Dreamed of rotten fruit. Eat exotic fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Fruits

To see a set table, on which a wide variety of fruits are found in abundance, means that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet.

Throw away all doubts and fears if you buy fruits: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at others and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a representative of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the novel will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend, soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of passion or find him a worthy pair.

In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Pluck fruit: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the wildest dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from

There are many people in the world who not only regularly see dreams, but also try to interpret them on their own or by referring to all kinds of dream books. Here, for example, why do fruits dream? On this score, various sources have their own opinions, but still, is there a main, so to speak, line of interpretation? And what awaits in the near future a person who sees, for example, apples in a dream (or pears, or berries)? Let's try to figure it out.

What does it mean: to see fruits in a dream

The whole thing is complicated by the fact that there are many fruits: good, as they say, and different. But in general, the interpreters of dreams about these tasty fruits agree that they do not bring misfortune and failure in the future, but on the contrary, they are some generalized symbols of prosperity (especially ripe ones that any of us dreamed about).

Some interpretations of popular earlier and today dream books

  • Seeing fruit in a dream is for the coming prosperity (at least, Miller's dream book says so). But the green fruits seen in a dream, according to the reference book, can mean the futility of your efforts in relation to the undertakings or serve as a kind of warning that your actions are thoughtless, immature.
  • If you eat fruits in a dream - to trouble. If a woman eats any fruit in a dream, then this means her moral decline in the future or the loss of the expected inheritance. In general, there is a ripe juicy fruit in a dream - a sign of temporary and short-term pleasure or a flash of good luck, followed by another bad luck.
  • Buying / selling fruits may mean that you make a deal, but it will not bring you much profit (for business people).

More explanations: why fruits dream

  • According to Hasse's dream book, dreams about fruits can dream of an increase in offspring, an increase in business. And the dreamer prophesies a large number in your family and a successful marriage, mutual understanding between partners and the mutual happiness of spouses.
  • Why according to the esoteric interpreter of dreams? Such a dream predicts the strengthening of the internal forces of a person - mental and physical. It promises energy in business, which will have a beneficial and unexpected effect on achieving success, and in a variety of areas (by the way, this largely depends on the variety of the dreamed fruit or fruits). But if you dreamed of dried fruits, then your mood will be pessimistic and decadent, and you will have to spend a lot of time to cheer yourself up and regain your former mobility and energy.

Dream Interpretation Longo

This source pays close attention to these fruits. Why do fruits dream, according to this popular publication?

  • A table with a variety of ripe fruits on it is dreaming - to various carnal pleasures that you will soon experience. You will be involved in a whole whirlpool of events, but do not be afraid of your own emotions and feelings: give free rein to your feelings, and enjoy life "to the fullest", without giving yourself an account. And do not try to reject the feelings of the other, directed in your direction. You may regret it later on.
  • If you dreamed that you were buying fruits in the market or in a store, then this moment most likely betrays your tendency to embark on another intrigue. But take your time, because you need to weigh the pros and cons before making decisions. Take a closer look at the people around you, make sure the sincerity of the feelings that they have for you. And only then - you can reciprocate.
  • If you hand out fruit to someone in a dream, you will take an active part in the fate of this person in the near future. And if you offered any fruit to a friend, then in the near future you will be engaged in the improvement of his personal affairs and life. And your intervention in someone else's fate will have a very beneficial effect.
  • And if you pick fruits in a dream, then this may portend the arrival of a certain bright streak in your life. You can literally grab luck by the tail. Even the wildest dreams can come true. Such a dream directly indicates that you need to take advantage of the current moment and get the most out of life.

A separate issue if any specific fruits. And here each dream book has a certain interpretation.


What does it mean if you saw apples in a dream? According to the gypsy dream book, for example, if you eat sweet and ripe apples in a dream - to joy and pleasure. If they are sour and not ripe - to a quarrel, annoyance, temptation. In the feminine, it is mentioned as a symbol of wisdom, rewards. And ripened apples on a tree, seen in a dream, are the realization of hopes and progress. But the apples that fell to the ground may mean that a traitor and a flatterer wound up in your circle of friends. According to the esoteric, apples dream of disappointment and illness. And according to Fedorovskaya's dream book - in general, to tears! Such an ambiguous, to put it mildly, interpretation of the image of an apple in various sources is quite justified. After all, an apple in world culture means the forbidden fruit, the craving for knowledge, and the pleasure of eating - all at the same time.


What does it mean if you see a pear in a dream? Some publications claim that this fruit can dream of losses and losses. If you eat a pear in a dream - this is to tears. And in the dream book of Veles, in general, to tear green pears - to death. However, for example, the Aesopian collection claims that the pear is a symbol of good luck, interest, and profit. And if in a dream you eat a ripe and sweet pear, then soon success awaits you on the path of life. But rotten ones mean that you will face betrayal and betrayal soon.


What does it mean if you saw berries in a dream? As a rule, and this is confirmed by many interpreters, they give a signal to the dreamer about future troubles and illnesses (especially if the berries are dark in color). But the red berries seen in a dream can mean tears from a joyful event. White - to success. White tear - defeat the enemy. Dried berries - to the disease. Eating raw berries - to illness and failure. Thus, many well-known dream books interpret the image of berries seen in a dream quite unambiguously as a portent of trouble.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

Fruits in a dream - promise short-term grief, which will be replaced by joy and self-confidence - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

Why does a woman dream of Fruit (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

Seeing Fruits - Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in the future. Unripe, green fruits mean vain efforts and rash acts. There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable sign. For a young woman, such a dream portends a moral decline or material loss. Buying or selling fruits - to large, but unprofitable transactions, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

Seeing Fruits, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

Seeing Fruits - If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and feelings, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Fruits, presented in all their variety on the dining table in a dream, symbolize the anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting to receive an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, this is also a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex. Eating any fruit in a dream - your cherished desires will come true.

What does the Apple symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Fruit growing work, a prolific period of life. The late and most mature phase of an individual's life (appearance of fruit after flowering trees). Sexuality. Bananas. Phallus. Figs, peach, persimmon and other soft small fruits. Female genitalia, lips. Pears, melons. Breasts. Apple. Love, the apple of Adam, but also the apple of discord. Steal apples. An attempt to obtain love that does not rightfully belong to the individual. The desire of a woman, mixed with fear of retribution from another man, her husband or father. homosexual desire. Watermelon. Pregnancy. Cherry, in a woman's dreams. It symbolizes virginity, its loss, regret about it. Cherry in a man's dreams. homosexual context.

To dream about a Fruit basket, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

They personify dreams of sexual relations, the joys of love, enjoyment of nature. According to Freud, elongated fruit (banana) are phallic symbols. Delicate (peaches) - a hint of female sexuality. Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love relationships and health. Spoiled or unripe fruits are a complication in personal life.

