Sexual intercourse - interpretation of the image according to various dream books. Sex in a dream

Why dream of the genitals? The dream interpretation is sure that in a dream they have practically nothing to do with real sexual dissatisfaction and most often characterize the general circumstances of life, the dreamer's potential or his aspirations.

Mr. Miller's Application

If the vision is not endowed with sexual overtones, then Mr. Miller's dream book is sure: male organs warn of open confrontation and conflicts, and female ones - of humiliation and resentment.


Were there sexual organs present in the dream? The subconscious hints that it is vital to make some changes in your existence.

To get a competent interpretation of sleep, you should remember all the features of the plot. If you happened to see your organs during a bowel movement, then the dream book advises getting rid of emotional overexcitation.

Dreamed of sex with all the details? The plot hints that you are oppressed by everyday worries, and numerous problems bring a lot of worries.


Why do girls dream of male organs? If you happened to see a member of yourself, then this means that soon she will become a mother. If a man, then the dream book recommends preparing for treason or deceit.

By themselves, the male genital organs symbolize creativity, strength and reputation in a dream. Therefore, for a man to see his own - literally means that you need to worry about your own reputation.

Dreamed of someone else's penis? Get ready for open competition. But for the wife, the husband's penis guarantees the security or lack thereof.

Intimacy or rival?

Why dream of the female genital organs? For male dreamers, they symbolize protection or, on the contrary, the need to protect something or someone.

For a woman, her organs mean an early intimate relationship, strangers warn of the appearance of a rival.

If the girl dreamed about the vagina or any pleasant sensations associated with it in a dream, then the dream book is sure that she is ready to give life to an amazing idea or a child.

Right way!

In addition, according to the dream book, for a person who is on the spiritual path of development, female organs in a dream signify a special heavenly favor, as they reflect the original source of being.

It is not difficult to guess what the sewn-up labia of a woman means. Probably, you are not yet ready for some sacrament, or due to incorrect (dark) spiritual practices, you are completely deprived of the divine presence.

Need to get rid of...

Why else dream of the genitals? Naked signify an undisguised threat and even blackmail.

Did you dream of sick members? The dream interpretation believes that you need to relive (in your soul) unpleasant life moments and then you will completely get rid of them.

Are you all happy?

Did you happen to see a huge and long penis? You clearly want to get something meaningful, but you will definitely live long and relatively comfortably.

Dreamed of a very small penis? The dream book believes that you are quite satisfied with your current life and do not require recognition of your own merits.

But the genitals of an animal in a dream indicate that you will become a participant in an unpleasant conflict or event.

Check it out!

Why dream of blood on the genitals. Initially, this is an indication of events that will be associated exclusively with relatives.

Secondly, blood in a dream reflects possible (most often old, in the chronic phase) health problems.

To the money!

Did you dream of especially strange and long hair in a secluded place? This is a sign that you will make crazy profits.

In general, hair in intimate areas reflects the practicality, grounding and instinctive desires of the dreamer.

At the same time, the dream book is convinced: long pubic curls warn of unseemly acts.

What they were doing?

To understand and finally understand what the genitals are dreaming of, it is enough to recall what exactly you did with him in a dream.

Related: Waiter , sexual, childbearing, Servant , generative, genital, copulative, physical, Servant , petite, carnal, physiological, gender

sexual intercourse in The latest dream book:

  • Dissatisfaction with intimate life.
  • Interpretation in Noble dream book sleep Intercourse:

