Vitamin E: the benefits and harms of the beauty vitamin. Health Secrets of Vitamin E

An excess of vitamins and minerals can harm the body in the same way as their deficiency. Therefore, there is a certain daily intake of vitamins and minerals for the normal functioning of the human body.

To begin with, it is worth noting that using the definition of "avitaminosis", meaning by it a lack of vitamins in the body, is not entirely correct. Avitaminosis is the almost complete absence of a vitamin or vitamin group in the human body. Avitaminosis is rare, much more often people have a lack of vitamins in the body - hypovitaminosis. It is hypovitaminosis that is called by mistake avitaminosis, implying not the complete absence of the vitamin, but only its deficiency.

The main causes of hypovitaminosis:

Violation of digestion, as a result of which useful substances are not completely absorbed from incoming food;

Eating food containing insufficient amounts of vitamins;

Metabolic disease;

Eating foods containing substances that help flush out vitamins from the body.

The manifestations of hypovitaminosis are different depending on the deficiency of which group of vitamins in a person. Common symptoms of vitamin deficiency are fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, irritability, dry skin, brittle nails, bleeding gums, etc.

Hypovitaminosis can also cause more serious consequences: reduced immunity, brittle bones, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the digestive system, night blindness (lack of vitamin A) and other disorders of the body.

Excessive intake of vitamins also adversely affects the functioning of the body and can cause hypervitaminosis. Hypervitaminosis is a poisoning of the body caused by the consumption of too much of a vitamin or a group of vitamins.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis depend on the overabundance of which vitamin caused it. For example, excessive consumption of vitamin E leads to disorders of the cardiovascular system, fatigue and dizziness. Vitamin A in large quantities can cause liver dysfunction, worsening blood clotting, increased pressure, and even fetal pathology in pregnant women. An excess of vitamin C causes impaired kidney function, insomnia, and delayed menstruation. Also, too much of one vitamin can cause the body to lose another vitamin.

If there are any signs of an overabundance or lack of vitamins, it is worth it. To avoid hypo- or hypervitaminosis, it is necessary to eat a balanced and varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Before using vitamin complexes, you should consult your doctor. It is also important to take vitamins as directed and to take breaks between doses.

Can vitamins harm the body? It turns out yes. Those who love vitamin supplements and complexes need to worry about this. There seems to be no need to adopt the American habit of taking vitamins. In the United States, experts have recently appeared who are critical of vitamin supplements.

Can vitamins harm the body? It turns out yes. Those who love vitamin supplements and complexes need to worry about this.

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Vitamin abuse is a major problem in America, according to David Agus, author and physician of The End of Disease. 50 large-scale studies served as the basis for their judgments. The doctor believes that "not a single study has proven that vitamins provide any benefits in the fight against cancer and heart disease." Agus was supported by other experts, who compared buying vitamins with flushing money down the toilet (literally, because in some cases, excess vitamins are excreted from the body along with urine). However, people continue to spend a lot of money on the purchase of vitamin complexes, thereby supporting the entire industry. Americans, for example, spend about $28 billion a year on herbal and vitamin supplements. Nutritionists believe that too much of some vitamins can be harmful to health. Nutritionists have identified three popular vitamins that, if consumed uncontrollably, harm the body.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is essential for the immune system, reproduction and bone health. Vitamin A deficiency among healthy people is rare, as it tends to accumulate in the body. But an excess of this vitamin is harmful, as it can provoke problems with the liver, lead to disorders of the central nervous system. If an excess of vitamin A is observed in a pregnant woman, then this can lead to congenital abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

One of the forms of this vitamin is beta-carotene, it is useful only if it enters the body with food.

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One form of this vitamin is beta-carotene (carrots are rich in this vitamin), but it is useful only if it is supplied with food. If beta-carotene comes from food, it can help prevent cancer. Consumption of beta-carotene tablets does the opposite, studies show.

Vitamin E

This vitamin in the functioning of cellular communications and the immune system is key. But it is better to get vitamin E from food. Vitamin E is found in broccoli, wheat germ, nuts, sunflower seeds. If vitamin E is taken in large quantities, then it will lose its main properties.

