Nicotinic acid for hair rubbing. How does nicotinic acid work for hair?

Nicotinic acid is a medicine traditionally used in medicine to compensate for vitamin PP deficiency and treat certain diseases. Its vasodilating properties are widely known, on which hair care recipes are based. Masks using nicotinic acid have an amazing effect: hair growth accelerates and its appearance improves.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

Nicotinic acid as a folk hair care product has gained popularity due to its beneficial properties.

It fixes the following problems:

  • dry hair;
  • tip section;
  • dandruff;
  • weakness of roots;
  • slow growth and loss.

Do not doubt the benefits of nicotinic acid because of the name: it has nothing to do with tobacco products.

Unlike other folk remedies, nicotinic acid is easy to use. The drug can be bought at any pharmacy. An undeniable advantage of nicotinic acid is its low price.

Important! For healthy hair and scalp Special attention You should also pay attention to the choice of shampoos, conditioners, and masks. The composition should not contain any aggressive additives, such as sulfates, silicones, parabens, which damage the hair, making it dry and lifeless. Our editors conducted tests, and Mulsan cosmetic products became the absolute winners in the natural cosmetics rating. The most natural and safe composition without aggressive components. We confidently recommend that you familiarize yourself with all products in the official store

What to use: powder, tablets or ampoules?

The product is available in three forms:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • injection.

In hair care, an injection solution is tried on

To treat the scalp and prevent hair loss, use a solution of nicotinic acid. The product is sold in ampoules, 10 pieces per package. For a full course of therapy lasting a month, it is enough to purchase 3 packages.

A solution of nicotinic acid is used externally for cosmetic purposes.

It is forbidden to use the drug yourself in the form of injections (intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous). It is not recommended to use nicotinic acid in tablets without consulting a doctor.

Operating principle

On the left is a hair follicle with insufficient blood flow, on the right is a healthy follicle after the use of nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid provides dilation of peripheral blood vessels, increased blood flow and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. The use of the product reduces the amount of hair loss and stimulates the growth of new ones. In addition, it promotes healthy hair pigmentation and prevents premature graying.

We recommend using special products adapted for cosmetic use. One of them is Nicotinic acid for hair Renewal. This product is completely suitable for cosmetic use.

More information about Renewal Nicotinic Acid for Hair:


  • Convenient release form in polymer containers.
  • Increased volume (10 containers of 5 ml each).
  • The price per 1 ml of the substance is lower than that of injectable dosage forms.

Methods of using nicotinic acid

To improve the condition of the hair, the substance is added to home cosmetics or rubbed into the scalp in its pure form. The method of using nicotinic acid depends on the existing problems. Recipes for shampoos and masks also vary for different hair types.

How to rub against hair loss

This method is based on the vasodilating properties of nicotinic acid. Applying the drug to the scalp causes blood flow to the hair follicles - this awakens “dormant” follicles and activates hair growth. In addition, nicotinic acid eliminates increased sebum secretion, which makes curls less greasy.

The product is applied directly to the scalp and rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements. It is convenient to pre-separate the strands and distribute the liquid along the partings. Hair should be clean and slightly damp. Before carrying out the procedure, it is important to use shampoo without silicones and refuse conditioner. There is no need to rinse off nicotinic acid: it does not spoil the appearance of the curls and leaves no odor.

After opening the ampoule, nicotinic acid must be used immediately, since when it reacts with air, the substance is destroyed.

Contact of the vitamin with the skin causes a feeling of warmth and slight tingling, possibly slight redness at the site of application. This reaction is normal and confirms the effectiveness of the method. If after a massage with nicotinic acid itching, rash or headache appears, use should be discontinued.

This massage can be performed every day for a month, using no more than two ampoules of the drug at a time. After completing the full course of therapy, you should take a break. You can continue using the product without harm after 3-4 weeks.

Recipes for masks with nicotine for treating and accelerating hair growth

To bring exhausted hair back to life, you can add nicotinic acid to oil masks.. Any oil is suitable for hair care, the main thing is that it is fresh and of high quality.

Among followers of natural cosmetics, the most popular oils are:

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • mustard.

It’s easy to prepare a mask: pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil into a plastic bowl and add 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid. These proportions are suitable for medium length hair. For short curls, one ampoule of product per 2 tablespoons of oil is enough. If your hair is thick, you should increase the volume of oil, but do not use more than two ampoules of acid.

Do not neglect to insulate your head during masks - this helps the substance to be absorbed into the skin faster and deeper, which will speed up the achievement of results.

