Increased hair growth on the face of women. Causes of facial hair in women

Over one year old

Now women with excessive facial and body hair can solve their problem with the help of competent treatment.

Hirsutism: why women grow facial hair

When Lena Shtormova entered the institute, she was looking forward to new experiences. Unfortunately, the joy of the first years of student life was overshadowed by the fact that a young girl began to sharply increase the amount of hair on her face.

“I noticed that the antennae, barely visible at the beginning, are getting darker and denser. Hair appeared on the chin, on the back, and even "whiskers" were outlined. It was terrible, I was ashamed of myself and my body,” recalls Lena, now 28, a qualified pharmacist.

Lena, who today can even joke about this topic, then stubbornly went through all the possible methods of dealing with the onset of disaster. She shaved, bleached, trimmed, plucked, pulled out with melted wax and epilators daily, went to electrolysis treatments.

All this was painful and gave only a short-term effect. The only thing that did not occur to the girl was to see a doctor. Especially to the gynecologist.

What Lena considered almost an evil eye, in fact, has a name known among specialists - hirsutism, i.e. excessive hair growth in women in “inappropriate” areas: on the chin and cheeks, above the upper lip, on the chest, on the inner thighs, back or abdomen.

Causes of facial hair growth in women

Sometimes hair growth is accompanied by other symptoms of androgenization (an excess of male hormones or an incorrect response of the body to their normal amount). These are acne, alopecia (baldness in the forehead), male-type obesity, when fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen and waist.

Hirsutism has become more and more widespread in recent years. Up to 20% of women face it. Such problems are sometimes associated with serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, but in some cases they are solved quite simply.

Often the cause is a hormonal imbalance that occurs during adolescence, before or during menopause. In any case, consultations of both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist are necessary to analyze each specific situation.

If, along with excessive hair growth, heavy menstruation and weight gain are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor. Experts have found that in 25% of women separate hairs appear on the chest, on the abdomen or above the upper lip.

This causes quite a lot of inconvenience, since it reduces self-esteem and, accordingly, social activity. Girls with such a feature are sometimes perceived inadequately by others, they are considered rude, endowed with masculine traits, although in reality this is not true.

Hair growth and hormones

Studies by gynecologists-endocrinologists have proven that hair follicles are extremely sensitive: they react sharply to the slightest changes in hormonal levels. Unexpectedly increased hair growth can signal not only an excess of testosterone, but also a number of diseases, even a cancerous tumor.

Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in open areas of the face and body in women. As a rule, it is a consequence of hormonal imbalance.

Cause of hirsutism

In adolescence, androgens (male sex hormones), which are produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, are responsible for the growth of dark, coarse hairs on the body.

However, sometimes even with a normal level of androgens, more hair appears. Depending on the amount of male hormones and the sensitivity of follicular receptors to them, a woman can grow on her face either just a few unnecessary hairs or a real mustache with a beard.

In half of the fair sex aged 15 to 25 years, hirsutism is associated precisely with a high level of androgens, provoked by any disorders.

Student Lena found out about the hirsutism that caused her so many problems at the gynecologist's appointment when she came in, worried that her menstruation had stretched for 2 weeks.

The doctor diagnosed: polycystic ovaries - a disease that affects about 5% of girls and women under 30 years old. This is a hormonal shift and is accompanied by hirsutism.

Its signs: irregular or heavy periods and hair growth in "inappropriate places".

A significant proportion of those diagnosed with this disease are also overweight. Ultrasound examination in this case shows a characteristic chain of small, pearl-like cysts. This disease can lead to infertility, since ovulation practically does not occur. There is also a potential risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Hirsutism in women over 30

Excessive hair growth after the age of 30 is often accompanied by the development of male characteristics (virilism), such as a rough voice. One of the possible causes of such external manifestations is Cushing's disease. This is a hormonal disorder that leads to an increase in the abdomen, collar zone of the neck, the appearance of a second chin, as well as weakening of the muscles. Cushing's disease is usually the result of a benign or malignant tumor of the adrenal or pituitary glands.

Hirsutism and virilism can also be caused by an ovarian tumor. Separate emerging hairs sometimes serve as evidence of an approaching menopause. In this case, a decrease in estrogen levels is a completely natural process that changes the hormonal balance towards the predominance of androgens.

Hirsutism is sometimes provoked by poorly chosen hormonal contraceptives, steroids and other drugs. Some medications, such as cyclosporine, and immunosuppressants taken by implant recipients, cause a condition similar to hirsutism called hypertrichosis (excessive growth of colorless hair).

Anorexics often suffer from hypertrichosis. Soft blond hair is cured or after stopping the use of cyclosporine falls out by itself.

How to treat hirsutism

The most important thing is to exclude the presence of serious deviations at the very beginning of treatment. Those suffering from polycystic ovaries are usually prescribed antiandrogenic combined oral contraceptives and spironolactone. Existing hair does not fall out, but new hair growth slows down.

