a large number of bone matter, vertebrae, tendons and cartilage, while distinguishing:

    • spine;
    • chest;
    • bones of the shoulder girdle;
    • hip bones.

    As for the chest, it serves as protection for many vital organs:

    • esophagus
    • numerous large blood vessels;
    • hearts;
    • respiratory tract;
    • lungs.

    From the thoracic vertebrae, the chest is formed, the costal bones are attached to the vertebrae and connected by cartilage. In turn, cartilage is elastic and mobile. Total 12 ribs and sternum

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    Chest pain radiating to the back - causes in women

    Painful symptoms in the chest area in a female can be caused by various changes in the organs.

    Most often, pain in the sternum with irradiation to the back is caused by a number of pathological processes in the systems and disorders of the internal organs:

    • neuro-psychic;
    • endocrine;
    • respiratory;
    • cardiovascular.

    It is very difficult to determine the disease by pain manifestations alone, not every specialist with extensive experience will be able to diagnose the disease.

    Numerous questions about the occurrence, etiology, treatment and irradiation can only be answered after research

    The following reasons can cause pain:

    1. Pathology of the heart. Disorders of the cardiac and vascular systems are the most common problem of pain. Due to heart disease (for example, ischemic disease), the supply of oxygen to the myocardium stops.
      There are foci of necrosis and infarction. There is a compression of the artery, and blood flow is disturbed. With coronary artery disease, blockage of the lumen of blood vessels occurs. Next spasm. So it manifests itself in the form of pain in the sternum. Such pains can be felt under the shoulder blade on the right side or give into the arm.

    The second disease is a heart attack. Pain characteristics in this disease can be classified as intolerable and rapidly increasing.

    There are cases when the patient carries the disease on the legs. But, in this case, a person does not feel anything, since a heart attack is asymptomatic.

    If the pain appears in the chest, and pain appears:

    • contracting,
    • pressing,
    • burning in the back
    • gives to the stomach;
    • felt under the collarbone or under the shoulder blade

    It is urgent to go to the hospital.

    1. Pathology of the lungs. Pain symptoms in the chest with irradiation to the back are often provoked by diseases of the respiratory system.
      The most common are:
    • tracheitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • cancer of the lung tissue or other organs of the respiratory system;
    • pleurisy;
    • tuberculosis.

    Each of these diseases includes many other symptoms. A person may feel pain, severe or mild.

    But with ailments such as cancer, pneumothorax or hydrothorax, the pain will be so severe that everyone will have difficulty breathing. Pain spreads throughout the chest, which at the same time increases.

    1. Pathology of the spine. The causes of severe pain in the chest can be osteochondrosis. They don't look like anything at all. Squeezing, burning, cutting or stabbing sensations occur. Most often, the syndrome progresses in the evening or wakes up in the middle of the night. A person does not have enough air, which makes him panic.
    2. Pathology of the nervous system. As a rule, chest neuralgia cannot be considered an independent disease.
      Most likely, this is a pain symptom that occurs when the intercostal nerves are pinched. Since some muscles are attached to the ribs from all sides, they help a person inhale and exhale.
      Naturally, between the tissues there are nerve endings that are connected with the brain and spinal cord. As soon as squeezing occurs, pain immediately appears. The impulses are immediately sent to the brain.
    3. Pathologies of the digestive system. Since the esophagus or most of it is under the ribs, they can also provoke pain.
      Pain in strength is incomparable with those provoked, for example, by necrosis or osteochondrosis. But they are also characterized as aching or sharp.
      In order to recognize diseases associated with the digestive system, you need to know additional symptoms:
    • bitterness, belching or heartburn may appear in the mouth;
    • weakness in the whole body, but the temperature does not rise;
    • vomiting is possible;
    • dizziness;
    • profuse sweating (occurs during inflammatory processes in the digestive tract).
    • prolapse or dissection of the aorta;
    • acute myocarditis or pericarditis;
    • preinfarction state.
    1. Pain on the right provoked by diseases of the intestines, liver and heart. Heart attack and angina, namely pain, can spread to the entire part of the chest.

    Diseases such as myositis or tendinitis capable of causing pain throughout the chest. Such inflammatory processes compress the nerve endings, and the pain spreads through the body with just one touch.

