False urge to defecate causes treatment. Treatment of frequent stools without diarrhea

Published: January 11, 2016 at 11:02 am

When a person needs to cleanse the intestines, he has the urge to defecate. Sometimes there are cases when such urges are false. This is because the intestines are contracting, which causes pain. Frequent defecation without diarrhea occurs with infectious diseases.

In medicine, the frequent urge to defecate is called tenesmus. They can be both false and real. The patient with tenesmus feels exhausted, and a crack and erosion appear on the skin. With a strong effect of infection, frequent bowel movements without diarrhea appear. In addition to an infectious disease, frequent stools, but not diarrhea, can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

Reasons for frequent emptying

There are several reasons why a person has frequent stools, but not diarrhea. You should be aware of these reasons:

  • Inflammation of the rectum. At first, the patient experiences severe pain and the urge to void. Most often, stool is not diarrhea. A little later, the person cannot control his bowels, and the feces come out involuntarily. In most cases, feces contain impurities of blood and pus. Inflammation can be caused by various injuries;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet can be caused by excessive use of laxatives or a single use of a strong laxative. If there are no other diseases, the stool is not diarrhea;
  • Dysentery. Most often in our state there are mild forms of this disease, so people do not have diarrhea. You can get sick when communicating with sick people or contact with carriers of bacteria;
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With this disease, the character and stool constantly changes its state from constipation to a more liquid state. Diarrhea is extremely rare, only when the form is running. After emptying, the person feels relief, and the pain stops.

Treatment of frequent stools without diarrhea

First of all, you need to understand why the chair is frequent, but not diarrhea. To do this, it is better to go to a specialist who will diagnose and determine the cause. Only then can treatment begin.

Treatment should be started taking into account the characteristics of the patient's daily life. A change in stool can directly depend on stressful situations. The patient must understand the essence of his disease. You should also convince the person who asked for help that going to the toilet 2 times a day is normal. Treatment will be more effective if lifestyle changes are made.

First of all, you should take care of your daily nutrition, which can fully affect the frequency of stools. It is better to refuse products that contribute to this:

  • Fructose;
  • Milk. It all depends on the amount of product used and its fat content;
  • Artificial sugar substitutes. This product can be found in a variety of beverages and some prepared foods. To avoid the consumption of artificial sugar, it is recommended to read the composition of the products.

It is best to make a diet together with your doctor, who will take into account the prescribed treatment and the characteristics of the patient's body. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, you can get rid of frequent stools without diarrhea in a few days. The exception is a serious illness that requires long-term treatment and hospitalization.

For IBS, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Probiotics;
  • Antibiotics. These include Rifaximin;
  • pancreatic enzymes. The main drug is Pancreatin.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex of persistent functional bowel disorders, manifested by abdominal pain, false urge to defecate, diarrhea and constipation. Of course, from time to time we all encounter minor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, so we can talk about IBS if the discomfort has been observed for at least two to three months.

According to statistics, worldwide IBS affects up to 30% of the population. It is several times more common in women than in men. The average age of the diseased is 30-40 years, this disease practically does not occur in people of retirement age. Most IBS sufferers do not go to the doctor and hope for the common "it will go away on its own". But in the absence of treatment, the total duration of one period of the disease can be several months or even years.


Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most "mysterious" diseases, in which there are no pathological changes in the internal organs, however, regular bouts of abdominal pain can significantly reduce the quality of life. Not to mention the frequent false urges for immediate emptying, which makes it difficult not only for professional activities, but also for personal life. Loud rumblings in the stomach and flatulence, manifested not only at home, but also with a large crowd of people, can also significantly ruin our existence.

How does irritable bowel syndrome manifest?

The main symptom of IBS is sudden and recurring bouts of pain or discomfort in the abdomen. Most describe their pain as "pressing", "sharp and cutting like a knife", "paroxysmal". Similar pains occur with food poisoning. In addition, as already mentioned, IBS often requires frequent visits to the toilet for defecation. Feces are excreted in small portions, there is a change in its shape in the form of pellets, nuts or ribbons. Sometimes IBS produces large amounts of mucus, which is why irritable bowel syndrome was called mucus colitis in the mid-nineteenth century. As a rule, after a bowel movement, abdominal pain either completely disappears or becomes much weaker.

