Cardiovascular collapse. Unexpected vascular collapse: how not to be confused with fainting, help for the arrival of an ambulance

Many disorders of the cardiovascular system occur suddenly, against the background of relative well-being. One such acute life-threatening condition is vascular collapse. We will talk about the mechanisms of development, symptoms and emergency care for this pathology in our review and video in this article.

The essence of the problem

Vascular collapse is a form of cardiovascular insufficiency that develops against the background of a sudden decrease in the tone of arteries and veins. Translated from the Latin word collapsus, the term is translated as "fallen".

The basis of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease is:

  • decrease in BCC;
  • decreased blood flow to the right side of the heart;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • acute ischemia of organs and tissues;
  • inhibition of all vital functions of the body.

The development of collapse is always sudden, rapid. Sometimes only a few minutes pass from the onset of pathology to the development of irreversible ischemic changes. This syndrome is very dangerous, as it often leads to death. However, thanks to timely first aid and effective drug therapy, the patient can be saved in most cases.

Important! The terms "collapse" and "shock" should not be confused. Unlike the first, shock occurs as a response of the body to superstrong irritation (pain, temperature, etc.) and is accompanied by more severe manifestations.

Causes and mechanism of development

There are many factors that influence the development of pathology. Among them:

  • massive blood loss;
  • acute infectious diseases (pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, typhoid fever);
  • some diseases of the endocrine, nervous systems (for example, syringomyelia);
  • the effect on the body of toxic and poisonous substances (organophosphorus compounds, CO - carbon monoxide);
  • side effects of epidural anesthesia;
  • overdose of long-acting insulin, ganglionic blockers, agents for lowering blood pressure;
  • peritonitis and acute infectious complications;
  • acute violation of myocardial contractility in myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, dysfunction of the AV node.

Depending on the cause and mechanism of development, four types are distinguished.

Table: Types of collapse

Type of collapse Description

Caused by decreased cardiac output

Provoked by a sharp decrease in circulating blood volume

The cause of the acute condition is a sudden decrease

Violation of the redistribution of blood with a sharp change in body position in space

Note! Orthostatic collapse at least once developed in most people on the planet. For example, many are familiar with mild dizziness, which develops with a sharp rise from bed in the morning. However, in healthy people, all unpleasant symptoms disappear within 1-3 minutes.

Clinical symptoms

A person develops:

  • a sharp rapid deterioration in well-being;
  • general weakness;
  • severe headache;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • noise, buzzing in the ears;
  • marble pallor of the skin;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • sometimes loss of consciousness.

Principles of diagnosis and treatment

Collapse is a dangerous and highly unpredictable state. Sometimes, with a sharp decrease in blood pressure, the count goes on for minutes, and the cost of delay may be too high. If a person has developed signs of acute insufficiency of the circulatory system, it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

In addition, everyone should know the algorithm for providing first aid to patients with collapse. To do this, WHO specialists have developed a simple and understandable instruction.

Step one. Assessment of vital signs

To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough:

  1. Conduct a visual inspection. The patient's skin is pale, with a marble tint. She is often covered in clammy sweat.
  2. Feel the pulse on the peripheral artery. However, it is weak, filiform or not defined at all. Another sign of acute vascular insufficiency is tachycardia - an increase in the number of heartbeats.
  3. Measure blood pressure. The collapse is characterized by hypotension - a sharp deviation of blood pressure from the norm (120/80 mm Hg. Art.) to the lower side.

Step two. First aid

While the ambulance is on its way, take urgent measures aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition and preventing acute complications:

  1. Lay the victim on their back on a flat, hard surface. Raise your legs relative to the entire body by 30-40 cm. This will improve the blood supply to the heart and brain.
  2. Ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the room. Remove clothing that restricts breathing, open a window. At the same time, the patient should not freeze: if necessary, wrap him with a blanket or blanket.
  3. Let the victim sniff a cotton swab dipped in ammonia (ammonia solution). If there is no medicine at hand, rub his temples, earlobes, and also the hole located between his nose and upper lip. These activities will help improve peripheral circulation.
  4. If the cause of the collapse was bleeding from an open wound, try to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet, finger pressure.

Important! If a person is unconscious, it is impossible to bring him to his senses with blows to the cheeks and other painful stimuli. Until he comes to his senses, do not give him food or drink. In addition, if the possibility of vascular collapse is not excluded, drugs that reduce blood pressure should not be given - Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, No-shpa, Nitroglycerin, Isoket, etc.

