The heart can hurt all the time. Why does aching pain occur in the region of the heart? Diagnosis depending on the conditions for the occurrence of pain syndrome and associated symptoms

Pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle is one of the most common reasons for calling an ambulance. But only in 20-30% of cases, cardiac problems are confirmed. Basically, the culprits of discomfort are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neurological profile.

To help doctors quickly identify the cause of the ailment, it is important to pay attention to 3 points when the heart hurts: where it gives off, the intensity of sensations and their nature. These parameters will help you quickly make the right decision.

Cardiac diseases are known for their insidiousness. They can develop rapidly or gradually, accompanied by shortness of breath, periodic arrhythmia and increased fatigue. However, the main symptom is pain. Its intensity directly depends on the type of disease and the degree of its development.

The heart has a lot of pain receptors that are triggered when muscle fibers are damaged. This is usually caused by a lack of nutrient intake, hypoxia, or inflammatory processes. It is about such damage that pain in the heart signals, where it gives at the same time - an important diagnostic sign.

With cardiac pathologies, discomfort is concentrated in the retrosternal space, arising from somewhere from the inside. At the same time, a typical shift to the left is not always observed. It is characteristic that when it is difficult to clearly identify its source or point of origin. Usually sensations are located in a certain area, but without a clear localization.

If the heart hurts, where the pain is given is an important diagnostic criterion. In cardiac diseases, irradiation is almost always present.

The fact is that the heart is located at the junction of the cervical and thoracic spine. A huge number of nerve fibers are concentrated here, which are responsible for the transmission of impulses from certain areas. Therefore, myocardial receptor signals are often transmitted to neighboring nodes.

But where can the pain in the heart go? It usually covers the following areas:

  • lower jaw;
  • shoulder;
  • hand;
  • epigastric region;
  • left hypochondrium.

Also, do not forget about her character. Usually these are squeezing and pressing sensations, accompanied by panic attacks (fear of death), shortness of breath, heavy breathing, etc. But in some cases, the pain syndrome is burning or in nature.

Keep in mind: when the heart hurts, where the pain gives off and whether sensations depend on movement are important points. So, if the intensity decreases with a change in posture, this may indicate the neurological nature of the pathology.

Gives in the back, under the shoulder blade

Such localization of pain can have dozens of reasons, including cardiological problems. Thus, pain in the heart extending under the shoulder blade and / or in the back is characteristic of myocardial infarction. The pain syndrome has an acute or burning character and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • rapid breathing;
  • it is difficult for the patient to lie down, he constantly wants to sit down;
  • lack of an adequate response to standard cardiac drugs.

If the recoil is not limited to the back and extends to the left arm, neck, jaw, it may be an angina attack. The pain is dull, squeezing, aching or cutting, but not sharp. This condition is characterized by the fear of death, heavy breathing, shortness of breath. Taking nitroglycerin helps relieve the attack.

The cause of pain in the region of the heart muscle with irradiation under the scapula is often pericarditis. Feelings are monotonous: pain,. Pericarditis is characterized by fever.

Do not forget that pain in the heart, radiating to the left side of the back or to the shoulder blade, may be a sign of sciatica, etc.

Possible places of irradiation of pain in the heart

Left shoulder and arm

This feature is characteristic of many pathologies of the cardiological profile. But more often it occurs with angina pectoris, myocarditis, etc.

With inflammation of the myocardium, the pain syndrome has a aching and stabbing character, and will not disappear after taking nitroglycerin. Also, discomfort increases with physical exertion. This disease is characterized by such additional symptoms:

  • asthma attacks during sleep;
  • deterioration after intensive work.

Cardiomyopathy is accompanied by stabbing and aching pains that last for several hours. Tellingly, they are not removed by nitroglycerin. It is possible to distinguish this disease from other pathologies by the presence of arrhythmia attacks.

Interesting to know! In which hand does the pain in the heart give? In fact, irradiation often covers the left side, but pain on the right side is also possible. Doctors also recommend focusing on the appearance of numbness of the left and / or right hand.

Throat (neck) and lower jaw

This type of spread of discomfort is typical for angina attacks with, as well as for myocarditis. These diseases have a different nature, but they have a similar mechanism for transmitting sensations.

When pain in the heart radiates to the neck, patients often confuse this sensation with other problems. For example, people suffering from an attack of angina pectoris often go to the dentist because of pain in the jaw and throat, citing problems with their teeth. Pressing discomfort in the region of the heart is usually attributed to overwork or stress.

Please note: if the aching and arching pain in the chest is mild and is supplemented by unpleasant sensations in the neck and jaw, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Indeed, in the aggregate, these symptoms may indicate coronary heart disease.

to the epigastric region

Pain syndrome with transmission to the upper abdomen is characteristic of pericarditis and problems with the arteries. However, if during inflammation of the pericardium, discomfort is supplemented by fever and can be aggravated by coughing, then things are more complicated with vascular pathologies.

Aortic aneurysms and dissections usually resolve without radiation. Pain syndrome often occurs in the retrosternal space. But in medical practice there were patients who came with complaints of stomach pain and heartburn. This later turned out to be a serious problem with the aorta.

Remember: if pressing pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heaviness in the chest, does not go away after taking analgesics, call an ambulance immediately!

Useful video

For more information on the symptoms of heart disease, see the following video:


  1. Cardiological problems can be recognized by the irradiation of unpleasant sensations.
  2. So, if the pain in the heart radiates to the throat, back, arm, shoulder, jaw or stomach, this is an alarming sign that requires urgent medical attention.
  3. Believe me, it is better to play it safe once again than to delay the provision of first aid. After all, in acute conditions, every second matters.

Pain in the heart area is a common reason for visiting a doctor. They have a different character, duration, a certain irradiation. In addition, discomfort in the chest has a different etiology and their appearance is not always associated with heart pathology. This article describes the most characteristic signs of heart pain, indicates the pathologies that can mimic it, and also talks about how to distinguish true cardialgia from a pain syndrome of another etiology.

Causes of pain in the heart

The etiology of this unpleasant symptom is very diverse. Heart pain occurs, as a rule, in the presence of coronary disease, in which the coronary vessels are affected. Also, the cause of true cardialgia is inflammatory heart disease, congenital malformations, VVD. In addition, there is a wide range of pathologies that are accompanied by pain in the chest, which mimics heart damage. Some of them are described below.

Cardialgia with osteochondrosis

Clinical manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis are very similar to pathologies of the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Patients complain of pain in the chest, which is aggravated by bending over, changing the position of the body, as well as after dynamic or static loads. The pain often appears in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spreads to the region of the heart, left arm and sternum. It can disturb when lying on the side or back, which forces patients to take a forced position, which reduces pain. Unpleasant sensations have different intensity, occur at different times of the day.

Shortness of breath is also a common symptom. Patients note that they do not have enough air, since normal breathing is difficult. Sometimes during meals, patients also note the sensation of a foreign body in the throat and along the esophagus.

Pain in the heart with neuralgia

Cardialgia in this pathology occurs in only 10% of clinical cases, but is characterized by high intensity. A sudden pain syndrome develops. Patients cannot raise their left arm or turn their head. If the pain spreads from the nerves that are infringed during intercostal neuralgia, palpation of the intercostal spaces leads to increased pain. An increase in the intensity of pain is also observed when inhaling, coughing or laughing. The nature of the pain is usually girdle, stabbing, cutting, dull, constant or paroxysmal. There may be a sharp pain that does not allow you to make a single movement.

Cardialgia in neurosis

Why does the heart hurt during psycho-emotional overstrain? The main reason is the development of cardiac neurosis. At the same time, cardialgia has certain features. So, in most cases, it occurs among people who are characterized by negativism, isolation, emotional lability. Favorable factors in this case can be called bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, concomitant mental disorders. With neurosis of the heart, compression and discomfort in the chest, dizziness and increased sweating, headache and nausea are noted. Patients may lose consciousness. Also characterized by an accelerated pulse, changes in blood pressure, a feeling of lack of air, tremors, panic attacks and stabbing pain in the heart.

Heart pain during exercise

As a rule, this complication develops after excessive training. During intense physical activity, the heart requires more oxygen. An inadequate reaction of the body is manifested in the narrowing of the coronary vessels, which worsens the blood supply to the myocardium, and leads to the appearance of pain. As a rule, athletes can feel heart pain, which disappears after rest. If the aching pain in the region of the heart persists for a longer time, the training regimen should be reviewed and the load should be reduced, as this can be dangerous. In addition, it should be remembered that in cases where, after training, there is a significant tachycardia, excessive sweating and shortness of breath even after the cessation of physical activity or the left arm goes numb, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cardialgia with vegetative-vascular dystonia

For the cardiological syndrome in this pathology, the following symptoms are mainly characteristic: pain in the heart of an acute and stabbing nature, which appear both after exercise and at rest, heart rhythm disturbance in the form of tachycardia or bradycardia, changes in blood pressure. Pain may be moderate.

