Bartholinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease. Bartholinitis - home treatment

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin's gland in the vestibule of the vagina. In a healthy woman, this gland cannot be felt - it is located under a large layer of fatty tissue. A number of microorganisms can provoke the development of the disease, as well as a cold, hypothermia, a state of constant stress. Treatment of bartholinitis at home should be started at the initial stage of the development of the disease, in the future it will be quite problematic to do this, even with the parallel intake of medications.

Salt treatment

Table salt is a product that is in every home, it is useful in the treatment of inflammation of the Bartholin gland at home, which is just beginning, until purulent discharge has appeared.

To prepare the solution, you need to take:

  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 20 g salt.

Mix everything well and soak a cotton pad in salt water. Wear a pad around the clock, periodically changing it.

Note! Padding is best made from a soft fabric that has already been washed several times.

The use of medicinal ointments

Vishnevsky's ointment is often used for bartholinitis to speed up the maturation of the abscess. The ointment is based on birch tar, which will stimulate blood circulation, that is, the inflammatory process will only intensify. This remedy can be prescribed even by a doctor after examination. The ointment should be applied to a cotton pad and carefully fixed with adhesive tape in the right place. The procedure is best done at night.

Remember. Vishnevsky's ointment from bartholinitis will accelerate the process of maturation of the abscess, but it is not recommended to open it yourself at home, this should be done by a doctor.

Many people try to treat the Bartholin gland at home with the help of ichthyol ointment. It was created on the basis of ichthyol extracted from tree bark. Such a remedy also enhances blood circulation and draws out pus, but its effect is softer than that of Vishnevsky's ointment.

Note! Self-treatment with ichthyol ointment of the disease is highly undesirable, this can provoke suppuration, which can be avoided if other means are used in the early stages.

How to treat an abscess

Treatment of an abscess of the Bartholin's gland at home takes a lot of time, but if you use folk recipes and doctor's recommendations correctly, the condition can be improved.

  1. Every evening you should make a solution of 1 tbsp. l. manganese potassium 2% and 2 liters of warm water. It must be added to the bath, the water temperature in which is not higher than 38 degrees. Taking such baths for 20-30 minutes will help relieve pain. The course of treatment depends on the individual course of the disease. On average, experts recommend taking such procedures for 5-7 days.
  2. You should also prepare chamomile infusion from 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers and 1 cup boiling water. It must be insisted for 20 minutes, strain and pour into a basin with 2 liters of warm water. Such a bath can only be taken in a sitting position and no longer than 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out for a week before going to bed.
  3. Treatment of an abscess of the Bartholin's gland at home can be carried out using effective ointments. After the examination, the specialist may prescribe Levomekol. In the morning, apply a small amount of ointment to a cotton swab, fix everything with adhesive tape, and change the bandage in the evening, using Vishevsky's ointment or ichthyol ointment for a new one. Treatment with such drugs is prescribed only by a doctor.

"Levomekol" is used after opening an abscess to accelerate wound healing

Folk ways to treat cysts

Remember. Treatment of a Bartholin gland cyst at home can only take place at the initial stage of its occurrence. A neglected disease requires surgical intervention.

Specialists may recommend topical treatment of the cyst using ice. Ice cubes should be placed in a cotton cloth and applied to the site of inflammation for about 40 minutes. The effectiveness of such a procedure will be achieved if it is repeated 3 times with breaks of 20 minutes.

You can also take sitz salt baths by preparing a solution of 3 dessert spoons of table salt and 1 liter of water. You can sit in such baths for only 3 minutes, but during the day the procedure is repeated 6 times.

Note! Taking salt baths is allowed only in the first stages of the development of the disease.

Treatment of a Bartholin gland cyst at home involves the use of antiseptics for douching and washing. Most often, the doctor prescribes Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt. These drugs decontaminate the area affected by the infection and relieve inflammation.

Preparation of medicines for internal use

Treatment of bartholinitis with folk remedies is carried out not only with the help of ointments and baths, but also with the use of medicinal herbal decoctions and infusions. Such remedies help to cope with the inflammatory process and speed up the healing process. There are several effective recipes.