Apply the finished mask to dry hair, paying special attention to the ends. Then wrap your head in cling film and wrap it with a towel: creating a greenhouse effect allows the product to be better absorbed. You can keep the mask on for 30 minutes to several hours, after which you should thoroughly rinse your hair and dry it as usual.

Another useful recipe: take a raw egg yolk as a mask, add one ampoule of nicotinic acid, a tablespoon of any oil and a capsule of vitamin E. Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap your head in a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off.

The egg mask should only be washed off with cool water to prevent the yolk from curdling.

A honey mask also helps saturate the curls with moisture: 5 tablespoons of honey should be mixed with 3 tablespoons of oil, steam the mixture and add 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid. Half an hour after application, wash off the mask.

Shine Shampoo

If you don’t have time to prepare homemade masks, but really want to treat your hair, you can use a simple and quick method: add nicotinic acid to shampoo.

The drug can only be mixed with shampoo that does not contain silicones. The presence of this substance in cosmetics prevents acid from entering the hair structure.

Washing your hair with this shampoo is very useful: your hair becomes shiny and looks healthy. Sometimes essential oils (2-5 drops) are added to the shampoo to achieve greater effect.

Anti-dandruff scrub: how to make and use

If massage with nicotinic acid does not bring visible results, it is worth adding a peeling procedure. To do this, you can prepare a scrub based on sea salt. The recipe is simple: add one ampoule of acid and 3 drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of salt. Apply the finished mixture to the scalp and massage for several minutes, then rinse with warm water using natural shampoo.

On dry, split ends, you need to additionally apply a layer of oil along the length to avoid even more damage when washing off the scrub.

Grains of salt deeply cleanse the scalp of dirt and dead particles, and nicotinic acid increases blood circulation. The production of sebum is normalized, which helps get rid of dandruff.

Contraindications for use

Nicotinic acid is a fairly safe drug if the recommended dosage is followed, however, there are absolute contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • allergic reaction;
  • hypertension;
  • migraine.

Pregnancy and lactation are considered relative contraindications for external use of nicotinic acid. The use of folk remedies during this period is possible only after consultation with a doctor.


Using niacin to speed up hair growth

Shiny hair flowing like a waterfall is an indispensable attribute of attractiveness. Women go to great lengths to meet the standard. Beauty salons offer the latest achievements in cosmetology, promising to make hair fuller and longer, but for a lot of money. Meanwhile, there are drugs that can help with this at home.

The use of nicotinic acid to improve hair growth weakened by stress and vitamin deficiency can be a miracle cure if you know how to use it correctly. And the price of nicotine is much less than the cost of salon care.

What is nicotinic acid

Despite the name, it has nothing to do with tobacco and bad habits. This drug is a form of vitamin B (PP) and can also be found under the names niacin and nicotinamide.

In medicine, a solution of nicotinic acid is used to treat diseases associated with metabolic disorders and acute vitamin deficiency. They are the main causes of hair problems.

Niacin exists in the form of whitish small grains, highly soluble in hot water. But more often vitamin PP is found in the form of a solution in ampoules or tablets.

It is usually injected intravenously, since intramuscular injection is very painful. The vasodilating properties of nicotinic acid are also used in physiotherapeutic treatment of hair with electrophoresis.

What are the benefits for hair?

Hair is a litmus test that reflects the state of the body. They are the first to show the negative changes occurring in it: they become thinner, grow slower, fade, and begin to fall out.

If there are no more serious reasons, then this often occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B. After all, it is precisely this that affects keratin protein, the main component of hair.

Acceleration of hair growth

When nicotinic acid is applied to the scalp, it gives a warming effect. Hair follicles that are “dormant” due to stress or diet can be perfectly stimulated.

Vitamin PP activates the blood supply to the blood vessels of the scalp, which gives the follicles additional energy for faster hair growth. As a result, the condition of the hair improves, it becomes more elastic, thicker and holds its shape better.

Baldness treatment

The vasodilating property of niacin helps in the treatment of hair loss. Hair restoration occurs due to increased blood flow in the skin, saturation of hair follicles with oxygen and vitamins.

Contraindications and harm

Vitamin PP can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. But you shouldn’t prescribe a course of injections on your own to improve the condition of your hair. This can cause more harm than good for your hair. It should not be used if you have:

  • Hypersensitivity to vitamin;
  • Peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • High blood pressure and atherosclerosis;
  • Kidney and liver diseases.

