Why does the pancreas hurt, what to do and what medicines to take? How does the pancreas hurt? In the endocrine pancreas there are pancreatic islets - accumulations of hormone-producing cells that produce.

The pancreas is actively involved in digestion. Its cells secrete gastric juice rich in enzymes that help digest food. In addition, the pancreas is part of the endocrine system. With its help, the hormone insulin is produced, which supports the necessary.

Pain triggers

In most cases, the cause of abnormalities in the work of the gland is its inflammation, which is called pancreatitis. Such a disease can manifest itself due to:

  • Poor nutrition. Overeating, hunger, abuse of fatty and spicy foods - all this provokes the appearance in the digestive juice of enzymes that actively destroy pancreatic cells;
  • Smoking, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages. The presence of such bad habits can lead to excessive secretion of pancreatic juice;
  • Metabolic disorders, blood supply of the organ;
  • Deviations in work, duodenum, gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • long taking medication;
  • constant and frequent nervous tension.

These factors together and separately negatively affect the work of the pancreas, and then other vital organs. Lack of treatment, in some cases, can lead to weakening of the heart muscles, inhibition of brain cells, accumulation of fatty tissues, and development. Therefore, it is important to understand how to recognize the signs of inflammation of the pancreas in time, when you can still get rid of them yourself.


How does this organ hurt in the presence of inflammatory processes in it? The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in the left hypochondrium, slightly above the navel or right hypochondrium. More often their appearance is noted on the left. Sometimes they may be accompanied by pain in the lower chest. A distinctive feature of such pains, indicating inflammation of the pancreas, is that they occur or intensify almost immediately after eating. In addition, there is a decrease in pain when leaning forward, in a sitting position.

After three days, suddenly appearing sharp pains usually take on a aching character. If you ignore them and do not take any action, then later they may join:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Increase in body temperature up to 38–39 degrees;
  • Frequent;
  • Dizziness;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Cardiopalmus.

The appearance of pain after eating also provokes the development of a person's fear that at the end of the next meal they will become even stronger. Therefore, he restricts himself in food, which leads to a sharp decrease in his weight. Prolonged lack of therapeutic measures in case of deviations in the work of the pancreas in this case can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Treatment at home

If all the symptoms indicate that it is the pancreas that hurts, there is no nausea, vomiting and temperature, then you can cope with the pain yourself. For this you should:

  • Lie down, put a cold compress on the sore spot. As it is advised to use a heating pad with ice, a bottle of ice water or any product from the freezer. Keep cold in the pancreas for 20 minutes. After this time, the compress should be removed for a few minutes, then repeat the procedure;
  • Take any antispasmodic drug, for example, No - Shpu or its analogues. These medicines are completely harmless. With their help, you can relieve spasm and expand the ducts of the gland, thereby removing pain. You can also reduce the load and improve the condition of the inflamed organ by using a drug that contains enzymes, for example, Mezim, Festal.

Important! If the pancreas hurts a lot, there are no improvements from the measures taken, the body temperature has risen and vomiting has appeared, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Therapeutic fasting and diet

If there are sharp short pains after eating, it is advised: eat nothing for a couple of days, often drink mineral water without gas, chamomile tea or a drink from. The amount of liquid drunk per day should not be less than 1.5 liters. This will help remove toxins from the body and improve the outflow of pancreatic juice.

Proper nutrition

After treatment, you need to gradually introduce protein foods with a minimum amount of fat into the diet, for example, calf, chicken, rabbit, turkey meat. Boiled vegetables will also help to fill the lack of protein in the body: zucchini, potatoes, beets, carrots, pumpkin. All soups must be vegetable.

Need to eat often: 5-6 times a day, in small portions. It is allowed to consume sour-milk low-fat products, drink compotes and jelly from berries and fruits in small quantities, only when the state of health improves significantly.

It is strictly forbidden to use until complete recovery: fatty, smoked, spicy, salty foods, alcoholic beverages. Also banned are pastries, chocolate, raw fruits and vegetables, strong tea and coffee, chips, and spices.

Important! Allowed products can only be consumed in boiled form. About fried foods for the duration of treatment should be forgotten. All meals must be at room temperature. Cold or hot food can trigger new attacks.

The use of folk remedies

You can improve the condition and restore the work of the inflamed organ with the help of traditional medicine. Its use will be expedient and safe when the disease is not running. Popular folk remedies that significantly improve the condition of those with pancreatic pain are:

  • Herbal infusion of immortelle and flowers. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of these herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, wrap it with a cloth, and leave for 30 minutes. After that, the infusion is filtered. It should be consumed in half a glass 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day;
  • oat milk. To cook it yourself, it is better to take unpeeled oats. It is washed, laid out in an enamel bowl and poured with water (500 ml of liquid per 100 g of cereals), put on a slow fire. 30 minutes after boiling, the oats are kneaded with a wooden spoon and allowed to boil for another half hour. Then the resulting milk is filtered, after which they drink 3 times a day, 80 ml each. This drink should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • fresh potato juice. It is squeezed just before use. Take this medicine should be 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, 100 ml;
  • Infusion from. A tablespoon of dried flowers of this plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 8 hours. Drink this infusion half an hour before meals, three times a day for a tablespoon. The course of treatment with infusion of calendula should be at least a month;
  • Aspen bark decoction. To prepare it, 300 g of raw materials are placed in a saucepan, poured with boiling water, and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the dishes are removed from the fire, wrapped and left warm for 12 hours. After that, the broth is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. You need to drink it warm, 50 ml in the morning and evening an hour before meals;
  • Curdled milk compress. Soak a soft cloth well with this fermented milk drink, apply it a little to the left of the stomach, cover with a plastic bag and secure with a scarf. You need to apply such a compress for several hours daily, for two months;
  • Collection of blueberries and strawberries. You need to take 2 tablespoons of dry leaves of these plants, pour two cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. You need to drink such an infusion 4 times a day, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals;
  • Millet and pumpkin remedy. A glass of cereal is boiled in two liters of water until fully cooked. Then add 200 g of pureed pumpkin to it and cook for another 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, a teaspoon is poured into millet with pumpkin, a little salt is added. Such a remedy will help with pain in the pancreas, if you use it daily, for a whole month instead of dinner;
  • Decoction of chicory roots, burdock, dandelion and elecampane. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. For a tablespoon of this mixture, you need 200 ml of water. Prepare a decoction over low heat: after boiling, wait 5 minutes, turn off the gas and leave for several hours. Then it is filtered and drunk in a tablespoon before meals.

Remember! It is impossible to get rid of pain in the absence of proper nutrition, and folk remedies will be effective only at the initial stage of the disease or as a preventive measure.

How to treat the pancreas (video)

Now you know how to act if the pancreas hurts, what symptoms indicate the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of this organ, and what treatment would be appropriate to carry out at home.

The pancreas is an extremely important organ of our endocrine system. It is located on the same level with the stomach outside the peritoneum. This body performs two very important functions:

  1. releases substances into the blood
  2. releases the necessary substances into the digestive system.

If the pancreas hurts, what should I do?

If malfunctions in the pancreas begin, the patient will very quickly begin to suffer from the consequences. First of all, he will feel pain. What causes pain in the pancreas? Such a symptom appears when the duct that leads to the pancreas is blocked, or spasm.

