What are the benefits and harms of toothpaste. Fluoride in toothpaste: benefits and harms to the body

Today is a hot topic:.

Fluoride is one of the health industry's biggest scams.

Almost every tube of toothpaste says it contains fluoride. It is said to help keep your teeth healthy and protect you from cavities. The fact that if a child accidentally eats a tube of toothpaste and immediately dies, as well as why this actually happens, history, as they say, is silent ...

How harmful is fluoride?

My daughter goes to kindergarten, where parents very often discuss at parent meetings about what kind of toothpaste to brush their children's teeth with or without fluoride, they often touch on the topic of the harm of fluoride in toothpaste.

For me, this topic was somehow not particularly important. I even chuckled inadvertently, saying that people no longer have problems, as soon as thinking about such unimportant things, until I came across certain information about the dangers of fluoride in toothpaste.

And the ball began to unwind more and more ...

From the new information, the hair gradually stands on end, and once again I feel deceived again by this "health industry".

Before we talk about the harm of fluoride in toothpaste, let's first understand what fluoride is.

Because fluorine to fluorine is different.

So, what are fluorine and fluorite?

The harm of fluoride in toothpaste - facts

Fluoride is a fluorine ion.Fluorine is a gas, and in nature it is most often combined with other substances, such as calcium fluoride (CaF) or sodium fluoride (NaF).

You and I consume fluoride from foods such as onions, lentils, almonds, nuts, green leafy vegetables. But - and here ATTENTION!

Fluoride, which is flavored with toothpaste, drinking water, some tablets and salt do not have with the essential trace element fluorine NOTHING IN COMMON! On the contrary, this fluoride is a highly toxic chemical by-product of the aluminum, steel and phosphate industry!

Please remember this! Because there is more than enough hype about fluoride!

And why? And in general - where did this so-called fluoridation of teeth come from?

Where did it all start?

The "fluorinated wave" came to us from America somewhere in the 50s. As already mentioned, fluoride is a by-product of the aluminum, steel and phosphate industries. As a dangerous poison (and fluoride is even more dangerous than lead and arsenic!), it had to be safely eliminated somehow, for which a lot of money was spent. But "scientists" from the beauty and health industry arrived in time to help this industry. And so, poisonous garbage not only began to be elegantly disposed of, but crazy "grandmothers" began to be earned on this.

"Fluoridation is the biggest scam of this millennium." Robert Carton, PhD 1992

The harm of fluoride in toothpaste:

  • fluoride was used in both world wars as a gaseous poisonous agent
  • Sodium fluoride is found in high concentrations in rat poison and some pesticides.
  • found in small amounts in toothpaste, mouthwash and tap water (not in all countries)
  • fluoride is able to accumulate in the human body, thereby causing a smooth but sure poisoning
  • Accumulating in the body, fluoride kills vital enzymes that are responsible for the functioning of the immune, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems.
  • fluoride slowly but surely turns off a person's free will, which is why it is found in 60% of psychosamotic medications

"Fluoride causes cancer faster and more powerfully than any other chemical substance." Dr. Dan Bark, one of the founders of the American Institute for Cancer Research.

But what about the teeth?

I don't think you've ever heard about the dangers of fluoride in toothpaste from your dentist? And this is not surprising. Doctors are people too, often they cooperate with various big brands and offer what is beneficial to them.

They simply have nothing to talk about the harm of fluoride in toothpaste.

Not every person reads its composition before buying toothpaste. It may contain a mysterious component called fluorine.

There is a lot of controversy regarding its benefits and harms.

Each opinion is supported by certain facts. They help you make the right choice while maintaining dental health.

The benefits and harms of fluoride for teeth are considered with special attention, since the best toothpastes with a high content of this substance are very popular. Essentially, fluorine is a gas. In industry, it is used in combination with other substances. Sodium fluoride is an ingredient in dentifrices.

Fluoride is a natural element. It is impossible to overestimate its role in human life. A certain amount of this substance is found in tap water. In case of a shortage of fluorine, it is introduced into the body artificially. The functions of the substance are as follows:

  • Participation in the process of formation of tooth enamel;
  • Possession of cleansing abilities;
  • Prevention of the development of periodontal disease;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Antibacterial effect;
  • Strengthening of bone tissue.

On a note. In different regions, the level of fluoride in tap water can vary significantly.

Benefits for teeth

Fluorine helps to maintain in excellent condition, both tooth enamel and bones. It accumulates in the bone tissue from birth, providing a strengthening effect and taking part in vital life processes.

