Damage (injury) to tissues. Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Dogs and Cats Tissue Necrosis in Dogs Treatment

Necrosis can be direct (direct destruction by a traumatic factor) or indirect (due to malnutrition of the tissue).

Why does a dog have necrosis?

The reason that a dog has soft tissue necrosis can be trauma, wound, electric shock, exposure to high or low temperatures, chemical reagents (acids, alkalis). With indirect necrosis, there is a violation in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues as a result of prolonged squeezing, compression, infringement, spasm of blood vessels and nerves, thrombosis.

Almost always, necrosis is accompanied by pathogens that cause necrotic infections. Soft tissue necrosis includes: heart attack, gangrene, bedsores, dry and wet (appearance of pus) necrosis. The speed and extent of the spread of dead cells depend on the duration of the mechanical impact, the infection that has joined, as well as the anatomical features of the damaged organ.

Symptoms: swelling, inflammation, pain reaction, discharge of pus, discoloration of the damaged area of ​​the skin or limb, blistering, unpleasant odor from the wound. In the future, poisoning of the whole organism occurs, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, weakness of the animal. If you do not provide proper assistance, the dog will die.


The treatment is carried out in a complex way: necrotic tissues and organs are surgically removed, in parallel, immunostimulants and drugs that have regenerative properties are prescribed. Painkillers and antibiotic therapy are also used. Surgically, they can perform necrotomy (dissection of necrosis), necrectomy (removal or amputation).

Necrotomy is performed with necrosis, which occupy a large area, in particular on the limbs and chest. During this manipulation, necrotic tissues are cut to living tissue, due to which oxygen access is resumed and nutrition is improved. Necrectomy is carried out within viable tissues after the boundaries of dead tissue are clearly defined. After removal of necrotic tissue, sutures are applied. Amputation of a limb or part of it is carried out only if necessary so that the infection does not spread further and the animal does not die.

Since minor injuries - pricks, bruises, bites, can cause such a serious illness as necrosis, you need to carefully monitor your four-fingered friend, especially when walking. In the postoperative period, hygiene rules must be observed so that secondary infection does not occur. If dangerous symptoms appear, seek the advice of a specialist as soon as possible.

Without medical attention, the dog dies. The rate of development of necrosis depends on how long the mechanical effect on the tissues and the further effect of the infection continued, as well as on the anatomical features of the organ that is affected by necrosis.


In the treatment of necrosis, surgery is indispensable. Dead tissues and organs must be removed. Operations are of two types:

  1. necrotomy (incision of necrosis in order to remove dead soft tissue)
  2. necrectomy (amputation or removal of a dead organ).

Necrotomy is performed with extensive necrosis, most often on the chest and limbs. With this manipulation, necrotic tissue is cut down to living tissue. Thus, her nutrition improves and oxygen access is resumed to her.

Necrectomy is carried out so that the infection does not spread further, that is, to save the life of the animal. In addition, the treatment is carried out in the whole complex. In addition to surgical procedures, therapy is also used.

As a rule, drugs are prescribed that have regenerative properties and immunostimulants. After the operation, antibiotics and pain medications are used. With bone necrosis after surgery, antibiotics are prescribed, which are administered by intraosseous injections.

Disease prevention

Often the cause of such a serious illness is rather minor injuries: bruises, injections, bites.

Therefore, in order to prevent tragic consequences, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dog, especially during games and on a walk. Inspect all bruises, treat the slightest wounds with antiseptics, always show more serious wounds to the veterinarian, monitor dressings, and prevent the dog from licking.

If the animal has survived any operation, all hygiene rules must be strictly observed so that neither primary nor secondary infection occurs. If the described symptoms of necrosis appear, you should contact a specialist for advice as soon as possible.

Most often in the practice of the average veterinarian there are various types of inflammatory processes. These pathologies are very dangerous in themselves, as they cause a strong pain reaction and intoxication of the animal's body. But they are also fraught with more dangerous and serious pathologies. Take, for example, necrosis: in dogs it is not uncommon, and it may well lead to limb amputations or even death. Of course, this does not always happen, but still the owners of the dogs should always be on the alert in order to recognize the formidable symptoms of this disease in time.