Let's find out specifically what to do if the pancreas hurts. The pancreas produces the substances that are extremely important for its normal functioning - insulin and glucagon. It is thanks to these two hormones that normal nutrition of cells occurs. They are truly the elixir of life. How to determine what exactly hurts the pancreas? Everything is quite simple. So, if the pancreas hurts, what to do, the doctor must decide. He will prescribe tests for the level of glucose and digestive enzymes in the blood. If it turns out that they are not enough, the probability of developing the pathology of the pancreas is high. The doctor will find out what condition the pancreas is in, what it hurts from, and which treatment regimen to choose for maximum effectiveness.

Pancreatitis: symptoms

If the pancreas becomes inflamed, pains appear in its area, it may be pancreatitis. Its main symptom is severe pain exactly where the pancreas is located. Note that if the pancreas hurts, then the pain is often girdle. Pain in this case can be felt both in the right and in the left hypochondrium, and pain can also be given to the lower back. The peculiarity of pain in the pathology of the pancreas is that it does not have a specific localization. Most often it is permanent.

If pain in the pancreas, what to do, it is better to ask your doctor. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic. In the chronic process of inflammation, after periods of exacerbation, periods of remission occur. Curiously, the remission can be quite long. Sometimes the patient may not remember his pancreatitis for several years. Much depends on how much the patient himself wants not to get sick. If he takes care of diet, avoids stress and excessive psychological and physical stress, he will be able to prolong the period of remission.

Pain in the pancreas and pancreatitis can be provoked by some foods:

  • acute;
  • fatty;
  • alcohol.

As you can see, diet is very important. Also, for the prevention of pancreatitis, it is extremely important not to overeat. It is better to eat small meals every 2-3 hours. This means that your meals will be five times a day. This way of eating is called fractional. Pancreatitis itself is a dangerous disease, but it can also provoke pancreatic necrosis. It can be hemorrhagic or fatty. It is also possible to develop oncological changes in the tissue of the pancreas. Malignant neoplasms can be both primary and with the development of metastases. That is why it is so important to ask your doctor what to do with pain in the pancreas. The help of a specialist will protect you from the development of dangerous complications, and the therapy will be as effective as possible.


So, if the pancreas hurts, what should I do? Pancreatitis and even pancreatic necrosis are treatable. Its purpose is to remove and stop the pain syndrome, to stop the pathological changes in the tissues of the organ. In order to get a good effect from the treatment, you need to disconnect the pancreas from the rest of the digestive system. Often, with pancreatitis, especially in acute, even complete fasting for several days is used. This helps to create favorable conditions for the restoration of the pancreas. Sometimes it is enough for her to rest for a while to resume her normal work. Absolute hunger can quickly remove unpleasant symptoms. But at the same time there is a serious obstacle - the patient will experience a feeling of severe hunger. Correctly selected medicines will help to remove it. It should be borne in mind that with complete fasting, the risk of fainting increases at times.

Much easier than fasting, the patient tolerates a special diet. It must be supplemented with a sufficiently large amount of drink. Please note that the liquid should absolutely not contain any gas or sugar. It is best to drink non-carbonated pure water, drinks without sugar. Honey, jam, etc. are also excluded.

The pain may be dull in nature. This is an indication for prescribing antispasmodic drugs. They will expand the ducts, and the enzymes will be able to freely enter the intestines. Another task is to make bile more fluid. For this purpose, drugs are used. But at the same time, you can not take those medicines that contribute to the release of bile.

In some cases, pancreatic pain can be removed with a simple manipulation - just rinse the stomach with plain cold water. In this case, the pancreas will also be affected. Since a large amount of water enters the intestines, such an annoying feeling of hunger will dull at least for a while. In this case, the enzymes will stop being secreted for a while.


It is much easier to prevent the development of pancreatitis than to treat it for a long time, suffering from pain. Prevention measures are quite simple:

  1. it is enough to give up alcohol, including beer;
  2. you need to follow the rules of healthy and rational nutrition;
  3. confectionery products should be abandoned, especially those that are too fatty and oily. They have an extremely bad effect on the state of the pancreatic tissue;
  4. food should not be taken hot, but warm;
  5. stop smoking. This is an extremely dangerous and destructive habit for many organs;
  6. in general, you should strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. At first, this may seem very difficult for you, but it will soon become an indispensable part of life. You will notice that health has become stronger, even chronic diseases can recede.

How dangerous is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis becomes a real torment for the patient. He is haunted by pain and other unpleasant symptoms. But how dangerous is pancreatitis? How can it threaten our health? The main symptom of pancreatitis is abdominal pain. Often such pain is quite long and strong. The main mistake of many patients is that they try by all means to get rid of pain. A person literally sits on painkillers, but at the same time he does not treat the very cause of the pain. Meanwhile, the disease develops, destroying the tissue of the pancreas. If acute pancreatitis develops, one should not suppress the pain syndrome, but rather strive to identify the cause and begin a full-fledged treatment. Only complex therapy can help. Just fighting the pain can be very life threatening.

Acute pancreatitis is treated in a hospital setting. It is absolutely impossible to treat this disease at home. If you do not take appropriate treatment, even death is possible. Another situation will be if the pancreatitis is chronic. This pathology can be treated at home. Of course, you will also need to consult a gastroenterologist. He will have to palpate, ask the patient about his feelings, prescribe the necessary diagnostic methods and tests. In this case, the treatment itself will be performed at home. You just need to take the prescribed drugs in accordance with the treatment regimen. It is important to drink all the medicines prescribed by the doctor. If there is a side effect from the medication, be sure to inform your doctor about it. It often takes time for a particular patient to choose those drugs that will be most effective and safe for him. The doctor will also prescribe a special diet. For the successful treatment of pancreatitis, diet is as important as medication. It is the diet that will help to minimize the load on the pancreas.

With pancreatitis, the patient will experience constant pain. She will bother from day to day until the tissue of the organ is restored and it resumes its natural functions.

How to identify the source of pain

With pancreatitis, the pain can be girdle. At the same time, it is quite difficult to determine exactly what caused it. It is important to determine that it was the pancreas that caused the pain. You cannot do this on your own. The help of a doctor will be required. When should you go to him? The pain can be incoming and harmless enough. The reason for going to the doctor should be girdle or local pain, which constantly returns. She can be quite strong. There are different types of pain. It can be provoked by simple indigestion or intestinal colic. But a patient with pancreatitis is already developing a reflex to pain. At her first appearance, he immediately begins to assume that she was provoked by an exacerbation of pancreatitis. This can be understood, because pain often accompanies such patients, becomes part of their daily reality. It's very painful. At the first sign of pain syndrome, they try to immediately stop it.

Often, abdominal pain is caused by such diseases and pathologies:

  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • inflamed gallbladder;
  • biliary dyskinesia, etc.

In every third case in which pain appears, these diseases become its cause.

Let us consider in more detail the dependence of pancreatitis on other diseases.

