Cleansing the kidneys at home with folk remedies: simple ways. Cleansing the kidneys with folk remedies at home Cleaning the kidneys with folk remedies at home

  • Causes and symptoms of diseases
  • Required nutrition
  • Cleansing diets and methods

The kidneys perform the function of cleansing from harmful substances, remove fluid, maintain acid-base balance. Improper operation of this body can lead to serious problems.

Cleansing the kidneys not only with drugs, but also with folk remedies will help bring the body back to normal.

The kidneys work as a filter, removing toxins and harmful substances from the urine. But this does not always happen, remaining in the renal ducts and pelvis, these substances eventually turn into sand and stones.

The release of the kidneys from stones often requires surgical intervention, so you should worry in advance, carry out procedures for the proper functioning of this organ.

Symptoms of kidney problems:

  • bags, swelling under the eyes;
  • pain when urinating, frequent or infrequent urination;
  • pain in the groin, lower abdomen, lower back;
  • pain in the joints;
  • urine with mucus, blood, cloudy;
  • weakness, sweating;
  • vision problems.

The causes of kidney problems largely depend on lifestyle:

  • water;
  • low quality products;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol, especially beer;
  • smoking;
  • stress;
  • medications.

Timely cleansing of the kidneys helps this organ to remove unnecessary fluid, mucus, improves balance, removes sand and stones that have appeared. However, before you start cleansing, you should definitely be examined in a medical institution, undergo an ultrasound scan of the kidneys. If the size of the stones is 1 mm or more, in this case, cleansing should be abandoned, otherwise the ducts will become clogged, after which the operation cannot be avoided.

Clean the kidneys should be 2 times a year with a duration of 2-4 weeks. The best option would be to get into the habit of doing these procedures without waiting for the stones to appear.

Cleansing the kidneys may be accompanied by pain during urination, aching pain in the lumbar region. So the kidneys begin to actively perform their functions, removing toxins, sand. You can soothe such pain by taking a bath.

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Required nutrition

You can clean the kidneys at home in many ways, but you must definitely eat right, observing the following conditions:

  • one day - unloading, drink only water;
  • a lot of vegetables, fruits;
  • a large amount of water, juices, compotes, green tea;
  • food in small portions only during the day.

It is necessary to exclude sharp spices from the diet (horseradish, mustard, etc.), alcohol, fatty broths, canned food, smoked meats, fatty fish and meat, pastries, chocolate, strong coffee.

If it is necessary to clean the kidneys, special attention should be paid to products that will help make this process less painful:

  • uncut bread;
  • vegetable soups, with cereals, pasta;
  • low-fat types of fish and meat, steamed cutlets;
  • cereals, pasta, stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • milk and dairy products, vegetable oil;
  • decoctions of bran, rose hips, juices, kissels, compotes, watermelons, melons.

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Cleansing diets and methods

To normalize the functioning of the kidneys, one of the following diets should be used:

  1. Watermelon. During the week, preferably in August or September, eat only watermelons and rye bread. If weakness is felt, the urine becomes cloudy, then this shows that the kidneys are being cleansed. If there are no such symptoms, then it is worth extending this diet for a week. Watermelon rinds can be crushed, dried, and then brewed as a diuretic tea.
  2. Cucumber. Fresh cucumbers and early potatoes, cooked in their skins without salt, take 1-2 weeks.

There are other methods that can be used at home, making it possible to clean diseased kidneys or do it prophylactically:

  1. Strawberry and strawberry juices. Sprinkle the berries with sugar (1 kg of berries - 100 g of sugar) and keep in the cold. Drink half a glass of the resulting juice 20 minutes before eating. Harvesting for the winter (1 kg of berries - 500 g of sugar) should be diluted equally with water.
  2. Berry. A large glass of a berry (cranberry or lingonberry) every day for a month is a good diuretic and effective in preventing the appearance of stones. Do not use in the presence of stones, coarse sand.
  3. Rosehip decoction. 15 minutes 2 tbsp. dry rose hips and 250 g of water are boiled. The finished broth is drunk during the day for 3 doses. The cleaning process takes 2 weeks.
  4. Fresh juices. The best cleansing juices to drink every day: birch (1 cup fresh juice + 1 tsp honey), carrot (1/4 cup + a drop of olive oil 4 times a day), pumpkin (1/2 cup 2 times in a day). Cleaning lasts 3-8 weeks. Drink juice between meals, do not dilute with water.
  5. Medicinal herbs. Make a mixture of herbs: 1 tsp. lime blossom, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, black elderberry flowers. 4 tbsp such a mixture and 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers pour ½ liter of boiling water. Herbal decoction is prepared in a water bath for 40 minutes, then filtered, taken 4 times an hour before meals. Take 5 days.
  6. Radish. Grate a clean radish with a peel, squeeze out the juice, add a spoonful of honey. Take 2-3 weeks for 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
  7. Bay leaf. 1-2 leaves are boiled for 1-2 minutes, everything is drunk during the day. The solution is taken for 3 days, then a break for 2 weeks, repeat 3-4 times.
  8. Birch buds. 1 tbsp wrap birch buds and a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, take ½ cup 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  9. Lemon and parsley. 2 lemons are twisted in a meat grinder, a few chopped parsley sprigs are added, 2 tbsp. honey, take all this in the morning before eating a tablespoon, store in the cold. The whole mixture is used for the course.

