When to conceive a child. How to calculate the best time to conceive using a calendar

Contains a lot of subtleties that future parents worry about in advance. Such details include the date of pregnancy and delivery. The possibilities of the modern world allow schedule a period conception and birth of a child.

    How to plan a pregnancy?

    A healthy married couple has a high probability of successfully conceiving on the first try. Knowing this, many choose a certain season for pregnancy and childbirth. No one is immune from misfires, but everyone can increase their chances of success. To do this, you need to follow certain principles. These include:

    • Determining a woman's fertile period.
    • Preliminary change .
    • Practice sexual intercourse once every few days.
    • Reception.
    • Rejection of bad habits.

    During pregnancy, a woman should not use most medical supplies. Taking them may adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to cure the disease before the planned conception.

    If there are problems with reproductive function you need to consult a fertility specialist. If there are no serious deviations, then visiting an antenatal clinic is enough. Any medications intended for use should be taken with attending physician.

    ON A NOTE! In Russia, the peak birth rate is observed from August to September and from April to May.

    When is the best time to get pregnant?

    Pregnancy is the most beautiful and, at the same time, difficult period in a woman’s life. It is accompanied by edema, toxicosis, deterioration in health and decreased immunity. Every expectant mother strives to spend this period with the greatest comfort.

    The best time for the first trimester is considered beginning of autumn. Over the summer, the body rests and gains strength, and the supply of vitamins is replenished, which is very important during the period of bearing a child.

    Toxicosis often develops in the first trimester. It falls during cool times. A woman does not have to travel in stuffy transport. No additional irritating factors.

    The second trimester occurs during the winter months. As a rule, a series of family holidays begins. Frosts are conducive to spending time at home. Decreasing physical activity. This allows you to avoid various injuries. The second trimester shows a calm home environment.

    Childbirth takes place at the end of spring - early summer. At this time it is not yet very hot. At the same time, the cold weather is receding. It is easier for the baby to adapt to the environment. And during this period it is easier for a woman to regain her strength. In addition, spring is the most favorable time for walks with children.

    IMPORTANT! In winter it is undesirable due to the likelihood of contracting the flu or cold. At this stage, diseases can negatively affect the child.

    When is the best time to give birth?

    The process of bearing a child
    takes nine months. During this time, the woman prepares for a new position. The closer the preliminary date of birth, the greater the tension becomes. Before meeting your baby, you need to carefully prepare.

    The most optimal period for delivery– this is the end of spring – the beginning of summer. First of all, the climatic conditions are favorable. Especially for the peoples of the northern parts of the country.

    In summer it is possible to eat large amount of vitamins. This is very important in the postpartum state. During childbirth, a woman experiences great stress. During the recovery period the following phenomena are characteristic:

    • Hormonal imbalances.
    • Hair loss.
    • Depression.
    • Deterioration of skin condition.
    • Brittle nails.

    In addition to the support of loved ones, the expectant mother needs vitamins. Multivitamin complexes may not be completely absorbed by the body. In this case, it is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

    REFERENCE! The good thing about spring pregnancy is that it can go through with the greatest comfort. However, childbirth in winter is characterized by a risk of injury and the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases.

    Subtleties of biorhythms

    Cosmobiologists argue that the choice of season for pregnancy and childbirth should be based on individual characteristics. Every person has periods of greatest activity and life decline. They depend on the time of year in which the person was born.

    Experts believe that two months before and after birth, a person’s vital activity decreases. Therefore, this period is unfavorable for conception.

    There is also an opinion that the child himself chooses the time of his birth. Often births occur earlier than planned and this fact does not affect the health of the child in any way.

    Notably, time of birth may influence functioning important life support systems. These include endocrine and cardiovascular.

    ON A NOTE! Practice shows that labor most often occurs at night. This is due to the peculiarities of the pituitary gland.

    Timing of childbearing is important, but not mandatory. The main thing is that parents are prepared for the new situation. It is very important to get rid of existing diseases and prepare the material base.

A conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to monitor her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The child's conception calendar is a form in which you need to enter the first day of the last menstruation, and the program, using different colors, shows which days are the most “fruitful”. Try it, calculating the conception calendar is really very simple!

To better understand how the program works, we will present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. For the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur during menstruation, or at the very end of the cycle. These “safe” days are represented in pink (see the baby conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during the ovulation period.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Libido (sex drive) will increase.

3. You may notice a jump in your basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you plotted it in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. Short-term, aching pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries may appear.

