Respiratory tract diseases. Upper respiratory tract diseases

The main cause of most acute and chronic respiratory diseases are inflammatory processes of an infectious nature, most often caused by viruses and bacteria.

Viral and bacterial infections

Viral infection. Viruses are a special type of tiny (much smaller than microbes) non-cellular particles consisting only of nucleic acid (genetic material DNA or RNA) and a protein shell.

New viral particles are assembled from nucleic acids and proteins and released by destroying the host cell. Newly born viruses infect more and more new cells, causing disease progression, and are released into the environment, infecting new hosts.

Routes of transmission of viral infection

  • airborne
  • oral
  • hematogenous (through blood)
  • nutritional (with food)
  • contact
  • sexual

Bacterial infection. Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Unlike viruses, they are able to reproduce on their own (most often by fission) and have their own metabolism. Bacteria use the “host” only as a food product and a fertile environment for life and reproduction.

Many bacteria that are normally safe for humans and live on their skin, intestines, and mucous membranes can be pathogenic in cases of general weakening of the body or impaired immunity. At the same time, they damage (“digest”) cells and tissues with their enzymes and poison the body with waste products - toxins. All this leads to the development of the disease.

A bacterial infection is characterized by a so-called gate - the path through which it enters the body. As with viruses, there are many ways of transmitting infection. For example, bacteria can enter the body through mucous membranes, through insect bites (transmissible) or animals.

Having penetrated the human body, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which will be considered the beginning of a bacterial infection. Clinical manifestations of this disease develop depending on the location of the microorganism.

Comparison of viral and bacterial infections. A viral infection is characterized by general damage to the body, while a bacterial infection most often acts locally. The incubation period for a viral infection is from 1 to 5 days, for a bacterial infection it is from 2 to 12 days. A viral infection begins acutely with a rise in temperature to 39 °C or more. At this moment, there is general weakness and intoxication of the whole body. The bacterial infection begins gradually with more severe symptoms and a temperature of up to 38 ° C. Sometimes its appearance is preceded by a viral infection, in which case it is customary to talk about the “second wave” of the disease.

Knowing the differences between viral and bacterial infections is primarily necessary due to the fact that these infections are treated differently.

If antibiotics are used in the absence of appropriate indications, the formation of resistant bacteria is possible. Antibiotics also often cause side effects, including the development of disturbances in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora. In addition, there is reliable data on an increased risk of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis in children who received antibiotics during preschool age.

So remember: Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics: Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics because these drugs do not work on them.

ARVI and Flu

Despite the fact that influenza and its varieties belong to the category of acute respiratory viral infections, in medicine these diseases are usually distinguished from all viral infections.

ARVI- acute respiratory viral infection, which includes all respiratory tract diseases with viral etiology. The route of transmission of the infection is airborne droplets, and it spreads quite quickly and affects more than 80% of people who have been in contact with the sick person. The reason is the inability of the human body to develop immunity to a viral infection, since viruses mutate and change every year.

Almost every person experiences ARVI several times (from 4 to 15 times or more) a year, mainly in the form of mild and subclinical (latent) forms

Signs and symptoms of ARVI

  • Most often, the disease develops gradually and begins with general weakness and runny nose
  • increase in body temperature
  • headache
  • the next day after the onset of the disease, a dry cough may appear, which over time transforms into a wet (expectorant) cough

Treatment of ARVI

  • antipyretic medications (Coldrex, Theraflu, aspirin)
  • cough and phlegm preparations
  • anti-inflammatory, decongestant, vasoconstrictor drugs and saline solutions for the nose
  • multivitamins, ascorbic acid
  • drugs that support and enhance immunity (interferon, aflubin, immunal)
  • drinking plenty of fluids

Fever. This is an increase in body temperature, without which almost no ARVI can survive. As a rule, fever is a reason for the use of antipyretics, but in many cases it is unfounded, because fever is a protective reaction: many bacteria and viruses die at elevated temperatures. Against this background, the body gives a full-fledged immune response. It has been proven that when the temperature drops to subfebrile (about 37.5 °C) or normal levels, the production of protective factors in the body decreases.

Flu- is caused by the influenza virus and is considered one of the most insidious infectious diseases spreading across the planet in the form of epidemics and pandemics, which annually claim from 250 to 500 thousand human lives.