Recipe #1

  • 200 g crushed aloe leaves,
  • 1 glass of house red wine
  • 400 g honey.

The components should be mixed and boiled over low heat for no more than 5 minutes, then strain. The remedy should be taken 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Recipe number 2

  • Sporish - 100 g,
  • nettle - 100 g,
  • field horsetail - 40 g,
  • pikulnik - 50 g,
  • Icelandic moss - 2 tbsp. l.

All herbs are sold in a pharmacy, they should be mixed (1 tablespoon each), add 400 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 1-2 hours. The remedy must be filtered and taken in a third of a glass before meals. Treatment lasts 5-7 days. Therapy with such a remedy should be carried out immediately after the decoction prepared according to recipe No. 1 has ended.

Note! Phytotherapy can cause side effects, so be sure to consult your doctor before taking the funds.

In order to know exactly how to cure bartholinitis at home and not start the disease, you need to visit a doctor at the first sign of deterioration and complaints, in order to choose the most effective remedies with him. If you treat bartholinitis yourself at home, you can aggravate the course of the disease, and then the process of therapy and recovery of the body will take longer.

The vestibule of the vagina contains a large number of glands for secretion production. It is necessary for comfortable feelings in ordinary life, but is especially important during intimate relationships. Inflammation of the glands of the vestibule of the vagina (Bartolin) is called bartholinitis. At first glance, a simple disease has many "pitfalls", which leads to frequent relapses. What treatment for bartholinitis in women should be chosen? Is surgery always needed?

Contrary to popular belief, bartholinitis is not only for girls who suffer from sexually transmitted infections or neglect intimate hygiene. Inflammation of the gland can occur even in "clean" with a combination of adverse factors. The frequency of this pathology is about 5%. According to ICD-10, it is classified under the code N75.

Gland anatomy

The Bartholin gland is located in the thickness of the labia majora at the bottom. It consists directly of the glandular tissue itself and excretory ducts from 1 cm to 4-5 cm long. The mouth of the tubules opens in a groove located between the labia minora and the remnants of the hymen. Sometimes the Bartholin gland is surrounded by bundles of muscle fibers. It has a small size - no more than 1 cm in diameter. In a calm state, it is not possible to probe it, changes are noticeable only with inflammation or the formation of a cyst.

Bartholin's gland secretes a viscous, jelly-like secret, especially a lot during arousal of a woman. A small amount of it is released in a calm state, so that women do not feel tightness, dryness in the vagina and other unpleasant sensations. When pressing on the gland and duct, you can get a small amount of secretion. You do not need to do this yourself, as inflammation can be provoked.

On the surface of the small and large labia there are a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands. They are distributed relatively evenly over the entire surface. Sometimes their inflammation (boils) is confused with bartholinitis. A distinctive feature of the latter is that the process begins at the bottom of the labia majora, while the boil can be located anywhere.


Inflammation of the Bartholin gland occurs if the outflow of secretion is disturbed due to the active reproduction of microbes inside. Active infection leads to swelling of the tissues, which further exacerbates the discharge of mucus. There is a vicious circle.

Pathogenic microorganisms enter the Bartholin gland in several ways:

  • retrograde current- Escherichia coli, enterococci and other pathogens come from the rectum; chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas can also provoke bartholinitis, come from the vagina in the presence of these genital infections;
  • hematogenous - there is an assumption that pathogenic microbes can enter the gland with blood flow from other foci, including chronic infection.

It is possible to identify risk factors for inflammation of the Bartholin gland:

  • insufficient hygiene- especially non-compliance with regularity during critical days, blood is the most "pleasant" environment for the active growth and reproduction of bacteria;
  • microtraumas - can appear with constant irritation, itching, after sexual intercourse;
  • decreased immunity- bartholinitis can worsen after SARS, influenza, after hypothermia;
  • synthetic underwear- with regular wearing of tight and synthetic underwear, anaerobic conditions with high humidity are created, which provokes the reproduction of pathogens;
  • genital infections- Usually bartholinitis has a non-specific nature, but can be caused by Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia;
  • gynecological manipulations - most often exacerbations occur after abortion;
  • chronic infections - the presence of foci in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), teeth (caries), proctitis, hemorrhoids.

