Sabina: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character. Bright and independent Sabina is the center of strength and mind

The name Sabina means "Sabine", "beautiful", "unpretentious", "wise".

Name origin

Sabina is a female name with several versions of origin. According to one of them, the origin of the name Sabina is associated with the Roman generic nickname Sabinus. According to another version, this name is a female version of the male name Sabin. That was the name of the ancestor of the Sabines, the people of central Italy. Since the Sabine women were known for their beauty, the word "sabina" can mean "beautiful". Some researchers point to the version according to which the name could come from the Aramaic word, which translates as “unpretentious”, “wise”.

Name characteristic


As a child, Sabina is often a spoiled child. Often a girl develops a difficult relationship with her mother. At the same time, Sabina, as a rule, is a very beautiful and charming baby who has many talents. A girl may have the ability to draw, music, dance.


Adult Sabina is often financially dependent on her parents. She knows how to subjugate not only loved ones, but also unfamiliar people. To do this, the girl is able to use her charm, use female tricks and tricks.

It has a strong-willed character, does not lend itself to other people's influence, everything has its own point of view. The strong character of Sabina contributes to firmness in decisions, often even to the detriment of herself.

At first glance, ambitious and impulsive, the girl has a logical action and a cold mind. She is often a skillful intriguer, extremely fond of money. A practical mindset, which is supported by a well-developed intuition, makes her a dangerous rival in many areas of life. Sabina is often offended, especially if she thinks she has been underestimated. It can easily take revenge on the offender, sometimes very cruelly. Perhaps this is the reason why Sabina has few friends.


Often chooses a profession where caution and, at the same time, courage are needed. She can be a restorer, an archaeologist, an actress, a trainer.

Personal life

Sabina usually marries quite late. In marriage, a woman is often happy. He always looks after his appearance, tries to look attractive. A woman loves to receive guests, knows how to surprise with original dishes of her own cooking.

Name compatibility

The name Sabina goes well with patronymics Alexandrovna, Sergeevna, Ruslanovna, Anatolyevna, Vadimovna, Romanovna, Timurovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Rostislav, Rodion, Heraclius, Albert, Erasmus.

name day

Orthodox name day at Sabina:

  • August - 29;
  • October - 27;
  • December - 5.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Sabina: Divine Augusta Poppea Sabina, Sabina Azema, Sabina Lisicki, Sabina Imaykina.

Like many other names, the name Sabina has not one, but several versions of the origin.

The main version of the origin and meaning of the name will be the Roman version. According to this version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman nickname Sabinus, which means "Sabine". It turns out that Sabina's name means "Sabine", that is, a representative of the Sabines. This people inhabited the north of modern Italy even before the formation of the Roman Empire. The beauty of the Sabine women was almost legendary, so to call a Sabine woman is almost a compliment. Subsequently, it was considered that Sabina's name means "beautiful". As you understand, the second meaning comes out of the first, but with some addition.

Deriving names from a generic name is the rule rather than the exception. So the names Albina, Camilla, Claudia, Emilia and many others came from generic names. Of course, there is a similar practice among male names. This is for example the name Maxim.

Another version of the origin of the name Sabina can be called Aramaic origin. According to this version, the name Sabina comes from the Aramaic "saba", which means "unpretentious" or "wise". It turns out that following the logic the meaning of the name Sabina is either "wise" or "unpretentious". Which of the versions to believe, of course, you will decide.

The meaning of the name Sabina for a girl

A girl named Sabina is growing up as a sweet and kind girl. She easily finds a common language with other children and loves noisy games. Sabina has a tendency to whims, so if not enough attention is paid to the upbringing of the girl, then the girl can grow up capricious and even cruel. This can be said about almost any spoiled child, but Sabina is in a special risk zone, given the influence of the name on fate.

Sabina does not achieve much success in her studies. She rarely gets top grades because she doesn't like to overdo her lessons. For her, studying is a forced necessity, almost like a punishment. She considers herself worthy of something more, while not having any reason for it. A girl with such behavior often conflicts with teachers and other students.

Health usually pleases Sabina's parents. She is rarely more and her vitality allows her to easily endure increased physical exertion. The girl is mobile and loves physical education. He may even start to get involved in sports and then achieve good results. Sabina has no obvious weaknesses in her health.

Abbreviated name Sabina

Ina (Inna), Inka, Bina, Bink, Sabinka, Sabbi.

Diminutive names

Sabochka, Sabinochka, Sabinushka, Sabinchik.