Currently, scientists have identified more than 2,000 varieties of the virus, the most famous of which are H1N1 - swine flu, A/H1N1 - Spanish flu, and the world-famous bird flu.

Local remedies for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. They can be divided into several groups: antiseptics (hexoral, stopangin, cameton, inhalipt); antibiotics (bioparox); local anesthetics (Tantum Verde) and combined agents with antiseptic and analgesic effects (TeraFlu Lar, Strepsils, Anti-Angin, NovaSept preparations from medicinal plants).

Combined drugs are more preferable for patients, as they immediately alleviate the condition, providing an analgesic effect, and also help avoid taking antibacterial drugs.

is a protective function of the body that allows you to clear the airways of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, infections, as well as eliminate mucus or phlegm. The body's reaction occurs to an allergic lesion or inflammation on the mucous membrane of the bronchi, throat, larynx or lungs. A person may also cough due to inhalation of gases, vapors, dust or dirt.

In the process of treating cough against the background of inflammation of the respiratory tract, it is important to establish the true cause of the disease. To do this, the patient should undergo a detailed diagnosis in the office of an ENT doctor. Self-administration of medications can cause inflammation or severe side symptoms.

The formation of a throat cough indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. But if coughing is not accompanied by acute symptoms, we may not be talking about pathologically dangerous processes, but about a natural reaction of the body. When dust or other foreign objects are inhaled, the immune system tries to clear the mucous membrane of the throat through coughing. This process does not require medication and should not frighten a person.

Urgent treatment is only necessary if the cough causes vomiting, headaches, disturbs sleep.

It is believed that a person coughs up dust and dirt that has penetrated the mucous membranes more than twenty times a day.

There is also Several reasons for the formation of an upper cough:

  1. Hypothermia. In the case of long walks and frostbite in the throat, spasms of blood vessels occur, which are responsible for the production of sputum. This process is accompanied by dryness and itching, which causes a prolonged cough.
  2. Viral or bacterial inflammation. With a cough that has formed against the background of pathogenic development in the throat, a non-productive cough appears, which over time turns into a wet form. In some cases, the disease in the upper compartment is accompanied by a debilitating cough for several weeks.
  3. Inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system may occur due to trauma. This reason is common among young children who, due to lack of experience, put foreign objects into their mouths. If the child begins to choke and cough, parents should first check the oral cavity for the presence of small parts.
  4. Traumatization Among adults, it occurs through inhalation of chemicals and hazardous emissions, as well as prolonged exposure to dusty and dirty places.
  5. Allergy. If a certain irritant gets into the throat cavity, an allergic reaction may occur in the mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, patients note the formation of a debilitating dry cough, which may be accompanied by itching, burning, dryness, and redness of the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment of cough of an allergic nature is described.
  6. Addiction to bad habits. The risk of asphyxia due to swelling of the respiratory systems and dysfunction increases several times if the patient smokes. The so-called “” appears due to severe irritation of the mucous membrane due to inhalation of vapors, acids and alkalis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of chest cough should be aimed at eliminating the root cause Therefore, it is important to ask your doctor how to treat upper respiratory tract cough in adults and children. After identifying the inflammation that provokes the formation of cough syndrome, the specialist will draw up an individual treatment regimen that will correspond to all the characteristics of the body and the mechanism of development of the disease.

The symptoms of inflammation can only be eliminated with complex treatment. To prescribe the correct dosage, consult and follow the advice of your pediatrician.

If it is not possible to diagnose the nature and mechanism of development of inflammation, the patient is prescribed a trial treatment, during which the patient takes inhaled drugs, nasal anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid medications, as well as drugs to eliminate the source of inflammation.

With the help of medicines that can be combined with traditional recipes, the attending physician will translate dry form into productive cough. For this purpose, adults are prescribed synthetic drugs, and for the treatment of children it is necessary to select herbal preparations.

Subsequently, the patient will be prescribed complex treatment to eliminate not only symptoms, but also the source of inflammation. Thus, the following medications are prescribed:

For children

If the treatment of cough in an adult proceeds with the help of powerful drugs, then a dry throat cough in a baby requires softer approach. First of all, parents should contact their pediatrician and carry out a series of diagnostic procedures.

Upper respiratory tract cough is treated according to the following scheme:

You can eliminate a cough in combination with traditional methods. You can find out how to prepare decoctions here. In addition, try rubbing your baby's chest. The correct method is described.