For other conditions, spironolactone alone is often recommended. Should you stop taking this remedy if you plan on having a baby in? soon. In any case, hair removal, regular physical activity and weight loss cannot be avoided.

Exercise helps balance hormones. You just need to know that it is possible to reduce hirsutism

Hair control methods

Gynecologists often prescribe "Diana-35" - a well-established contraceptive drug with an antiandrogenic effect. For the treatment of mild hirsutism, a milder agent is shown - "Janine". However, along with taking special-purpose contraceptives, it is necessary, after consultation with an endocrinologist, to establish the cause of the violation, to undergo special drug therapy. With hirsutism, which is a consequence of polycystic ovaries, spironlactone (aldalactone), clomiphene, etc. are used. In congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cortisol is prescribed. With idiopathic and familial hirsutism, hair can be removed using modern epilation tools. The most painless, but also short-lived way to deal with excess hair is shaving. Among other methods, the following are popular.


The principle of their action is approximately the same: mechanical plucking of hair. If you follow the rules - epilate in the evening, use products that moisturize the skin and slow down hair growth, do not forget about peeling to prevent ingrown hairs - this method will probably become your favorite.

Depilatory cream


After removal, the hair begins to grow in 2-3 weeks. But? the operation is too painful.


The bleaching cream contains hydrogen peroxide, which makes hair lighter and thinner. The result lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. An allergic reaction is possible.


A method that allows you to almost permanently get rid of unwanted hair. The needle, through which the electric current is transmitted, is inserted into the hair follicle, and it is destroyed. The procedure will have to be repeated monthly for 1-2 years.

Laser Hair Removal

A new laser for hair removal called SoftLight has recently been approved. Removal of antennae with such a laser costs about $ 1,000 for 3 sessions. In order to remove hair in other areas, 5 treatments may be needed. It has not yet been established exactly how long the laser eliminates hair.

In contact with

Lush, shiny and thick hair is not only the pride of every woman, but also one of the indicators of her health.

However, in this case we are talking about the scalp. But there are situations when hair begins to grow in other parts of the body, which is not normal for the female constitution. On the contrary, such a deviation can indicate very serious anomalies occurring in the body, which the woman herself may not even be aware of.

In addition, excess hair on the body is a very unaesthetic phenomenon, which often leads to complexes and other psychological problems. But if such a problem has already arisen, there is no need to despair and panic - you must act immediately, because such a deviation may indicate the development of various diseases.

Let's try to find out what this anomaly is talking about, what caused it, and what methods can be used to defeat it.

The difference between hirsutism and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth)

Hirsutism and hypertrichosis are concepts that are absolutely not similar to each other, so you need to learn how to distinguish between them.

So, with hypertrichosis, the process of excessive growth of vellus hair occurs. However, it is not associated with an excessive amount of male sex hormones androgens in the blood of women, and may be due to:

  • endocrine diseases (for example,);
  • taking certain groups of medications (minoxidil, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • constitutional features of the female body.

With idiopathic hirsutism, there is no connection with the hormonal balance in the woman's body. In addition, the presence of a small amount of hair above the upper lip, around the nipples, in the gap between the pubis and the navel occurs even in girls who do not have problems with endocrine system disorders.

Note. Hirsutism is almost never a separate disease - in most cases it is a symptom of other pathologies. In particular, hyperandrogenism.

Hyperandrogenism - an increase in the concentration of androgens in the female body. It is with this phenomenon that the development of hirsutism is associated, which is its main difference from hypertrichosis. Hyperandrogenism is the result of a violation of the sexual sphere in women, while the following are involved in the pathological process:

  • hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenals.

Each of these pathologies has its own causes, having understood which, you can successfully get rid of an unpleasant problem. a

The main causes of facial hair growth in women

Even experts cannot always answer the question of why facial hair grows in women. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a violation of the hormonal balance in the body. As you know, hormones affect the functioning of the whole organism, therefore, with their increased or, conversely, reduced concentration in the blood, not only internal organs, but also epidermal integuments can react sharply.

Before determining the cause of increased facial hair, a woman should not self-diagnose herself, and even more so begin treatment. First you need to contact a gynecologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist and go through all the necessary procedures aimed at identifying abnormalities in the work of internal organs, glands and systems. And only then the doctor will tell you what measures need to be taken to get rid of an unpleasant problem.