Why do Fruits dream in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves predicts a prosperous future. Dreamed of green fruits - they mean vain efforts and rash acts. If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, this portends her moral decline and loss of inheritance. There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable dream. Buying or selling fruits means large, but unprofitable deals. Seeing or eating a ripe fruit predicts unreliable luck and pleasure. "evil people do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand everything." Bible, book. Proverbs of Solomon, xxviii, 5.

Features of a dream about Kiwi (according to the Culinary Dream Book)

See Fruits - Ripe fruits - to prosperity in the future. Green fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

The meaning of sleep about Fruit salad (Love dream book)

To dream that you are eating fruit means you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where Tropical fruits dreamed (interpretation of psychologist D. Loff)

It is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of. Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

If the dreamer dreamed of Fruit (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

Seeing a set table with a wide variety of fruits in abundance means that you will soon have to plunge into the sea of ​​​​carnal pleasures. Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet. Throw away all doubts and fears - enjoy life. Don't dismiss the feelings of others so you don't regret later. You buy fruits, then in reality you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Even the wildest dreams can come true. Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness. It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Fruits in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

To see there is - to strengthen the fortitude, optimism, energy, which will bring success in various areas of life; see what kind of F. Dried fruits you succumb to pessimism, but it is in your power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Why dream and how to interpret Fruits according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Large offspring - an orchard - a happy marriage.

The meaning of sleep about overripe or rotten (Symbolic dream book)

Fruits and vegetables (fruits) - Fruits (fruits) are gifts of nature to man as a result of his efforts (or a gift - wild fruits). Fruits, as a result of labor, are very symbolic, depending on how they look (green, rotten, overripe, artificial ...) the meaning will be appropriate, direct. To eat the fruits means to reap success. Fruits can symbolize joy, reward, love, knowledge, as well as troubles or failures, quarrels and partings (for example, in the form of an “apple of discord”). A blooming orchard is one of the happiest plots - a symbol of future happiness. Vegetables - in general, carry more negative connotations. For example, vegetables growing on the ground and underground convey the corresponding meaning in a dream - as hard or useless work, lack, loss, sorrow (rotten, withered vegetables). In some cases, vegetables are able to act symbolically and as a pleasure, order. And such plants. Like radish, horseradish, onion (bulb) too unequivocally indicate the sharpness, causticity, bitterness of events experienced in the future (or protection from colds). On the contrary, “chopping cabbage” means making good money in reality (by “cabbage” we mean dollars). See Berries separately, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

The meaning of sleep about Fruit (Modern dream book)

Various fruits - Great offspring.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Fruits (fruits) - "Fruits of knowledge"; "apples of paradise", "apple of discord" (the cause of the conflict); “eat the fruits of labor” (results of activity); “like a peach” - freshness, attractiveness; "sour as a lemon."

We analyze the vision in which Apples or bananas were dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Always a positive character. A kind of criterion of truth in relation to our behavior. The more delicious, beautiful, natural, edible fruit, the more positive the result of our relationship. It is a symbol of the growth of positive human activity.

If you dream of Fruit (according to Dmitrenko's Ukrainian dream book)

Seeing fruits or vegetables is bad luck.

Why see Fruit juice in a dream (according to the English dream book)

Fruit Juice - Fruit juice is almost the opposite of alcohol: it's refreshing, invigorating, and healthy. Fruit juice is just a hint that you need to take better care of your health.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Fruits (according to the World Dream Book)

Seeing fruits ripening on trees among foliage means that soon the path to prosperity will open for you. In the event that the fruits on the branches are not yet ripe, rash actions and hasty wrong decisions can prevent you from succeeding.

If you dreamed of fruits, then this predicts a large offspring, a strong and friendly family, for women - a happy marriage (in the event that a woman does not eat fruits in a dream).

For a young woman, a dream in which she eats fruit can be a warning - she may soon lose her inheritance, she may also expect a moral decline, a dissolute lifestyle, which should be tried to avoid.

Seeing dried fruits (dried fruits) portends to the dreamer a period in which he will succumb to pessimism, however, having gathered his mental strength, he will be able to turn the tide and strengthen his position.

You saw a large orchard, whose tree branches bend under the weight of ripe fruits, then your married life will be unparalleledly happy.

I had a dream about Fruits (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

If some exotic fruits were present in your dream, your sexual needs are akin to your fantastic dreams.

You want something unusual and unusual to get incomparable pleasure.

It can be not only an unusual setting or time chosen for sex, but also new positions, places, clothes, etc. Perhaps such erotic fantasies are associated with your childhood and appeared as a result of any memories and associations.

Fruit in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

Eating unusual fruits in a dream - this symbolizes unusual incidents that will happen to you soon in life.

The meaning of the dream about Coconuts (2000 interpretations by Sergey Karatov)

To dream that you have ended up in some exotic place, for example, on a tropical island covered with coconut palms with ripe fruits, is a harbinger of a trip with your loved one in the near future, in which pleasant surprises will await you everywhere through his efforts.

Fruit in a dream (from the book of Elena Avadyaeva)

To dream that you are cutting fruit - a dream predicts mental anxiety and a breakdown.

ABC of dream interpretation

Fruits -

According to Freud, elongated fruits are phallic symbols.

Delicate peaches are a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love relationships and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruits are a complication in personal life.

English dream book

Dreams about fruits - are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of.

But to see in a dream a lot of different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family.

Various fruits - have different interpretations in dreams.

Eastern dream book

Why dream of Fruit in a dream from a dream book?

Ripe fruits - dream of well-being, green, unripe - to failure and illness.

Idiomatic dream book

"Apple of discord" - the cause of the conflict; "taste the fruits of labor" - the results of activities; "like a peach" - freshness, attractiveness.

Italian dream book

Fruit is a positive symbol. A kind of criterion of truth in relation to our behavior.

The more delicious, beautiful, natural, edible fruit - the more positive the result of our relationship. It is a symbol of the growth of positive human activity.

Culinary dream book

Ripe fruits - to prosperity in the future.

Green fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Love dream book

If you dreamed that you were eating fruits, then you will know the joy and excitement of meeting a pleasant man who will give you love, affection and tenderness.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is Fruit dreaming?

There are fruits - to a detailed dialogue with a person with whom a lot connects you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Fruit growing work is a prolific period of life. The late and most mature phase of an individual's life (appearance of fruit after flowering trees). Sexuality.

Russian dream book

There are fruits - to health, well-being; unripe fruits - waiting; trading them is a disadvantageous business in which you risk getting involved.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves - you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits - mean vain efforts and rash acts.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means large, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Symbolic dream book

Fruits - are the gifts of nature to man as a result of his efforts (or for nothing - wild fruits).