Vitamin E is found in broccoli, wheat germ, nuts, sunflower seeds.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports our immunity and fights colds, but only the natural form of the vitamin works that way. As for vitamin C tablets, there is no evidence that it will help completely get rid of a cold. An overdose of vitamin C is the most harmless. Vitamin C unlike vitamin A is able to dissolve in water, so the excess is easily excreted in the urine. However, some scientists claim that too much of this vitamin can lead to stomach cramps, diarrhea, kidney stones, and nausea. The daily dose of vitamin C is 500 mg, if you take more, then health problems may begin.

Vitamin C supports our immunity and fights colds, but only the natural form of the vitamin works that way.

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How to take vitamins so that health does not suffer?

It is necessary to observe the permissible norms for the use of vitamins.

When taking vitamins or other vitamin medications (for a cold, for example), read the side effects carefully. Diarrhea, headache, indigestion are symptoms that you should pay attention to and, if present, consult a doctor.

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The main part of the vitamins should still be supplied to the body with food, and vitamin supplements should only serve as a supplement.

Nikolaychuk M. S.

Wild rose is a beautiful flower with a delicate fragrance. But it is better known under the name of wild rose.

Everything is good in moderation. This simple truth must be remembered when it comes to such a popular and familiar folk recipe as rosehip broth. And all because in 100 grams of freshly picked berries there are ten daily norms of ascorbic acid, and in the same amount of dried raw materials - twice as much. Hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health.

In addition to ascorbic acid, berries have many other useful substances. What are the most valuable vitamins in rose hips and why?

  • Vitamin A(retinol, beta-carotene) strengthens the immune system, vision, prevents cancer, as it prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. Retinol is one of the vitamins that give women beauty.
  • Vitamin B1(thiamine) is good for the nervous system. It provides normal nutrition to cells, gives energy, vitality and strength. By participating in the breakdown of fat and sugar, it helps with weight loss.
  • Vitamin B2(riboflavin) regulates metabolic processes, restores the normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, helps to lose weight, ensuring the stable functioning of the digestive system. In addition, riboflavin is important for the health of the reproductive organs and the visual system.
  • Vitamin B3(niacin, nicotinic acid) is called the vitamin of calmness, ensures the normal course of redox processes, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents cardiovascular diseases, helps the body get rid of toxins.
  • Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents aging and the formation of cancerous tumors. It fights viral infections, strengthens the walls of capillaries and large blood vessels, helps to remove cholesterol and toxins, participates in metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin E(tocopherol) thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps to conceive and bear a healthy child, lowers blood sugar levels, and prevents cancer. Tocopherol is one of the "beauty vitamins" that have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair.

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, pectins, and easily digestible sugars. It turns out a wonderful cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins in rose hips. This explains why the berry enjoys such respect and love among the people. It is considered almost a panacea for many diseases, and here's why.

The benefits of vitamins in rose hips

The berry is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, oils for the treatment of various diseases. You can simply add rose hips to tea when brewing and drink it to prevent colds. Rosehip decoction will help to avoid beriberi and cure a cold faster.

In addition, the vitamins in rose hips will help to quickly cure such ailments:

  • diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys, including urolithiasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • spasms;
  • radiculitis.

Rosehip infusion is very effective for removing sand from the kidneys and bladder. It reduces headaches, helps with renal colic, is used to improve visual acuity, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly relieve symptoms of vitamin deficiency, and strengthen the vascular walls.

Rosehip oil is used to treat convulsions, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina. The oil is applied to the skin with dermatitis, scratches, burns, acne marks are treated. The agent treats the throat and nasal passages for inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and nasal cavity.

Traditional healers use all parts of the plant. For example, a decoction is prepared not only from fruits, but also from roots, petals. They also have a lot of vitamins.

How to get vitamins from rose hips

To get all the benefits that a wild rose can give a person, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, oil from rose hips.

Rosehip infusion

The easiest way to use rose hips is an infusion of dried fruits. Pour a tablespoon of crushed berries with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Another cooking method is heating over boiling water. Fill the berries with boiling water in the same proportion, simmer them in a water bath for fifteen minutes, then let stand for half an hour, strain and drink.

