Lymph and lymphatic system of the body, treatment and cleansing methods and means. All about lymph


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Among all types of massage, lymphatic facial massage attracts special attention. This facial rejuvenation technique has been passed down from generation to generation in Japan since ancient times. However, he gained all-round popularity after the release of a book about him, which for a long time ranked first in the “top ten books”. Written by her famous Japanese stylist - Yukoko Tanaka.

Lymphatic drainage system of the face and neck

Before proceeding to the description of the technique, it is necessary to understand what the lymphatic system of the face and neck is.

Represented by many capillaries, vessels of medium caliber and nodes. Its main function is to filter the lymph fluid coming from different structures of the face and neck, cleansing it from viruses, malignant cells and bacteria.
Head lymph nodes include:

  • mastoid;
  • parotid;
  • submandibular;
  • occipital;
  • facial;
  • chin knots.

Neck lymph nodes include:

  • jugular;
  • thyroid;
  • pharyngeal and supraclavicular;
  • as well as deep cervical nodes.

To properly perform lymphatic massage, you need to know that the parotid nodes are located in front of the upper edge of the ear, the jugular and deep cervical nodes are in front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the region of its middle and lower thirds.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for performing Japanese lymphatic facial massage:

  • Sagging skin on the lower part of the face, or the so-called fleas.
  • Drooping of the upper eyelids (ptosis).
  • Dryness of the skin.
  • Violation of blood microcirculation in the skin of the face and neck.
  • Mimic and senile wrinkles (superficial and deep).
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Flabby and dry skin, due to reduced vascular tone of the skin and underlying muscles.
  • Unhealthy shades of the skin (pallor, earthiness, the presence of age spots).
  • Pronounced subcutaneous fat on the neck and face, especially in the cheeks.
  • Pastosity or swelling.
  • Double chin.
  • Not clearly defined contour of the face.
  • Seasonal beriberi (in particular, deficiency of vitamins E and A).

However, this type of massage has its own contraindications:

  • Age (persons under 16 years of age are not recommended for such procedures).
  • Fresh wounds and other injuries in the face and neck.
  • Inflammatory and infectious skin diseases (acne, rosacea, furunculosis, demodex, pink lichen, psoriasis, strepto- and staphyloderma, etc.).
  • Fresh rhinoplasty.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphostasis, tumors).
  • High blood pressure.
  • Acute infectious diseases, predominantly of viral etiology.
  • depressive states.
  • Acute and chronic pathology of ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis).
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Execution technique

Before proceeding directly to the massage, you should remember the following unspoken rules: it is recommended to do lymphatic drainage exercises for the face and neck area manually, without using any improvised means (mesoscooters, special balls, etc.).

The skin should be moisturized and pre-cleansed. You can use cosmetic oils (with caution for people prone to allergic reactions).

The video below will demonstrate the technique of performing lymphatic facial massage.

Facial massage according to the Japanese technique, which is called "Zogan" or "Yasahi", allows women to maintain beautiful and toned skin for a long time. The main direction of movement is from the middle of the face and neck to the edges, and then up (that is, along the lines of the lymphatic system of the face).

Lymphatic forehead massage

The technique of Japanese self-massage of the face involves the use of two or three fingers from each hand (usually ring, middle and index). Three fingers from both hands should be pressed to the conditional central point of the forehead, mentally count three seconds and, with moderate pressure, take them to the temporal regions. Then turn the palmar surface of the hand at a right angle downwards and run your fingers along the lateral edges of the face towards the ears, and from them to the supraclavicular fossae.

Exercises to eliminate puffiness around the eyes

The main condition is that the massage movements go along the fibers of the circular muscle of the eyes. In the region of the upper eyelids - from the inner to the outer corners of the eye, in the region of the lower eyelids - vice versa.

Spread your arms, bent at the elbow joints, in different directions, that is, parallel to the floor and raise them up - to your face. With the soft part of both middle fingers it is easy to draw from the outer to opposite edges of the eyes along the lower eyelids. Then, moderately increasing the pressure, “draw” a semicircle along the upper part of the orbital cavity towards the outer corners, and linger at the temporal point for three seconds. Again make the first movement to complete the circle.

The next step is to change direction: movements along the lower part of the eye socket go from the inner edges to the outer ones, after which you should again hold your fingers at a point in the temple area for three seconds and easily hold them up to the earlobe.

Massage exercises for the face area against wrinkles around the mouth

Set the third and fourth fingers to the conditional central point - the dimple on the chin. With moderate pressure, circle the mouth with your fingers and finally, bring them together above the lips, applying moderate pressure to this area. Then, with both ring fingers, slightly raise the nasal septum and again linger in this position for three seconds. Finally, take both hands away from your face.