In the right amount fluoride is great for teeth. Its main advantages are as follows:

  • Increases the resistance of enamel to various acids;
  • Prevents the formation of lactic acid in the oral cavity;
  • Strengthens the crystalline surface of tooth enamel;
  • Protects against the formation of tartar;
  • Promotes the formation of a protective film on the surface of the enamel.

The substance has useful properties, subject to dosage. An excess of fluoride in the body can lead to unpleasant consequences. Experts say that the percentage of its content in cleaning products for teeth is not capable of causing harmful effects to the human body.

Even such a procedure as fluoridation of teeth is not capable of causing an overabundance of the substance.

Helpful for caries prevention

Caries is a destructive process of teeth that everyone has encountered at least once. At the heart of its occurrence lies a whole range of reasons. The smallest microorganisms are involved in the process of destruction. The most harmful include various types of streptococci and actinomycetes.

For each person, the intensity of the pathogenic influence of microbes varies. What it depends on is not yet fully understood. There is an opinion that predisposition to caries has a hereditary factor.

The consequences of carious destruction can be very sad. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease transforms into pulpitis, periodontitis and granulomas. Possible formation of fistulas in the gum area.

Fluorine in the composition of medicinal pastes is used exclusively for the prevention of. Progressive tooth damage requires quality treatment.

In this case, fluoride cleansers will not do any good. The participation of the substance in the fight against caries is based on three main functions:

  • Elimination of acid secreted by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Creation of a protective film that resists the carious process;
  • Acceleration of the remineralization process.

Prevents decalcification

Decalcification is a process in which calcium salts are washed out of the bone tissue of the teeth. This contributes to tooth decay. Such a deviation is considered an aesthetic defect.

The main prerequisite for its development is increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. When this symptom appears, dentists often prescribe a paste containing fluoride.

Calcium and sodium fluoride are inextricably linked. They perform the same functions in the body. Calcium salts are responsible for the strength of tooth enamel. Their level is of great importance even in childhood, during the period of eruption of milk teeth.

The main amount of calcium comes with food. With a poor diet or during the progression of certain diseases, calcium leaching may occur.

Fluorine interferes with the process of decalcification. This contributes to the maintenance of a healthy appearance of tooth enamel. If the damage is not significant, then the substance is able to cope with them. It fills the smallest cracks, creating a barrier for further destruction.

Strengthens enamel

One of the main properties of sodium fluoride is enamel strengthening. Its building block is calcium hydroxyapatite. The activity of this substance is activated under the influence of sodium fluoride. As a result a strong coating is formed that is resistant to the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

Fluoridation or the use of fluoride-containing pastes is indicated for people with sensitive enamel. This deviation is characterized by the presence of the following features:

  • Painful reaction to cold, hot, or sweet foods;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Pain while brushing your teeth;
  • Visual defects of enamel.

Prevents the growth of microflora

Under the influence of certain factors, pathogenic microorganisms develop in the oral cavity. Daily cleaning, the use of rinses, floss and other care attributes can reduce the number of harmful bacteria, preventing the development of caries.

Medicines containing fluorine are designed to reduce the number of microorganisms. They form a barrier that prevents microbes from entering the pulp.

Prevents the formation of lactic acid

One of the causes of caries is lactic acid. It is formed as a result of the breakdown of carbohydrates.

The concentration of acid in the mouth increases by about 10 times 20 minutes after the last food intake rich in carbohydrates.

A high level of lactic acid negatively affects the pH of the salivary fluid, reducing it. As a result, the growth of dental plaques is activated.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, they are transformed into carious formations.

People whose diet includes a large amount of carbohydrates are most prone to dental diseases. Fluorine, which is part of medical pastes, purposefully affects the breakdown of carbohydrates, preventing the formation of lactic acid.

Reference: The average tube of toothpaste contains 3 grams of sodium fluoride. This amount can cause poisoning of the body. But in therapeutic doses, the substance does not cause any harm.

Has an antibacterial effect

It is known that fluorine not only has a beneficial effect on the state of enamel, but also has a number of other positive properties.

He effectively cleans the surface of the teeth from plaque and dirt, and has an antibacterial effect. Protective properties do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate into vulnerable places on the surface of the enamel.


Recently, the question has been relevant: why is fluoride in toothpaste dangerous and harmful for teeth and why should you read the composition of any household chemical product. The controversy about this never ceases to subside.

Fluorine-containing products can have a negative effect on the body only if the allowable daily doses are exceeded. In large quantities, sodium fluoride has a toxic effect on the body.

What do the opponents of fluorine say?

Opponents of the use of fluoride in toothpastes make various arguments to prove their point. Many of the statements can cause real horror in a person who does not understand the nuances of physiological processes and the properties of fluoride.