Kidney cleansing can also take place through the adoption of herbal baths.

Bath Recipes:

  1. 200 g of birch leaves, sage, knotweed is poured into 3-4 liters of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours, filtered and poured into the bath. The bath is taken for 15 minutes for 6-8 weeks every day or every other day.
  2. 150 g of horsetail is poured with boiling water, infused for an hour, and then added to the water, foot baths are taken. 350 g of horsetail is prepared for a full bath. Baths should be taken with kidney exacerbations.

The results of cleansing procedures are noticed within a month. It is worth deciding which method is more effective, and not bringing the situation to the intervention of surgeons.

The kidneys are the filter of the human body! They provide the process of removing harmful substances, ensuring the functioning of internal organs and systems. With a high content of toxins, the work of the kidneys is disturbed, stones are formed. As a result, blockage of the ureter is diagnosed. To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to carry out a systematic cleaning of the excretory system.

Preparatory process

Proper cleansing will improve the patient's well-being. You need to start the procedure with the preparation of the body and the removal of accumulated harmful substances.

First step:

  1. Consultation with a doctor and ultrasound examination.
  2. Reception of therapeutic baths for seven days. Recipe: chopped field horsetail 40 g pour hot water (6 l), leave for 30 minutes, filter. Infusion add to the bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Complete cleansing of the intestines and liver.
  4. Diet. The diet should include plant products.
  5. Maximum water intake.

Exclude from the diet: mustard, pepper, chocolate products, coffee drinks, smoked and salty foods, fatty meat and fish!

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to start cleansing the kidneys only after determining the diagnosis. Otherwise, the condition may worsen!

Why and from what the kidneys are cleaned

The kidneys purify the blood, remove toxic substances and metabolic products. With the accumulation of mucus and slag fragments, sand and stones are formed. For the prevention of urolithiasis, cleaning of the renal system should be carried out at least once a year.

Signs of poor organ functioning:

  • Dark circles and bags in the eye area.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Cloudy color of urine.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Frequent migraines.
  • Pain symptom in the lumbar region.

By resorting to alternative medicine, you can quickly and effectively clean the kidneys and bladder from toxins and restore the acid-base balance at home. Systematic therapy also normalizes water-salt metabolism.

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Effective folk methods

REMEMBER! If alarming symptoms are found, you should take care of your health, namely, consult a doctor and, after his approval, proceed with the procedure!

Most folk recipes will help cleanse the body without harming the body.

Medicinal herbs and infusions

Herbs are natural healers:

  1. For cleansing at home you will need: linden flowers, pumpkin and flax seeds, blackberry leaf (chopped), elder flower and St. John's wort.
  2. Herbs are taken in equal proportions (50 g each) and poured with hot water (400 ml).
  3. A handful of dry chamomile is added.
  4. The mixture is put on the stove, boiled for 25 minutes, filtered.
  5. The course of treatment is five days, take 40 minutes before meals, 25 ml.
  1. Veronica officinalis (100 g) is poured with boiling water (400 ml).
  2. Infused for 1 hour, filtered.
  3. A "golden mustache" (20 g) is added to the mixture.
  4. The medicine is taken at least three times a day for 20 ml. The course of treatment is 5-6 times a year.

Cleansing can be done independently with small stones. Place in a container: cabbage brine (1 l), olive oil (400 ml) and juice of 4 lemons. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 100 ml every half hour.

ATTENTION! After a few hours, the stones will begin to come out. The process may be accompanied by pain symptoms, nausea, diarrhea.

Fir oil

Treatment is carried out in two stages:

  1. Make a preparation. Take herbal collection in equal amounts: oregano, lemon balm, knotweed, St. John's wort, sage leaf, rose hips. Cut, you should get 100 grams of the mixture. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Filter, take 100 ml before meals for seven days.
  2. By the end of the week, add fir oil (5-6 drops) to each portion of the preparation. Break 14 days and repeat again!