The appearance of facial hair in women is closely related to their health status. With an imbalance of the internal organs, the hair follicles react extremely sharply, which affects their functioning. The main causes of facial hair are:

  1. Increased concentration of the male sex hormone androgen. Normally, it is present in the female body, but in limited quantities, and affects the reproductive function. In addition to the appearance of facial hair, a high level of testosterone in the blood in women can lead to the development of serious pathologies, so it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist in a timely manner and start therapy.
  2. genetic predisposition. If women in the family, whether it be mother, grandmother or aunt, had problems with excess facial hair, then it is likely that other female generations will have a similar anomaly. In this case, no specific treatment is required - you can contact a cosmetologist for help for hardware removal of facial hair.
  3. Estrogen production disorder. Estrogen is a female sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle and the entire reproductive system of a woman. After 35 years, the synthesis of this hormone slows down significantly, therefore, the body does not receive the required amount. As a result, hormonal changes occur. Also, with a decrease in estrogen production, a woman's body becomes more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. One of the dangerous diseases is viral hepatitis. With its development, a woman develops black coarse hair on her chin. Such a deviation cannot be ignored, since viral hepatitis is a disease that can be fatal.
  4. may also be accompanied by the appearance of facial hair. This is due to the fact that the ovaries cease to function fully, and the level of sex hormones is significantly reduced. There is an increased production of male sex hormones androgens, which replace female estrogens. This anomaly does not require specific treatment, and extra hairs can be completely removed using cosmetic or instrumental procedures.
  5. Hormonal imbalance during puberty in girls, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. As a rule, after the end of all the processes that affect the hormonal background of a woman, the level of hormones returns to normal on its own.
  6. Taking hormonal drugs or prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives. It's hard to imagine, but even hormonal creams can cause unwanted facial hair in women. In this case, vellus hairs, or even white facial hair, may appear. After stopping the use of the agent that caused the sharp reaction of the body, the vegetation should pass by itself.


The main symptoms of hirsutism are:

  • the appearance of hair on the face, inner thighs, buttocks, abdominal region, back, around the nipples, mammary glands;
  • intense hair loss on the head, in particular, in the frontal area;
  • change in skin and hair type from normal, dry or combination to oily;
  • failure in the menstrual cycle;
  • amenorrhea (prolonged absence of menstruation);
  • the appearance of acne;
  • inability to conceive a child.

Since the situation is caused by a hormonal failure, this deviation must be eliminated immediately. Otherwise, the so-called virilization may occur, which is characterized by:

  • hair loss at the temples;
  • a decrease in the tone of the voice when it becomes rough, masculine;
  • reduction of the mammary glands due to atrophy of the glandular tissue;
  • accumulation of fat cells in the tissues of the arms, legs, shoulders, chest;
  • an increase in muscle tissue in the shoulder area (but can also be observed in other parts of the body);
  • increased libido;
  • reduction of the labia in size;
  • enlargement of the clitoris;
  • decreased production of vaginal lubrication.

How to stop facial hair growth

First of all, a woman needs to go to the hospital and undergo a comprehensive examination. Without knowing the causes of facial hair growth, getting rid of them will be extremely problematic. The patient will first need to visit the office of a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

Sometimes women have to undergo treatment for ovarian pathologies, including enduring the removal of neoplasms localized on them. Sometimes increased facial hair indicates the formation of a tumor in the adrenal glands, which also requires surgical intervention.

With an excess of androgens, a doctor prescribes hormonal contraceptives or antiandrogenic drugs. If facial hair in women appeared during menopause, estrogen-based drugs are prescribed.

If you do not normalize the hormonal background, the fight against facial hairs will become a grueling task. Moreover, it is impossible to pluck them with tweezers or shave off - they will be replaced by new, thicker and bristly hair.

Treatment for excessive facial hair growth

If hirsutism is mild and the woman does not experience changes in the menstrual cycle, treatment is not carried out. However, this does not exclude the need to treat other diseases, since facial hair growth is only one of the symptoms of certain pathologies. In this case, the patient may undergo surgery to remove cysts or tumors in the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, or ovaries.

It is also possible to cancel the medication that caused hirsutism, as well as treatment aimed at eliminating Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome or acromegaly. In simple terms, by eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of unwanted facial hair in women.

Drug treatment can be prescribed only after a thorough examination. It is also extremely important to exclude the presence of androgen-secreting neoplasms. The use of hormonal drugs continues for 3 months to six months. In some cases, the course of treatment must be repeated.

When taking hormones, it must be taken into account that they only prevent the growth of new hairs. Consequently, they do not have any effect on those that are already on the patient's face. Often use drugs aimed at eliminating:

  1. Hyperandrogenism: Janine, Yarina,.
  2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Cortisone.
  3. : Yarina, Jeanine, Clomiphene.
  4. Tumors of various localization - ovarian, pituitary, adrenal. In this case, chemotherapy is used, as well as surgical removal of the neoplasm.

Contraindications to hormone therapy are:

  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors of various localization;
  • hypersensitivity to any components that make up the drug.

If hirsutism has caused weight gain, a low-carbohydrate diet should be followed. With manifestations of depression or neurosis, the patient may need the help of a psychologist or neurologist.