As a rule, there is a paroxysmal or dull pain in the heart, but it is accompanied by excessive fear or even hysterical seizures, in which a person cannot adequately assess his condition and overestimate the complexity of the existing manifestations. In addition, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, temperature changes, general weakness and sweating, tinnitus and excessive drowsiness, headaches, mood swings are recorded, which is especially pronounced in adolescents.

Heart pain in chronic alcoholism

With the constant abuse of alcoholic beverages, myocardial dystrophy is formed. At the initial stages of its development, patients complain of palpitations, lack of air, headaches and poor sleep. It is also characterized by pressing pain in the heart, increased irritability and sweating. First, cardialgia occurs in the form of seizures at night, accompanied by tachycardia, extrasystole or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, which later becomes permanent. In addition, after alcohol, which is consumed in large quantities, the heart enlarges, its tones become deaf, acrocyanosis appears, the liver thickens, edema of the extremities and signs of heart failure develop.

Pain in the heart during pregnancy

During this period, serious changes occur in the woman's body and the usual work of many organs and systems, including the heart, is disrupted. As a rule, the cause of cardialgia during pregnancy is an increase in the volume of circulating blood, a constant increase in body weight, an uncomfortable position, iron deficiency in the body, fluid retention and an increase in blood pressure. Do not forget about the significant hormonal changes during this period, which makes women weaker to the action of stressful situations or to sudden atmospheric changes.

Cardialgia in lung diseases

With damage to the respiratory system, chest pain has the following features:

  • characterized by an acute, but short-term character;
  • as a rule, irradiation of pain sensations is not observed;
  • pain worsens with deep inspiration;
  • the presence of such pulmonary symptoms as cough, sputum production, the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • dry or wet rales, percussion data indicating lung damage.

It is worth noting that the most common pain in the heart during inspiration is observed with the development of pleurisy. With this pathology, it can have a different distribution. With inflammation of the parietal pleura, pain is localized in the lower parts of the chest. In the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, pain appears if the parietal pleura of the upper lobe of the lung is affected. If apical pleurisy is diagnosed, then due to irritation of the brachial plexus, concomitant pain in the arm may be observed, and with diaphragmatic pleurisy, pain sensations spread to the abdomen and are accompanied by vomiting.

That is why for a correct diagnosis it is important to clearly determine where it hurts. This helps to distinguish true cardiac pain from the clinical manifestations of lung involvement. It is important to remember that cardialgia in the pathology of the respiratory system cannot be considered the leading clinical syndrome. More specific manifestations (cyanosis, fever, signs of intoxication, cough, shortness of breath, sputum production) are taken into account.

How to understand that it is the heart that hurts?

If you experience any discomfort in the heart area, you should immediately consult a doctor for a thorough examination. To confirm heart damage, a blood test, ECG, myocardial scintigraphy, angiography, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI are done.

How does the heart hurt?

Of course, according to the complaints of patients, one or another pathology can be suspected, but for a correct diagnosis, clinical manifestations are not always decisive, since, as can be seen from the information presented above, pain in the heart region can appear with many other diseases not associated with direct damage to the heart.

If we talk about the main characteristic manifestations of heart pain, we can name the following:

  • if the cause is angina pectoris, the pain occurs behind the sternum, has a compressive, cutting, dull or sharp character. It, as a rule, gives to the left hand, shoulder blade, sometimes it may not have a clear localization, it lasts from several seconds to 20 minutes. During an attack, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air and a fear of death appear. Pain sensations do not depend on the position of the body or breathing, they are quickly removed with nitroglycerin;
  • in case of myocardial infarction, intense anginal pain occurs, which radiates to the shoulder blade, arm, abdomen, left half of the neck, lasts longer than 15 minutes and is not affected by nitrates, is accompanied by profuse sweat and fear of death, as well as shortness of breath and unproductive cough. In some cases, myocardial infarction occurs without pain.

What to do with cardialgia?

When an attack of heart pain occurs, you should stop any physical activity, sit comfortably or, if possible, take a horizontal position, unbutton your clothes and provide fresh air. The patient should be given one tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue. If there is no effect, the drug can be repeated at intervals of three minutes. If the pain syndrome lasts more than 20 minutes and does not decrease after taking nitroglycerin three times, you should call an ambulance. By her arrival, the patient can be given an aspirin tablet to chew. With tachycardia more than 110 beats / min. it is advisable to take anaprilin (if there are no contraindications).

It is important that first aid is provided as soon as possible after the onset of pain. This helps to avoid serious complications, including myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac arrest. In addition, it should be remembered that even in the case when it was possible to eliminate the pain syndrome on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out its etiology and prevent a recurrent attack.


Pain in the heart is one of the main symptoms in cardiology. However, it can be caused by diseases of other organs and systems - for example, diseases of the bone, nervous, muscular systems, lungs, gastrointestinal tract cause similar sensations. In this case, we are talking about cardialgia - this is pain in the heart, unrelated to coronary heart disease, which differs in duration, stabbing or burning character and is not stopped by nitroglycerin.

Intercostal neuralgia, cervical osteochondrosis, cervico-shoulder syndrome provoke cardialgia that occurs under certain conditions (tilting or turning the head, when stretching the arm, etc.). Also, a feeling of heaviness in the chest or other unpleasant complaints are made by people who have experienced a nervous breakdown, suffering from depression, panic attacks, and chronic stress. Similar symptoms are possible with menopausal syndrome, in which case there are additional hot flashes, mood swings.

Cardiological causes of pain in the heart

Coronary heart disease (anginal pain):
Cardiac ischemia
angina (tension, rest, stable, unstable)
myocardial infarction.
They are caused by a decrease in blood supply to certain areas of the myocardium, most often due to atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries, often occur during exercise. The pain is pressing, squeezing, burning, can radiate to the left arm and shoulder blade, is paroxysmal in nature, may be accompanied by fear, lasts from 2-3 to 15-20 minutes.
Non-coronary lesions (inflammatory, rheumatic diseases, heart defects, etc.):
Cardiomyopathy (often hypertrophic)
Pericarditis (usually dry)
Defects of the aortic, mitral valve (usually stenosis).
The heart hurts for a long time (“whines”), especially with a deep breath, coughing, often the presence of discomfort depends on the posture. Painkillers provide relief.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of pain in the heart, based on the history and information obtained during diagnostic studies (for example, ECG, echocardiography). It is worth noting the pain with a dissecting aortic aneurysm: a sharp onset of pain (like a "dagger strike").

Pain of non-cardiac origin

May be due to radicular syndrome in osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine. In this case, the pain is long-lasting (for hours), or vice versa, instant punctures. They are not associated with walking, but are provoked by turning the body or working with the hands.

With pleurisy, the pain is clearly related to breathing. With spasm of the esophagus and diaphragmatic hernia, pain often occurs after eating and in the supine position.

Heartburn with a stomach ulcer may resemble a burning sensation behind the sternum, but there is no connection with walking, it is stopped by antacids.

In addition to a cardiologist, you may need to consult a neurologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, pulmonologist, traumatologist, orthopedist and other specialists.

If, along with pain in the heart, especially severe and prolonged, any of the following symptoms are present, it is urgent to call an ambulance:

Vomiting, nausea,
clouding of consciousness,
A sharp increase in sweating,
Numbness of the limbs

Since heart pain can have many causes, do not put off a visit to the doctor.

My heart is bleeding

What diseases does pain in the heart area signal us? What to do? How to act in such a situation, and which doctor to contact depending on the symptoms?

Most of us do not react to a rapid heartbeat, or explain it with increased emotionality. And if there is pain in the region of the heart, we run straight to the cardiologist. Oddly enough, this is not always the right specialist - intercostal neuralgia can also cause such sensations, and this is not an isolated example.

Often, it is not the pain in the heart that is disturbing at all, but the deviation of the heartbeat, and many do not pay enough attention to them, although such anomalies are signals of serious problems.

What are the most common complaints about the heart, and when do you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and when do you urgently grab the phone and call an ambulance?

The most common symptoms and causes of pain and discomfort in the heart area:

1. Too fast heartbeat
A rapid heartbeat, scientifically called tachycardia, is a normal response of the body to emotional or physical stress, and sometimes to an increase in temperature. Therefore, such symptoms, especially in older people, often accompany the flu. If such a heartbeat is observed at rest and the pulse reaches 180-200 beats per minute, do not hesitate to call an ambulance. These are signs of paroxysmal tachycardia, and they are not amenable to self-treatment, only a specialist can find the root cause. Before the ambulance arrives, if you are alone in the apartment, call your neighbors, such a pulse rate can cause fainting.