  • Pathologies of the biliary tract and gallbladder are especially common. This is primarily due to malnutrition and poor-quality water. Bad ecology, unhealthy lifestyle and other factors can also negatively affect. Often it is the pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary tract that lead to chronic pancreatitis. By the way, they can also cause pain. A feature of pancreatitis, as well as diseases of the gallbladder and pathologies of the biliary tract, is that the pain appears after eating. The body reacts especially painfully to fatty foods. Such dishes can quickly provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • Ulcer disease. Also, the occurrence of pancreatitis can be a consequence of peptic ulcer disease. Often pancreatitis does not come alone. Along with it, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop. The most common of these are gastritis and peptic ulcer. Why is this happening? What is the connection between them? In fact, the duodenum is located very close to the pancreas. These two organs can influence each other. When one of them starts having problems, the other soon starts to malfunction. In this case, the localization and nature of the pain will be almost the same. In such difficult cases, even a doctor can be confused. He will not immediately be able to establish which particular organ provokes pain in the patient.
  • Intestinal infections. Very often, intestinal upset becomes a consequence of the development of pancreatitis. In this case, bowel disease will be secondary. This is due to the fact that with pancreatitis, due to the fact that the pancreas becomes inflamed, it loses the ability to produce enough enzymes. But they are directly involved in digestion. The quality of food digestion will depend on how productive the work of the pancreas is. If the food is poorly digested, then after entering the intestines, it is poorly absorbed, it begins to rot there. Stagnation occurs. They provoke the development of flatulence, dyspeptic phenomena, pain. But sometimes problems with the intestines can be primary. They themselves can provoke the development of pancreatitis. We are talking about intestinal infections. If one of them penetrates the intestines, a serious inflammatory process immediately begins. There is pain, stool disorder, as well as dyspeptic problems. The main sign that an intestinal infection has entered the body is a sharp increase in temperature.

How to eliminate aching pain

So, the main symptom of pancreatitis is pain. Most often it is quite long. By nature, it will be aching or sharp. The nature of pain will directly depend on the type of pancreatitis, its neglect. If you are sure that the cause of the pain is the pancreas, it's time to take action. But how can you help yourself in this situation? Can pain be overcome? It is she who is so painful that a person ceases to receive joy from life. All his thoughts are centered around this annoying pain. Even aching pain can cause real suffering. Let it not be as strong as acute pain, but at the same time it will be long enough. At the same time, the patient can no longer think about anything other than his painful condition. He falls out of his usual rhythm of life for a long time.

This pain is called abdominal pain. The approach to how to eliminate pain will depend on whether it is aching or sharp. In this case, the actions will be different. If the pain is almost constant, the pain is dull, aching, comes regularly, then you need to deal with it methodically and regularly. Success will depend on how systematic your actions are. First of all, you need to understand why it appears. And the cause of the pain can be a banal overload of the pancreas. Sometimes it is enough to give up fried, fatty and sit on a strict diet so that the pain goes away and the general condition improves. Gastroenterologists do not like big holidays for this reason, for example, Easter, New Year. The problem is that they are traditionally accompanied by a lavish feast. The tables are bursting with fatty, fried, smoked and other extremely unhealthy "goodies". Unfortunately, it is after the holidays that the number of patients in hospitals increases sharply. Therefore, it is important to understand that the holidays will end, and you still need health. It is better to refuse too fatty dishes, but at the same time keep the liver, stomach and pancreas healthy. If the pancreas experiences the so-called functional overload, it means that the likelihood of developing its pathological condition increases significantly.

If you have regular aching pain, be sure to make every effort to establish its specific cause. When it is established, you should go for the advice of a doctor. He will have to prescribe adequate treatment. The task of such therapy is to relieve pain and restore the normal functioning of the organ. Properly selected medicines will help to quickly reduce pain and improve the condition.

It is important to reduce the load on the pancreas, and for this purpose:

  1. Limit the amount of fat in your diet to a minimum.
  2. Provide yourself with fractional meals. Eat 5-6 small meals a day.
  3. Avoid alcohol categorically.
  4. If you are overweight, you will need to lose it. Of course, you should not resort to starvation or strict diets for this. This can have a very negative effect on health.
  5. If you smoke, quit this bad habit.
  6. Pancreatin can be taken with meals. This enzyme is produced by the pancreas. If the body receives it from the outside, then the pancreas will quickly unload.

There are also universal methods and remedies that will help to cope with abdominal pain:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be taken as directed by your doctor. An example of this is Paracetamol. These funds are able to quickly overcome inflammation, eliminate swelling, and relieve pain.
  2. You can take antispasmodics. This is the well-known No-shpa, the less known Drotaverine. Their action lies in the ability to relax the smooth muscles of all the ducts that lead to the pancreas. At the same time, pancreatic juice begins to separate much better.
  3. Prokinetics. For example, metoclopramide. They are prescribed by a doctor when a decrease in the ability of the intestine to peristalsis is established. Such drugs improve the process of peristalsis. This means that the intestines are better emptied.
  4. Defoamers. These are Espumizan, Meteospasmil, Simethicone. They are prescribed in cases where the patient has flatulence, that is, increased gas emission. These drugs are able to absorb and remove gases from the intestines. Often it is a violation of the pancreas that leads to flatulence. It produces enzymes worse, which is why the quality of food digestion is sharply reduced. Undigested food, getting into the intestinal lumen, begins to rot there and cause the formation of gases.

How to deal with acute pain

The desire to overcome acute pain becomes a priority for a patient with pancreatitis. Because of it, often such patients cannot not only do their daily activities, but even sleep. She is very strong and wears out quickly. But remember that with acute pain it is strictly forbidden to take painkillers! They can eliminate the pain syndrome for a while, but they will not affect its cause in any way. Meanwhile, this reason can be quite serious. So what to do if there is a sharp severe pain? There is only one answer - you need to urgently call a doctor. Often the intensity of the pain syndrome is so strong that the person is sent to the hospital. There, he may even be prescribed narcotic drugs to eliminate pain. Conventional analgesics may not be effective in this case.

But how to hold out until the doctor arrives if the pain is intense and sharp? After all, it can take quite a long time. You must first wait for the ambulance to arrive, then perform all the procedures so that the patient is assigned to the hospital, wait for the doctor to arrive and prescribe treatment. This can take almost all day. But is it worth suffering from unbearable pain? We mentioned not to drink painkillers. But that doesn't mean you can't deal with pain in other ways. There are non-drug ways to overcome abdominal pain. They can, if not completely eliminate the pain, then at least slightly reduce it.

  • First you need to take a knee-elbow pose. It is in this position that the pain may ease, as the pancreas will exert less pressure on the solar plexus area. But it is here that there are many nerve endings.
  • An ice pack can be applied to the abdomen. Cold will significantly reduce the activity of the pancreas. She can reduce her functions.
  • You need to move less. Motor activity leads to an overstrain of the pancreas, it not only begins to put pressure on the solar plexus, but also actively produces enzymes.
  • Medications can help, but not analgesics. Look in your medicine cabinet for medicines that contain enzymes produced by the pancreas. Those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis will definitely find them. You need to take about 4 tablets at once. So you reduce the activity of the gland, unload it, and the gastrointestinal tract will receive the substances necessary for normal digestion. This may reduce pain.
  • After you have waited for the arrival of the ambulance, and the doctor has already accurately established the diagnosis, you can take analgesics. Any tablets with an analgesic effect (diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol) will do. If there are no analgesics, replace them with cold medicines. They definitely contain paracetamol.
  • Antispasmodics. They will relieve spasm, which can also reduce pain. The most famous is No-shpa. No-shpa is especially successful in relieving pain if it is provoked by a violation of the functions of the biliary tract. Also, this drug will expand all the pancreatic ducts. Their permeability will improve significantly.

So, we tried to find for you the most necessary and useful information about what to do if the pancreas aches. Undoubtedly, at the first signs of pancreatitis, it is imperative to go to a gastroenterologist. You can not take risks and self-medicate. This can be very dangerous. It is better not to waste precious time, and get high-quality and complete assistance from a doctor.