Vegetables and juices

With the help of parsley and dill, you can clear the kidneys of stones. Herbs have a diuretic effect.

  1. Take greens (40 g each) and apple juice (1 l). Take a cleansing enema in the morning on an empty stomach. Mix parsley and dill (do not chop), divide into 5 servings.
  2. After each intake of greens, drink 200 grams of juice. It is not recommended to eat other food throughout the day.

To improve the kidneys, mix vegetable juices from carrots, beets and cucumbers in a ratio of 10:3:3.

Cereal crops

With an excess of uric acid, urates are found in the kidneys. It will be useful to add unpeeled oats to the diet. The day before cleansing, start consuming vegetables and water.

Rinse the grains of oats, place in a thermos, pour hot boiled water. Insist 12 hours. Start treatment in the morning. Grind the steamed porridge. Consume throughout the day. Do not add sugar or salt.


Cleansing the kidneys with water is the most natural way. Waking up in the morning, drink 200-400 ml of pure water. Throughout the day, another 200 ml every 60 minutes, before bedtime another 400 ml.


The fruits of cranberries and lingonberries are natural diuretics. They effectively cleanse the kidneys.

  1. Fresh berry - 150 grams per day.
  2. Morse - 200 ml per day. Grind the fruits, use honey instead of sugar. The course of therapy is 14 days.


Shilajit has been used in alternative medicine since ancient times. It has a healing, cleansing and immunomodulatory effect.

Dissolve the mummy (3 g) in water (3 l). Reception is carried out from 3 to 4 times a day, 30 minutes before the start of the meal, 30 ml. Duration: 10/3. Full course of cleansing - 15 g of mummy.

REMEMBER! Carrying out treatment at home, try to move as much as possible in the fresh air, do gymnastics. Active activity will give strength and energy!

Medical cleansing of the kidneys

Before carrying out cleansing measures, an examination by a doctor is carried out. After the diagnosis is established, medications are prescribed. Therapy can be prescribed for preventive or curative purposes.

Cleansing is done:

  • Diuretic drugs (pharmacological or natural). They activate the excretion of urine, remove toxic substances with the liquid, thereby improving the functioning of the organ.
  • Stone-dissolving drugs. These funds grind stones and contribute to their painless removal.

Active drugs:

Cheers LaxWith urolithiasis and kidney diseases.Vitamin C, B 1, B 2, dandelion, marshmallow root, hops.Pregnancy, feeding period.
Cysto TransitCleansing, anti-inflammatory, stone-removing agent.Chamomile, knotweed, horsetail, cranberry.Individual intolerance to the components.
GortexPurifying, analgesic, antiseptic.Hydrangea root.None.

ATTENTION! Before starting treatment with drugs, consult a specialist!

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Diet and special nutrition

The formation of sand and kidney stones contributes to malnutrition and poor-quality water. To cleanse the body and prevent salt deposits, you should:

  • Avoid high protein foods.
  • Eat 6-7 times a day.
  • Avoid products made from wheat flour.

Include in your diet:

  • Vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • Vegetable purees and soups.
  • Cereals.
  • Fat-free meat and fish dishes.
  • Kefir, cottage cheese, ryazhenka.

IMPORTANT! Drink plenty of liquid. Do not give up juices and green tea. Limit your intake of salt and spices!

Improper nutrition, poor water, metabolic problems, obesity, heredity are the causes of salt deposits in the kidneys. Without regular removal of toxins, natural filters become clogged, do not work at full capacity, decay products gradually accumulate in tissues, blood, and lymph.

To remove harmful substances, improve the functioning of the bean-shaped organs, cleaning the kidneys at home is useful. Without harm to the body, this procedure can be carried out only if the rules are followed, the selection of optimal compositions, and contraindications are taken into account. The article has useful tips, proven recipes for removing toxins with inexpensive, affordable means.

Why you need to clean the kidneys and for what diseases

Problems with filtering the accumulated fluid, urine quality arise under the influence of many factors. Often, the accumulation of salts occurs against the background of systemic diseases and damage to the kidney tissue.

The main causes of clogging of natural filters:

  • excessive consumption of offal, red meat, cod, mackerel, strong coffee, spinach, dairy products;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • water with an excess content of calcium salts;
  • metabolic problems;
  • bad ecology;
  • on the day a person drinks much less water than expected, salt, toxins are not washed out of the bean-shaped organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the renal tissue, provoking a decrease in functionality;
  • stagnation of blood, a minimum of physical activity.