6. Using an ultrasound examination, the doctor identifies signs that an egg has been released from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data about the beginning of critical days (the exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Please note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%; nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any “little things”, such as stress or a change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Note also that ovulation does not occur every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year that are “sterile.”

If pregnancy is one of the most important goals for a woman, it has been planned for a long time, but for some reason everything does not happen, the search for possible mistakes begins. Every little detail is taken into account, right down to the time of day of conception.

Is it really so important that “all the stars align”, is it possible to figure out certain nuances, and when is the best time to conceive a child in order to maximize the likelihood of success?

Relationship between pregnancy and menstrual cycle

According to gynecologists, if you need to calculate anything when planning a pregnancy, it is the exact duration of the menstrual cycle and all its phases. It mainly depends on them whether the egg meets the sperm, and how successful their meeting will be. Ovulation is responsible for this moment: a process that occurs only once in all 24-30 days (depending on the duration of a particular cycle) and represents the release of an egg from the ovaries, which was facilitated by certain hormonal “shocks”.

  • The real opportunity for a woman to become pregnant lasts for 4-6 days.

These days follow each other and are closely related to the moment of ovulation, so you need to very accurately calculate its onset. This way you can determine when is the best time to conceive a child after your period. If you try to determine this moment based on test data, then you need to look at the level of estrogen and luteinizing hormone: they will rise sharply. After they reach peak values, a woman has about 36 hours to conceive: ovulation will occur exactly after this period. The approximate date of ovulation is 12-16 days before the start of a new menstruation.

  • Fertilization of an egg released from the ovaries is possible only within 24 hours from the moment of ovulation, because its lifespan is very short.

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Why then was it mentioned earlier that you can get pregnant if you get into the “corridor” of 4-6 days? The whole reason is in sperm: their lifespan is much longer and is 5 days (of course, with proper activity). For this reason, doctors call the correct time for conception 5 days before ovulation and a day after its onset. However, you need to take into account that even on the last day the probability of getting pregnant is only 33%, since in addition to the woman’s fertility, this fact is influenced by many other factors.

Secondary factors for successful conception

A woman’s ability to become pregnant and the subsequent course of this process is influenced by the biological and psychological readiness of the body. Doctors say that the best time will be from 20 to 26 years old, if we consider the physiological issue (it is assumed that a woman who gives birth before the age of 22 is less likely to get breast cancer), but emotionally few people think about having a child before the age of 26 really necessary.

  • Some women are trying to determine which position is best for conceiving a child, and whether the depth of penetration affects this. If we turn to physics (more precisely, the law of gravity), we can conclude that a woman should not be on top, so as not to increase the likelihood of sperm leaking out of the vagina.

In addition, experts advise bringing the contact between the male penis and the cervix as close as possible, which will help speed up the potential meeting of sperm. The most popular option in this matter is when the man is behind. In this case, it is important to take into account the physiological characteristics of a particular female body: for example, if the uterus is bent, the knee-elbow position is suitable, and if the ovaries are inflamed due to deformation of the uterus, it is necessary to lie on the same side where the cervix is ​​rotated. In the absence of this kind of problem, you can even get by with the standard “woman from below on your back” pose, but you should bend your legs, pulling your knees to your chest, and place a folded blanket or pillow under your buttocks to deepen the contact and change the angle of entry.

A few more nuances:

  • What time of day to conceive? Experts believe that in the afternoon, linking this with the schedule of sperm activity.
  • Which month is best to conceive a child depends on when you plan to give birth, and whether you have a psychological/physical dependence on the weather outside your window. For example, in the spring the body suffers from vitamin deficiency, in the summer there is a large amount of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and in the winter it is difficult to get to the antenatal clinic due to snow and bad weather in general. All this is already decided on an individual basis.
  • How often should you try to conceive? Gynecologists note that daily sex does not guarantee instant pregnancy. It is much more likely that sperm activity will increase after 3-4 days of abstinence, so maintain a short interval.

The decision “I want a child” was made! Now we must definitely prepare for such an important matter.

First thing you need:

    • Prepare the body of the future mother and father, take tests and make sure that everything is in order with health;
    • Know which days are best to conceive a child, before or after menstruation;
    • Know what time of year is best to conceive a child;
    • In what position is it better to conceive a child?
    • What time of day is best to conceive a child?

All these questions concern many women who decide to become a mother.