Cosmetic methods

With the help of modern cosmetics, you can, if not completely get rid of facial hair (although this is possible), then at least significantly reduce their visibility. However, they do not affect the further growth of hairs. Therefore, they can be used as adjuvant therapy.

Here are the main cosmetic methods for getting rid of facial hair in women:

  1. Lightening, which involves the use of products based on hydrogen peroxide and other substances, with the help of which the complete discoloration of facial hair occurs, leading to the loss of their natural pigmentation.
  2. With a small lesion of the face with hair, you can use the plucking method with tweezers. After the end of the painful procedure, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic preparation. This will help avoid infection. However, this method should not be abused - it can lead to problems with the epidermis.
  3. Shaving and waxing are also used to combat increased vegetation, but not on the face, but on the back, legs, armpits and groin. However, these methods cannot be used often, otherwise scars may form on the skin.

More expensive manipulations can be carried out:

  1. Photoepilation is a method based on the action of high-pulse light rays on melanin, a pigment substance due to which the hair receives a natural color. Heat exposure destroys the hair follicle, which leads to the removal of hairs. The method is used for dark hair, and the effect of its use lasts about 5 months.
  2. Laser hair removal based on the use of a laser beam. Removes only growing hairs, without any effect on dormant bulbs. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out several manipulations over 1-6 months. Laser hair removal is less effective than photoepilation.

Laser and photoepilation should not be performed if there are the following contraindications:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the problem area;
  • pregnancy;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays before the procedure;
  • the presence of a tattoo in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair growth;
  • undergoing therapy with steroids or isotretinoin;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or insulin pump;
  • porphyria.

Since laser and photoepilation are expensive procedures, it is advisable to carry them out only to remove hair in open areas of the body. However, get ready for the fact that the manipulations will need to be repeated from time to time, since they do not affect further hair growth.

Folk ways to get rid of hair

Alternative methods can be used as auxiliary therapeutic procedures:

  1. A decoction of Datura - a medicinal plant containing poison that negatively affects the structure of the hair follicle. Rinse 3-4 plants with roots and pour a liter of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for an hour. Strain the finished decoction and use as a tonic for rubbing into the skin after depilation.
  2. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and put on a slow fire. Wait until half of the liquid has evaporated, then cool - and problem areas can be treated. After 2 minutes after treatment, rinse off the remnants of the product with warm water.
  3. Squeeze as much juice as possible from the peel of a green walnut and apply it through cheesecloth to problem areas of the skin and hold for 5 minutes. With intensive hair growth, the product should be used twice a day. It can be applied to any part of the body.

The treatment of hirsutism is not limited to a symptomatic approach. In this case, it is necessary to understand the cause of the deviation and eliminate it, and only a doctor can do this.

Disease prognosis

The life cycle of a hair lasts six months, and it is during the same period of time that hirsutism therapy lasts. Even if it is not possible to completely get rid of the growth of unwanted hair in women, it is quite possible to significantly slow down this process and make the hairs lighter.

Or male pattern hair. All women have hair on the surface of the body and face, but they are usually thin and light. The main feature by which it is possible to distinguish the norm from the deviation is the structure of the hairline. A healthy girl has thin, short, light, soft, fluffy hairs. With hirsutism, coarse dark thick hair begins to grow on the face, arms, legs, as well as the hips, back, and abdomen. Increased hairiness in girls and women, as a rule, is associated with virilization, that is, with excessive activity of androgens and, as a result, the development of male characteristics.

Sometimes girls confuse hirsutism with manifestations, but these conditions are not the same thing. With hirsutism in girls, hair growth increases in places typical for men, but unusual for women: on the face, abdomen. With hypertrichosis, hairiness can increase anywhere on the body, and this process is usually not associated with hormonal disorders.

According to various sources, 5-10% of women have hirsutism. Often, increased hairiness becomes a family trait, so unwanted hair is especially common in girls whose mothers, sisters or other relatives have the same problem. Mediterranean, South Asian, and Middle Eastern women are also more prone to hirsutism due to ethnic differences.

Having excess body hair can make a girl feel inferior and insecure, but it's even worse when hirsutism is combined with hormonal imbalances that can lead to infertility, diabetes, and serious menstrual irregularities.


Excessive growth of coarse dark hair on the face and body of a woman is primarily associated with high levels of androgens (male hormones), including testosterone. The body of every healthy woman produces a small amount of androgens, but some disorders can lead to the fact that the production of male hormones is greatly increased. This can cause active hair growth and problems such as oily skin, acne, enlargement of the genitals.

All of the reasons below can affect how a girl's body produces androgens.