Bartholinitis can occur even in girls who are not sexually active. It is not always possible to detect the causes of bartholinitis, especially if it is an exacerbation of the chronic form. But when provoking factors are identified, their effect should be minimized, otherwise relapses cannot be avoided.

What happens

Depending on the prescription of the process and the presence of exacerbations, the following forms of bartholinitis are distinguished:

  • acute - with a bright clinical picture;
  • subacute - when the symptoms are lubricated, complaints are moderate;
  • chronic relapsing- in the presence of periodic exacerbations of bartholinitis.

Bartholinitis begins with a slight inflammation and can progress significantly in just a few hours. Depending on this, the stages are distinguished:

  • canaliculitis - while the infectious process is limited to the excretory ducts;
  • infiltration - the gland itself is affected, there is severe swelling, pain, but there is no clear limitation of the focus;
  • abscess - at the same time, “softening” inside dense tissues is palpated, this is a cavity with pus that is “looking for” a way out.

Separately, a cyst of the Bartholin gland is isolated, which can also transform into an abscess and have a similar clinic if the contents of its cavity become infected. The cyst is formed after an episode of acute bartholinitis or as a result of constant relapses. The ducts of the gland overlap, the contents accumulate, but do not suppurate if there are no pathogenic microorganisms. A painless "ball" is formed in the area of ​​​​the vestibule of the vagina.

Symptoms of bartholinitis in women

The main symptoms of bartholinitis in women include the following:

  • soreness in the vestibule of the vagina;
  • fever;
  • swelling, redness of the labia majora.

The severity of symptoms changes as the inflammation worsens.

  • Canaliculitis. The temperature is normal or subfebrile. The most disturbing is not very sharp pain in the region of the labia majora. Often there is itching, burning in the vestibule of the vagina due to inflammation and irritation of the tissues with a purulent secret that is secreted from the tubules.
  • Infiltration. It is called a "false abscess". The clinical picture is in many ways similar to the true abscess formation of tissues, the differences are literally in the details, they can only be determined by a specialist. The body temperature rises, sometimes up to 39-40 ° C, the woman notes severe chills, weakness, headaches. The region of the labia majora with an inflamed gland is sharply painful when touched, it is painful to move around. Severe swelling of the tissues, often the entrance to the vagina is blocked completely and vaginal examination is impossible. The labia majora is bright red in color, with a sheen due to the stretching of the tissues, when touched it is hot. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area.
  • Abscess formation. All symptoms of inflammation characteristic of infiltration are clearly expressed. On palpation of the labia majora, dense tissues are determined in the area of ​​inflammation, and softening is found in one of the areas - this is an already formed cavity with pus. A woman may notice a "pulsation" in this place. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

Signs of inflammation of the Bartholin gland in a chronic course are less pronounced. Usually, a relapse is accompanied by the appearance of unexpressed pain, redness and slight swelling. After conservative measures, the symptoms decrease or disappear altogether. But after a while they reappear, for example, after SARS, hypothermia.

If during pregnancy

Bartholinitis occurs during gestation. This may be the first episode of the disease or a relapse of the chronic form. The tactics of conducting a woman largely depends on the clinical picture. If possible, conservative therapy should be followed.

Bartholinitis is dangerous during pregnancy as follows:

  • intrauterine infection of the baby- this provokes a threat, interruption, leakage of amniotic fluid, premature birth;
  • infectious complications after childbirth- if a woman gives birth through the natural birth canal, the likelihood of purulent conjunctivitis, suppuration of the umbilical wound in the baby increases; for the mother, the risks of poor healing of sutures increase.

Timely treatment with antibacterial drugs and, if necessary, surgical treatment can reduce the complications of bartholinitis during pregnancy to a minimum.


Under bartholinitis, other problems of the external genitalia in the intimate area can be disguised (see table). Usually, the diagnosis is established on the basis of an examination, as well as during surgical treatment, since the condition is mostly acute and requires immediate treatment, even if the initial stage.