Name Sabina in English

In English, the name Sabina is written as Sabina.

Name Sabina for passport- SABINA.

Translation of the name Sabina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Savina, Sabina
in Danish - Sabine and Sabina
in Spanish - Sabina (Sabina)
in Italian - Sabina
in Chinese - 沙芬 (transliteration)
in German - Sabine
in Norwegian - Sabine and Sabina
in Polish - Sabina
in Portuguese - Sabina
in Romanian - Sabina
in Ukrainian - Sabina
in French - Sabine
in Czech - Sabina
Swedish - Sabina
in Japanese - サビナ (transliteration)

Church name Sabina(in the Orthodox faith) - Savina. Saint Savina of Smyrna, who was killed in 250 AD, during the reign of Emperor Decius, is venerated in the calendar. Savina Smirnskaya is revered as a martyr.

Characteristics of the name Sabina

For Sabina, such traits as waywardness and increased self-conceit can be called characteristic. Unfortunately, she judges the actions of others quite strictly, but she looks through her fingers at her own sins. Sabina can be called conceited. She is characterized by a love of ostentatious luxury and life in a big way. She loves to be envied. According to Sabina, if no one knows about your prosperity, then there is no point in it. Such traits are characteristic of Sabina's youth and lead to the alienation of others from her. Over time, Sabina will change her attitude to the world, but this will happen against the backdrop of a painful life experience.

Sabina does not like to work, but if she still has to work, she will choose a profession associated with beauty and luxury. She will make a good restaurateur, as she knows a lot about chic and luxurious interiors. Sabina can also be a good interior decorator or, for example, a florist. In principle, everything related to ostentatious wealth is her path.

The family will greatly change Sabina for the better. Firstly, Sabina is very serious about choosing a partner and is ready to look for a worthy man for a long time. After marriage, and especially with the birth of children, Sabina becomes more tolerant, softer and kinder. She is a wonderful mother and devotes a lot of time to children. She is a good housewife and knows how to bring warmth and prosperity to the house. It is in household chores that Sabina truly finds herself. She loves to receive guests.

The secret of the name Sabina

Sabina's secret can be called her vulnerability. She is very sensitive to criticism. Even if she does not show that she is offended, she will certainly remember the offender. Sabina is quite vindictive and knows how to wait in the wings. It is better not to offend her once again, so as not to make yourself unnecessary trouble.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

totem animal- Hedgehog.

Name color- Dark blue.

Tree- Willow.

Plant- Valerian.

Stone- Pearl.

According to one version, the origin of the name Sabina is associated with Ancient Rome. He is considered the female form of Savin (Sabin), formed from the generic patrician name Sabinus, and is given the meaning of "Sabine", "beautiful". Sabine girls were called girls who belonged to a tribe that lived on the territory of ancient Italy. Therefore, this name was originally a common noun, indicating the "national" origin of a woman. And after generations, it became associated with the epithet "beautiful".

There is also an opinion that Sabina, like many other names for girls that have survived to this day, belongs to the Aramaic language and is translated as “unpretentious”, “wise” (from the verb “Saba”).

Name astrology

  • Libra
  • Ruler Planet: Venus
  • Color: blue, light gray
  • Tree: willow
  • plant: orchid
  • Animal: hedgehog
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The characterization of the name Sabina claims that it belongs to a wayward, strong-willed and very capricious lady with inflated conceit and a sharp reaction to any, most often imagined by herself, attack in her direction. She is very stubborn, tends to crush everyone around "under herself." The love of parents, which has no boundaries, further exacerbates her already complex character.

A woman has a strong will, ambition, sensitivity to mistakes, vindictiveness and vindictiveness. She is very mercantile, so the material component for her plays a huge role in communicating with people, forming a circle of friends and choosing a husband. But her character has many even more negative traits.

So, Sabina is quite cruel to others, loves to weave intrigues. It often establishes a kind of “hazing” in the team where it is located (whether it be school or work). Therefore, over the years, she has less and less friends. And when a woman finally feels the need for loved ones, it turns out that she has absolutely no one to rely on. If by this time someone remains near her, the girl changes dramatically. It becomes a support and protection for them, that stone wall that you can rely on in any situation.