With irritable bowel syndrome, defecation can become both more frequent, in the form of diarrhea, disturbing more than three times a day, and less often, in the form of constipation, when going to the toilet “in a big way” happens no more than three times a week. In both of these cases, the patient feels incomplete emptying of the bowels and suffers from the accumulation of gases. In the mixed form of IBS, attacks of diarrhea alternate with bouts of constipation.

Anxiety is a direct path to the development of IBS

Extraintestinal symptoms that affect patients with irritable bowel syndrome include chronic stress and depression, bad taste in the mouth, migraine headaches, insomnia, spinal pain, decreased libido, frequent urination, and rapid heart rate without any apparent external influence. Most often, these symptoms in those suffering from IBS appear after eating or during stress. If you notice similar signs in yourself, it's time for you to consult a gastroenterologist.

It is also worth remembering that a number of dangerous diseases of the intestines and other internal organs, including cancer, can manifest exactly the same symptoms as IBS. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for the situation to worsen.

Vicious circle: causes and consequences of the development of IBS

The unpleasant symptoms that accompany irritable bowel syndrome most often include stress. It is not for nothing that scientists consider IBS a biopsychosocial functional intestinal disorder, in which psychosocial disorders are closely interconnected with an increase in intestinal motility - hyperperistalsis. This leads to spasm of the intestinal walls, acceleration or slowdown of the movement of intestinal contents, as well as the appearance of the above symptoms.

On the other hand, the problems that come into the life of an IBS sufferer with all the ensuing consequences can also provoke the development of chronic stress, even if it was not there before. That is why, in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, a gastroenterologist often has to work also as a psychoanalyst. Since one of the main factors leading to IBS is a psycho-emotional failure, first of all, it is necessary to help the patient eliminate the causes of neurosis, which are often social or intra-family conflicts.

Other reasons leading to the development of IBS include:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • heredity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • improper nutrition.

If for a long time you prefer to eat fast food, fatty and fried foods, do not refuse carbonated drinks, coffee, tea and energy drinks, and often snack on cookies and chips during the working day, you have an increased risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome. But the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to daily well-being and excellent appearance. Maybe it's time to make an appointment with the doctor?

The editors would like to thank ON CLINIC for their help in preparing the material.

A false urge to defecate occurs due to convulsive contraction of the intestinal muscles, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine. At the same time, a person has a small one-time volume of stool or there are no feces at all. Frequent urge to empty the bowels can be with diarrhea.

This unpleasant symptom can be a sign of a not very serious intestinal infection, as well as many serious illnesses. However, false urges to go to the toilet are usually not the only symptom of the disease.

With frequent urge to go to the toilet, lasting more than 2-3 days, and finding blood or pus in the feces, you should consult a doctor.


Inflammation of the rectum (proctitis). The onset of inflammation of the rectum is characterized by severe pain, frequent urge to empty, diarrhea. An indispensable symptom of the disease is involuntary emptying of the intestine (stool mixed with mucus, blood and pus). The causes of proctitis are varied. Inflammation can be caused by damage to the rectal mucosa (for example, during enemas). As a rule, injuries heal without any complications. Other causes of proctitis are regular use of laxatives or a single dose of a potent laxative; the presence of internal hemorrhoids.

Dysentery. In our country, only mild forms of bacillary dysentery are usually found. Infection most often occurs through contact with sick people or bacteria carriers that release pathogens (Shigella bacteria) into the external environment with feces. In more severe dysentery, there is severe and often painful diarrhea. However, frequent impulses to the act of defecation do not go away even after a bowel movement (the stool contains an admixture of blood and mucus, sometimes pus). Diarrhea is repeated 20-40 times a day. This painful urge to defecate is called tenesmus. The mild form of dysentery is difficult to distinguish from bowel infections (found in our area), but in the latter case, frequent and painful urge to defecate is rare.