Table - How not to confuse bartholinitis and other diseases

Bartholin gland cyst and its abscess- The woman notes that the "ball" has existed for a long time, does not bother;
- with inflammation, a round, painful formation is determined, mobile
Gartner's tract cyst- Formed from the rudiments of embryonic tissue;
- it is located more often in the vaginal area, and not in the vestibule;
- if there is no inflammation - it does not hurt, does not bother
Furuncle, carbuncle- Inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland;
- the furuncle is not accompanied by a high temperature, the carbuncle may be with fever;
- pain tolerable;
- can be located in any part of the labia - above, below
Bartholin gland cancer- Develops in women after 40 years;
- usually occurs with minimal symptoms or unnoticed;
- the tumor is dense, heterogeneous, painless, inactive
Tuberculosis of the pelvic bones when the contents break out- It is extremely rare;
- an X-ray examination shows the destruction of bones

How to treat

Until the formation of an abscess, treatment is only conservative, aimed at reducing inflammation. With the progression of the infectious process and the appearance of a clear symptom of "fluctuation" (softening), one of the options for a surgical operation is performed.

If you ignore the problem and engage in self-medication, including folk remedies, the risk of chronization of the process, the formation of many cavities and cysts in the gland increases, and with purulent inflammation - fistulas. These are special channels that connect two cavities, such as a cyst and a vagina.

Conservative therapy

Treatment without surgery consists in the use of various compresses, baths to reduce inflammation. The following procedures will help relieve inflammation of the Bartholin gland and the associated symptoms:

  • baths with , ;
  • lotions and baths with hypertonic salt solution;
  • applying a cold compress;
  • application of Vishnevsky's ointment, "Levomekol".

In addition, physiotherapy can be used. For example, magnetotherapy on the labia area, UHF. Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is used in the "cold" period for chronic bartholinitis to prevent relapses or a few days after opening the abscess to accelerate healing.

The main treatment includes the following drugs.

  • Antibiotics. They are selected taking into account the sowing of the vaginal contents or already according to the results of the sowing of pus from the abscess. If this is not possible, drugs are prescribed empirically. The most commonly used are "Metronidazole", cephalosporins ("Cefazolin", "Cefotaxime"), macrolides ("Azithromycin"), penicillins ("Amoxiclav"), fluoroquinolones ("Ciprofloxacin"). The duration and dose are determined by the doctor individually.
  • Painkillers. To reduce pain and fever, aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, No-shpa are used.

With concomitant inflammation in the vagina, suppositories can be prescribed, including from candidal colpitis, which can develop against the background of antibacterial treatment.

Bartholinitis should be treated conservatively at home only on the recommendation of a doctor, followed by follow-up appointments and examinations. Oral contraceptives may be prescribed to prevent relapse. The meaning of such treatment lies in the fact that against the background of tablets, the intensity of secretion formation and the activity of the gland itself are reduced. As a result - a long remission.

Operation options

For the treatment of an abscess of the Bartholin gland or recurrent bartholinitis, the following methods are available:

  • opening and drainage;
  • removal of the gland completely;
  • surgery with a Word catheter.

Opening of suppuration

This is a standard and fairly common method of surgical treatment, but it has many disadvantages. The main one is a relapse soon in 99% of cases. During the operation, the following is carried out:

  • the skin over the abscess is dissected;
  • purulent contents are removed;
  • the cavity is washed with antiseptics;
  • rubber conductors are installed to drain the contents.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia or under intravenous anesthesia. A laser may be used. Its duration is no more than 10-15 minutes. It can be performed on an outpatient basis, while it is necessary to carry out dressings twice a day for two weeks. The entire rehabilitation period is about a month, during which you should refrain from sexual activity.

Surgical removal

This method of treatment is used in the "cold" period of chronic bartholinitis, when there is no acute inflammation. At the same time, the gland is removed from the side where relapses of the disease occur, the second remains intact.

A clear advantage of the operation is that repeated episodes of the disease are not possible. The disadvantages of the method are as follows.

