Monthly is not necessary? Blood in a woman without menstruation Are there women without menstruation.

Olga Lukinskaya

We often talk about the discomfort associated with menstruation.: this is an eternal search for the ideal, the fear of soiling clothes, feeling unwell, and also the complexity of the topic itself, which is still very taboo. The absence of menstruation is also a difficult topic: it can cause various diseases, and it is no less difficult to talk about it - after all, in a society where the birth of a child is considered the purpose of a woman, it is easy to acquire the status of “inferior” due to cycle violations. Sonya Borisova, who faced prolonged amenorrhea, told how the treatment went and how this condition forced her to change her relationship with her own body and with the outside world.

Now I'm twenty-one, and the story began almost three years ago: I stopped menstruating. At first I did not pay much attention to this and did not sound the alarm, I decided to just wait. It was autumn, a new semester began at the institute, at the same time I worked part-time as a nanny - in general, there was no time for doctors.

At that moment, I had a very difficult relationship with my own body. I was painfully dissatisfied with my appearance and tortured myself: periods of starvation were replaced by breakdowns, when I could eat an incredible amount of food. After that, I worried, cried, and sometimes beat myself on the arms and legs and screamed how I hated my body. The thighs seemed especially thick and ugly to me.

When the periods disappeared, I thought that this was some kind of temporary “glitch” of the body and waited for two months. Then I turned to a free clinic, where I was not particularly examined - they only ruled out pregnancy - and they recommended taking a course of hormonal pills, only ten days. It did not help, and I again went to the doctor. I spent the whole winter and spring in this mode: a trip to the clinic, pills, tests with good results, recommendations to wait more, a trip to another doctor, and so on.

At first I hated my body
even more: she was angry that it was not only “ugly”, but also unhealthy
and "inferior"

In the end, the sister, having learned that there was no progress in the treatment, insisted on going to a private doctor and generally conveyed to me a very important idea: this is not a joke that you can close your eyes to, but a real problem. A young girl who has no menstruation for six months for some unknown reason is at least strange and possibly dangerous. I got scared, started going to private doctors and undergoing even more examinations - but nothing helped.

The worst thing is that another factor has been added to my negative perception of myself: perhaps I am infertile and I do not have an “important female function” - the ability to give birth to a child. At first, I hated my body even more: I was angry that it was not only “ugly”, but also unhealthy and “inferior”. But gradually this situation filled me with a fighting spirit and self-confidence that I had never experienced before. I thought about it and rethought social “prescriptions” on the topics of how a woman should look, how she should behave, and what is her “purpose” after all.

Why am I exhausting myself physically and mentally? Why does this make so many women around? How can the presence of a child and a husband determine whether a woman has succeeded in this life or not? I understood that perhaps right now the prospects and goals of my life are being determined, and if my body is barren, this should not be the end of the world. I have a huge number of other opportunities, I can devote my life to traveling, creativity, work, self-development. After all, I can do a good deed by adopting a foster child.

In general, my idea was simple: I am not inferior, I am the way I am, with my appearance and health. I love myself and want to enjoy life. All these thoughts swept over my head - I plunged into the study of feminism and body positivity and finally came to a balance. Of course, I continued the treatment, but without panic and destructive thoughts like “what will I do on this earth if I can’t give birth?” I continued treatment simply to be healthy and avoid unpleasant consequences.

They explained to me that if ovarian dysfunction is not treated, the changes can become irreversible, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus also increases. My mother and sisters supported me a lot: both in my new perception of myself and financially, treatment in private clinics costs a lot. The situation hit my father hard - he was very worried about my probable infertility and spoke on this score more than once. I'm not offended - after all, the way he perceives it is predetermined by culture and society.

In the end, I found a good doctor and I am eternally grateful to her. After all the examinations, it was decided that amenorrhea was caused by stress - no other problems were found in the body. The doctor made a treatment plan, and first I needed to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, and only then I started taking hormonal drugs. Two years later, the treatment worked and I finally got my period. Until the therapy is over, I have regular ultrasound scans, and the final recovery is still far away.

When I told my dad that I was on the mend, he first said that then you need to give birth as soon as possible, since health allows, and “the institute and work will wait”

A funny fact, once again confirming what kind of world we live in: when I told my dad that I was on the mend, he first of all said that then we should give birth as soon as possible, since health allows, and "the institute and work will wait." My father is a good man, and I love him - but such cases illustrate how much our society is permeated with archaic ideas.

This experience greatly influenced my work. Now I draw body-positive illustrations in my account in instagram I try to tell and show that any body deserves respect and there is no need to focus on fictitious standards of beauty and reproach yourself for a “not such” appearance. I am sure that hatred of my body, attempts to lose weight and lack of peace of mind led me to amenorrhea. Without the imposed standards of beauty, girls would experience less stress and shed fewer tears. If there were no negative attitudes towards women who cannot or do not want to have children, they would no longer experience tremendous pressure. I'm tired of thinking that I owe everything to everyone. I will enjoy life regardless of whether I have children or have stretch marks on my bottom.

None of the physiological manifestations inherent in the body has evoked so many diverse emotions in humanity as menstruation. Women during critical days were idolized and despised. And until now, science cannot clearly answer the question: why are these monthly bloodlettings needed?

In ancient times, there were two attitudes towards a menstruating woman. According to the first, she was idolized. It was believed that during this period she can work miracles: stop storms and thunderstorms, with only one desire to destroy the caterpillars of the olive grove. Protective properties were attributed to menstrual blood: it saved soldiers from injury, buildings from fires, metal from rust. The thread soaked in it cured headaches and saved from seizures.
Echoes of this mystical attitude to women's bleeding have survived to this day: it is believed that if a man adds menstrual blood to red wine, then he can be bewitched.

Vessel of sin
But the most characteristic at all times was a negative attitude towards menstruation. Like everything incomprehensible, they caused anxiety, fear and a desire to isolate themselves from them. It was believed that a woman during menstruation brings evil: in her presence, wine sours, grain does not sprout, bees die, miscarriages occur in female animals, etc. In the Middle Ages, a lady was forbidden to visit religious places on critical days, because at that time she was a "vessel of sin." By the way, in the Orthodox faith, it is still forbidden for menstruating women to kiss icons, the cross, get married, and generally appear in church.
In many countries, women were generally removed from society for this period: somewhere they were put in dark cages for 5-7 days, and somewhere they were even hung in a hammock under the roof so that they would not come into contact with surrounding objects.
I must say that in the old days, menstruation was not as common as it is today. Girls got married very early, and then gave birth, breastfed and quickly died. If we add to this also malnutrition, stress (especially in the paranoid Middle Ages), delaying the onset of menstruation, it becomes clear why the appearance of blood on linen caused fear in both sexes.

Indian womenduring this period it was supposed to wear a veil. It was impossible to be present when fishing, hunting. A woman was instructed to warn of her approach, since from the very sight of her a person could get sick, become gray-haired.
Indonesians were forbidden to go to tobacco and rice fields during this period - the harvest could be lost.
In France and Germany women were not accepted to wine and breweries, it was believed that during the critical period their products turned sour. In the south of France, it was believed that even the breath of menstruating ladies spoiled the taste of mayonnaise.
In Israel, there is an opinion that a woman on the “red days of the calendar” is “unclean”. They are forbidden to have sexual relations under pain of death. Only after the complete end of menstruation and the wife taking a cleansing bath can she fulfill her marital duty.
In Syria, they were sure that food cooked by a woman during menstruation quickly spoiled.

Farewell, tampex?
You can, of course, laugh at the ancient fear of menstruation and explain it as just ignorance. However, even today no one will deny that a woman on critical days is not entirely adequate. If she is a surgeon and operates during this period of the patient, the wound may not heal for a long time. If the cook - the food is not as tasty as always, and the dough does not rise well.
At the beginning of the last century, the Austrian gynecologist B. Schick announced his discovery: during menstruation in women, a substance appears in the sweat secreted on the palms, from which roses wither. He called it "menstrual poison". The scientist's observations were accepted with distrust by the scientific community. But in the 1950s, physiologists confirmed B. Shik's data. This "poison" turned out to be prostaglandin hormones. Probably, they are the ones that have such a depressing effect on the environment.
Of course, many phenomena that occur around a woman during this period are explained by a large loss of energy during menstruation. After all, a person who experiences problems with well-being cannot fully devote himself to some external cause.
A woman produces between 300 and 500 eggs during her lifetime. Only 1 - 2 are fertilized. The rest are destroyed. As a result, a woman loses 30 to 40 percent of her vitality. And if you find a way to stop menstruation, you can imagine how much positive energy will spill out into the world! It is positive, because during critical days, mostly negative is produced.
This idea is not new. Taoism, for example, explains that the main loss of energy in the weaker sex occurs precisely during menstruation. Therefore, in this teaching there are a number of exercises and meditations aimed at stopping menstruation. If a woman wants to give birth to a child, she, again with the help of asanas, restores them.
Modern research in this direction is also underway. It is already possible to sew a special capsule into the forearm that works as a contraceptive. In this case, menstruation stops for more than six months. However, this tool is still not perfect enough - it can be very difficult to “start” the menstrual cycle again later. However, in the US, there are already pills that reduce the number of periods to one every few months.
And recently, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the introduction of a new drug into the country's market, which, when taken daily, completely stops menstruation. Clinical trials have shown that Wyeth's Lybrel is safe enough for everyday use. But still, the main purpose of this drug is to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Perhaps there will be other drugs that can stop and restore menstruation without compromising health. And then our women will be spared from their difficult "slight malaise", and hence the problems that they cause.