Tumor of the intestine. Persistent urge to defecate can also be observed with a tumor of the colon or rectum. In this case, the stool is mixed with blood or mucus. With a tumor of the colon, the urge to go to the toilet is most often false.

With benign tumors of the colon or rectum (polyps), usually no ailments are observed, and with malignant tumors, severe diarrhea alternates with prolonged constipation. In addition, an important sign of malignant tumors is stool with an admixture of blood.

In sensitive people, a false urge to defecate can be caused by severe mental stress or stress.

Uncontrolled use of laxatives is very dangerous! Under the influence of potent laxative drugs, bowel movements resemble an explosion. Painful colic continues for a long time even after a bowel movement.

One of the most common and unpleasant pathologies is a false urge to empty. Women, men, children suffering from this anomaly experience strong emotional and physiological discomfort, which significantly reduces the quality of their life.

The mechanism of the phenomenon

Constantly tested urge to empty, not giving any results (maximum - a small amount of fecal or mucous secretions), are called tenesmus. In a literal translation - vain urges. This symptom occurs as a result of convulsive contractions of the muscular structure of the intestine, may be accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity and a feeling of incomplete release from feces. Manifestations of symptoms indicate pathologies in the large intestine, in particular, its direct segment. Less often, tenesmus indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Problems of the large intestine provoke an increase in the sensitivity of nerve endings on the walls of the intestines and the muscular membrane covering them. An increase in the irritability of a separate part of the nervous system, in turn, provokes frequent spasmolytic conditions of smooth muscles. The muscular structure of the organs located in the small pelvis and perineum is drawn into the development of the process, its tone is rapidly increasing. Involuntary spasms do not give the expected effect: there is no promotion of intestinal contents and its release from the body.

The reasons

The main cause of false urge is an irritant that acts on the mucous membranes of the large intestine. Irritation may be of an infectious nature, be the result of neoplasms, or occur for other reasons.


Quite often, such a nuisance occurs due to malnutrition or food poisoning. With poor food processing, certain uncomfortable sensations appear that make you want to go to the toilet. Similar urges arise from the use of expired and toxic products.

Often, a false call to the toilet is a consequence of antibiotic treatment. Improper use of drugs provokes the development of dysbacteriosis, with pain in the abdomen, heartburn and unproductive urge to defecate.

Old age and hereditary predisposition are also a common cause of incomplete bowel movements.

Diseases that cause tenesmus

The manifestation of tenesmus to defecate is a common sign of pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract. The occurrence of spasms of the rectum is caused by inflammatory processes with the formation of active metabolic products that can influence the transmission of nerve impulses that provoke reflex muscle contractions. Diseases that cause tenesmus may be of an infectious nature, be pathologies of the large intestine, or be based on other causative factors. Stimulation of false calls to the toilet can be a consequence of:

  • hemorrhoids, with extensive lesions or infection;
  • anal fissures, as provocateurs of reflex muscular activity of the intestinal walls:
  • the formation of fistulas, accompanied by inflammation processes with impaired function of contraction of the muscle structure;
  • development and growth of intestinal polyps, due to the narrowing of the lumen, the sensitivity of nerve endings on the muscle walls is disturbed;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis, inflammatory processes in the rectum with increased excitability of the nervous structure;
  • fecal stones as a result of prolonged constipation. Due to intestinal obstruction, there is an increase in the function of peristalsis, which causes a spasm with severe pain;
  • tumors in the large intestine. When the entire thickness of the intestinal wall is affected, the endings of the nerves of smooth muscles are affected;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. As a result of damage to the mucosa, the frequency of urge to empty increases;
  • rectal prolapse, accompanied by intense pain and innervation disorders;
  • all kinds of infections of the gastrointestinal tract - Koch's bacilli, salmonella, cholera vibrio, amoeba, shigella and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hormonal disorders caused by diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, obesity, premenstrual and menopause.