Pancreas is an organ that produces pancreatic juice containing alkalis and digestive enzymes. Through a special duct, this juice enters the small intestine, where it ensures the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, pancreatic cells synthesize hormones that regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in our body (glucagon and insulin), as well as the functions of other systems and organs (somatostatin).

Causes of pain in the pancreas

All pathologies that cause pain in the pancreas can be divided into three large groups:
1. Direct diseases of the pancreas:
  • pancreatitis;
  • cysts and pseudocysts;
  • tumors.
2. Pathologies of nearby organs that cause pain in the pancreas:
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract.
3. Diseases of other organs and systems, the pain in which is similar to pain in the pancreas:
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • enteritis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • shingles;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

Diseases of the pancreas itself

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)

Most often, the pancreas is characterized by the development of inflammatory lesions, which have both acute and chronic forms.

Acute pancreatitis often begins with pain in the upper abdomen, which can be observed for several days. These pain sensations have significant severity and constancy. In addition, they often begin to spread to the back area, acquiring a girdle character. The intensity of the pain increases during meals, after drinking alcoholic beverages and while lying on the back. Also symptoms, indicating the development of pancreatitis, are:

  • nausea and indomitable vomitingleading to dehydration;
  • bloating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased sensitivity of the abdominal wall when touched;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weight loss;
  • the appearance of diarrhea and bowel movements containing a large amount of fat.
On the left side wall of the abdomen and around the navel, hemorrhages can be observed in the form of cyanotic spots, sometimes with a yellowish tint.

In especially severe cases, there are signs of dehydration and a decrease in blood pressure. Patients with acute pancreatitis appear extremely weak and emaciated. In addition, with the progression of this pathology, pain may disappear. One possible reason for this phenomenon is that the inflamed pancreas gradually ceases to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion.

Chronic pancreatitis is called an inflammatory-dystrophic lesion of the tissues of the pancreas. With this pathology, patients complain of:

  • aching dull pain around the navel and upper abdomen, which increases after heavy consumption of fatty foods (syndrome of "holiday feast");
  • nausea and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • occasional vomiting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen.
With an increase in the size of the pancreatic head, obstructive jaundice may develop. It is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile, which leads to the accumulation of bile pigments in tissues and blood. This process is manifested by yellowness of the skin, lightening of feces and coloring of urine in a dark color.

In patients with chronic pancreatitis, sensory disturbances in the extremities associated with functional changes in the peripheral nerves are very often observed.

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas can be complicated by its destruction, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and the formation of cavities filled with pancreatic juice and the remains of dead cells (pseudocyst).

Diseases of the pancreas associated with the formation of cysts and pseudocysts

Pancreatic cysts are divided into congenital and acquired (pseudocysts).
In the second case, acute pancreatitis is the most common cause of cavity formation. Accumulating pathological fluid and increasing in size, due to squeezing the surrounding organs, the pseudocyst causes pain. In addition, it disrupts the movement of food in the stomach and duodenum. It is also possible to develop suppuration of the pseudocyst.

The pain in this disease is uncertain, localized in the upper abdomen, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in it. In some cases, a large cyst can even be detected by touch.

The danger to the health and life of the patient is represented by such complications as:
1. Breakthroughs of cysts in the abdominal cavity.
2. Breakthroughs of cysts in the pleural cavity.
3. Breakthroughs of cysts in neighboring organs.
4. Development of internal bleeding.

Pancreas cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor of the epithelial cells of the ducts or glandular tissue of the pancreas. Signs of this pathology are nonspecific, and often do not have a pronounced severity. For this reason, in many cases, the tumor is detected already in the later stages of the process.

Tumors in the pancreas are characterized by prolonged pain in the center of the abdomen, and in its left side. The pain syndrome tends to increase when the patient is in the supine position, as in pancreatitis. This forces the patient to take a half-bent posture.

In addition, pancreatic cancer is characterized by the appearance of the following signs:

  • spread of pain towards the back;
  • weight loss;
  • jaundice caused by compression of the bile ducts by a growing tumor.

Pain in the pancreas caused by pathologies
nearby organs

The pancreas is located behind the stomach, directly next to the gallbladder. This is the reason that any pathological processes in the gallbladder quickly capture the pancreas.


Gallstone disease is the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts. In an isolated form, this pathology gives rather meager symptoms - its first signs appear only 5-10 years after the onset. The manifestation of gallstone disease directly are:
1. Jaundice due to pressure or obstruction of the bile ducts by a stone.
2. Attacks of biliary colic, which are provoked by the movement of a stone through the bile ducts.

Biliary colic is manifested by sudden pains of a cutting and stabbing character. It occurs with an increase in pressure in the gallbladder and its ducts due to an obstruction to emptying in the form of stones. An increase in pressure also leads to pain in the pancreas. Such pain is localized in the center and in the right half of the abdomen, it can radiate to the lower back and right shoulder blade. Sometimes the pain can radiate even behind the sternum, which simulates an angina attack.


Cholecystitis is called inflammation of the gallbladder, which has acute and chronic forms. Main manifestations acute cholecystitis:
  • paroxysmal pain in the right side of the abdomen, radiating to the right shoulder and shoulder blade;
  • chills and fever;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • itching of the skin;
  • jaundice.
Chronic form of cholecystitis has stoneless and calculous flow options. Calculous (associated with the formation of stones) cholecystitis is often one of the outcomes of cholelithiasis. Chronic cholecystitis is manifested by nausea and the presence of dull pains in the center and in the right half of the abdomen, which occur 30-40 minutes after eating.

Both in acute and chronic cholecystitis, the inflammatory process can spread to the pancreas, primarily to its head. This provokes the appearance of reactive pain in it.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract

Dyskinesia is a violation of motility and outflow of contents from the gallbladder. Symptoms of this pathology:
  • dull or sharp pain in the abdomen on the right and in the epigastric region, associated with exertion or eating, radiating up to the right shoulder;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bad breath;
  • pain on touch.
An increase in pressure in the gallbladder due to a violation of the outflow of its contents, as well as a blockage of the duct by a stone, can cause pain in the pancreas.

Pain in the pancreas caused by diseases of others

organs and systems


This is the name of an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which occurs most often with bacterial lesions. And what patients perceive as pain in the pancreas may be a manifestation of pyelonephritis. Pain syndrome, both in pyelonephritis and in pancreatic pathologies, can be localized in the back and lower back, to the right or left of the spine. Usually pain sensations are aching and dull in nature, but sometimes they are of high intensity, taking on a cramping character. More often this is observed with blockage of the ureter by a stone, and the development of urolithic pyelonephritis.

In addition to the pain symptom, in the clinical picture of acute pyelonephritis there are:

  • development of intoxication syndrome;
  • general weakness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-40 o C;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
Chronic pyelonephritis constantly worries the patient with dull aching pain in the lower back and side. The difference from pain in lesions of the pancreas is that this pain syndrome becomes especially pronounced in cold and damp weather. In addition, patients experience frequent and painful urination, since with this pathology, inflammation often also captures the bladder.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is a pathology that is caused by the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. Outside of an exacerbation, this disease does not have pronounced symptoms, manifesting itself only as a dull pain in the side and in the lumbar region, which is easily confused with pain in lesions of the pancreas. With urolithiasis, the pain syndrome intensifies after a shaky ride, with physical exertion or long walking.