Fruits in a dream, as a result of labor, are very symbolic, depending on how they look (green, rotten, overripe, artificial ...) the meaning will be appropriate, direct.

To eat the fruits means to reap success.

Fruits - can symbolize joy, reward, love, knowledge, as well as troubles or failures, quarrels and partings (for example, in the form of an "apple of discord").

A blooming orchard is one of the happiest plots - a symbol of future happiness.

Vegetables - in general, carry more negative connotations. For example, vegetables growing on the ground and underground convey the corresponding meaning in a dream - as hard or useless work, lack, loss, sorrow (rotten, withered vegetables). In some cases, vegetables are able to act symbolically and as a pleasure, order.

And plants such as radish, horseradish, onion (bulb) - too unambiguously indicate the sharpness, causticity, bitterness of events experienced in the future (or protection from colds).

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Fruit?

If you see fruits ripening among the foliage in a dream, such a dream usually predicts a brilliant future for the dreamer.

Unripe fruits are a sign of rash actions and unsuccessful attempts.

If a young woman dreams that she eats green fruits, in reality she will face a moral decline and loss of inheritance.

Eating fruit is usually a bad omen.

Fruit trading is a sign of a troublesome but unprofitable business.

Seeing or eating ripe fruits means an uncertain future and unreliable pleasures.

Seeing a fruit merchant in a dream - predicts that in reality, trying to quickly improve your business, you will make unprofitable deals.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Seeing in a dream a set table, on which a wide variety of fruits are in abundance - to the fact that you will soon have to plunge into the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcarnal pleasures. Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet. Throw away all doubts and fears - enjoy life. Don't dismiss the feelings of others so you don't regret later.

If in a dream you buy fruits - in real life you crave a love affair. But don't rush. Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at others and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If in a dream you hold out a fruit to someone, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person. If this is a representative of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage. However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the novel will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend, soon you will try to arrange his personal life. Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of passion or find him a worthy pair. In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Plucking fruit - a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part. Even the wildest dreams can come true. Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you. By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness. It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fruit - a passionate date.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Fruit trees are a wonderful sign that you will reap the fruits of your labors and your fruitfulness in life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dreamed about fruits on a tree, among foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business.

Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to begin to come true.

If you eat fruits in a dream - depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and feelings, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you.

Buying or selling fruit - symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing ripe ones in a dream is good luck and prosperity.

Eating fruits - short-term pleasures and dubious luck.

Buy fruit - the deal will take place, but will not bring the expected benefits.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Fruit in a dream is a symbolic reflection of your desires, as well as the ability to realize them.

Different fruits - have different meanings, as described in the relevant articles.

In general, strong, ripe and not too heavy fruits portend you reliable success.

Fruits with thin skins and loose or overly juicy pulp are a sign of temptations and disappointments.

At the same time, juicy fruits with a strong and beautiful skin in a dream portend you joy.

Unripe fruits - warn that your haste can damage your plans.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you? Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Buying rotten fruit at the market means that you are very gullible, and everyone uses it.

Chinese dream book

Walking among fruit trees - there will be material profit.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that the children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fruit is a great offspring; orchard - a happy marriage.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To dream of fruits ripening among the leaves is a sign of prosperity and success in the future.

Unripe, green fruits - mean vain efforts and rash acts.

There are fruits in a dream - an unfavorable sign. For a young woman, such a dream portends a moral decline or material loss.

Buy or sell fruits - to large, but unprofitable deals.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of fruits, but you cannot remember which ones - a profitable offer awaits you.

Washing fruits is a good offer, but do not think it over for too long, otherwise it may be too late and luck will turn away from you.

Rotten fruits are a sign of deceived hopes.

If you dreamed that you were buying fruit, you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

In a dream, you were presented or treated with fruit - one of your friends or relatives will help you in business.

Selling fruit is good luck.

If you dreamed that you gave someone fruit - in the near future you will help one of your closest relatives or neighbors.

There are fruits - to great deals.

In a dream, you threw away fruit - luck can change you.

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit - know that your luck is in your hands.

Freud's dream book

Most fruits, with a few exceptions, like a banana, symbolize the bulges of a female figure, that is, breasts and buttocks.

Picking fruits or eating them - symbolize sexual intercourse.

Large, beautiful and ripe fruits - symbolize a woman with a good (not flat) figure.

A woman who saw fruit in a dream is not satisfied with her figure.

A man who sees fruit in a dream is attracted to women with pronounced forms.

A girl who saw fruits in a dream is trying to better understand her body and is insecure about her attractiveness.

A young man who saw fruits in a dream seeks to get to know this beautiful, but still distant object faster and closer.

Various exotic fruits - symbolize your craving for women of other races.

Rotten fruits or fruits with a wormhole - symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

French dream book

Fruits in a dream - promise short-term grief, which will be replaced by joy and self-confidence.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing fruits or vegetables is bad luck.

Universal dream book

The dream in which you see fruits is a sign of abundance. We can be fruitful in our thoughts, relationships, professional activities. A dream symbolizes a period of abundance, a time for obtaining results. What is the abundance of what makes you happy in life right now? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labour?

Pay attention to what you do with fruit in a dream. If you eat a fruit, it may mean that your body needs the beneficial substances contained in it.

If a fruit in a dream causes excitement in you, perhaps the dream is a warning about the forbidden fruit.

Pay attention to what kind of fruit you eat - and think: do you have a dream just during the period of ripening of these fruits or not; this will determine how harmonious you are with nature.

Esoteric dream book

Fruit to see, eat - to strengthen the fortitude, optimism, energy, which will bring success in various areas of life.

Dried fruits - you succumb to pessimism, but it is in your power to perk up again and turn from a loser into a prosperous person.

Erotic dream book

The fruits presented in all their variety on the dining table in your dream symbolize the anticipation of something new and very pleasant. You are probably expecting to receive an expensive gift from your partner soon. However, this may be a long-awaited meeting after a long separation, a desire to enjoy all the joys of love and sex.

Eating any fruit in a dream is a sign that your cherished desires will come true.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Fruits according to the dream book?

Fruits, as the dream book says, are a sign that your future will turn out very successfully.

If they are not ripe, this indicates that your actions will not lead to the proper result.

Ate them - you should not reassure yourself in vain.

It was a dream that they were selling fruit - you will work hard, but the result will not be very pleasant.

You got rid of them - this suggests that success can leave you.

They collected them in a dream - you are still on a horse, so do not hesitate.