Before pregnancy, you need to prepare your body for the next 9 months and childbirth. Follow our advice and you will strengthen your body and prepare yourself for childbirth:

    • Stop using birth control a couple of months before fertilization;
    • Take a course of vitamins that increase;
    • Do not consume prohibited products such as caffeine, nicotine, antibiotics - this reduces the ability to conceive;
    • Activities such as or will help strengthen the lower back and prepare the hip joints for subsequent childbirth;
    • Your diet must include foods such as fatty fish, various oils, dairy products, lots of vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Follow this regimen 1-2 months before conception and throughout pregnancy to form a healthy fetus.

We choose the days - when is the best time to conceive a child!

To do this, we will need to learn how to measure basal temperature and keep a pregnancy planning calendar.

Basal temperature is a woman’s body temperature measured rectally. This temperature rises during ovulation - the maturation of the egg.

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If your cycle is 28 days. Mark on your calendar when your last period ended. Then start measuring your basal temperature daily. And you will see that after 14-15 days the temperature will increase by several degrees.

This period will be the most favorable and effective for conceiving a child.

Which pose should you choose?

The most effective position is considered to be when the man is above the woman. The woman's pelvis is slightly raised. With this position, the least loss of sperm occurs. And the probability of egg fertilization by sperm increases.

Does the time of day affect conception?

Scientists tend to believe that morning sex is more effective in conceiving a child. Since in the morning a man’s sperm are in combat readiness and it will be easier for them to fertilize a woman’s egg.

As soon as your man wakes up, this is the most optimal time for conception. Take note!

Choosing the time of year

In what period - winter or summer - should you conceive a child? The question is not so simple! Let's figure out what you need to pay attention to when planning your pregnancy date.

  1. Keep in mind that the first months of pregnancy are the most dangerous. And if they fall in the autumn-winter period, there is a chance of catching an ARVI or influenza virus, which will negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
  2. The second thing that mothers are guided by is what time of year the birth itself will occur. If it's summer and you can't stand the heat well, think about it!
  3. Third, under what zodiac sign the baby will be born. The future character of the baby is also important for harmony in the family!

How to order the gender of the child?

Many people are concerned about the question “Which days is it better to conceive a baby, a girl or a boy?”

You can order the gender of a child with 100% accuracy only through artificial insemination - IVF.

But there are also traditional methods that work 50/50. As they say, trying is not torture.

By calculating the days of ovulation, you can predict the gender of the baby. If you conceive a child 1-2 days before ovulation, it will be a girl. If at the very peak of ovulation it is a boy.

This is due to the fact that the sperm responsible for the female sex of the child are not so active, but very hardy. When having sex -1-2 days before the egg matures, the sperm will just reach the egg at the peak of ovulation.

Boy sperm are active, but not long-lived. Therefore, if you want a boy, you need to have sex during the period of ovulation - not before and not after, but at the very peak.

In the article we looked at all the intricacies of conceiving a baby - now you are aware of absolutely all the details of this process!!

In the modern world, the definition of “pregnancy planning” is used everywhere, since it has become possible to influence the process of conception and decide when exactly it should happen. The planning process is characterized by many subtleties, and future parents think through such important points in advance.

The most favorable days for conception depending on ovulation

Many people have heard about the calendar method, but it is still very conventional. If there is a regular menstrual cycle, a woman may not pay attention to its duration, because after following it for 2-3 months, she can already create her calendar without any problems.

It is believed that the most suitable period is the days of the cycle from 9 to 18. In this case, you need to count from the 20th day until the start of the next menstruation. If a woman has an irregular cycle, the duration of each cycle will need to be recorded for at least a year.

In this way it will be possible to determine the longest and shortest cycle that ever existed. Next, you will need to make a calculation: subtract 19 from the number of days of the shortest cycle, and 10 from the longest.

For example, the shortest menstrual cycle was 24 days, and the longest was 28. The following calculations are obtained: 24 - 19 = 5. 28 - 10 = 18. As a result, it becomes clear that the most favorable days for conceiving a child will be with 5th to 18th inclusive.

Video: how to determine the day of ovulation

Why do such seemingly accurate calculations remain conditional? Because even in women with a perfectly rhythmic menstrual cycle, ovulation does not always occur on precisely calculated days.

It is worth noting that changes in ovulation can be influenced by factors such as frequent stress, depression, taking medications and especially hormonal drugs, as well as, of course, various types of illnesses. So you should not use the calendar method as the only effective and absolutely accurate way to plan conception.

Did you know? The average cycle length for women, which is 28 days, is actually not that average. It turns out that only 33% of women have such a cycle length. For the rest, it is either less, or longer, or fluctuates up to 14 days from one cycle to the next.