Many women try to get rid of them, however, this is the wrong approach, because first you need to figure out whether this is a norm or a pathology.

Discharges with blood in gynecology are of particular interest, since they can appear in absolutely healthy women and be considered the norm, but they are also often a sign of pathology.

What is monthly?

Menstruation is a physiological process in a woman's body, an external manifestation of the menstrual cycle, which proceeds cyclically and is regulated by sex hormones. They occur in women who have reached puberty, and are aimed at procreation.

  • last 2-7 days;
  • red or scarlet discharge, odorless;
  • physiological blood loss of 50 ml per cycle, more intense in the first days, then gradually subsides.

Having dealt with the question “What is menstruation?”, Let's decide in what periods of a woman's life discharge with blood can appear in normal and pathological conditions, but at the same time they are not associated with menstruation.

Childhood period

Under normal conditions, during the period from birth to the onset of menarche (first menstruation), no discharge should occur from the genital tract. This is due to the anatomical structure of the reproductive system, as well as a very low level of sex hormones. The appearance of any discharge, especially with blood impurities, is a clear sign of pathology.

  • infectious diseases;
  • trauma;
  • premature development of the genital area;
  • diseases of the urinary system.


This pathology occurs in girls during the period of years and is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). Today, DMC is a very serious and frequent pathology, often requiring medical intervention. DMC bleeding is associated with a violation of the formation of sex hormones in the ovaries.

Also, the causes of bloody discharge can be:

  • anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs;
  • trauma;
  • infections;
  • severe stress;
  • hypovitaminosis against the background of an unbalanced diet.

DMC can appear during menstruation, but they can be distinguished by more intense and prolonged discharge with blood. There are also options when bleeding begins after a cycle delay of several weeks. Usually DMC last more than 7 days, can reach a duration of a month or more with undulating periods of amplification and weakening. Against this background, girls develop anemia. With DMK, the menstrual cycle and menstruation are disturbed.

reproductive period

Blood-colored discharge is often normal in women in the reproductive period, but there are a number of pathological causes that can cause them.

The relationship of spotting with the menstrual cycle and menstruation

The appearance of red discharge can occur at different periods of the menstrual cycle, which can cause a number of pathological factors.

Causes of discharge before / after menstruation:

  • taking hormonal contraceptives or having an intrauterine device;
  • emergency contraception with pastinor, gynepristone;
  • severe stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient function of the thyroid gland;
  • imbalance of sex hormones.

In the middle of the cycle, discharge can also occur and normally they occur in 3 out of 10 women, this is due to the onset of the physiological process of ovulation. These selections are characterized by:

  • a small amount of;
  • last up to 3 days, but there is no need to use pads and tampons;
  • mucous membranes are bright red, scarlet or light brown.

Pathological causes of spotting during this period:

  • trauma;
  • decreased function of the endocrine glands;
  • erosion;
  • polyposis, adenomyosis, fibroids;
  • inflammatory diseases (endometritis);
  • STIs (ureoplasmosis, trichomoniasis);
  • early miscarriage.

When such discharge occurs, it is necessary to pay special attention to your health, namely:

  • consult a doctor;
  • undergo ultrasound and fibroscopic examination of the uterus and vagina;
  • laboratory study of the secret.

Bleeding during pregnancy

Normally, slight bleeding can be a sign of an onset of pregnancy, this is due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall and its vessels. Bleeding is scanty, weak, almost imperceptible and occurs a week before the start of the next menstruation, and is often regarded as premature menstruation.

The presence of any discharge with blood (their color, duration and nature is not important) in pregnant women should be regarded as a manifestation of pathology, even in the absence of pain and discomfort.

The reasons may be:

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • placenta previa;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • microtrauma of vessels by erosion, tear of the cervix;
  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta.

All secretions of a bloody nature during this period are very dangerous, as they can suddenly begin, sharply intensify and lead to fatal consequences.

  • severe dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • sudden decrease in blood pressure and pulse strength;
  • blanching, profuse sweating.
  • stomach ache.

When the above symptoms are combined with bleeding, you should immediately call emergency care.

Early postpartum period

In the early postpartum period, all women normally have physiological secretions (lochia), which in appearance resemble rare, diluted blood, bright red in color. In their composition, they combine the remains of the maternal part of the placenta, mucus and blood itself. As a rule, lochia are allocated during the day, but their duration is often up to 50 days. Normally, their intensity gradually decreases, their color also changes. In the first week, lochia looks very much like menstruation, however, they stand out in much larger quantities. A month later, they become scarce in the form of a “daub”, but by the 8th week, the discharge from the genital tract becomes normal.

Sex and spotting

A dark secret in a small amount with mucus after sexual contact is regarded as a variant of the norm, but if profuse bleeding occurs with pain and discomfort, one should talk about pathology. This type of discharge is called postcoital bleeding.

Causes of postcoital spotting:

  • mechanical damage during too violent sexual intercourse;
  • ectropion, erosion;
  • STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea);
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases (cervicitis, vaginitis);
  • polyps;
  • taking medicines that reduce blood clotting (aspirin);
  • the use of contraceptives leads to thinning of the genital tract mucosa, as a result, the risk of damage to it is increased;
  • malignant neoplasms of the cervix.

Medical manipulations and bleeding

Quite a common phenomenon associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the reproductive tract during gynecological procedures, as a rule, does not pose a health hazard. The main thing is that such a slight bleeding should stop within 1-2 days, and the next menstruation usually comes on time.

Instrumental abortion is a more complex gynecological operation. It is always associated with extensive trauma to the vessels of the uterine wall. Medical abortion is also a cause of bleeding. Usually they should pass in a week, a maximum of two after the start of the procedure. After it, the next menstruation comes on time in 90% of women, while the rest may experience a delay of up to two weeks.

menopause period

The menopause period is a transitional stage in a woman's life, starting at the moment of the cessation of menstruation. On average, this happens with age. This is due to a decrease in the natural hormonal background in the female body. On this basis, the physiological involution of the reproductive system takes place. Bloody discharge, as a rule, can occur at the beginning of the menopause period and is characterized by scarcity, dark color, they can last up to several weeks and months. Not infrequently, they can reappear in the first 3-5 years. But it is important to know that the occurrence of any bleeding during the postmenopausal period should be regarded as a dangerous symptom, because it may be associated with the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

In conclusion, it must be said that gynecological bleeding is a serious pathology and only a doctor should deal with its treatment, fortunately, modern medicine in our time is able to cure most of the women's problems. In no case do not self-medicate, even if you think you know the cause of the disease, because an erroneous interpretation of the symptoms often leads to irreparable consequences. And remember, most diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

After menstruation, the discharge becomes closer to brownish hues with a transition to yellow. . If large blood clots are observed coming out, then this indicates poor blood clotting or a strong bend.

Light brown discharge before menstruation speaks of approaching critical days and is not a pathology. Abundant and viscous mucous discharge with streaks of blood, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, are noted.

What are the causes of bleeding from the vagina?

Causes of spotting

Bloody discharge from the vagina is the general name for a large group of symptoms that occur in women in various situations and for various reasons. So, spotting can appear in different phases of the menstrual cycle, last for a different period of time, have a variant intensity, etc. Each condition is characterized by spotting from the vagina with strictly defined characteristics, which allow the doctor to distinguish one disease from another.