Step three. First aid

Upon arrival of the ambulance, briefly describe the situation to the doctors, mentioning what assistance was provided. Now the victim must be examined by a doctor. After assessing vital functions and determining a preliminary diagnosis, the introduction of a 10% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate in a standard dosage is indicated. With an infectious or orthostatic collapse, this is enough for a stable long-term effect.

In the future, urgent measures are aimed at eliminating the causes that caused vascular insufficiency:

  1. With the hemorrhagic nature of the collapse, it is necessary to stop bleeding;
  2. In case of poisoning and intoxication, the introduction of a specific antidote (if any) and detoxification measures are required.
  3. In acute diseases (myocardial infarction, peritonitis, pulmonary embolism, etc.), life-threatening conditions are corrected.

If there are indications, the patient is hospitalized in a specialized hospital for further treatment and prevention of serious complications. There, depending on the causes of the disease, intravenous drip of adrenaline and norepinephrine (to quickly increase blood pressure), infusion of blood and its components, plasma, saline (to increase BCC), oxygen therapy are carried out.


Collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure due to a drop in vascular tone, a decrease in cardiac output, or as a result of an acute decrease in circulating blood volume. The collapse is accompanied by hypoxia of all tissues and organs, a decrease in metabolism, and inhibition of vital body functions.


The clinical picture of collapse has features that depend on its cause, but in terms of its main manifestations it is similar in collapses of various origins. Patients complain of emerging and rapidly progressing weakness, chilliness, weakening of vision, sometimes a feeling of melancholy and fear. The patient's consciousness is preserved, but in most cases he is indifferent to the environment. The skin is sharply pale, the face is earthy in color, covered with cold sticky sweat, with cardiogenic collapse, cyanosis is often noted. Body temperature is reduced. Breathing is shallow, rapid. The pulse is small, soft, rapid.

Blood pressure is reduced: systolic - up to 80 - 60, diastolic - up to 40 mm Hg. Art. and lower (in persons with prior hypertension, a collapse pattern may be observed at higher blood pressure values). In almost all cases, there is a thickening of the blood, oliguria, rapidly increasing. With the deepening of the collapse, the patient's consciousness is darkened, heart rhythm disturbances often join (or progress); pupils dilate, reflexes disappear. If effective treatment is not carried out, death occurs.

Cardiogenic collapse is usually combined with cardiac arrhythmia, pulmonary edema, or signs of acute right ventricular failure (for example, with pulmonary embolism), and is severe. Orthostatic collapse occurs only in the vertical position of the body and is quickly stopped after the patient is transferred to the prone position.

Infectious collapse most often develops during a critical decrease in body temperature; at the same time, moisture of the skin, as a rule, of the whole body (wet linen), pronounced muscle hypotension, and a soft pulse are noted.

Toxic collapse, especially in case of poisoning, is often combined with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, signs of dehydration and.

The diagnosis of collapse is based on a characteristic clinical picture. Studies of blood pressure in dynamics, and, if possible, also the volume of circulating blood, hematocrit give an idea of ​​its nature and severity. The differential diagnosis for disorders of consciousness is carried out with fainting, which is characterized by a short loss of consciousness. It should be borne in mind that collapse can be an integral part of the picture of shock, in which deeper hemodynamic disturbances occur.

Causes of occurrence:

Among the diverse causes of its occurrence, the most common are heart and vascular diseases, especially acute (myocardial infarction, thromboembolism & nbsp & nbsp pulmonary arteries, etc.), acute blood loss and plasma loss (for example, with extensive burns), severe with various poisonings and infectious diseases, dysregulation of the vascular tone in shock of various origins, as well as in a number of diseases of the central nervous system and the endocrine system, with an overdose of neuroleptics, ganglioblockers, sympatholytics.


For treatment appoint:

Therapeutic measures should be carried out urgently and intensively. Patients with community-acquired collapse should be urgently transported to a hospital, accompanied by an ambulance team (if it does not provide full effective assistance on the spot) or health workers who own resuscitation techniques.