Relative contraindications are pregnancy and breastfeeding.
But healthy people can experience side effects even when using the product externally:

  • Noticeable redness of the scalp, neck, shoulders with a burning sensation;
  • Dizziness associated with a decrease in blood pressure due to the vasodilating effect of the drug;
  • Stomach and intestinal disorders.

Ways to use nicotinic acid at home

Niacin can be used in its pure form or in the preparation of masks, shampoos and elixirs.

It is better to wash oily hair before the procedure to facilitate penetration into its structure. If your hair is dry, you should not apply the pure solution to the entire length; it will make it even weaker and thinner. In this case, it is better to combine it with other ingredients.

Terms of use

Considering the contraindications and side effects of the use of nicotinic acid, as well as its properties and effects on hair and skin, It is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  • For application to hair, a solution is used, not tablets;
  • First you should try the product on your hand and wait a while. If there is no negative reaction, you can use the product;
  • You should not be alarmed by a slight tingling sensation on the skin; this is a normal reaction, which means that nicotinoamide is working. If you feel a strong burning sensation, it is better to wash off the product with shampoo;
  • For 1 procedure, it is enough to use 2 ampoules. Larger amounts may have the opposite effect;
  • If a negative reaction occurs after several sessions in the form of the appearance or intensification of dandruff, you should look for another hair product.

How to rub into the scalp

  • Open 2 ampoules and pour into plastic or glass containers.
  • Clean and slightly damp hair is separated using a comb with a sharp end. Rub into the skin of the forehead using massage movements, then into the sides and lastly the back of the head.
  • Apply the product using plastic gloves or a clean paint brush. The solution is not wiped off with a towel or washed off with water. It is odorless and does not change hair color, so you can safely go out in public.

To see the effectiveness of nicotinic acid for hair growth, it is enough to use it for a month. If there is a need to repeat the course of treatment, it is better to carry it out after 10-20 days.

Tablets and injections

Such procedures must be agreed upon with a doctor. Because if hair problems are caused by other reasons, instead of a thick braid, you can get hypervitaminosis and many other health problems.

  • Niacin is involved in the oxidative processes of the body. Therefore, taking tablets has a positive effect on hair growth and quality. Course - 15 days, 2 tablets per day with water or milk. Before taking, be sure to eat.
  • Intravenous injections of nicotinic acid promote strengthening and rapid growth of hair.
  • There is no point in giving injections to the head. Such “beauty injections” can provoke a severe allergy attack, hypertensive crisis or stroke.
  • It is better to combine injections or tablets with external use of the solution, so the effectiveness of the procedure will be higher.

Masks for hair growth and strengthening with nicotinic acid

The simplest mask recipe is to add vitamin PP to shampoo, 1 ampoule per serving for washing your hair. The shampoo should be kept on the head for 5-7 minutes, then rinsed off.
It is useful to add nicotine to chamomile decoctions, aloe and ginger juice. Masks with nicotinic acid are done every day for a month, not forgetting to monitor the skin reaction. Hair should be clean and slightly damp.

For dry hair

  • 1 ampoule of vitamin PP;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical tincture of eleutherococcus.

The mask is applied to the roots and entire length of the hair. It is enough to hold it for 1 hour to feel the effect. As a result, hair becomes elastic, but manageable and grows faster. The product is washed off with hot water.

For all hair types

With propolis and aloe

2 teaspoons each:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • aloe juice;
  • propolis tinctures.

The mask ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair and scalp for 40 minutes. After a couple of minutes, a feeling of pleasant tingling and warmth will appear. The mask is good for hair loss.

With egg and honey

  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • ½ tsp. vitamin E;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 ampoules of nicotine.

The mask should be rubbed into the scalp and applied along the entire length of the hair. After 1 hour, wash off the product with shampoo. Vitamin E and olive oil retain the right amount of moisture. Honey tones the skin, strengthens hair and saturates it with microelements.

For fine hair

  • 1 package of colorless henna;
  • ½ tbsp. l. yeast;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid;
  • a few drops of lemon verbena oil.

Henna is brewed with boiling water and cooled to 40 degrees. Yeast is diluted with water. After combining the ingredients, add oil and vitamin PP. You need to keep the mask for 1 hour, wrap your head with film and a scarf, and rinse with shampoo.

A mask with nicotinic acid stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth. Colorless henna makes curls thicker and stiffer, making them more voluminous. Yeast restores the structure of each hair. Lemon verbena oil moisturizes.

Where can I buy

For hair care, use a 1% solution of vitamin PP. Regular packaging - 10 ampoules of 1 ml each. For a one-time procedure, 1-2 pieces are enough. The price of a package of nicotinic acid ampoules in a pharmacy is no more than 60 rubles.