Spring Sabina is distinguished by much more significant friendliness and generosity than those born in summer and autumn. Although these features do not overlap her love of luxury and aggressiveness. Winter has a strong will, impatience for the opinions of others, unwillingness to be influenced. And born in the summer is an extremely self-confident person who does not trust anyone, with a frankly disgusting character.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Sabina hides a rather enthusiastic nature. She plays sports as a solo player or team captain. She is also interested in cooking, home economics, interior design. To make your home original and unique, you can sign up for special courses (carving - artistic cutting, home design, hand-made, patchwork needlework).

Profession and business

Sabina has a clear, logical and sober mind, but rarely finds herself in a professional environment. At the slightest opportunity, she is ready to quit her job to become a housewife. If this fails, a TV presenter, auditor, restaurateur, confectioner, florist, choreographer can get a job. In the business sphere, luck awaits her - she does not know pity, does not lose her head in critical situations and is able to prove herself to be a real "shark" of big business.


The name Sabina belongs to a physically active, mentally stable lady, practically not susceptible to diseases and carefully monitoring her health.

Sex and love

Her passion is practically not manifested either in public or inside. Possessing a charming appearance, she is simply sexy from the point of view of the intimate sphere. Deep morality prevents her from opening up, so such a woman goes to bed with a man only after many weeks of acquaintance. If she is unlucky in love, she can turn into an aggressive puritan. Very often uses sex in order to keep the beloved man near him.

Family and marriage

Sabina takes marriage very seriously, so she gets married late. With a sober mind and a clear head, she chooses the most worthy, in her opinion, candidate from the list of acquaintances and admirers as her spouse. The material component is so important to her that the girl is ready to make a choice in favor of money, not love. But in the family, she is in no hurry to take a leading position. On the contrary, she "bends" under the always strong husband, becoming his good wife. The bearer of the name is a magnificent mother, capable of any sacrifice for the sake of children. The entire period of their growing up is nearby. She is ready to “bite her throat” in the kindergarten and school to anyone who has somehow offended her child.

Sabina turns out to be an excellent hostess, skillfully leading the house and ready to set the table for guests even at two in the morning. Therefore, she often contributes to her husband's career growth with "home corporate parties."

The melodic name Sabina is given to girls of different nationalities, but its origin is still a mystery.

History and meaning

There are several theories about the origin of the name Sabina. First of all, the meaning of the name is associated with the place of residence. In Western Europe, its origin is from the Sabines. Since the representatives of this people were considered very attractive (which is reflected in the legend of their abduction), the name Sabina, present in the Catholic calendar, is associated with the concept of "beautiful". According to another version, this name is Aramaic. It comes from the same root as the name Savva (Saba), which means "wise", and in the Orthodox calendar has the form of Savina. In addition, this name is common among Muslim peoples and translated from Arabic sounds like a “little sword”.

Among the Sabines of various nationalities, many have received widespread notoriety, including:

  • psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein (Russia, USSR);
  • politician Sabina Bergman-Pol (Germany);
  • actresses Sabina Azema (France), Sabina Akhmedova (Russia);
  • singers Sabina Klassen (Germany), Sabina Babayeva (Azerbaijan);
  • athletes Sabina Lissitzky (Germany), Sabina Imaykina (Russia), Sabina Valbuza (Italy) and others.

Writing rules

The short forms of this naming are Bina, Ina, Saba, Sabi. For a diminutive address, many options can be formed, for example: Sabinochka, Binochka, Inochka, Sabinka, Inka, Sabushka, Sabinchik, Sabinenok, etc.

Variants of this name, accepted in different countries, are given below.

In the passport you need to write SABINA.

When is Sabina's angel day

Among Catholics, Sabina of Rome is one of the most revered saints, and this name is very common in the West. As for Orthodoxy, the similar church name is Savina, whose commemoration day (and, accordingly, the name day of girls baptized like that) falls on March 24 (11).

Martyr Savina lived in the middle of the III century in Smyrna. She was a slave of a noble Greek woman, who, having learned about her faith in Christ, ordered to leave the girl bound in the mountains. Savina was saved by the Christians, and the Smyrna presbyter Pionius freed her from her vows before the mistress. When Christians began to be persecuted for their refusal to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods, Pionius laid chains on himself, Savina, and fellow believer Asclepiad. In them they were taken to the dungeon and then executed. The life of the saint is known in the description of Demetrius of Rostov. According to the modern calendar, the birthday people on this day are Pionius and Asklipiad, without mentioning Savina. Therefore, the priest may recommend choosing a different baptismal name.