  • Implantation bleeding at conception. When a fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus, a woman may experience light, spotting bleeding that lasts for several days. Such implantation bleeding develops even before the delay of menstruation, when the woman still does not know exactly about the onset of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is a normal variant;
  • pathology of pregnancy. Bloody discharge in a woman in the early stages of gestation may be a symptom of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. In late pregnancy, spotting always indicates a serious pathology, for example, placental abruption, the threat of premature birth, etc .;
  • Ovulation bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Usually, ovulation bleeding is scanty, and spotting is spotting, and they occur strictly in the middle of the menstrual cycle (10 to 15 days after the start of the last menstruation). The duration of such ovulation bleeding ranges from several hours to two days. Women should remember that ovulatory bleeding is a variant of the norm and does not indicate the presence of any pathology;
  • Bloody discharge against the background of the first months of using hormonal contraceptives (pills, patches, rings, implants, prolonged injections, etc.) is a variant of the norm, since the woman's body "adjusts" to a new mode of functioning for it. The fact is that the hormonal contraceptive contains a strictly defined amount of hormones that enters the bloodstream. And the woman's body has previously become accustomed to a different concentration of its own hormones, as a result of which it needs some time to rebuild. Therefore, during the first 2 to 4 months from the start of the use of hormonal contraceptives, a woman may experience irregular bleeding from the vagina. Such discharge is usually spotty and lasts up to several days. In the vast majority of cases, spotting stops a few months after the start of the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • Missing one or more hormonal birth control pills. Due to the skipping of pills in the woman's body, the hormonal background is lost, which can provoke a short spotting. Usually, spotting on the background of skipping a contraceptive hormonal pill appears after a few days and lasts a very short period of time - from hours to 2 days;
  • The presence of an intrauterine device. Any spiral fits snugly to the mucous membrane of the internal cavity of the uterus, as a result of which the process of natural detachment of the endometrium may change. In a certain sense, the spiral prevents endometrial detachment, delaying or changing the nature of menstrual bleeding. In addition, ordinary metal or plastic coils irritate the walls of the uterus, causing it to contract intensely. It is these active contractions of the uterus that can provoke the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. Usually spotting occurs shortly after menstruation and continues for several days. In the presence of an ordinary spiral, such discharge of a bloody nature is a variant of the norm. If a woman uses a hormonal spiral with progesterone, then the mechanism for the development of spotting is somewhat different. So, progesterone, released from the spiral, makes the uterus thin and extremely susceptible to any injuries and injuries. As a result, after the installation of the hormonal coil for several months, a woman may have irregular bleeding from the vagina in the intermenstrual period. Over time, they decrease, and 6 to 12 months after the installation of the hormonal coil, even menstruation may stop in a woman. However, against the background of the hormonal spiral, this condition is a variant of the norm.

The above possible causes of bleeding from the vagina are physiological, that is, they are a response to various changes in the mechanism of functioning of the female body.

2. Hormonal imbalance:

  • elevated levels of prolactin in the blood;
  • low levels of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism);
  • increased levels of sex hormones in the blood.

3. Instability in the work and coordination of the mechanisms that regulate the onset of ovulation and the production of sex hormones by the ovaries. According to the old terminology, such spotting in women was called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Most often they develop in girls under 20 years of age or in women over 45 years of age, since it is in these age categories that instability of the regulatory systems and mechanisms that control the menstrual cycle appears.

1. Pathology of the blood coagulation system;

2. Taking drugs that affect blood clotting (for example, Warfarin, Heparin, oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, antidepressants, etc.).

Which doctor should I contact with bleeding?

If bloody discharge from the vagina appears in any quantity, any shade, combined with any other symptoms, you must contact a gynecologist (make an appointment). If we are talking about a girl or a teenager, then you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

What tests can doctors prescribe for spotting?

Bloody discharge from the vagina can be triggered by relatively harmless and life-threatening diseases. Potentially safe diseases are those that cannot lead to death within a short period of time in the absence of qualified medical care. And diseases are considered dangerous, which, without medical assistance, can lead to the death of a woman literally within the next few hours or days.

  • Blood test for cortisol (hydrocortisone) levels;
  • Blood test for the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin);
  • Blood test for the level of triiodothyronine (T3);
  • Blood test for thyroxine level (T4);
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to thyroperoxidase (AT-TPO);
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to thyroglobulin (AT-TG);
  • Blood test for the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • Blood test for luteinizing hormone (LH) levels;
  • Blood test for prolactin level (sign up);
  • Blood test for estradiol levels;
  • Blood test for dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DEA-S04);
  • Blood test for testosterone levels;
  • A blood test for the level of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG);
  • Blood test for the level of 17-OH progesterone (17-OP).

Intermenstrual bleeding

Intermenstrual bleeding is understood as uterine or vaginal bleeding that occurs between periods, earlier or later than the expected start of menstruation. This phenomenon is also known as vaginal bleeding between periods and is expressed in the form of blood clots in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Some women classify this phenomenon as a short cycle, but this is not at all the case. A short cycle (polymenorrhea) involves severe blood loss that occurs on the 13th or 15th day after the end of the last menstruation. Such a phenomenon as polymenorrhea, as a rule, is observed with a disorder of uterine contractions in conditions of slow regeneration of the mucous membrane of its cavity, as well as disorders of blood clotting. Therefore, this kind of phenomenon does not apply to polymenorrhea.

There are several causes of intermenstrual bleeding:

  • hormonal changes or disorders in the body;
  • insufficient amount of thyroid hormones;
  • miscarriage;
  • diseases of the endometrium of the uterine cavity;
  • use of intrauterine contraception (spiral);
  • starting or stopping birth control pills;
  • starting or stopping estrogen-based drugs;
  • severe depression or stress;
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • carrying out some gynecological procedures (in particular, cauterization and biopsy of the cervix);
  • taking certain medications;
  • vaginal infections or trauma to the vagina;
  • benign neoplasms in the cervix, vagina, or urethra.

It should be said that this type of bleeding does not affect the absence of pregnancy in the future.

Bloody discharge, which is meager (mostly no need to use pads), occurs much more often than intermenstrual bleeding. They are expressed in the form of pinkish or light brown mucus from the vagina, which can only be seen on toilet paper. Underwear does not get dirty.

Blood from the vagina

Why does blood appear from the vagina outside of menstruation

Vaginal blood that appears outside the period of menstruation should not go unnoticed. After all, most often the cause of its occurrence is a disease. And severe bleeding can even be life threatening. Consider a few common reasons why a woman bleeds from the vagina.

After love.

The fact that rudeness can provoke injuries to the vagina and cervix is ​​understandable. It is also clear that such a phenomenon (the appearance of blood) is considered normal if this is the first experience for a girl. Bloody discharge after intercourse occurs with the loss of virginity. But if this happened to a woman who has been sexually active for a long time, then most likely she has problems with the cervix.

It can be a polyp, cysts, precancerous or even cancerous disease. Unfortunately, diseases of the cervix are most often asymptomatic, and the woman herself cannot find out for herself what is going on inside her. That is why at least once a year you need to visit a gynecologist for examination and delivery of smears from the cervix.

If you have bleeding from the vagina after sex, and more than once, for no reason, that is, it has nothing to do with menstruation, you need to visit a doctor. There are even special rooms for the prevention and treatment of cervical diseases. Don't delay!

It's all about contraception

Many women choose hormonal pills as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It's convenient, safe and effective. But this contraceptive has a lot of disadvantages - this is the need to drink pills clearly on schedule and side effects. These phenomena just include the discharge of blood from the vagina. It shouldn't be a concern, as long as it smears a little. Usually after 3-4 months of taking the drug, everything goes away. In extreme cases, you can switch to pills with a slightly higher concentration of hormones.

Intermenstrual bleeding can also happen when you miss a pill. If a woman simply forgot to take 1 or more tablets. Moreover, in such a situation, pregnancy may well occur.

What we wrote earlier applies to regular contraception. But blood can also appear some time after taking an emergency contraceptive pill. This is a very common side effect of it.

Such an age.

In girls, in the first 2-3 years after the first menstruation, so-called juvenile bleeding is often observed. The reasons for this are manifold: physical activity, poor or vitamin-depleted nutrition, stress, hormonal disruptions, as well as diseases of a gynecological and non-gynecological nature. If such a situation arises, and even more so if blood clots appear from the vagina, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. An examination will be carried out (for virgins through the anus) and ultrasound of the genital organs. If necessary, the girl will be referred for a consultation with other specialized specialists. Do not forget that bleeding, especially profuse and (or) prolonged, causes anemia, and sometimes even threatens life.

Bleeding in the expectant mother

Blood from the vagina during pregnancy is a symptom of a threatened miscarriage or placental abruption. This symptom, even if only a few drops of blood stand out, is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Perhaps there is still something you can do to keep the pregnancy going.

On the other hand, a small amount of blood before childbirth may be normal if these are bloody streaks in the mucous plug that leaves the cervix shortly before the baby is born. Also, a small daub may be the norm if a gynecological examination was performed before childbirth. During this period, the cervix begins to open up and can bleed easily with physical impact on it.

It's a disease

If a woman has blood from the vagina, but not menstruation, this may be a sign of adenomyosis and (or) uterine fibroids. These are very common female gynecological diseases. And they are determined simply - with the help of ultrasound and hysteroscopy.

Unfortunately, both diseases are incurable. More precisely, the only cardinal treatment is the removal of the uterus, or in the case of fibroids, its removal. But the symptoms spontaneously begin to disappear during menopause, when the ovaries stop working, or during pregnancy, since both diseases are hormone-dependent. Until this moment, if there are no contraindications, a woman can take oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. This in most cases makes life much easier for women. Pain and bleeding stop.

Bleeding from the vagina: causes

In a healthy woman, menstruation is regular, not accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. Irregular, profuse, spontaneous bleeding indicates dysfunction. For what reasons does it occur, and what symptoms can it be accompanied by.

Types of dysfunction

Sexual bleeding (uterine, vaginal) is accompanied by many gynecological disorders, pathology of pregnancy, labor, early postpartum period. In rare cases, blood loss from the genital tract is a consequence of injury or pathology in the hematopoietic system.