The benefits of nicotine have already been tested by many women. Nothing prevents you from combining the drug with other beneficial ingredients. After all, each of us knows that we love her curls.

Sometimes in recipes for traditional medicine and cosmetology there are components that, it would seem, are not intended for such purposes at all. For example, nicotinic acid is used quite successfully for hair health.

What is nicotinic acid, its benefits

Nicotinic acid or simply “nicotine” is a medicinal preparation of vitamin PP. Available in the form of tablets, solution and powder. This drug is most often introduced into the body through intravenous injections.

Despite the name, this substance has nothing to do with smoking and tobacco. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases associated with vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders, for preventive purposes against oncology.

This fortified composition improves vision and moisturizes the skin. Hair diseases are also treated with nicotinic acid.

That is why the solution began to be used for local external use. Who was the “author” of this method and when it was first used is unknown. But it is obvious that nicotinic acid improves the internal structure of hair and its appearance. Thanks to the unique properties of the vitamin, health and beauty are restored to the hair.

The benefits include the following:

  • Skin and hair cells are renewed;
  • The follicles and hair threads along the entire length are moisturized;
  • Damaged hair follicles are restored and strengthened;
  • The pigments responsible for hair color are intensively produced, thanks to this the dullness of the curls disappears, shine appears, and early gray hair is prevented;
  • Blood circulation in the scalp improves, and this stimulates an increased supply of oxygen and beneficial components to the hair;

Stress, illness, and, of course, insufficient hair care will immediately manifest as a deterioration in the condition of the hair. Nicotine will compensate for the deficiency of PP - a vitamin responsible for the quality of keratin protein - the main component of hair.

In contact with the skin, nicotinic acid produces a warming effect and this stimulates “dormant” follicles. In addition, the drug is a vasodilator and provokes increased blood flow, which has a positive effect on hairstyle. This property is indispensable in the treatment of baldness.

Using nicotine to treat and strengthen hair

Nicotinic acid tablets, taken in a course of 2 weeks, 2 tablets every day, can improve your overall health and hair quality. Injections of this drug into a vein are also beneficial for curls.

Tablets and injections are combined with external rubbing of a vitamin solution - this is how maximum benefits are achieved.

At home, to strengthen curls, a vitamin solution of nicotinic acid is often used - a colorless, odorless liquid sold in ampoules. It is used as an independent product or as part of various natural masks for treating hair and scalp.

It is necessary to know and follow the rules for using medications used for hair:

  1. Apply a mask based on nicotinic acid or the solution itself to a clean scalp, some time after bath procedures, when the hair is slightly dry.
  2. The composition is distributed with your fingers, but you can use a brush or pipette. The temporal areas are treated first, then the crown and back of the head.
  3. For each application, it is enough to use only one ampoule of nicotine, but if the hair is long and the solution is not enough, you can open a second ampoule. It is better to increase the volume of the product by adding other ingredients
  4. They enrich the vitamin composition with the following components: decoctions of medicinal herbs, essential vegetable oils, honey, aloe juice, yolks, ginger and others.
  5. The ampoules are opened immediately before applying or mixing the mask composition. The nicotine evaporates quite quickly, so the beneficial properties of the mask disappear after an hour.
  6. If nicotinic acid is applied as an independent product, it is not removed from the hair (there is no need to rinse and dry your hair); moreover, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 24 hours. Rinse your hair immediately before the next use of the drug.
  7. The effect of homemade masks with nicotinic acid, depending on the ingredients they contain, lasts approximately 40-60 minutes, after which they are removed with warm water
  8. The procedures must be regular (daily), the average course is 1 month. Then you need to take a break of the same duration
  9. If, after the first use of the drug, skin irritation or an allergic reaction occurs, this method should be abandoned.

Methods of application

There are several ways to use nicotinic acid. Let's look at the most effective ones.

Massage of the scalp

To enhance hair growth and solve problems with weakened strands, use a light head massage using nicotinic acid. To do this, the contents of the ampoule are poured into a convenient container, and the hair is divided into partings. The fingertips are moistened in the medicinal liquid and gradually the entire skin under the hair is treated with soft targeted pats.

The easiest way to use a vitamin composition is to add it to shampoo. Pour a solution from 1 ampoule into the required amount of detergent, which is usually used for washing your hair, lather your hair and hold for about 5 minutes, then rinse. It should be remembered that there is no need to pour nicotinic acid into the shampoo bottle - it will quickly lose its healing power.

