Teething symptoms. Teething in children under one year old and older

Already in the maternity hospital, a young mother is provided with all the necessary initial knowledge, as well as skills for caring for a baby in the first months of his life: bathing, walking, sleeping, eating.

And it seems to be too early to think about teeth, but time flies unnoticed and day after day the baby grows and develops literally before our eyes. And not far off is the period of teething in the baby, which is marked by the initial visible signs of "growing up" of your little miracle.

The timing of the appearance of the first milk teeth in an infant

Undoubtedly, this time is considered alarming for many parents - sleepless nights combined with the whims of the baby, sudden mood swings and a change in physical condition. These moments are difficult for everyone, especially mother and child. But how to try to change something for the better and make life easier for the crumbs? Of course, there are no guaranteed ways that can completely avoid the negative symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth, but minimizing them is a completely doable task.

The most important thing to note right away is that there is no exact timing for teething. For each child, the onset of this period is absolutely individual. Moreover, even if you have twins, this does not mean at all that their teeth should erupt on the same day.

Of course, there are statistics that mainly teeth make themselves felt approximately from the onset of 6 months from the birth of a child. At about a year old, a baby already, as a rule, has about 6-8 teeth. However, their complete absence is quite acceptable, provided that there are no obstructing reasons.

Thus, the process itself and the order of teething is absolutely unpredictable, since it depends on many external and internal factors. Noting the features of the timing of the beginning of the period, this parameter varies under the influence of various indicators:

  • climatic conditions
  • genetic background (heredity)
  • the presence of various diseases, in particular the endocrine system
  • nutrition, drinking water quality
  • proper care of the child and others

Speaking about the delay in teething, there is a direct connection with the general retardation of growth and development, which can be observed with the following pathological abnormalities:

  • rickets is a disease of childhood infancy that develops against the background of insufficient intake of vitamin D in the body, which prevents the absorption of calcium, an essential element for the development of teeth (see more in the article)
  • adentia - the absence of the rudiments of teeth, the presence of this disease is checked by x-ray or radiovisiograph.

Before erupting, teeth go through the stage of laying and forming tooth germs even in fetal development from about 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, when many expectant mothers are not yet aware of their interesting position.

Which teeth appear first?

Speaking about the order of eruption, then everything is already much clearer. The very first teeth of the lower row appear - 2 central incisors. However, their appearance is relative, that is, they can erupt both in pairs and in turn. Next, according to the principle of pairing of upper and lower teeth of the same name, the central incisors of the upper row erupt.

After the incisors come the fangs, but they give way to the first molars, so the so-called "dental gaps" are found in their place. Next come the fangs and the rest of the molars. The table shows the approximate age at which the eruption of milk teeth occurs in infants, as well as the approximate age of their change to permanent ones.

Terms of eruption of milk teeth:

By the age of three, the number of incisors, molars and canines in a baby becomes equal to 20. And in terms of time, everything here is also purely individual, that is, this number can be achieved even in two years with a little.

An interesting case from medical practice: an absolutely healthy boy began to erupt teeth from the age of seven months, by the age of 1.5 he had 19 of them. The last molar pleased with its appearance only after 14 months.

How does the baby's body react to the appearance of the first teeth?

The process of teething, despite its naturalness, has a lot of complications that it brings to the child. After all, this phenomenon involves almost all the life support systems of the body, somewhat worsening the condition of the baby.

Due to the weakening of the immune system in a baby during teething, it should be protected as much as possible from possible infection with infectious agents, and also left for the duration of vaccinations and other procedures and manipulations.

The symptoms of teething in babies, as a result, manifest themselves depending on his state of health at the moment. Consider the main signs that are predominantly more common in this period in most children and can become a kind of starting point for the appearance of the first teeth in infants:

  • Decreased appetite in a baby, up to a complete refusal to eat
  • Swelling of the gums, swelling in the area of ​​eruption
  • Sleep disturbance, increased moodiness, irritability
  • Active increase in traction of the baby to grab, bite and gnaw everything that comes across - due to itching in the gum area
  • Increased salivation

increased salivation, in turn, causes a number of additional symptoms, which can also be used to judge the possibility of the appearance of teeth in the baby:

  • cough and hoarseness, especially when lying down, as the main consequence of excessive salivation, since it is caused by its excessive entry into the throat;
  • the appearance of irritations and rashes near the mouth, on the chin, in the chest area - this symptom appears due to the rubbing of the baby's saliva with the handles and their abundant drainage from the mouth;
  • a slight weakening of the stool (diarrhea), as a result of saliva ingestion with food;
  • the appearance of a runny nose due to saliva entering the middle ear.

Symptom of irritability, excessive moodiness and sudden mood swings - is almost the main symptom for any baby and is caused by the following reasons:

  • painful sensations from the fact that the teeth make their way through the tissues of the surface of the gums;
  • itching and discomfort, which can also spread to nearby areas - cheeks, ears, nose, the baby constantly pulls his face, and constantly drags his fists into his mouth.

Vomiting and diarrhea during teething- a rather rare phenomenon, the reason for which can only be that the child has swallowed saliva. If these signs are often repeated, while being accompanied by a high temperature, then this reaction is in no way associated with teething. In this case, we are most likely talking about a viral infection that causes gastrointestinal disorders of various etiologies (rotaviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses, caliciviruses and adenoviruses, combined under the name). This condition requires mandatory pediatric examination.

Illness due to fever. When teething in infants, the temperature may be elevated, but not more than 38-38.5 degrees. This parameter is a reaction to the inflamed areas of the baby's oral mucosa, and since its area is too small, therefore, temperature drops should be insignificant. Normally, many children behave as usual, and the usual 36.6 returns already for 2-3 days.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of the beginning of the appearance of milk teeth are similar to many infectious diseases, the microorganisms of which during this period favorably and actively multiply and disguise themselves as signs of teething. Therefore, if a child has several of the listed signs at once, you should not self-medicate, urgently call a pediatrician.