The infusion is very concentrated. For medicinal purposes, they drink it before meals, half a glass a day. If there are problems in the gastrointestinal tract, take the infusion after meals. It is advisable not to add sugar to the drink.

You can drink infusion for preventive purposes. It tones well, increases efficiency, helps the immune system to resist viral attacks during the flu and cold season. The vitamin composition of the drink accelerates tissue regeneration, bone fusion.

Rosehip oil

To use rosehip vitamins in the form of oil, pour 200 grams of crushed fresh or dried fruits into 700 ml of any vegetable oil. Cook for 15 minutes at a slow boil, then simmer for 5 hours in a water bath. Strain the cooled oil, pour into a glass container. You can take the oil inside on a tablespoon on an empty stomach to stimulate the production of bile, treat gastritis, heartburn. For external use, lubricate the affected areas with oil several times a day.

Rosehip root decoction

Rosehip roots contain vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances in large quantities. Medicines prepared on the basis of this raw material have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A decoction of the roots is used to restore motor activity in case of paralysis, to relieve pain in sciatica.

For 15 grams of dried chopped root, take a glass of boiling water, simmer for fifteen minutes, insist for half an hour. Then strain and drink, or give the patient a little during the day.

Can rose hips harm

It is impossible to constantly twist the rosehip infusion and add it to tea when brewing, since the concentration of vitamins in the drink is very high. Therefore, drink a drink every two days for prevention and no longer than 2 weeks in a row. With hypervitaminosis, you can not take drinks with rose hips.

There are diseases in which you will have to refuse a delicious healing drink:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including endocarditis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to increase blood pressure.

Be sure to rinse your mouth after you drink the infusion or tea with rose hips. The drink contains a lot of acid, which destroys tooth enamel. You can drink it through a straw to protect your teeth.

Rosehip allergy is rare. However, if you are prone to allergic reactions to flowering plants, you need to be careful when using the decoction for the first time. An atypical reaction can manifest itself in the form of a rash, lacrimation, runny nose.

Compliance with a balanced diet is the basis for the development of a healthy fetus during pregnancy.

Many women do not know exactly which vitamins to take during pregnancy, because not all nutritional supplements are allowed in this position.

Let's take a closer look at this important issue.

What vitamins to drink during pregnancy and whether to take them at all

All pregnant women do not need to take vitamin complexes. The need for an additional vitamin "increase" is determined in each case, depending on the age of the woman in labor, the course of her pregnancy, as well as the general health of the expectant mother.

1. If a pregnant woman does not have the opportunity to fully eat.

2. If a pregnant woman has previously suffered from diseases associated with an acute lack of iron or vitamin B12.

3. Women over 30 years of age.

4. Women whose previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage or premature termination of gestation.

5. With anomalies in the development of a previous pregnancy.

6. If a pregnant woman has pathologies in the cardiovascular or digestive system.

7. With reduced immunity.

8. With multiple (2-3 fetuses) pregnancy.

9. In case of severe infectious or catarrhal diseases transferred during pregnancy.

If a woman in labor can eat a balanced diet, then she simply does not need additional vitamins, because her body will receive all the useful substances from food.

In addition, it is important to know that an overabundance of the vitamin can also be harmful, as it will lead to the development of hypervitaminosis. This, in turn, will negatively affect the development of the fetus. For this reason, you need to take vitamins only as prescribed by the observing doctor, who will select the right dose and prescribe the frequency of taking useful substances.

What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy and most importantly, when

Multivitamins for pregnant women include a huge amount of vitamin that can completely compensate for the lack of one or another trace element. Despite this, it simply does not make sense to take them at the stage of pregnancy planning, since at that moment conception had not yet occurred and the new organism had not begun to develop.

At such a time (before conception), a woman can take the usual vitamins A, E, D and C.

After conception, in each individual trimester, a special vitamin intake regimen should be followed, since for all three periods of the pregnancy, the unborn child will need different types of nutrients.