Rinse aid

The PP solution can be used to prepare a hair rinse. It is necessary to make a herbal decoction in advance: pour medicinal raw materials (chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle) with hot water, leave for an hour, strain. After washing your hair, add nicotine solution to the broth and rinse your hair.

Effective homemade masks (12 recipes)

Attention! For all recipes, the contents of 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid are taken.

With pepper and aloe juice

Add all ingredients to the vitamin solution, mix and apply to the scalp. The mixture has the main effect on the hair follicles, so there is no need to apply the mask along the entire length of the hair, especially if the ends are split. After 40 minutes it is removed.

With propolis

You will need nicotine and propolis in the form of tincture - 20 ml

The liquid from the ampoule is combined with the tincture, kept on the hair for about an hour and washed off. For therapeutic purposes, at least 10 procedures should be performed. Just like the previous recipe, it is used to strengthen the hair roots.

With propolis and yolk

A more complex composition that is used for application to hair threads along the entire length.

  • PP solution – 1 ampoule
  • Yolk of 1 egg
  • Aloe juice – teaspoon
  • Propolis (tincture) – tablespoon

Combine the ingredients of the mask and distribute through the hair, leave for 40 minutes. It is better to rinse off without shampoo. If your hair is long and the amount of product is not enough, you should not add nicotine; add volume by adding additional yolk to the mask.


Beat the egg first, add the PP solution and other components, apply the product to wet strands. After holding for 30-40 minutes, rinse off the mask with water in which 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice is diluted.

For weakened hair that is falling out, the product should be used frequently – 3-4 times a week.


Beat the yolk with butter, gradually adding honey. If the beekeeping product is thick, it must be melted in a water bath. Then add nicotine. The mask is rubbed into the roots and coated all over the hair. After an hour, wash off, preferably without shampoo.

Vitamin mask

Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers by pouring hot water over them, waiting 30 minutes, and straining. Soak the bread in this broth. When the piece swells, mash it into a paste, add nicotinic acid and other vitamins, and mix. Apply all over your hair, after an hour wash your curls with acidified warm water.

The vitamin mask is effective and incredibly beneficial for the hair, especially in winter, when there is an acute lack of vitamins in the body.

With henna and verbena oil

Gradually add boiling water to the henna, stirring thoroughly to avoid lumps. Cool to body temperature (37 degrees), dissolve the yeast in warm water. Combine both components and add nicotinic acid solution and essential oil to them, mix everything well. After applying the mask to the hair, cover the head with a film and a warm scarf and leave for 1 hour. To rinse off, you can use a neutral shampoo.

With burdock oil

Enrich the PP solution by adding freshly squeezed aloe juice and burdock oil. Massage the solution into your hair and scalp, rinse off the mask after an hour.


Mix nicotinic acid, the contents of the capsule with vitamin A, oil and ginger. Apply exclusively to skin. A slight burning sensation is possible. You don’t need to keep the product on for a long time, 15 minutes is enough.

Ginger powder can be successfully replaced with the same amount of raw root, mashed into a paste.

With jojoba oil

Pour the nicotine solution into a bowl, add the contents of the vitamin capsule, yolk and honey, and beat well. Melt the candied honey first. Apply the mask in an even layer to washed and slightly dried hair, “comb” the strands with your fingers, collect the hair and wrap it. Leave for an hour. Rinse with water and citric acid (1 teaspoon per liter).

With Eleutherococcus

Combine all the components, add nicotine to them and apply first to the roots, then along the entire length of the hair shafts. The duration of the composition is 45-60 minutes.

With dimexide

Add the anti-inflammatory drug “Dimexide” and any good quality refined vegetable oil to nicotinic acid, shake thoroughly. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply, gently rubbing into the skin under the hair. It is enough to hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, then it must be washed off. The recipe is used for a month, 2 times a week.

Even if there is no inflammation on the head, you can use this recipe. "Dimexide" has a unique penetrating ability, entering deep into the tissues, it transports other useful substances.

Contraindications, possible harm

Nicotinic acid, regardless of its release form, is a medicinal product, so before using it you must seek the advice of a doctor. Even the obvious benefits of the solution for hair do not cancel out the side effects that occur when the product is used incorrectly.

There are practically no contraindications to the external effects of PP solution, with the exception of individual intolerance to the product, however, if it is used excessively, allergic reactions and other negative consequences may occur. These include itching, headache, burning, and rash.