If the cause cannot be established, the term "idiopathic imaginary urge" is used in medicine. The development of painful contractions can occur due to psychopathic and neurological pathologies. Such as:

  • female reproductive disorders;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems;
  • constant stressful situations, suspiciousness, hypochondria, increased nervous excitability.

It is noted that sensitive people with an unstable psyche, predisposed to psychosomatic ailments, are most often subject to an abnormal symptom.

Characteristic features of false calls

Characteristic signs of involuntary contractions of the muscular structure of the intestine are manifested in attacks of sharp pains in the abdomen, which have cramping properties. The emerging urge to emptying does not give relief, a small amount of feces with blood and mucous impurities may stand out.

Among women

The occurrence of tenesmus in the female half of the population is often the result of gynecological diseases. The anatomical structure of the female body is conducive to the rapid spread of inflammation to the segments of the large intestine, which causes a failure of reflexes in the nervous system of the intestine.

Women often complain about the imaginary urge to empty in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. In the later period, constipation often occurs with the pressure of the uterus on the walls of the intestine. The next monthly cycle can also cause a similar nuisance due to an increase in hormonal levels. Additionally, there are bouts of mild nausea with possible vomiting.


Pathologies in the male reproductive system can also lead to an increase in unpromising trips to the toilet. An increase in the size of the prostate gland due to prostate adenoma increases pressure on the intestinal walls, which provokes disturbances in the nervous reactions of the muscular structure of the intestine. Hyperplasia of the gland can also cause a false urge to urinate, due to the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.

During certain surgical operations on the prostate gland, there is a violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls and, as a result, failures in the nervous regulation of muscle contractions. The desire to go to the toilet is accompanied by signs of flatulence and rumbling in the stomach.


The appearance of symptoms of tenesmus in a child usually indicates pathologies of the lower intestinal tract. Discomfort is accompanied by palpable pain, the presence of mucous and blood impurities in the feces. When going to the toilet, the baby can scream loudly, he has reddening of the facial skin from strong attempts during emptying. Temperature fluctuations and manifestations of general weakness are possible. The abdominal area on palpation is dense and enlarged, which indicates a violation of the emptying processes and the development of flatulence.

Cause Diagnosis

Frequent imaginary urge to go to the toilet with scanty secretions should be an obligatory reason for contacting a general practitioner, proctologist or gastroenterologist. Conducting a comprehensive examination will determine the causes of an unpleasant ailment and establish the necessary course of complex treatment.

Associated symptoms

At the beginning of the process of diagnosing the underlying disease that causes tenesmus, a detailed survey of the patient is carried out to identify concomitant symptoms. The doctor examines the history and assesses the general health of the patient. If necessary, the method of palpation of the colon is used. According to the results of the study, the presence and size of hemorrhoidal cones, the integrity and dynamics of the mucous membrane, the state of muscle tone are revealed. With some doubts, additional studies are prescribed for a more accurate diagnosis.

Instrumental and laboratory research

Before undergoing diagnostic procedures, the patient must be specially prepared. To exclude known and simple causes of functional digestive disorders, it is recommended to follow a strict diet for several days, limiting the intake of coffee, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. Further instrumental examinations are carried out:

  • colonoscopy as the main method for diagnosing diseases of the colon. A special camera is inserted through the anus, which allows you to visually examine the intestinal mucosa to a depth of 1.5 meters. During the procedure, an organic fragment is taken for laboratory analysis for a biopsy, which makes it possible to identify the malignancy (benignity) of tumor formations;
  • anoscopy, as an auxiliary method for examining the anus and rectum using a special light bulb - an anoscope;
  • irrigoscopy, an x-ray examination, during which the rectum is filled with a contrast agent that is clearly visible on the x-ray machine. Pictures allow to reveal the possible causes of tenesmus;
  • CT, MRI, as additional methods for complex diagnostics. With their help, the localization of the pathology that has arisen is specified;

For laboratory studies, a fecal analysis is taken and a coprogram is carried out. The characteristics of the patient's stool make it possible to judge the stage of pathological processes developing in the intestine, the presence of mucous and blood secretions indicates a severe pathology.