    Scoliosis and intervertebral hernia also do not give peace to a person. Every time the movement starts, the nerves are compressed, and this indicates the appearance of pain.

    Even during pregnancy, a woman may experience chest pain. They occur if the expectant mother has concomitant diseases, such as kyphosis, scoliosis, or obesity.

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    It is very difficult to diagnose a disease that caused chest pain after talking with the patient. Even an examination will not give results immediately. After all, the pain syndrome can be caused by both diseases of the heart, and the stomach or liver.

    For a detailed study and prescription of treatment, it is required to undergo a series of studies, which will be appointed after clarification of some details.

    To determine the diagnosis, you must:

    • conduct an initial examination of the patient;
    • an ECG or X-ray is prescribed;
    • general urine and blood tests;
    • Ultrasound and examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • echocardiography;
    • gastroduodenoscopy.

    Treatment of chest pain

    The course of treatment can be prescribed only by a specialist and only after passing all the prescribed measures for the study of internal organs. It is also impossible to take painkillers, since the cause of pain is unknown.

    In all cases, except for oncological diseases complex therapy is prescribed. After the removal of acute pain, exercise therapy, massages or acupuncture are added to therapeutic measures. After completing a course of medical therapy, it is necessary to regularly carry out prophylaxis.

    Pain in the center of the chest is associated with a number of different causes. Sometimes it is easy to diagnose as a pain syndrome caused by muscle tension, but more often, a diagnostic examination is required to make a diagnosis. In any case, if it is repeated regularly, and you have previously had problems with the heart and lungs, you should consult your doctor.

    Possible causes of pain in the center of the chest

    Common causes of pain in the center of the chest include:

    1. Angina

    This type of pain occurs when the heart muscle does not get enough blood (oxygen). The blood supply may be reduced or interrupted if the arteries supplying the heart have narrowed due to a buildup of plaque (fat deposits). Their formation occurs gradually and can begin in one or more places. The blood supply to the heart in this situation is sufficient while you are resting, but increased physical activity causes angina.

    Symptoms: The sensations of angina pectoris are described as painful, accompanied by tightness or discomfort in the front of the chest. They can be reflected, that is, give, neck, upper limbs or abdomen.

    2. Heart attack

    An attack occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart muscle is suddenly interrupted and the affected area is at risk of permanent damage. The blockage is usually caused by a blood clot that forms when plaque is present in an artery. Prompt medical attention and medication to loosen the clot can prevent permanent muscle damage.

    Symptoms similar to the symptoms of angina pectoris, but they are more severe and prolonged. Pain in the center of the chest in front, a feeling of strong pressure in the chest, discomfort in the jaw, arms or neck, a feeling of weakness, sweating and shortness of breath are common manifestations of the pathology.

    3. Osteochondrosis

    Inflammation of the joints between the ribs and cartilage or between the sternum and collarbone often causes discomfort.

    The chest is a part of the body, consisting of the chest cavity, the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems located in it, muscle fibers and bone tissue (ribs, sternum and spine). In women, the chest has a flatter shape, so its volume is slightly smaller compared to men of the same age. The chest cavity contains the bronchopulmonary system, thoracic vertebrae, heart, arteries through which blood enters the heart muscle, esophagus and the upper part of the diaphragmatic tube.

    If a person has pain in the sternum, the cause may be in the pathology of any of the listed organs, so it is impossible to associate such a symptom only with heart disease. A doctor should treat chest pains: self-medication and untimely seeking medical help can cause a deterioration in well-being and progression of the underlying disease.

    Injury to bone or muscle tissue is a fairly common cause of pain in the sternum. The nature of the pain depends on the conditions in which the damage was received, and the impact of additional factors. For example, when falling, the pain is most often dull, aching, has a moderate or high intensity and increases during bending forward or turning the torso to the side. Injuries received in a fight can lead to rupture of internal organs - such a pathology will be accompanied by acute or cutting pain, which weakens if the patient takes a certain position of the body (most often on his side), but does not go away completely.

    The most dangerous injuries of the chest are those resulting from traffic accidents and other emergencies. Often, patients develop pain shock, blood pressure decreases, lips and skin turn blue. With fractures, pain may be absent for 6-10 hours. Some patients at this time continue to do their usual activities and maintain their normal level of activity, but after a few hours the effect of natural anesthesia ends, and a severe pain syndrome appears, often requiring emergency hospitalization of the patient using special means.