To reduce the volume of the cheeks

Place your fingers in the recesses near the wings of the nasal passages and make 5 arcuate movements in the directions: up and down. Slowly move your fingers to the upper third of the bridge of the nose, perform smoothing movements along the back of the nose, directed to the buccal-nasal fold. Take your fingers towards the external auditory canals.

Maxillary region, zygomatic arches and corners of the mouth

Press your fingers to your chin, run them around your mouth. Direct your movements to the corners of both eyes, and easily spread your arms to the sides - to the temples.

Exercise to tone the skin of the lower third of the face and cheeks

With the palmar surface of one hand, focus on the lateral part of the lower jaw. With the second hand on the opposite side, draw a line from the mandibular angle to the inner point of the eye and linger. Then, with light pressure, bring the line to the ear. Repeat the same technique with the other part of the face.

Massage exercises to strengthen the middle part of the face

Put the palmar surfaces of the fingers on the cheeks. Press on the nostrils and run your fingers to the temporal region.

For face lifting

Fix the base of the palmar surface of the hand under the chin, place the fingers so that they are directed towards the ear. With pressure, hold your hand from the center of the chin to the earlobe. Similarly, repeat the movement on the other side.

Elimination of the nasolabial fold

The thumbs of the hands should be placed under the chin, and the rest will wrap around the nose. With pressure, spread your palms to the side - to the temporal bones, and hold them for three seconds. The final stage is to hold your hands along the edges of the face to the pits above the collarbone.

Lymphatic drainage from forehead wrinkles

Three fingers of the hand make zigzag movements from left to right and vice versa, thereby smoothing the skin of the forehead. At the end, repeat the first exercise.

The video of lymphatic facial massage, which is located below, will help you to understand the technique in more detail.


The location of lymph nodes on the face is not always typical: they can be localized on the cheeks, chin, in the cheekbones and in other areas. The most common inflammation of the lymph nodes in different parts of the body, but sometimes the lymph nodes on the face can also become inflamed, their location may indicate the causes of lymphadenitis.

What are the lymph nodes on the face and where are they located?

Lymph nodes (L / y) are located along the lymphatic vessels. The lymph nodes of the face and neck are necessary to remove metabolic products, toxins, and create a barrier to infection.

In the facial area, several main groups of lymph nodes (glands) can be distinguished:

  • superficial and deep parotid(in the projection of the parotid salivary glands on both sides);
  • directly facial(buccal and mandibular lymph nodes, as well as a small number of nameless ones);
  • submental(between the abdomens of the digastric muscle);
  • submandibular.

Strictly speaking, the last two groups of nodes (submental and submandibular) are located not on the face itself, but in the neck and under the chin. But they are also closely related to the lymph glands of the face, so they should also be included in this list. Lymph from all the lymphatic glands of the face flows through the lymphatic vessels into the cervical lymph nodes.

The location of the lymph nodes on the face depends on the degree of development of the facial muscles and subcutaneous tissue, and genetic factors also matter. Below is a schematic representation of the facial lymphatic system against the background of facial muscles and large blood vessels.

Facial lymph nodes can be located in the thickness of the cheek, in the cheekbones. Closer to the angle of the lower jaw are the mandibular nodes.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the face

Lymphadenitis of the maxillofacial region is rarely an independent disease.

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in this area can be:

  • infectious diseases (colds, herpetic infection, measles, purulent tonsillitis, mononucleosis, etc.);
  • decreased immune response;
  • various tumors and oncological diseases (including leukemia);
  • hypothermia;
  • traumatic injury to this area of ​​the face;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums (periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries);
  • the introduction of pathogenic microbes from the outside (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, streptococci) from purulent-inflammatory foci on the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue of the facial region;
  • allergic reactions.

Lymphadenitis of the facial node

Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the cheek is often associated with acne, or acne. This disease is caused by special propionobacteria. In the development of the inflammatory process, the state of the immune system and the hormonal system are of no small importance.

Lymphadenitis of the parotid and behind the ear nodes

Inflammation of the lymph node near the ear near the cheek occurs with mumps (). The causes of lymphadenitis of the anterior lymph nodes can be otitis media, mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process) and some other inflammatory processes in this area.

Enlargement of nodes in the lower part of the face

If the inflammation affects the submental lymph nodes, it can be assumed that the cause of the disease is caries, periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity. This also applies to the mandibular nodes.