  • Complicated operation. The Bartholin gland has a good blood supply and is shrouded in venous plexuses, as a result of which there is a high risk of bleeding. The duration of removal of the gland is about one to two hours under general (endotracheal anesthesia) or local (spinal anesthesia) anesthesia. In the postoperative period, large hematomas may form, which must be additionally drained.
  • Ugly seams. Ligatures are applied outside and inside, sometimes they can change the appearance of the genitals.
  • Lost iron. Due to the fact that the Bartholin gland is completely removed, subsequently a woman may be disturbed by dryness during sexual intercourse. However, many who have had the operation claim that the remaining gland copes with the function and such problems do not arise.
  • Hospitalization required. For implementation, inpatient treatment lasting two to three days is required.

Sometimes, after a complete removal of the gland, women notice pain in the area of ​​​​operation during sexual intercourse, physical exertion.

Ward's catheter

This is the most promising and less traumatic method of treating not only acute bartholinitis, but also gland cysts. The essence of the operation is as follows:

  • an abscess is opened- Bartholin's gland on the labia;
  • pus is removed - and the cavity is washed with antiseptics;
  • a vord catheter is placed- a ball swells at the end of it, which helps to fix it;
  • the catheter is removed- in a month and a half.

Relapses after such interventions occur in no more than 10% of cases (compared to 99% with a conventional autopsy). The mechanism of action is that during the time the catheter is in the cavity of the former abscess, a new channel is formed for the outflow of secretions. The gland is intact, its function is not impaired. The operation is performed under intravenous anesthesia, lasts no more than 20 minutes, can be performed in a day hospital with a stay of no more than two hours.

A similar effect develops when using Jacobi rings or piercings. It is important to choose the right diameter for the product so that the newly formed duct is not too small.

5 frequently asked questions

Given that bartholinitis is a common disease, the process of diagnosis and treatment is always accompanied by many questions. The following five are most relevant.

  1. When can you resume sexual intercourse?. Intimate relationships should be continued no earlier than one month after any surgical treatment. In case of recurrence of the chronic form and successful conservative treatment, sexual intercourse is allowed after the disappearance of all symptoms.
  2. What is the difference between treatment during pregnancy. The spectrum of drugs, it is selected taking into account the safety for the baby.
  3. What to do if bartholinitis is suspected. You must immediately consult a doctor. In extreme cases, start taking antibiotics, but if there is no improvement, urgently seek medical help.
  4. What to do if an abscess opens. An independent breakthrough of suppuration without proper treatment will lead to an early relapse. Therefore, you should consult a doctor, despite some improvement in the condition.
  5. Does the removal of the gland affect pregnancy. The probability of conception of iron does not affect. The consequences can only affect the quality of a woman's intimate relationships.

Is it possible to avoid illness

Prevention of inflammation of the Bartholin gland is as follows:

  • condom use;
  • wearing underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • regular hygiene using baby soap;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the vagina.

Self-treatment of bartholinitis, even in the event of an abscess rupture or a decrease in symptoms, will lead to an early relapse. You can look on the Internet in the photo, what it looks like and where the bertolet gland is located. Removal of the Bartholin's gland is an effective treatment, but has many disadvantages. The optimal treatment is the installation of a Word catheter or its analogues. This is a low-traumatic operation, which is performed on an outpatient basis, has the lowest risk of recurrence.

Pathology refers to infectious diseases and its development due to contact with the mucous membranes of the vagina and the active reproduction of such pathogenic microorganisms as streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, etc.

Popular Recipes

Bartholinitis has three stages of development, and it often happens that a woman begins to suspect that she has this disease even when an abscess or a purulent sac has formed. In this case, the Bartholin cyst requires surgical intervention, which involves excision of the formation.

However, most patients do not want to undergo this medical manipulation and try to cope with the disease on their own at home. Also, the cause of such self-treatment can be a disease taken by surprise. For example, inflammation manifested itself acutely over the weekend, and before the initial visit to the doctor, you need to somehow cope with the pain.