2. Irregular heartbeat
If the heart beats “at random”, at irregular time intervals, this is also a reason to call an ambulance. Most often, this is a sign of an attack of atrial fibrillation, and treatment should be carried out in a cardiology clinic.

3. "Extra" heart beats
It happens that in the middle of even heartbeats, an “extraordinary” suddenly slips, after which a short pause follows. Such phenomena are called extrasystoles, and can occur in people with unimpaired heart function. Usually they are not even perceived as a significant deviation from the norm. However, if this happens too often and starts to cause you concern, contact your cardiologist. You should conduct daily Holter ECG monitoring and record the frequency and duration of extrasystoles in order to find out in detail the cause of deviations from the norm, and additional examinations may be prescribed.

4. Pain on movement
In young people, pain in the region of the left side of the chest is not yet a reason to consider yourself a core. If it occurs during sudden movements, holding your breath or when lifting weights, you need to look for the cause in your musculoskeletal system. Often this can be the most common disease of the spine - scoliosis, or it can make itself felt inflammation of the intercostal muscles.
Initially, it is better to contact not a cardiologist, but a neurologist or orthopedist. Gymnastics, manual therapy can help to cope with the problem, and a corset is often recommended for office workers to maintain the spine. When choosing a corset, it is important to consult a specialist, this is a professional fixator, and you should not wear it without recommendations.

5. Pain associated with a rash
A sharp pain in the ribs, accompanied by a rash, in adults can be a sign of herpes zoster, and in children - chickenpox.
First of all, you need to visit a therapist and a dermatologist, such pain is rarely related to cardiology.

6. Pain during exercise
If, when playing sports or lifting weights, a spasm occurs that radiates to the left arm or lower jaw, and a burning sensation is felt, you need to visit a cardiologist and undergo an ECG (it is also possible to pass a stress ECG). This may be the first sign of angina.

7. Pain during a cold
If pain in the heart began to bother you during a cold, this can either be a sign of an inflammatory process that has affected the heart, or signal osteochondrosis. Accurate diagnosis can be provided by a cardiologist and rheumatologist, and along with a routine ECG, be prepared to take complete blood tests and ultrasounds.

8. Pain at rest
If you periodically feel a slight aching pain at rest against the background of a bad mood, this may be the result of depression or autonomic dysfunction. Visit a neuropsychiatrist, such problems can have a bad effect not only on your emotional, but also on your physical health.

9. Pain when eating
If you are experiencing severe pain in the left chest area after eating spicy or fatty foods, less often on an empty stomach, this may be a sign of problems with the stomach or pancreas. You should visit a general practitioner and a specialist gastroenterologist.

Even if you do not have heart problems, after thirty-five years it is better to measure your blood pressure regularly and see a doctor every six months. Always take your health seriously and never procrastinate until it's too late!

Pain in the region of the heart

Perhaps most people at least once in their lives experienced pain or other discomfort behind the sternum or to the left of it in the chest, exactly where the heart is located. These pains attract attention and cause anxiety more than many others - this is how we instinctively react to "malfunctions" at the location of such an important organ. No wonder pain in the heart area is the most common reason for seeking medical help.

Pain in this area is varied. They prick, crush, squeeze, bake, burn, whine, pull, pierce. They can be felt in a small area or spill over the entire chest, give to the shoulder, arm, neck, lower jaw, abdomen, under the shoulder blade. They can appear for a few minutes or last for hours, or even days on end, they can change with breathing, movement of the arms and shoulder girdle, or a change in position ... Sometimes they occur during physical or emotional stress, sometimes at rest or in connection with taking food.

There are many causes of pain in the heart area. They can be such heart diseases as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart and its membranes, rheumatic lesions. But often the source of pain is located outside the heart, as, for example, with neurosis, diseases of the ribs and thoracic spine, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

Why does the heart hurt

Heart pain is one of the most common reasons people seek emergency care. Pain in the heart according to their origin can be divided into two main groups:

Anginal pain that occurs at various stages of coronary disease;
cardialgia caused by inflammatory diseases of the heart, congenital diseases and heart defects or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Anginal (ischemic, angina pectoris) pains appear when there is a need to increase blood flow, which occurs during physical exertion or emotional stress. Therefore, these pains are characterized by the onset of attacks when walking, emotional disorders, and cessation at rest, their rapid removal with nitroglycerin. The nature of ischemic pain is usually burning, pressing, squeezing; are felt, as a rule, behind the sternum and can be given to the left shoulder, arm, under the shoulder blade, to the lower jaw. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath. Very strong, pressing, squeezing, tearing, burning pain behind the sternum or to the left of it is one of the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction, and this pain is no longer relieved by nitroglycerin.

Cardialgia that occurs with rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis and inflammatory diseases of the outer shell of the heart - the pericardium, usually prolonged, aching or stabbing, spilled, occurs to the left of the sternum, aggravated by breathing, coughing. They are not removed by nitroglycerin, but may weaken after the appointment of painkillers.

Often pain in the heart area is not associated with diseases of the heart itself.

If the pain in the region of the heart changes with tilting and turning the torso, deep inhalation or exhalation, movement of the arms, and taking nitroglycerin or validol practically does not affect the intensity, then it is probably due to thoracic sciatica or diseases of the costal cartilages.

Severe pain along the intercostal spaces is sometimes the first sign of herpes zoster, and short-term or periodic pain in the region of the heart, often concentrated in a small area, aching, stabbing or indefinite, is a frequent complaint of patients with neurosis.

Stress and depression can manifest as pain in the neck and shoulder area. Those who run to the doctor in fear, believing that he has a "bad heart", return home reassured: the pain is associated only with the muscles. Often, shortness of breath, constricting or stabbing pains in the heart are caused by swelling of the intestines, which puts pressure on the heart and thereby impairs its function. If you can associate pain in the heart area with the intake of any particular food or fasting, then the cause may be in the disease of the stomach or pancreas. Also, the cause of pain can be an infringement of the root of the heart nerve, a weakened thoracic spine, its curvature, osteochondrosis, etc.

How to find the cause of pain and what to do about it?

To clarify the cause of pain in the heart area, a thorough examination prescribed by a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon is necessary.

When examining the activity of the heart, an obligatory method is an electrocardiogram (ECG), a stress ECG (treadmill test, bicycle ergometry) - an electrocardiogram recording during physical exertion and an ECG Holter monitoring - an ECG recording that is carried out during the day.

To study heart sounds, the phonocardiography method is used, and the echocardiography method allows using ultrasound to examine the state of the heart muscles and valves, to assess the speed of blood movement in the cavities of the heart. The method of coronary angiography is used to study the condition of the coronary arteries. To determine the lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, the method of myocardial scintigraphy is also used.

To exclude "non-cardiac causes" of pain in the heart, it may be necessary to conduct x-rays, computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine, and consultations with a neurologist or orthopedist may be necessary. You may need to visit a gastroenterologist or a medical psychologist.

By the way, according to the observations of cardiologists, if a person describes in detail and vividly his pains in the region of the heart, very often he takes observations about his painful sensations “on a pencil” and reads them to the doctor, most likely, these are not heart pains. If, in addition, a person believes that each time the pain is different, lasts a long time (with no signs of heart failure), is accompanied by a frequent heartbeat, sometimes more disturbing than the pain itself, cardiologists usually look for the cause of the disease outside the heart.

If the description of the pain is stingy, without unnecessary words, if the patient remembers the nature of the painful sensations well, this often indicates a serious heart disease. However, with any complaints of pain in the heart area, you should consult a doctor.

The cardiologist will prescribe you treatment depending on the diagnosis. It is possible that a course of manual therapy will be quite enough to save you from pain in the heart caused by "non-heart" diseases. And it is possible that the only salvation for you will be a surgical operation aimed at vascular plasty or creating a bypass for blood flow.

Remember - our heart was created for love, but we must also learn to love and cherish it.

Pain in the region of the heart

Pain in the region of the heart, in the left half of the chest or behind the sternum may be

aching or
often gives to the left hand and shoulder blade,
occurs suddenly or
develops gradually
is short-lived or

It accompanies both diseases of the heart itself and damage to other organs.

Sudden sharp compressive pains behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm and shoulder blade, arising from physical effort or at rest, are characteristic of angina pectoris and require urgent medical care.
Pain in the left half of the chest can also occur with lesions of organs adjacent to the heart: pleura, trachea, nerve roots, with anemia, myocarditis, heart defects and other diseases.
Often, pain in the region of the heart is caused by functional disorders of the nervous apparatus of the heart in case of neuroses, endocrine disorders, various intoxications (for example, in smokers and alcohol abusers).

Treatment for pain in the heart area depends on the cause that caused them, which can only be established by a doctor. With severe acute pain in the region of the heart, you should immediately lie down or sit down and take nitroglycerin (in its absence, validol). If after 10 minutes the pain does not disappear, you need to put mustard plasters on the middle part of the chest and urgently call a doctor.