  1. polycystic ovary syndrome
  1. Increased hairiness: which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing hirsutism, a doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist) must study in detail the medical history and heredity of the girl, discuss the medications she has taken or is taking in order to determine the cause of the condition. Next, the doctor will most likely order blood tests to measure hormone levels. An ultrasound doctor will perform an ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands to check for tumors or cysts. In addition, an MRI of the brain may be required to rule out the presence of neoplasms.


  • hormone therapy

If a woman is overweight, her doctor will likely suggest shedding it first, as obesity affects how the body makes hormones. Maintaining a healthy body weight can bring androgen levels back to normal without the use of medication.

However, a girl may need medical treatment if excessive hair growth is a symptom of PCOS or adrenal disease. Birth control pills and anti-androgenic drugs can help balance hormones.

  • Antiandrogenic drugs

They can block androgen receptors and reduce the production of male hormones from the adrenal glands and ovaries. The most commonly used drugs that block the effect of testosterone on hair follicles are Spironolactone and Finasteride (blocks 5-alpha reductase).

  • Combined birth control pills, oral contraceptives

Pills (OCs, COCs) that contain estrogen and progesterone can help shrink cysts that occur due to PCOS. Estrogen is also able to reduce the amount of excess hair. These drugs are prescribed as long-term therapy for hirsutism. Improvements come not earlier than in three to six months.

  • Cream for excess hair

Vaniqa® (Vanica, eflornithine, eflornithine) is used to reduce excess facial hair in women. It is applied 2 times a day and works by slowing down the growth of hair follicles and lengthening the intervals between epilation sessions. Vaniqa cream can be combined with other medicines. Typically, facial hair growth in girls slows down after 1 to 2 months. Side effects of eflornithine include skin rash and irritation.

  • Depilation

This is a non-medical way to deal with unwanted hair. These are the same methods that many women use to remove hair on the legs, underarms and in the bikini area.

  • Waxing, shaving and depilators

Removing excess hair with wax, depilatory creams, shaving or sugaring is an effective, affordable and inexpensive method. These tools are easy to use, the result is visible immediately, but it does not last long. In addition, girls with hirsutism tend to have unwanted hair that is thick and coarse. Because of this, after removal, the skin becomes very sensitive and prone to irritation and ingrown hairs.

Removal of increased hairiness with a laser occurs due to damage to the follicles by light rays. Damaged bulbs cannot produce hair, and vegetation that is already present falls out. With the passage of the full course and proper treatment, laser hair removal can provide a stable positive result.

  • Electrolysis

This is hair removal using electric current. It treats each hair follicle individually, so sessions may take longer. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis is an expensive, time-consuming procedure that requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Some women find these procedures uncomfortable or painful.


Treatment of increased hairiness on the face and body of a girl is a long-term task. Most women with a diagnosed hormonal imbalance respond well to therapy, but hair may regrow if it returns to its original values ​​and goes beyond the normal range.

Depending on the underlying cause and choice of therapy, treatment for hirsutism can be lifelong. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent results than shaving, waxing, sugaring, or depilators. If the cause of excessive hairiness is PCOS or problems with the adrenal glands, the girl may need lifelong treatment.

A disease caused by excessive hair growth on all parts of the body in women is called hirsutism, which means “hairiness” in translation. Hirsutism in women may indicate the occurrence of serious pathological processes. Therefore, before choosing a method of how to remove facial hair, it is advisable to understand and identify the cause of the problem.

Causes of Excess Hair Growth

Fluffy hair began to grow on the face. Why? It is difficult even for specialists to unequivocally answer the question of why facial hair grows in women. The main reason for their intensive growth is considered various hormonal disorders. Therefore, do not rush to make a diagnosis yourself, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist, neurologist and endocrinologist, as well as undergo a complete examination.

The reasons for the appearance of facial hair in women are closely related to the state of health. Doctors' studies have shown that hair follicles are extremely sensitive to internal imbalances and react sharply to all changes in the body.

  • High testosterone levels. The male hormone is present in the body of every woman. He is responsible for the most important function - childbearing. Testosterone is needed for the natural formation of the follicle in the ovaries of the expectant mother. But if the amount of this hormone is too high, unwanted coarse hair begins to appear in women. An increase in testosterone or hirsutism can cause the development of severe pathological processes, so a timely visit to an endocrinologist will help prevent sad consequences.
  • genetic inheritance. If your relatives have dark hairs on their faces, then it is very likely that you have a hereditary predisposition. In this case, medical treatment is not required, you can immediately contact a beautician and remove hairs using hardware methods.
  • Decreased estrogen synthesis. In women after the age of 35, estrogen production begins to decrease. The synthesis of these hormones depends on the condition and functioning of the liver. Therefore, intensive hair growth can be caused by serious diseases, one of them is viral hepatitis. Often the first symptom in women is dark hair on the chin. Ultrasound diagnostics will help to exclude this cause.
  • Menopause. During menopause, cyclic changes in the uterine cavity end, and the hormonal balance is disturbed. The work of the ovaries freezes, and the genitals practically do not function. In the female body, the male hormone, androgen, begins to be intensively produced. It is he who provokes the increased growth of coarse hairs.
  • Hormonal imbalance. During puberty, a restructuring of the body occurs, this sometimes causes changes in the structure of the hair. During lactation and pregnancy, hormones can behave unpredictably and affect hair growth. Ovarian diseases with severe hormonal dysfunction can also cause this problem. In such a situation, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.
  • Hormonal medications. Actively influence the accelerated growth of hair. Even some cosmetic creams can provoke an undesirable reaction of the body. Sometimes women have long white hair on their cheeks. In this case, the medication should be stopped, and the problem will disappear by itself.