The fight against bartholinitis with folk remedies has its own strict rules that must be followed, namely:

  • wash your hands thoroughly before starting each manipulation;
  • all items required for procedures should be processed, for example, with Mirastin;
  • use only a sterile bandage;
  • in case of spontaneous opening of the cyst, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and rinse it with saline;
  • if possible, visit a doctor, since it is important to drink with bartholinitis.

Therapy of this disease with the help of traditional medicine has many recipes. Let's consider some of them in more detail.


Ordinary edible salt for medical purposes is used to prepare hypertonic and saline solutions. In the latter case, its concentration should be 0.9%. Such a solution is similar in properties to blood plasma, so it is used for internal administration through a vein. It is also great for diluting some drugs.

For the treatment of bartholinitis, saline should have a 10% concentration. It effectively eliminates puffiness by drawing excess fluid from the tissues.

Bartholinitis therapy with a hypertonic solution consists of daily lotions. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to dilute 20 grams of ordinary kitchen salt in 200 ml of boiled water (cooled). Compresses are made by applying a sterile bandage soaked in a solution to a sore spot. It is best to do this in the form of bandages and wear it throughout the day, periodically re-soaking it in saline.

Treatment of bartholinitis with salt will bring a positive effect only at an early stage of the disease. With an existing abscess or suppuration, sodium chloride will be absolutely useless.

Baths and lotions

How to treat bartholinitis at home without the use of saline? Mild forms of the inflammatory process in the Bartholin glands with the help of non-traditional therapy are treated in one week. To do this, you need to resort to the use of herbal lotions and baths.

The most effective for therapeutic baths are the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort.

In a decoction prepared from these ingredients, you can, if desired, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a little kitchen salt. Take a bath for about 20 minutes a day in warm water (no more than 38 degrees).

Also effective against unlaunched bartholinitis will be the use of decoctions of yarrow, nettle and blackberry leaves.

For the lotion procedure, a mixture of chamomile flowers, salt and plantain is used. To improve the effect, it is recommended to add walnut leaves and sweet clover. Boil the ingredients for no longer than 15 minutes. Start lotions only after the broth has cooled to room temperature.

For oral administration

In addition to external treatment, bartholinitis therapy at home also includes the use of decoctions inside. This helps to quickly cope with the inflammatory process and prevent further development of the disease.

Here are some popular recipes:

  1. Mix 200 grams of fresh aloe leaves with a glass of red house wine and 400 grams of honey. After that, boil the mixture for about five minutes, strain and consume at least three times a day for a tablespoon, 1 hour before meals.
  2. Take in an equal proportion of nettle and knotweed (about 100 g each), stir in them 40 g of horsetail, 50 g of pikulnik and up to two tablespoons of Icelandic moss (all this can be bought at a pharmacy). After, pour 400 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew. Strain and drink 1/3 cup after the previous decoction has been consumed.


Often women who are trying to get rid of bartholinitis on their own resort to the use of various ointments. But not all ointments for this disease are useful and safe.

To effectively combat the inflammatory process, it is best to use antibacterial ointments containing antibiotics. Only such drugs help to stop the further development of bartholinitis and avoid surgical excision.

All other ointments widely used by women for this disease are absolutely useless. Some even, on the contrary, can aggravate the condition and lead to a hospital bed.


Bartholinitis, aggravated by the formation of a purulent abscess, often treats women not only with lotions and decoctions, but also with ointments. Vishnevsky's ointment is especially popular, which is a huge mistake in the independent fight against the disease.

The fact is that the main component of Vishnevsky's ointment is birch tar. This substance in no way eliminates the inflammatory process and does not kill harmful microorganisms. On the contrary, it increases blood circulation, which stimulates the acceleration of the development of the disease. Such treatment always leads to the fact that surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Doctors prescribe this drug only with the advanced form of bartholinitis, when the process needs to be accelerated, causing the abscess to rupture to release the accumulated pus.

Ointment Levomekol in the treatment of bartholinitis is the most effective. It has a decongestant effect, and it contains an antibiotic.

This drug is widely used in surgery and is often prescribed to women with bartholinitis. Levomekol accelerates wound healing and perfectly kills the infection, but its use will be of little use if the abscess has not yet opened or the disease has not yet festered at all.