In all cases, the patient is placed in a horizontal position with slightly raised lower limbs, covered with a blanket, 2 ml of a 10% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate is injected subcutaneously. With infectious collapse, this therapy is sometimes sufficient, with orthostatic collapse it is always effective, but if blood pressure does not tend to increase, it is necessary, as with collapses of other origins, to conduct etiological and more detailed pathogenetic therapy. Etiological treatment involves stopping with hemorrhagic collapse, removing toxic substances from the body and specific antidote therapy for poisoning, thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism, stopping paroxysm or other heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

Pathogenetic therapy includes intravenous administration of blood in case of hemorrhagic collapse, plasma and blood-substituting fluids - in case of thickening of the blood in patients with toxic, infectious and any hypovolemic collapse, the introduction of a hypertonic sodium chloride solution in case of collapse against the background of indomitable and diarrhea, as well as in patients with adrenal insufficiency, along with the administration of adrenal hormones. If necessary, urgently increase blood pressure intravenously inject norepinephrine or angiotensin; a slower, but also longer effect is given by injections of mezaton, fetanol. In all cases, oxygen therapy is indicated.

In medicine collapse om (from the Latin collapse - fallen) characterizes the patient's condition with a sharp drop in blood pressure, vascular tone, as a result of which the blood supply to vital organs worsens. In astronomy, there is a term "gravitational collapse”, which implies the hydrodynamic compression of a massive body under the influence of its own gravity, which leads to a strong decrease in its size. Under "transport collapse om" means a traffic jam, in which any violation of the movement of vehicles leads to a complete blocking of vehicles. On public transport - with a full load of one vehicle, the number of waiting passengers is close to the critical point. Economic collapse- this is a violation of the balance between supply and demand for services and goods, i.e. a sharp decline in the economic condition of the state, which appears in the recession of the economy of production, bankruptcy and disruption of established industrial relations. There is a concept " collapse wave function”, which means an instantaneous change in the description of the quantum state of an object.

In other words, the wave function characterizes the probability of finding a particle at some point or time interval, but when you try to find this particle, it ends up at one specific point, which is called collapse ohm.Geometric collapse ohm is a change in the orientation of an object in space, fundamentally changing its geometric property. For example, under collapse ohm rectangularity refers to the instantaneous loss of this property. The popular word " collapse” did not leave indifferent the developers of computer games. So, in the game Deus Ex collapse ohm is an event that takes place in the 21st century, when a crisis of power has matured in society with a very rapid development of science, the creation of revolutionary nanotechnologies and intelligent cybersystems. The film is based on a TV interview with Michael Rupert, author of notorious books and articles, and accused of conspiracy theories.


Collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in vascular tone and a drop in blood pressure.

Collapse is usually accompanied by impaired blood supply, hypoxia of all organs and tissues, decreased metabolism, and inhibition of vital body functions.


Collapse can develop due to many diseases. Most often, collapse occurs in the pathology of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, etc.), as a result of acute loss of blood or plasma (for example, with extensive burns), dysregulation of vascular tone during shock, severe intoxication, infectious diseases, with diseases of the nervous, endocrine systems, as well as with an overdose of ganglionic blockers, neuroleptics, sympatholytics.


The clinical picture of collapse depends on its cause, but the main manifestations are similar in collapse of different origins. There is a sudden progressive weakness, chilliness, dizziness, tinnitus, tachycardia (rapid pulse), weakening of vision, and sometimes a feeling of fear. The skin is pale, the face becomes earthy, covered with sticky cold sweat, with cardiogenic collapse, cyanosis (bluish color of the skin) is often noted. The body temperature drops, breathing becomes superficial, speeded up. Arterial pressure decreases: systolic - up to 80-60, diastolic - up to 40 mm Hg. Art. and below. With the deepening of the collapse, consciousness is disturbed, heart rhythm disorders often join, reflexes disappear, pupils dilate.

Cardiogenic collapse, as a rule, is combined with cardiac arrhythmia, signs of pulmonary edema (respiratory failure, cough with copious froth, sometimes with a pink tinge, sputum).

Orthostatic collapse occurs with a sharp change in body position from horizontal to vertical and quickly stops after the patient is transferred to the prone position.

Infectious collapse, as a rule, develops as a result of a critical decrease in body temperature. Moisture of the skin, pronounced weakness of the muscles is noted.

Toxic collapse is often combined with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and signs of acute renal failure (edema, impaired urination).


The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture. The study of hematocrit, blood pressure in dynamics give an idea of ​​the severity and nature of the collapse.

Types of disease

  • Cardiogenic collapse - as a result of a decrease in cardiac output;
  • Hypovolemic collapse - as a result of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood;
  • Vasodilation collapse - as a result of vasodilation.

Patient's actions

In the event of a collapse, you should immediately contact the ambulance service.