If a displaced stone causes a blockage in the ureter, this leads to the following symptoms:
1. Sharp spasmodic pain in the lumbar region and side of the abdomen.
2. Nausea and vomiting.
3. The appearance of blood in the urine.

Sharp and intense pain in the side, both in front and behind, may indicate the movement of stones along the ureter.


Acute gastritis- this is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which is caused by a single exposure to some strong irritant. This pathology often occurs when chemical toxic substances enter the stomach, certain medications are taken, and poor-quality and contaminated products are consumed. Pain in gastritis in its localization and intensity can be mistaken for pain in lesions of the pancreas.

The clinical picture of acute gastritis largely depends on the nature of the damaging factors, the duration of their exposure and the body's response to them. As a rule, the first symptoms appear within 6-12 hours after the lesion. The most common symptoms of acute gastritis are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • heaviness and pain in the epigastric region;
  • feeling of unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • salivation;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting, including the contents of the stomach with impurities of mucus and bile;
  • belching with air and food;
  • weakness, dizziness and headache.
If contaminated foods are consumed several times a day, mushy or loose stools may occur. Rumbling and bloating are noted, as well as a mild increase in body temperature.

Chronic gastritis is called a recurrent inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa.

Patients with this disease experience pain in the epigastric and umbilical region, similar to pain in diseases of the pancreas. The pain is usually not very intense, and is dull or aching in nature. It is important to pay attention to the relationship of pain with food intake, as well as the characteristics of products. In chronic gastritis, there is an early onset of pain - almost immediately after eating, especially in cases where the food is sour, or has a rough texture.

Also local signs of chronic gastritis are:

  • heaviness, feeling of fullness, fullness and pressure in the epigastric and epigastric regions;
  • the appearance of regurgitation and belching;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • heartburn, indicating a violation of the removal of food from the stomach, and the reflux of its contents back into the esophagus.

Common symptoms of chronic gastritis:

  • irritability, weakness and fatigue;
  • heart pain, fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • sweating, pallor and drowsiness that occurs after eating;
  • sensory disturbances of the upper and lower extremities;
  • pain and burning on the tongue and in the oral cavity.

stomach ulcer

An ulcer is a deep, inflamed defect in the mucosa and underlying tissue layers of the stomach. The main symptom of this pathology is pain in the epigastric and umbilical region, which can be mistaken for pain in the pancreas. The intensity of pain in a peptic ulcer varies widely. Sometimes, even with exacerbations of peptic ulcer, pain can be very mild, or absent altogether. At the same time, the pain syndrome in gastric ulcer can be of high intensity, which requires immediate measures to alleviate the patient's condition.

An informative indicator is the relationship of pain with meals. With gastric ulcers, the pain syndrome does not appear as early as with gastritis, but, nevertheless, this dependence can be traced quite clearly. Gastric ulcer is also characterized by a relapsing course - it manifests itself in the alternation of periods of exacerbation (often in autumn or spring) and remissions.

In the clinical picture of a stomach ulcer, the following symptoms are present:

  • nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • frequent occurrence of heartburn and belching with acidic contents;
A dangerous sign is a sharp, sharp pain in the abdominal cavity, which is characterized as
"dagger". It may indicate perforation of the stomach wall by an ulcer, that is, the formation of a hole through which the contents of the stomach enter the abdominal cavity. In this condition, the intensity of pain is so pronounced that the patient may develop pain shock, just as it can happen with acute pancreatitis. This is a life-threatening pathology for the patient, so he must be immediately taken to the hospital for emergency surgical intervention.

Chronic enteritis

Inflammation of the small intestine, or enteritis, is also manifested by a pain syndrome that can simulate pain in the pancreas.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar regions is manifested by pain in the muscles of the back and lower back, stiffness and pain when turning and bending the torso. With the development of radiculitis and infringement of the intercostal nerves, the pain syndrome can acquire a shingles character, which simulates diseases of the pancreas. But the difference between pain in osteochondrosis of the spine is that:
1. They almost always have a clear relationship with movements in the spine.
2. With osteochondrosis, pain also occurs when the spinal column is felt, which is not observed with pancreatitis.

Intercostal neuralgia

/ Intercostal neuralgia develops with compression or constant irritation of the intercostal nerves. The pain syndrome in this disease is characterized by a wide range of manifestations: aching and dull, acute, piercing and burning paroxysmal pain in the ribs and back. Often it is shingles in nature, as it spreads along the course of the affected nerve. This allows you to confuse it with pain in diseases of the pancreas. Attacks of pain may also be accompanied by:
  • increased sweating;
  • muscle twitches;
  • blanching or redness of the skin;
  • stitching pains in the chest.
With intercostal neuralgia, the pain intensifies when inhaling, coughing, sneezing, changing body position or sudden movements. In addition, pain is often observed when pressing on certain points that are on the back, along the spine, on the surface of the chest and in the intercostal spaces. Directly at the sites of damage to the nerve fibers, numbness is observed, and the pain syndrome worries patients both day and night, for a long time.


Shingles is a disease of a viral nature, which is also characterized by a severe pain syndrome, which is similar to pain in lesions of the pancreas.

The pathological process is usually localized along the intercostal nerve trunks, causing pain. But a characteristic sign of herpes zoster is the presence of skin rashes and a unilateral lesion.

The appearance of skin manifestations is usually preceded by:

  • general malaise;
  • slight itching;
  • temperature rise;
  • tingling sensation;
  • neuralgic pain in the area of ​​future eruptions.
Subsequently, edematous pink spots appear, on which groups of bubbles with transparent contents appear within a few days. Characterized by an increase in regional lymph nodes and a gradual increase in pain. After 6-8 days, the bubbles begin to dry out, forming yellow-brown crusts. These crusts fall off, leaving behind minor patches of altered pigmentation. But even after the disappearance of the rashes, pain that is difficult to treat can persist - the so-called postherpetic neuralgia.

Pain in the pancreas during pregnancy

In pregnant women, pancreatic diseases are quite common, but the diagnosis is quite difficult to establish. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy all the organs of the abdominal cavity are significantly displaced by the enlarging uterus. This means that the pain syndrome in pancreatitis can manifest itself in areas of the body that are unusual for it.

The reason for the development of pathologies of the pancreas is, first of all, its compression with an increase in the size of the uterus. This causes blockage of the excretory ducts of the pancreas. Another reason is digestive disorders due to a decrease in the tone of the entire gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy. In addition, pathologies of the pancreas during pregnancy can develop due to excessive drug intake. For example, excessive (and often unjustified) intake of vitamin-mineral complexes can have an adverse effect on the organs of the digestive tract.


Refraining from eating fatty and spicy foods will help relieve pain in the pancreas. Diet for pain in the pancreas begins with strict fasting for several days. Then the diet can be gradually expanded, according to the recommendations of your doctor. The removal of pain in the pancreas can also contribute to the application of cold on the abdomen, and the adoption of the knee-elbow position.

Pain in the abdomen indicates diseases of the pancreas. But how can you understand what exactly the pancreas is, because there are many organs in the abdominal cavity? The most common disease of the pancreas is its inflammation - pancreatitis. At the beginning of development, pancreatitis is manifested by pain in the left upper part of the abdominal cavity (less often in its upper central part). As a rule, these pains occur soon after eating, especially plentiful. There is also pain after eating fatty and fried foods. If a person does not pay attention to such symptoms and does not consult a doctor, the disease may begin to progress. The pains will become stronger, longer, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach will be added to them. According to these symptoms, it is difficult for a person ignorant in medicine to distinguish pancreatitis. Therefore, it is better to still contact a medical institution and undergo a full examination.