Heart hurts what to do

My heart hurts… Who among us has not uttered these words at least once? At the same time, our heart did not always really hurt - the cause of the pain could be intercostal neuralgia during hypothermia, the pain could be the result of a hypertensive crisis, when the vessels are compressed, or a consequence of a disease of the spine, nervous system, and even a consequence of a psychogenic disease. Pain in the heart and at the same time headache may be the result of vegetovascular dystonia. Even with peptic ulcer and lung disease, pain in the heart area can be felt. But, alas, sometimes pain in the left side of the chest or back is a true symptom of a disease of the cardiovascular system. Be sure to visit a doctor, and if the pain is sharp, burning, call an ambulance!

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Pain in the heart area does not always correspond to the severity and severity of the disease.

With myocardial ischemia, a person experiences a pressing sensation that extends to the left arm - this happens after physical exertion, after stress, or due to overeating.

Acute myocardial infarction gives similar, but more intense and prolonged, up to half an hour or more, sensations.

Myocarditis is accompanied by both pressing, aching and stabbing pain in the region of the heart, and they do not always occur immediately after physical exertion - it can take several days.

Pericarditis is one of the most common causes of pain, but the pain syndrome accompanies only the initial stage of the disease, when the pericardial layers are rubbed. Pain can occur in the hypochondrium, a person feels that his heart and left arm hurt, a feature of such pain is the dependence on breathing or body position (the patient sits, leaning forward, shallow breathing).

Cardiomyopathy is also almost always accompanied by pain, and of a different nature and different localization.

Mitral valve prolapse is characterized by long aching, nagging or pressing pain that cannot be relieved by nitroglycerin.

Myocardial dystrophy is also characterized by a variety of pain sensations in the region of the heart.

Should I self-diagnose?

Among women over the age of 30, almost every second complains that she has pain in the heart area. Considering women's emotionality, it can be understood that, in general, complaints intensify after a woman is nervous. If the sensation of pain is concentrated behind the sternum, coronary heart disease can be suspected, with pain in the left shoulder and in the left shoulder blade, angina pectoris is often diagnosed. But often pain associated with neurological diseases is also mistaken for pain in the heart. How to distinguish them? Not at all difficult: in neurology, a lot depends on the movement of the chest, they increase with a high breath or with a change in posture. Take a deep breath and listen to yourself. If the pain is not constant, but disappears with a change in position, this is neuralgic pain. But our advice - do not try to diagnose yourself yourself, consult a doctor so that you do not have to regret the lost time later!

Why does the heart hurt?

To the question “why the heart hurts”, cardiologists most often give two answers: angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. The root cause of these diseases is insufficient blood circulation in the heart muscle, causing coronary heart disease (CHD), which manifests itself precisely in the form of angina pectoris and heart attack. The heart needs a supply of blood rich in oxygen and nutrients. If the coronary, that is, the heart, vessels narrow or a spasm sets in, part of the heart muscle protests - pain. Such pain is the main symptom of angina pectoris. If the narrowing or spasm does not go away for a long time or is very strong - the cells in this part of the heart muscle die, this process is called a myocardial infarction.
With angina pectoris, pain begins in the retrosternal region, pain in the heart radiates to the arm, neck, lower jaw, sometimes even to the right shoulder. It also happens that sensitivity in the hands disappears. But the pain continues for several minutes.
If the pain intensifies, lasts longer, becomes unbearable, suffocation appears, the person turns pale, sweats - these are all signs of a heart attack, and in this case, the first thing to do is call an ambulance cardiological care!

Types of pain

When a doctor hears from a patient a complaint of stabbing pains in the heart, “as if with a needle”, he first of all assumes heart neurosis - a kind of vegetovascular dystonia, impaired nervous activity and nervous tone. The usual advice in such cases is patience, self-control and valerian. The body gives a signal that the nervous system is out of order. Stress can cause not only emotional, but also physical changes, adrenaline is released, which is not spent on the physical work of the muscles, and therefore finds “application” in another area. Here, the way out will be either the ability to relax, or physical stress, work, sports - whatever.

Aching pain in the heart can talk about myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, often appearing after a sore throat and accompanied by sensations of “interruptions” in the work of the heart, weakness, and sometimes fever.

Pressing pain in the heart is a sign of angina pectoris, which we have already talked about. If the diagnosis is known and it is really angina, you can relieve the attack by taking nitroglycerin under the tongue (Corvalol and validol will not help!), Opening the window and giving access to fresh air. If the pain does not decrease, take another nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance. Do not tolerate pain - the process can begin to develop and a sharp pain in the heart will appear, a sign of myocardial infarction. Such pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin, and lasts for half an hour, and several hours. It is important to help the patient as soon as possible in order to increase his chances of recovery.

Constant pain in the heart, whether it be stabbing, cutting, aching or pressing, is the surest sign that you need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better. Do not tolerate, do not self-medicate, do not hope that it will pass by itself - help yourself, your body, give it a chance to live happily ever after.

What to do with pain in the heart?

So, if you already know your diagnosis, and you are caught in a heartache, what do you need to do to relieve an attack?

We have already said that with angina pectoris, you need to give access to fresh air and support the heart with a nitroglycerin tablet.

With neuroses, the right remedy is valerian, fresh air, physical activity and peace of mind.

A sharp pain, indicating the likelihood of a heart attack, can be eased by planting (not laying down!) The patient, it would be nice to lower his legs in hot water with mustard. Under the tongue - a tablet of validol, you can take up to 40 drops of valocordin or corvalol, if it does not help - put a tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue. And call an ambulance!

Sustak, sorbitol, nitranol, nitrosorbitol help with pain in the heart, but they do not act so quickly - after 10-15 minutes, so they are, in principle, useless during an attack. They will help with pain and rubbing such as bee venom, Bom-Beng or efkamon.

If your heart pain is due to high blood pressure, take a fast-acting blood pressure medicine such as Corinfar.

If the pain didn’t bother you before, that is, you don’t know if you have a heart disease and what kind, and suddenly you feel that your heart hurts, what should you do? The first thing is not to be afraid, try not to harm yourself with unnecessary emotions. Take 40 drops of valocordin, if it is not available, Corvalol or Validol will help. Give yourself peace. Take 1 tablet of aspirin and 1 tablet of analgin, washing down both tablets with half a glass of water. If the pain does not subside within 15 minutes, call an ambulance.

Nitroglycerin is a serious medicine for heart pain, it should be taken only by those who know for sure that it is this remedy that they need.

Pain gives in the heart

Pain in the heart area occurs for various reasons. And these pains can be divided into dangerous, for your health and not dangerous. An attack of angina pectoris is a dangerous pain that can threaten your health. Here it should be clarified what we mean by the word pain in the region of the heart. These are any unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, in the pericardial region, and behind the sternum. Often pointing to the sternum, patients say that their chest hurts in the middle, or saying that they have pain under the left rib, they point to the region of the heart. So for angina pectoris, attacks of pain in the region of the heart or behind the sternum, pressing, squeezing, are characteristic. Many patients characterize this pain as a feeling of heaviness or a stone in the chest, less often characterize this pain as episodes of dull pain in the chest or heart, ache or burn . These pains are characterized by irradiation, or as the patients say, the pain spreads to the left shoulder or left arm, can spread under the left shoulder blade or in the neck and lower jaw, less often in the collarbone.

Pain in the heart causes

Pain in the heart area can be very different. It can't always be described. The pain can be felt as a slight burning sensation or as a strong blow. Since you cannot always determine the cause of the pain yourself, there is no need to waste time on self-treatment, especially if you belong to the so-called "risk group" for heart disease.

Pain in the heart area has many causes, including those requiring close attention. Causes of pain can be divided into 2 broad categories - "cardiac" and "non-cardiac".

"Heart" reasons

Myocardial infarction - a blood clot that blocks the movement of blood in the arteries of the heart can cause pressure, squeezing chest pain that lasts more than a few minutes. The pain can give (radiate) to the back, neck, lower jaw, shoulders and arms (especially the left). Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, cold sweats, and nausea.

Angina. Over the years, fatty plaques can form in the arteries of your heart, limiting the flow of blood to the heart muscle, especially during exercise. It is the restriction of blood flow through the arteries of the heart that causes attacks of chest pain - angina pectoris. Angina is often described by people as a feeling of pressure or constriction in the chest. It usually occurs during exercise or stress. The pain usually lasts about a minute and stops with rest.