The occurrence of tenesmus is a sign of the development of a disease and its treatment should contribute to the elimination of an unpleasant symptom. With unbearable pain, symptomatic therapy is prescribed using analgesics and antispasmodics. With infectious lesions of the intestine - antibacterial and detoxification therapy. In any case, the course of treatment should be comprehensive.


When prescribing medications, the doctor must take into account the underlying cause of tenesmus and all the patient's complaints. It is usually recommended to take:

  • antibacterial drugs "Nifuroxazide", "Amoxiclav", "Amoxicycline" and anti-inflammatory drugs "Indomethacin", "Ketorolac" in the presence of infectious inflammation in the colon;
  • myotropic antispasmodics "Drotaverine", "No-shpy", "Papaverine" to eliminate pain spasms;
  • "Dotralex", suppositories and ointment "Proctosan" to stimulate hemodynamics with anal fissures, fistulas and hemorrhoidal bumps.

When the use of drugs in tablet form does not give an effect, a course of intramuscular injections is prescribed. Decoctions with chamomile, yarrow and sage will soften and nourish the tissues of the large intestine. An enema with plantain infusion will heal microcracks on the membranes of the large intestine and contribute to the removal of accumulated mucus.

Sedentary baths with a cool infusion of calendula flowers have a good effect in relieving painful spasms. In any case, before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.


All patients suffering from defecation tenesmus must follow a specific diet. Eat often, but stick to small portions and give preference to easily digestible dishes and foods. With malnutrition with a predominance of products that cause increased peristalsis and increased gas formation, a person often provokes the formation of various pathologies. The fundamental factors of a therapeutic diet are:

  • the exclusion of harmful products that increase the formation of gases - all types of flour products, legumes, cabbage, etc.;
  • the use of large amounts of fiber - fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, especially well-boiled oatmeal;
  • reduced consumption of coffee, alcohol, any kind of carbonated drinks. It is better to drink strong tea without sugar and mineral water without gas;
  • refusal of "dry food", lack of fluid provokes constipation, tenesmus and other disorders in the digestive tract;
  • withdrawal from the diet of salty and pickled foods, hot spices and smoked meats. Excess salt provokes an exacerbation of intestinal diseases;
  • significant restriction of fatty foods. Refractory fats provoke intestinal motility.

When preparing food, it is advisable to use baking or steaming methods and, if possible, avoid eating foods that are too hot or too cold.


The basis for the prevention of false urges is the timely treatment of chronic diseases of the digestive system. The appearance of tenesmus, as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, constant nervous strain and malnutrition, requires the narrowly focused attention of a specialist. To combat stress, it’s good to change your attitude to life and walk more often in forest and park areas. Simple morning exercises and light physical activity will help reduce the risk of intestinal diseases, especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Often people are faced with such a problem as false urge to defecate. If such a phenomenon is rare, the problem is associated with malnutrition and a violation of the water balance in the body. However, if false urges to the toilet occur constantly, you need to think about getting a thorough diagnosis from a specialist. Nevertheless, not everyone is in a hurry to discuss such troubles with other people, even with a doctor. As a result, a person receives a correct diagnosis already at the stage when the disease reaches serious proportions and it takes a long time to treat it.

Therefore, do not ignore any violations in the body. This is especially true of the systematic repetition of unpleasant symptoms. It is possible that they will pass into a more significant form, and the disease will become chronic.

1 Etiology of the problem

A similar phenomenon is due to the fact that the intestinal muscles begin to contract convulsively, while the reasons may be different. All this is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and it may seem that the intestines should be emptied. However, nothing happens while visiting the toilet. The absence of feces with the urge to defecate is a suspicious symptom that requires careful study and determination of the cause.