There are many reasons for this state of affairs. They differ in intensity and can lead to different consequences.

Vaginal bleeding is directly related to infection or mechanical trauma, and uterine bleeding is associated with diseases, hormonal dysfunction, and ovulation.

Starting in adolescence with menstruation, regular bleeding from the vagina begins to accompany every healthy woman, and this is the norm. On average, physiological blood loss ranges from 40 to 80 ml.

Abnormal conditions and reasons for bleeding from the vagina:

  • Dysfunctional disorder - pathological bleeding on the background of hormonal disorders.
  • Organic disorder - pathological bleeding that develops in the pathology of the genital organs.
  • Iatrogenic disorder, in which bleeding is a consequence of taking contraceptives, antithrombotic drugs, installing a spiral.
  • Uterine bleeding during gestation, labor, in the postpartum period.
  • Juvenile bleeding.
  • Dysfunction in postmenopause.

By nature, bleeding from the vagina can be cyclic (menorrhagia) or acyclic (metrorrhagia).

Cyclic ones last more than 6-7 days, with a copious character, about 100 ml in volume. Acyclic dysfunction is not tied to the menstrual cycle, it occurs at an indefinite time.


The cause of menorrhagia can be endometritis, fibroids, endometriosis. With the development of these pathologies, the uterine wall loses its normal contractility, and this increases and prolongs vaginal bleeding.


In the acute stage of infection, a woman develops fever along with merorrhagia, the lower third of the abdomen is painful. On examination, the body of the uterus is enlarged, painful. The disease in the chronic form passes without signs of fever, a pronounced pain syndrome is not observed. The development of endometritis provokes a post-abortion or postpartum period.


With neoplasms, in addition to menorrhagic dysfunction, a woman is worried about pain, discomfort of urination and defecation. On examination, the doctor detects an increase in the uterus in size. Uterus with an uneven, bumpy surface, compacted, palpation does not cause pain. In pathology, alternation of menorrhagia with metrorrhagia is possible.


With endometriosis, menorrhagia is accompanied by soreness (algodysmenorrhea), which progresses over time. On examination, the doctor notes an increase in the uterus. The smoothness of the surface in endometriosis is preserved.

Regardless of the pathology, menorrhagia is profuse bleeding with clots. A woman complains of weakness, a sharp deterioration in general condition, dizziness, fainting.

Prolonged blood loss leads to a severe form of iron deficiency anemia.


If a woman does not have her period, but she is bleeding, then this is metrorrhagia. This condition develops against the background of physical and psychological overwork, work in hazardous industries, inflammatory diseases, neoplasms and endocrine disorders.

Metrorrhagia occurs at any time, and if a woman bleeds spontaneously, "out of the blue" - there is an acute stage of the process. Chronic metrorrhagia is determined by prolonged intermenstrual bleeding with disturbed cyclicity.

Anovulatory metrorrhagia

This type of dysfunction affects adolescent girls and menopausal women.

With anovulatory metrorrhagia, ovulation and the formation of a corpus luteum do not occur, menstruation is delayed, and bleeding continues for more than 7 days.

Postmenopausal metrorrhagia

Dysfunction develops against the background of the extinction of the ovaries. Periods are irregular at first, but eventually stop completely. With the onset of postmenopause, metrorrhagia is a symptom of the resulting benign and malignant tumors.

If a woman has no menstruation for more than a year, the onset of metroraggia is an undesirable and dangerous symptom. You should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

When to see a doctor?

There are several additional signs and conditions by which you can suspect the onset of dysfunction:

  1. There are clots in the menstrual blood.
  2. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by soreness and bloody discharge.
  3. A woman complains of causeless fatigue and weakness, hypotension.
  4. Pain increases from period to period.
  5. Menstruation is accompanied by fever.

If the period lasts more than a week, the cycle is reduced to 21 days, the discharge is more than usual, or there is bleeding between periods, a woman should not be postponed. You should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Blood between periods

Probably every woman with an established cycle knows the expected date of her period. It helps to plan trips and meetings, choose the period of vacation, put on the right clothes.

Any malfunction in the reproductive system is confusing: lack of menstruation, blood at the wrong time - in other words, between periods. Bloody discharge can appear both a day or two before menstruation, and a week before them. In any case, this is not the norm and the reasons for such discharges can be very different. It is important to approach the issue of your health with great responsibility and try to analyze what happened to the cycle and find the reasons why blood appears between periods. The ideal option would be to visit a competent doctor who can explain the causes of the phenomenon.

Despite the need for professional advice, it will be useful for every woman to know the characteristics of her body and possible troubles with the menstrual cycle. Let's try to figure out in what cases there is blood between menstruation and what predicts such a disorder of the reproductive system.

Doctors secrete several types of blood outside of menstruation: blood in young girls who have recently experienced their first menstruation, bleeding in women of reproductive age, as well as menopausal and post-menopausal women. In each case, the causes of the phenomenon are completely different, so each of them should be considered separately.

Bleeding between periods in young girls

Menstruation at the wrong time is a characteristic phenomenon for the first year of the formation of the cycle. During this period, the girl's body is going through a real hormonal restructuring, which prepares it for future motherhood and adulthood. Between monthly discharges often appear - both immediately before them, and a week or two before them.

The norm is bleeding in girls after the first sex, which is associated with defloration. If during the second or third intercourse the blood continues to stand out, then this is also not scary. Most likely, the walls of the vagina have not yet healed - the symptom will pass by itself, but the process can be accelerated by douching with chamomile, calendula or pharmaceutical preparations, setting special candles.

The appearance of unforeseen periods may not be accompanied by pain, but may be quite painful. The same applies to the amount of blood: if there is not much of it, then everything is normal. And if there is hemorrhage (massive bleeding), which cannot be stopped by conventional means, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only he can prescribe the right treatment and regulate the cycle. In addition to discomfort, the release of blood before menstruation can cause anemia and even coma.

When to contact a doctor:

  • if the bleeding does not stop;
  • if there is too much blood coming out and the risk of anemia is high;
  • if the girl feels unwell (severe pain in the uterus and sacrum, headache, weakness, vomiting);
  • if the discharge appears stably every month - a week before menstruation or right before them.

Most likely, the cause of the disorder of the cycle and the appearance of discharge between menstruation or a week or two before them is a sharp hormonal jump. Very rarely, doctors identify other causes: neoplasms, cysts. Therefore, in case of any dangerous violation, it is still worth being examined.

Menstruation at the wrong time in adult women - is it dangerous

The appearance of menstruation at the wrong time can be both an ordinary case and a symptom of a dangerous disease. It all depends on the amount and color of the discharge, as well as the time of their appearance.

Spotting a few hours or days before menstruation is not a pathology. Such a symptom suggests that the body is already beginning to prepare for critical days some time before they appear. The norm is the appearance of "daub" in a week or less, more is already bad. The same situation is after menstruation - for some time the body still gets rid of excess blood.

A sharp appearance of discharge a week or two before menstruation is the norm, but only if the woman is taking hormonal drugs at this time. It is the jumps in hormones that lead to such changes, so the intervention of a doctor is not necessary if the bleeding is not too heavy. Perhaps the appearance of blood during sex, if the partner was not sufficiently prepared for it. In this case, there is an injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina and small vessels begin to bleed.

It is worth worrying in cases where you do not use any hormonal drugs and at the same time live a constant sexual life. In such cases, brown discharge without blood may indicate normal ovulation - egg maturation, but bloody discharge - sexual infections, ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion, adnexal tumors., Sarcoma.

If the cycle was normal all the time, but such a symptom appeared in one of the months, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe a proper treatment.

Blood during menopause and menopause

The time of onset of menopause is different for everyone, however, conditionally, all women after 45 years of age are included in this category. Before the menopause is fully established, a woman can observe significant fluctuations in the cycle for some time: menstruation begins earlier or later than the deadline, their profusion can also fluctuate greatly. This is due to a strong fluctuation of the hormonal background, a change in the thickness of the endometrium. In addition to bleeding, menopausal women have other unpleasant effects: dizziness, hot flashes.

Since such cases during menopause are the norm, the diagnosis of dangerous manifestations is difficult. However, there are several points that directly indicate a malfunction in a woman's body:

  1. Too much discharge intensity. Even if you have been accustomed to heavy periods all your life, they are not the norm in menopause. When you have to change pads all the time (every hour or two), you need to urgently consult a doctor. Most likely, you will have to undergo a complete examination of the body.
  2. Blood with clots and blood after sex. These indicators also speak of pathologies, so you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist.
  3. Shift the cycle a week closer or further. If the cycle shifts by a couple of days, this is within the normal range, but if the difference reaches a week, you need to take this very responsibly and visit a doctor.

What diseases can indicate blood in menopause:

  • thyroid disease and a significant shift in the hormonal background of a woman;
  • pregnancy is ectopic or abnormal (only in the perimenopausal period, when it has not yet occurred);
  • hyperplasia (abnormal increase) of the endometrium;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • other neoplasms in the body.