Necros is translated as "dead", "inanimate". Actually, this is the essence of this pathology: cells (or a whole group of them) begin to die off en masse. The overall performance of the organism is often preserved, but the well-being of the animal is still far from ideal.


First, negative environmental factors often contribute to its development. So, necrosis of the auricle is almost always associated with frostbite. This is especially often manifested in smooth-haired dogs of “compact” sizes, for which, in principle, any hypothermia can end very badly. The same necrosis of the tongue in dogs is associated with the actions of negligent owners who feed their pet with excessively hot food. Any herb is also dangerous. So, tail necrosis is very common in dogs of fighting breeds, which this one.

Read also: Streptoderma or skin inflammation in dogs (symptoms and treatment)

Chemicals are also bad for the health of the animal. For example, skin necrosis in a dog is often caused by exposure to some aggressive chemical reagent. The same bleach, for example. In general, in order to better understand the general etiology of the process, it will be useful to look at the main classification of negative factors.

Since it is possible to treat any pathology of this type only by knowing its cause, they are extremely important:

  • physical impact. This includes high and low temperatures, radiation, UV radiation, various wounds, which cause tissue necrosis in a dog.
  • Chemical. Various aggressive reagents (acids, alkalis), as well as medicines. So, ear necrosis in a dog may well be due to the actions of the owners, who, having decided to “clean the ears” of their dog, poured a couple of glasses of boric alcohol into it. An exaggeration, of course, but the general picture is just that.
  • Infectious. One of the most common types. For example, necrosis of the dog's hearing organ is caused by the actions of a horde of numerous ear mites: they cause constant irritation and inflammation of the ear tissues, and later all this is complicated by the invasion of pathogenic microflora. It is much worse if microorganisms infect internal organs and tissues. So, asphyxial necrosis of the femoral head (more precisely, aseptic) often occurs in older dogs with a reduced immune status. In this case, the femur literally rots, causing terrible pain. In the photo, such dogs look like "living corpses", since they literally "shrink" from pain.
  • allergic factor. It is allergens that in some cases cause necrosis of the pancreas. This happens when a dog is fed low-quality food of dubious origin for a long time.
  • Vascular damage. If due to some pathogenic factor (thrombus) a large, important vessel (coronary artery) fails, the dog dies immediately. If the vessel is not too important, the matter ends with a local defeat. An ideal example is tail necrosis, which is often also caused by frostbite.

Necrosis is the cessation of the vital activity of cells, organs or tissues, which does not have a reverse effect. That is, in other words, there is a disintegration of the tissues of a still functioning human organism or animal. Unfortunately, in our modern world, this phenomenon is quite common.

The reasons

Why do entire sections begin to die off in a living organism, and what are the prerequisites for the development of such processes? In general terms, gangrene begins in those places where blood circulation is disturbed. There are the following causes of necrosis:

The death of individual areas may appear as a result of the development of certain diseases. For example, the cause of this pathology is often diabetes mellitus. In addition, the occurrence of gangrene may be due to damage to large nerves or the spinal cord.

Types of disease

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence, pathology is classified into the following types:

Also, experts distinguish two more types of necrosis.

Colliquation (wet) necrosis

Along with the necrosis of the areas, their edema is observed.

Coagulative (dry) necrosis

The necrosis of tissues is accompanied by their complete dehydration. The disease most often develops in areas rich in proteins, but depleted in fluids. For example, pathology can affect the cells of the liver, spleen or adrenal glands, where poor blood circulation and oxygen deficiency are most often noted.

Varieties of coagulative necrosis

There are the following types of dry necrosis:


The disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Stages of the disease

The course of the disease takes place in several stages, of which the following stand out:


Unfortunately, at the initial stage, necrosis is almost impossible to detect. X-ray examination can show the presence of pathology only at 2-3 stages of pathology development. To date, only computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging devices and allow you to identify the changes in the tissues that have begun, which allows you to start solving the problem in time.