There is no official confirmation of the harmful effects of fluoride-containing products.. But there are many prejudice imposed by adherents of eco-products. They are as follows:

  • Fluorine can cause cancer;
  • The use of fluorine-based pastes affects the mental activity of a person;
  • Fluorine-containing agents have a destructive effect on tooth enamel;
  • The optimal solution in an effort to reduce the number of dental problems in the population is to stop fluoridation of tap water.

Attention: Fluoride present in food is much harder to digest than the substance found in drinking water. The most effective is the local distribution of fluoride over the surface of tooth enamel.

What is real?

The heated debate makes one wonder if fluoride is good for teeth. A certain percentage of people, relying on the opinion of opponents of fluorine, completely abandoned dubious household chemicals.

This decision is not entirely justified. The fact is that the harm from fluorine-containing products will be noticeable only if the dosage is increased.

To get toxic poisoning from dentifrice, the contents of the tube must be consumed completely orally. But such a method of application is difficult to call appropriate.

If fluoride toothpastes are abused, the following problems can occur:

  • Darkening of tooth enamel;
  • Violations of the nervous and circulatory systems;
  • Allergic reaction (noted in patients with asthma or people with individual intolerance to fluoride);
  • Premature aging of tissue cells;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Possibility of bone tissue deformation;
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

The list of possible consequences is daunting. But it must be remembered that the described phenomena can occur only with the systematic use of fluorine-containing agents inside. A single dose of toothpaste cannot cause negative consequences.

In this video, a dentist, Ph.D., expresses his opinion on this matter:

Interesting: toothpastes for children do not contain fluoride. At an early age, the formation of all systems of vital activity takes place. Additional use of the mineral in this case can lead to oversaturation.

Despite the likelihood of unpleasant consequences, the benefits of fluoride for the body are significant.

Each person has the right to independently decide whether to use pastes containing fluoride. This topic has two sides of the coin. In any case, you should visit the dentist on time, regularly carry out hygiene procedures and monitor nutrition.

In contact with

Fluorine (F) is a halogen, toxic gaseous substance. Is fluoride in toothpaste harmless? There is no single answer about the benefits and harms of the element. Experts often recommend fluoridation and the use of hygiene products that contain this compound in order to prevent caries. But the element is not safe for the body, and an excess of halogen can be the main cause of various diseases.

Beneficial features

Long-term studies in the field of dentistry have proven that the element has an anti-caries effect and has a special effect on the performance of all body systems.

  1. Fluoride is a natural antiseptic. Various compounds of the element have an antimicrobial effect.
  2. Strengthens enamel. The composition contains calcium hydroxyapatite, and after combining with active halogen ions, fluorapatite is formed, which is not affected by the vital activity of microorganisms that cause caries.
  3. Increases saliva production. The compound of the substance affects the performance of the salivary glands, activating the process of its formation. Saliva contains a sufficient amount of calcium and halogen ions, which prevent the occurrence of caries by penetrating into the enamel.
  4. Prevents the formation of tartar.
  5. F takes part in the metabolic process. The smallest doses of halogen have a positive effect on the general condition and metabolic process. Based on these studies, it was found that the use of halogen during gestation provokes a decrease in fissures (natural depressions) on the teeth. They are the main area of ​​the center of development of caries.

But, despite a number of positive qualities, before purchasing toothpaste with fluoride, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to clarify the permissible level of the compound and adhere to the appointments. Fluoridation should also be used with caution. This will not only help to put your teeth in order, but also not harm the body.


An excess of fluorine in the body leads to negative reactions, since halogen affects all systems and organs. In large quantities, it is harmful to humans. Negative consequences include:

  • Hormonal disorders. F ions contained in liquids, hygiene products and products accumulate in the cells of the thyroid gland. Their excess disrupts the production of hormones and a decrease in their level, which is one of the main causes of various deviations.
  • Neurotoxic effects, which are often expressed in children. The content of halogen in large quantities can lead to impaired speech, have a negative impact on memory, reduce the ability to learn various languages ​​and mathematical sciences.
  • The appearance of fluorosis. The first reason for its occurrence is an overabundance of the connection.

The disease can affect two systems:

  1. Dental - characterized by the appearance of spotted enamel.
  2. Bone - bones under the influence of a fluorine compound become brittle due to an imbalance between various compounds, as well as excessive mineralization. The disease significantly increases the likelihood of fractures, the joints become more mobile.

Fluoride in toothpaste can be good or bad. According to most scientists, non-metal ions in oral care products are acceptable, but it must be remembered that F is also found in a certain amount in a liquid saturated with a trace element, food. The use of oral care pastes with this halogen is not recommended for people living in areas with a significant content of non-metal in the water.