In its action, Ichthyol ointment is similar to Vishnevsky's ointment. It does not belong to antibacterial agents and does not fight inflammation.

Ichthyol, which is part of this drug, improves blood circulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area treated by it, which only aggravates the disease. Therefore, it is undesirable to use Ichthyol ointment for bartholinitis. At the initial stage of development, it will only provoke a deterioration in the condition and make the formation of suppuration inevitable.

Differences between traditional therapy and the treatment of bartholinitis at home

The traditional treatment for bartholinitis involves surgical incision of the abscess. This manipulation is necessary in order to remove purulent contents and thoroughly treat the inflamed cavity. Only after carrying out all these manipulations, the disease stops progressing, and the wound itself heals rather quickly.

However, often after surgery, inflammation develops again. In this case, we speak of a chronic form of the disease. Therefore, often gynecologists in the diagnosis of bartholinitis recommend that the patient undergo a complete removal of the Bartholin gland. Such manipulation allows you to permanently get rid of the disease, preventing the possibility of relapse.

But one should not immediately agree to a radical surgical intervention. Most European countries have long abandoned such an operation, as it is very traumatic, and the process itself is accompanied by large blood loss. Today, there are types of surgical manipulations that allow you to get rid of bartholinitis without removing the glands. Therefore, if your doctor suggests the first treatment option, it is better to refuse it and insist on a safer method.

At home, it allows you to avoid surgical intervention. But this is possible only in the case of properly selected therapy and compliance with all the rules. Otherwise, the disease can only worsen, and then the operation simply cannot be avoided.

Getting rid of pain

Most often, inflammation of the Bartholin glands is accompanied by severe pain. You can quickly calm the pain that arose in the early stages of the development of the disease with the help of ice, holding it in the appropriate place for about 30 minutes.

Ice can be applied as a bandage by placing frozen cubes in a bag and wrapping it with a handkerchief. This method is absolutely safe, so you can wear a bandage throughout the day (changing periodically).

If bartholinitis has opened up at home and the pain is simply unbearable, you should drink an anesthetic drug such as Doloren, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, etc. In addition to the analgesic effect, these drugs are anti-inflammatory, help with fever and have a long-lasting effect.

Prevention methods

You can prevent the development of bartholinitis in fairly simple and well-known ways, such as:

  • observe intimate hygiene by washing daily in the morning and evening;
  • strengthen immune forces, in this case, even if the infection penetrates the mucous membranes of the vagina, the body will cope with it on its own, preventing further development;
  • wear underwear made of high-quality fabric;
  • each sexual contact must be protected, for this you should use a condom.

Also, as a preventive measure for any female ailment, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist. And in case of suspicion of bartholinitis, it is best to immediately seek qualified help, without resorting to self-medication.

Text: Tatyana Maratova

Bartholinitis, the treatment of which can sometimes take much longer than a woman expected, occurs at the moment when the Bartholin gland is blocked in the vestibule of the vagina.

Causes of the disease

Which suggests bartholinitis treatment And what is bartholinitis in general? When the opening of the Bartholin's gland becomes blocked in the vagina, a fluid-filled cyst forms. Bartholinitis itself is not an infection, although an infection may well be the cause. Bartholinitis can also result from inflammation or physical blockage (eg, mucus) of the Bartholin gland leading to the vagina. If infection occurs, the result will be just bartholinitis. If the infection is severe or not the first time, bartholinitis may require a surgical procedure, medically called marsupialization, to treat bartholinitis. Sometimes only such an operation can stop the occurrence of relapses.

Without immediate treatment, iron bartholinitis can grow to the size of a pea, or even the size of a hen's egg. Bartholinitis is most likely to occur in women of childbearing age, and when the disease is found in a woman over 40 years old, the doctor may recommend a biopsy to be sure there are no cancer cells. However, it should be noted that Bartholin gland cancer is extremely rare.

A hot bath will help.

Bartholinitis is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is quite rare, so the mechanism of bartholinite formation is poorly understood. What is known for certain is that a bacterial infection or STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are not its causes.