Consequences of the disease

If adequate and timely treatment is not carried out, the consequences of necrosis may be as follows:

Treatment of soft tissue skin necrosis

Treatment of pathology is determined by such factors as the causes of the development of the disease, its type, the degree of tissue damage. It is very important to identify the disease at the initial stages and start treatment as soon as possible, otherwise serious complications may occur, including death.


Bedsores occur due to poor patient care. In such cases, the following actions should be taken:

Dry necrosis

Treatment is carried out in two stages.

The first is drying tissues and taking measures to prevent the further development of the disease. The skin around the affected area is treated with an antiseptic. Then a bandage is applied to the focus of inflammation, previously moistened with boric acid, Chlorhexidine or ethyl alcohol. The area affected by necrosis must be dried. To do this, use the usual brilliant green or a solution of manganese (5%).

At the next stage, excision of atrophied tissues is carried out.

Before starting the treatment of necrosis, it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused it, then take measures aimed at restoring blood circulation in the affected areas. In addition, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy in order to avoid infection of the soft tissues with a bacterial infection that can lead to death.

Wet necrosis

Treatment of wet necrosis soft tissues or skin is determined by the degree of damage to diseased areas. At the initial stages, specialists try to convert wet necrosis into a dry form. If their actions did not bring the desired results, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

Local treatment of wet necrosis

For this, the following actions are carried out:

General treatment of wet necrosis

Wet skin necrosis after surgery or in other cases are treated with the following methods:

  • vascular therapy. Specialists take measures to restore the blood supply to the affected tissues.
  • Antibacterial therapy. The patient is given antibiotics through a vein or artery.
  • Detoxification therapy. It is produced in order to prevent infection of living areas of soft tissues located near the lesions.


In the absence of the effect of the drug therapy performed, an operation is prescribed. In such a situation, this is the only chance to save the life of the patient. Surgical treatment includes the following steps:

Folk remedies

Necrosis is a rather serious disease, therefore, at the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can try to provide the patient with first aid using traditional medicine.

But at the first opportunity, the patient must be taken to the hospital!

Bedsores can be dealt with in the following ways:

Soft tissue necrosis, whatever it is caused, is a rather serious and dangerous disease, which, if not properly treated, can result in the death of the patient. Therefore, you should not hope that everything will go away by itself, like a runny nose, or you can get rid of necrosis on your own. The very first signs of pathology should serve as a signal to contact a specialist, otherwise the consequences can be very sad.

Attention, only TODAY!

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic natural focal infectious disease of wild, domestic animals, including dogs and humans, characterized by fever, anemia, jaundice, hemoglobinuria, necrosis of the mucous membranes and skin, atony of the gastrointestinal tract, abortions and the birth of unviable litter.

Pathogen- leptospira, occupying an intermediate position between bacteria and protozoa. Pathogenic leptospira are represented by 202 serovars. Leptospira is the most common cause of disease in dogs. icterohemorrhagia and caniccola that also cause leptospirosis in humans. In terms of infection with leptospira in Russia, dogs come out on top among other animals (up to 20%).

Leptospira, being hydrobionts, in the water of rivers, lakes, stagnant reservoirs remain up to 200 days, at the same time, the resistance of leptospira to environmental factors is low: the sun's rays inactivate them within 2 hours, at a temperature of 76-96 ° C they die instantly , however, at a temperature of minus 70 ° C they live for seven years; in the urine of animals and rodents they persist for up to 4-7 days, in milk - 8-24 hours. Leptospira are sensitive to the action of conventional disinfectants (1% sodium hydroxide solution kills instantly).

epidemiological data. Under natural conditions, among other animal species, dogs are most often ill, regardless of breed and age, however, young dogs and puppies are more susceptible to this disease and it occurs in them in a more severe form than in adult dogs. reservoir and source leptospirosis are sick and ill animals that excrete leptospira into the environment with urine, feces, milk, semen with discharge from the nose and genitals. In the conditions of settlements, especially in megacities, stray dogs, cats and rodents (mice and rats) serve as carriers of leptospirosis. Leptospiron carriage in recovered animals is very long: in dogs up to 3-4 years, in cats - 199 days, in foxes - up to 514 days. Especially dangerous is the fact that rodents are lifelong carriers of leptospira.