Other cardiac causes Other causes that may present with chest pain include inflammation of the lining of the heart (pericarditis), most commonly due to a viral infection. Pain in pericarditis is most often acute, stabbing in nature. Fever and malaise may also occur. Less commonly, pain can be caused by a dissection of the aorta, your body's main artery. The inner layer of this artery can separate under the pressure of the blood and the result is sharp, sudden and severe pain in the chest. Aortic dissection may result from chest trauma or as a complication of uncontrolled hypertension.

"Non-heart" reasons

Heartburn. Acidic stomach acid leaking from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) can cause heartburn, an excruciating burning sensation in the chest. Often it is combined with a sour taste and belching. Heartburn chest pain is usually food related and can last for hours. This symptom most often occurs when bending or lying down. Relieve heartburn by taking antacids.

Panic attacks. If you experience bouts of unreasonable fear, combined with chest pain, palpitations, hyperventilation (rapid breathing) and profuse sweating, you may suffer from "panic attacks" - a peculiar form of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Pleurisy. Sharp, localized chest pain that worsens with inhalation or coughing may be a sign of pleurisy. Pain occurs due to inflammation of the membrane lining the chest cavity from the inside and covering the lungs. Pleurisy can occur with various diseases, but most often with pneumonia.

Tietze syndrome. Under certain conditions, the cartilaginous parts of the ribs, especially the cartilages attached to the sternum, can become inflamed. Pain in this disease can occur suddenly and be quite intense, simulating an angina attack. However, the localization of pain may be different. With Tietze's syndrome, pain may increase when pressing on the sternum or ribs near the sternum. Pain in angina pectoris and myocardial infarction does not depend on this.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine leads to the so-called vertebrogenic cardialgia, which resembles angina pectoris. In this condition, there is intense and prolonged pain in the chest, in the left half of the chest. Irradiation to the hands, interscapular region may be noted. The pain intensifies or weakens with a change in body position, head rotation, hand movements. The diagnosis can be confirmed with an MRI of the spine.

Embolism of the pulmonary artery. This type of embolism occurs when a blood clot enters the pulmonary artery, blocking the flow of blood to the heart. Symptoms of this life-threatening condition may include sudden, severe chest pain that comes on or gets worse with deep breathing or coughing. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety, loss of consciousness.

Other lung diseases. Pneumothorax (collapsed lung), high pressure in the vessels supplying the lungs (pulmonary hypertension), and severe asthma can also present with chest pain.

Muscle diseases. Pain caused by muscle diseases, as a rule, begins to bother when turning the body or when raising the arms. Chronic pain syndrome such as fibromyalgia. May cause persistent chest pain.

Rib injuries and pinched nerves. Bruises and fractures of the ribs, as well as pinching of the nerve roots, can cause pain, sometimes very severe. With intercostal neuralgia, pain is localized along the intercostal spaces and increases with palpation.

Diseases of the esophagus. Some diseases of the esophagus can cause swallowing problems and therefore chest discomfort. Spasm of the esophagus can cause chest pain. In patients with this disease, the muscles that normally move food through the esophagus work in an uncoordinated manner. Since spasm of the esophagus can resolve after taking nitroglycerin - just like angina pectoris - diagnostic errors often occur. Another swallowing disorder known as achalasia can also cause chest pain. In this case, the valve in the lower third of the esophagus does not open properly and does not let food into the stomach. It remains in the esophagus, causing discomfort, pain and heartburn.

Shingles. This infection, caused by the herpes virus and affecting the nerve endings, can cause severe chest pain. Pain can be localized in the left half of the chest or be girdle in nature. This disease can leave behind a complication - postherpetic neuralgia - the cause of prolonged pain and increased skin sensitivity.

Diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas. Gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and pancreas (pancreatitis) can cause pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the heart.

Since chest pain can be due to many different causes, do not self-diagnose and self-medicate and do not ignore severe and prolonged pain. The cause of your pain may not be so serious - but in order to establish it, you need to contact specialists.

Pain in the heart when inhaling

Pain in the heart with inhalation, coughing, or other respiratory movements usually points to the pleura and pericardium or mediastinum as a possible source of pain, although chest wall pain is also likely to be influenced by respiratory movements and has nothing to do with heart disease. Most often, pain is localized in the left or right side and can be either dull or sharp.

The main causes of pain in the heart when inhaling:

1. Pain in the heart when inhaling occurs due to inflammation of the membrane lining the chest cavity from the inside and covering the lungs. Dry pleurisy can occur with various diseases, but most often with pneumonia.
Pain in dry pleurisy decreases in the position on the affected side. Restriction of respiratory mobility of the corresponding half of a thorax is noticeable; with unchanged percussion sound, weakened breathing can be heard due to the sparing of the affected side by the patient, the noise of pleural friction. Body temperature is often subfebrile, there may be chills, night sweats, weakness.

2. Restriction of the movement of the chest or pain in the heart during inhalation and exhalation with shallow breathing is observed with functional disorders of the rib cage or thoracic spine (limitation of mobility), tumors of the pleura, pericarditis.

3. With dry pericarditis, pain in the heart increases with inhalation and movement, so the depth of breathing decreases, which aggravates shortness of breath. The intensity of pain during inhalation varies from mild to severe.

4. With the shortening of the interpleural ligament, there is a constant coughing, aggravated by talking, taking a deep breath, physical activity, stabbing pains when inhaling, running.
The interpleural ligament is formed from the fusion of the visceral and parietal pleural layers of the lung root region. Further, descending caudally along the medial edge of the lungs, this ligament branches in the tendon part of the diaphragm and its legs. The function is to provide springy resistance during caudal displacement of the diaphragm. In the presence of an inflammatory process, the ligaments shorten and limit caudal displacement

5. With intercostal neuralgia, sharp “shooting” pains occur along the intercostal spaces, which sharply increase with inspiration.

6. With renal colic, pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastric region and then spreads throughout the abdomen. The pain radiates under the right shoulder blade, to the right shoulder, increases with inspiration, as well as with palpation of the gallbladder area. There is local pain with pressure in the zone X-XII of the thoracic vertebrae 2-3 transverse fingers to the right of the spinous islets.

7. From a blow or compression of the chest, a fracture of the ribs can occur. With such damage, a person feels a sharp pain in the heart when inhaling and coughing.

8. With neuroses, especially at the height of the anxiety-hypochondriacal state, pain in the heart is observed, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and paresthesias in the hands (often on the left) and other parts of the body.

Pain in the heart area can also signal a serious illness, so do not delay a visit to the doctor.

Pain under the heart

Pain in the heart - for many, this is the first and active signal for the action of checking with a cardiologist. We have all heard that the first call sign in coronary disease is an attack of pain in the heart.

Often the pain is traced in the area slightly to the left of the sternum, but it can also spread to the entire region of the heart. The pain can take on various pressing or breaking forms or remain dull, constant. It happens that the pain in the heart gives to the shoulder or left arm.

The intensity of an attack of pain in different people is different depending on the disease that provoked the pain. An attack most often occurs due to an unplanned load on the muscles or a sudden emotional load. This can be a sharp lifting of a heavy object, running, or unpleasant, shocking negative news.

The basis of the pain attack is the discrepancy between the needs of the heart muscle for oxygen, which must be delivered through the coronary arteries and the throughput of the arteries themselves. An insufficient supply of oxygen can be caused, for example, by atherosclerosis.

The sad fact is that adults often do not listen to the recommendations of doctors and ignore the pain in the heart. In no case should this be done, because the attacks can resume, and the pain becomes longer in time and intense in strength. As a result of such actions, trouble should be expected - a serious cardiovascular disease.

Each person who has had an attack of pain in the heart must contact a specialist cardiologist in order to avoid complications. With the manifestation of unhealthy sensations in the region of the heart, a person should not be alone, since help may be required at every minute.

If you have taken any medicine to relieve pain in the heart (Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin), and the effect is not observed, then you may become a victim of a rapidly developing myocardial infarction. This is not the time to delay, because without emergency care, you risk your life.

Take note: if 5-10 minutes after taking Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, the pain has not decreased and has not disappeared, then you need to put another 1 tablet of medication under your tongue and immediately contact an ambulance. Only physicians will be able to take the necessary measures in order to relieve pain and soothe vasospasm. If you need hospitalization, you should not resist.

Aching pain in the heart

Aching pain in the heart at any age is of great concern. Very often it is characteristic of adolescence and menopause in a woman's life. The causes of this phenomenon are serious violations in the hormonal background or dysfunctions of various endocrine glands. Regarding adolescence, we can say that the main culprit of the resulting aching pain in the heart is the growth of sex hormones. It is under their influence that the child becomes an adult. Such a large load has a very significant effect on the state of internal organs, while the heart here suffers one of the first, because its work does not stop for a second. As a result, this leads to metabolic disorders in the cardiac region and disorders in the central nervous system. As a result, sharp pains in the heart or extrasystole.