Diagnosis and treatment of hirsutism

What to do if fluff grows on a woman's face? When diagnosing, it is necessary to take tests for hormones. You can first contact a therapist, he will tell you which hormones to check and which specialist to contact. Only an integrated approach guarantees a quick positive result.

A simple examination will not be enough to assess your condition. Therefore, any doctor prescribes the following package of tests.

  • General urine and blood tests.
  • Analysis for thyroid hormones T4, TSH, T3.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of all organs.
  • Tomography of the brain.
  • Cardiogram.
  • Blood test for FSH.
  • Free testosterone (ELISA).
  • For prolactin.
  • For cortisol.
  • DHEA sulfate.

For treatment, antiandrogens are prescribed for a period of three to six months. These drugs lower hormone levels and stop hair growth. If other diseases are found, then complex treatment is prescribed.

Many people are afraid of incomprehensible tests and long-term use of special drugs. But only in this way can you permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation. Hardware and home methods can only remove unaesthetic hairs, but the main problem remains unresolved.

Hair removal by hardware methods

Hardware methods for removing facial hair in women are especially popular. This is a guaranteed way to quickly and safely get rid of any cosmetic defect. There are several most effective ones.

  • laser removal. This safe method allows you to remove facial hair using a directed bright beam of light. The laser acts on the hair follicle, which collapses and dies. But you will have to visit the salon more than once, since for complete hair removal you will need to do several procedures.
  • Photoepilation. Removal occurs with point light pulses that destroy the hair root. The session lasts approximately forty minutes, during the procedure a slight tingling sensation may be felt. The skin does not remain irritated, but repeated sessions may be required. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Electrolysis. This procedure is divided into several types, but they are all aimed at destroying the hair follicle. The method eliminates unwanted hair for a long time, but all procedures are extremely painful and scars may remain. Therefore, contact an experienced cosmetologist and ask in advance how the session will go.

Regular massage with oils and creams, especially those based on lanolin, can trigger hair growth. You should be extremely careful when choosing creams and serums with regenerating and bioactive additives.

Popular home methods

How to remove unwanted facial hair in women at home? Sometimes women make a terrible mistake, cutting hairs with scissors or shaving with a razor. This only accelerates their growth, and the hair structure becomes stiff and darker.

Depilation with wax

Cosmetic wax of any kind can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. There are several types of bioepilation, but warm wax with minerals or extracts of medicinal plants is better suited for the face.

  1. Heat the wax in a water bath.
  2. Treat the skin with a disinfectant solution.
  3. Apply the composition with a spatula along the hairline.
  4. Wait for it to freeze.
  5. Gently hook the wax edges.
  6. Remove them with a sharp movement against hair growth.
  7. The procedure can be repeated several times.

The method is extremely painful, but effective. Some bruising and redness may remain, but this quickly passes. For the first time, you can try cold depilation with wax strips.

Thread removal

Many women are interested in how to remove unwanted hair with a thread. This method has long been used by Eastern ladies, but the technique will have to be learned. Therefore, do not worry if the removal does not work the first time. After 2-3 workouts, this method will become your favorite.

  1. Cut about 50 cm of strong thread.
  2. Tie the ends together.
  3. Put the thread on your fingers and twist 10 times. The thread should be in the shape of the number eight. The twisted middle acts as forceps.
  4. Then just drive the thread through problem areas. The thread itself will hook and pull out the hairs.

The result lasts up to three weeks. Remember to disinfect your skin before and after the procedure. Trading can be done in a beauty salon.

Natural mask recipes

Hair removal with folk remedies is a cheap and affordable method that has been used for centuries.

soda solution

With systematic use, this recipe gives a good result. Hair becomes thin and brittle.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.
  2. Soak a cosmetic pad in the solution.
  3. Apply the disc to the problem area and secure with a band-aid.
  4. Leave the compress on all night.

soap ash

The tool must be constantly applied to problem areas. This will help you achieve results in a short time.