Changes in hormonal levels during menopause greatly increase the risk of cancer of the reproductive system. It is with this that the need to clearly monitor the state of one's health is connected and, at the slightest suspicion, contact a competent doctor.

Bleeding but not menstruation

Causes of bleeding from the vagina

Bloody discharge from the vagina is not a specific disease, but the name of a number of symptoms that have a diverse nature and various causes. Bloody discharge can occur at any time of the menstrual cycle with different intensity and different duration. Spotting has strictly defined characteristics corresponding to one of the phases of the menstrual cycle, which allows the gynecologist to diagnose the cause of their formation.

Norms of vaginal discharge

Natural vaginal discharge can be classified into several groups, which depend on many factors:

  • age;
  • the intensity of the hormonal background;
  • sexual activity.

It is important to be aware of the fact that in girls during puberty there can be no talk of any discharge, let alone bloody. This is determined by the peculiarities of the hormonal microclimate and the structure of the internal genital organs.

If a 10–12-year-old girl begins to have discharge that has a color or smell, attention should be paid to the correct functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

8-12 months before the onset of menstruation, the girl's body begins to hormonally rebuild and the appearance of vaginal discharge is simply inevitable. These transformations are a sign that the body has moved from the “girl” mode to the “girl” mode. In this case, the discharge has a white or light yellow tint, a watery structure, with a slight sour smell or no smell at all. These secretions are considered normal, as they serve as a protective layer for the genitals from various kinds of infections, and as a lubricant for the vagina, provided that they are not accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • pain symptoms;
  • burning sensation;
  • do not lead to swelling of the external genital organs;

Discharges mixed with blood

Every woman at least once wondered: is it possible to call such a phenomenon as bloody discharge normal?

  • 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • after menstruation (2-3 days);
  • in the middle of menstruation while taking oral chemical contraceptives;
  • in the middle of menstruation (during ovulation), if the discharge is moderate;
  • after intercourse, as the walls of the uterus may have minor damage;
  • with the onset of sexual activity;

Bloody discharge from the female vagina is considered normal and is not related to any gynecological diseases only in the above cases. Other cases when spotting appears are an alarming sign of an imbalance in the female body.

Qualified medical assistance is required if:

  • discharge, lasting more than 3 days, not related to menstruation, which appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle (excluding the option of taking hormones);
  • discharge becomes regular every time after the next sexual intercourse;
  • against the background of spotting, the body temperature rises, pains in the lower abdomen, itching, burning and dryness of the genitals appear;
  • bleeding that appeared after a delay in the menstrual cycle and instead of menstruation, as well as during pregnancy.

When is there no reason to worry?

When a woman notices spotting, the question immediately arises: what does this discharge mean? Do not immediately panic, because their nature can be completely harmless.

Bloody discharge before the start of the menstrual cycle is a completely natural phenomenon. These secretions can be regarded as a warning sign before the start of the menstrual cycle. Usually, these discharges can be observed 2–3 days before the onset of menstruation. If bleeding begins earlier than 3 days before the start of the menstrual cycle and is accompanied by painful stabbing and cutting sensations, these may be the first “bells” of adenomyosis. In this case, do not neglect medical help.

  • After menses.

    Bloody discharge in the period of several days after the end of menstruation should also not be regarded as a sign of any disease. This is quite normal, because within 2-3 days, the uterus can thus remove the remnants of menstrual blood.

    If this process lasts longer than 3 days, immediately run to the gynecologist, as this can be a sign of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and adenomyosis. And if the discharge has a specific smell, this may be a symptom of chronic endometritis.

  • In the middle of menstruation.

    Normal spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle is considered only when a woman takes oral contraceptives, otherwise this can only mean one thing: the inflammatory process is “activated” in the body.

    It could be:

    • failure of the menstrual cycle;
    • infectious and inflammatory diseases (thrush, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.);
    • inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
    • benign and malignant tumors;

    Does color matter?

    Light spotting that occurs after having sex may indicate problems with the uterus (cancerous tumor or erosion of the cervix).

    If such discharge, accompanied by itching in the groin area, appears in a woman who has an active sex life, it is worth thinking about external contraception. Discharge is a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease.

    If light spotting overtook a woman who does not use contraceptives, you should pay attention to the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

    If the discharge is accompanied by a specific odor and pain in the lower abdomen, a variant of chronic endometritis is not excluded.

    Turning to gynecology with a question about dark spotting, a woman often hears that the shade of the discharge does not matter to the doctor, since their very presence should already be alarming. Well, the color of these secretions depends solely on the amount of blood, which does not affect the possible diagnosis. Therefore, there is no difference between dark and light spotting.

    Allocations instead of monthly. What to do?

    Gynecology explains the phenomenon of replacing menstruation with spotting, based on the activity of a woman's sexual life.

    If you are sexually active, this may mean that:

    • You are pregnant;
    • you have a hormonal disorder;
    • you have a sexually transmitted infection.

    If you haven't had sex 1-2 months before your period, or if you don't have sex at all, the absence of menstruation and its replacement with discharge may indicate a hormonal disorder. The causes of imbalance can be:

    • stressful state;
    • rough physical activity;
    • gynecological causes (sexually transmitted infections, ovarian cysts, adenomyosis, endometritis and endometriosis) are not excluded.

    Also, spotting can portend a gradual "turn off" of the reproductive functions of the female body (menopause).

    If spotting bothers and brings discomfort, it is best not to hesitate, but go straight to the antenatal clinic to quickly identify and eliminate the cause of concern.

    Bloody discharge after menstruation: reasons when to go to the doctor

    The cause of menstrual irregularities, which include untimely spotting, as a rule, is either a hormonal imbalance or diseases of the genital organs. There are times when such discharge occurs due to the physiological characteristics of the woman's body, they are the norm for her. But to reassure yourself that everything will somehow form itself, in any case, is not worth it. The consequences of violations can be quite serious, therefore, when unusual discharge appears, it is always better to consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination.

    Physiological causes of discharge with blood after menstruation

    1. If they appear in girls at the very beginning of puberty, when the hormonal background in the body is unstable for 1-2 years. During this period, the ovaries are in the maturation stage, so the production of hormones and the processes of the menstrual cycle occur irregularly. This is expressed in the fact that there are spotting spotting after menstruation. When the formation of the ovaries improves, then normally such secretions should stop. Their appearance subsequently is a deviation and indicates the need to visit a doctor.
    2. Similar disorders occur in women during the premenopausal period, when the ovaries stop functioning. However, the likelihood of hormonal disorders and the occurrence of pathologies, a sign of which are unusual whites, is increased during this period.
    3. When using oral contraceptives. If smearing brown impurities appear after the end of menstruation for 2-3 months, this is normal, but if there are blood impurities in the future, all the more they turn into bleeding, you need to consult a doctor and choose another remedy. Bloody discharge appears during the installation of an intrauterine device. If they occur not only after menstruation, but also on other days of the cycle, do not stop after 3 months, this indicates an incorrect location of the spiral in the uterus and damage to the mucosa. In this case, the spiral must be removed.
    4. With reduced blood clotting in a woman, menstruation is delayed, and within about a week after they end, bleeding resumes in the form of smearing pink discharge. The same thing happens if a woman goes in for sports intensively or she has to lift weights.
    5. There are individual structural features of the uterus that contribute to the formation of blood stasis. Due to this, its discharge is delayed, which leads to the appearance of brown spotting whites after the cessation of menstruation.
    6. Extra-menstrual blood discharge occurs in a woman with strong feelings, overwork.
    7. A variant of the norm is the appearance of a small amount of blood in the whites about 10 days after menstruation. This condition is caused by ovulation. when the follicle shell ruptures and the egg is released from it.

    Supplement: The so-called “implantation bleeding” is also considered the norm, in which droplets of blood appear in the whites at the time of attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. This happens a few days before the expected start of menstruation.

    Pathologies in which unusual whites appear

    Bloody discharge between periods may indicate that a woman has an ectopic pregnancy. This state is very dangerous. There is a pulling pain in the area of ​​the embryo. With such symptoms, in the presence of persistent spotting, a woman should urgently consult a doctor for an operation to remove the fetus.

    The cause of the appearance of pink or brown discharge can also be a missed pregnancy, that is, the death of the fetus in the early stages. This pregnancy ends in miscarriage. Its symptoms are pain in the back and lower abdomen. Termination of pregnancy occurs even when a woman does not know that she is pregnant, and the symptoms of toxicosis are attributed to manifestations of any other ailments. The sudden disappearance of "unreasonable" nausea and vomiting can also be a sign of such trouble.

    Video: Causes of intermenstrual bleeding

    Unusual spotting as a sign of illness

    Blood after menstruation and on other days of the cycle appears as a result of pathologies such as ovarian dysfunction and various diseases of the uterus.

    Ovarian dysfunction. It occurs due to hormonal failure in the body, the cause of which may be a malfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, inflammatory and tumor diseases of the ovaries, uncontrolled medication, abortion, prolonged stress.