Sand and kidney stones are a sign of the following pathologies:

  • nephrolithiasis;
  • gout.

The accumulation of harmful deposits under the influence of negative factors occurs not only in natural filters, but also in the joints and spine.


  • aches, pain, crunching in the joints;
  • frequent swelling of the eyelids, especially after waking up;
  • discomfort is felt in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, the pain does not disappear when the position of the body changes;
  • the quality of urine changes: mucus, blood, sand are noticeable, often the liquid becomes cloudy;
  • worried about headaches, sometimes dizzy;
  • there is increased sweating;
  • the frequency of urination is disturbed: a person walks much less often or more often for small needs, although the drinking regimen remains at the usual level;
  • weakness appears for no particular reason, constantly sleepy.


  • stones or;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • period of menstruation;
  • the patient has recently undergone any type of surgery;
  • the woman is breastfeeding;
  • acute inflammation of the genitourinary system.

General rules

Before starting to cleanse the kidneys with the help of natural compounds and medicines, the patient should make an appointment with a urologist, get expert advice. Removal of toxins is a serious burden on the body, even when using herbal decoctions and infusions.

Ten important rules:

  • Always consult with experts: urologist, nephrologist, to be examined, to identify contraindications.
  • First clean the intestines, then the liver, only then the kidneys.
  • 3 days before the start of the sessions, consume vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, milk, light vegetarian food. It is important to give up alcohol, strong coffee, muffins, animal fats.
  • Increase physical activity to normalize blood circulation.
  • An obligatory element of preparation is hot herbal baths for three days before the first procedure.
  • You should not take medicines so as not to clog the body additionally. If necessary, drink daily cardiac glycosides, pressure tablets. It is important to consult a cardiologist: it is possible that kidney cleansing is contraindicated or allowed only with the use of herbal urological medicines with a decrease in daily dosage.
  • During treatment, prepare decoctions and infusions exactly according to the prescription, take the formulations at the appointed time, adhere to the daily dosage.
  • If during the course of adverse reactions, deterioration of health, change in the quality of urine, discontinue therapy, consult a nephrologist or urologist. You can not continue cleansing if the procedure creates too much stress on the body.
  • It is important to drink more fluids for the speedy cleansing of the bean-shaped organs.
  • Be sure to reduce the amount of salt to prevent fluid retention, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, dress salads not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil.

Important! Improper conduct of sessions, the choice of an inappropriate method often leads to serious consequences. It is important to get expert advice, take into account contraindications: for example, cleaning with lemon is not suitable for peptic ulcer.

Benefits of Home Methods

  • "soft" effect on the body;
  • good therapeutic effect;
  • active removal of accumulated salts of various kinds:, phosphates,;
  • disappearance of signs of intoxication;
  • availability, acceptable cost of components for collections, decoctions: it is easy to pick up ingredients at any time of the year;
  • ease of preparation of home remedies;
  • improving the performance of natural filters;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of water-salt balance in the body.

Effective folk recipes

During consultation with a doctor, it is important to choose the appropriate way to detoxify the body. The best option is to clean the bean-shaped organs with home methods once or twice a year. Removal of salts should be carried out only after preparation according to the rules described above.

In May, you can clean the kidneys with parsley and lemon juice, drink natural juices from May to August, and a watermelon diet is useful at the end of summer: it is important to choose juicy berries without nitrates. In autumn and winter, herbal decoctions from dried raw materials are recommended to remove nitrogenous compounds and salts: there are always names in pharmacy chains.


  • for it is necessary to pour a couple of tablespoons of washed millet into a saucepan, pour 500 ml of hot water, boil, boil the useful composition for 2 minutes, pour the broth into a jar;
  • use according to the rules: 1st day - every hour, 1 tbsp. l., 2nd day - the norm rises to three tablespoons, another 7 days - 100 ml is enough shortly before meals;
  • to activate the withdrawal of salts to take.

watermelon diet

A simple, inexpensive way to cleanse the kidney tissue of toxins and harmful salts. For a week, eat only watermelons without nitrates and black bread. The removal of sand leads to turbidity of the urine. The diet is allowed 1 time in 12 months. The best time to eat watermelons is August or early September.



  • scald two lemons with boiling water, grind together with the peel in a blender, add honey - three dessert spoons and two large bunches of parsley, grind the mass again;
  • every morning on an "empty" stomach, use an incomplete tablespoon of the mixture. The course will require the entire volume of natural medicine;
  • store the prepared product in a cool place.