Why do Fruits dream, a dream book of Fruits to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why do Fruits dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Fruits - trees bending under the weight of fruits often mean a fruitful life. A damaged fetus has a negative connotation; fruits with many seeds (such as watermelon) can mean "growing seeds" while God gives growth (if the surrounding color is dark, then your efforts are wasted). Means the results of labor, reward, fulfillment, attempt, transformation, "fruits of labor." The absence of fruits where they naturally should be means infertility, disappointment, an undesirable result, emptiness (see the "Food" symbol), as the predictor predicts.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do Fruits dream in a dream?

Seeing Fruit in a dream means Fruit. Selling and buying - to large, but not very profitable deals. Seeing and eating ripened fruits is a fragile luck, a dubious pleasure. There are fruits - a bad sign. A young woman eats fruits in a dream - to temptation, a rash act, the loss of part or all of the inheritance. An orchard full of ripe juicy fruits is a happy marriage and a big family. Seeing big fruits on trees - to prosperity, wealth, hoarding; green fruits - rash acts, unfinished business, vain efforts, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do Fruits dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Fruits - Ripe fruits dream of well-being, green, unripe - to failure and illness

Modern dream book

According to the dream book of Fruit, what does sleep mean?

Seeing Fruit in a dream - Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age. Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain. If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance. The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals. I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable. In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future. Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

I dreamed / dreamed Quince - Seeing in a dream how you eat quince - to a successful business.

Quince - Quince is a very sexy symbol! A dream about quince promises happiness in love and great success with the opposite sex. But if you pick fruits or shake a tree, then you may risk losing someone's love due to excessive perseverance.

Ginger - There is ginger in a dream - to an eye disease.

Coconut - They broke a coconut in a dream and drank its milk - you will discover a secret that will bring great benefits.

Stone - A stone of a cherry, or an apricot, or a plum dreams of unexpected resistance, which you can withstand if you are prudent.

Stub - If in a dream you see a stub of an apple, pear or some other fruit, then soon you will have to participate in some kind of business. Your share of the profits will be, in your opinion, too modest.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why do fruits dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing Kiwi - Seeing this exotic fruit in a dream is a bad sign: a loved one will leave you. There is a kiwi in a dream for a young woman - an early pregnancy, for a girl - deceit and dishonor. A man who sees a kiwi in a dream may not count on the favor of the person he likes. Trading kiwi is a failure in business. Buying kiwi - burdensome worries and chores

Persimmon - Pick a ripe persimmon in a dream - get the patronage of high people. Trade in persimmons - unfortunately. There is a persimmon - you will surprise others with your extravagant antics

Autumn dream book

Why see Fruit in a dream?

Why dream Quince - Seeing in a dream how you eat quince - to unexpected wealth.

Persimmon - Your beauty will still shine.

Spring dream book

Why see Fruit in a dream?

According to the dream book Quince. There is a quince in a dream - to humiliation, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Pick a fruit tree. You will no longer have children.

Persimmon - for the funeral.

Summer dream book

Why Fruits dream:

Persimmon - You will soon change your appearance for the better.

Dream Interpretation Fruit, why dream of Fruit in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why Fruit is Dreaming: Dream Interpretation: Fruit if you dream

According to the dream book, what the Fruit is dreaming of - Always a positive symbol. A kind of criterion of truth in relation to our behavior. The more delicious, beautiful, natural, edible fruit, the more positive the result of our relationship. It is a symbol of the growth of a person's positive activity, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Fruit is dreaming:

Fruit - Seeing fruits or vegetables is bad luck.

English dream book What is the dream of Fruit in a dream?

What does it mean to dream about Fruit Juice - Fruit juice is practically the opposite of alcohol: it is refreshing, invigorating and good for health. Why dream: Fruit juice may be just a hint that you need to take better care of your health.

Everyday dream book What is the dream of Fruit in a dream book:

To dream of fruits ripening on trees among foliage means that soon the path to prosperity will open for you. In the event that the fruits on the branches are not yet ripe, rash actions and hasty wrong decisions can prevent you from succeeding.

Why the fruit is dreaming - If you dreamed about the fruits that you trade (or, on the contrary, buy them), then such a dream means that you have a lot of transactions ahead, but, despite their number, they will bring very little benefit.

If you dreamed about fruits, then this can predict a large offspring, a strong and friendly family, for women - a happy marriage (in the event that a woman does not eat fruit in a dream).

For a young woman, a dream in which she eats fruit can be a warning - she may soon lose her inheritance, she may also expect a moral decline, a dissolute lifestyle, which should be tried to avoid.

Seeing dried fruits (dried fruits) in a dream portends the dreamer a period in which he will succumb to pessimism, however, having gathered his mental strength, he will be able to turn the tide and strengthen his position.

If in a dream you saw a large orchard, the branches of which bend under the weight of ripe fruits, then your married life will be unparalleledly happy.

Fruit fruits on the market

Dream Interpretation Fruit fruits on the market dreamed of why in a dream Fruit fruits on the market? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see fruits on the market in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Dream Interpretation - Fruits (fruits) are gifts of nature to man as a result of his efforts (or a gift

wild fruit). Fruits in a dream, as a result of labor, are very symbolic, depending on how they look (green, rotten, overripe, artificial ...) the meaning will be appropriate, direct. To eat the fruits means to reap success. Fruits can symbolize joy, reward, love, knowledge, as well as troubles or failures, quarrels and partings (for example, in the form of an “apple of discord”). A blooming orchard is one of the happiest plots, a symbol of future happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits, fruits

Dream Interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

"fruits of knowledge".

"apples of paradise", "apple of discord" (the cause of the conflict).

"eat the fruits of labor" (results of activity).

"like a peach" freshness, attractiveness.

"sour as a lemon"

Dream Interpretation - Market, Bazaar

For the most part, markets mean deceit, lies, sin, debauchery, care and anxiety, because there is plenty of it all in the markets. And if someone sees that he loudly mentions the name of Allah in the market, then he will encourage good and forbid evil and sin. And each market has its own interpretation. As for the book market, seeing it in a dream is a sign of guidance on the True Path and repentance. Pharmacy is healing for the sick. The spice market is a symbol of faith and obedience to Allah. The market of precious products is a symbol of joys, beauty and wives. The perfume shop is a symbol of joyful news and pleasant speech. The weapons store is a symbol of war and victory over enemies. The vegetable and fish market is a permanent benefit and livelihood. The meat market is a symbol of worries and worries. The fruit market is a good deed. The market where they sell wood means hypocrisy in faith, split and disunity. And the market where they sell tents is a symbol of travel and travel. A fire in the market means the hypocrisy and dishonesty of its merchants. If someone sees in a dream that he has entered the market, then it is possible that in reality he will visit the mosque and vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Market

To be in a market in a dream suggests that in reality show frugality and be more active in everything you do. If there is an incredible crowd in the market, noise-din, you will soon make a new interesting acquaintance. An empty, dirty market after a trading day portends anxiety due to a decline in business, you will have to sacrifice your own principles in order to somehow correct them.