Collapse treatment

Therapeutic measures are carried out intensively and urgently. In all cases, the patient with collapse is placed in a horizontal position with raised legs, covered with a blanket. A 10% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate is administered subcutaneously. It is necessary to eliminate the possible cause of the collapse: removal of toxic substances from the body and the introduction of an antidote for poisoning, stopping bleeding, thrombolytic therapy. With thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries, acute myocardial infarction, the paroxysm of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac arrhythmias are stopped with medication.

Pathogenetic therapy is also carried out, which includes intravenous administration of saline solutions and blood substitutes for blood loss or thickening of the blood in patients with hypovolemic collapse, the introduction of hypertonic sodium chloride solution for collapse against the background of indomitable vomiting, diarrhea. If necessary, an urgent increase in blood pressure is administered norepinephrine, angiotensin, mezaton. In all cases, oxygen therapy is indicated.

Complications of collapse

The main complication of collapse is loss of consciousness of varying degrees. Light fainting is accompanied by nausea, weakness, pallor of the skin. Deep fainting may be accompanied by convulsions, increased sweating, involuntary urination. Also, due to fainting, injuries are possible when falling. Sometimes the collapse leads to the development of a stroke (impaired cerebral circulation). Various types of brain damage are possible.

Repetitive episodes of collapse lead to severe brain hypoxia, aggravation of concomitant neurological pathology, and the development of dementia.


Prevention consists in the treatment of the underlying pathology, constant monitoring of patients in serious condition. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the pharmacodynamics of drugs (neuroleptics, ganglionic blockers, barbiturates, antihypertensives, diuretics), individual sensitivity to drugs and nutritional factors.

Collapse: what is it

Collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency, which is characterized by a sharp drop in arterial and venous pressure caused by a decrease in the mass of blood circulating in the circulatory system, a drop in vascular tone, or a decrease in cardiac output.

As a result, the metabolic process slows down, hypoxia of organs and tissues begins, and the most important functions of the body are inhibited.

Collapse is a complication in pathological conditions or serious diseases.

The reasons

There are two main causes:

  1. Sudden massive blood loss leads to a decrease in the volume of circulation, to its inconsistency with the capacity of the vascular bed;
  2. Due to exposure to toxic and pathogenic substances the walls of blood vessels and veins lose their elasticity, the overall tone of the entire circulatory system decreases.

The steadily growing manifestation of acute insufficiency of the vascular system leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, acute hypoxia occurs, caused by a decrease in the mass of oxygen transported to organs and tissues.

This, in turn, leads to a further drop in vascular tone, which provokes a decrease in blood pressure. Thus, the state progresses like an avalanche.

The reasons for triggering pathogenetic mechanisms in different types of collapse are different. The main ones are:

  • internal and external bleeding;
  • general toxicity of the body;
  • a sharp change in body position;
  • decrease in the mass fraction of oxygen in the inhaled air;
  • acute pancreatitis.


The word collapse comes from the Latin "colabor", which means "I fall." The meaning of the word accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon - a drop in blood pressure and a drop in the person himself during collapse.

The main clinical signs of collapse of various origins are basically similar:

Protracted forms can lead to loss of consciousness, dilated pupils, loss of basic reflexes. Failure to provide timely medical care can lead to serious consequences or death.


Despite the fact that in medicine there is a classification of types of collapse according to the pathogenetic principle, the most common classification according to etiology, which distinguishes the following types:

  • infectious, toxic caused by the presence of bacteria in infectious diseases, which leads to disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • toxic- the result of general intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxemic that occurs when there is a lack of oxygen or in conditions of high atmospheric pressure;
  • pancreatic caused by trauma to the pancreas;
  • burn that occurs after deep burns of the skin;
  • hyperthermic coming after severe overheating, sunstroke;

  • dehydration, due to the loss of fluid in large volumes;
  • hemorrhagic, caused by massive bleeding, is recently considered as a deep shock;
  • cardiogenic associated with the pathology of the heart muscle;
  • plasmorrhagic arising from the loss of plasma in severe forms of diarrhea, multiple burns;
  • orthostatic, which occurs when the body is brought to a vertical position;
  • enterogenic(fainting) that occurs after eating in patients with resection of the stomach.

Separately, it should be noted that hemorrhagic collapse can occur both from external bleeding and from invisible internal ones: ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcer, damage to the spleen.

In cardiogenic collapse, stroke volume decreases due to myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. The risk of developing arterial thromboembolism is high.

Orthostatic collapse also occurs with prolonged standing in a vertical state, when the blood is redistributed, the venous part increases and the flow to the heart decreases.