Childhood and youth

Sabina can be called a very sweet and sociable child. The only caveat in its positive characterization is a tendency to whims. With the wrong upbringing, a girl can grow up not just self-willed, but even cruel. Nevertheless, in most cases, she is cheerful and inquisitive, loves outdoor games, and is friends with her peers.

Sabina's school years can be a difficult test for her family. The girl does not like systematic studies and prefers not to make excessive efforts, but at the same time she has a high level of claims. This can cause conflicts with teachers and will not promote good relations with classmates. Parents should pay attention to motivating demands at home and at school, control their daughter's activities, as well as her free time. Good physical activity of the girl contributes to her success in sports and dancing. This will not only improve Sabina's already good health, but may also become her future profession.

adult years

Despite the activity, curiosity and cheerfulness of Sabina, the nature of the owners of this name is usually complex. High self-esteem and self-will are combined with a low level of responsibility for their own misdeeds, as well as with the desire to look as good as possible in the eyes of others, regardless of the real state of affairs. These shortcomings usually appear in youth and disappear as life experience is gained, when they are replaced by practicality and common sense. However, such a school of life can be quite painful and accompanied by conflicts with the environment. There is a secret in Sabina's soul - despite her ostentatious self-confidence, she is very vulnerable. Her painful attitude towards criticism turns into rancor. A woman will never forget or forgive her offender and can create trouble for him when he least expects it.

Romantic and family relationships

Sabina is not too inclined to trust men and their outpourings in tender feelings.

Her practical approach makes her give preference to expensive gifts and the opportunity to live without needing anything. She will not fall in love without looking back, does not believe in the proverb about the sweet and the hut, and will look for a successful man who is confident in his future. At the same time, it is difficult for a girl to show her feelings to someone who could become her fate, she is either cold or capricious. Therefore, for her, the likelihood of late marriage or loneliness is high.

Marriage completely transforms Sabina. If there are no material problems in the family, she will become an exemplary wife - calm, flexible and economic. Women with this name consider their children the most important asset of life. They devote a lot of time to their upbringing and training and react violently when their offspring are treated unfairly. One of the conditions for a happy marriage of Sabina is the compatibility of her and her husband's names.

Profession and career

Sabina's activity and practicality will allow her to succeed in any field of activity.. She is very sociable, therefore, if desired, she can become a good social worker, psychologist, manager. The tendency to present everything in the most favorable light will help to succeed in the profession of a decorator, designer, artist, actress. With all the striving for material security, Sabina is rather indifferent to the process of making money; for her, prestige, success, and high appreciation of others are more important. At the same time, she will also feel great in the role of a housewife, not in the least burdened by material dependence on loved ones.

Forms of the name Sabina

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binchen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba. Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.

Sabina name in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 薩賓娜 (Sà bīn nà). Japanese: サビナ (Sabina). Gujarati: સબિના (Sabinā). Hindi: सबीना (Sabīnā). Ukrainian: Sabina. Yiddish: סאַבינאַ (Sʼabynʼa). English: Sabina (Sabina).

origin of the name Sabina

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Sabinus - "Sabine". In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the Calvisi and Claudian families.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is a female version of the male name Sabina. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. The Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word "Sabian" could mean "beautiful." It is possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina have something in common with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname "Sabine" could mean "beautiful", and for a man - "strong".

In the Catholic tradition, St. Sabine, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), who is considered the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, is revered, and St. Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

According to the third version, the name Sabina comes from the Aramaic verb "Saba" - "wise", "unpretentious". Men's names were also formed from the same verb. Read more about the origin of the names Savva and Saveliy.

The nature of the name Sabina

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabins are the owners of a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it is not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to subdue people. Financially often dependent on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She is very careful with men. She often sees in them not reliable support and support, but insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabins born in autumn, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love to be told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters.

The secret of the name Sabina

The owners of the beautiful name Sabina from childhood have a very strong, and at the same time difficult character. They are quite straightforward and most often only their opinion is considered exclusively true. These women are very emotional and receptive. If you offend Sabina, she will remember this for a long time, and she considers it her duty to take revenge on the offender. Sabina always looks charming, but behind a beautiful smile, you may not notice carefully hidden deceit. The activity of Sabin, their determination and firmness of character helps to achieve heights in their careers. In addition, a highly developed intuition plays an important role in this.

Sexual relations are very important for Sabina, especially if she meets "her" person. At the same time, she has a very developed sense of morality, which can lead to puritanism.

Astrological characteristics of the name



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