How to help a child with teething?

Eliminating negative phenomena accompanying a baby whose teeth are climbing is not an easy task. However, there are a lot of recommendations and tips that will help your family survive this period less painfully and without any consequences.

So, how to make teething easier for a child? First of all, you should provide the baby with all the necessary “rodent helpers” that massage the gums, thereby calming the baby.

  • All kinds of teethers, with liquid or helium inside filling, which is designed specifically for the cooling effect of the gum area. The downside is that these items will periodically have to be put in the refrigerator, and the cold, as you know, temporarily stops pain and itching.
  • Soothers or bottles. The mechanism of action also helps meet the chewing needs of the baby.

Keep in mind that constant chewing or sucking on various irregularly shaped objects can be the beginning of the formation of an abnormal bite. Therefore, you should choose pacifiers with a special orthodontic shape made of high quality material (latex, silicone). Strictly monitor their cleanliness and storage.

  • Finger brush- this remedy has become especially popular among young mothers in recent years, since it not only helps to massage the gums, soothe the baby, but also takes care of the oral cavity. In addition, you can assess the degree of gum condition - the harder the child bites, the closer the time for the appearance of the next tooth means.
  • Massaging the gums with gauze pads wetted with cold water. This method simultaneously relieves itching in the gums and cleanses the oral cavity from various microbes. Massage should be sparing, gentle, with the exception of sharp sloppy movements.

Medicinal methods of dealing with the symptoms of teething

Of course, most measures are ineffective, thus, when teething in children - drugs are one of the highly effective aids. Pharmaceuticals offer many specialized gels, ointments and other topical agents. Consider among them the most widely used in pediatrics and have passed the test of time. Many of the drugs listed contain lidocaine, which should be used with caution in pediatrics.


(160-200 rubles) - a gel or drops based on lidocaine and has an anesthetic property. It is used no more than 3 times a day, allergic reactions are possible.

Baby Doctor first teeth

(140-170 rubles) - hypoallergenic gel of plant origin, has a weak analgesic effect, has a targeted anti-inflammatory effect. The tool is absolutely safe to use for infants, which is a definite plus.


(220-300 rubles) - the gel consists of components of choline salicylate (anti-inflammatory effect) and an adhesive base, which helps the healing properties of the gel to act more effectively. May be used up to 2-3 times a day.


(220-300 rub.) A lidocaine-based product that has a weaker analgesic effect, tastes sweet, which threatens an allergic reaction. The gel is applied at the age of 5 months to 6 times a day with an interval between doses of 20-30 minutes.


(about 200 rubles) - adhesive-based gel, effective for open wounds on the gums.

Homeopathy - Dantinorm baby

This is a homeopathic remedy, the components of which affect the symptoms of teething in babies in a complex:

  • anti-inflammatory action
  • pain reduction
  • fight digestive disorders

Unlike gels, this solution is applied orally and has a longer effect.

As for the use of such a remedy as Kamistad, which is now available in Russian pharmacies, it is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, previously there was Kamistad Baby, the composition of which is safe for babies and it could be used by children from 3 months. So you can not use Kamistad gel in infants.

The use of any drug to relieve pain during teething requires specialist advice, familiarization and strict adherence to the instructions. You should take into account the influence of many factors, as well as the individual characteristics of the body of your little one.

Main conclusions:

Before, after, or at the time of teething, you should not give children anything sweetened or containing sugar. The reason is obvious - the development of caries due to insufficient protection and cleaning of milk teeth.

  • You can reduce the signs of inflammation and protect the gums by wiping the baby's oral mucosa with solutions based on medicinal plants (for example, chamomile). They are easy to use and can even be given to a child to drink.
  • Do not forget about the existence of safe toothpastes for the smallest with the label "0+". They will certainly help clean the first teeth of your little one, and if they get inside they are absolutely harmless.

Any child, especially in infancy, needs to be surrounded by love and affection. For many teething babies, it is enough just to soak up the arms of their mother and just feel her presence nearby. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil your little one, feel free to take him in your arms, apply more often than usual to your chest, play with him and spend maximum time together. Believe me, then the teeth will be cut more painlessly, and you will remember these days with a smile on your face.

The order can boast of many processes occurring in our body. The eruption of the upper teeth was no exception, photos are available on our website. Another rule - it goes in pairs. That is, identical teeth erupt at the same moment. This is how fangs, lateral or central incisors grow.

You should not immediately worry if the terms for a particular child do not coincide with the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are considered to be average. The shift occurs for two main reasons:

  • transferred severe infections;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • individual characteristics.

At the end of the article, we provide a list of conditions that may cause minor deviations.

Children's first teeth erupt

Often, so-called small bumps become noticeable on the gum, before milk or permanent teeth appear. This usually happens within 2-3 weeks. Such cones are filled with a blue-colored liquid from the inside, or remain transparent. In no case do not think about the pathology, any disease. No intervention is required, except that periodic examinations by doctors will not be superfluous. Bloody moisture should be released only if the size increases. The incision is made by a doctor who has noticed the eruption of the upper teeth in infants. Symptoms, photos of gums are described in detail on our website.

The timing of the appearance of teeth in children

  1. How does this happen?

About two dozen follicles of temporary teeth are located in a newborn child, in the inner part of the upper and lower jaws. There are 16 germs for permanent teeth. As for the remaining 16, they are formed a little later.

The development of the lower jaw is the fastest. On children's teeth, the enamel has a rough and porous surface; there are still few trace elements here, when compared with the mineralized enamel that all adults are endowed with. There is a risk that multiple caries will develop if you do not build the right diet, do not take care of your teeth. Or do not treat them with special compounds that accelerate mineralization.