Fluorine compounds

Pasta with F was produced in the early twentieth century in the United States of America, but they were not perfected until half a century later. Today they are more popular.

Fluorine in its pure form is a gaseous and toxic substance; in the composition of toothpaste, it is present only in the form of various fluorides. But when the temperature rises above 37 degrees and combines with saliva, the chemical elements decompose, active toxin ions are released. The most common compounds found in most pastes include:

  • Sodium fluoride. It has high efficiency due to the rapid decay.
  • Monofluorophosphate. Active F ions separate slowly when combined with human saliva, which means that toothpaste will not be as effective at brushing quickly. Brushing your teeth with such a paste takes more than three minutes to achieve a result.
  • Aminofluoride (olaflur). This is one of the latest developments. After cleaning, an invisible film remains on the enamel, which for a long time gives up the ions of the element and protects them from external influences.
  • Fluorine of tin and aluminum. Hazardous substances for the body.

Halogen compounds are widely used not only in the production of pastes for the care of tooth enamel. They are actively used for the manufacture of fluoroplast, which is used in many industries.

Composition of toothpaste

The harm of toothpaste, which was used by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, cannot be refuted or argued. They included crushed pumice, ashes of the internal organs of a cow, egg shells and urea.

Most modern oral care products contain chemicals that pose a threat to human health. In addition to fluorine, which in significant quantities has a negative effect on the performance of organs and systems, there are also triclosan and sodium lauryl sulfate (surfactant or SLS).

It is the surfactant that poses a great danger to people. This fluoride compound is found in almost all toothpastes. Penetrating into the oral cavity, it forms foam and removes plaque from the surface of the teeth. It is obtained from the processing of ordinary coconut oil.

In addition to pastes, SLS is added to car cleaners. Specialists in the field of dentistry do not hide the fact that it is sodium lauryl sulfate that poses a threat to human health. Based on the data of many years of research, it has been proven that the use of pastes with a high content of surfactants has a negative impact on the quality of vision.

The safest toothpaste is the one that foams the least. The inscription "SLS free" on the tube indicates that the composition does not contain surfactants.

Symptoms of poisoning

Changes in the body after exposure to the toxin occur depending on the route of entry of the chemical. In this case, signs of poisoning appear, there is a violation of the working capacity of the heart muscle. In addition, the element has a negative effect on the nervous system.

Fluorine poisoning leads to various diseases:

  1. Seizures, allergic rhinitis develop.
  2. Hair becomes lifeless, brittle.
  3. There is a painful sensation in the stomach as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane. In medical practice, cases have been established when, with prolonged exposure to the body, peptic ulcers develop.
  4. Nausea and vomiting occur, and in some cases diarrhea is noted.
  5. When exposed to fluoride on the human body, gum bleeding occurs.
  6. There is lacrimation and excessive salivation.
  7. There is hoarseness, in some cases there is a loss of voice.
  8. The function of the thyroid gland is impaired.

Upon receipt of a large number of compounds, the effect of fluorine negatively affects the body, signs of severe poisoning begin to develop. These include:

  • Malaise, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, intense pain in the stomach and intestines.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Soreness in muscle tissue, joints.
  • Trembling of hands.
  • Seizures.
  • Decreased quality of vision.
  • While working with fluoroplastic, when elements are inhaled, edema and inflammation of the lungs occur, and respiratory arrest occurs.
  • Increase or decrease in pressure, heart rhythm disturbance, the occurrence of heart failure.
  • Violation of the working capacity of the nervous system.
  • Violation of the functioning of the urinary system.

In severe cases of intoxication, death occurs. An excess of halogen in the body appears with prolonged intake of a chemical or in contact with compounds.

How to protect yourself from the influence of fluoride?

So that F ions do not harm the body and do not become the basis for the development of serious diseases or complications, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Before choosing a paste, carefully study the information on the box, pay special attention to the type of fluorine compound, its concentration.
  2. Children under six years of age are strictly prohibited from using fluorinated oral care products. At this stage, they do not have brushing skills, which most often causes the paste to be swallowed during the procedure.
  3. Before using a product that contains a chemical element, you need to consult a specialist. The degree of content of fluorine compounds in the liquid can be sufficient and toothpaste with this element in the composition can cause irreparable harm to the body.
  4. When planning vacations in other areas or countries, you need to pay attention to the degree of natural fluoride content. If the content of the element in the water is normal or increased, the use of halogen pastes should be discarded.
  5. The amount of paste during the procedure should not exceed the size of an average pea. This will help protect the body from exposure to fluorine and prevent the ingestion of large amounts of fluorine elements.