    In some cases, the yellow body. which is formed in the follicle at the end of ovulation, is defective. There is a so-called "insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle" as a result of a violation of the production of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland. In this case, a decrease in the level of progesterone is observed. There is such a violation as an accelerated onset of menstruation, an increase in their duration due to spotting whites at the end. This situation may occur once or continuously. It is required to establish the cause of hormonal failure.

    Erosion of the cervix - the formation of ulcers on the surface of its mucous membrane. During intercourse or gynecological examination, as well as during physical stress, the damaged membrane bleeds.

    Endometritis is an inflammation of the mucosa in the uterine cavity. In this case, not only blood discharge appears before and after menstruation, but they themselves become long and painful.

    Infectious diseases of the genital organs, sexually transmitted (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others), as well as both sexually and domestically (for example, thrush). Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs and disruption of their normal functioning lead to spotting bleeding.

    Hyperplasia (excessive growth) of the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity. It becomes loose and easily vulnerable. Cysts and polyps form in it, damage to which leads to bleeding, the appearance of blood clots in the whites.

    Endometriosis. Abnormal development of the endometrium, when particles of the epithelium from the uterine cavity penetrate into neighboring sections. At the same time, in addition to untimely spotting, a woman has symptoms that cannot be ignored: severe abdominal pain a few days before menstruation, during their onset and over the next few days.

    Submucosal uterine fibroids. in which tumor nodes grow inside the cavity. A woman periodically has cramping pains in the uterus and lower back. With fibroids, menstruation is abundant and prolonged (more than 1 week). Then, for several days, smearing brown discharge is observed.

    Cancer of the endometrium and cervix. Bleeding that is not associated with menstruation can occur at any time during the cycle, including after the end of menstruation.

    Video: Symptoms of endometriosis

    What to do if traces of blood appear in the discharge after menstruation

    First of all, you should pay attention to the presence or absence of side symptoms: pain in the abdomen and back, cycle disorders. Not only the appearance of unusual postmenstrual discharge should alert, but also an increase in soreness and duration of menstruation. The formation of blood clots, the presence of a bad smell, and impurities of pus can indicate the disease. foamy or curdled consistency. The inflammatory and infectious nature of the pathology, its spread to the urinary organs is evidenced by pain in the vagina, painful urination.

    When signs of trouble appear, one cannot rely on the advice of people who have no idea about the features of anatomy and physiology, use any folk remedies without the knowledge of a doctor. The cause of unusual discharge can be very serious, requiring immediate investigation. Even in the absence of painful symptoms, doctors recommend that you undergo an examination if the discharge with blood appears after menstruation and between them, lasts more than 7 days.

    The discharge is red, but not monthly: causes

    Every girl should know the features of the female body. Otherwise, sooner or later, his incomprehensible reaction to certain stimuli can scare. For example, it is important to know under what circumstances red discharge appears, but not menstruation. A fairly common phenomenon, but it still scares many. So what could be causing this phenomenon? When should you sound the alarm?

    Still monthly

    The female body is an eternal mystery, and often even for doctors. Therefore, it is not so easy to predict the cause of the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. We will have to take into account all the features and nuances, changes that have occurred in the life of the patient.

    As practice shows, red discharge before the onset of menstruation, especially if they do not cause pain, is not dangerous. Most likely, this is just a shift in the menstrual cycle. The reason for this may be the hormonal background. In any case, this should not cause concern. So do not think that menstruation comes like clockwork. Even if earlier critical days came strictly at a certain time, no one is immune from cycle shifts. Remember - the discharge at the same time may not be abundant in the first few days, smearing.

    The next scenario occurs frequently, but it is not given much importance. Do you have red vaginal discharge but no period? Do not rush to panic. After all, if this phenomenon does not bring you any particular discomfort, let alone pain, there is no reason for concern. Why?

    Red discharge after menstruation (and before them) is a clear sign of body stress. Flights, strong emotional stress (even with positive emotions) - all this can affect your menstrual cycle and condition in general. Usually discharge due to stress is not strong, without mucus or any other special signs. After the normalization of the situation, everything returns to normal.

    By the way, overwork can also be attributed here. In order for the discharge to stop (at one point they can be confused with menstruation), you just need to relax and unwind. All this is not a reason to visit a doctor. The maximum that you will be prescribed is antidepressants. And a good rest, complete isolation from stress. After all, this is how the female body shows a protective reaction.

    Red discharge, but not menstruation, is another sign that you have some kind of disease. Just do not rush to the doctor, not in all cases it is necessary. Often the cause of this phenomenon is cervical erosion. She may bleed from time to time. As a result, on any given day, you may start to have red discharge.

    As practice shows, they are not plentiful, smearing, without impurities and mucus. May continue until menses. But in some cases they go away on their own. If erosion is suspected, it is best to consult a doctor. It will definitely help you decide whether there is a given disease or not. If necessary, erosion can be cauterized, for example, with radio waves. After treatment, the red discharge, but not menstruation, will stop.


    As practice shows, red vaginal discharge can appear for many reasons. And you can predict them without the help of doctors. Therefore, you should not fall into hysterics if you notice these changes in your body.

    Red discharge before (or after) your period may indicate a broken capillary. Usually, this phenomenon is observed if a woman tenses a lot. That is why hard physical work is not recommended for the beautiful half of society.

    As in all previous cases, the discharge is smearing in nature, does not bring much discomfort or any pain. It is worth going to the doctor only if the deviation is accompanied by pain or too much blood. Just limit physical labor and take a break. On average, it takes several weeks for the body to recover. Therefore, do not think that one day of rest is enough for the discharge to pass.


    Dark red discharge during menstruation is a sign of mechanical damage to the vagina. This phenomenon may be accompanied by some pain. For example, pulling pain in the lower abdomen or immediate discomfort inside the vagina.

    Usually this problem worries girls after intercourse (immediately or after some time). Lack of lubrication, too fast pace, "hardness" of the process - all this can damage the sensitive vagina. As a result, bleeding occurs.

    If they do not go away for several days, and even accompanied by discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The same must be done when the blood is profusely secreted. The doctor will tell you for sure if there are more serious problems. If you do not have any diseases, then it is mechanical damage that takes place. You will have to be patient and wait until the wounds heal. And continue to be more careful during intercourse.

    Do you have red discharge after your period after a week or two? Remember what kind of sexual intercourse you had. Most likely, this is conception. It's no secret that approximately in the middle of the cycle (and this is just about 7 days after the end of menstruation on average) ovulation occurs - a favorable day for conceiving a child. After fertilization, the egg must attach to the woman's body in order to develop further. Just this very attachment can be accompanied by spotting.

    Although, as practice shows, usually conception occurs without a trace. But if you notice red-brown discharge (they are not the same during menstruation), and you also had unprotected intercourse, it is quite possible that in another week or two the critical days will not come, and the pregnancy text will turn out to be positive. So take that into account. Usually, discharge during conception lasts several hours, no pain or discomfort is caused.

    The discharge is red, but not monthly, accompanied by severe and sharp pain, profuse and sudden, may be the result of a miscarriage. This is how a natural abortion at a short time manifests itself.

    Often, with miscarriages, a little mucus can be found in the discharge. In any case, if you are pregnant, and then suddenly blood came out of the vagina, there is every reason to panic. Try to stay calm and just go to the doctor's office as soon as possible. It is advisable to call an ambulance.


    Sometimes you can easily guess why blood comes out of the vagina. The reason for this may be the most common surgical intervention. A variety of operations, abortions, and even the use of an intrauterine device - all this can cause spotting.

    Usually this kind of phenomenon resembles menstruation. And the bleeding continues for about 5 days. Gradually it becomes less abundant and stops. There is no reason to panic. Just be prepared that after surgery, bloody masses may begin to stand out from the vagina. There is also some discomfort. But pain is usually not observed in this case.

    With a normal pregnancy, there is usually no red discharge. The maximum is pink, and then only at the very beginning of the process, when a fertilized egg is attached. Only towards the end of pregnancy can you bleed from the vagina.

    As practice shows, the discharge is red, but not monthly, in the last stages of an “interesting situation” most often turn out to be a sign of the onset of labor. Usually blood can be seen along with mucus. Don't be scared, that's how it should be. Your water may also break. In principle, the discharge of the mucous plug can also be accompanied by blood from the vagina.

    If, after a certain period of time after the discovery of discharge, you feel cramping pain, call your loved ones or an ambulance - you have started giving birth. Completely normal and natural. It shouldn't cause you to panic.

    After childbirth

    Childbirth is a very difficult process in itself. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that after them you may have dark red discharge. During menstruation, they are not. Although light red blood also occurs in some cases. There is no reason to panic - it's lochia. After labor, spotting will haunt the young mother for some time. Approximately a month and a half, or even all 2. It all depends on how quickly your body recovers from labor.

    In the first 4-5 days, blood is excreted profusely. Therefore, the use of special postpartum pads is recommended. But after (closer to discharge from the hospital), the amount of discharge decreases. Over time, they acquire a smearing character and disappear.