Rosehip decoction


  • to prepare a decoction, take dried fruits - three tablespoons, 1 liter of boiling water, boil the useful composition at a minimum heat for no more than 10 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove;
  • every day, drink 500 ml of the drink three times;
  • course - 7 days.

Removing toxins from the kidneys with oats


  • boil 4 tbsp. l. whole grains for a quarter of an hour in 500 ml of water. The fire is small, the boil should be weak;
  • after 30 minutes, strain the infused liquid, take a folk remedy of 200 ml per day;
  • course of cleansing the body with oatmeal broth - 10 days.

Go to the address and read about the treatment of chronic cystitis in women with folk remedies.

Flax seeds

  • prepare a collection of horsetail and mountaineer grass - a tablespoon each, birch leaves - four tablespoons, flax seeds - take 5 tablespoons;
  • combine dried vegetable raw materials with boiling water (one and a half liters), cover with a lid;
  • the cleanser is ready after an hour;
  • strained means to take 250 ml in the morning and evening for five days.

Natural juices for dissolving salts

Carrot juice actively cleanses the body, pumpkin juice shows a good diuretic effect. Phytotherapists recommend fruit drinks from the following components: apples (2 pcs.) + grains of one pomegranate + ½ lemon + 2 liters of water. Grind natural ingredients, pour in the liquid, boil for 5 minutes, be sure to let it brew, add a little honey. A useful decoction to drink in two days.

natural herbs

Preparation and use of natural formulations:

  • sage + knotweed + birch leaves. Take the components in equal quantities, select 3 tablespoons (without a slide) of raw materials, pour a liter of water, boil the herbal collection for 3 minutes. Cooled broth to take 100 ml twice a day. The course of purification - 10 days;
  • Birch buds. Steam a couple of tablespoons of natural raw materials in half a liter of boiling water. An hour later, the infusion is ready. Drink a third of a glass daily for a week;
  • knotweed The proportions and method of preparation are the same as in the previous recipe;
  • field horsetail. Good anti-inflammatory effect, active removal of sand. For a liter of boiling water, you will need chopped raw materials - a couple of tablespoons. A thermos is suitable for preparing the composition. Strain the infusion after 2 hours. Drink a healing liquid of 150 ml 1 time per day. It is enough to drink a healthy decoction for a week.

Medicinal berries

How to proceed:

  • for 14 days, eat every morning on an empty stomach or (200 g), you can add honey;
  • blueberries are suitable for removing harmful salts from clogged buds. Use berries every day for 150 g, additionally take a decoction of the leaves in a third of a glass before dinner.

How to flush the kidneys: an easy way


To cleanse the body's natural filters, not only preparations are suitable, but also affordable home remedies. Before using herbal decoctions, natural juices, vegetables, berries and fruits for therapeutic purposes, you need to obtain permission from a urologist or nephrologist. If there are chronic pathologies, problems with the heart, pressure, gastrointestinal tract, you need to take a balanced approach to cleansing the body so as not to harm your health.

Learn more about cleaning the kidneys at home from stones and sand from the following video:

Complete cleansing of the body includes the cleansing of all organs and systems. Cleansing the kidneys at home is considered an integral part of this procedure, since the kidneys are an important human system, on the functioning of which the functioning of other internal organs depends. Most people want to carry out cleansing procedures, but not everyone knows how to check for slagging of the kidneys. So, what are the signs of slagging, and how to clean the kidneys at home with medicines and folk remedies?

When is the need for cleaning?

The kidneys are considered an indispensable organ in the human body, acting as a kind of filter - they remove toxic and chemical substances from the blood. The reasons for clogging the kidneys are considered: a disturbed regimen and malnutrition, a polluted environment, a hereditary factor, a disturbed metabolism, any diseases inherent in a person. All these causes contribute to the weakened state of the kidneys, clog them with harmful substances and "garbage".

Under the negative influence of the above reasons, the kidneys do not have time to filter and remove toxins and other dangerous substances from the body, so some of them still remain in the renal pelvis and ducts, converting them into sand and then into stones. The formation of kidney stones leads to impaired urination, an increase in the kidneys to gigantic sizes, and the development of urolithiasis.

Doctors advise cleaning the kidneys at least 1-2 times a year.

Experts advise to clean the kidneys in any way (medicinal or folk) at least 1-2 times a year. This will be a good prevention to prevent the formation of sand and stones. How to check when it is necessary to clean? Signs of slagging of the kidneys are noticeable to a person by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness under the eyes, especially in the morning;
  • pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • feeling of pain in the joints;
  • frequent or rare urge to urinate and pain with them;
  • unnatural color of urine, possibly with impurities of blood and mucus;
  • increased sweat separation;
  • dizziness and severe headaches;
  • general weakness of the body.