Aching pain in the region of the heart

Aching pains in the region of the heart are also very common in adolescents. Moreover, their spectrum is very diverse, because the nature of the pain can be rare, frequent, permanent or transient. Do not forget that they are directly related to the current state of the central nervous system. After all, any stress and excessive neuropsychic stress will lead to increased pain.

Real help can be provided by proper nutrition, intake of vitamins and minerals, and moderate exercise.

However, after the completion of adolescence, such aching pains most often disappear. Another important period in the life of any woman is menopause. Hormonal changes are inherent in him to a lesser extent. Only in this case there is not an increase in the number of sex hormones, but their decrease. The central nervous system in women at such a time is in a very deplorable state. They are characterized by very strong irritability, sometimes turning into outright aggressiveness, constant insomnia and a sharp decrease in efficiency.

As a result of all this, women get "rushes" of blood to the entire upper half of the body, increased sweating, rapid pulse and constantly changing blood pressure. Of course, all this has a very negative effect on the state of the heart. That is why the appearance of aching pain in his area has already become the norm. It especially intensifies during heavy emotional stress, but a calm environment, on the contrary, helps to ensure that such pain goes away.

Due to the fact that she is no longer young, terrible thoughts begin to come to the woman’s head that she is sick with some incurable disease. However, this is not the case, pain sensations during menopause, most often are not dangerous, and soon after the establishment of the hormonal background, they stop.

However, sometimes menopause becomes a serious test for a woman. In such cases, medical assistance is mandatory. First of all, you need to undergo a deep medical examination. If the disease is not serious, then special sedatives and complexes of vitamins and minerals will be prescribed. Proper nutrition, walking outside and good sleep will also be very relevant.

For your own peace of mind, we recommend that you make an appointment with a doctor and find out the cause of heart pain.

Stitching pains in the heart

Stitching pain in the heart, "as if a needle was stuck" - the patient usually talks about it, it is increasingly common at the appointment with specialists in cardiology. It is very possible, as is well known to medicine, that such a patient has a "neurosis of the heart." And this is due to the fact that with the growing pace of life, a greater load on the systems of psychological adaptation, especially now, in the era of another crisis, people are becoming more sensitive and irritable, suffering from emotional stress.

Any doctor, having heard from the patient that the pain in the heart, which he complains about, is similar to injections, that it arose suddenly, stabbing and short-lived, will breathe a sigh of relief, worrying less about the patient's life. In this case, there is no reason to worry that we are talking about severe heart disease, serious danger and death. The patient can feel a truly hellish pain, which takes his breath away. But cardiology knows that the heart does not hurt like that. In any case, the cardiologist will least of all think about pathological processes in the heart, in the heart vessels, about myocardial infarction, because this is completely not typical for them.

What could it be? What can be the cause of these terrible "pricks" in the heart?
palpitations, nervousness, restlessness
Remember better. In addition to the fact that the pain is severe, makes it difficult to breathe, there is also often a feeling of mild nausea, abdominal pain, lump in the throat, frequent heartbeat, right? And also - a strong irritability, nervousness, sometimes hidden behind a forced outward calmness? This is a typical picture of a neurotic state, or, as cardiologists often say at the reception, heart neurosis.

The patient takes such conditions very hard, it seems to him that something terrible is happening to him, that he may die, that he is losing control of himself. This is really unpleasant, but believe me, it does not pose any threat to life. Therefore, first of all, the cardiologist will ask such a patient not to worry, to calm down, explaining to him the true state of affairs.

Such crises often occur in people who are emotional, strongly experiencing any, even the smallest events in life. And especially when the emotional load increases at work or at home. Conflict situations with the boss or colleagues, overload - mental and physical, problems in the family or with a sentimental partner - these situations are a provoking factor.

What should be done in this case? Calm down and be patient. The crisis is usually very short-lived, sometimes just a few seconds. Then be sure to see a doctor to do a cardiogram. Most likely there will be no pathological changes on the electrocardiogram. This will calm you down even more. Now you will definitely know that in such cases you need self-control and ... valerian. But the best thing is not to bring yourself to such situations. What happens during such a crisis is an alarm that your body gives, paying attention to the state of the nervous system. A signal that the stress you are under is excessive for you, and the adrenaline that is released at the same time begins to cause disturbances in the body, causing not only emotional changes, but also physical ones. That there is too much of him and he goes to the wrong place. The state of anxiety, fear, emotional stress reflexively causes the release of adrenaline in the body, activating all vital systems for the body. In an evolutionary way, a person has thus adapted to the fight - the physical reflection of an attack or to escape, in the face of imminent danger to life. If this adrenaline is not spent precisely on muscular work in accordance with the rights worked out over many millennia of human existence, it seeks to use itself in something else. And it can cause the most diverse and strange symptoms, which doctors call psychosomatic (“psycho-bodily”), most often copying the signs of many diseases.

What is the way out? There are two of them, if you look at the very root of the problem.

Do not accumulate adrenaline in yourself - be able to relax, reduce the level of sensitivity to irritating factors. To do this, you need to learn how to master relaxation techniques.
- Or to make sure that the accumulated adrenaline goes into action. Spend it on muscle work - exercising, walking at a good pace, doing housework, watching a funny movie.

A good psychologist, and even you yourself, by turning to books on psychological assistance, can improve your condition. Both in general and during the crisis. Medications are recommended in the initial stages of therapy and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Believe me, the family doctor knows better when, what and how much is needed. Don't worry and be happy!

Pain in the heart pressure

So, if for the first time you felt pain in your heart or the numbers on the tonometer are not encouraging, then the first thing you need to worry about is the health of three whales: cholesterol, vascular tone and water-salt balance. In other words: we clean the liver, relax the blood vessels, remove excess fluid from the body, and vice versa, we introduce microelements.

A cool approach differs from a non-cool one by the depth of the approach. We will get to the bottom of the cause of your "misfortunes" from the first minute and thus leave them no chance. The idea that is laid down in this chapter is practically the whole book "Hypertension" or the book "Heart attack", only squeezed out to a fresh state.

Where is cholesterol produced? In two places: at food industry enterprises in the form of cakes, ice cream, sausages, etc. in your own liver. Surprisingly, this notorious cholesterol is needed for digestion and harms blood vessels only if it acquires a low density and the ability to precipitate. Do not relax if the total cholesterol in the analysis is acceptable. The main thing is the percentage of the so-called. low density lipoproteins i.e. atherogenic coefficient. If the liver works like a quality oil refinery, then it gives out 98th cholesterol. For the majority, it loads leaded 76 with an admixture of diesel fuel. If there is a desire to delve deeper into this issue, you are welcome. But first, remember how often you wash your car, whether it smells nice when you open the window of your car in the city, what remains on the girl’s sponge during the evening makeup removal, and what color the water periodically flows from the tap. If, after this brief ecological study, there are still doubts about the need to tune the liver ...

In parallel, it makes sense to improve the microelement composition of the blood. First of all, the level of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium is of interest.

A lack of potassium causes muscle cramps, interruptions in the work of the heart. With a lack of calcium observed: tachycardia, arrhythmia. Silicon deficiency accelerates the development of atherosclerosis, due to a violation of the elasticity of blood vessels. With a decrease in the concentration of magnesium in the blood, symptoms of excitation of the nervous system are observed: early hypertension, a tendency to arrhythmias.

With copper deficiency, atrophy of the heart muscle occurs. Excess sodium provokes hypertension.

You have one heart, so do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

Pressing pain in the heart

Almost everyone has experienced pain in the region of the heart to some extent. Such symptoms alarm everyone, both those who suffer from the disease of this organ, and those who have it for the first time. Often a person feels pressing pain in pathology. There are many reasons for this pain. One of the main and most terrible is myocardial infarction and anaphylactic shock, which is also accompanied by shortness of breath, cold sweat, fainting, pallor. When you feel some ailments in the chest area, it is sometimes difficult to understand what exactly they are caused by. There are a number of signs that point specifically to a sick heart, and not to other diseases, for example, heartburn and so on. Among them:

Dizziness, it can be both instantaneous and permanent;
Arrhythmia - irregular heartbeat;
Tachycardia - increased heart rate;
Pain in back, jaw and left arm;
Nausea, vomiting, accompanied by pallor;
bluish skin tone;

Pressing pain is rarely a sign of a heart attack. But, unfortunately, a heart attack has many hidden symptoms. Therefore, if there are any ailments in this area, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. The timely established cause of ailments will help in the investigation to establish the correct diagnosis. After all, you can’t joke with the heart. The general condition of a person depends on his healthy work.

angina pectoris

With angina pectoris, a person feels a sudden pressing pain that occurs due to an acute lack of blood supply to the heart muscle. Angina pectoris differs from other diseases in that the pain occurs in a certain situation, it stops or subsides after taking nitroglycerin, it has the character of an attack, that is, it is not constant, but it occurs and then stops. Almost everyone is diagnosed with angina pectoris. After all, many felt pain in the chest area when walking fast, running, carrying weights, nervous shock. But you can't make a diagnosis on your own. Only an experienced cardiologist can do this. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct a series of examinations. First of all, you need to establish the presence of the following symptoms:

Where exactly is the pain located, with angina pectoris, it is felt behind the chest and is given to the neck, left arm, shoulder blade, forearm, and so on;
The nature of the pain, with this disease, it is pressing, compressing the entire chest, sometimes even burning, as with heartburn;

In addition, blood pressure is measured, with the onset of an attack, it rises, the skin of a person is examined, and a pulse is felt.