Remember that self-treatment can cause inflammation. In addition, you can provoke the development of not only ARVI, but also various benign or malignant neoplasms. If the cough is not treated, it can develop into bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis or laryngitis. In addition, lack of medical attention can cause pneumonia or an abscess.

To avoid dangerous consequences, you must undergo timely differential diagnosis and a full course of treatment.

Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are the most common diseases, especially during the cold season. They are most often diagnosed in people with weakened immune systems, children and elderly patients. The form of URTIs can be acute or chronic.

What indicates how an upper respiratory tract infection manifests itself, and how is it treated? This is exactly the topic that our conversation today will focus on. Let's briefly look at the main diseases, find out the methods of drug treatment and consider one effective folk recipe for each ailment.

Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Let's list some of the most common ones:

- Rhinitis (runny nose)– inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. May have an acute or chronic course.

Main symptoms: swelling of the mucous membrane, dryness, itching, difficulty breathing. At the initial stage, liquid, transparent discharge appears from the nasal cavity. Subsequently, the discharge becomes thick, mucopurulent, and then gradually disappears. Everything is accompanied by a general malaise.


They use vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs: Naphthyzin, Ephedrine hydrochloride, Galazolin (the instructions for use of each drug before use must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!). For children - Nazivin. Treatment with antibiotics is possible, but only if rhinitis is bacterial in nature and if there are complications.

Folk recipe:

Mix 1 tsp freshly squeezed carrot juice and the same volume of unrefined olive oil. Add 3 drops. fresh garlic juice. Place 2-3 drops on each nostril. Use only freshly prepared mixture.

- Sinusitis, rhinosinusitis- infectious-inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses, with an acute or chronic course. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal or allergic in nature. It can develop in isolation, but more often it is a complication of other pathologies: measles, rhinitis, influenza or scarlet fever.

Main symptoms: general malaise, weakness and headaches, the person’s body temperature rises, and copious mucous discharge appears from the nose.


Sinusitis that is bacterial in nature is treated with antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to a particular drug. If it is viral in nature, antiviral drugs are prescribed - Neovir, Isoprinosine. Additionally, decongestant drops and sprays are used: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

If sinusitis is a complication of another disease, measures are taken to treat the pathology that caused it.

Folk recipe:

Prepare freshly squeezed black radish juice. Place 2 drops per nostril into the nasal passages. If it burns too much, you can dilute it with water.

- Sore throat (acute tonsillitis)– can be catarrhal, follicular, phlegmous and lacunae. Moreover, one variety rarely develops in its pure form. Most often, the patient has signs of at least two types.

Characteristic common symptoms are: pain, redness of the throat, tonsils enlarge, catarrhal symptoms are present. There is general malaise, weakness, fever, chills, and enlarged lymph nodes.


Depending on the variety, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs, local antiseptics, and symptomatic drugs are prescribed. Use disinfectant solutions to gargle. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics of a certain group are prescribed.

Folk remedy:

Mix equal amounts of elderberry, clover and linden blossoms. Add the same amount of crushed rowan berries, viburnum, peppermint leaves and black currant leaves. Mix well. Infuse 4 tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos for 2 hours, pouring a liter of boiling water over it. It is recommended to take half a glass several times a day.

- Pharyngitis– inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the upper pharynx, tonsils and uvula. Most often it is viral in nature. It can be an independent illness, or manifests itself as a complication of other infections, in particular, ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. It can occur as a result of alcohol abuse and smoking.
Characterized by acute or chronic course.

Main symptoms: dryness, redness in the throat, pain when swallowing. The pharynx may become covered with purulent plaque, and follicle grains may appear. Accompanied by weakness, malaise, and possibly a slight increase in temperature.


In the presence of a viral infection, the following drugs are prescribed: Faringosept, Falimint and Laripront. To reduce painful symptoms in the throat, Anaferon, Tamiflu, etc. are used. Antibiotics are prescribed if the process is bacterial in nature.

Folk remedy:

Several times a day, carry out inhalations using a soda solution: 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. Breathe hot steam while covering your head with a towel.

- Bronchitis– inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. It usually develops against the background of other respiratory tract infections.

Main symptoms: cough (dry or wet), weakness, malaise, other symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed.