  • With a sister - a doubling of strength.
  • With a married woman - the fulfillment of desires, but associated with some danger.
  • intercourse men in a dream with a beautiful woman - a great success.
  • With a married woman - her divorce.
  • With a wife - discord in marriage.
  • With an animal - wealth, the benefits of those qualities that this animal symbolizes; but if it:
  • With a brother - get good help from relatives.
  • intercourse men with an outsider - portends the death of your intercourse partner, if he lives close, or his return from afar.
  • Coition with your father is an honor, you will be the chosen one of fate.
  • For a woman - this dream portends everything good and significant.
  • Covers you - harm from him.
  • With a corrupt woman - happiness that will be destroyed by illness.
  • With an unmarried daughter - her wedding.
  • Women with a woman - participation in the secret of the one you love.
  • With a corpse - the acquisition of valuable property.
  • Coition of a girl with a man is a disappointment in love.
  • With mother - union with the forces of the earth, affirmation of one's personality / union with the forces of hell, a dark path with external success in life.
  • With a friend always means - a successful business that you undertake in secret, a mysterious enterprise.
  • With a stranger - success in business that you do not hide.
  • Maid or woman to see that she was raped - to achieve her goal.
  • Why dream about sexual intercourse Italian dream book?

  • sexual intercourse with the father is an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative;
  • in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;
  • the positively transforming sexual act indicates the striving of the individual Ying-se to the universal Ying-se.
  • in other cases, it can mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, psychic plagiarism with a destructive ending;
  • erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";
  • If seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
  • if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence of a person;
  • AT Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong if you dream of sexual intercourse:

  • Connect with your wife. - Talks about the existence of otherworldly influences, charms, delusions.
  • You have sexual intercourse with a man. - Portends a loss of wealth.
  • Dreams with sexual overtones are often seen by both men and women. In some cases, this may only be a reflection of the existing desire to surrender in real life. In interpreting dreams about sexual intercourse, it is important to consider who participated in the dream, as well as other details of the plot.

    Why dream of sexual intercourse?

    Such a night vision indicates insecurity in front of others and the unfulfillment of one's own desires. Another such plot can symbolize dissatisfaction with an intimate life in reality. For a woman, a dream where sexual intercourse with a man took place indicates problems in the material sphere. A dream in which sexual intercourse gave pleasure is a symbol of well-being. If sex brings discomfort, then uncontrolled own behavior will lead to problems. Coitus interruptus in a dream for a woman symbolizes an unwillingness to have children. For a girl, such a dream prophesies disappointment in love.

    Sexual intercourse with a loved one is a harbinger of a romantic evening. If you had sex with a friend, then you will soon be able to take part in a secret but successful business. I dreamed about sexual intercourse of other people - this is a recommendation that you should think about your own attitude to life and reconsider some points. For girls, such a dream indicates the need to give in in some situations. Sex with a boss at work warns of anger from management in real life. Sexual intercourse, which occurs in a dream not by mutual consent, warns that soon there will be a violent showdown. To dream of sexual intercourse with different poses means that in reality there are feelings about a new position and changes in life.

    Night vision, about sex in a crowded place, symbolizes a lack of attention from others. Sexual intercourse with a stranger indicates uncertainty in life. Such a dream also prophesies in business, but this will be possible thanks to the help of a stranger. Sex in which the dreamer takes a passive position is a signal that you should accumulate strength and energy to make an important breakthrough in life.

    Why dream of sexual intercourse with her husband?

    Means the following:
    - if seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;
    - if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates a person’s uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence;
    - in other cases, it can mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, mental plagiarism with a destructive ending;
    - in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;
    - sexual intercourse with the father - an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative; erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

    Dream about sexual intercourse

    To see from the outside - soon someone will involve you in an unusual enterprise, which will turn into endless troubles for you and bring nothing but irritation.

    Participate - to illness or trouble at work.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    What does sleep mean sexual intercourse

    Dissatisfaction with intimate life.

    Sexual perversion - acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex, who, as it turns out, will be a person of your gender; sexual craving for people of the same sex.

    Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

    Dream about sexual intercourse

    Positive sexual experiences.

    The desire to take over, to lower.

    Be dependent on the object of desire.

    A symbol of the unification of anima and animus.

    Much depends on the position of intercourse.

    The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other.

    The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above - the submission of a man by a woman, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

    Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

    Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasing or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness.

    Erotic transfer.

    Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse.