Transfer factors the causative agent of infection in leptospirosis in dogs are reservoirs contaminated with the urine of sick animals. Infection of healthy dogs occurs through feed, water, bedding, soil, etc., which are already infected with secretions from sick animals and leptospira carriers; when eating the corpses of rodents - leptospiro-carriers. Leptospira have the ability to penetrate into the dog's body through damaged skin (wounds, bites, cuts, scratches), mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities, eyes, gastrointestinal tract and genital tract. Puppies can become infected through milk from a sick bitch, as well as in utero. Leptospirosis in dogs is more often recorded in the summer-autumn period. The disease, like in other animals, manifests itself in in the form of sporadic cases or in the form of enzootics.

The incubation period for leptospirosis in dogs (depending on the resistance of the dog's organism, the degree of virulence, the magnitude of the infectious dose and the leptospira serogroup) ranges from 2 to 12 days.

Pathogenesis. Leptospira, having entered the body of a dog through damaged skin or mucous membranes, are carried with the bloodstream and concentrated in organs rich in reticuloendothelial elements (liver, kidneys, lungs), where they multiply intensively for 2-12 days (the duration of the incubation period). Having accumulated to a certain amount and destroyed the cellular elements that held them back in places of localization, leptospira enter the systemic circulation and, continuing to multiply in the blood, are carried by it to all organs and tissues. Reproduction of leptospira in the blood leads to a sharp increase in body temperature in the dog, which lasts as long as the leptospira are in the blood.

In response to the action of leptospira, the dog's body begins to produce antibodies: agglutinins and lysins, which appear in sufficient quantities by the 4-5th day of illness. Lysines begin to massively destroy leptospiras that have entered the dog's body, which leads to the release of endotoxins. The released endotoxins begin to destroy red blood cells. Due to the massive destruction of red blood cells, the dog develops anemia, a large amount of hemoglobin accumulates in the blood, which the liver is unable to process into the bile pigment bilirubin. Compensatory mechanisms begin to enter the process: the pigment is formed by RES cells in various tissues, bilirubin does not pass through the liver and, being adsorbed by tissues, causes jaundice.

With good resistance of the dog's body, an increase in the amount of antibodies in the blood, reaching the highest concentration from the 6th to the 10th day of illness, is accompanied by the gradual destruction of leptospira in all organs and tissues, except for the kidneys. In the kidneys of leptospira, after clinical recovery, dogs can multiply and be excreted from the body for a long time. When the dog's body is weakened, the defense mechanisms come into action late, as a result of which the dog dies from leptospirosis.

abortion in dogs occur due to the penetration of toxic substances leptospira through the placental barrier into the blood of the fetus. Due to the destruction of red blood cells, oxygen starvation occurs in the fetus, as a result of which they die.

Hemorrhages and skin necrosis in dogs with leptospirosis occur as a result of the fact that capillaries due to intoxication constrict and clog with blood clots, which leads to malnutrition of the skin and mucous membranes.

The course and symptoms of the disease. Leptospirosis in dogs can be fulminant, acute, subacute, or chronic. The disease may appear typically(with characteristic symptoms) and atypical(fulminant and chronic forms).

lightning form illness has a duration of 2 to 48 hours. The sickness begins sudden rise in temperature body coming sharp oppression and weakness dogs. In some cases, the owners note in a sick dog arousal, turning into a riot; The dog's high body temperature lasts for the first few hours of illness, and then drops to normal and below 38 °C. The dog has tachycardia, pulse of weak filling and tension (filamentous). Breathing shallow, frequent. Examination of the mucous membranes reveals their jaundice, bloody urine. Death dogs comes in 12-24 hours from asphyxia. Mortality in this form of the disease reaches 100%.