A bacterial infection that occurs in an acute form is eliminated with the help of antibiotics of a certain group. If necessary, drugs of the sulfonamide group are prescribed: Etazol, Sulfadimethoxine. If there is a fever, antipyretic drugs are used: Aspirin, Paracetamol, etc. Steam inhalations are used to treat cough. For better sputum discharge, the following are prescribed: ACC, Libexin, Mucaltin, etc.

Folk remedy:

Grind 0.5 cups of beeswax to a powder. Place in a saucepan. Add 0.5 cups of sunflower oil, bee honey and resin (pine resin). Melt the mixture in a water bath until very hot, but do not boil. Cool, pour into a jar. Treat with beeswax, resin and honey by taking 1 tsp of the composition in the morning, with warm milk or weak tea. Strong black tea will weaken the effect of the medicine, and therefore it is undesirable, just like coffee. Keep the jar in the cold.

- Tracheitis– inflammatory process of the tracheal mucosa. It can manifest itself in acute or chronic form.

Main symptoms: severe dry cough, worse at night and in the morning, after sleep. Also, coughing attacks occur when talking loudly, laughing, crying or taking a deep breath. Very often, a cough begins when the air temperature changes.

After an attack, a stinging pain is felt that occurs behind the sternum and throat. If there is sputum, it may be scanty and viscous. Or profuse, with mucopurulent discharge.


If there are signs of intoxication, sulfonamide drugs are prescribed. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are used. To treat cough, medications are prescribed: Codeine, Libexin, etc. Mustard plasters are placed to warm the chest (instructions and application are on the website in the “Drugs” section).

Folk remedy:

Place 60 g of crushed propolis in a small saucepan and add 40 g of wax. Melt in a water bath. Use the hot mixture for inhalations for 10 minutes in the morning and before bed.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that any infection of the upper respiratory tract is quite difficult for most patients.

These diseases cause maximum unpleasant, painful sensations and knock you out of the usual rhythm of life.

Therefore, it is important to promptly consult a doctor for help and begin treatment prescribed by a specialist. The sooner this is done, the less likely it is to develop complications and the higher the chance of quickly, effectively getting rid of the infection. Be healthy!

The respiratory system is one of the most important “mechanisms” of our body. It not only fills the body with oxygen, participating in the process of respiration and gas exchange, but also performs a number of functions: thermoregulation, voice formation, sense of smell, air humidification, hormone synthesis, protection from environmental factors, etc.

At the same time, the organs of the respiratory system are perhaps more likely than others to encounter various diseases. Every year we suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and laryngitis, and sometimes we struggle with more serious bronchitis, sore throat and sinusitis.

We’ll talk about the characteristics of respiratory system diseases, their causes and types in today’s article.

Why do diseases of the respiratory system occur?

Diseases of the respiratory system are divided into four types:

  • Infectious– they are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, which enter the body and cause inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. For example, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, etc.
  • Allergic– appear due to pollen, food and household particles, which provoke a violent reaction of the body to certain allergens and contribute to the development of respiratory diseases. For example, bronchial asthma.
  • Autoimmune diseases of the respiratory system occur when a malfunction occurs in the body and it begins to produce substances directed against its own cells. An example of such an effect is idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis.
  • Hereditary– a person is predisposed to the development of certain diseases at the genetic level.

External factors also contribute to the development of respiratory system diseases. They do not cause the disease directly, but can provoke its development. For example, in a poorly ventilated area, the risk of getting ARVI, bronchitis or tonsillitis increases.

This is often why office workers suffer from viral diseases more often than others. If air conditioning is used in offices in the summer instead of normal ventilation, the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases also increases.

Another mandatory office attribute - a printer - provokes the occurrence of allergic diseases of the respiratory system.

The main symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system

Respiratory system disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • suffocation;
  • hemoptysis

A cough is a reflexive protective reaction of the body to mucus accumulated in the larynx, trachea or bronchi. By its nature, cough can be different: dry (with laryngitis or dry pleurisy) or wet (with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis), as well as constant (with inflammation of the larynx) and periodic (with infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza).

Coughing may cause pain. Those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system also experience pain when breathing or in a certain position of the body. It may vary in intensity, location and duration.