Lymphadenitis of the facial area: symptoms

Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the face is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin in the corresponding area. The affected node increases significantly and can be very painful, with pressure on it, the pain intensifies. If the node undergoes purulent fusion, it may break through to the surface of the cheek or other area. With a pronounced inflammatory process, the temperature often rises, the patient is worried about weakness and headache.

Important: an increase in lymph nodes on the cheeks, cheekbones, chin and other facial areas is dangerous for the development of severe complications up to meningitis, encephalitis (inflammation of the meninges and brain) and sepsis (blood poisoning).

Therefore, for any purulent processes of this localization, you should immediately contact the surgeon.

Types of lymphadenitis

The classification of lymphadenitis takes into account the nature of the course, the form of inflammation and other factors. So, downstream, lymphadenitis can be acute and.

According to the causative factor, there are:

  • specific lymphadenitis(against the background of syphilitic infection, tuberculosis);
  • nonspecific lymphadenitis(caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other common microbes, toxins).

Given the nature of the exudate, there are purulent and non-purulent inflammations of the lymph nodes on the face. A photo of purulent lymphadenitis is presented below.


Since the defeat of the lymphatic glands in most cases is only a manifestation of the underlying disease, for successful treatment it is necessary to determine the cause. For the purpose of diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient, palpates the inflamed nodes and lymphatic vessels.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the specialist carefully examines the oral cavity, the region of the salivary glands. To make it easier for the doctor to find out the cause of the pathology, you need to tell in detail about the symptoms and past diseases, existing diseases.

It should be borne in mind that under the guise of inflammation of the lymph, other diseases can also occur. For example, inflammation near the ear occurs with mumps, inflammation of the cheekbone - with atheromas, deep acne and subcutaneous abscesses.


If the lymph nodes near the ear, on the face or chin are inflamed, you should definitely consult a doctor. The treatment of lymphadenitis of the facial region is usually done by the maxillofacial surgeon.

The therapy includes the following components:

  • etiological treatment(impact on the cause of the disease);
  • symptomatically means(reduction of symptoms of lymphadenitis);
  • general strengthening of the body.

Etiotropic therapy

To eliminate inflammation in the lymph nodes of the face, it is necessary first of all to act on the root cause. With the infectious nature of the disease, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are used.

If an increase in lymphatic vessels and nodes is associated with measles, herpes, mumps or mononucleosis, antiviral agents are used. Allergic diseases are treated with antihistamines or glucocorticosteroids (only with severe allergization).

With chin lymphadenitis, which develops against the background of caries and periodontal disease, sanitation of diseased teeth is carried out. For the treatment of inflamed gums, rinsing with medicinal decoctions and antiseptic solutions is prescribed.

Symptomatic treatment

With inflammation of the lymph nodes on the face and near the ears, symptomatic treatment includes the use of:

  • anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and painkillers (mainly non-steroidal analgesics - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.);
  • detoxifying drugs.

Detoxification may be required with a pronounced reaction of the body, which is most often associated with the underlying disease.

The use of symptomatic agents allows you to normalize body temperature, relieve pain and swelling in the area of ​​lymphadenopathy. Sometimes, with the help of symptomatic therapy, it is possible to weaken the symptoms of the underlying disease, which led to the inflammatory reaction of the lymph nodes on the face.

This curious article is from the page of Nazar Ruzanov vk

Popular about the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM,

or Don't let the lymph stagnate!

Lymph movement is youth!

Move blood through arteries causes the muscular vascular organ - the heart, and the movement of blood through the veins is provided by the muscular-valve structure of the veins. This is how the large and small circles of blood circulation function.

But the lymphatic channel does not have such a "drive". The movement of lymph is slow and is provided by the muscles. The main muscle for driving the lymph is the diaphragm. This is a kind of "heart" of the lymphatic system. With physical exertion and deep breathing with the "belly", the amplitude of the movement of the diaphragm increases, and the circulation of the lymph increases, i.e. its stagnation is removed.

With obesity and the absence of certain physical exertion, lymph stagnation occurs in any lymph nodes. At the same time, waste products of cells (fragments of decayed lipids, proteins, slags, etc.) accumulate in the intercellular spaces, which even gradually grow into connective tissue fibers (doctors call this process fibrosis). And these cells simply begin to rot - there are sluggish oncological diseases, hypertension, allergies, etc.

Lymph is cleansed through saliva. The salivary glands belong to the lymphatic system, have access to the oral cavity and, together with saliva, carry waste and pollution from their system to the digestive tract for further removal from the body.

Under stress, it usually dries up in the mouth, saliva is not released, stagnation occurs in the lymphatic system. And the man is given water to drink. But this is undesirable. It is better to stimulate the secretion of saliva with sucking movements of the lips in order to release the saliva in the mouth and make swallowing movements.