Acute course disease is more common in young animals aged from one week to two years, characterized by fever(39.5-41.5 °C), which lasts from 2 to 8 days, tachycardia, dog refusal to feed, depression and weakness. Breathing is frequent, shallow.

By the end of the febrile period (4-6 days), the dog develops severe jaundice mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, vagina, sclera and skin. Difficulty urinating in dogs, the dog urinates in small portions, urine is cherry or brown in color. When taking blood samples for analysis and intravenous administration of drugs, the blood quickly coagulates in the injection needle. A slight tapping in the lumbar region causes pain in the dog, the dog arches its back, groans or growls. At the beginning of the disease there is diarrhea, sometimes with an admixture of blood, which, due to atony of the gastrointestinal tract, turns into constipation. In females, milk production decreases sharply, and then completely stops milk production. Milk has a saffron yellow color.

At pregnant bitches especially in the second half there are abortions. coat in a sick dog disheveled, dull, with a large layer of dandruff. A few days after the onset of the disease on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, gums, as well as on the skin of the back, neck, lips, tail and other places, small necrotic areas. Necrosis leads to the formation of ulcers, erosions and bleeding. In sick animals, serous-purulent conjunctivitis is observed, due to which purulent white or greenish exudate accumulates in the corners of the eyes. In females, bubbles appear on the nipples, which quickly open, forming continuous crusts with longitudinal and transverse cracks.

With this form of the disease, there are large disturbances in the blood picture. There is a sharp decline quantities erythrocytes, hemoglobin drop to 10-30%. Affected dogs have leukocytosis, the number of bilirubin, content sugar drops sharply. The duration of the acute form of leptospirosis ranges from 3 to 10 days. If a sick dog is not provided with qualified veterinary care in time, then the disease ends fatally, with symptoms of severe asphyxia.

Subacute course leptospirosis in dogs is characterized by the same symptoms as in the acute form, only developing they are slower and less pronounced. The temperature can rise above 39.5°C, but for a short time, mainly at night. The fever is recurrent. Jaundice of the mucous membranes is not as pronounced as in acute course. Due to atony of the gastrointestinal tract, dogs develop persistent constipation.

Simultaneously with rhinitis and conjunctivitis, necrosis of the mucous membranes and skin is more pronounced. During walks, dogs experience rapid fatigue and sweating, ataxia, trembling of the limbs, lameness and muscle soreness. Some dogs develop paralysis of the limbs, sometimes epileptic seizures are observed. The duration of this form of the disease in dogs is 2-4 weeks.

chronic course leptospirosis in dogs happens rarely and is characterized by progressive emaciation, anemic mucous membranes, necrosis; inguinal and cervical lymph nodes are enlarged. There is a periodic short-term increase in body temperature, urine has a brown color. In dogs, frequent urination is observed, signs of nephritis appear, breathing quickens. Due to the increased irritability of the central nervous system, dogs avoid being in the sun, hiding in the shade or a booth. In sick dogs, hair shedding is delayed, foci of baldness appear in the back, sacrum and other parts of the body. Bitches lose the ability to fertilize, and abortions occur at different stages of pregnancy, the birth of dead fetuses, prenatal and postnatal complications are noted. Puppies from such females are born frail and sick.

Atypical The (abortive) form of the disease in dogs is mild. There is a slight and short-term increase in body temperature (by 0.5-1°C), slight depression, anemic visible mucous membranes, slight icterus, short-term (from 12 hours to 3-4 days) hemoglobinuria. All of the above symptoms disappear after a few days and the dog recovers.

pathological changes. On the skin of dogs, necrotic areas of various sizes are found. Mucous membranes, as well as all tissues, are icteric. On the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, on the serous and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhages are noted. Lymph nodes are enlarged, icteric. The liver is enlarged in volume, flabby, has a clay color on the section, histologically, degeneration of liver cells is found. Leptospira are found between the liver cells. The kidneys are enlarged in volume, under the hemorrhage capsule, the border between the cortical and medulla is smoothed, histologically marked perenchymatous or interstitial nephritis. Leptospira are found in the lumen of the tubules. In the cavity of the bladder red urine, on the mucosa - dotted and striped hemorrhages. In the lungs - congestion.