Shortness of breath is also divided into several types: subjective, objective and mixed. Subjective appears in patients with neuroses and hysteria, objective occurs with emphysema and is characterized by a change in the rhythm of breathing and the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

Mixed dyspnea occurs with pneumonia, bronchogenic lung cancer, tuberculosis and is characterized by an increase in respiratory rate. Also, shortness of breath can be inspiratory with difficulty in inhaling (diseases of the larynx, trachea), expiratory with difficulty in exhaling (with damage to the bronchi) and mixed (thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery).

Choking is the most severe form of shortness of breath. Sudden attacks of suffocation may be a sign of bronchial or cardiac asthma. With another symptom of diseases of the respiratory system - hemoptysis - when coughing, blood is released with sputum.

Discharge can appear in cases of lung cancer, tuberculosis, lung abscess, as well as in diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart defects).

Types of respiratory system diseases

In medicine, there are more than twenty types of diseases of the respiratory system: some of them are extremely rare, while others we encounter quite often, especially during cold seasons.

Doctors divide them into two types: diseases of the upper respiratory tract and diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Conventionally, the first of them are considered easier. These are mainly inflammatory diseases: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract are considered more serious, as they often occur with complications. These are, for example, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, emphysema, etc.

Let us dwell on the diseases of the first and second groups, which are more common than others.


Sore throat, or acute tonsillitis, is an infectious disease that affects the tonsils. The bacteria that cause sore throat are especially active in cold and damp weather, so most often we get sick in the fall, winter and early spring.

You can become infected with a sore throat through airborne droplets or through nutritional means (for example, by using the same utensils). People with chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils and caries - are especially susceptible to sore throat.

There are two types of sore throat: viral and bacterial. Bacterial is a more severe form, it is accompanied by severe sore throat, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes, and an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees.

The main symptom of this type of sore throat is purulent plaque on the tonsils. The disease in this form is treated with antibiotics and antipyretics.

Viral sore throat is easier. The temperature rises to 37-39 degrees, there is no plaque on the tonsils, but a cough and runny nose appear.

If you start treating a viral sore throat in time, you will be back on your feet within 5-7 days.

Symptoms of sore throat: Bacterial – malaise, pain when swallowing, fever, headache, white plaque on the tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes; viral – sore throat, temperature 37-39 degrees, runny nose, cough.


Bronchitis is an infectious disease accompanied by diffuse (affecting the entire organ) changes in the bronchi. Bronchitis can be caused by bacteria, viruses or the appearance of atypical flora.

Bronchitis comes in three types: acute, chronic and obstructive. The first one is cured in less than three weeks. The diagnosis of chronic is made if the disease manifests itself for more than three months a year for two years.

If bronchitis is accompanied by shortness of breath, it is called obstructive. With this type of bronchitis, a spasm occurs, due to which mucus accumulates in the bronchi. The main goal of treatment is to relieve spasm and remove accumulated mucus.

Symptoms: the main one is cough, shortness of breath with obstructive bronchitis.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic allergic disease in which the walls of the airways expand and the lumen narrows. Because of this, a lot of mucus appears in the bronchi and it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe.

Bronchial asthma is one of the most common diseases and the number of people suffering from this pathology is increasing every year. In acute forms of bronchial asthma, life-threatening attacks may occur.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma: cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, suffocation.


Pneumonia is an acute infectious and inflammatory disease that affects the lungs. The inflammatory process affects the alveoli, the end part of the respiratory apparatus, and they fill with fluid.

The causative agents of pneumonia are viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan microorganisms. Pneumonia is usually severe, especially in children, the elderly, and those who already had other infectious diseases before the onset of pneumonia.

If symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of pneumonia: fever, weakness, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain.


Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, there are four types:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus;
  • frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid bone;
  • sphenoiditis – inflammation of the sphenoid sinus;

Inflammation with sinusitis can be unilateral or bilateral, affecting all paranasal sinuses on one or both sides. The most common type of sinusitis is sinusitis.

Acute sinusitis can occur with acute runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. Diseases of the roots of the four upper back teeth can also provoke the appearance of sinusitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis: fever, nasal congestion, mucous or purulent discharge, deterioration or loss of smell, swelling, pain when pressing on the affected area.


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most often affects the lungs, and in some cases the genitourinary system, skin, eyes and peripheral (accessible for inspection) lymph nodes.