Buying something on the market - in real life, you will experience confusion and discouragement from problems that have suddenly fallen on your head. Trading on the market itself - to the growth of well-being, successful trading - good income. Being robbed in the market is a nuisance at work. If you were deceived in the market by handing out low-quality goods, you will incur losses in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Spoiled fruit - to trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Market

If you dream that you are in the market, this means that you will be thrifty and more active in all areas of activity.

Seeing an empty market is a sign of depression in business and mental humiliation that you have to deal with.

Seeing rotting vegetables and meat on the market portends a loss in business.

A market seen in a dream for a young woman portends pleasant changes in her fate.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of.

Fruits vegetables

Dream interpretation Fruit vegetables dreamed of why in a dream Fruit vegetables? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fruits and vegetables in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables dreamed of by a young woman portend deceit or failure. If she dreams that she is preparing them for eating, then this is a sign that she may lose her loved one due to a quarrel. Although there is another interpretation of this dream: it implies a quick and successful marriage with a faithful and worthy chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetables

Vegetables in a dream can have different meanings. See interpretation: vegetables by name.

However, there are features that are characteristic of all dreams about vegetables. In general, a dream about vegetables often reminds you that you have to pay debts.

Seeing vegetables growing in a garden in a dream is a sign that your position is unreliable and, in general, you are unhappy with your position. To dream that they are growing and rejoice that you will have a rich harvest means that your ambitious desires will come true. A dream is also favorable in which you will see vegetables in the bazaar, as it predicts good luck in the planned enterprise.

Cutting them in a dream is a sign that you should be more careful with money and not engage in risky ventures. Cooking vegetables for dinner in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with a close friend. Eating raw vegetables in a dream means that empty chores await you. Throwing vegetables in a dream means that you will fail in the business you have begun. Seeing vegetables prepared for salad in a dream means that obstacles in business, grief and trouble await you. Ripe vegetables are always better seen in a dream than unripe, sour, bitter, rotten, rotten, unfit for food. Such vegetables portend tears, grief, disputes, squabbles, disagreements. Vegetables that have a strong smell (onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, radishes), to see or smell them in a dream is a sign that you will recognize something that was hidden from you. This discovery will not be pleasant and will entail a number of family scandals. Tasteless vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini) seen in a dream bring good luck to the sick and predict a speedy recovery.

Sweet vegetables in a dream are a sign of satisfaction, reconciliation. See interpretation: fruit, bite off, apples or by name.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetables

To dream of vegetables growing in a garden or in a field - unreliable partners will let you down. Harvest vegetables - waste your time and effort on an occupation that will not bring income. Spoiled vegetables portend failure in everything.

Cutting and preparing vegetables for the table is an unfortunate misunderstanding in relations with neighbors. Preserving vegetables in large quantities means the sudden appearance on your horizon of a man who will attract you with his eccentricity and pronounced masculine virtues.

Eating raw vegetables portends a health disorder, vegetable dishes - you will need to be patient if you want your business to move in the right direction.

Buying vegetables is a sign of unexpected good luck, which you will perceive as a gift of fate. Seeing yourself in a dream at a vegetable market or in a specialized store - your dream will come true, although people close to you will suffer from this.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetables

To tears, grief, which will have solid reasons.

Eating raw vegetables - you have a thankless job, causeless blues, grief caused by a trifling reason.

Cutting vegetables - to something auspicious.

Peeling vegetables is a warning for you to be careful.

Selling vegetables - to argue with someone, enmity.

Planting, digging, picking vegetables - starting an unsuccessful and ungrateful business.

I dreamed of vegetables in the garden - to experience insecurity in anything.

Throwing vegetables as unusable is a failure.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetables

Seeing a lot of vegetables - to wealth.

There are vegetables - for an invitation to a banquet.

A woman eats cabbage - to poor health, loss of money.

The patient sees in a dream how he eats a lot of vegetables - to a serious illness.

Buying vegetables - to success, good luck in business.

Planting vegetables is a great difficulty for a man, and for a woman - to fame and respect.

In a dream, you cook vegetables - friends are deceiving you.

Dream Interpretation - Vegetables

If you see vegetables in a dream, there is an unexpected, but imaginary luck ahead. At first, you will perceive it as a gift of fate, but very soon you will realize that this is just a hoax. You will have to pay for the old pleasures.

Withered and rotting vegetables dream of trouble.

A young woman who sees herself cooking vegetables in a dream may part with her loved one. However, she is still waiting for marriage with a worthy and faithful chosen one.

We grew vegetables in the garden - there will be a pleasant pastime with the family.

Spoiled vegetables seen in a dream indicate a deterioration in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Seeing unripe fruits is unfortunately and grief.

Spoiled fruit - to trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is good luck and wealth.

Picking fruit - to the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of.

Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

rotten fruit

Dream Interpretation Rotten Fruit had a dream about why rotten fruits dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Rotten Fruit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Seeing unripe fruits is unfortunately and grief.

Spoiled fruit - to trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is good luck and wealth.

Picking fruit - to the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of.

Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream Interpretation - Rot

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Dreams about fruits are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to dream of a lot of different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family. Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Dream Interpretation - Fruits, fruits

this is marriage (or marriage). It is also said: fruits for the poor promise wealth, and for the rich - an increase in wealth. And whoever sees that fruits are pouring on him will become famous for his piety and kindness. Any yellow fruit means illness. Green fruits are wealth that does not multiply.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

But don't rush.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Fruit ripening on trees - to prosperity in all matters, success.

This is the same meaning of fruits on banquet tables (if you only see, but do not eat).

A mountain of various fruits may dream of the appearance of numerous offspring.

There are fruits - an unfavorable dream.

Seeing or eating a ripe fruit is good luck and pleasure, but without hope for a stable situation.

Green fruits - to haste.

Overripe - to disastrous procrastination in business.

Fake fruits - to betrayal.

If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, in reality she will lose her inheritance and repent of immoral behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

They personify dreams of sexual relations, the joys of love, enjoyment of nature.

rotten fruit

Dream Interpretation Rotten Fruit had a dream about why a rotten fruit is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Rotten Fruit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline.

Seeing in a dream the fruits ripening among the leaves, you can safely count on prosperity and secure old age.

Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.

If a young woman dreamed that she was eating some kind of fruit, then she could lose her inheritance.

The dream in which you bought or sold fruit means big, but not particularly profitable deals.

I dreamed that they saw or ate a ripened fruit - luck and the pleasures received will be unreliable.

In general, eating fruits in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Ripe fruits dream of prosperity in the future.