    Common symptoms indicating chest trauma of various origins are:

    • severe pain (dull, sharp, dagger-like, cutting) in the central part of the chest and at the site of injury;
    • decrease or fluctuations in blood pressure;
    • headache and dizziness;
    • vomit;
    • increased pain during movement, breathing and palpation of the injured area.

    If the respiratory organs are damaged, the patient may develop acute respiratory failure, which is fraught with loss of consciousness and even death if the person is not taken to the trauma department on time. Treatment of injuries and pathologies depends on the type of injury, the condition of the patient, the symptoms present, and other factors. If the patient has damaged thoracic vertebrae, surgery may be required.

    Note! If a person was in a state of intoxication at the time of the injury, the pain syndrome may appear only after a few hours, since wine alcohol blocks pain receptors and acts as a synthetic analgesic.

    The relationship of pain in the sternum with pathologies of the digestive system

    Some people think that in diseases of the stomach and intestines, pain occurs only in various parts of the abdomen, but this is not so. Pathologies of the digestive system are another common cause of pain in the center of the sternum, so people with chronic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract need to know the features of the clinical course of this group of diseases.

    Diseases of the esophagus

    In the central part of the chest is the esophagus - a muscular hollow organ in the form of a tube through which crushed food enters the stomach. The esophagus is located in the middle of the chest cavity, therefore, if this organ is disturbed, the pain syndrome will appear along the midline of the sternum. The most common pathology of the esophagus is its inflammation - esophagitis. The disease manifests itself with symptoms typical of diseases of the digestive tract, and it is the pain in the middle of the chest that makes it possible to differentiate it from other digestive disorders even before the hardware and laboratory diagnostics.

    Common signs of esophagitis include:

    • stabbing sensation in the throat when swallowing;
    • "lump" in the larynx;
    • pain while eating when food passes through the esophagus, which occurs in the middle of the chest cavity;
    • bad breath;
    • pain in the epigastrium and abdominal area, aggravated after eating;
    • fetid eructation;
    • heartburn.

    In rare cases, similar symptoms with the localization of the main pain syndrome in the sternum can be observed with exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis or gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient undergoes a number of diagnostic studies: blood and urine tests, FGDS, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. According to their results, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give recommendations on nutrition and regimen.

    Treatment regimen for esophagitis in adult patients (may be adjusted depending on individual indicators)

    Drug groupWhat drugs to take?Image
    Histamine receptor inhibitors


    Means for the symptomatic treatment of heartburn, neutralizing excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach


    Proton pump blockers"Pantoprazole"


    Remedies to eliminate vomiting and nausea and facilitate the passage of food through the esophagus


    With an infectious lesion of the esophagus, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic or antiviral therapy.

    Subdiaphragmatic abscess

    This is a pathology in which a cavity filled with purulent exudate is formed under the lower border of the diaphragm - a muscular tube that separates the chest and abdominal cavities and is necessary for expanding the lungs. In most cases, the disease requires surgical treatment, since when an abscess breaks, pus enters the peritoneum, which will lead to the rapid development of a life-threatening condition - acute peritonitis. After opening the abscess and drainage, the patient is prescribed conservative supportive therapy with the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial agents. To eliminate pain and relieve inflammation, drugs from the NSAID group can be used ( "Ibufen", "Ibuklin", "Ketorol", "Ketanov"). Used to prevent tissue infection "Metronidazole" and "Tsiprolet".

    Disorders in the work of the heart

    This is the main cause of pain in the sternum, so it is important to know the signs and characteristics of diseases that can provoke such symptoms.

    DiseaseImageWhat is it and how is it manifested?
    Angina pectoris (by type of tension) The patient experiences squeezing and arching pain in the center of the sternum, the attack of which can last from 2 to 15 minutes. Painful sensations can remain even at rest, and pain can radiate to the region of the shoulder blades, collarbone and left forearm
    Myocardial infarction (necrosis) A deadly pathology. Pain may occur in the left side of the chest, moving to the central zone. Breathing disorders, shortness of breath, a feeling of anxiety and fear, a drop in blood pressure are added to the pain syndrome.
    Blockage of the pulmonary artery (thromboembolism) The pain increases with inspiration, while it is well stopped by analgesics. Symptoms resemble an attack of "angina pectoris", a hallmark is the absence of irradiation to other parts of the body

    Important! For any symptoms that may indicate heart disease, you should immediately call an ambulance. The patient should be seated on a chair or laid in bed with a raised head, provide air flow, give a pill " Nitroglycerin" under the tongue (similar to " Nitrospray”, to alleviate the condition, make one injection into the sublingual zone). If there is no effect, the reception can be repeated after 5-7 minutes.