Optimal age

The age of the future father and mother can influence both the conception of the baby and its further development inside the womb.
There is some truth to the fact that as a woman ages, it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. Carrying a child is not easy, and at a certain age it can be quite problematic. But a man’s age is no less important.

Before we talk about the optimal age of a man and a woman to conceive a child, we note that until today not a single doctor can accurately name the ideal age of reproduction, especially in men. The most important thing is the lifestyle that those who want to become parents lead, and age is a secondary factor, although certainly important.

For men

According to research, the chance of conceiving a child for men aged 40+ is approximately 60%. Then, closer to 45 years, the figure drops to 35%.

The reason for such statistics lies in the fact that over the years, the sperm produced is damaged at the genetic level, which provokes infertility. The number of active sperm capable of moving gradually decreases, and the volume of damaged ones increases.

Video: the influence of the father’s age on conceiving a child Based on this, we can summarize that the ideal age for conceiving a child in men is the period from 20 to 35 years of age. With all this, you need to remember that the most important thing is the quality of sperm, which can be low even at a young age.

Factors such as:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Among other things, for many men, sexual activity decreases by the age of 35, which also reduces a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

Despite all the above information, a man’s chance of conceiving a child after 40 still remains. Therefore, this age should not be taken as a death sentence.

Did you know? Pregnancy, as everyone knows, lasts on average about 9 months. Surprisingly, the longest pregnancy recorded to date lasted 375 days - more than a year.

For women

According to medical experts, the best female age to give birth to a child is the period from 18 to 35 years of life. It is recommended to plan your first pregnancy before the age of 25. At this stage, the hormonal background has already stabilized sufficiently. Also, most often, a woman’s body by this time is not yet burdened with a number of chronic diseases. It is interesting to know how mother and baby feel at 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy.

In general, the advantages of this reproductive age in women are as follows:

  • the ovaries have the largest follicular reserve, which increases the ability to fertilize;
  • significantly lower probability;
  • the body, due to its youth, is less susceptible to disease, which helps to safely bear a child;
  • pregnancy is a significant burden on the body, and a young woman can bear it more easily than an older pregnant woman;
  • at this age, complications of pregnancy, including late complications, manifest themselves much less frequently;
  • In a young woman, the birth canal is more elastic, and the pelvic bones are more mobile, which makes labor easier.
Video: at what age is it better to give birth?

Many women who are temporarily postponing having a child have heard the statement that after the age of 35, pregnancy will always have complications. And the key word here is “always”. Now, this is certainly not true.

The likelihood of getting pregnant, as well as the process of bearing a child, completely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and her man (if we talk about conception). And if there are no serious health problems and there is a correct lifestyle, then you can conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy child not only after 35 years, but also after 40.

Best time of year to get pregnant:

Disputes about what time of year is best to give birth to a baby still take place today. Some are interested in horoscopes and want to influence the character of the baby even before she is conceived, while others are concerned about the health of the baby who will be born in one season or another of the year. Let's look at the main pros and cons of each period.


A child conceived in winter will be born in autumn.
Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • at the last stage of pregnancy, a woman will be able to consume many natural vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits, which are available in abundance in the fall;
  • The lactation period will also take place in comfortable conditions of vitaminization of the body.

As for the cons:

  • the beginning of pregnancy coincides with the peak of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Of course, this is dangerous, since the baby’s main organs are forming right now. But this problem can be avoided. All you need to do is take vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle, try not to visit crowded places and dress warmly;
  • the baby will be born in the cold season, which is not good for walking. But if you harden it from the first days, using air baths, etc., and also walk with it, not paying much attention to the weather (protecting, of course, the stroller from wind and rain), then there should be no problems.


A child conceived in the spring will be born in the winter.

  • the vitamin reserve in the last stages of pregnancy has not yet been depleted, so the conditions for the birth of the baby will be quite favorable;
  • late toxicosis will be tolerated quite comfortably, because the weather is not hot.
  • In the spring, many people clearly feel vitamin depletion, so it is recommended that both parents take vitamins;
  • you need to protect yourself from accidental injury in the last months of bearing a child due to slush and ice;
  • the child will be born during an epidemic of acute respiratory infections and influenza, so the baby needs to be protected and hardened.


In the spring, children are born who were conceived in the summer.