Often, such a nuisance leads to malnutrition or food poisoning. For example, if the food is poorly processed, it causes a certain discomfort in the intestines, which leads to the urge to go to the toilet. The same happens with the use of expired and toxic products. They provoke indigestion, which leads to various troubles. False urges will be only the most harmless of them.

Most often, the problem disappears after taking absorbents and completely cleansing the intestines of toxins. If the urge occurs too often and this phenomenon does not stop for a long period, one can suspect the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. A similar symptom is characterized by gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and many other diseases that can occur in a chronic form.

A false urge to defecate during antibiotic treatment is considered a common occurrence. If you take medications incorrectly, there may be a side effect such as intestinal dysbacteriosis. This problem often leads to abdominal pain, false toilet urges, and heartburn.

If the symptom does not go away for a long time and the process of defecation becomes difficult, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is possible that in this case we are talking about serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including oncology. Getting rid of trouble is a must. This is necessary not only because of constant discomfort, but also because of possible complications. For example, false urges are often accompanied by constipation, and this is a sure way to hemorrhoids. In this case, the patient will experience not only discomfort during a visit to the toilet, but also blood discharge along with feces. Treatment of hemorrhoids is a difficult and long business, so you should try to prevent the development of such a pathology.

No need to overload your body. For example, false bowel movements are more common in people who are actively involved in sports, especially cycling. In rare cases, such a nuisance is faced by people who, when emptying their intestines, have a large amount of feces. But in such a situation, the problem goes away quickly.

2 Associated symptoms

False bowel movements, medically known as tenesmus, are often accompanied by many other symptoms that can help identify the underlying disease. Pain is the most important symptom of a problem. She always accompanies, and the symptom itself can drag on for a long time.

Most often, with false urges, feces do not come out of the rectum. However, even if a small amount of feces does appear, most likely they will be accompanied by blood. This is due to the strong tension in the anus, on which cracks appear.

In addition, with a false urge to defecate, such troubles as feeling sick, vomiting, and even fever can occur. Such symptoms are characteristic of poisoning and intoxication, so effective measures must be taken urgently.

Frequent additional symptoms that accompany tenesmus are constipation and diarrhea. This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, so you need to see a doctor and undergo a diagnosis in order to get the most correct and high-quality treatment.

3 How to get rid of false urges?

If a person has such a nuisance as constant urge to go to the toilet, in which there is no bowel movement, it is imperative to figure out what are the reasons for what is happening. To do this, you need to visit a doctor and tell the specialist about everything that worries. If the problem is left unattended, it can turn into complications, such as hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus.

Treatment of false urge to defecate is divided into 2 types. In the first case, the main work is carried out on the elimination of the symptom itself, and in the second, the causes of the problem are treated. Only a doctor after a thorough examination can determine which medicine will be more successful in a given situation. You should not self-medicate, since even prolonged intoxication can actually turn out to be a very serious illness, for example, a tumor.

To get rid of the false urge to defecate, experts always recommend a special diet. It should be designed in such a way as to eliminate either constipation or diarrhea. Be sure to give up products that are harmful to the stomach and intestines and irritate the digestive tract. It is best to include in your daily menu dishes that are easily absorbed by the body. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not forget about the drinking regime. The stool often depends on it.

If you have problems with defecation, you must strictly limit physical activity. It is especially not recommended to spend a lot of time cycling, riding horses and driving a car for a long time. Swimming and walking have a positive effect on the body. In addition, you can perform simple morning exercises, which will be enough for the normal maintenance of the body.

As for drug treatment, antispasmodics, such as No-Shpa and Papaverine, are most often prescribed here. But you can use them only with the approval of a doctor, since such drugs have contraindications and side effects.

For the treatment of diarrhea and intoxication, absorbents are used, such as white and activated carbon, Polysorb.

There are many useful folk methods that help get rid of the false urge to defecate. For example, a decoction of watermelon peels works well. It is also worth including milk with bran in your diet. Goat's milk is best for treating stool problems.

But you should not completely rely on traditional medicine. In the event of such a nuisance as false urge to empty the intestines, it is necessary to consult a doctor.



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