Preparing for a Kidney Cleanse

At the very beginning (stage 1), the intestines are cleansed, and at the 2nd stage - the liver. Cleansing the kidneys will be the 3rd stage in the overall complex of cleansing procedures. Before cleansing the kidneys at home, you need to follow a proper diet for three days, follow a diet. It is recommended to give up animal fats, milk and dairy products, sweets and starchy foods, introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet, drink fresh juices, drinks with lemons and other citrus fruits, herbal tea.

Before carrying out the cleaning procedure, a consultation with a doctor is needed, diagnostics are needed to check for the presence of kidney diseases and inflammatory processes. For 3 days before cleaning, it is recommended to bathe in a hot bath with the addition of 1 liter of infusion of horsetail or other herbs to the water. Moderate physical activity (running, cycling, exercising) will be good preparatory procedures. Before the procedure, do not take any medications, so tablets, other medications are prohibited. So prevention and treatment will be more effective.

Principles of nutrition when cleaning the kidneys at home

You need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Nutrition during cleansing of the kidneys should be balanced - you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products daily, season with vegetable oil, introduce low-fat varieties of meat and fish into the diet, steamed or baked meat prepared from them, cereal cereals . During the cleansing of the kidneys, it is worth drinking more fruit and vegetable juices, herbal decoctions, green tea, soft drinks with lemons, plain boiled water, rosehip decoctions and dried fruits. Eat should be in small portions, regularly, so that there are no long breaks between meals. During the cleansing period, the following foods and dishes should be removed from the diet: muffins and fresh white bread, sweets, fatty meat and broths from it, canned food, smoked meats, alcoholic beverages, black coffee.

Effective methods of cleansing the kidneys with medicinal herbs

If suspicious symptoms were noted, when the kidneys were checked, they were found to be clogged, then herbal preparations act as a simple and good cleansing agent for them. The collection includes such herbs: St. John's wort, sage grass, lemon balm, chamomile. They have excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, and effective bacteria-killing properties. To prepare an infusion of herbs, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. each type of plant, pour into a container and pour 0.25 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, strain and take 1 glass a day for one week.

Herbal baths for cleaning toxins in the kidneys

Herbal baths also contribute to the functioning of the kidneys, which are best taken not hot, but warm with the addition of herbal infusions and decoctions to the water. Below are a few ways to prepare herbal baths:

  • Take sage grass, birch leaves and mountaineer bird (in the common people - knotweed), 3 tbsp. l. each. Pour the mixture into a container and pour 3 liters of boiling water. Strain and pour into bath. Take a therapeutic bath for 15-20 minutes until the water cools down.
  • Take a decoction of horsetail, which has a good effect on the functioning of the kidneys, relieves inflammation of the bladder, and effectively removes toxins (salts and oxides of heavy metals) and toxins. Horsetail is good for a cleansing procedure. Take 300-350 g of raw materials, pour boiling water (2-3 liters), strain and add to water.

Folk remedy of fir and olive oil for the kidneys

Olive oil helps a person to effectively cleanse the kidneys, is used as a preventive measure for many diseases, replacing treatment with medicines and other drugs. The oil is used to remove small stones from the kidneys, helps to cleanse the joints of salts, relieves swelling and treats salt deposits. Preparing for the procedure, you must first check the condition of the organ being cleaned, do not eat for a day and drink only boiled water.

Olive oil can be used to remove small stones from the kidneys.

Starting the procedure, you need to prepare the following mixture: take 1 liter of sauerkraut brine, 100 ml of lemon juice, 350 ml of olive oil. Mix and drink half a glass every 30 minutes. During the day, small stones will come out of the kidneys with urine. In this case, a person’s condition can deteriorate sharply, weakness, general malaise will appear. By this reaction, you can check that the method is working. Olive therapy implies that sand comes out with stones - a by-product of decay (slag, mucus, toxins and other harmful substances), the disposal of which affects the physical condition of a person.

Fir can be washed and cleaned of the kidneys no worse than olive, but the event is more difficult - in 2 stages. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of herbs: oregano, lemon balm, knotweed, sage and rose hips. Mix the ingredients, take 2 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water, set aside to infuse for several hours. Strain and drink half a glass before meals for 7 days. From the 8th to the 14th day, add 5 drops of fir oil to the herbal mixture. After the end of the first course, two weeks later, another (same) course should be carried out.