  • in summer there is a large amount of vitamins that the expectant mother takes from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • the risk of getting the flu or acute respiratory infections is minimal;
  • a lot of positive emotions in connection with the warm season, the opportunity to relax and gain strength.
  • the end of pregnancy coincides with an epidemic of colds, as well as the risk of injury due to ice or slush. It is recommended to harden yourself before pregnancy, exercise and take vitamins. And in the process of bearing a child, rely on the help and accompaniment of your husband during walks;
  • spring is the season of vitamin deficiency. You need to remember this and consume more fresh vegetables and fruits in the fall, and later - tablet vitamins.


A child conceived in autumn will be born in summer.

  • a huge amount of vitamins at the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • the birth of a child and lactation also coincides with the fortified season.
  • The last months of bearing a child may fall during the summer season, when it can be quite hot and even stuffy. It is recommended to purchase a fan or air conditioner to regulate the temperature in your home. It is advisable to walk in the morning or evening, avoiding the stuffiness of lunchtime;
  • Long daylight hours do not promote the production of melatonin, the pregnancy hormone. But if a woman is healthy and happy, then she can cope with the amount of hormone that is available.

As you can see, each season has its positive sides, and those marked with disadvantages can also be turned into advantages if you prepare for them correctly. For example, bad weather for a child is not too negative a factor, because these are excellent conditions for early hardening. Moreover, at first the baby is protected by the mother’s immunity, which he received from birth, so he is not afraid of viruses.

Video: when to plan a baby

Important!You should dress the baby correctly and according to the weather, because the child wears a lot of clothes-this is just as bad as its lack.

What time of day is best to conceive a child?

Sexologists believe that the best time to conceive a child is in the morning, from about 6 to 8 o'clock. It is believed that it is during this time period that a man produces the most active sperm.

And the woman, in turn, is best prepared for fertilization. It is worth noting that this is not a dogma, because different people lead different lifestyles and biological morning may come for someone at a completely different time.

The best period to conceive a child after a previous pregnancy

It is worth noting at the beginning that planning a second or third baby immediately after the birth of the previous child is not recommended. Pregnancy has a significant impact on a woman’s body and her health, and childbirth is generally a stressful experience. It is important to restore strength, and this takes a lot of time.

Doctors, for the most part, agree that it is best to keep the interval between pregnancies at 3-5 years. Thus, a later pregnancy may carry a risk of complications, and a too early pregnancy will place a considerable burden on the fragile female body.

Important! A woman who has suffered a miscarriage or abortion is recommended to take a break of at least six months before pregnancy in order for conception to be successful.

Favorable period after taking contraceptives

There is an opinion that you can conceive a child approximately three months after stopping taking hormonal contraceptives. It is worth noting that this statement is not entirely true, and we will further explain why.

The duration of taking such drugs before the planned pregnancy is very important. That is, if a woman has been using such pills for several years, then her body, simply put, will “get out of the habit” of producing and.
And until such production returns to normal, which restores ovulation, it may take not only three months, but also three years. Here the calculation can be carried out using an approximate formula: for each year of taking hormonal contraceptives - approximately three months of recovery.

But if a woman has been taking this kind of medication for less than six months, then after stopping this process, a reverse reaction of the body may manifest itself, which in medicine is called the “rebound effect”, or “pregnancy on withdrawal”. The essence of this effect is that the eggs behave very actively after the so-called “hunger strike”.

Medicine even practices this method of combating infertility, when a woman who wants to get pregnant first takes hormonal contraceptives (a short course), and then tries to get pregnant - artificially creating a “rebound effect”.

With all of the above, you need to remember that every woman’s body is special and individual. Difficulties in conceiving can occur even after a short course of using tablet contraceptives, just as you can get pregnant within a week after stopping six years of taking hormonal drugs.

What else should you consider to successfully conceive a child?

A couple who has decided to become parents should remember a number of recommendations that directly affect the successful conception of a long-awaited child:

  • you should lead a healthy lifestyle. There should be at least minimal physical activity, such as morning exercises or evening walks. It is absolutely not necessary to work all day in the gym, and in some cases it is even undesirable;
  • adhere to proper nutrition. Food should be wholesome and healthy. It is recommended to limit alcoholic drinks, and immediately when planning conception - to exclude them altogether;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits, and in addition take vitamins in tablet form. Vitamin complexes are especially necessary in winter and spring;
  • timely take all tests prescribed by your doctor;
  • avoid stress and unnecessary worries, live in peace and harmony;
  • try to protect yourself from diseases, and if one occurs, do not self-medicate and take medications with caution.

Video: how to conceive a child correctly

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and very exciting process for many. In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, you must first monitor your health and lifestyle, and also listen to the advice of medical specialists.



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