Prevention of angina pectoris

If the attack caught, for example, at work or at home, they began to feel pain in the region of the heart, then you should immediately take a comfortable sitting position. After putting a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue, in people suffering from a heart, it should always be at hand. Also, to calm down, you should take Corvalol, valerian, and so on. In addition, people suffering from angina attacks should avoid physical exertion, emotional stress, take nitroglycerin for prevention, as well as long-acting drugs such as trinitrolong, nitromazine and others.

To be completely sure that everything is fine with you, sign up for a consultation with a cardiologist.

Video about fighting in the heart

Pain in the heart is always considered (and quite rightly) one of the most dangerous manifestations of the pain syndrome. And the point here is not at all that this body has nothing to replace, in case of its stoppage or “final breakdown”. Similarly, for example, it is not yet possible to replace the pancreas, and therefore acute pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis are considered diseases that are seriously life-threatening.

Why are heart pains dangerous?

The danger of pain in the heart - why not endure?

The fact is that in the event of a cardiac catastrophe (for example, sudden coronary death), there is no more than 5 minutes of time at room air temperature to return a person as a person to life.

In the event that cardiopulmonary resuscitation, chest compressions, defibrillation and other techniques begin 6–7 minutes or more after respiratory and circulatory arrest, we will get a person with serious manifestations of hypoxic encephalopathy. He will have a serious problem with memory, working capacity, his character will change. Most likely, he will have to leave work of an intellectual nature, or apply for disability.

Resuscitation after 10 minutes can lead to the fact that a “vegetable”, that is, a person with a dead cerebral cortex, will be returned to life.

Of course, these are the most extreme and gloomy forecasts. Much more often, pain does not indicate sudden death and loss of consciousness, but about many different processes that can occur not only in the heart, but also in other organs. How to recognize that it is the pain in the heart that has arisen?

How and where does a person's heart hurt?

Location of the heart in the chest

As a rule, pain in the heart occurs in the area of ​​its projection on the anterior chest wall. This is the region of the sternum, the region of the fifth intercostal space on the left, where the apex of the heart is located - the region of the left ventricle, where the apex beat is felt. But sometimes cardiac pathology is manifested by pain, which can radiate to the back, to the jaw, to the teeth. In some cases, with acute myocardial infarction, there are generally suspicions of perforation of a stomach ulcer - abdominal pain can be so severe.

It must be remembered that the heart receives autonomic innervation, not at all the same as muscles and skin. Therefore, the heart will hurt differently: not like a wound on the arm, a burn or a bruise. All of us have had stomach pains at one time or another. Now try to transfer this particular sensation of pain to the region of the heart - and you will get an idea of ​​the nature of the pain. This pain is difficult to determine: it is spread over a certain area, it can come from the “very middle of the body” and have a “deep” character.

Most often, the heart "whines." Aching pain can be prolonged - from several minutes to hours, or even days and months. This may indicate sluggish processes, such as endocarditis or pericarditis. The heart can “whine” even with high blood pressure, overload of the body’s chambers with blood volume.

Sometimes the heart beats. This can occur chaotically, and often does not coincide with the heart rhythm. Most often, people are frightened when a "strong prick" in the chest and let go. In fact, this is just one of the most harmless types of episodic pain.

Older people often experience pressing and squeezing pain, and not in the heart, but in the sternum, where the projection of large vessels is located. This dangerous pain associated with exercise is called angina pectoris, or an attack of coronary disease.

This variety of localizations and character indicates that it is necessary to pay attention not only to pain and its nature, but also to special signs. We list the symptoms that will make it more likely to assert that the heart was the cause of the pain.

First of all, you need to take your wrist with four fingers of your left hand and feel your own pulse. Find out if there are interruptions, tachycardia, frequent and thready pulse, as well as "dips" in the chest. If there are rhythm disturbances, then with a high probability the pain syndrome can be provoked by them, especially in old age, as well as while taking all kinds of drugs, especially diuretics.

Then you need to evaluate the relationship of pain with physical activity. Under the load is meant various kinds of physical stress, which causes an increase in breathing and an acceleration of the pulse. This is brisk walking, climbing stairs, physical labor. The appearance of intense, squeezing chest pains that occur after physical activity (or during its implementation) and require its termination is a sure sign of circulatory failure in the heart itself.

After assessing the rhythm and relationship with the load, it is necessary to evaluate the relationship of pain with a certain posture and movement. If pain occurs during the performance of a certain movement, then most likely the source of pain is the musculoskeletal system (for example, intercostal neuralgia).

Of course, there is another situation - if it is difficult to breathe while lying on your back and there is severe, pressing, pain in the region of the heart, which intensifies every day, then this may be a symptom of fluid accumulation in the cavity of the heart shirt - the pericardium. Then the pain is relieved if you take a position with the chest tilted forward (or get on all fours).

In addition to the association of pain with these important factors, other factors need to be assessed. So, with severe reddening of the face, sweating, agitation, headache, against the background of emotional overstrain or physical activity, aching pain can indicate a rise in blood pressure, or a hypertensive crisis, especially in overweight people.

In the same case, if the pain in the region of the heart is combined with severe weakness, the appearance of cold, sticky sweat, with a fainting state, pallor, the appearance of a frequent and thready pulse, then this indicates the development of vascular collapse. This can be a formidable symptom of myocardial infarction, especially if a person has a strong fear of death, an earthy complexion appears, the tips of the fingers, nose and ears turn blue. This indicates a decrease in perfusion pressure in the capillaries and the onset of tissue hypoxia. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Note: even if the collapse occurred without any pain, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. This condition can be caused, for example, by internal bleeding - you must not hesitate, otherwise hemorrhagic shock will develop.

Why can a heart hurt?

Consider the main causes of pain in the heart - acute or chronic. Understanding the cause will be much easier if we remember what our muscle pump consists of and where pain can come from?

  • The inner lining of the cavities of the heart, which forms the valvular apparatus - the endocardium. Its smooth and slippery shell ensures an even flow of blood through the chambers;
  • The myocardium is a powerful muscle that provides all the blood circulation of the body;
  • The pericardium is the outer shell of the heart, consisting of two layers. The outer sheet secures the organ in the chest with the help of ligaments, and the inner sheet of the pericardium is tightly connected to the heart. Between the sheets there is a little liquid, which ensures the sliding of the heart during contractions without loss of friction;
  • Large main vessels and nerves of the heart;
  • Coronary vessels supplying the myocardium.

From this scheme, the following sources of pain can be distinguished:

  • Acute and chronic endocarditis. It is manifested by prolonged and mild pain in the heart, is more often of a bacterial nature. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature, prolonged fever, a general deterioration in well-being. The danger of endocarditis is the destruction of the valve leaflets and the occurrence of progressive heart failure.

Also, we must not forget that various valvular defects, especially variants with significant volume overload of the atria and ventricles, can cause pain in the heart area associated with exercise and at rest.

  • Myocarditis. Also occur for infectious, toxic, autoimmune reasons. Signs are constant, aching pain in the heart, a decrease in myocardial contractility. This is manifested by shortness of breath and a decrease in exercise tolerance.
  • Pericarditis. They present with different symptoms. We described the signs of effusion pericarditis above. Sometimes dry pericarditis occurs when fibrin strands fall out between the sheets. Then quite strong and constant pain disturbs. If the accumulation of effusion begins, then the sheets of the pericardium are separated, and the pain disappears, but then returns in the form of heaviness and pressure.

There is a shell, or constrictive pericarditis, as well as adhesive. In both cases, there are constant pains of varying intensity, with the addition of symptoms of heart failure: edema, shortness of breath, liver enlargement, pulmonary edema.

  • coronary vessels. With their spasm, a typical angina attack occurs, usually against the background of physical exertion, stress, inhalation of frosty air. There is retrosternal pain, sometimes the heart and the left arm hurt, the pain radiates to the hand, the left half of the neck, and the jaw. Sometimes there are dangerous painless forms of ischemia, which are visible only on the ECG.

Finally, nerves can be the cause of pain. This is nothing but vegetative neuralgia. It can occur in various diseases and functional conditions, and, as a rule, it does not significantly affect the change in heart function.