  1. Permanent upper teeth in infants. How long do they cut?

We attach diagram No. 2 to the article, where you can see a detailed answer to this question. At the end of the dentition are the so-called molars. They are the first to appear. But they are especially vulnerable to caries because they have depressions or fissures on the chewing surface.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth

The process of eruption of the upper teeth

How do upper teeth fit in children? Photos can be viewed at the end of this article. In teeth that have just erupted, there are very few minerals. Their amount is only 10 percent of the substances in the teeth of adults. Fluoride gels and varnishes are used for treatment at least once every three months. There is an opinion that the first teeth do not need cleaning. Meanwhile, due to weak mineralization, they are more susceptible to the development of bacteria that cause caries, so the issue of hygiene requires the closest attention.

What could be the symptoms

They appear in 3-5 days. It will help to imagine how the upper teeth erupt in children with a photo of inflamed gums, presented below. Signs persist until the teeth themselves pass through the gum.

When do babies get their first teeth?

The main manifestations are:

  • irritation on the chest, at the mouth and chin, a rash in these places;
  • increased salivation;
  • the child wants to relieve the itch, so he bites everything that gets into his hand;
  • the baby refuses to eat, his appetite worsens;
  • sleep problems begin;
  • children become irritable.
  • in the place of eruption, the gum swells, swells.

There are some additional notes

Normally, temperature rise is unacceptable. If this happens, you should look for other accompanying inflammatory processes, and not just look at how the upper teeth are cut. Symptoms associated with fever are characteristic of viral or herpetic stomatitis, colds.

Children's first teeth

It is worth worrying if the mucous membrane is noticeable:

  • inflammation of the gums of a bright red hue;
  • small erosions surrounded by inflamed mucosa, usually bright red;
  • small bubbles, inside which is a cloudy, clear liquid.

This is how stomatitis manifests itself, in a herpetic form. After birth, children gradually become less and less antibodies to the herpes virus, initially they pass from the mother. Physiological reddening of the gums during normal teething should be distinguished from the symptoms of diseases of the oral cavity. It clearly shows how the upper teeth erupt, the photo below. Pay attention to the integrity of the mucous membrane, the presence of erosion, suppuration, multiple vesicles filled with liquid.

Teething of the upper teeth in a child - photo.

Children's "Panadol" will help to cope with an increase in temperature, if this still happened. It is produced in the form of suppositories, suspensions.

Mucous membrane - the appearance of hematomas

Sometimes the gums can swell when the upper teeth come in. Symptoms include the appearance of a bluish tint on the mucosa. But intervention is not required even in such situations, only if the neoplasms increase in size. Then you can not do without a small incision. Otherwise, do not release the bloody fluid.

Other problems

Cough should not appear when the upper teeth appear in infants. Photos on our website will help you understand how everything should look. The only possible reason is the secretion of saliva in large quantities. From time to time, it ends up in the airways, and not in the esophagus, which is why a cough appears.

Because of this, vomiting may occur. Experts advise to be wary if this particular symptom is accompanied by stool disorders, fever. A runny nose at such moments also appears, but, most often, due to colds.

Diarrhea, vomiting and fever are not related to how the upper teeth climb. Photos confirm this. The causes of such problems are rotoviruses, intestinal infections, and other infectious processes. Then you can not do without the help of a pediatrician, calling him at home.

If you notice inflamed gums of a bright red hue, herpetic eruptions, you should seek help in the treatment of a pediatric dentist. But the pediatrician in such cases will be able to prescribe treatment.

Examination of a child by a doctor during teething

Pediatricians are simply not familiar with the forms and by what rules stomatitis develops. And they do not know how one of its forms differs from another. But in each situation, different drugs are needed.

How to take care of your child's teeth

Hygiene must be observed even before the moment when the upper teeth of the child climb. The gums of infants are cleaned twice a day. To do this, use a clean bandage soaked in boiled water and wound around a finger; or a fingertip from a fabric base. After the appearance of teeth, hygiene products should be different. Foams, pastes, toothbrushes - it is important to choose products suitable for children under the age of 4 years.

Are there serious violations

Complications may arise due to diseases previously transferred by the baby. Or because of the problems of the mother, if they were during pregnancy. Because of this, there is not enough space for the appearance of new teeth, the jaw is deformed.

In this case, you need to take an x-ray, go to the doctor to examine the jaw visually. Only after admission, treatment is prescribed, on an individual basis. One of the known pathologies that can be visually determined without problems is hypoplasia. It manifests itself as spots on the surface of the mucous membrane. Or small grooves, pits, depressions, stripes.

A gum teether to help relieve itching during teething.

Teething - because of what and how deviations appear

The first and second half of pregnancy is the time when the illnesses and problems of the mother have a particularly strong effect on the future health of the baby.

  • it is not recommended to expose yourself to stress;
  • risk factors are toxoplasmosis, rubella and infections;
  • unpleasant consequences occur with ARVI with high temperatures, pneumonia;
  • kidney disease should be avoided;
  • toxicosis in the first 6-7 months of pregnancy

There are other unpleasant phenomena that can lead to disorders in children at different times.

  1. Problems arise if you have to completely abandon breastfeeding.
  2. There is toxicosis.
  3. There are conditions that cause convulsions.
  4. ARVI is often transferred, pneumonia was transferred.
  5. Sepsis in newborns.
  6. The conflict between organisms due to the difference in blood group, Rhesus.
  7. Prematurity, prematurity.

It is recommended to use a toothbrush from the age of 2 years. Tooth decay is more likely to develop if there is not enough fluoride in drinking water for children. Its daily intake must be compensated by organizing meals for children aged 2 to 14 years. Of the simplest remedies for alleviating pain, it is worth mentioning the usual cold. It will help reduce swelling. Special gels or ointments with an analgesic effect are produced, their use is permissible. Medications are taken after the prescription is issued by the attending physician.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth When does the baby get the first teeth?