Overripe fruits are a sign of vain efforts and rash acts.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Seeing unripe fruits is unfortunately and grief.

Spoiled fruit - to trouble.

Dried fruits - to a new source of income.

Seeing ripe fruits is good luck and wealth.

Picking fruit - to the birth of a son.

A woman sees how she sells fruits - to divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. However, in some cases, this symbol can also be viewed through the prism of the concept of FOOD. Therefore, it is important to determine under what circumstances the fruits were dreamed of.

Did you offer fruit to anyone, or, conversely, did someone offer fruit to you?

Perhaps the appearance of a certain fruit in a dream is related to its recent appearance in your real life?

Dream Interpretation - Rot

Seeing rotten bananas in a dream means that soon you will be forced to do some unpleasant business for you. Selling rotten bananas - get carried away with useless trifles.

If you dream of a rotting wound on the body, unfortunate incidents will interfere with the implementation of plans, and the disease will completely remove you from urgent matters.

Rotten nuts seen in a dream mean that your bright hopes will turn into deep disappointment.

If a girl sees herself crossing a muddy stream along a rotten flooring, this means that she will painfully experience the indifference to herself of those she loves.

Collecting rotten acorns or chestnuts is a harbinger that your rash actions will cause a scandal in the house or the departure of one of the family members.

If you dream of a rotten potato, it means that your joys and pleasures come to an end, and a streak of nightmarish bad luck sets in.

Rotten vegetables in a dream promise great sorrows in reality. Cooking something from such vegetables means losing a beloved person due to a quarrel, but in the future marriage with a worthy and faithful chosen one is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

Dreams about fruits are interpreted depending on which fruit was dreamed of. But to dream of a lot of different fruits, both English and imported, means an unlimited increase in wealth, a pleasant marriage with a wealthy spouse, a large and happy family. Different fruits have different interpretations in dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

If you dreamed of fruits on a tree, among the foliage, then you have a future ahead of you, which you can only envy. You will be successful, especially in business. Unripe fruits are a symbol of your frivolity and haste. At the same time, you need to wait a bit for your dreams to come true. If you eat fruits in a dream, then depending on their taste, either pleasant events (sweet fruits) or sorrows and feelings, repentance (sour, bitter fruits) await you. Buying or selling fruit symbolizes activity in business, which is not always able to bring the expected profit.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits, fruits

this is marriage (or marriage). It is also said: fruits for the poor promise wealth, and for the rich - an increase in wealth. And whoever sees that fruits are pouring on him will become famous for his piety and kindness. Any yellow fruit means illness. Green fruits are wealth that does not multiply.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

To see a set table, on which a wide variety of fruits are found in abundance, means that in the near future you will have to plunge into the sea of ​​​​carnal pleasures.

Do not be afraid of your feelings, try to give them the most complete outlet.

Throw away all doubts and fears if you buy fruits: in real life, you crave a love affair.

But don't rush.

Try to understand your feelings and desires, take a closer look at others and, as soon as you are convinced of the seriousness of the person’s intentions, you can respond to his feelings.

If you hold out a fruit to someone, in reality you will take an active part in the fate of this person.

If this is a representative of the opposite sex, then, most likely, you will begin an affair with him, which can lead to marriage.

However, in this case, you should take the initiative, if you do not, the novel will end in nothing.

If you give the fruit to your friend, soon you will try to arrange his personal life.

Maybe you will help him get acquainted with the subject of passion or find him a worthy pair.

In any case, your intervention will be beneficial.

Pluck fruit: a dream suggests that now a bright streak has come for you in life, everything will work out for you without the slightest effort on your part.

Even the wildest dreams can come true.

Do not waste time and try to take advantage of this favorable moment for you.

By the way, this time is the best suited for the device of personal happiness.

It is possible that a recent acquaintance will develop into a stronger union and lead to marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits (fruits)

Fruit ripening on trees - to prosperity in all matters, success.

This is the same meaning of fruits on banquet tables (if you only see, but do not eat).

A mountain of various fruits may dream of the appearance of numerous offspring.

There are fruits - an unfavorable dream.

Seeing or eating a ripe fruit is good luck and pleasure, but without hope for a stable situation.

Green fruits - to haste.

Overripe - to disastrous procrastination in business.

Fake fruits - to betrayal.

If a young woman eats a fruit in a dream, in reality she will lose her inheritance and repent of immoral behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Fruits

They personify dreams of sexual relations, the joys of love, enjoyment of nature.

According to Freud, elongated fruits are phallic symbols.

Delicate Peaches - a hint of female sexuality.

Beautiful, ripe fruits - fortunately, love relationships and health.

Spoiled or unripe fruits are a complication in personal life.

Fruit in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Fruits. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what Fruit dreams mean, or what it means to see Fruit in a dream.

Fruit in a dream

I dream about how I am somewhere on the island with my son. Under the tree. A coconut falls, I break it and drink milk, I give it to my son and I am going to give him the pulp of a coconut, I look, and he eats a red apple. Suddenly I notice that this apple is a little spoiled (crumpled on the side), I take it away and see that a sprout is already visible from the seed, and a decent one already. Under the tree there is a small heap of earth and I stuff this block into it with the thought, "so that the oak grows." Then I find myself near the ditch, where women wash clothes. At one of the hands a sheet falls out so white-white with a blue pattern. He laments, and I climb into this ditch (without going into the water) and pull out this wet sheet.

Fruit in a dream

As if I were in the company of a man and a woman who had come from abroad. We sit at a table in some kind of hut or just under a canopy. Then I saw growing grapes, very beautiful, large. I got up and plucked a few bunches for myself—pink, white, and burgundy. I ate a few berries with pleasure. The rest I decided to take with me. Then the woman opened her bag, there were large ripe plums. She offered to take the drain for me as well. I thought maybe I'll take it. During a conversation with her, I was again in the hut, and looking out into the street, I saw that it was raining. The weather was sunny and the rain was light and quiet. And the surface of the earth was immediately covered with clean water. After waking up, pleasant emotions remained.

Fruit in a dream

A friend hugged me. When I hugged her, I ate a raw piece of chicken behind her back. I asked: will you?

She said she loves bananas. I said that I always have a bunch of bananas and green apples at home. And she went to another room.

Fried fruits in a pan in a dream

My husband is in prison now and he will be leaving soon, in 2 weeks.

Yesterday he saw in a dream that he returned home and came home through some place (that is, he first visited somewhere else before he came home) and there, in this place, some guy he knew said that supposedly his wife, that is, I, is unfaithful to him. That I corresponded with someone or talked. Then, when he was already at home, he went to the kitchen, where I and his cousin were, we all drank coffee together, his brother went into another room, we were left alone. And then he decided to clarify the whole matter with me. There was a frying pan on the gas stove in the kitchen, on which there were fried fruits (!) ??))