Fluorine compounds are included not only in the composition of pastes. They are also found in mouthwashes, chewing gums, dental products and special enamel care gels. In addition, they are used for the manufacture of fluoroplast. That is why, when choosing a method for preventing the occurrence of various diseases, it is necessary to consult a dentist and follow his prescriptions.

Excretion from the body

If there are signs of fluorine poisoning, it is necessary to exclude the entry of the element into the body. The main step in the treatment of chronic poisoning is to establish the level of F in water. If signs of poisoning appear in children, it is necessary to change the means for oral hygiene.

How to remove fluoride from the body? For this, preparations with a significant content of calcium are prescribed. Under their influence, the compound is excreted from the body naturally.

Severe intoxication must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. The importance of fluoride for teeth is underestimated by many, but the development of the nervous system and bones of the skeleton in a child depends on it.

Removal of the toxin should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Regular visits to the dental office for prevention can significantly reduce the risk of poisoning and control the level of toxic substances in the body.

Video: Fluoride toothpastes are bad for your health!

Choice of toothpaste

When choosing a paste, you need to pay attention to the list of components that are included in the composition. It must not contain the following substances:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • oxybenzene;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • triclosan;
  • fluoride - this name also hides a fluorine compound;
  • children's paste should also not contain fluoride, as children may involuntarily swallow it.

It is worth noting that multi-colored pastes are much more dangerous for the body than ordinary ones.

The effect of fluorine on the body can be not only positive. The harm of fluoride in toothpaste has been proven by many years of research in the field of dentistry. A high content of the element leads to the occurrence of various diseases and malfunctions of systems. It is worth considering carefully the choice of oral hygiene products, especially for children.

To keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition, you need to regularly carry out several mandatory manipulations, the main of which is the use of a toothbrush and toothpaste. Despite the availability of dental services and the high qualifications of most specialists, many people still refuse to visit them, so they cannot figure out if fluoride is needed in toothpaste.

The benefits and harms of such products have long been studied and structured. Practice shows that if you follow the rules for the use of such products, you can significantly improve the condition of tooth enamel and not harm your health. Nevertheless, if there are any doubts or a negative reaction of the body to the product, it is better not to look for answers on the Internet, but to consult a specialized doctor.

Adding fluoride to toothpaste

What technologists did not add to toothpastes and powders in order to increase their effectiveness. The shelves of pharmacies and stores selling hygiene products are overflowing with a wide variety of products. Most of all interest and questions are caused by products in which fluorine is present. According to manufacturers, they are able to prevent the development of caries and even restore tooth enamel at the initial stage of destruction.

First of all, it is worth noting that in its pure form, fluorine is the most dangerous poison, because in the composition of toothpastes it is represented by fluorides (sodium fluoride, aluminum, tin). These are ions of a substance that are absolutely safe for human health. The beneficial effect of such compounds on tooth enamel was revealed only at the end of the last century. Studies have shown that people who are regularly replenished with fluoride rarely suffer from cavities or even do not experience this problem.

Such discoveries led to the fact that in some countries, municipal services began to deliberately saturate tap water with useful chemical compounds. In our country, such procedures are not carried out, but in the process of purifying the liquid in some regions, the saturation of the water composition with fluorine still occurs. Everyone else should reconsider their diet to achieve the same effect. Another effective assistant in this area can be toothpaste, specially enriched with the product.

The beneficial effect of fluoride on the condition of the teeth

Many people know about the benefits of calcium for enamel, but only in combination with fluorine can this element really give the desired result. The volatile gas is combined with a second active substance (most often sodium) through complex chemical reactions and an ingredient for toothpaste is obtained. It forms new compounds with calcium, having already entered the human body. The resulting substance - fluorapatite - is necessary for strengthening bone tissue, which helps protect tooth enamel from destruction.

Tip: All tubes of toothpaste are marked with black, blue, red or green rectangles at the place where the expiration date is written. These icons indicate the ratio of natural and artificial ingredients in the composition of the mass. People without special indications are better off with products with red or blue markings. Black (completely artificial) and green (completely natural) toothpastes should be used only in consultation with a doctor.

It is worth considering that although fluoride is extremely important for teeth, not all myths associated with its effect on enamel are true. In particular, the use of such pastes and products, as well as the saturation of the body with an element, is not able to restore already destroyed parts of the teeth.