    Projection of one's own desires for possession.

    Someone who performs homosexual intercourse.

    Projection of the desire for power.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

    What do dreams mean Sexual intercourse

    You have sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of well-being.

    You enter into a relationship with a nun - portends a loss of wealth.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Let's try to figure it out why dream of sexual intercourse and what such a dream can mean in reality: before you is the dream book “What is dreaming of ...” - a voluminous collection of descriptions of night dreams and interpretations of a wide variety of dreams from world-famous predictors ...

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    Sexual intercourse, copulation according to the dream book of the Italian philosopher and psychologist Antonio Meneghetti:

    When you dream of sexual intercourse in its entirety, with real details - naked bodies, genital intercourse, discharge, this is a symbol of positivity. To dream of scenes of alleged, expected copulation - a dream testifies to the uncertainty, unfulfilled desires or impotence of the dreamer.

    Sexual intercourse, copulation according to the dream book from the astrologer and occultist Evgeny Tsvetkov:

    If you dreamed of copulation, this means that the situation will develop in such a way that you will have some kind of interference, there will be delays in business, travel, etc.

    Sexual intercourse according to the dream book from the American psychologist David Loff:

    Dreams in which sexual intercourse appears, as well as the search for sexual connotations for interpreters of dreams, is something similar to fun. Often you don’t even have to look for a long time. Love, flirting, sexual attraction and satisfaction, nightly rendezvous in bizarre interweaving of dreams are very frequent guests.

    For a long time, the main approach to the study and interpretation of dreams was the search for sexual connotations. To a certain extent, this can be explained by the significant contribution to this area by Sigmund Freud. However, finding meaning in dreams about sex can be tricky. Scientific studies show significant differences in how men and women dream about sex. And yet, when all is said and done, almost everyone has sex in their fantasies.

    According to statistics, at least 12 percent of male and 4 percent of female dreams are devoted to the topic of sexual intercourse. This is generally consistent with the reality of sexual attraction, because men are much more concerned about this than women. Thus, William Damhoff cited the following data on the manifestation of sexual intercourse in dreams (the book "Finding Meaning in Dreams"): men - participation in sex - 93 percent, observation of sex - 7 percent; women - participation in sex - 68 percent, observation - 32 percent.

    These data suggest that women tend to separate themselves from what is happening in sexually tinged dreams, while men identify with the participants. This may be relevant to the realization that men, especially boys, are more likely to achieve orgasm in their sleep than the weaker sex. It also explains the good girl/bad girl taboo conflicts that many women have.

    It is also important to find out the meaning of sexual images and symbols that often enter our dreams. In childhood, and then throughout life, sexuality is hidden behind a veil of secrecy, so the subconscious seeks to visualize ideas about it. Freud made a significant contribution to this development of thought with the creation of a theory of personality.

    Freud did about the same thing with the sexual coloring of dreams that Henry Ford did for the internal combustion engine. Dreams of sexual content suddenly began to dream of everyone and everywhere. As a result, a certain part of the educated society felt a cooling towards the theory of the psychoanalyst. To this day, many scholars are wondering if Freud was really as absorbed in sexual symbolism as he is commonly thought to be.

    Dreams can be called sexual not only about how people have sex. Often they show how we perceive other people and how, in our understanding, they think of us. In order to frame the interpretation of sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is present in the dream next to you and how you felt about the dream experience.

    Individual dreams are simply romantic. A guy and a girl meet and enjoy each other's company. As a rule, the scenario assumes that the partner is attractive, and the environment is pleasant. In this case, the taboo is not violated, except that the dreamer is in bed too quickly. Often the dreamer did everything under the influence of attraction to a particular person. Freud's wish-fulfillment theory is a perfectly sufficient explanation for this.

    Other dreams go beyond the taboos that exist in our minds. This includes dreams involving a sexual plot, which the dreamer in real life would find unacceptable. Dreams of this kind can cause great anxiety; you can wake up after a dream experience



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