Teething is an extremely important stage in a baby's life. And it is not surprising that parents are always concerned about the question of when the first teeth are cut in a baby, and what symptoms can normally accompany this process. Indeed, the appearance of a tooth is usually accompanied by a number of painful symptoms, and it is often difficult to figure out which of them are normal and which may be a sign of illness.

Age norms can be quite different depending on the race, heredity of the child, the nature of the mother's diet during pregnancy, the climate, the ecological situation in the region of residence, and many other features.

Nevertheless, pediatricians determine the approximate (average) timing of the appearance of teeth, which should be guided by when assessing the development of a child.

Normal timing

To date, it is considered normal if the first teeth in a child appear at the age of 6-8 months, and by the year the number of teeth reaches eight. All 20 milk teeth should erupt when the baby reaches the age of three.

Photo: All milk teeth erupt by the age of three

Teeth in a child at 3-4 months

Teething that started 1 to 3 months earlier than normal should not be cause for concern.

In most cases, the first teeth in a baby at 3 months appear due to the mother taking multivitamin or mineral complexes containing vitamin D, calcium during pregnancy, as well as increased consumption of fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir).

Children with early erupted teeth should be shown to the dentist at least once every 6 months, since caries often occurs on the “early” milk teeth.

Earlier appearance of teeth (up to 2–3 months of age) requires additional examination - this may be a sign of hormonal disorders or pathology of mineral metabolism in a child.

First teeth after a year

Even taking into account individual characteristics, at least 1-2 milk teeth should appear by the year. If a one-year-old baby still has no teeth, he should be shown to the dentist and pediatrician to rule out malformations and diseases.

When teething is delayed:

  • with rickets and other disorders of mineral metabolism;
  • in frequently ill, weakened children;
  • with endocrine pathology;
  • with poor nutrition, late introduction of complementary foods (for example, due to an allergy in a child to cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables, etc.);
  • with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with impaired digestion and absorption;
  • in premature babies - the degree of delay in eruption is directly related to the degree of prematurity;
  • with a genetic predisposition, including hereditary diseases of bone and cartilage tissues;
  • with adentia (a congenital malformation - the absence of the rudiments of milk teeth), milk teeth do not appear at all.

Video: first teeth

Eruption sequence

There is a certain order of eruption of milk teeth: the lower central incisors appear first, followed by the upper central ones. Next, the upper and lower lateral incisors erupt in pairs, followed by the upper and lower first molars. Then fangs and second molars appear.

Violation of the order of eruption

In some children, teething occurs in a different order, which is due to individual characteristics and is a physiological norm.

Photo: Violation of the order of teething

The only unfavorable sign that requires a dentist's consultation to rule out a congenital anomaly is a violation of pairing, when one tooth from a pair erupted, other teeth began to appear, but the second did not.


The severity and frequency of symptoms accompanying the appearance of milk teeth in children are variable and individual: for some they may be in full, while for others, eruption occurs without any discomfort at all.

The main signs of teething:

  • local changes (inflammation and loosening of the gums);
  • temperature rise;
  • excitability;
  • runny nose, cough;
  • diarrhea.

Inflammation of the gums

The sharp edge of the tooth during its growth pushes the gum tissues and injures them, causing inflammation and other local changes. First of all, there is swelling of the gums, which is easy to notice when examining the child's mouth.

Swollen gums make the baby have a strong desire to scratch them, and he constantly “drags” something into his mouth, actively chews various objects - a pacifier, toys, clothes, a blanket, his own fingers, and can bite his mother’s breast when feeding.

Photo: During teething, the child's gums itch

Immediately at the moment of tooth penetration, you can see the separation of the gum tissue, accompanied by redness. At this time, the gums are extremely painful, sometimes easily injured (blood appears when tapping with a spoon over the emerging tooth, bleeding is possible when chewing).

In some cases, during the eruption of fangs, molars, even a hematoma (bluish-colored tumor) occurs above the tooth, requiring surgical intervention.

Photo: Inflammation of the gums and hematoma of the gums during teething


Pain, burning sensation, tension in the gums, salivation, fever during teething are very painful for babies.

Children become restless, naughty, constantly require attention, sleep is often disturbed. In many babies, sensitivity to external stimuli increases: they begin to react painfully to bright lights or loud sounds.


An increase in temperature against the background of teething is due to biologically active substances released during the development of local inflammation in the gums.

As a rule, a temperature in the range of 37.5–38.5 ° C appears 1–2 days before the tooth erupts and disappears immediately after the tooth “opens” the gum.

Prolonged or severe fever in an infant over 39°C is always suspicious of other diseases.

Runny nose and cough

Runny nose and cough occur due to the large amount of saliva that flows into the nasopharynx, causing itching and irritation, while the glands of the nasal mucosa are activated.

The cough is rare, usually wet, with mucous sputum or saliva. Characterized by increased cough in the position of the child lying on his back.

Discharge from the nose is also mucous in nature (liquid or semi-liquid, transparent). They flow from the baby's nose, the baby "grunts" and "squishes", especially in sleep and while eating. Nasal congestion should not appear.

Digestive disorders

The appearance of the first teeth may be accompanied by a decrease in appetite up to a complete refusal to eat and drink, diarrhea, regurgitation and vomiting.

Decreased appetite is associated with impaired well-being of the child and pain in the mouth. When the tooth erupts, the inflammation of the gums stops and the appetite is restored. Breastfed babies may both refuse to breastfeed and demand breasts more often than usual, every 15 to 20 minutes.

Diarrhea is caused by profuse salivation: children swallow saliva, which dilutes the stool. It is acceptable to increase the frequency of defecation by 2-3 times compared with the individual norm of the child, but not more than 6 times a day.

The stool becomes semi-liquid or liquid, but retains its yellow (yellow-brown) color. Impurities of blood, mucus, greenery should not be. With watery stools, irritation often occurs on the skin of the perianal region.