It is also possible a collapsing state due to drug poisoning: sympatholytics, neuroleuptics, adrenergic blockers.

Orthostatic collapse often occurs in healthy people, in particular in children and adolescents.

Toxic collapse can be caused by professional activities associated with toxic substances: cyanides, amino compounds, carbohydrate oxide.

Collapse in children is observed more often than in adults and proceeds in a more complex form. can develop against the background of intestinal infections, influenza, pneumonia, anaphylactic shock, adrenal dysfunction. The immediate cause may be fright, trauma and blood loss.

First aid

At the first sign of collapse, an ambulance should be called immediately. A qualified doctor will determine the severity of the patient, if possible, establish the cause of the collapsing condition and prescribe the primary treatment.

The provision of first aid will help to alleviate the patient's condition, and possibly save his life.

Necessary actions:

  • lay the patient on a hard surface;
  • raise your legs with a pillow;
  • tilt your head back, ensure free breathing;
  • unbutton the collar of the shirt, free from everything that binds (belt, belt);
  • open windows, provide fresh air;
  • bring ammonia to the nose, or massage the earlobes, dimple of the upper lip, whiskey;
  • stop bleeding if possible.

Prohibited actions:

  • give drugs with a pronounced vasodilating effect (nosh-pa, valocordin, glycerin);
  • hit on the cheeks, trying to bring to life.


Non-stationary treatment is indicated for orthostatic, infectious and other types of collapse, which are caused by acute vascular insufficiency. With hemorrhagic collapse caused by bleeding, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

The treatment of collapse has several directions:

  1. Etiological therapy designed to eliminate the causes that caused the collapsing state. Stopping bleeding, general detoxification of the body, elimination of hypoxia, administration of adrenaline, antidote therapy, stabilization of the heart will help stop further deterioration of the patient's condition.
  2. Methods of pathogenetic therapy will allow the body to return to its usual working rhythm as quickly as possible. Among the main methods, it is necessary to highlight the following: an increase in arterial and venous pressure, stimulation of respiration, activation of blood circulation, the introduction of blood-substituting drugs and plasma, blood transfusion, activation of the central nervous system.
  3. oxygen therapy used for carbon monoxide poisoning, accompanied by acute respiratory failure. The prompt implementation of therapeutic measures allows you to restore the most important functions of the body, return the patient to his usual life.

Collapse is a pathology caused by acute vascular insufficiency. Different types of collapse have a similar clinical picture and require urgent and qualified treatment, sometimes surgical intervention.

Collapse is called acute heart failure, in which the vascular tone drops sharply, which results in a drop in arterial and venous pressure and loss of consciousness. Patients develop cyanosis, the face and mucous membranes turn pale. There may be fainting.

Reasons for the development of collapse

The following reasons are known that can cause the development of collapse:

Infectious diseases (most often it is pneumonia, however, collapse can also provoke meningoencephalitis, as well as typhoid fever and some other infectious diseases);

sudden loss of blood;

Diseases of the nervous system;

Violations of the endocrine system;


Damage to the heart muscle;

Reaction to medicines (for example, with an overdose of insulin);

Anesthesia (especially with spinal anesthesia);

The use of a large amount of alcoholic beverages;


In addition, collapse can develop during an attack of myocardial infarction.


If a collapse is suspected, the patient is measured venous and arterial pressure, a biochemical blood test is performed, and other diagnostic procedures are used.

A differential diagnosis with heart failure, fainting and shock is mandatory (some experts, especially representatives of European medicine, consider shock and collapse to be the same pathological condition).

collapse symptoms

Collapse is characterized by the following symptoms:

Sudden unreasonable feeling of great weakness and fatigue;

Dizziness (some patients cannot stand on their feet);


Decrease in temperature (extremities become cold);

Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;

Loss of appetite

Sweating (cold sweat on the forehead);

Decreased blood pressure;


It is recommended to consult a doctor if at least one of the above symptoms appears. Remember, collapse is an extremely serious condition that requires emergency medical care. You are unlikely to succeed in lying down and recovering on your own, and failure to provide assistance in the first hours of the collapse can cause tragic consequences for the patient.

Collapse treatment

Patients require emergency treatment. Immediate hospitalization of the patient is required. If your loved one has symptoms of collapse, call an ambulance immediately (if it is not possible to call an ambulance team, try to take the patient to a medical facility as soon as possible).

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of the condition that caused the collapse. Also, in parallel with this, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy.