Diagnosis. An intravital preliminary diagnosis of leptospirosis is made on the basis of epizootological data and clinical signs that are characteristic of leptospirosis. The final diagnosis is established according to the results of laboratory studies (microscopic, bacteriological, serological and histological). The material for life-time diagnostics is the blood and urine of a sick dog.

Intravital diagnosis considered for leptospirosis established when leptospira is detected by microscopy; establishing an increase in antibody titer during re-examination; if specific antibodies are found in the blood serum during a single study by PMA in a titer of 1:100 and above.

differential diagnosis. It is necessary first of all to exclude food poisoning and alimentary poisoning.

Forecast. For fulminant, acute, and subacute forms of leptospirosis, the prognosis is generally poor or fatal.

Treatment. Dogs with leptospirosis are isolated and complex treatment is carried out, including etiotropic(specific) therapy - the use of hyperimmune antileptospiral serum and pathogenetic therapy.

Hyperimmune antileptospirosis serum is administered to sick dogs subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight once a day for 2-3 days. Serum is especially effective if applied at the very beginning of the disease.

A course of antibiotic therapy with drugs of the group penicillin that are effective against leptospira of various serogroups (benzylpenicillin, bicillin-1, bicillin-3). Dose of bicillin preparations: 10-20 thousand. ED per 1 kg of animal weight 1 time in 3 days (2 times a week). To stop leptospiremia, a course of antibiotic treatment should consist of 2 to 6 injections. It is considered effective to use streptomycin at a dose of 10-15 thousand units per 1 kg of dog body weight 2 times a day for 5 days.

pathogenic therapy. With severe hemorrhages, sick dogs should use drugs that increase blood clotting (calcium chloride or calcium gluconate), rutin, vikasol. To reduce intoxication of the body, intravenous or drip injections of saline solutions with a high content of potassium ions, hemodez with glucose are recommended.

For the relief of renal failure in the initial stage of the disease, osmotic diuretics are indicated: 20% mannitol solution, 4% sodium bicarbonate solution, 20% glucose solution with insulin.

To normalize liver function, sirepar, vitagepat, lipoic acid, B vitamins (B-1, B-2, B-6, and B12), folic, ascorbic and glutamic acid are used.

In severe liver failure, the use of corticosteroid drugs (prednisolone, dexamethasone) is recommended.

Symptomatic therapy. With cardio - vascular insufficiency - cocarboxylase and cardiotonic drugs. With severe vomiting, antiemetics and intravenous administration of gemodez.

Prevention. For the prevention of dog leptospirosis, both domestic and foreign mono-, polyvalent and associated vaccines are used: Biovak-L, vaccine against dog leptospirosis (NPO Narvak), polyvalent VGNKI vaccine against animal leptospirosis, etc. (Russia), Leptodog (France) ) and etc.; domestic associated vaccines - Biovak-DPAL, Biorabik (NPO Biocenter), Geksakanivac, Dipentavak (JSC "Vetzverocenter"), Multikan-6 (NPO "Narvak"); foreign associated vaccines Hexadog, Leptorabizin (France), Vanguard-5b, Vanguard-7 (USA), etc.

For passive immunization puppies and adult dogs in an unfavorable epizootic situation for leptospirosis, especially when animals are kept in a group, it is necessary to use hyperimmune serum against leptospirosis, and also use the active-passive immunization method, which involves the simultaneous administration of a vaccine and hyperimmune serum against dog leptospirosis.

Owners of sick dogs, and persons caring for them, based on the fact that these animals pose a direct epidemic danger to people, must strictly observe personal hygiene and preventive measures get vaccinated against leptospirosis.

Owners of summer cottages and personal farmsteads containing dogs should systematically engage in deratization(destruction of rodents) on their sites.



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