Regurgitation and vomiting are noted as single episodes, usually against the background of high temperature. Persistent repeated vomiting, vomiting with a "fountain", constant regurgitation - a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Video: intestinal infections in a child

How to alleviate the condition of the baby

During teething, try to give the child as much time as possible, take him in your arms more often. Be sure to drink the baby, if you refuse the bottle, the liquid is given from a spoon. Apply to the baby's chest as often as he wants - it calms him.

Photo: When teething, take the baby in your arms more often

As additional measures, you can massage the gums and use medications.

gum massage

First of all, do not prevent the child from scratching his own gums, but make sure that small objects and foods that he can swallow or inhale do not get into his hands.

For chewing, give the baby rubber toys, dense corrugated teethers (teethers with water that can be cooled in the refrigerator are especially good for pain relief). A simple piece of rough cloth soaked in cool water (for example, a clean waffle towel) can be quite effective.

You can massage your gums with your finger after washing your hands. There are also special silicone fingertips-brushes for children's gums.

It is allowed to offer children a chilled banana, cookies - but only under the supervision of their parents.

Local anesthesia

For local anesthesia, dental gels based on benzocaine, lidocaine or choline salicylate are used.

All of them give only a short-term effect (within 30-60 minutes), but they are not safe. In order to avoid side effects and unwanted reactions, they should be used after consultation with a pediatrician, very carefully and not more than 3 times a day. The most popular of them are Kalgel, Kamistad, Kholisal.

Photo: Kamistad (left) and Solcoseryl (right)


For infants, antipyretic drugs based on only two drugs, ibuprofen and paracetamol, are allowed to be used.

Photo: Paracetamol-based preparations - Children's panadol (left) and Efferalgan suppositories (right)

Photo: Ibuprofen-based drugs - Ibufen (left) and Nurofen (right)

Against the background of teething, it is allowed to use an antipyretic 2-3 times a day at an age dosage, not only against the background of high temperature (38.5 ° C and above), but also with severe anxiety of the child, since the drugs have an analgesic effect.

Do not exceed the allowable daily dose and give the child an antipyretic for more than 2 days without consulting a doctor!


Homeopathic remedies are used both in the form of local dosage forms and in forms for oral administration, in rectal suppositories.

Of the local remedies, gels with chamomile and other medicinal herbs are used - Dantinorm Baby, Doctor Baby. Inside, homeopathic granules Hamomilla, Beladonna are prescribed, 1 pc. 3 times a day, Parodol EDAS-122 drops. Viburkol is produced in the form of rectal suppositories.

Photo: Homeopathic preparations - Dantinorm Baby (left) and Doctor Baby (right)

Homeopathic medicines have a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect, have a minimum of contraindications. However, their use should be discussed with your pediatrician.


Of the traditional medicine, the most effective are anti-inflammatory decoctions, teas and solutions that should be used to lubricate the baby's gums. They are prepared by brewing pharmacy chamomile - alone or mixed with other herbs - sage, lavender, mint, lemon balm.

Photo: Decoction of chamomile (left) and mint (right)

A solution of tea soda also helps - 1 tsp. to a glass of boiled water. The prepared composition is moistened with a finger wrapped in gauze, and the gums of the baby are treated.

Be attentive to your baby! It is not necessary to attribute all painful symptoms only to teething. It is quite possible that some disease is attached.

Delaying treatment can lead to severe complications. Remember: if you are in doubt, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the doctor.

Symptoms for which it is necessary to call a doctor:

  • Temperature above 38°C.
  • Diarrhea more often 5-6 times a day, or if there are pathological impurities in the stool (mucus, blood, greens).
  • Vomit.
  • Cough.
  • Coryza with yellow or yellow-green discharge.
  • Constant or high-pitched crying of the baby.
  • Formation of a hematoma on the gum.

The introduction of prophylactic doses of vitamin D sometimes helps to speed up teething (if the child does not receive it yet), as well as an increase in the menu of foods rich in calcium (cottage cheese, kefir). However, it is not worth introducing new dishes at the time of teething.

In order to avoid a sharp rise in temperature and other undesirable reactions, preventive vaccinations should also not be carried out against the background of the appearance of teeth.

Care is required already for the first teeth: clean them with a baby brush (for babies it is better to use a silicone fingertip brush) and baby toothpaste.

In order for the bite to form correctly, it is necessary to try to wean the child from the pacifier, and instead of a bottle with a nipple, switch to drinking from drinking bowls or a cup. But this should be done not at the time of teething, but after, so as not to injure the baby.

Video: caring for the first teeth

Signs and traditions

The most common tradition is a gift for the first tooth (grandmother or other relatives give a silver spoon).

To facilitate teething, our grandmothers put on amber beads for babies, protected them with coral amulets and necklaces made of red silk ribbons.

There are also interesting signs associated with the first teeth:

  • If the baby's teeth climb very early, or the upper incisors first appeared, then a second child will appear in the family in a year;
  • Frequently asked Questions

    How long do they cut?

    Tooth eruption occurs within 1-3 days. However, sometimes it is difficult to determine exactly when the tooth began to erupt. Parents and even pediatricians mistake moderate swelling of the gums and salivation, which can occur several months before the appearance of a tooth, as signs of teething that has begun.

    Is it true that the appearance of fangs is accompanied by particularly severe pain?

    Truth. The structural features of the fangs (sharp edges, uneven edge, thickness) cause especially intense pain.

    Does it matter if the top or bottom teeth erupt first?

    No. The order of teething is an individual feature, which is a variant of the physiological norm.

    Do not forget: the most important thing that your baby needs in such a crucial period as teething is your love, care and patience!