    The last point worth noting is that you have any diseases, not necessarily gynecological ones. If you notice red discharge, but not menstruation, which bring discomfort or continue for a suspiciously long time, you have a direct road to the doctor. Don't delay!

    Try to go through a comprehensive examination and find out what is the cause of the problem. Tumors, polyps, infections, and even thyroid disorders can cause vaginal bleeding. As soon as you find out the cause of the disease, eliminate it. Do you have red discharge instead of menstruation? Now it is clear what could be the problem. In any case, a doctor's consultation will not hurt.

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    Girls start menstruating at age 12, or at age 13, plus or minus 2 years. In general, there is no exact age for this process to begin. It varies depending on the body of each particular girl.

    Menstruation marks the beginning of full ovulation. For a long time it was believed that it was from this time that a girl was able to become pregnant. When asked whether it is possible for a woman to become pregnant if she does not have periods for certain reasons, the answer is not always negative.

    Is it possible to get pregnant without menstruation?

    The absence of menstruation means the instability of the cycle, respectively, its low predictability. Therefore, it is possible to get pregnant without menstruation. The stability of the cycle is ensured by the work of hormones in the body of a woman.

    But there is a long list of disorders and features of the body, resulting in a failure, expected or unexpected. With the normal functioning of the hormonal system, menstruation comes stably at the same time, then ovulation occurs regularly.

    You need to protect yourself on the days of conception, approximately from the 9th to the 16th day for a cycle of 28 days and from the 12th to the 18th for a thirty-day cycle. In the absence of menstruation at the scheduled time, you should figure out why this is happening.

    Exciting moment

    Is it possible to get pregnant if there is no period?

    There are several reasons for the absence of menstrual days, consider the most common of them:

    1. In young girls, the body has not completely rebuilt, which leads to a lack of stability in a cycle that has not yet been established. Over time, the situation will change. The body of a girl before the onset of the first menstruation undergoes a complex restructuring, including the stability and constancy of the menstrual cycle. This process is affected by stress and other adverse conditions.
    2. If there were no periods for a long time - two or 3 months, check for a possible pregnancy.
    3. Breastfeeding also delays the onset of menstruation by six months.
    4. When there is no menstruation for a long time - 4 months, then for women aged 50 years this means the process of menopause and the onset of menopause.
    5. If there was no menstruation for about a month, then, perhaps, fertilization did not occur, and the cycle was disrupted due to stress and viral infections. With proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle, everything will recover.
    6. If menstruation is absent for a long time - about 6 months, this indicates the possibility of a serious gynecological disease.

    Most of these cases occur during lactation.

    Women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant if breastfeeding in the absence of menstruation. This process is called lactational amenorrhea, in which menstruation may be absent for up to six months.
    This is a normal process in the functioning of the reproductive system of a woman, but it is worth remembering that it is possible to get pregnant if you are breastfeeding. During lactation, a woman is often not protected, so this time accounts for most of the unplanned pregnancies. As a result, a woman bears a second child, not yet weaning the first.

    True and false amenorrhea

    Amenorrhea is of two types:

    • true;
    • false.

    If true is observed during breastfeeding, at a young age and during menopause, then false is a signal of health problems. With false amenorrhea, the cycle remains the same, but the blood does not come out.

    False amenorrhea is divided into primary, if menstruation has never been, and secondary, if menstruation does not go, although before the cycle was stable. Menstruation stops for the following reasons:

    • hormonal and mental disorders;
    • dangerous viral infections;
    • poisoning;
    • heart disease;
    • diseases of the liver and other internal organs;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • thyroid problems.

    Primary amenorrhea is a severe violation of the female genital area, a problem in the development of the body of a young woman. If normal menstruation comes at 11 years old, then in the case of primary amenorrhea and by the age of 16 it never occurs, and secondary sexual characteristics do not develop.

    State of weakness

    Whether to be protected if monthly is not present 1-2-3 years?

    With pathological amenorrhea, menstruation may not begin for 3 years or even 5 years. Of course, you don’t have to wait so long, timely medical care will help to avoid problems. Do not forget that you can get pregnant with hormonal failure.
    Women who do not plan to have children consider such a failure to be a positive thing. In addition to the risk of complications, doctors argue that the eggs of such women are sometimes capable of fertilization. However, more often with the cessation of menstruation, the chance of getting pregnant without treatment for hormonal failure tends to zero.

    Reasons for conception without menstruation

    The risk of getting pregnant is high if there is no menstruation, due to the fact that ovulation still occurs, but without the release of menstrual blood:

    1. During breastfeeding, when a young mother feeds her baby with baby food, the amount of prolactin in the blood decreases, and therefore ovulation occurs. Since the cycle has not fully recovered, the first cycle occurs without menstruation.
    2. During the first three months of menopause, when pregnancy is still possible, ovulation occurs, and therefore the fertilization of the egg is successful.
    3. With problems with the endocrine system, there are also violations in the work of the ovaries. This leads to the fact that menstruation will not come several times, but ovulation will occur.
    4. Inflammation and other gynecological problems also lead to delays in menstruation, and to the fact that it occurs less often than it should.
    5. If a woman has an excess of testosterone, there is also a violation of the cycle.
    6. Excess weight also leads to failures, so a woman does not understand whether ovulation has occurred if menstruation has not come.

    Chances of getting pregnant at puberty before your period

    When asked if it is possible to get pregnant without menstruation at a young age, the answer is usually yes. Puberty on average lasts from 8 to 16 years. But menstruation can come later than the marked age, although the first ovulations are already happening. Without menstruation, this is difficult to guess, so teenagers who are sexually active can become pregnant.

    gift from above

    Chance of conception if you never had a period at all

    The possibility of fertilization, if there has never been a period, depends on the reason for its absence. Blood discharge is not a criterion for fertility, it is the process of ovulation. If the egg matures, then ovulation will also occur, even if for some reason there are no periods (young age, diseases).

    There are also reasons why the absence of menstruation is a symptom of infertility (diseases of the urogenital area).

    Conception during menopause

    The period of menopause reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, but does not exclude it. This is due to the fact that the maturation of the eggs in the follicles occurs, but there are much fewer of them than at a young age. Therefore, in the early stages of menopause, doctors recommend women to protect themselves.

    Situation after childbirth

    Usually, immediately after pregnancy and childbirth, a recovery period follows, and if a woman is breastfeeding, then the cycle is restored for conception longer. But this does not mean that it is necessary to neglect methods of contraception in the absence of menstruation.

    Breastfeeding women become pregnant even if menstruation has not yet come, and the danger is even higher if the cycle has already recovered. The first ovulation occurs 2 weeks after childbirth, so be more careful and careful about yourself and your health, do not allow unprotected sex.

    Baby got hungry

    Possible pathologies

    To understand how dangerous the periodic absence of menstruation is, you need to determine why this happens. Pathological causes are diseases in which such delays are symptoms:

    1. Tumors of the uterus and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs cause violations of cyclic hormonal processes in the female body.
    2. Polycystic ovaries, in which hormonal problems entail delays.
    3. A yellow ovarian cyst can be treated without surgery, but during therapy, menstruation disappears in the first place.
    4. If conception occurred and the woman had an abortion, then a violation of the cycle after the interruption is a sign of hormonal disorders and uterine injury.
    5. Lack of menstruation is also a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

    Care of a loved one

    What to do with a long absence of the menstrual cycle?

    Women shouldn't take things like this lightly, as there are dozens of known reasons why a woman's cycle is broken. Among them are noted and dangerous to health.
    Habitual amenorrhea can be pathological, the result of serious disorders. A visit to the gynecologist will relieve the reasons for fears, or help prescribe the appropriate treatment in time.

    Amenorrhea or the absence of menstruation requires a serious diagnosis. Some reasons her gynecologist can already establish during a standard examination on the chair, otherwise an examination will be required.

    Why girls and women may not have periods

    Regular menstruation is a sign of the health of the female body, an indicator that a woman is ready and capable of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. That is why the absence of menstruation is always a warning symptom. Prolonged (6 months or more) absence of menstruation. There are many reasons for its onset, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to establish the cause of the onset of amenorrhea and begin the necessary treatment.

    All reasons for the absence of menstruation are divided into two groups: physiological (natural states of the reproductive system) and pathological (caused by some disease of the reproductive system or other organs).

    Physiological causes

    The basis of the regulation of the menstrual cycle is a hierarchical process control system. The central link is the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, where signals are received from the peripheral link - the ovaries and other target organs for sex hormones (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, uterus, mammary glands).


    When pregnancy occurs, there is an active release of progesterone. It has an overwhelming effect on the production of hormones that trigger the menstrual cycle.


    Prolactin and oxytocin are the two main lactation hormones. Prolactin promotes milk production and is secreted by the pituitary gland. He plays a major role in the inhibition of ovulation. Someone has a lack of regular menstruation for 2 months or a little more, and for some women, the entire feeding period.


    Menopause occurs in the life of every woman. This is a normal, natural stage of aging. During such a period, the reproductive function fades and, as a result, the activity of the gonads gradually decreases until complete extinction. This process causes amenorrhea after menopause.