Tuberculosis comes in two forms: open and closed. In the open form, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is present in the patient’s sputum. This makes it contagious to others. In the closed form, there are no mycobacteria in the sputum, so the carrier cannot harm others.

The causative agents of tuberculosis are mycobacteria, transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing and sneezing or talking to a patient.

But you won't necessarily become infected if you come into contact. The likelihood of infection depends on the duration and intensity of contact, as well as the activity of your immune system.

Symptoms of tuberculosis: cough, hemoptysis, fever, sweating, deterioration in performance, weakness, weight loss.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a non-allergic inflammation of the bronchi, causing them to narrow. Obstruction, or more simply, deterioration of patency, affects the normal gas exchange of the body.

COPD occurs as a result of an inflammatory reaction that develops after interaction with aggressive substances (aerosols, particles, gases). The consequences of the disease are irreversible or only partially reversible.

COPD symptoms: cough, sputum, shortness of breath.

The diseases listed above are only part of a large list of diseases that affect the respiratory system. We will talk about the diseases themselves, and most importantly their prevention and treatment, in the following articles of our blog.

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According to medical statistics, respiratory diseases are the leaders in the frequency of diagnosis among the population of our country. In most cases, respiratory tract disease is associated with unfavorable climatic conditions, violation of labor and life safety rules, and changes in the environmental situation. Approximately half of the clinical cases are diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by infectious factors. Among them, tuberculosis stands out as a socially dangerous phenomenon. It is also worth noting autoimmune (atopic) diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, the most famous of which is bronchial asthma. The allergic etiology of this disease makes it necessary to refuse the use of antibiotics and other drugs. If the diseases of the upper respiratory tract are of an allergic nature, it is possible to treat them using unconventional methods. You can read about traditional methods of therapy in this material.

Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Bronchial asthma is an allergic chronic disease of the respiratory tract, characterized by repeated attacks of suffocation due to spasm of the bronchi or swelling of their mucous membrane (“asthma” translated from Greek means “suffocation”, “heavy breathing”).

The basis of bronchial asthma is the increased sensitivity of the body, and especially the tissues of the bronchi, to various, usually harmless, substances - allergens. Attacks of this chronic disease of the upper respiratory tract can occur without exposure to an allergen - due to weather changes, cooling, and negative emotions.

Treatment of this upper respiratory tract disease is based on the principles of general desensitization of the body.

Bronchitis as an acute disease of the respiratory system

Bronchitis- a disease of the lower respiratory tract, characterized by inflammation of the bronchi with predominant damage to their mucous membrane. Bronchitis as a disease of the respiratory system is one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions. It often occurs with simultaneous damage to the upper respiratory tract.

The most common symptoms of bronchitis are general weakness, chills, fever and mainly cough.

This acute disease of the respiratory system occurs as a result of a viral or bacterial infection (influenza, measles, whooping cough, etc.), exposure to toxic substances, smoking, etc. Of great importance in the occurrence of bronchitis and its relapses are the condition of the body as a whole, its resistance, changing under the influence of previous diseases, unfavorable working and living conditions, hypothermia, bad habits (alcohol, etc.), etc.

There are acute and chronic forms of bronchitis.

In the prevention of bronchitis, careful and timely treatment of the runny nose, tonsillitis and other types of focal infections is of paramount importance; hardening of the body plays an important role. For treatment, it is most often necessary to use anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antitussive drugs. In case of acute bronchitis, bed rest, increased nutrition, rich in proteins and vitamin C, and plenty of warm drinks are necessary.

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract

Tracheitis- inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with predominant damage to the tracheal mucosa. Often combined with inflammation of the bronchi. The inflammatory reaction is accompanied by swelling of the tracheal mucosa with increased secretion of a viscous mucous, purulent secretion. The main symptom is a cough that gets worse in the morning.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by various bacteria. This disease of the respiratory tract is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the lung tissue with primary damage to the respiratory sections of the lungs (alveoli). Often the inflammatory process extends to the vascular system of the lungs.

Pneumonia can be an independent disease or develop as a complication of other diseases (cardiovascular), operations, or injuries.

Predisposing factors for pneumonia are hypothermia (especially in conditions of high humidity), high gas pollution, physical and mental fatigue, previous lung diseases, malnutrition, smoking.