He says when I asked you what they say, it’s true, you didn’t say anything, didn’t answer, just quickly ate these fruits from the pan. He says that there was a terrible feeling, just a vile feeling, and so much so that even in a dream I seemed to him hairy, scary and alien because of what he found out, his attitude towards me changed and therefore became a stranger to his eyes. I woke up with a terrible feeling and did not want this to happen again even in a dream.

Tell me, please, what does this mean? What is this dream?

Garden tree fruit man in a dream

I am in the garden with a man (he left more than a month ago and did not warn). The garden looks like a garden in my grandmother's yard in the village (but now everything is already abandoned there, my grandmother is resting). In a dream, everything is beautiful, green. I am standing under a beautiful green tree - he says that he planted it. It is on the other side of the tree and we pick some fruits - I can’t say exactly what kind of fruits - something exotic - they are the size of apricots or plums, but I don’t remember the seeds. They are not yet ripe - green - but we eat them with pleasure - this is his tree. Joy is huge :))) Then I find ripe fruits at the very top (they are larger and look like pears) I picked and handed it to him ... HE says that we should go to the village on the second day (for some reason, to the very one where we were already in a dream) since he promised to help his friends and therefore the word must be kept and be sure to go. I don't like the idea, but I agree. For some reason we are going separately. I am alone in my car. There is work. A rented apartment awaits me - it's not too chic - everything is simple, old. I take the children to kindergarten and I take them to work. There is a huge building - something like restoration is going on (I have not seen such a HUGE building) there are a lot of people there. All work. So I went up the stairs and met him there. There I already understand that I lost my passport or phone somewhere (in a dream it’s the same thing) that is needed for work (we are recording something there). Then someone finds it and gives it to me, but one corner on the piece of paper is torn there and I’m already worried that they won’t put some kind of stamp on me at the registry office, it calms me down, everything will be fine and I get the idea to go and change the passport whether the piece of paper. .. Then I worry again that I have a computer in my car. It shows some kind of malfunction and it doesn’t drive well and who will fix this for me in this village so that I get back home .... He tells me that now someone will look there ... Don’t worry ... I remember how I’m going to leave this apartment that I did not like .. Stood at the door in the corridor ..... We should meet him at home ...

Melon fruit bazaar south in a dream

On South. I buy fruit at the market. Little money in the wallet. From a nearby shop, the seller takes a melon and praises. I want too. I weigh. 30 thousand I open my wallet - there is enough money. I take fruit gifts, and I think I would take everyone, but there is not enough money.

In a store, steal pots of fruit clothes in a dream

I dreamed that I got into a store where there was no one and started stealing pots, spoons, I thought I would need everything new for the house, then I switched to fruits, I thought that expensive pineapples should be taken, I specifically looked for large bags, then I saw the department of things, fur coats, dresses, children's things... I was so pleased, I stuffed everything I could.. And I just thought about how I wouldn't be caught... Then I looked that the cameras had surveillance video... I began to run away, went out and hid the stolen stuff, and then a girl rushed in, like the owner of the store, and began to yell at me, saw me on the camera ... I was scared, but no one scolded me except her, and somehow I "froze" from her and left frightened away ...

I wonder what it would be for?))) In a dream, I steal not for the first time ... Well, as it were, not on purpose. I always look that there is no one, but everything is open, I don’t want to take it ... But then my conscience torments me and in reality)))

Mushrooms unknown fruit in a dream

My girlfriend and I find ourselves on the road (we were driving, but got out of this medium of movement). Behind the roadside is a coniferous forest (Russian). Late autumn, I see fallen needles under the trees. A friend wants to gather mushrooms and goes to that forest. But I stay, because I don’t see mushrooms and don’t like to pick them at all. Soon she returns with a large mushroom in her hands - pleased. And I have doubts whether this mushroom can be eaten (old).

Then the next dream: I have an unknown fruit in my hands, something between a coconut and a pineapple. Cut. I take a bite - delicious. I decide to feed everyone. Here it changes in my hands and becomes like a pomegranate, but the grains are oblong, long and golden. A friend is sitting at the table, honey is spilled (smeared) right on the table in front of her. I put some grains in there. Then she went up to a familiar man and gave him a few too ...

cramped room to sleep in a dream

I am with my husband and son in a cramped dorm-like room. There's a large closet, a sink, and three beds side by side, head to the window. We go to bed together on the middle floor.

At the head of the beds there are long shelves with peeled tangerines, sliced ​​bananas and apples, a plate of strawberries. In a dream, I dream that we all sleep there together, wake up and start eating bananas and strawberries.

Table in a dream

I was on the second floor of the dacha (new dacha), there were my mother, uncle and my father, my uncle brought the table, I set the table with fruit, I remember there were grapes. We all talked about something, but no one ate fruit.

Fruit bristles in a dream

I am in the collective farm garden. There are boxes of fruits all around, I don’t know exactly what, different, a lot, they are all completely whole, ripe, these are fruits and vegetables. I don't want to eat them. A man comes up to me - he has a black two-day stubble.

Burning in a dream

I was doing something, something like cooking, I turn around and see that I burned my ex-young man (in my life I can’t call him an ex because we didn’t advertise our relationship, we just met from time to time, and we know each other very little) , but I didn’t see the fire, I just know that I burned it. I began to worry about how I would now look into the eyes of his girlfriend, my mother, friends, and indeed they could put me in prison. In a panic, I went to drive around the city in search of what I should do now. During such a trip, I saw him whole and not harmed. After that, either an inner voice, or someone tells me that he deliberately made me think that I burned him, and decided to watch me. Then I went to my friend's parents for milk, after that I went to some canteen, ate plums, cherries, very tasty .. And that's all

Apricots in a dream

I dreamed I was walking in the garden and choosing trees with apricots and some not ripe, but I pluck them and eat them a lot of sweet apricots

The path to the maternity hospital through the forest in a dream

I dreamed that my husband and I were walking through a green forest. There are many different trees and bushes around. Unusual orange fruits grow on one of the bushes. I pick them up and eat them. Very sweet and refreshing.

My husband and I are standing on a wide alley covered with autumn leaves. Although the trees and bushes are green. Then I end up in the hospital. I gave birth to a healthy boy. My nanny brought me to feed. The baby began to suck on my breast. He soon fell asleep. And this nanny started scolding me for something ....