    Pathological causes

    There are many pathological causes of amenorrhea. They are divided into primary and secondary. Primary causes can be true or false.

    Primary amenorrhea

    Primary amenorrhea is considered when menstruation does not occur in girls of 14 years old who do not have secondary sexual characteristics: the development of the mammary glands, features of the figure and female type of hair. Or secondary signs are developed, but there are no periods in girls of 16 years.

    It is worth considering the fact that in adolescents the cycle may be irregular.

    In this case, for example, the following picture is observed: no menstruation 3 months after the onset of menarche (first menstruation). The described situation is not primary amenorrhea.

    False amenorrhea

    In this case, cyclic changes occur in the organs of the reproductive system, characteristic of the normal cycle, but there is no outflow of blood from the vagina. The reasons for this may be the following conditions:

    • infection or synechia of the vagina;
    • infection of the cervical canal;
    • continuous hymen;
    • obstruction of the uterus.

    The symptoms of false amenorrhea are as follows:

    • cyclic pulling pains in the lower abdomen, due to distension of the uterus with blood;
    • lack of menstruation;
    • with large volumes of blood, an urgent surgical condition occurs - an acute abdomen with severe pain;
    • normal development of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • characteristic visible features during gynecological examination.

    True amenorrhea

    With true amenorrhea, cyclic changes in the reproductive system in the body do not occur. The regulatory connection between the brain, gonads and uterus is broken. The main reasons may be such states and processes:

    • chromosomal abnormalities;
    • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
    • delayed menarche;
    • anomalies in the development of the uterus and / or ovaries;
    • chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy in childhood;
    • removal of the uterus and / or ovaries in childhood (for example, due to trauma).

    The main symptoms of true amenorrhea:

    • lack of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • low growth;
    • characteristic features for a particular syndrome of chromosomal pathology;
    • infantile (children's) genitals;
    • dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina;
    • fragility of hair.

    Secondary amenorrhea

    With this type, menstrual flow is absent for a period of 6 months or more, but previously the woman had regular or irregular periods.

    The main causes that provoke secondary amenorrhea can be the following conditions:

    • malnutrition;
    • cancellation of oral contraceptives;
    • postpartum pathology of the pituitary gland;
    • endocrine pathology;
    • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

    Why is there no period for a long time

    Prolonged absence of menstruation can be, as previously mentioned, primary or secondary.

    Primary amenorrhea

    Primary amenorrhea is difficult to correct, since it is most often caused by genetic changes.

    Turner syndrome

    Turner-Shershevsky syndrome refers to anomalies of the chromosome set. There are three forms of the disease. At the same time, in most cases, the second X chromosome is missing, with a mixed form, the Y chromosome may be present, and a mosaic type of pathology also occurs.

    The characteristic features of the disease are the following signs:

    • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
    • low growth;
    • pterygoid neck;
    • low hair growth;
    • never had a period;
    • secondary sexual characteristics are poorly expressed;
    • the ovaries are in the form of strands, the uterus is small, the endometrium is thin.

    Anomalies in the development of the uterus and ovaries

    The most common developmental anomaly is uterine atresia in combination with the absence of a vagina. At the same time, there are ovaries, and, accordingly, secondary sexual characteristics develop according to age.

    Delayed menarche

    The delay in the onset of the first menstruation may be in girls of the northern peoples. This is a constitutional national feature. In this case, development does not suffer, and therefore the prolonged absence of menstruation is not subject to treatment in this case. In addition, the delayed onset of menarche may occur as a result of mental retardation in girls with organic brain pathology.

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

    With this pathology, the tissues of the adrenal glands grow, the excessive formation of glucocorticosteroids, which act depressingly on the hypothalamic-pituitary system, occurs. The disease is characterized by the following features:

    • lack of menstruation of a true nature;
    • obesity;
    • stretch marks on the hips, abdomen;
    • moon face;
    • excessive male pattern hair growth;
    • high blood pressure;
    • violation of water-salt metabolism.

    Secondary amenorrhea

    Much easier to deal with. You should find out the cause that caused the cessation of menstruation, eliminate it, and the cycle will be restored.


    Various stressful conditions, whether it is a single exposure (death of a loved one) or constant depression, disrupt the central link in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Impulses to the hypothalamus cease to flow from the cerebral cortex, and menstruation is delayed.

    Sharp weight loss

    If a strict diet is followed, which causes a sharp decrease in weight and a deficiency of various substances, there is a gradual inhibition of the release of hormones by the hypothalamus. For this reason, the pituitary gland does not receive signals for the formation of follicle-stimulating hormone.

    In addition, do not forget that in the cells of adipose tissue, the synthesis of sex hormones partially occurs. A decrease in the lipid layer can therefore result in a hormonal failure.

    postpartum amenorrhea

    Postpartum amenorrhea may result from damage to the pituitary gland after a difficult birth with massive bleeding. Due to circulatory disorders, necrosis of the pituitary gland occurs. Depending on the degree of damage to the organ, patients experience not only the absence of menstruation, but also other symptoms:

    • hair loss;
    • weight loss
    • memory loss;
    • weakness and chilliness;
    • hypotrophy of the mammary glands and genital organs.

    Cancellation of oral contraceptives

    After the abolition of second-generation oral contraceptives, ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome occurs. At the same time, against the background of long-term use of COCs, persistent inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary structure and sex glands develops. After a few months, menstruation returns on its own.

    Endocrine pathology

    With an excess or lack of thyroid hormones, the main cause of amenorrhea lies in the inhibition of the pituitary gland and, as a result, a decrease in hormone production. In diabetes mellitus, excess blood insulin acts suppressively on the ovaries.

    Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system

    With salpingitis, oophoritis, meningitis and encephalitis, due to the pronounced process of inflammation, the hormone-producing function of the affected organs decreases. Amenorrhea can last for a long period until the pathological process subsides completely.

    Resistant ovary syndrome

    In this case, the ovarian tissues become insensitive to pituitary hormones. The reason may be a genetic anomaly. The first menstruation in women comes on time, gradually they occur less frequently, and by the age of 35 they completely stop. Pregnancy is very rare. Unlike the early menopause (up to 40 years), with resistance there will be no hot flashes and other manifestations of the menopause.

    Risk factors

    Risk factors for the development of amenorrhea may include the following conditions:

    • stress;
    • excessive physical activity (especially among professional athletes);
    • malnutrition (both starvation and overeating);
    • frequent inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
    • micro- and macroadenomas of the pituitary gland (in which hyperprolactinemia is observed, which inhibits ovulation);
    • frequent traumatization of the mucous membrane of the genital tract during abortions, diagnostic curettage.


    Due to the fact that the reasons for the absence of menstruation are diverse, their diagnostic search is quite extensive. When a patient contacts a gynecologist, a thorough questioning is first carried out to identify the provoking factor. Then a general examination and examination on a gynecological chair are shown. In addition, other diagnostic methods are used.

    Pregnancy test

    If your period is more than a week late, you should perform a simple pregnancy test. During pregnancy, the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced, which is determined by lowering the test strip into a container with urine. The test is informative and sensitive.


    As you know, an increased level of prolactin has a depressing effect on the ovulatory function of the ovaries. To determine its level, morning venous blood sampling is performed. Normally, the level of prolactin should not exceed 23 ng / ml.

    progesterone test

    For its implementation, a gestagen (progesterone) is used. With the help of such a test, the hormonal activity of the gonads and the possibility of blood outflow are determined. The test is positive for bleeding that occurred within a week while taking progesterone. This confirms the presence of the uterus, ovaries and free outflow of blood.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

    It can be performed both abdominally (through the abdomen) and transvaginally (by inserting a special sensor into the vagina). Ultrasound allows you to visualize the internal genital organs and assess their condition, size, determine whether pathological changes are absent or present.

    X-ray of Turkish saddle

    A survey X-ray of the skull is carried out, while the Turkish saddle, where the pituitary gland is located, is clearly visible. Changes in this structure may indicate pathology of the pituitary gland.

    Assessment of the state of the endometrium

    It is carried out using ultrasound or hysteroscopy. Its presence, structure, thickness are assessed depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Computed and magnetic resonance imaging

    This diagnostic method allows you to visualize with great accuracy the structure of the genital organs and the brain, including the area of ​​the hypothalamus, pituitary gland.


    It is aimed at restoring the reproductive capacity of a woman or the appearance and regulation of the menstrual cycle. Depending on the cause, therapy can be of the following types:

    • hormone replacement therapy (use of estrogen);
    • body weight stabilization;
    • surgical correction for developmental anomalies;
    • the use of drugs that reduce the level of prolactin in the blood;
    • surgery for pituitary tumors;
    • stabilization of thyroid hormones, blood sugar levels;
    • antimicrobial therapy in inflammatory processes.

    To answer the question: why there is no menstruation for a long time, a gynecologist will help. Only a well-conducted examination and adequate timely treatment will help a woman or girl restore reproductive function.

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