Typically, pneumonia begins with feverish chills and a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40°C, chest pain, aggravated by coughing and deep breathing. The cough is dry on the first day, then viscous, difficult-to-clear sputum appears, sometimes containing streaks of blood. The patient experiences weakness, sweating (especially at night), and shortness of breath.

According to the course, acute and chronic pneumonia are distinguished.

A cough usually occurs from irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during an inflammatory process. This is one of the main signs of respiratory disease. Sometimes there may be stimulation of the cough center in the brain without irritation of the respiratory tract. This is the so-called nervous cough due to fear, embarrassment, etc.

There are dry and wet coughs.

The following plants are used as expectorants for bronchitis and pneumonia: common juniper, hairy sedge, sweet clover, meadow clover, tricolor violet, angelica officinalis, wild rosemary, common heather, coltsfoot, common thyme, peppermint (externally) , large plantain, elecampane. Scots pine (inhalation), sundew, and soporific poppy relieve cough.

Tuberculosis as a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract

Pulmonary tuberculosis (tuberculosis, consumption) is an infectious chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with the formation of specific changes, often in the form of small tubercles, mainly in the lungs and lymph nodes, and with a tendency to recur.

The disease occurs as a result of the tuberculosis bacillus entering the body. The main source of the spread of tuberculosis is a sick person with an open form of tuberculosis. Transmission of infection is by airborne droplets.

The development of the disease is facilitated by: weakening of the body due to a lack of complete animal proteins and vitamins (vitamin C) in food; unfavorable working conditions and occupational hazards; some diseases (diabetes mellitus, chronic bronchitis, alcoholism, etc.); age-related characteristics of the body (children and elderly people are more susceptible to the disease).

Patients are characterized by a tendency to colds, runny nose, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases with folk remedies

Treatment of respiratory tract diseases must be comprehensive and include all possible methods and techniques aimed at restoring the patient’s health. Treatment of the respiratory tract with folk remedies currently has a scientific basis. The effectiveness of treating the upper respiratory tract with folk remedies has been confirmed by pharmacological and clinical trials.

Folk remedies for the treatment of lungs and bronchi

Inhalation with propolis tincture.

For bronchial asthma, to treat the lungs with folk remedies, inhalations of 10-15% alcohol tincture of propolis are done.

Tincture of wormwood.

  1. 20 g of wormwood are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and left for at least 24 hours in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals and before bed as an expectorant and antitussive for pneumonia.
  2. Infuse the flowering tops of wormwood in 70% alcohol (1:10) for 2 weeks in a dark place, filter and take 20-40 drops 3 times a day before meals, washed down with juice or jelly, for pulmonary tuberculosis. Depending on the condition, the dose of a folk remedy for treating lungs can be increased to 1 teaspoon.

Tincture of femoral saxifrage roots.

40 g of plant roots are infused in 100 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka for 8 days in a dark cabinet, filtered and squeezed.

Take this folk remedy for the treatment of lungs and bronchi, 30 drops 4-5 times a day with 1 tablespoon of water. This ancient folk remedy is used for bronchial asthma.

Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with folk remedies

To treat lung diseases with folk remedies, infusions from various medicinal herbs are used. The following are recipes that are used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with folk remedies and give pronounced positive dynamics.

Sloe root tincture.

The sloe root is crushed and placed in a half-liter bottle, which is filled to the top with vodka and capped. Leave in a warm place for as long as possible.

Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals until you feel better in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Honey tincture of thuja cones.

4 glasses of honey and 2 liters of vodka are poured into a three-liter jar, the remaining space is filled with finely crushed thuja cones collected at the end of summer. Place the finished mixture in a warm place for a week, remembering to shake the contents of the jar every day.

Take medicinal tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The course of treatment is designed for 1 month, then a 10-day break is taken, after which the course is repeated if necessary.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults with folk remedies

To treat pneumonia with folk remedies, natural antibiotics are used. The greatest effect in the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies in adults is provided by beekeeping products and tinctures with them.

Honey tincture with aloe juice.

Mix aloe juice and honey (1 glass each), add 250 ml of medical alcohol and leave for 5 days in a dark place.

Take orally for pneumonia, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals, until complete recovery occurs.

Tincture of fresh birch buds.

Fresh birch buds, which have sprouted leaves, fill a bottle, fill it to the top with vodka and leave for 7-10 days. Take 5-7 drops diluted with water 3 times a day for pneumonia.