And to enhance the secretion of saliva, you can use chewing gum, half an hour after eating, put salt on the tip of a knife under the tongue.

It is necessary to abandon the bad habit - immediately after eating, drink drinks on the third and have fruit for dessert. Do not store yesterday's food in the refrigerator, as it (especially heated) is rich in toxins that have appeared from the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria, and after eating it fills the entire intercellular space and lymphatic system in the human body with ballast.

The lymphatic system is a system that even doctors don't know well. They never seriously studied it. The lymphatic system works in one direction. All lymph flows from bottom to top. Swelling on the legs, arms, eyes, lower back, joints - it's all lymph. A bacterium, virus or fungus enters the body. What does lymph do? Near the hit is a large lymph node, for example, the genital tract. Lymph nodes block the passage of infection further.

If gonorrhea passed through the body and got into the brain, then people would die immediately. Lymphocytes come out of the lymph nodes, and they patrol the entire mucous membrane, urethra, and vagina. If they find something there, they eat it and take it back to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, this is all lysed, activated and thrown out. The first route of lymph flow in the body is through the vagina and urethra. Everything that is connected with leucorrhea in women, discharge in men, suggests that someone lives in the body, and the lymph of this someone eats, at the cost of his own life, and removes it. The second escape route is in the intestine, which contains tens of thousands of small lymph nodes.

Up to 50% of poisons come out through sweat and armpits. Now people use deodorants, from which a person does not sweat for 24 hours. They do not sweat under the armpits, but the palms sweat. They also do cosmetic surgery when they cut the lymphatic ducts. The forehead should not sweat. If the armpits are clogged, then the entire surface of the body sweats. This indicates the second degree of damage and pollution of the lymph. The face should be relatively dry, and under the armpits should flow, because there is a powerful sweat collector. There are not many sweat glands on the face.

Adenoids are lymph nodes. Everyone who breathes through the mouth has adenoids - enlarged lymph nodes in the nose.

The salivary glands are a powerful detoxifying organ. Up to half a liter of toxic sputum is excreted through saliva. If a child has saliva on the pillow, then this indicates serious problems of the lymphatic system. If a person or a child sweats in a dream, then this may indicate that he has pinworms, Giardia, or something else. Children should not sweat even at an ambient temperature of 30C. They have a poorly developed sweat system. If a small child has a wet head at night, then he is sick. In a child, everything should go through the kidneys, intestines.

Larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis are the lymph nodes of the pharynx and larynx. With this diagnosis, a person has a chronic infection of a chronic fungus or chronic streptococcus. They are candidates for chronic lymphatic involvement.

Tonsils are the most powerful springboard for various bacteria. Streptococcus always goes through the tonsils. This is angina, rheumatism. Staphylococcus will not go through the tonsils. It goes through the nose. Sinusitis is a lesion of the lymphatic system, not the respiratory system. There is nothing in the nose, there are only minks for air and membranes 1 micron thick. Everything else there is garbage.

Where does pus come from? From the abdomen, from the lymph, from the blood, from the intercellular spaces, and exit through the nose. Staphylococcus has this way. The fungus through the nose will never go. The fungus is excreted through nearby organs. If it is foot, then it will stand out there. The skin will crack. The lymphatic system will never drag the fungus into the nose, because it will not drag it. She will kill all the lymphatic collectors. The lymphatic system will open the skin and eject the lymphatic fluid right between the fingers. The lymph nodes of the bones will never miss the fungus. If the whole body is affected by the fungus, then fungal bronchitis begins. The deep lymph nodes of the bronchi are connected, and a person may develop bronchial asthma (this is not about psychosomatics, when a person draws attention to himself with an illness).

joint inflammation is a lesion of the lymphatic system. Everyone believes that swelling in the legs is cardiac, renal. Edema can only be lymphatic. The heart is depleted and cannot pump blood. But it is not blood that lingers in the legs, but lymph. Elephantiasis is a lesion of the lymph when the inguinal lymph nodes are clogged and the fluid does not rise. Swelling of the hands is a blockage of the axillary lymph nodes. Puffiness of the eyes is a blockage of the submandibular and facial lymph nodes. This indirectly indicates blockage of the kidneys. If the kidneys secrete less fluid than they need, then there is more of it in the body.


For the functioning of the lymphatic system, it’s not enough just to “drink a pill”- for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, at a minimum, you need to do breathing exercises, “breathe with your stomach”, do at least minimal exercises, try to walk more. This allows you to partially eliminate the stagnation of the lymph.



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