With the advent of a newborn in the life of young parents, there are a lot of reasons for joy: the smile of the child, his first words and steps. Among the important moments of child development, a special place is occupied by the period when a child is teething, the symptoms of which often frighten adults to horror. The baby becomes restless, constantly crying, sometimes he has a fever or diarrhea begins. Surviving this time is much easier if you know how teeth erupt in infants and what can be done to alleviate the condition of the baby.

How children's teeth climb


At the age of 4-8 months, the first symptoms of teething in infants begin to appear. They usually look like this:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the desire of the child to keep something in his mouth all the time, to gnaw and bite toys;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • tearfulness;
  • temperature rise;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • diathesis.

Every baby has their own way of handling climbing teeth. Some children develop indigestion when teeth begin to appear in the lower jaw and fever when in the upper.

It would seem that the body reacts too violently to such a natural process as teething: the symptoms can really resemble an incipient disease. But the pain that accompanies this "happy" event is so strong that adults could endure it no better. Before "showing itself to the world", the tooth must grow through the bone tissue and the mucous membrane of the gums.

Dangerous signs of teething in infants

Despite the fact that indigestion, fever, stuffy nose and cough are common companions of climbing teeth, some doctors do not consider these symptoms to be so unambiguous. The explanation for this opinion is very simple: the first years of a child's life are marked not only by growing teeth, but also by a high risk of getting an infection. Therefore, ordinary diarrhea can be both a completely harmless “incident” and a manifestation of a dangerous disease. In this case, how to understand that teeth are being cut, and pathology does not make itself felt?

Moist cough

When teeth are being cut, symptoms such as excessive salivation and a slight cough are quite normal. Saliva collects in the throat area, and the lying baby wants to get rid of it by coughing. In a sitting position, a wet cough also manifests itself, but much less often. It usually resolves in 2-3 days and does not require special treatment.

Another thing is when a child coughs very strongly and often, in addition, excessive sputum is observed. The cough lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, causing the baby to suffer. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During the period when children are teething, the amount of mucus secreted in the nose increases significantly. It is clear, liquid and does not look painful. Normally, a runny nose is mild and disappears in 3-4 days. As a treatment, you can limit yourself to simply washing the nose from the accumulated mucus.

Parents should be alerted by a profuse runny nose, in which cloudy white or greenish mucus is released. If such nasal congestion does not go away after 3 days, you should consult your doctor.

Elevated temperature

Teething in infants is accompanied by the active production of bioactive substances in the gum area. This process provokes an increase in temperature to 37-38 C for 1-2 days. Then the condition of the baby returns to normal. Parents can bring down the temperature with antipyretics that are harmless to children.

But sometimes the child's health does not improve, and the temperature lasts more than 2 days. This is a serious reason to visit your doctor. A visit to the pediatrician is also required if the temperature has risen above 39 C.


The body noticeably increases the activity of salivation when teething begins in children. Because of this, the baby constantly swallows saliva, which accelerates intestinal motility. The result is diarrhea characterized by watery stools. The act of defecation in a child does not occur too often - 2-3 times a day. Usually diarrhea goes away in 2-3 days.

A doctor should be consulted if diarrhea is prolonged, very frequent and intense, as it can provoke a state of dehydration that is dangerous for a small child. Also, parents should be alerted by impurities of mucus or blood in the stool.

Sometimes there is an indigestion opposite to diarrhea - constipation. It should not be allowed to last more than 3-4 days. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor how you can help the baby's intestines to be cleansed.

Parents who first observe the symptoms of teething in infants should consult a pediatrician in all incomprehensible situations. It is better to disturb the doctor once again than to allow the development of the disease in the child. With a second baby, it will be much easier, and the signs of teething will not seem so frightening.

When do children start teething?

The timing of the appearance of teeth, like other statistical information, is determined more approximately than exactly. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child: someone becomes a “nibbler” much earlier than expected, someone later. It is noticed that boys are slightly behind girls. On average, teeth begin to erupt in children at this age:

In current babies, the first tooth appears at about 8.5 months, which somewhat shifts the growth period of the rest. Until the first year of life, the baby boasts at least one tooth. As a rule, by the age of 3, a child will acquire a full set of 20 milk teeth.

In many children, teeth climb 2, or even 4 at once. Such a load can be difficult for a baby to bear, but pairing in teething is completely normal.

It is not so important at how many months the teeth begin to be cut and in what order: this does not affect the “quality” in any way. Therefore, do not worry that the child is a little behind or ahead of his peers - he just develops at his own pace.

It is necessary to carefully care for the child's oral cavity:

  • for a baby up to 1-1.5 years old, wipe the teeth with a special silicone brush;
  • from 1.5 years of age to buy a baby brush for a child;
  • From the age of 2, teach your baby to rinse his mouth after eating.

The first visit to the dentist with a child should be made at the age of 1 year.

How to help a child

How to behave to relieve the symptoms of teething in a child

Babies are very sensitive to the behavior of their parents, especially their mothers. Therefore, you can brighten up the period of teething by simply giving the child maximum benevolent attention. Need:

  • take the baby in your arms more often;
  • talk affectionately with the child, sing to him;
  • distract the baby with toys;
  • do not quarrel in the nursery, avoid screaming in the presence of the child.

Breastfed babies, when teething begins, tend to contact the mother's breast as often as possible. During this period, it is not necessary to establish a strict feeding schedule: this will only worsen the condition of the child. After 2-3 days, everything will return to normal, but for now, you should give the baby a breast as often as he asks. This will calm him down and reduce the level of irritability.