    Neurological diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system

    Diseases of the spine can be congenital, but about 80% are acquired in childhood or adolescence, so the task of parents is to ensure the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the correct formation of the spinal column through physical exercises, gymnastics and massage. The most common diseases of the spine include scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and osteochondrosis. A pain attack in the central part of the chest cavity can occur with thoracic or cervical osteochondrosis. The pain is pressing, intense, aggravated in the supine position.

    Treatment of osteochondrosis includes therapeutic exercises, a properly composed diet and normalization of the psycho-emotional state, since most attacks are provoked by nervous breakdowns or overexertion. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to relieve pain Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Kapsikam), but only after consulting a doctor, since many of them have a large list of contraindications and can cause blood diseases.

    Important! Similar symptoms are also characteristic of intercostal neuralgia - squeezing or pinching of the intercostal nerves. The pain in this case can be sharp, shooting, pulsating, stabbing in nature and very intense. The pain syndrome occurs against the background of a violation of the respiratory function, may have a constant course or appear in short attacks. In chronic neuralgia, pain can take on a burning or dull character.

    Chest pain is a dangerous symptom, common mainly in people over 30 years of age with chronic diseases. If such pain occurs in a child, it is urgent to go to the hospital to exclude the possibility of hidden injuries and damage to internal organs. In rare cases, pain in the central part of the sternum may indicate a tuberculosis infection; in no case should such symptoms be ignored.

    Video - Why does the chest hurt?

    Video - How to find out what hurts behind the sternum?

    A symptom such as pain in the sternum, as a rule, takes a person by surprise, and the first thing that comes to mind is the thought of heart problems and a well-founded fear. Sometimes this is a really alarming sign that requires an ambulance call. Non-urgent cases require self-guided visits to the doctor. In addition, there are a number of diseases that are not related to the heart muscle, but provoke pain in the chest. Knowing these nuances means being able to take care of your health in time.

    The main causes of pain in the center of the sternum

    Compressive (pressing, burning) is a common symptom of coronary heart disease (angina pectoris). Sometimes it spreads to the left half of the chest, left arm (scapula, hypochondrium, back). It usually occurs during physical exertion, stress, less often at rest. The attack lasts up to 10-15 minutes, is removed with nitroglycerin.

    Acute, sharp, intense pain in the center of the chest or on the left, accompanied by cold sweat, suffocation, nausea, severe fear of death, is a clinical sign of myocardial infarction. Occurs spontaneously, without reference to stress, even at night in a dream, lasts more than 15 minutes, is not removed by means of angina pectoris. A heart attack requires urgent hospitalization.

    Pain in the sternum is localized in the middle with diseases of the lungs (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis), gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the esophagus), thoracic spine (osteochondrosis), peripheral nervous system (vegetovascular dystonia, intercostal neuralgia), with diaphragmatic abscess or oncological diseases of the organs of the chest region.

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease causes a constant burning sensation in the middle of the chest and in the throat (heartburn). If the pain increases when the person lies down, this indicates a possible diaphragmatic hernia. Pain symptoms in the upper chest are probable diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    What disease can cause pain in the sternum?

    With the above diseases, soreness, usually localized in the middle of the chest, sometimes spreads to the left side of the body (less often the right or to the back). Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, therefore, except in cases of emergency hospitalization, it is unreasonable to postpone a visit to a specialist. It is important to monitor and inform the therapist about the accompanying symptoms: shortness of breath, sweating, swelling, high fever, cough, the nature of pain during exercise / rest, eating, different body positions.

    Aching pain behind the sternum on the right

    Pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), as a rule, is accompanied by constant moderate (sometimes intensifying) aching pain that worries in the region of the heart and above it, sometimes spreading to the right half of the chest, as well as the epigastric region and the left shoulder blade. If a person lies on his back, the pain intensifies.