What vitamins to drink during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important, since it is during this period that the foundations of the nervous system and future organs of the child are laid. It is recommended to take vitamins for 1.5-2 months from the moment of conception.

The most useful vitamins for this period are:

1. Folic acid. This vitamin is water soluble. It has a classification: B9. You need to start drinking it a month before conception, and finish it after the first trimester.

Folic acid is needed by the fetus for the normal development of the spinal cord, as well as the formation of its nervous system. This, in turn, will provide the unborn child with a healthy intellect.

Dosage for admission may be different. It is selected for each woman individually. Doctors usually prescribe this vitamin at a dose of 0.4 mg to 0.7 ml per day. With prolonged use of hormonal contraceptive drugs, this dosage may be higher.

In addition to its main beneficial properties, folic acid helps in the correct coding of genetic information, eliminates the threat of miscarriage and fading of pregnancy.

With an acute lack of vitamin B9, there may be:

Rapid fatigue of a pregnant woman;

Enlargement of the spleen;

The development of anomalies in the child's brain;

Paleness and dizziness;

Formation of small ulcers in the mouth;

The development of various pathologies of the nervous system in the fetus.

It is also important to know that even with a well-balanced diet, a woman may not have enough folic acid, since it is only half absorbed when ingested.

Most of all, this substance is found in such products:

Brussels sprouts.

2. Vitamin A administered at a dosage of 2500 IU. It should be taken in the first two months of pregnancy.

Vitamin A is needed for the correct laying of the foundation of the skeleton and vision of the unborn child.

Important! An excess of vitamin A is very harmful for both the fetus and the pregnant woman herself, so you need to take only the dose that the doctor prescribes.

Most vitamin A is found in the following foods:

Sea fish;

Fish fat;


It is important to know that vitamin A is fat-soluble, so in order for it to be better absorbed, it is better to take it with fats. To do this, vegetables and fruits are recommended to be greased with heavy cream or sour cream. In addition, when taking the tablet form of vitamin A, the capsules should not be chewed, otherwise the vitamin will lose its properties. The same applies to taking other vitamin preparations.

3. Vitamin E must be taken throughout the first trimester. Gynecologists also recommend drinking it a month before conception. The daily value of vitamin E is 15 mg.

This beneficial substance normalizes the production of female hormones, which prevents the risk of miscarriage. In addition, it helps in creating a strong placenta and normalizes digestion.

Vitamin E is found in the following foods:

Sea buckthorn oil:

Beef meat;

4. Vitamin B6 or pyrodoxine. It reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, relieves nervousness and convulsions. For the proper development of a small organism, vitamin B6 must be taken from the second month of pregnancy.

What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing. The correct development of the fetus largely depends on the nutrition of a woman during such a period. In the 2nd trimester, women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

1.Iodine. It should be drunk by the expectant mother at a dosage of 250 mg per day. Some diseases of the thyroid gland are a contraindication to its use.

Iodine is necessary for the unborn child to develop a strong skeletal structure and mental abilities. Scientists have proven that in those places where there is a lack of iodine in the diet, children are born with reduced mental capabilities.

With an acute lack of iodine, a pregnant woman will be lethargic and exhausted. Her hair and nails can become thinner, and her weight can rapidly gain (due to metabolic disorders).

Most of it in such products:

Sea salt;


Dried figs.

2. Calcium. Its daily norm is 15 mg.

Calcium is extremely necessary for the fetus for the development of bone tissue, kidneys and the entire digestive system.

There is a lot of calcium in food, especially in dairy and sour-milk products (kefir of different fat content, cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese, etc.).

Slightly less calcium in cabbage.

It is important to know that chocolate and coffee interfere with the complete absorption of calcium in the body, so they should not be combined at the same time. Moreover, these products are best excluded from the diet during pregnancy, as they will not bring any benefit to the fetus.

What vitamins to drink during pregnancy in the third trimester

Most of all, in the last trimester, the body of a pregnant woman needs such vitamins:

1. Iron. Its allowable daily dosage is 30-50 mg.

Iron should be drunk to prevent the development of anemia, increase the tone of the uterus and overall strengthen the body before the upcoming birth.