Before applying the drug or masks based on it, you should conduct a test in advance (one day before). Apply the product to the elbow. Almost everyone, both during testing and subsequent rubbing into the scalp, experiences a slight burning sensation and warming of the treated area. This is normal - this is how the reaction between nicotine and skin manifests itself.

But if the burning sensation is strong and dizziness occurs, it means that the skin is too sensitive and nicotinic acid irritates it. In this case, the solution should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio before application, or this method of treatment should be abandoned altogether.

In no case should you give “beauty” injections into the scalp; in this case, nicotinic acid can provoke a severe allergy attack, a jump in blood pressure, and a stroke.

Proper use of the vitamin preparation will not cause harm to the strands and their roots. For your safety, you should follow the necessary recommendations:

  1. During the first procedure, only a small amount of the drug should be applied. If no side effects occur within 24 hours, the amount of nicotinic acid can be increased, but not more than 1 ampoule
  2. If you use the product frequently, do you experience headaches or increased blood pressure? This means that daily use is contraindicated. Masks should be applied no more than 1-2 times a week
  3. If dry scalp and dandruff appear after several procedures, you should stop using nicotine.

There are many ways to improve the condition of your curls using home treatments and folk recipes. Having weighed all the “pros” and “cons” of the effects of nicotinic acid, each individual decides to use the drug or pay attention to other available products.

Nicotinic acid (or niacinamide (niacin), or nicotinamide, or more simply vitamin PP) is widely used in the cosmetics industry in the production of hair care products. But also in home care, the product can be used to strengthen and grow hair. You can find it in any pharmacy at a price absolutely affordable for everyone (25-30 rubles).


Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

The main function of nicotinic acid is to dilate and strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, treat, nourish and vitaminize hair. The use of ready-made and homemade products with vitamin PP has a complex effect on the hair, saturates the hair follicles with oxygen, intensively moisturizes and strengthens the hair, which results in stopping the process of hair loss, the disappearance of dandruff, and stimulation of hair growth.

The product is especially recommended for women who are experiencing hair loss (including partial baldness), or for those who want to grow their hair in a short time. Those with oily hair types will also benefit from using this product in their care, as it has a drying effect and can control sebum production.

The drug is available in two forms, in the form of ampoules (local use) and tablets (for internal use on the recommendation of a doctor). For cosmetic purposes, it is advisable to choose nicotinic acid in polymer tubes rather than in glass ampoules. This is the most convenient and absolutely safe to use. This form of release allows you to apply the composition specifically to the hair roots. In addition, at the pharmacy you should not purchase dosage forms that are used for injections, but those specifically intended for cosmetic procedures.

Nicotinic acid for hair from Renewal is just such a product. The product is adapted for use for cosmetic purposes and has a number of advantages compared to nicotinic acid produced in the form of injections:

  • safe Bufus packaging, presented in conveniently opened polymer ampoules;
  • larger volume of active substance;
  • instructions for use containing information aimed at strengthening and solving other hair problems.

Nicotinic acid for hair from Renewal is presented in 10 convenient dropper tubes of 5 ml each. You can purchase it at most pharmacy chains and online pharmacies.

You can get more information about Nicotinic acid for hair Renewal on the website

Contraindications and harms of topical use of nicotinic acid

  1. Presence of individual vitamin intolerance.
  2. Tendency to allergies.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. History of cerebral hemorrhage.

The use of nicotinic acid to accelerate hair growth

For home use, nicotinic acid is used as a component of healing masks to strengthen and grow hair (with herbal decoctions, propolis, ginger, aloe juice, etc.), and as an independent product. In the latter case, it is rubbed into the scalp, the positive effect becomes noticeable after two weeks of regular use, the appearance and condition of the hair apparently improves, dandruff disappears and many other problems of the scalp and hair are solved. The acid applies well, is odorless, and does not have a sticky effect on the hair.

Nicotinic acid is effective for hair loss and partial baldness, but only if these factors are not the result of a serious illness. Therefore, before using nicotine, you should consult a specialist.

Video: The benefits and effect of nicotinic acid for hair.

Vitamin PP for hair growth is used in a course of 30 days, respectively, 30 ampoules are needed. The product should be rubbed into the scalp on previously washed hair with shampoo (except for products with silicone) and dried. This way, the penetration and action of nicotinic acid will be as effective as possible. Rub the product in with your fingertips, trying to distribute it evenly over the entire scalp. To do this, it is good to divide the strands into partings and apply in the direction from the temples to the crown. It is important not to overdo it, nicotinic acid is quite allergenic, so one ampoule is designed for one procedure. It is important to open the ampoule with nicotinic acid immediately before application, since upon contact with air the product quickly breaks down, losing its properties.