In acute pancreatitis, a person's condition deteriorates sharply, very severe pain occurs, as a rule. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and in some cases diarrhea also occur. In some cases, the patient must be urgently hospitalized. Treatment consists of drug therapy and a strict diet.

How to determine that the problem is in the pancreas

The symptoms described earlier can also be characteristic of a number of diseases of the gallbladder or stomach. Therefore, the correct diagnosis can only be made by a gastroenterologist after a thorough examination and additional examinations, such as ultrasound and gastroscopy. With the help of ultrasound, you can easily detect any changes in the size and density of the pancreas, characteristic of its various diseases, up to such dangerous ones as a malignant tumor. This procedure is completely painless.

If the patient is also prescribed gastroscopy, it should not be abandoned, although this procedure is rather unpleasant. It allows early detection of many diseases of the stomach and duodenum. After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, strictly adhering to the recommendations of the attending physician. In diseases of the pancreas, you need to follow a diet, eat small portions, but often.

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Advice 2: What to do if there is a sharp pain in the pancreas

Pain in the gland is a sign of an attack. Treatment should begin immediately, otherwise the disease will begin to progress, which can lead to chronic pancreatitis. Getting rid of only pain is pointless, and you will feel relief for a short time.

At the first sign of pancreatitis, take a pancreatic enzyme supplement. Such means include festal or mezim. See the annotations for the dosage and dosage regimen, but on average, the daily dose should be about 6 (2 per dose at intervals of 4-6 hours). Pancreatin and similar drugs relieve pain, and also help the gland perform its basic functions.

If digestive remedies do not help relieve pain, take no-shpu. It is impossible to drink any other painkillers, as it is. If you are undergoing treatment by others, then consult on the advisability of stopping therapy until all pancreatic functions are fully restored.

A cold compress will also help relieve pain. Soak a towel in cold water or put ice in a plastic bag and wrap with a cloth. Apply a compress to the sore spot and lie quietly with it for about 15 minutes. You will feel a little better, but this cannot be attributed to the methods of treating the pancreas.

During the period of inflammation and after the disappearance of visible symptoms, stick to a diet. You can not eat fatty, smoked and pickled foods. Eat boiled vegetables and lean meat and fish. Drink 2 glasses of mineral water in the morning.

If you feel very well, and also you have appeared, it is better to call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Sometimes it is possible to remove only in a hospital. Of course, you can self-medicate, but no one can guarantee that it will bring results. It is not recommended to delay treatment, since the pancreas not only performs the functions of a digestive organ, but is also responsible for the production of insulin.

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Advice 3: What symptoms appear with inflammation of the pancreas

Many factors can provoke inflammation of the pancreas: taking pills or alcohol, unhealthy diet and a general upset of the digestive system. Symptoms of pancreatitis can be both pronounced and slightly noticeable. In any case, you will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis yourself.


The onset of the disease is not manifested by any pronounced symptoms. Usually there is a decrease in appetite, belching and mild nausea. Of course, the same sensations can be with other organs, but this does not mean that you do not need to go to the doctor. Book an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It is easier to cure pancreatitis at the initial stage, then the inflammation can become chronic.

Pain is also a characteristic symptom. If the head is inflamed, then the pain radiates to the right hypochondrium. In the presence of inflammation in, discomfort appears in the hypochondrium. It can also be felt in the abdomen or localized in the epigastric region. Without the necessary therapy, the pain intensifies every day.

Against the background of the course of the disease, severe vomiting and fever, pallor of the skin and profuse sweating are observed. The tongue is coated. If these symptoms appear, call an ambulance and go to the hospital for treatment. Do not take any, this can lubricate the symptoms, which will make it difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis.

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If pancreatitis is left untreated, tissue necrosis can develop, as well as diabetes and other abnormalities. The pancreas performs vital functions, so keep an eye on its health.

Useful advice

Do not eat anything until the ambulance arrives. Drink some alkaline liquid, for example, soda with water or mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki). Take a comfortable position and wait for the arrival of specialists.


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Pancreatitis worries a huge number of people. This is due to malnutrition and the use of foods that contain a lot of food additives and dyes. It is often impossible to understand what exactly hurts: the liver, pancreas or stomach.


In the acute stage of inflammation, the symptoms become pronounced, so it can be assumed that it is the pancreas. Indigestion, or, severe pain of a predominantly or girdle nature, diarrhea - all this can be attributed to pancreatitis. But it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own, because cholecystitis can also manifest itself in this way.

Contact a gastroenterologist and get tested. You should be given a referral for tests and ultrasound, if necessary, you will also have a gastroscopy. According to the results, it will immediately become clear what exactly hurts. If you do not have an acute stage of pancreatitis, you will be prescribed special drugs and a diet. When there is severe intoxication and an increase in the pancreas, hospitalization is necessary. Get a full treatment and then follow the general appointments of a specialist.

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If you do not go to the hospital for pain in the pancreas, the risk of tissue necrosis, cancer and diabetes increases. Negligent attitude towards one's health does not lead to anything good.

Useful advice

At the initial stage of pancreatitis, a diet will help get rid of pain. Eat boiled vegetables, grated lean meat and drink natural juices or tea. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition throughout life, otherwise the disease will begin to progress.

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The main function of the gland is the synthesis of the vital hormone insulin and the enzymes necessary for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Various diseases of this organ are manifested by relatively similar symptoms.

Common symptoms of pancreatic diseases

Violations of any functions of the pancreas are manifested by pain symptoms and dyspeptic disorders. The pain is felt in the epigastric region, it can radiate to the back, under the left shoulder blade, in, take on a girdle character. Pain can be constant or paroxysmal. They are greatly enhanced by overeating, eating fatty, fried, spicy foods, and alcoholic beverages. Dyspeptic symptoms in diseases of the pancreas include vomiting, nausea, and in some cases diarrhea may appear. With a decrease in the functions of the pancreas, a person's appetite deteriorates, body weight decreases.

Other symptoms of pancreatic diseases include an increase in the amount of urine excreted, dysfunction of other organs. The composition of the blood changes, it thickens. As a result, the blood flow slows down, there are violations of the cardiovascular system. The patient may experience general weakness, shortness of breath, sensations of dry mouth, constant thirst, fluid may accumulate in the abdomen, dark circles appear under the eyes. The tongue becomes dry, plaque appears, the lips become dry, rough.

Features of the symptoms of certain diseases of the pancreas

A hallmark of acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is pain in the pit of the stomach, in both, sometimes it can be girdle. It is very difficult to eliminate such attacks. The patient also has frequent vomiting. This condition requires urgent medical attention. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a long course of the disease. At the beginning of the disease, severe pain appears from time to time, as in acute. In the process of development of inflammation, signs of a decrease in the number of pancreatic enzymes appear. In such patients, food is digested poorly, constipation or diarrhea is observed. There is a possibility of a decrease in the production of pancreatic hormones, as a result of which blood sugar levels may rise.

Pancreatic cancer presents with a variety of symptoms. A tumor of the head is accompanied by jaundice, cancer that develops in the body or in the tail of the gland causes rapidly progressive diabetes mellitus. A person has very strong pains, weight is significantly reduced.

Small benign growths in (cysts) may not be accompanied by any symptoms. When abdominal pain appears, weight loss, dyspeptic symptoms, periodic jumps in body temperature are observed.