During the period when teeth are being cut, children have a strong need to scratch their gums with something. As a rule, they use their favorite toy for this purpose. But there are also special teethers made of safe materials and helping the baby to survive a difficult period. Their prices vary considerably:

  • Curababy girl teether - 1450 rubles. In fact, this is a combination of a rattle, a massage toothbrush and a teether. Material - soft rubber and hard plastic;
  • Curababy boy set - 2000 rubles. Boy's version of the previous model. Also included is a children's toothbrush;
  • cooling teether "Eight" from Canpol - 270 rubles. Made of polymer frame and filled with distilled water;
  • teether "Eight" from Nuk - 160 rubles. Made of PVC, has a relief surface that allows you to massage the gums. The set includes 2 pcs;
  • teethers Bright Starts - 350 rubles. for 3 pcs. They have a relief surface that develops motor skills in babies. Made of soft polymer and filled with water;
  • combined teethers from Nuk - 520 rubles. for 3 pcs. Their main difference is that each teether varies in degree of rigidity and is suitable for a certain period of tooth growth.

Naturally, when a child's teeth are actively climbing, you want to remove the symptoms of what is happening as soon as possible. But you should not place too high hopes on teethers: babies often refuse them, preferring an ordinary rattle to such “specialized” items. In this case, you need to make sure that the child puts only a safe object into his mouth: without sharp corners and small parts that can be chewed off. Many parents “slip” a chilled spoon or dummy to their baby, or even completely dispense with ordinary drying.

Medications that relieve the symptoms of teething in babies

Some parents believe that the child should not be given any medication. But such an opinion exists only until the moment of recognition of how teeth are cut in babies. Under the influence of the child's suffering and relatives tired of his cries, the parents decide to go to the pharmacy. What medicine can relieve the symptoms of teething in children?

  1. Dantinorm baby. Homeopathic remedy in the form of a solution. For a long time it anesthetizes, and also reduces the severity of digestive disorders. Estimated cost - 300 rubles.
  2. Dentokind. A homeopathic preparation designed specifically for babies. On average, its cost is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. The medicine relieves all the unpleasant symptoms of teething in infants, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and fever. Children are supposed to suck the tablets, but they are often too small for this. So the pill can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and allowed to be swallowed by the baby.
  3. Kamistad. Gel. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. The main active ingredients are lidocaine and chamomile extract. The average price is 150 rubles. for 10 g. Not recommended for children under 3 months.
  4. Dentinox. Gel or solution. The average cost is 180 rubles. for 10 g / ml. Relieves pain and inflammation of the gums. Safe even if a child swallows some of the gel.
  5. Holisal. Gel. Cost - 330 rubles. for 10 g. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills microbes. May cause an allergic reaction in the form of a short-term burning sensation.
  6. Kalgel. Gel. The main ingredient is lidocaine. It is used for children older than 5 months. It has a weak analgesic effect, can provoke an allergic reaction.

Homeopathy and gels do not always relieve teething in children, the symptoms of which are almost always accompanied by soreness. Therefore, you can give the child an age-appropriate pain reliever:

  • Paracetamol for children. Suspension. Relieves pain, lowers the temperature. Do not take longer than 3 days in a row;
  • Panadol. Candles, suspension. It is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use if the child is very small;
  • Nurofen for children Suspension. Contains ibuprofen. After a single dose, it relieves pain for a long time.

During the period when the child's teeth climb, the symptoms cannot be removed with the help of Aspirin. It is absolutely not suitable for children as an antipyretic or pain reliever.

Folk remedies

All the unpleasant signs of teething in children were known even when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, there are many ways to alleviate the condition of the child with the help of folk remedies. Among them:

  1. Cold. It is necessary to hold a spoon or pacifier in the freezer and give it to the baby. A cooled thing will relieve pain and soothe the gums a little. Older children can be offered vegetables, fruits, juices from the refrigerator.
  2. Massage. Soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide or chamomile decoction. They need to gently wipe the place where the tooth began to be cut.
  3. Motherwort decoction. It is necessary to pour 1 tsp. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Allow the drink to cool slightly, sugar and offer to the child. You can also use valerian root tea.
  4. Honey. You should carefully smear the gums with honey. It perfectly soothes and relieves irritation.
  5. Chicory or strawberry root. You just need to let the baby gnaw on the root. The child will massage the gums in this way and soothe the pain.
  6. Soda solution. When teeth are being cut, symptoms will help to remove 1 tsp. soda diluted with a glass of water. In the solution, you need to moisten a piece of bandage, wrap it around your index finger and treat your gums with it.

It is also necessary to carefully wipe the saliva accumulated around the mouth. If teething is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, then the child should be fed liquid pureed food and given plenty of fluids to drink.

There are several folk methods used for the appearance of teeth, which must be abandoned:

  • press firmly on the gums with your finger. This will only increase the pain and irritation;
  • give your child stale bread or cookies. He may choke on crumbs. Teethers in this sense are much safer;
  • wipe the gums with undissolved soda or pick them. There is little benefit from this, but there is a risk of infection.

During the period when the baby's teeth are being cut, the symptoms are difficult to endure not only for the child, but also for his parents. Baby cries do not belong to the classic “joys of motherhood,” but you can’t do without them. But when the baby survives the painful days of climbing teeth, he will successfully pass another stage of growing up.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this topic?


Teeth in children always erupt in approximately the same period of time, but in different ways. For some, everything proceeds quickly and imperceptibly, while others feel all the possible symptoms of teething in infants - pain, fever, itching. For parents, this is a very exciting moment, because many do not know how to behave in this situation. This article will consider all the options for the flow of this process, the possible help to the baby. You will learn how teeth erupt in babies, but the photo will help you see everything clearly.

Young parents need to know in advance the symptoms of teething in infants, as well as approximate dates. Although they are approximately the same, in some children the first teeth may appear at 3 months, while in others - closer to 8-9 months. Both of these options are considered normal and should not be cause for concern. Usually by the year a child has about 10 teeth, but there may also be fewer. Their complete absence at this age is considered abnormal. It is possible to predetermine when the first teeth appear by heredity, as well as by the level of health and lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy.

What to do when a child starts teething?