During the procedure, there is a slight burning sensation or intense heat, slight redness and tingling of the skin. These manifestations are normal, but if you experience itching, hives all over the body, an allergic rash or even a headache, it means that you have an individual intolerance, nicotinic acid is not suitable for you, you should wash your hair and not use the product again.

If, while using nicotinic acid, the scalp becomes dry and dandruff appears, it means that you have a sensitive scalp, so before use, vitamin PP should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Nicotinic acid does not require rinsing. It needs to be applied daily (or every other day, then it will take two months), preferably in the late afternoon for a month. At the end of the course you need to take a break for a couple of months. This intensive course gives hair growth up to 3 cm per month.

Masks for strengthening and growing hair with nicotinic acid, recipes

Procedures should be carried out 1-2 times every seven days. The course of treatment consists of 5 procedures. After a three-month break, the course can be repeated.

Egg mask.

Strengthens the structure and moisturizes, eliminates irritation, adds shine, and prevents hair loss.


Vitamin E – 1 capsule.
Flaxseed oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Eleutherococcus tincture – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all components and apply to the scalp, distributing the residue along the entire length of the hair. Before the procedure, the head must be washed and the hair dried. Keep the mask for an hour under film and a towel. Rinse off with running water without using shampoo. A similar mask can be applied in another way: first rub nicotinic acid into the scalp, and after half an hour make a mask with the remaining ingredients.

Nourishing henna mask.

Gives shine, nourishes, strengthens.

Colorless henna – 100 g.
Hot water – 300 g.
Live yeast – 30 g.
Warm water - a little.
Nicotinic acid – 1 ampoule.
Verbena oil – 5 drops.

Brew henna with boiling water, dilute the yeast separately with warm water. After 5 minutes, combine the resulting mixtures, add vitamin PP and verbena oil. Apply the composition to the scalp and hair (it is better to slightly wet it), leave under the film for 40 minutes, then rinse with running water.

Egg and honey mask for hair strengthening and growth.

Nourishes, stops hair loss, adds shine, strengthens.

Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid – 1 ampoule.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E in oil – 10 drops.

Grind honey and yolk into a homogeneous mixture, add acid, oil and vitamin E. Apply the mixture to the scalp and the entire length of the strands, leave for an hour under a film and a towel cap. After the specified time, rinse the mask with running water without using shampoo.

Video: Home remedy to speed up hair growth.

Aloe mask.

Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid – 3 ampoules.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the strands. After twenty minutes, wash your hair with running water. This mask is designed for long hair; for short hair, one ampoule of niacin will be enough.

Vitamin-nutritious mask for hair growth with nicotinic acid.

Vitamin A or retinol – ½ tsp.
Flax oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid – 1 ampoule.
Raw chicken yolk – 1 pc.
Vitamin E – ½ tsp.

First, combine the vitamins, then add the yolk and butter. Rub the finished mixture into the roots, distribute the rest along the entire length of the curls. Leave the composition for 60 minutes under film and a warm towel. Apply the mask to clean and dry hair. Wash off the composition with running water without using shampoo.

Hair strengthening mask with aloe juice.

Niacin – 1 ampoule.
Propolis tincture – 2 tsp.
Aloe juice – 2 tsp.

Combine the ingredients of the mask, massage into the roots and apply to the hair. After 40 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm running water. It is important to let your hair dry naturally.

Let me remind you that to obtain proper effectiveness, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and not abuse nicotinic acid, otherwise you may get the opposite effect. Take care of yourself, be healthy and beautiful!

In recent years, nicotinic acid has become increasingly common not only in cosmetic products for permanent hair care, but also in homemade masks that women use to care for their curls on their own.

Is this substance really useful, does it heal, stimulate, nourish, and also does it strengthen the hair?

Do not confuse vitamin nicotinic acid with the cigarette component.

Doctors know that nicotinic acid is vitamin PP, the medicinal and cosmetic properties of which have been known for a long time. It helps cope with diabetes, improve carbohydrate metabolism, and has a vasodilating effect.

Pork liver, legumes, yeast, fish, some types of meat, cow's milk, some vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, etc. are rich in nicotinic acid.

In the field of cosmetology, it actively affects the hair roots, improves blood supply, which is beneficial for strengthening and activating the growth of curls.

After treatment with liquid vitamin PP, hairs stop falling out and constantly splitting, become more manageable, softer, and noticeably thicker. Thanks to this hair care, gray hairs appear less often.