Stones in the pancreas are accompanied by constant severe pain radiating to the back. Sometimes the pain becomes paroxysmal. Feelings are more pronounced a few hours after eating. With the progression of the disease, the patient develops constipation, there is a decrease in appetite.

Tip 6: Diseases of the pancreas: symptoms, signs, diagnosis

The pancreas is one of the organs that make up the digestive system of the body. Wrong lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits and other factors disrupt the pancreas, which leads to various diseases.


One of the most common diseases of the pancreas is pancreatitis. It consists in a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice produced in the ducts of the organ, which causes inflammation. The disease often becomes chronic and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • temperature rise;
  • general weakness;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • change in skin color;
  • loose stool.

To diagnose pancreatitis, the following measures are taken:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • stool analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • saliva analysis.

Treatment of pancreatitis is prescribed depending on the stage of the destructive process in the organ. The therapy is complex: special medications suppress the formation of enzymes in the pancreas, remove toxins, and prevent purulent complications. A wide range of antibiotics is used to suppress the secretory function of the organ. Plasma and blood transfusions are also performed to normalize protein metabolism. If suppuration occurs, surgery is performed to remove the affected area of ​​the pancreas.

Pancreatic necrosis

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is a complication of pancreatitis and is a complete or partial death of the organ under the influence of its own enzymes in combination with acute infection and other pathological processes. The disease usually proceeds rapidly and can be fatal.

  • Symptoms of pancreatic necrosis are as follows:
  • feeling of heavy heaviness in the stomach;
  • persistent nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • acute pain in the left hypochondrium with irradiation under the left shoulder blade or in the shoulder (similar to a heart attack).

To diagnose the disease, special types of studies are carried out:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • MRI, ultrasound and CT of the abdominal organs;
  • laparoscopy.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis involves special abstinence from food for several days, analgesic therapy, and elimination of dehydration through parenteral infusion of medical solutions. If there is a pronounced intoxication of the body, hemosorption is required, as well as the use of antihistamines that inhibit the release of enzymes. In the infectious form, immunostimulants and antibiotics, diuretics are prescribed.

Stones in the pancreas

The formation of stones in the pancreas or pancreolithiasis is the result of various diseases of the digestive system. Pancreolithiasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • paroxysmal pain in the stomach with irradiation between the shoulder blades, in the abdomen or lower back;
  • increased salivation;
  • skin blanching;
  • nausea and vomiting with the presence of bile;
  • diarrhea, discoloration and consistency of feces.

In order to diagnose and make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a blood test, x-ray of the abdominal organs, ultrasound, MRI or computed tomography. The most effective treatment for pancreatic stones is to remove them surgically. Non-surgical therapy is also possible through endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). With the help of a special endoscope device, small stones are removed immediately. Large formations are removed by pushing into the intestine through a small incision in the duct.

A separate treatment technique is stone crushing by means of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This is a gentle procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. The stones are crushed to a powdery state, after which they are removed from the pancreas on their own or with the help of an endoscope.


Fibrolipomatosis of the pancreas is a fatty degeneration of the organ, when the connective tissue is unevenly distributed between the fat cells. It is often a complication of pancreatitis. Fibrolipomatosis affects the pancreatic tissues, which grow and form multiple nodules and seals. In severe cases, fibroids may form.

Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the current stage:

  1. The first stage of fibrolipomatosis is characterized by intense thirst with constant drying of the oral cavity. Sometimes there is stomatitis.
  2. In the second stage, there are pains of a girdle character, bloating is observed.
  3. The next stage is nausea and vomiting.

The disease is diagnosed by ultrasound. Ultrasound diagnosis allows you to assess the current size and shape of the pancreas, its location in the abdominal cavity and echogenicity (tissue structure).

For the treatment of fibrolipomatosis, conservative and surgical methods are used. At rest, no therapy is required, and during an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed a special diet and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics, antispasmodics and antienzymes are prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Pancreas cancer

Pancreatic cancer is characterized by the growth of a malignant tumor in the organ and is an oncological disease. It can develop under the influence of hereditary factors or as a complication of chronic pathologies. There are the following primary signs of pancreatic cancer:

  • drawing pains in the upper abdomen, radiating to the back;
  • loss of appetite, intoxication of the body;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • heartburn, vomiting;
  • elevated body temperature.

In the later stages of oncological disease, the clinical picture changes, and the following symptoms appear:

  • Obstructive jaundice, which develops against the background of compression of the bile duct, which interferes with the normal outflow of bile. There is yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, urine and feces.
  • Intestinal or stomach bleeding. Observed with metastases of cancer in the stomach and intestines. Characterized by vomiting or black feces with a consistency resembling coffee grounds.
  • Signs of diabetes (skin itching, thirst).
  • Ascites (inflammation of the abdominal cavity).

Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer includes ultrasound, computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. These activities allow you to determine the extent of the lesion and identify metastases. Blood and urine tests are also required.

The main and most effective method of cancer treatment is surgical intervention. A successful operation greatly increases the survival rate of the patient. Radiotherapy is also carried out - a method of radiation exposure of a cancerous tumor and adjacent areas. Such therapy contributes to the destruction of atypical cells.

In the early stages of pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy can be effective, which consists in taking special medications. Among them, the most famous are Gemcitabine, Carboplatin and Irinotecan. Finally, the modern method of cancer treatment is radiosurgery. For this, a special CyberKnife system is used. It is completely painless and does not bear negative consequences for the patient.

The human digestive system consists of a large number of important organs, including the pancreas. But not everyone knows what the pancreas is and where it is located. In this article, you will learn about the first signs of pancreatic disease and how to prevent them.

Many people think that the pancreas is located under the stomach. But this is not entirely true. If a person is standing, then this organ is located on the same level with the first vertebra of the lumbar. The pancreas has three compartments: head, tail and body:

  • The head is located near the duodenum
  • Tail - near the spleen
  • The body is behind the stomach

In an adult, the size of the organ is from 20 to 25 cm, weight is from 70 to 80 g.

Functions of the pancreas in the human body

The pancreas performs important features:

  • digestive
  • Endocrine

In this organ, special enzymes are produced that contribute to the digestion of food. The pancreas also produces insulin, a lack of which can cause diabetes.

Digestive enzymes include:

  • proteases
  • amylase
  • lipase

How to check the pancreas?

As a rule, the following are used to check the pancreas: methods:

  • Palpation. This method is used if it is necessary to detect a tumor or a large cyst.
  • Probe check. Used if pancreatitis is suspected
  • Analysis of urine and feces. Assigned to detect amylase
  • ultrasound. This method allows you to visualize the structure of the pancreas, as well as the presence or absence of tumors and cysts.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This method can display in detail the enlargement of the walls, the presence of a tumor, a cyst.
  • X-ray contrast study. Helps to identify the expansion or narrowing of the excretory duct.

Pain in the pancreas: symptoms

The first symptom, symbolizing the failure of the functioning of the pancreas - constipation over a long period, as well as:

  • bad breath from the mouth
  • pain and bloating

If we talk about more specific symptoms that indicate pain in the pancreas, then it is worth highlighting exactly when and how they occur, which characteristics they have:

  • The side begins to hurt especially strongly, exactly where the pancreas is located.
  • With sufficiently severe pain, you can’t even lie on your left side, and it’s impossible to turn around, because the side begins to respond to almost any touch and minimal movement.