To clearly see how the teeth of babies climb, the photo can be viewed in this article. Approximate timing of the appearance of teeth and their location:

  1. The lower anterior incisors are the first to appear at 6 to 8 months.
  2. After a few months (about 7-10, depending on the timing of the appearance of the first teeth), the upper incisors appear, located exactly above the lower ones that have already appeared.
  3. From 8 months to 1 year, the lateral upper and lower incisors erupt, close to the existing teeth.
  4. By the age of one and a half, the first molars erupt. They are located at the top. Their eruption can happen a little earlier - you can start waiting from 13 months.
  5. A few months after the appearance of the upper molars, the lower ones also appear - usually the baby at this time is about 15-19 months old.
  6. The upper fangs appear when the baby is already 16 months old.
  7. The lower fangs erupt after a short period of time - from 17 to 22 months.
  8. At two years, the second pair of lower molars erupt.
  9. After a short time, the second pair of upper molars appears last.

You can see photos of teething in infants in this article, as well as in the gallery of our website.

It is also important to know that all dates are approximate and may not correspond to the real picture. In addition, the order of appearance of the teeth may be disturbed.

In order not to worry and know that everything is going well, you need to regularly visit a doctor who will assess the condition of the baby.


Signs of tooth growth in infants can appear both acutely enough and absent altogether. They may appear a month before the first tooth. His imminent appearance can be understood by the behavior of the child: he begins to gnaw toys more and more and put pens in his mouth, he may refuse food or, conversely, demand it more and more often; becomes restless, tearful, sleeps badly.

Teething in a child

Signs of teeth in a baby are also reflected in the general condition of the body: the temperature rises, diarrhea begins, less often vomiting, stuffy nose, cough appears. Salivation greatly increases, and the gums look reddened and swollen. All these signs signal the imminent appearance of a tooth.

  1. The first sign is an increase in temperature. The reason for this is the emerging processes in the gums. The temperature rises to 38 degrees, lasts up to two days. A longer period should raise concerns. It must be reduced carefully, only with the help of products approved for infants. In any case, fever is a reason to consult a specialist to rule out other possible diseases.
  2. Diarrhea is another common symptom of teething. This is due to the increase in salivation. This unpleasant symptom lasts up to three days, and the act of defecation at this time can be up to three times a day. If after the specified period the diarrhea does not stop, you need to visit a doctor. Also, the help of a specialist may be needed with too frequent and profuse diarrhea.
  3. Constipation is the reverse effect of the previous symptom. As a rule, diarrhea is more common, but constipation is not uncommon. If it lasts more than a few days, you need to help the baby's intestines to be cleansed with acceptable means.
  4. Cough occurs due to the large amount of saliva that enters the child's throat. A wet cough may also appear, which can pass on its own in a period of up to three days. With a strong cough, the baby needs to be shown to the pediatrician.
  5. When teeth appear in infants, a runny nose may appear. It goes away on its own, like a cough. Discharge from the nose in this case is transparent and does not cause concern. The appearance of any color in mucus is an unhealthy sign.

Toddlers teething

How teeth are cut in babies - photos are presented in this article. On them you can see how the gums look in this period. Signs of teething in infants, photos of which are also presented in this article, will help determine how difficult this process can be and what you should prepare for. If suddenly the symptoms become too acute, and the baby feels really bad, you should definitely call a doctor at home. He will tell you how you can alleviate the general condition of the child.

At this time, the child needs a little more care than usual. It is necessary to constantly monitor its condition and notice any changes in it. Following a few simple tips, you can alleviate the symptoms of teething in infants:

  • the nutrition of the child should be balanced strictly according to age. It should contain a minimum of sweets to prevent the development of caries, as well as include all the necessary components rich in vitamins. To avoid complications, it is best to choose them with the help of a pediatrician;
  • to avoid unnecessary irritation, the child's saliva should always be gently blotted, trying not to damage the skin. You can lubricate the skin around the lips with baby cream;
  • when the temperature rises, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of other diseases, for example, colds. To do this, you need to visit a pediatrician who will determine why exactly the temperature could rise;
  • medicines are used only on the advice of a doctor. Various drugs can not be taken without a prescription, as well as solutions containing alcohol can be used to improve the child's condition;
  • only he should eat from the spoon of the child. You can only taste his food with another spoon, otherwise there is a risk of infection;
  • when diarrhea occurs, the anus area is also irritated. To do this, you need to minimize the use of diapers, wash the baby only with water, without napkins. The irritated area can be lubricated with sea buckthorn or special baby oil;
  • Dental care should begin as soon as they appear. To do this, you need to purchase a soft baby toothbrush or a special brush for babies. The child needs to be shown how important this procedure is and why it needs to be done regularly. The child should learn to brush his teeth at least twice a day, as well as at least just rinse his mouth after eating. Toothpaste should be selected according to age;
  • the dentist is usually visited at the age of two, but if there are any deviations, a visit can be made earlier.

What to do if the baby is teething

If all the symptoms of teeth in the baby are present, then the child can begin to give special toys. They are specifically designed to reduce pain, irritation, itching relief and distraction. Thanks to them, the baby stops putting his hands in his mouth, which can lead to even more irritation. Such toys are usually covered with a special pimply coating, inside of which there is a liquid. They are kept in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer) and are given chilled to the baby to chew.

You can buy them at a pharmacy - then they will be guaranteed to be made from safe materials and will not bring any harm. So the teeth in infants, the symptoms of which worsen the general condition of the body, become less pronounced.

gum massage toys for kids

In addition to these toys, you can use other devices. For example, our grandmothers took pieces of carrots or apples for this purpose. Fruits brought a double benefit to the baby - they nourished his body with vitamins and relieved pain and itching. You can also chew on drying, but it should be without sharp edges. You can also give wet cool gauze. If the baby is teething, the symptoms can be reduced with a special gel. It is designed for babies, and is able to alleviate their condition. To do this, a small amount of gel must be applied to irritated gums. But it can't be used often.



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