Treatment of lung diseases with folk remedies at home

To treat lungs with folk remedies at home, it is important to first undergo an examination by a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis. Then you can successfully choose a recipe for treating lung diseases with folk remedies from the methods presented here.

Sweet tincture of pine nuts.

A glass of chopped pine nuts is mixed with a glass of sugar and poured in 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 14 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Take 1 teaspoon orally for bronchitis 3 times a day until complete recovery occurs.

Carrot seed tincture.

1 tablespoon of carrot seeds is poured into a glass bottle, filled with vodka and infused for a week in a warm place. The finished tincture is filtered and taken orally for bronchitis, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in between meals until complete recovery occurs.

The tincture is not washed down with anything and is not eaten!

Walnut shell tincture.

The shells of 14 nuts crushed with a hammer are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for a week in a warm and dark place. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon orally in the morning on an empty stomach until the tincture runs out, for bronchitis, ovarian cysts, salt deposits, goiter.

Tincture of lilac flowers

A liter jar is filled to the top with lilac flowers, poured with vodka and infused for 10 days. Take orally at night, pouring 10 ml of tincture into a glass of strongly brewed tea. Drink in small sips to treat bronchitis.

Vitamin tincture with honey and aloe.

Mix equal volumes of red beet juice, black radish, onion, lemon, cranberry, aloe, as well as honey, granulated sugar and 96% alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly and store it in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for bronchial asthma until you feel better.

Aloe juice is active against various groups of microbes: staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal, diphtheria and typhoid bacilli.

To obtain aloe juice, plants that are at least two years old are used. Cut off the large lower and middle leaves, wash them with boiled water, then cut them into small pieces and squeeze out the juice through 2 layers of gauze (you can pass it through a meat grinder or squeeze it out using a juicer).

The so-called biostimulated juice is especially valued (the method was proposed by Academician V.P. Filatov). To obtain it, washed aloe leaves are placed on a plate, covered with paper and placed in the refrigerator for 12-15 days. In such unfavorable conditions for the plant, when all life processes begin to fade away, the formation of special substances called biogenic stimulants occurs in the aloe cells; they stimulate the dying activity of cells. At the end of the above period, the leaves are removed from the refrigerator, the blackened parts are removed and the juice is squeezed out.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies

To treat pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies, vitamin mixtures, medicinal herbs, massage, breathing exercises and tinctures are used.

Vitamin mixture with horseradish root tincture

Horseradish root (100 g) is washed well with a brush (without peeling), finely chopped and poured with 150 ml of vodka. Leave for 24 hours.

1 kg of carrots and 2-3 lemons are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with 1 kg of honey.

The tincture of horseradish roots is filtered and mixed with the honey mixture. Place the container with the resulting mixture in a place protected from light and leave for 3 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon for pulmonary fibrosis 3 times a day until recovery. This mixture can also be used for preventive purposes.

Propolis tincture

20 g of crushed propolis is poured into a bottle (or other glass container with a lid) with 80 ml of ethyl alcohol and infused, shaking occasionally, for 7-10 days, then filtered and after settling, the liquid phase of the infusion is taken orally, 20 drops with milk or water per day. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 2 months in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.

Warming compresses

  1. Mix 1 part 40% vodka and 2 parts water. The resulting solution is heated to body temperature, a gauze cloth is soaked in it and, straightened, it is placed on the cervical area. Wax paper is placed on top, then cotton wool (in a thick layer), strengthened with a bandage or tied with a piece of cloth (can be a scarf) and left for 5-6 hours. At the very beginning of pulmonary fibrosis, this procedure is repeated in the morning and evening. When the acute period passes, make a compress only in the evening and leave it overnight.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of flour, mustard powder, honey, vodka, aloe juice, interior fat (can be replaced with unrefined sunflower oil) and heat in a water bath. Gauze soaked in the resulting mixture is placed on the patient’s back. Place another layer of gauze on top, then plastic wrap, and a warm woolen scarf on top. It is advisable to fix the compress and leave it overnight. For treatment, as a rule, 2 procedures are sufficient.
  3. 2 parts honey, 1 part aloe juice and 3 parts vodka are heated to 40°C, mixed well and used as a compress on the upper chest for pulmonary fibrosis.


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