Remove toxins from the kidneys with grains

A culture such as flax is considered a universal folk way to treat and cleanse the kidneys. Flax has a mild, effective effect on the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole, it is able to quickly and effectively wash clogged kidneys, rid them of toxins and decay products - slags, and quickly improve the functioning of other organs. At the very beginning, you need to prepare the mixture: take 5 tbsp. l. flax seeds, 4 tbsp. l. birch leaves, 1 tbsp. l. knotweed and field horsetail. Mix all components, pour 1.5 liters. boiling water and put to infuse for 1-1.5 hours. Drink 1 glass a day, 2 times a day, for 5 days.

Oats, as a grain crop, are useful, effective and effective for cleansing the kidneys. From grains of oats, you can prepare a decoction or jelly. Both drinks remove toxins, decay products - toxins, pathogens, sand and stones, thus healing the body. A decoction prepared from grains should be drunk half a glass 2 times a day. If kissel was chosen, it should be taken 100 ml 4 times a day. The course of cleaning with jelly, decoction is the same - 10 days.

Timely filtration and subsequent removal of harmful substances from the body depends on the full functioning of the kidneys. Slagged organs cannot fully perform their tasks, causing a lot of problems and ailments, up to the formation of stones in them or blockage of the ureter. Regular cleansing of the kidneys is the key to a healthy body, and you can do it quickly, efficiently and without much effort at home.

When to Cleanse

With the full functioning of the kidneys, all toxins and toxins are freely eliminated through the urinary tract. If the functioning of these organs is difficult, then harmful impurities do not leave the body completely, being deposited at the bottom of the renal pelvis and ducts.

Often deposits in the form of mucus, sand and stones appear due to malnutrition, insufficiently purified tap water, a sedentary lifestyle, colds, genetic factors, metabolic disorders and poor ecology.

Kidneys in need of help declare themselves with swelling around the eyes, pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region and groin, weakness and apathy, difficult or too frequent painful urination, cloudy, dark discharge with mucus and blood, rapid pulse, fever, chills, swelling, "cold" sweat or impaired vision. All this clearly indicates the need for cleansing the kidneys.

Clean or not

Accumulating harmful substances introduce an imbalance in the functioning of the whole organism, since the fluid in the body stagnates, and toxins do not leave the blood, which carries them throughout the body. All this affects not only the functioning of the bladder, but also the heart, joints, intestines, and is reflected in the appearance of a person.

Regular cleansing of the kidneys will keep them healthy and working longer, preserve youthfulness and beauty of the skin, normalize blood pressure, improve metabolism and help in the fight against excess weight.

However, in the presence of kidney disease, urolithiasis, adenoma, pregnancy, it is not worth taking measures to cleanse the kidneys without consulting a doctor.

Cleansing Frequency

If timely cleansing of the kidneys has not been previously carried out, then the first cleansing should be done at an interval of 4 months. After the third time, it is enough to pay attention to the kidneys at least once a year.

How is the cleaning

"How to clean the kidneys at home?" - this question worries many, because there are many answers to it: starting with contacting a specialist, continuing with all kinds of means from extracts, oils, vegetables, and ending with special physical exercises.

The only way to cleanse the kidneys is to dissolve the stones and turn them into fine sand, followed by excretion with diuretics. However, both in the first and second stages, there is a large selection of suitable preparations, herbs or oils, involving various options for procedures, simple and complex, fast and long, safe and contraindicated.

We start to clean

The kidney cleansing procedure in all cases begins the same way and consists in preliminary preparation of the body to get rid of accumulated toxins.

Step 1. Cleanse the intestines.

Step 2. Cleanse the liver.

Step 3. A few days before the proposed cleansing, we switch to a vegetable and fruit diet.

Step 4. We carry out fasting, which helps to cleanse the entire body.

Step 5. Drink plenty of water.

Cleaning methods

Among the fighters with stones and sand, there are both proven folk remedies and specially designed medications. The advantages of the latter are ease of use and complex action, while traditional medicine offers an extensive list of possible methods and measures for cleansing the kidneys, proven by time and generations and having a quick tangible effect.

So, you can cleanse the kidneys with the help of flaxseed, oats, parsley and dill, rose hips, cranberries, thyme and many other means that any housewife can find. Their action also varies, which allows you to choose the most suitable option: one day chew only parsley with dill or slowly cleanse the body with oatmeal “jelly”.

The most popular oil

The most common type of kidney cleansing is the fir oil method. The essential extracts included in its composition effectively dissolve the accumulated deposits and gently remove them due to the active diuretic effect. This allows you to gently and quickly rid the kidneys of harmful impurities.