    Other diseases with a characteristic pain symptom on both the right and left side of the sternum may be neurological problems. Inflammation, abscess, swelling of the right lung are accompanied by varied constant pain (aching, pressing, dull, burning), sometimes radiating to the healthy side, abdomen, neck, shoulder, and aggravated by coughing.

    Pressing pain on the left

    In addition to such typical myocardial diseases as heart attack and angina pectoris, problems with other organs can masquerade as heart disease. So, problems with the pancreas, located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, can cause a pressing dull pain in the sternum on the left. Another possible cause is a hiatal hernia. Aching, pressing pain on the left side is a symptom of vegetovascular dystonia, inflammation of the left lung or pleura.

    What does pain during inhalation and exhalation mean?

    Pain in the sternum during exhalation or inhalation is not directly related to the myocardium, but is a sign of the following diseases:

    • intercostal neuralgia (pain is localized more often on the left, unpleasant sensations intensify when trying to take a deep breath or when coughing);
    • pneumothorax (when air accumulates between the chest wall and the lung, characterized by pain on the left, which increases when a person breathes deeply);
    • precordial syndrome (severe pain suddenly occurs during inspiration, repeats several times a day, is not associated with stress, does not require specific treatment).

    Chest pain when coughing

    If a pain symptom in the chest occurs or intensifies when coughing, this may be a sign of:

    • diseases of the pleura (the membranes of the internal surfaces of the chest cavity);
    • mobility disorders of the thoracic spine and ribs;
    • intercostal neuralgia;
    • colds of the respiratory tract (tracheitis, bronchitis);
    • renal colic;
    • pneumothorax;
    • lung oncology;
    • chest trauma.

    With osteochondrosis

    An exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is sometimes mistaken for a pathology of the cardiovascular system, because. the accompanying pain in the sternum is localized, as a rule, in the region of the heart, sometimes with irradiation to the right half, to the back or side. The pain symptom occurs suddenly, paroxysmal or is characterized by a non-intense long-term course. Strengthening of unpleasant sensations occurs when inhaling, exhaling (during an attack it is difficult to breathe), coughing, moving the arms and neck.

    The similarity of symptoms with a heart attack and angina leads to the fact that patients unsuccessfully try to alleviate their condition with drugs for these diseases. With improper treatment or its absence, internal organs (pancreas, liver, intestines) are affected, the occurrence of malfunctions of the cardiovascular system is not excluded, so a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

    When driving

    In many diseases (angina pectoris, heart attack, myocarditis, pleurisy, osteochondrosis, chest bone injuries, rib fracture), pain in the sternum increases with movement. Sometimes discomfort is disturbing only with certain movements, for example, when bending, making sharp turns, lifting weights, pressing on the sternum. Do not neglect the examination if the pain has passed, or rely on alternative methods of treatment, because. these symptoms may be the first sign of a serious problem.

    Chest pain requiring urgent treatment

    If severe pain occurs suddenly and is accompanied by shortness of breath, shortness of breath, clouding of consciousness, nausea, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Emergency hospitalization is indicated for such diseases that have a high percentage of death without timely assistance, such as:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • pulmonary embolism;
    • spontaneous rupture of the esophagus;
    • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
    • ischemic disease (angina pectoris);
    • spontaneous pneumothorax.


    This inflammation of the heart muscle is characterized by a variety of (stabbing, aching, pressing) chest pains on the left and in the middle, shortness of breath, weakness, arrhythmia. People with such clinical symptoms should immediately consult a doctor, because some types of myocarditis can provoke a more serious disease - dilated cardiomyopathy and even lead to death.

    rheumatic heart disease

    If rheumatic myocardial damage (rheumatic heart disease) is not treated, then 20-25% of cases end in the formation of heart disease. Symptoms depend on the type of disease, severity and are not always pronounced. The following signs may indicate the possible development of rheumatic heart disease (especially if they appeared 2-3 weeks after an acute nasopharyngeal infection): chest pain (severe or non-intense) in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, tachycardia, swelling of the legs, cough during exercise.

    Video: Causes of pain in the middle

    If you suspect a myocardial infarction or another dangerous cardiovascular disease in yourself or a loved one, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. What else is important to remember about chest pain, how to prevent such problems and how to help if the disease has already begun, you will learn by watching the presented video with the recommendations of specialists.



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