And sends me to the pediatrician's office. I go to her with a baby in my arms. And as it turns out .. That I gave birth in an unconscious state and almost ruined this child and myself. But everything ended well

Green garden with apples in a dream

I had a dream where I was with my brother and grandfather in a large green garden. There were a lot of apple trees and I went to one of them to pick an apple. In appearance they were ripe, red, but when I took them in my hands they turned out to be half rotten / wormy. But I could not get the apples that were high (they looked bigger and better), but next to these apple trees I saw a tree with incomprehensible blue fruits, they looked ripe. Then the dream ended

Fruit is a delicacy known for its variety of varieties. To find out why this or that plot is dreaming, first of all, you should pay attention to the variety that was most often seen in a dream or most clearly remembered. The dream interpretation offers a personal interpretation for each of them. No less importance is attached to other properties: attractiveness, ripeness and juiciness, location.

Usually, fruits are interpreted as an auspicious symbol, a harbinger of well-being, good luck, happy love. Often a dream and its interpretation help the sleeper to better understand himself, his feelings and emotional state. This information can serve as a hint in decision making and prioritization.

According to the Islamic dream book, dreaming fruits portend that the dreamer will receive the most necessary. Both the poor and the rich, who saw this symbol in a dream, will be able to improve their financial situation. A rich harvest promises good glory to the sleeper. Yellow fruits promise a speedy recovery to the patient. Lonely dream serves as a harbinger of the beginning of family life, childless - the appearance of heirs.

What a lot of fruits dream of is also described in the English Dream Interpreter. In most cases, the abundance of fruits is interpreted as a good sign. To get a more detailed interpretation, you should pay attention to their varieties and quality, as well as some other details of what you saw in a dream.

Overseas fruits

The noble dream book of N. Grishina considers exotic fruits as a positive sign, a symbol of positive change. Soon an object will appear in the life of the sleeper that will inspire and give strength.

The pomegranate dreamed in a dream is a fruit that symbolizes sexual attractiveness and brilliant victories on the love front. At the same time, in an incredible way, you will be able to keep your reputation unsullied. Moreover, the dream book promises that you will be able to avoid financial expenses.

In plants with fruits of oblong shapes, such as bananas, Freud's dream book sees a phallic symbol, which has long been considered a sign of fertility, wealth, and power. Therefore, to see him in a dream is a good omen.

The Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong very curiously explains what the persimmon is dreaming of. These fruits are known for their slightly tart taste, a combination of sweetness and bitterness. So in real life, the dreamer will have to experience both: illness, then recovery; parting to meet again.

Growing in the garden

Fruits on trees, seen in a dream through foliage, portend well-being and prosperity that will accompany the dreamer for many years, Miller's interpretation is encouraging.

This is not the only assumption why fruits in the garden dream. The symbol is also a harbinger of personal happiness. Lonely people will have the opportunity to meet their soul mate. For those who have already found their destiny, a romantic period will come in a relationship, one might say, a second honeymoon.

If you dreamed of fruits, among which was a pear, be careful: you risk being captured by illusions. Such, at first glance, joyful events as a long-awaited date or unexpected profit can overshadow bad forebodings. It is recommended to listen to them and take your time to dive into the pool with your head.

When you see grapes in a dream, in reality you can safely enjoy life. According to the forecast, nothing will overshadow your triumph, whether it be an anniversary, a celebration on the occasion of the completion of work, or just a well-organized party.

The dream interpretation considers dreamed fruits and berries to be a favorable symbol. What you see in a dream portends an unexpected profit that you will dispose of for the benefit of the family. Cherry trees growing on trees indicate that you can rely on your lover, your suspicions are in vain.

Behind the market stall

A dream interpreter for the whole family will tell you what the fruit market is dreaming of. If you saw yourself as a seller, the interpretation says that in reality a very winning deal awaits you. True, it will bring more moral satisfaction than material, since you will have to operate with obviously insignificant amounts.

If in a dream you buy fruits in boxes, in reality be more picky with ideas that require large investments. The dream interpretation warns of an increased likelihood of losses. When you are just contemplating the fruit market, you are actually doing a good deed.

Quality or lack thereof

Appetizing-looking ripe fruits are a symbol of well-being. The dream also indicates that the main direction has been chosen correctly, and therefore the decision that will soon be made will turn out to be correct.

The dream interpretation believes that wormy fruits are seen in a dream mainly by those who in reality are caught in a vicious circle. Despite the fact that you successfully stay afloat, all the rides to move even a little forward fail. Before taking the next step, it is necessary to remove the obstacle so as not to waste energy in vain.

The interpreter Zadkiel associates rotten apples with very unpleasant events: loss, damage to property or theft, cowardly or extremely unseemly behavior of a person whom you have always considered decent.

Explaining what spoiled fruits dream of, the dream book takes into account the emotional state of the sleeping person. Fruits unsuitable for food often represent disappointment over a recent failure or a strong offense inflicted by an outsider, an unfamiliar person.

Beautiful still life

If you dreamed of a variety of fruits on the table, while the beautiful serving was especially remembered, the dream book invites you to enjoy life, casting aside doubts and fears - they cannot overshadow this cloudless period. The only thing you can regret is that you missed such a wonderful opportunity.

The psychological dream book offers a very life-affirming interpretation of what a fruit bowl is dreaming of. What you see in a dream portends a well-deserved reward for past efforts. Not necessarily in the business sphere: it can be a long-awaited sign of attention or a joyful meeting after a long separation. In any case, a decent reward will serve as a powerful incentive for further action.

An explanation of what a tray of ripe fruit is dreaming of can be found in the Wanderer's dream book. What you see in a dream personifies the desire for luxury and the habit of getting everything on a platter. So not for long to be aground, imprudently and aimlessly squandering all your savings.

Information about what dried fruits dream of can be found in the Gypsy Dream Book. According to his interpretation, the dried fruits that you saw in a dream symbolize maturity. Perhaps you are already on the verge of events that will make you suddenly grow up or fate will bring you together with a person much older than you. You will welcome the changes that have taken place.

What to do with them

Danilova's dream book will tell you why you dream of eating fruit. It is a symbol of fulfillment of desires and spiritual growth, as well as a harbinger of victories and pleasures.

If you happened to pick fruit in a dream, Yuri Longo's dream book promises that a bright streak is about to begin in your life. Luck will be your faithful companion. Things will argue by themselves, and there will even be a chance to realize the most cherished dreams. It would be wise to take advantage of such a favorable period to arrange a personal life, a new acquaintance has every chance of being fatal.

When in a dream it happens to buy sweet fruits, but you can’t try them, the Eastern Dream Book warns in advance of an upcoming romantic adventure. If a seller appears in a dream, know that soon you will find a reliable partner whom you can always rely on.

The interpretation of what you dream about, that you had to steal fruit, gives out true intentions and hidden motives. Now you are driven by the desire to taste the forbidden fruit - to seduce someone else's husband or wife, to know same-sex love - that is, to try something that until recently seemed dirty and unacceptable.



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