This process occurs from the inside, and no external manipulations will return the enamel to its lost structure. On the other hand, the use of fluoride-based personal care products can give the following results:

  1. Products form a thin film on the surface of the teeth. It protects the dense tissue from the effects of sugar and acidic juices. The former supply nutrients to pathogenic bacteria. The latter dissolve the enamel, causing its thinning. It turns out that the regular and correct use of fluoride toothpaste is the best protection against caries.
  2. Fluorine, even in combination with other elements, still retains the properties of an initially toxic substance. This allows him to fight bacteria that cause gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease and other diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  3. It is worth noting that fluoride toothpastes can also whiten teeth. This is due to the preservation of the integrity and thickness of the tooth enamel. Often, it is its thinning that leads to the appearance of an unpleasant yellowish or gray tint in the teeth. An additional plus of the products is that they do not allow plaque to be firmly fixed on the surface of the enamel.

For people who are afraid that the harm of toothpaste with fluoride compounds can be significant, experts recommend not using it on their own, but contacting professionals. Regular and high-quality cleaning or whitening of teeth in a specialized clinic using special tools gives the desired result. At the same time, the doctor constantly monitors the condition of the enamel and other indicators, which allows you to minimize all risks.

Disadvantages of using fluoride toothpaste

Unfortunately, the harm of fluoride in toothpaste is not a myth. True, the negative consequences of the use of compounds are manifested against the background of a complete disregard for the rules for working with products. Nothing bad will happen if you visit your dentist at least once every 6 months and discuss with him all the controversial issues of using fluorinated cleaning products.

If you just buy a profile toothpaste and start using it regularly, you may encounter such unpleasant consequences:

  • Fluorine is a toxic substance, and even in combination with other elements. If you regularly use a low-quality product, there is a risk of accumulation of chemical compounds in the tissues. A frequent consequence of the condition is the development of fluorosis. At the initial stage, it is characterized by the appearance of ugly spots on the tooth enamel. In the case of the skeletal form, there is a serious health hazard.
  • The toxic properties of fluorine can adversely affect the state and functionality of the brain. If you use toothpaste with fluoride too often and at the same time additionally saturate the body with the element, a decrease in a person's ability to remember and process information can be noted.
  • The simultaneous use of a fluorinated product and tap water saturated with a chemical compound can cause allergies, high blood pressure, and signs of heart failure.

Studies have shown that only toothpaste with a fluoride content of less than 0.05% is considered safe for health. Before starting to use the mass, a chemical analysis of the water in the house should be carried out, especially if it is used in its pure form or some filters are installed on the tap. If there is an increased content of fluorine in the liquid, the use of specialized toothpaste is contraindicated.

Fortunately, it is quite difficult to bring the body to a state in which the fluoride content in the tissues will be excessive. To do this, you need not just use toothpaste, but eat it and at the same time drink a lot of tap water saturated with the element. But the choice of a suitable composition must be treated very carefully, a lot depends on its quality.

Of course, special services are trying to carefully check the quality of toothpastes on sale, and weed out harmful ones. But this does not protect consumers from purchasing ineffective products. Here are some recommendations from professionals that you should listen to:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the fluorine compound used. If it is sodium monofluorophosphate, then the product will not be very effective. Even after 3 minutes of brushing, phosphorus ions may not be released in the right amount. Sodium fluoride has been considered the best option for many years. Aminofluoride is a modern development, after application of which a film remains on the surface of the teeth, releasing element ions for a long time.

Tip: Today, a special dry toothpaste in the form of tablets is gaining popularity. Fluorine is rarely found in its composition, but such products do exist. Such products must be used strictly according to the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to simply chew and spit them out and, moreover, swallow them!

  • Despite the fact that there is a lot of talk about the harm of toothpaste with tin or aluminum, many experts consider such options to be no less effective in the fight against caries.
  • Do not trust unknown brands. If the product is in doubt, do not limit yourself to the opinion of the seller, it is better to discuss this issue with the dentist.
  • It is strictly forbidden to purchase products that do not have a certification badge.

Don't jump to a new toothpaste. At first, it should only be used a few times a week. In this case, you should pay attention to the state of the body. In the event of any negative changes, it is better to refuse further use of the product.

Symptoms of fluoride poisoning and the consequences of the condition

In some cases, fluoride in toothpaste, the benefits and harms of which have been described in detail, can cause poisoning. This happens quite rarely, but the consequences are very serious. An excess of fluoride in tissues manifests itself in the form of such symptoms:

  • The appearance of a feeling of weakness, fatigue, bad mood.
  • Pain in the abdomen and intestines, nausea, lack of appetite.
  • It is possible to develop bleeding gums, deterioration in the quality of hair and nails.
  • There are frequent manifestations of allergic rhinitis. Against its background, hoarseness or complete loss of voice develops.
  • Sometimes there is pain in the muscles and joints.
  • In some cases, there is a tremor of the upper limbs and convulsions. Decreased quality of vision.
  • Fever is characteristic of an overdose of fluoride.
  • In more complex cases, there are drops in blood pressure, heart rhythm is disturbed, and symptoms of heart failure appear.
  • With prolonged exposure to low-quality or unsafe fluorine, the central nervous system suffers, and the functionality of the kidneys decreases. In advanced cases, even death can occur.