  1. It is also possible to treat hair with nicotinic acid at home. It’s very easy to prepare homemade skincare masks based on it, and the results from their use are noticeable after just a couple of procedures. In addition to folk masks, it is added to store-bought balms, professional shampoos, and hair oils.
  2. Vitamin acid quickly saturates hair strands, restoring their original healthy structure, strengthens blood vessels and nourishes hair follicles.
  3. Vitamin PP dilates blood vessels, increases the elasticity of their walls, and improves their functioning. It is quickly absorbed by the epidermis, so the hair follicles are strengthened deep from the inside and begin to grow.
  4. Versatility of use. Nicotinic acid is indicated for any type of hair. It normalizes fat metabolism and does not dry out thin and blow-dried curls. There is no sticky or greasy residue left on the hair strands after products with nicotinic acid, as well as a specific odor.
  5. The hair roots are more quickly saturated with oxygen, which has a very beneficial effect on the beauty of the curls. They become stronger and longer. This is important for those who have been struggling with hair loss for a long time.

Read also how you can quickly restore your hair.


In general, vitamin niacin is safe. But it should be used with caution by allergy sufferers, people with increased intraocular pressure and hypertension, as well as those suffering from migraines and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Even if the above contraindications are absent, before using the product, doctors and cosmetologists advise applying a little of it to your hand. If redness appears, nicotinic acid should not be used on hair.

The use of liquid nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules

Nicotinic acid is sold in pharmacies in tablet form to be taken orally, as well as in the form of liquid in ampoules. The latter form is ideal for use for cosmetic purposes. But it is important to follow some rules:

Nicotinic acid for hair growth in tablet form

Tablets with vitamin acid are not applied to the hair, but taken orally. The effect is felt after a couple of weeks.

Vitamin PP minimizes hair loss and rapidly reduces the amount of hair remaining on combs. The growth of new small hairs is noticeable, and they appear more actively.

Therefore, if hair loss occurs, hair begins to grow worse, and becomes dull, then you need to think about taking vitamin PP in tablets. It has a wonderful effect on the beauty of hair.

1 vitamin tablet per day is enough.

You shouldn't abuse them. All signs of intolerance and side effects may appear - rash, severe tingling, hives, headaches and dizziness.

The best combination masks with nicotinic liquid acid

Flaxseed oil plus nicotinic acid.

An ampoule of liquid vitamin is mixed with high-quality purchased flaxseed oil, liquid egg yolk is added, and a couple of drops of vitamin E, also in liquid form.

Spread this homemade mixture onto washed, slightly damp hair, massaging with your fingers and rubbing in the nutrients. The head is wrapped in film and a towel and left for an hour. Then the mask with vitamins is washed off. It is designed for a monthly course.

Nicotinic acid plus aloe juice.

2 ampoules of vitamin PP are mixed with aloe extract. It is also sold in pharmacies or prepared independently from the leaves of the plant.

Add half a spoon of nutritious propolis tincture to the mixture. The mask is gently rubbed into the roots of washed curls, kept for 30-40 minutes and rinsed thoroughly with warm water. The acid course is designed for 10 times with a day break.

Mustard and liquid vitamin PP.

Dry mustard powder (a couple of spoons) is diluted in heated water. Mix with yolk, a spoonful of sugar and a couple of nicotine ampoules. Apply directly to the roots of washed hair.

Keep it for an hour, wrapping your head in plastic and a towel. Then carefully wash off with shampoo. This mask, which restores and regulates hair growth, is designed for everyday use. The course is a month.

Jojoba oil plus liquid nicotinic acid.

A product with such a restorative vitamin composition is ideal for all curls, dry, oily, combined, and after chemicals.

The mask normalizes greasiness, regenerates, and moisturizes the hair, helping to grow thick, shiny curls. Jojoba oil, an ampoule of nicotinic vitamin acid, a solution of vitamin E, and also a little liquid honey are poured into the mask.

Candied honey is pre-melted. The mixture is kept on the head, wrapped in a bag, for 40-50 minutes. Then rinse all the strands with water, adding apple cider vinegar or the juice of one lemon.

The mask does not give an unpleasant odor, but only shimmer and freshness to the hairstyle.

Thanks to such vitamin masks with nicotinic acid, curls become stronger, do not become greasy for a long time, acquire greater volume, and also grow much faster.

It is normal if you feel warm after applying vitamin masks. An uncomfortable burning or tingling sensation is a sign of an allergy. The product needs to be washed off immediately!



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