There is such a diagnosis as myocardial dystrophy. This is a non-inflammatory lesion of the heart muscle caused by metabolic disorders, for example, in chronic alcoholism. If the heart hurts after alcohol, then most likely the patient already has a long history of alcohol abuse.

Let's take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions by patients.

Can the heart hurt at normal pressure?

Of course it can. Indeed, as discussed above, pain may not be associated with hemodynamics, but may occur due to organic damage, for example, the occurrence of adhesions in the pericardial cavity, with inflammatory changes in the heart muscle, with vasospasm.

It must be remembered that a hypertensive crisis, although it increases the chances of heart pain, but the heart can hurt at any pressure.

Can the heart hurt constantly?

The heart can hurt for a long time, but in each case there is a specific reason. Can a heart hurt all your life? Of course not. Usually people consider that they have constant pain if the heart bothers for several months. The cause must be sought among organic diseases that occur with an inflammatory component (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis).

In the event that there are signs of heart failure, then it is possible with a high probability to assume the presence of a defect. With myocardial dystrophy, there may also be prolonged pain, for example, with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Can the heart hurt with osteochondrosis?

Of course it can. There are zones of reflected pains of Zakharyin-Ged, and in the presence of pathology of the intervertebral discs of the lower cervical and thoracic spine, cardialgia and signs of neurological symptoms may occur, for example, if the heart hurts and the arm goes numb, there is a feeling of "crawling".

In this case, first you need to exclude cardiac causes of pain, as the most important, and only then do routine diagnostics of complicated osteochondrosis.

Which doctor should I go to for pain in the heart area?

You need to start with a therapist. He will be able to quickly diagnose underlying disorders, such as the presence of coronary heart disease or diagnose myocarditis. One day is enough for this. It is worth recording an ECG and doing an ultrasound of the heart, listening to its tones, assessing the presence of signs of heart failure, and much will become clear, albeit at a superficial level. You can also consult a cardiologist.

What should I do if my heart hurts a lot? In the event that this happened to a young and healthy person, then you need to lie down, relax, take Valocordin, and ventilate the room. Sometimes the heart can hurt even after a workout, so you need to wait a bit. If the pain does not stop, and other symptoms appear, then you need to call a doctor.

Quite differently, you need to behave during an attack of angina pectoris. What to do at home if it hurts and squeezes the heart? First of all, the patient also needs to be put down, his head should be raised, air flow should be provided, all belts, ties, and shoes should be removed. If this is not possible, then you need to sit down and stop any physical activity. You need to calm down: panic increases oxygen consumption by tissues, and increases the work of the heart, which in conditions of myocardial ischemia can lead to a heart attack.

Under the tongue, a nitroglycerin tablet is necessarily given for resorption, and after that - an aspirin tablet. If the pain does not stop, then after 10 minutes you can repeat the reception, and call the cardiological ambulance team.

General principles for the treatment of heart pain

The most important thing is to identify the source of pain in the heart. A correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. It is important not to take painkillers, you need to cope with cardialgia in other ways:

  • With inflammatory lesions - anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, with autoimmune diseases - with the help of cytostatics, basic drugs and monoclonal antibodies;
  • With an infectious lesion - rational antibacterial therapy, increased immunity, sanitation of foci of infection;
  • If a diagnosis of myocardial dystrophy is made, then long-term treatment is necessary, with the elimination of the cause, the appointment of vitamins, enzymes, energy preparations;
  • With effusion pericarditis, pericardial puncture will bring relief;
  • If an attack of angina pectoris occurs, then the main task is to prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Nitrates, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors are used.

In conclusion, it must be said that the presence of pain in the heart is always a reason to visit a cardiologist and undergo an examination. And, even if everything is in order, and the episode of pain is single and not dangerous, this visit will be an occasion to start leading a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.

There are many unpleasant situations that can concern a person. In this article, I would like to talk in more detail about such a problem as symptoms and possible causes.

Reason 1. Angina

There are many reasons why the symptom may also be different. After all, the pain is pressing, aching, sharp, etc. First of all, I would like to say that with angina pectoris, unpleasant pain may occur. In this case, the nature of the pain: compressive, pressing. Other symptoms that may also be observed:

  1. Burning in retrosternal region.
  2. The pain can "give" under the shoulder blade, in the left arm and even the jaw.

Most often, this condition occurs after physical exertion, during stress, hypothermia, less often - in a state of complete rest. The cause of pain in this case is a weak blood supply. This is mainly due to the blockage of the vessel with plaques (which occurs when the attack itself lasts about 5 minutes.

How to get rid of angina pain

If, with angina pectoris, the patient has pain in the heart (symptom: aching and pressing pain), the problem can be dealt with by performing the following points:

  1. First of all, you need to immediately stop any physical activity. You need to sit down and calm down.
  2. Next, under the tongue, you need to put a tablet of "Nitroglycerin".
  3. Be sure to also provide the patient with access to fresh air.

Reason 2. Myocardial infarction

If myocardial infarction causes pain in the heart, the symptom in this case is cutting, pressing or stabbing pain. The attack lasts quite a long time - at least 20 minutes. At the same time, such a drug as "Nitroglycerin" also does not help. Special symptoms that may occur in this case: sticky and also an emerging feeling of fear. It is worth saying that this disease is very dangerous. Treatment should be started as early as possible. After all, the first hours in this disease are the most important for the patient.

What to do if the patient has pain associated with myocardial infarction?

If a person has a myocardial infarction, before giving him help, you still need to call an ambulance. After all, only specialists can do everything necessary to save a person. What measures also need to be taken?

  1. Before the ambulance arrives under the tongue, the patient needs to put a Nitroglycerin tablet every 15 minutes (however, no more than 8 tablets in a row).
  2. It is also necessary to chew half a tablet of Aspirin.
  3. The patient should be seated so that the legs hang down. In the prone position, it is much more difficult for the heart to work, so the person should not be laid down.
  4. The patient also needs access to fresh air.

Reason 3. Endocarditis, myocarditis

If the patient has prolonged pain in the heart, this symptom may relate to diseases such as myocarditis or endocarditis (different parts of the heart become inflamed). In this case, the patient will feel the following symptoms:

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Bad feeling.
  3. Temperature increase (may not be).
  4. Violation of the heart rhythm.

In this case, it is best for the patient to immediately seek medical help. After all, this is the only way to prevent the occurrence of complications and the development of multiple problems.

Other reasons

Pain in the heart can also occur with the following diseases:

  1. Pericarditis. However, in this case, pain sensations accompany only the initial stage of the disease, when there is friction of the pericardial sheets.
  2. With cardiomyopathy, the pain can be completely different. In addition, it can be localized not only in the region of the heart.
  3. If the patient has prolapse in this case, the person will feel pressing, nagging and aching pain that does not go away after taking a drug such as Nitroglycerin.

The nature of the pain

Often people are interested in: "How to understand that the heart hurts?". What symptoms does the person experience? After all, people often confuse ordinary neuralgia with heart problems. What should be remembered in this case? There are two types of heart pain:

  1. Angio pain. They are paroxysmal in nature. Often associated with stressful situations or physical exertion. The nature of the pain: pressing, burning, squeezing. The pain may also radiate to the left arm or shoulder. Accompanying symptoms: shortness of breath, respiratory rhythm disturbance.
  2. Cardialgia. These are stabbing and aching pains of a long nature. Often aggravated by deep breathing or coughing. Taking painkillers can ease the pain.
  3. If blood pressure also increased during pain, this is also a sign that it is the heart that hurts.

Neuralgia and pain in the heart

Separately, I also want to consider what symptoms of pain in the heart indicate precisely this problem. After all, pain in this area can also indicate neuralgia. You need to be able to distinguish between these two problems.

  1. With neuralgia, pain can persist for quite a long time. If the heart hurts, the discomfort disappears after about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Neuralgic pains can radiate to the back, arm, lower back. Heart pains are mainly localized in the sternum region.
  3. The nature of neuralgic pain varies from the depth of inspiration, the position of the human body. For heart pain, this is completely uncharacteristic.
  4. If the heart hurts, the pulse rate is also often disturbed, and blood pressure changes. This is not typical for neuralgic pains.

Traditional medicine

We further consider such a problem as pain in the heart: symptoms, treatment. About how to cope with discomfort with the help of medicines, it was said above, but now I want to say a few words about the effective means of traditional medicine.

  1. If a person has a heartache, and there is no Nitroglycerin at hand, you need to swallow a clove of garlic.
  2. For pain in the heart, it is very useful to eat figs.
  3. To get rid of pain in the heart, you need to take spinach leaves three times a day, 3 g half an hour before meals, drinking warm water.

This will help to cope with the pain, but it will not eliminate the cause of its occurrence. To treat this problem, it is best to seek medical help.



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