To minimize potential risks, when using a special toothpaste, you need to carefully monitor your diet. It should be remembered that a lot of fluoride is found in seafood, freshwater fish, meat and offal, oatmeal and wholemeal flour. There is an element in black and green tea, apples, grapefruits and.

Removal of excess fluoride from the body

The final diagnosis of the increased content of fluoride in the body can only be made by a doctor. It is he who will prescribe manipulations that contribute to the normalization of the condition. If the situation is not too neglected, then the following activities are carried out:

  1. The further intake of the substance into the body with food, water, toothpaste is limited.
  2. An analysis is required to determine the level of fluoride in the body.
  3. Calcium preparations are prescribed, which bind fluorine well and contribute to its removal from tissues.

All medical manipulations are carried out under the obligatory supervision of a physician. Their duration depends on the effectiveness of the treatment. The condition is regularly monitored with additional tests.

Rules for the use of fluoridated toothpaste

Fluorinated toothpastes have a prolonged effect, their positive effect on tooth enamel persists even with the course of the drug. Therefore, the best option would be to carry out therapeutic and preventive manipulations. The duration and frequency of courses is best agreed with the doctor.

Otherwise, the use of the product is no different from traditional brushing. Most importantly, the treatment of the oral cavity should last at least 1 minute. After completing the manipulation, the mouth must be rinsed with clean water, and not just spit out the foam. To minimize the potential danger, you need to learn just a few rules:

  • When buying, be sure to check the composition of the product, the concentration and type of active substance.
  • Fluoride toothpastes are not suitable for children under 6 years of age. They have not yet developed the necessary skills, so there is a high risk of swallowing a large amount of active mass.
  • During a holiday away from home, you should temporarily refuse to use such a hygiene product. Otherwise, it is difficult to protect yourself from a possible overdose of the element.
  • To brush your teeth, you only need to squeeze a small pea of ​​the product onto the brush. Many people make the mistake of covering the entire product head with mass. This prevents it from foaming and increases the likelihood of swallowing a therapeutic agent.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of information that the use of foreign toothpastes with fluoride can cause serious problems, so it is better to limit yourself to domestic products. Skeptics explain this by the fact that compounds with tin or aluminum are added to the composition of such products instead of sodium fluoride. Clinical studies have confirmed the efficacy and safety of these drugs. You just need to apply them clearly according to the instructions, which sometimes differ from the usual approach. And before you start caring for your teeth, you should visit a doctor and get a detailed consultation.

Fluorine is bad for teeth! In each tube of toothpaste, an invisible danger lies in wait for you - aluminum production waste, "" in each toothpaste with fluorine - a lethal dose of toxins!" or "CNN acknowledges that fluoride damages the brain and lowers IQ." Have you already watched these videos, were horrified and have been “in active search” since then? No, not in such a search, but in search of a toothpaste for sensitive teeth without fluoride?!

Before answering the question: fluoride-free toothpaste - good or bad, let's define the concepts. ATTENTION: fluorine and fluorides are not the same thing! Fluorine is highly toxic as it is a reactive gas. Fluoride is not a reactive element, the key word is octane. Any toothpaste allowed on the market does not exceed the legal limits for fluoride.

Without fluoride against caries? Hm…

Let's figure out how caries is formed and start with the composition of tooth enamel. The majority of tooth enamel is the mineral hydroxyapatite. This is an impure form of hydroxyapatite, which does not mean at all - dirty teeth, from the point of view of chemistry - this is an impure compound. In order to better understand all this, you need to remember what a mineral is. A mineral is a salt or a compound of ions, like sodium chloride = table salt or calcium carbonate = scale on a kitchen faucet. Also, hydroxyapatite consists of several ions: calcium, phosphate and hydroxide, which together form a crystalline chain. Sometimes other ions enter this crystal chain, for example, carbonate or fluoride ions. In other words, even in such a strong material as a mineral, ions can replace each other.

Once again: our teeth are a mineral that consists of ions.

How is caries formed?

Our teeth are covered in biofilm, more commonly called plaque. It is home to millions of microorganisms. They are very happy when we eat carbohydrates and especially sugar, which they metabolize and release acid in the process, as a result, the pH in the oral cavity drops. What does falling pH mean for our teeth? Exactly the same thing that happens with scale (calcium carbonate) on the kitchen faucet: it is insidious in that it does not dissolve in water. BUT! Not if we treat scale with acidic products, such as vinegar or citric acid. From their low pH, the mineral dissolves!