A lot of iron is found in young veal and turkey. Next comes the beef. In this case, it is best if such meat is consumed in boiled form.

There is also a small amount of iron in fish, eggs and vegetables.

2. Vitamin C. It is necessary for the normal development of all membranes of the placenta, maintaining immunity and resistance to various bacterial and viral diseases. Without fail, women who smoked before pregnancy should drink it. Its daily norm is 90 mg.

Most vitamin C is found in the following foods:

Black currant;




It's important to know! Vitamin C loses its properties very quickly, especially if it is contained in foods, so food with its content should always be fresh.

Vitamin D is very useful for a child because it is actively involved in the formation of the bones of the baby. Also, this substance is necessary for the proper development of blood vessels and heart in the fetus.

It is important to know that vitamin D is found in a small number of foods, so very often pregnant women are faced with its deficiency.

Foods rich in vitamin D:


With the correct intake of all the necessary vitamins, pregnancy will be easier to proceed, because the health of a woman will be supported by the above beneficial substances. In addition, the use of supplements will have a positive effect on the child himself, who will be healthy and strong. The main thing is not to self-medicate and coordinate all your actions with the observing doctor.

The American habit of taking vitamins does not seem to be worth mindlessly adopting. Recently, there are enough specialists in the States who criticize vitamin supplements. Materials are devoted to this in the press, doctors appear on television and discuss the problem.

David Agus, physician and author of the best-selling book The End of Illness, called vitamin abuse one of America's biggest problems. He bases his judgment on 50 large-scale studies. “None of them proves that vitamins provide any advantage in the fight against heart disease or cancer,” the doctor said.

Agus is not alone. Other experts compare buying vitamins to flushing money down the toilet. In some cases, this can be said literally, because the body removes excess vitamins along with urine.

But people continue to spend huge amounts of money on the purchase of vitamin complexes, thereby supporting the whole industry. For example, Americans spend about $28 billion a year on vitamin and herbal supplements.

And dietitian Dee Sandquist of the US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics believes that an excess of some vitamins can harm our health. He identified three popular vitamins that can harm us if we consume them uncontrollably.

Vitamin E
is key in the functioning of the immune system and cellular communication. However, this vitamin is best obtained from food. It is found in foods such as wheat germ, sunflower seeds, broccoli, and nuts. Like many other vitamins, vitamin E loses its essential properties when taken in excess.

Vitamin A
Important for bone reproduction and health and for the immune system. But vitamin A deficiency is a rarity among healthy people. Because vitamin A can accumulate in the body. However, a large supply of vitamin A to toxic levels is harmful, it can lead to liver problems, disorders of the central nervous system, and in congenital malformations of the fetus.

Beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A) is only useful when it is ingested through food (it is found in carrots). In this case, it even helps prevent cancer. But in tablet form, beta-carotene works the other way around, and studies show that.

Vitamin C
This orange vitamin (as it is called because of its high content in oranges and tangerines) is also a support for our immune system. But only its natural form supports the immune system and fights colds. There is no evidence that, which we received in tablets, is able to completely get rid of colds.

But vitamin C is the most harmless in terms of overdose, that's a fact. Unlike vitamin A, it dissolves in water, which means that its excess is simply excreted by the body in the urine. But you should not calm down. Because scientists say that too much vitamin C can lead to side effects such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and even kidney stones. Any amount of vitamin C greater than 500 milligrams per day can cause health problems (500 milligrams is found in half a 1 gram sachet of Emergen-C).

Observe the permissible consumption norms.

Don't rely on supplements and pills. The main part of vitamins should come from food. Vitamin supplements are just an addition to nutrition.

The risks of overdose are quite high, remember this. But don't panic if you overdid it a little. Recommended doses are often less than the maximum allowable.

When taking vitamins or vitamin medicines (for example, for colds), watch closely for side effects. Headache, diarrhea, indigestion should not go unnoticed. Report these conditions to your doctor.

If vitamins enter your body only with food, then you will never face an overdose. Therefore, it is better to choose this way of obtaining vitamins.



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