The patient must be warmed and laid in a horizontal position, slightly raising his legs (to ensure normal arterial and venous pressure). Hemodez or saline solution is dripped. In some cases (in the presence of medical indications), the patient may be given a blood transfusion.

For stimulation, prednisolone (intravenous, bolus), norepinephrine is put. Oxygen therapy indicated. After the blood volume has been restored, vasopressor drugs (caffeine, cordiamine, etc.) are given.

But in general, therapy will directly depend on the cause of the collapse (as I wrote above).


The prognosis depends on the cause of the collapse and how quickly emergency therapeutic measures were initiated. If the patient received timely medical care, the prognosis is most often favorable.
Women's magazine www.

Collapse is a condition in which, due to acute vascular insufficiency, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. This leads to a decrease in the blood supply to the organs, which can provoke the development of shock and pose a threat to the life of the patient.

There are many factors leading to collaptoid states. A drop in blood pressure can be observed both with relatively “non-serious”, easily eliminated causes that occur in relatively healthy people (and dehydration of the body, a decrease in blood glucose levels), and in very dangerous conditions: severe infections (meningitis, sepsis), poisoning with bacterial toxins and drugs, massive bleeding.

Sometimes the cause of the collapse can be an acute myocardial infarction, when, due to a decrease in efficiency, the heart pushes out less blood. In some cases, a drop in blood pressure is possible with violations of the rhythm and conduction of the heart - a sharply slow or excessively accelerated heart rate, complete blockade of the impulse from the atria to the ventricles, etc.

Symptoms of collapse and collaptoid state.

The collapse can develop abruptly or gradually. The patient develops weakness, drowsiness, dizziness begins. Often disturbed by tingling sensations in the fingers, general discomfort, a feeling of coldness, in severe cases - up to chills with trembling. When measuring body temperature, the numbers are normal or below normal. The skin is pale, sometimes with a bluish tinge, on the hands and feet - cool to the touch. A common symptom is cold sweat.

Blood pressure is reduced, the heart is more frequent than normal (for an adult, from 60 to 80 beats per minute are considered the norm). Due to low blood pressure, it is sometimes quite difficult to feel the pulse on the arm. In some cases, the pulse may be uneven, arrhythmic. Sometimes in a patient with collapse, the collapse of the veins in the neck attracts attention.

The large veins that run there are usually clearly visible and pulsate to the rhythm of the heart. In a patient with collapse, they practically do not protrude under the skin, and when the heart contracts, on the contrary, they retract and fall off. The next symptom is a change in breathing. Often the patient makes shallow frequent breaths and exhalations. A violation of consciousness is possible when a person becomes detached, with a delay in reaction to external stimuli and answers questions in monosyllables. In general, the collapse from the side is very similar to a fainting state.

First emergency aid for collapse and collaptoid condition.

The issue of emergency care for collapse is quite complicated, since sometimes, in order to establish its cause, the participation of specialists is required with the obligatory conduct of various laboratory tests. So more often a patient who is in a collaptoid state can be helped a little. With collapse, hospitalization is mandatory; the patient is transported in the supine position on a stretcher.

Before help arrives, the patient must be laid down, provided with access to fresh air, and offered water. If a person is unconscious, it is better to turn the head to one side - with an unknown cause of collapse, the appearance of vomiting cannot be ruled out and the possible entry of vomit into the respiratory tract must be prevented. In case of collapse, the patient must lie down, experts also recommend raising the legs of the lying patient so that the blood supplies the vital organs, including the brain.

This can help to maintain consciousness and establish contact with a person. The latter is very important, because the next step is to try to determine what caused the collapse, and this is easier to do by talking to the patient. He can provide valuable information, for example, about a poisoning that has occurred or an abrupt onset of chest pain, which will help to suggest. Another way to find the cause of the collapse is to assess the type of patient and the environment. This can only help in obvious cases, such as severe bleeding.

Further assistance depends on the situation. This can be stopping bleeding in case of injury, urgent measures for myocardial infarction, gastric lavage in case of an overdose of drugs, an increase in blood glucose levels in a diabetic patient who took an insulin injection and forgot to eat. Unfortunately, such obvious cases are rare, so it is usually the task of the person providing emergency care to monitor the patient's condition until the arrival of the ambulance team and prepare for resuscitation.

It is dangerous to administer some drugs without knowing the cause of the collapse; this can lead to deterioration and death of the patient. A person in this position needs emergency medical attention; and the sooner it is rendered, the better.

Based on the book "Quick help in emergency situations."
Kashin S.P.



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