  1. Sift the ashes through a fine sieve.
  2. Grate laundry soap.
  3. Mix the ingredients and pour boiling water over them. You should get a thick paste.
  4. Apply it to the problem area.

walnut ash

Walnut hair removal is a popular method. Feedback from women of all ages confirms that any recipe that includes this valuable product works flawlessly.

  1. Peel the nuts from the shell and burn it on a plate.
  2. Transfer the ashes to a jar, fill with warm water. You should get a thick paste, which must be infused for at least 12 hours.

Lubricate problem areas three times a day. You can make a compress before going to bed, the composition is applied for half an hour once a day.

stinging nettle

The tincture takes a long time to prepare, but judging by the reviews it is very effective. Nettle seeds can be bought at the pharmacy.

  1. Crush 40 g of nettle seeds in a mortar.
  2. Pour the flour with a glass of vegetable oil.
  3. Set the mixture aside in a dark place for three weeks.
  4. Treat problem areas several times a day.

Be careful! Almost all store-bought products for removing excess hair can cause serious damage to the skin. The composition often uses toxic substances that burn out the hair follicle. Therefore, you can easily get burns, allergies or pigmentation. Before using store-bought and home remedies, apply a small amount of the mixture to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction of the body.

Ugly facial hair appears in many women after 50 years. To cope with this defect, an integrated approach is needed. If unusually coarse hairs appear, especially on the face, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help to avoid further health problems.

Hair on the chin for a woman is always a unique horror. A problem that entails self-doubt, extraordinary, isolated behavior in society, restrictions in communication.

Finding a solution to a problem does not immediately suggest going to the doctor. But without medical intervention, the fight against such a phenomenon may be ineffective. This is explained by the fact that male-type hair growth, called hirsutism, is manifested in connection with an excess of male hormones.

Causes of hair on the chin in women

The causes of facial hair in women lie in the following factors.


The change in the set of chromosomes that occurs from generation to generation in women belonging to the same genus explains why unwanted hair grows on the chin. Most often this is inherent in Caucasian women.

Caucasian women are more prone to these facial problems.

Consequences of taking medications

The situation when it is impossible to refuse to take any drugs leads to an increased content of androgens (male hormones) in the body.

Changes in the body

Changes in the body associated with physiological and age factors. Important stages in a woman's life (puberty, pregnancy, menopause) make their own adjustments to the hormonal background.

A decrease in estrogen production during menopause significantly changes the proportions of male and female hormones, which inevitably provokes the manifestation of male characteristics.


Pathologies of internal organs and systems:

  • malfunction of the adrenal glands that synthesize androgens, therefore, any of their diseases causes hirsutism;
  • increased production of androgens can cause both benign and malignant neoplasms of the ovaries, significantly disrupting the hormonal background, polycystic;

The ovaries are one of the first organs to suffer from hirsutism.
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland, which coordinates the work of internal secretion, therefore, the production of hormones, which causes an increased release of androgens;
  • pathologies of the pancreas, in particular, diabetes mellitus: impaired insulin production, which manifests itself in menopause, leads to similar consequences.

Other pathologies of internal organs and systems:

  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • overweight, pressing on the adrenal glands.

Lack of sex life explains in many ways why women grow hair on their chins.

How dangerous is hirsutism if left untreated?

The manifestation of hirsutism contains problems associated more with cosmetic factors. They are solved by removing unwanted hair in various ways. But such a symptom always indicates internal, more serious pathologies. Therefore, the appeal to specialists in such a case is extremely necessary.

At the first hint of the appearance of hairs on the chin, you need to find out the cause

Timely treatment will help prevent dangerous diseases and the occurrence of the following pathologies:

  • Tumor of the ovaries. Initially, such neoplasms appear due to hormonal disruptions. But any tumor is able to change the work of all nearby organs. Malignant neoplasms tend to threaten life by forming metastases.
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands that produce androgens. A significant part of the problem is represented by a tumor that causes the production of other hormones. This factor can significantly lower immunity, cause volatility in blood pressure.
  • Diabetes. Hormonal disorders in this case are the initial precursors of a functional failure of the pancreas. The increased content of glucose primarily affects the retina of the eye, immunity, gradually developing pathologies throughout the body.
  • Infertility as a result of ovarian diseases. In this case, it is important to start treatment on time in order to avoid the irreversibility of the process.
  • Mental disorders. Attacks of aggression caused by hormonal disruptions, unreasonable depression are possible. Hormone surges often trigger mood swings.

Nervous attacks are one of the many consequences of hirsutism.
  • A change in the timbre and tone of the voice to lower and coarser parameters due to the increased production of male hormones.
  • Reducing the size of the breasts is also a consequence of why women grow hair on their chins.
  • Enlargement of the clitoris, accompanied by a decrease in sexual desire.

Treatment of hirsutism in women

Before starting the treatment of hirsutism, it is necessary first of all to visit a doctor to identify the cause and clearly indicate contraindications.