The same thing happens to our teeth, which leads to the formation of a hole in the tooth - voila! Caries!

Tooth decay means that our teeth start to dissolve. You can also say what is happening - DEMINERALIZATION. So, how can we overcome caries? With REMINERALIZATION! Everything is logical and simple!

OK! And how does it happen?

Recall our impure hydroxyapatite. The purer the mineral, the more stable its crystal chain and the more difficult it is to destroy it. And this is exactly what we want to prevent - the destruction of tooth enamel! Small ions that are mixed in a crystalline chain, as a rule, violate its structure. Exception: fluoride ions! The fluoride ion is very small, if it takes the place of hydroxide in the crystal chain, then the whole chain is significantly compacted. In the presence of a small amount of fluoride ions, fluorapatite or hydroxyfluorapatite is formed, which is much more stable than hydroxylapatite!

Fluorapatite – stays strong in acid!

Hydroxyapatite - collapses!

That is, as long as fluoride ions are present in saliva or in dental plaque, they can penetrate into the structure of apatite and thereby slow down the destruction of enamel or completely prevent it = REMINERALIZATION! The tooth has the ability to recover.

Let's assume it is! But surely there is an alternative to fluorides???

During the formation of fluorapatite, this destruction is not observed. And the picture is revealed again:

No fluorapatite ꓿ caries!

There is fluorapatite ꓿ healthy enamel!

These are the arguments of the analysis of chemical processes, but what if in practice everything looks very different?

Let's take a closer look at the information from the manufacturer of fluoride-free toothpastes. Who cares about scientific evidence when alternative sources of information have become much more significant, revealing worldwide conspiracies against humanity! And who is more to believe here: some incomprehensible scientists or network worms that very closely analyze various studies and draw brilliant conclusions?! The answer is obvious! Who studied what...

And yet, just in case, let's look at the official sources, what science says about the benefits of fluoride for teeth: the use of fluoride in toothpastes is safe, the effectiveness is scientifically substantiated and confirmed! The positive effect of fluoride on teeth is evident and unanimously recognized by dental institutes and independent communities around the world.

But to date, there is no recognized clinical base that could prove the ability of hydroxylapatite to replace fluorides, which is why the products are not prohibited for use, but are not considered clinically justified. This does not mean that the use of products with hydroxyapatite is useless: there are studies confirming its positive effect, but not against caries! There is no protection against caries! In a word, the most important question remains open, and the tooth is doomed.

Of course, there are other means of remineralizing teeth. Why use fluoride? It’s poison, ”they shout from all sides.

Uh ... Like all the elements of the chemical table. Any element is poison, only the amount makes it poisonous or beneficial. When you yourself begin to analyze whether it is possible to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpastes and study the dark side of fluoride, pay attention to 2 things:

  • concentration;
  • in what form fluoride is added (in toothpaste, in drinking water, in table salt, gels, etc.).

The critical dose is 5 mg of fluoride, that is, only the situation is dangerous in which small children with low weight eat a large amount of toothpaste. It is for this reason that the concentration of fluoride in children's toothpaste is 2.5 times lower (market average).

With a high intake of fluoride, there can be increased fluoride in the teeth, or fluorosis, an experienced youtube viewer will notice. This danger does not come from fluoride in toothpaste! Never! Not in a single case!

The acceptable level of fluoride in toothpastes is set to be effective, but it is perfectly safe, non-critical = USEFUL because it protects against cavities!

By the way, which is typical, almost none of the toothpaste containing hydroxylapatite contains fluorides. Anyone who understands the principle of action of fluorides in the oral cavity will not be at a loss to guess why?! That's it! The question itself is brewing: if fluorine particles bind into a hydroxyapatite matrix, then how to fit 2 elements that begin to interact with each other in one tube of toothpaste so that this adhesion does not occur inside the tube and thus the anti-caries effect becomes absolutely useless for use in the oral cavity ?

To do this, it is necessary to isolate fluorides in such a way that their release occurs only upon contact with saliva. This requires a clinical base and development. The patent for fluoride catalyst technology is owned by miradent® and a product that contains 30% hydroxyapatite and 1450 ppm fluoride is called Mirasensitive hap. This tooth cream, which has an anti-caries effect, an extremely high concentration of hydroxyapatite, and also potassium citrate, is a mild analgesic that reduces pain. At the same time, this cream remains affordable for most people.

How and with what you brush your teeth is your own business! Your teeth! To your health! Our task was only to explain the relationship. Now you understand the topic a little deeper, draw your own conclusions.



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