Treatment of bartholinitis can be carried out not only by contacting a doctor, but also at home. Home treatment for bartholinitis includes sitz baths to help drain fluid from the cyst (sometimes called drainage in medicine). There are special sitz baths for this, but the easiest way is to sit in a bath filled with warm water a few centimeters. The water should not be very hot. Such baths should be taken for 10-15 minutes, several times a day. Sometimes such procedures are all that is needed in order to cure bartholinitis.

On the eve of the woman's vagina there is a steam gland, which is called Bartholin's. With its inflammation, a diagnosis of "bartholinitis" is made. Treatment is often performed surgically. Bartholinitis can go into a chronic stage. In this case, relapses develop cysts.

Indications for non-surgical treatment

Conservative treatment of bartholinitis is possible only at the stages of inflammation (canaliculitis) or a false abscess of the Bartholin gland.

The operation is resorted to in the last phase of the disease. It is called a true Bartholin gland abscess. Contraindications for the operation:

  • acute bartholinitis;
  • absence of suppuration, abscess or cyst in the Bartholin gland;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

How to relieve inflammation of the gland without surgery

The goal of treatment without surgery is to prevent the progression of bartholinitis and prevent it from progressing into a false or true abscess. Treatment is aimed at reducing pain, reducing swelling of the gland and general symptoms of intoxication of the body.

At an early stage, with minor inflammation, therapy is carried out at home. Acute inflammation of the Bartholin's gland does not require hospitalization. In case of temporary disability, treatment can take place in a day hospital. The indication for hospitalization and surgery is an abscess of the Bartholin's gland. Conservative treatment includes the following main methods:

  • local therapy with ointments, creams, suppositories;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies;
  • reception of general strengthening funds.

Treatment of the acute form of bartholinitis

To cure acute bartholinitis, a woman is prescribed local and systemic therapy. It includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs. With timely and proper treatment, the disease disappears in 1-4 days in case of diagnosis at the stage of canaliculitis, in 2-7 days - with a false abscess. The list of commonly used drugs includes:

Name of the drug


Mode of application

Course duration, days


Relieves inflammation, has a bacterial effect.

Apply the ointment to a gauze swab, attach to the Bartholin's gland. Make applications in the morning and evening.

Miramistin or Chlorhexidine

Shows antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

Irrigate the genital area 3-4 times a day.


Has an antibacterial effect.

500 mg 1 rub/day

Medical therapy for chronic inflammation

To cure chronic bartholinitis, doctors take steps to achieve remission. In the period of exacerbation, treatment has the same scheme as in acute bartholinitis. Therapy without surgery includes:

  • local application of antibacterial ointments;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • sitz baths with decoctions of herbs;
  • compresses with hypertonic saline;
  • taking fortifying drugs.

In the chronic form of inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, drug therapy gives a temporary effect. Bartholinitis will worsen in the future - every 3-6 months. Completely get rid of chronic bartholinitis is possible only with the help of surgery.

Treatment of bartholinitis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, standard measures help cure bartholinitis. The difference is that pregnant women are prescribed drugs with extreme caution. Of the antibiotics, the following drugs are allowed for women:

  • Ceftriaxone - 625 mg / day. inside.
  • Azithromycin - 0.5 g 1 rub / day.
  • Suprax - 400 mg orally 1 p. / Day.

Local therapy will help cure bartholinitis in pregnant women:

  • Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Antiseptic irrigate the area of ​​the Bartholin gland up to 3-4 rubles / day.
  • Ointment Ichthyol, Vishnevsky or Levomekol. A small amount of the agent is applied to a gauze swab, which is then applied to the focus of inflammation. Ointments can be changed. The procedure is carried out 2 rubles / day.

Local treatment of the disease

Preparations for external use help to cure bartholinitis only at an early stage. Already at the stage of a false abscess without antibiotics, such drugs will be ineffective. Local therapy, as in the case of acute bartholinitis, includes:

  • ointment Levomekol, Ichthyol or Vishnevsky;
  • antiseptic Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt or Chlorhexidine;
  • saline applications.



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