Algorithm of "fir cleansing":

  1. Purchase lingonberry leaves, birch buds or a special diuretic herbal collection at the pharmacy. Suitable and having a similar effect teas with lemon balm, oregano, sage.
  2. After a week of taking a diuretic, you need to mix it with 5 drops of fir oil and take half an hour before each main meal. It is better to use a straw, as fir oil has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.
  3. As soon as the urine begins to become cloudy, which indicates the beginning of the process of dissolving deposits and cleaning the kidneys, try to spend time more actively: run, squat or jump in place.
  4. It is necessary to finish the procedure after the disappearance of turbidity and sand from the urine.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies, available at home berries, leaves, roots or vegetables, occupy a leading position among the various ways to cleanse the kidneys. They do not require special efforts, money spending and are easy to use.

7 simple ways of folk measures:

  1. natural juices. Freshly squeezed juice from 90 ml of carrot, 30 ml of beetroot and 30 ml of cucumber juice will easily get rid of accumulated toxins and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Cucumber Diet. A weekly diet on fresh cucumbers will also effectively remove harmful substances from the kidneys. On the day from 7:00 to 23:00, you need to consume, avoiding salt, about 1.5 kg of these vegetables, if desired, diluting the diet with baked potatoes.
  3. Watermelons and baths. A good August remedy will be the regular use of watermelons, which have strong diuretic properties. It is better to eat this berry in the evening, after completing the meal with a hot bath, which enhances the cleansing effect by thoroughly warming the kidneys.
  4. Thyme tea. Thyme drink is an effective medicine for cleansing the kidneys, removing stones and sand from them. To make tea, 1 tsp is taken per glass of water. thyme, after which the infusion should stand and thoroughly brew, and it should be taken an hour before bedtime.
  5. A mixture of birch leaves and flax. A complex of flax seeds, birch leaves, horsetail stalks and knotweed effectively crush stony formations, have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. To prepare the collection you will need 4 tbsp. l. birch leaves, 5 tbsp. l. flax seeds and 1 tbsp. l. knotweed and horsetail. A decoction of 3 tbsp. l. mixture and 250 ml of boiling water infused for about half an hour and consumed on an empty stomach at bedtime. Treatment should not exceed five days.
  6. Fruit drinks from cranberries and cranberries. The cleansing effect is achieved with lingonberries and cranberries, which must be consumed in half a glass or drink tinctures prepared from them yourself. These fruits have not only a noticeable diuretic, but also an antibacterial, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. The course takes about two weeks and is repeated every 4-6 months.
  7. Rosehip infusion. They will help get rid of toxins and 5 tbsp. l. crushed dry rose hips, poured overnight 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is recommended to drink the infusion in the morning and in the evening in a glass for 2 weeks.

Purifying medicines

There is a variety of medications that help improve the functional state of the kidneys and ureter. So, doctors advise biologically active food supplements CystoTransit, Ury, Gortex.

Cleaning the kidneys from the outside

The kidneys are relieved of excess accumulations not only by dissolving and diuretic drugs taken orally. Grated unpeeled ginger, wrapped in a rag or gauze bag and heated in hot water, can be applied to the lumbar region for several days in a row, covered with a towel or blanket. When cooling, reheat and repeat the procedure a couple of times.

If you are worried about pain

Drawing pains, slight tingling, burning or “pulsation” that occur during the cleansing of the kidneys are confirmation that they are working hard, getting rid of toxins and toxins.

To relieve discomfort, massage the aching areas, rub them, cover them with clothes or a blanket, or take a warm bath.

After completing all the necessary procedures, the pain will pass, and next time they won’t bother you at all.


The process of formation and deposition of salts in the body is constant, but there are many different measures that can be used to facilitate the work of the kidneys and prevent large-scale problems with the stagnation of harmful substances.

Cleansing charge

It is recommended to help the kidneys in filtering and timely removal of toxins and toxins by special gymnastics. Charging is done from a horizontal position and with maximum relaxation of the body. So, it is useful to raise the hips several times and slightly bend the thoracic spine or alternately raise the legs at an angle of 45 degrees. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and periodic crawling "on all fours" for 15 minutes.

Lots of liquid

Eat more often the products found in cleansing recipes - fruits, citrus fruits and watermelons, which favorably affect the functioning of the kidneys, bringing not harmful, but useful substances into the body. Try to exclude fatty foods: semi-finished products, meat, sour cream, butter.

If the decision to cleanse the kidneys is made, then following simple and effective methods, you can quickly achieve a pleasant result without leaving your home.

Start with the simplest recipes and soon you will feel lightness, vivacity and energy - gratitude from healthy and cleansed kidneys!



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