It may also appear:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • fever
  • severe pain attacks
  • apathy
  • weakness

In addition to these symptoms, the following often occur:

  • Painkillers don't help the pain, or they work but only for a short time
  • Sensation of an unpleasant bitter taste after vomiting
  • Diarrhea that lasts a very long time
  • Fast fatiguability

Why does the pancreas hurt?

Pain in the pancreas, as a rule, has a girdle character. Pain begins in the left side at the top, and goes to the chest and back. But for what reasons does this organ most often begin to hurt?

  • Wrong nutrition. The use of fatty, spicy, fried foods. Fatty foods are very poorly absorbed by the body and can lead to disruption of the movement of pancreatic juice, as well as a change in its composition.
  • Injury to the pancreas. Arise from a knife or gunshot wound, from a strong concussion.
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol negatively affects almost all organs, including the pancreas.
  • Taking medications. Some drugs have a negative effect on the pancreas. In such cases, you can improve your health with a special diet.
  • Starvation. This is not simple starvation, but a lack of protein food, which can cause pancreatitis.
  • Stones that are in the bile ducts.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases and inflammation of the pancreas

There are several diseases associated with the pancreas, in which inflammation occurs:

  • Acute pancreatitis- This is an inflammatory process of the pancreas, which can appear for various reasons. The basis of the disease is this - the pancreatic tissue begins to be digested due to its activated enzymes. A chemical process is activated, and some kind of infection can be added to it. As a result, acute pancreatitis appears.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. Often, this disease begins to develop after acute pancreatitis, diseases of the liver, thyroid gland and many other diseases. During illness, healthy organ tissue eventually changes to scar tissue.
  • Pancreatic necrosis.

  • Cholecystopancreatitis. May be due to gallstones present in the gallbladder
  • Diabetes. A disease of the endocrine system, which is caused by complete or partial insufficiency of insulin.
  • Tumors: benign (adenoma, lipoma) or malignant (cancer).
  • cysts.
  • Fistulas. The fistula is an uneven channel. Its walls are formed from fibrous tissue. The fistula has narrowing and widening of the lumens.
  • Stones. In some cases, stones (calculi) appear after pancreatitis.

Pain in the pancreas: treatment

Treatment of pancreatitis is carried out only in surgery, and patients who have a severe form of the disease or complications are determined in intensive care. During treatment, a conservative or surgical method of treatment can be used.

If the patient is found chronic pancreatitis, then hospitalization depends on the symptoms and their severity. The main goal of treatment is to relieve pain, restore the working capacity of the gland, and take preventive measures aimed at preventing complications.

Narcotic or pain medications are used to relieve pain. The dose of the drug is selected by the attending doctor - it all depends on the condition of the patient. The doctor may prescribe pancreatic enzymes containing sufficient amounts of lipase. Such treatment allows protecting enzymes from destruction and provides physiological rest of the pancreas.

Physiotherapy is also widely used, which eliminates pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Basically, physiotherapy is prescribed after regression of exacerbation. It can be: electrophoresis using novocaine, diadynamic currents.

The doctor may prescribe a special diet. If it does not bring a positive effect, then an operation is prescribed, during which the abdominal cavity is washed, the destroyed gland tissue, gallbladder, and so on are removed. The operation, which is performed on the pancreas, is quite complicated and doctors cannot predict its outcome in advance. Accordingly, it is carried out in the most extreme cases.

Treatment of the pancreas at home folk remedies

Often, doctors are advised to take folk remedies along with medications. Sometimes they help without medication, but only if the disease is at an early stage.

A decoction of oats

  1. Such a decoction is prepared for a very long time, but it's worth it. In order to prepare a decoction, you need to take 100 g of oat grains, fill them completely with water, cover with gauze and put in a warm place for two days.
  2. When the first sprouts appear, the water must be drained, let the oats dry thoroughly and grind it until flour is obtained.
  3. After that, you need to take a spoonful of this flour, dilute it with water and boil.
  4. Then remove from heat, wait until the broth cools down and take before eating.

potato juice

Potato juice perfectly heals and relieves spasms. During an exacerbation of the disease and severe pain, the medicine is considered indispensable. It is necessary to drink half a glass of potato juice. It must be remembered that with many diseases of the stomach, this drug can worsen the situation.

potato flowers

Many say the flowers can slow down the spread of cancer cells. This requires 100 g of flowers to brew in boiling water, insist for several hours and take before meals.


Chicory is credited with a choleretic effect. This remedy is not recommended if there is a gallstone disease. Pour 5 g of powder into 200 g of boiling water. Drink in small portions 20 minutes before meals.


This drug is used to treat a variety of diseases, and also to preserve youth. Shilajit heals the skin and has a positive effect on the organs. You can take the mummy in tablets, or extract according to the instructions.


This plant relieves inflammation. To get a greater effect, you can combine the plant with other medicinal herbs, such as nettle or chamomile. Pour 100 g of the plant with boiling water and consume 4 times a day before meals.

Pancreas: diet menu

The basic principle of the diet is to eat sparing food. The first couple of days the patient is desirable to starve. Only plentiful drinking is allowed (at least 1.5 liters per day).

  • You can drink mineral water without gas, weak tea or a decoction made from wild rose.
  • After the condition improves, the patient is allowed to eat a little oatmeal and compote, and eventually switch to a normal full-fledged diet.
  • It is advisable to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.

It is better to exclude from the diet those foods that heavily load the gland, for example:

  • muffin
  • fried pancakes
  • pizza
  • fat meat
  • sausage
  • smoked products

You need to give up alcohol and smoking.

How to restore the pancreas?

Violation of the functionality of the pancreas can significantly impair health and lead to stress. If signs of the disease are not detected in time, then the intervention of the surgeon is indispensable.

  • There are various opinions that relate to improving the performance of the pancreas. Some patients prefer traditional medicine and use different decoctions for treatment. It is important to consider that any therapeutic measures should be carried out after consulting a doctor.
  • Recovery of the pancreas is a long and very difficult process. Self-healing and, of course, nutrition play a huge role in this. Sleep and physical activity also affect recovery.
  • The pancreas is a capricious organ. And if his work is disrupted, often there are unpleasant consequences.

What is good for the pancreas?

For those people who want to prevent disruption of the pancreas, you need to eat only healthy foods and dishes:

  • Vegetables stewed. The pancreas loves steamed vegetables. And carrots and zucchini are considered the most ideal.
  • Bread that does not contain yeast. Such bread will be even more useful if it is consumed the day after purchase, that is, stale.
  • Kashi. A variety of cereals are very useful for the pancreas. It is advisable to cook them from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Porridge can not be digested and heavily salted. You can add a little butter after complete cooking.
  • Vegetable soup. For problems with the pancreas, it is better to cook soups with vegetable broths. You can add potatoes and other vegetables chopped on a grater during cooking, such as pumpkin, carrots, zucchini.
  • Drinks without sugar. In order for the pancreas to be always healthy, you need to drink plenty of water. The safest drinks: weak green and black tea, rosehip broth, plain water without gas.

  • Fruit juices. Juices prepared without added sugar will benefit.
  • Protein food. This category includes: meat (but not fatty), fish, chicken eggs.
  • Dairy. These foods are very high in protein. This category includes: fat-free yogurts (preferably natural), hard cheese, yogurt. These products perfectly restore the pancreas.
  • Fruits with berries. The most useful are: currants, cherries, blueberries, pomegranates, plums.

Video: How to care for the pancreas?



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