Comprehensive treatment is the key to high performance

Any chosen single technique will not bring the desired effect.

Currently, there are several ways to solve this problem:

  • Drug. In the initial, mild forms, medications are usually not prescribed. Before taking medicines, the necessary examination is prescribed and the corresponding course of treatment is adjusted, which lasts at least 3-5 months. Drug treatment is used to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Treatment with medicines makes it possible to eliminate the cause
  • The cosmetological method is aimed at eliminating visible manifestations, while chemical and mechanical methods of depilation are successfully used, electrical and laser devices are used. These methods act directly on the bulb, excluding further hair growth in certain areas.
  • The homeopathic method involves not only the correct selection of a list of herbs by a homeopathic doctor, but also the necessary dosage, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body (age, psychological state).
  • The surgical method is necessary when removing tumors that directly affect unwanted hair growth.

How to remove unwanted hair

After identifying the reason why women grow hair on their chins, many begin a local fight against hirsutism in various ways.

Chemical method

Modern cosmeceutics offers a wide range of means to achieve various goals. Among them are chemical creams that penetrate the hair follicle, thereby destroying the hair roots.

Depilatory creams are very popular due to the ease of use at home. When choosing a product, do not forget to match the type of skin.

Cream hair removal has its positive aspects:

  • availability in application;
  • safety in terms of mechanical damage;
  • the application of the procedure significantly slows down hair growth, constant use discolors the hair, making it much thinner.

However, such funds have a significant disadvantage: the possibility of allergic reactions.

Mechanical removal

One of the most common ways to remove hair is to use a mechanical epilator containing special attachments.

The epilator creates a slightly painful procedure, but has a long-lasting effect. A similar effect is created by wax epilation. To reduce pain, ice should be applied to the skin.

Fighting only external signs of the disease will not bring the desired result.

The main forces should be directed to eradicate the cause.

Using a razor gives a very quick effect, but it is not recommended to use it due to the high likelihood of injury. In addition, cut hair begins to grow rapidly, becoming bright and coarse. There is also the possibility of ingrown hairs.

In addition, at home, the method of plucking hair with tweezers or thread is used.

Removal methods in beauty salons

Mechanical and chemical methods of removing unwanted vegetation, unfortunately, relieve the problem for a short time. For the cardinal eradication of obsessive hair growth on the chin, women have a question: why is it necessary to turn to cosmetologists for help in the fight against hirsutism.

The answer is simple - they have special equipment. Currently, beauty salons and hardware hair removal centers offer several types of services to remove excess hair.

Let's list them:

  1. Laser peeling. Penetrating into the follicles, destroys them due to thermal effects.
  2. Photoepilation. Destroys hair follicles with light exposure.
  3. Electrolysis. Follicles die under the influence of electrical impulses.
  4. Elos epilation. It is a combination of electrical impulses and light rays.

All these procedures are very effective, but they are very expensive. For complete relief, it is necessary to undergo up to 20 procedures, the participation of trained specialists in which is extremely important.

Hair removal devices

The modern beauty industry uses several types of lasers. The ruby ​​laser minimally damages the tissue around the follicles. It is characterized by a painless procedure, a long-term result. Alexandrite laser has a high speed of hair removal. Treats large areas in a short time.

Facial hair removal with a diode laser epilator

diode laser

A relatively new type, characterized by deeper penetration into the skin. Perfectly removes dark and thick hair. Neodymium laser is effective for all types of skin, significantly reduces hair growth on the chin in women. Why not take advantage, because it is considered the most practical at the present time.

IPL machine

An IPL device that is not a laser, but has a similar effect. Most suitable for fair-skinned patients with dark hair. There is a version of IPL epilators for home use.

Laser devices are not universal!

Therefore, they are selected individually for each patient, depending on the type of skin and features of the hairline.

Folk ways to get rid of hair on the chin

The use of herbs will not give a special effect, but temporary violations are easily corrected by such treatment. The main condition is the help of a specialist. In addition to the main treatment, the following remedies can be used.

Lemon juice is a popular beauty treatment

Datura decoction

3-4 washed whole plants, including the roots, should be brought to a boil in 1 liter of water. Keep on low heat for about an hour. After a slow cooling, remove the plant. This liquid should be used to treat the skin after depilation in the morning and evening.

Lemon juice

Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water, pour 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Boil over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. After cooling, it should be applied to areas with excessive vegetation. Rinse with boiled water after 2 minutes.

It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the peel of green fruits. Using gauze, apply it on the hairy area for 5 minutes. Why should you use it? If a woman has hair growing on her chin, then conducting such a session twice a day, their growth stops.

At the first appearance of hirsutism, it is important to understand that the fight only with external signs will not bring the desired result. You should not be led by the situation - this problem does not cross out life if you turn to specialists for help in time.

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