What do the seams look like? Means for the treatment of postpartum sutures

After giving birth, many women experience stitches in the cervix, vagina, or perineum. Consider what stitches are, what complications you may encounter after their application, and what care they require after childbirth.

Depending on where the stitches are placed, they are divided into internal and external.

Internal seams

Internal are those that were applied when the cervix or vaginal walls were ruptured. Such stitches are applied after childbirth, when the doctor examines the genitals. The procedure for suturing the uterus does not require anesthesia, since after childbirth the organ is absolutely insensitive. When sewing up the walls of the vagina, local anesthesia is done. The sutures are superimposed with self-absorbable threads that do not require removal.

External seams

External stitches include stitches placed on the perineum. They are applied when perineal ruptures appeared during childbirth or an artificial dissection was made. If necessary, doctors prefer incisions, preventing ruptures, since their edges are always even, which means they will heal faster. The application of external sutures after childbirth takes place under local anesthesia.

The perineum can be sutured with threads that require removal on the 5th day or with self-absorbable threads. Also in this area, doctors can apply a cosmetic suture, which came to gynecology from plastic surgery. Such a suture is characterized by the fact that the thread passes subcutaneously, and only its entry and exit from the wound are visible.

How to treat and care for stitches after childbirth

The first days in the maternity hospital, midwives are engaged in the processing of stitches. 2 times a day they treat the seams with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. You can continue processing at home. This will need to be done after each water procedure.

This is how the outer seams are processed. The internal seams do not need special care, provided that you do not have any infectious diseases. And you need to take care of this even before pregnancy.

In the first days after childbirth, when stitches were applied, you need to be careful with bowel movements so as not to overstrain the fused tissues. Ideally, at the first urge, ask for an enema or a glycerin suppository.

Wash your face after every trip to the toilet. In the morning and evening, you can use the product for intimate hygiene. It is better to wash yourself in the shower, and not in a basin of water. The sanitary napkin should be changed every 2 hours. Even if you think that it can still serve.

A good underwear option would be disposable panties, which are made from breathable material. If not, then use cotton clothing. Do not put on underwear immediately after a shower.

Air baths are good not only for baby skin, but also for your healing wounds. You can not rub the seams with a towel, it is better to blot them or even wait until they are completely dry.

Stretch underwear must not be used. The constriction effect cuts off blood flow and interferes with healing. Yes, you want to look good immediately after the birth of the baby, but be patient for a couple of months, and then you can wear both a corset and slimming panties.

And the most important. When applying postpartum stitches, you will not be able to sit for about 10 days - this is at least. After this period, if the stitches heal without complications, it will be possible to start sitting on a hard surface. Rest during the healing period of the seams should be lying down or half-sitting. You can't make sudden movements.

Previously, when newborns were separated from their mothers, those who had postpartum stitches were not allowed to get up until they were discharged. This allowed the stitches to heal much faster. Now, when the children are with their mothers in the ward, bed rest is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the recommendations regarding sitting as much as possible so that the seams do not separate or become inflamed.

Complications of postpartum sutures

If a woman has had stitches after childbirth, then she is examined by a doctor every day. If no violations are found, then the processing procedure is standard: hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. If deviations from the norm are noticed, then the decision is made depending on the situation.

Seams parted

If the wound has not yet healed, and the seams have parted, then they are applied again. If the wound has healed, and a few stitches of the seam have come apart, then the doctor can leave the situation as it is (provided that there is no threat to the woman's life). If the entire seam has parted, then it will be necessary to cut the wound and sew it up again. The stitches may come apart when the woman has already been discharged from the hospital. This fact requires an immediate call to the hospital with an ambulance call.

The stitches are festering

The correct treatment of sutures that heal normally was mentioned above. In the event that inflammation or suppuration of the internal or external postpartum sutures is found, the doctor will prescribe additional measures for the treatment of wounds.

Hygiene care will be supplemented with tampons with ointments for stitches. Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment or other ointments that relieve inflammation and suppuration can be used. If you find uncharacteristic vaginal discharge already at home, then the next day you should consult a doctor for advice.

The stitches hurt

Painful sensations after the application of both external and internal sutures will be in any case. Normally, internal pain should go away 2 days after delivery. Discomfort when applying external sutures will be present much longer. Especially if you do not follow the regime and try to sit down early.

If the pain only appears when you are sitting, this is normal (as long as it is not very strong and can be tolerated). But, if you feel discomfort while standing or lying down, then this may indicate an inflammatory process. In this case, the pain cannot be tolerated. Contacting a doctor should be immediate.

Postpartum sutures are sutures after surgery. In order for them to heal quickly and safely, you must take care of them properly. Of course, after the birth of the baby, other worries will be enough. But, believe me, your baby needs a healthy mother. The more carefully you take care of the seams, the faster they will heal and cease to require attention.


Sometimes after childbirth, it becomes necessary to suture the perineum of the woman in labor. The reason for this can be narrow birth canals, a large fetus, the presence of a scar after a previous birth, and poor tissue elasticity. After such a manipulation, a woman should be very careful, because with the slightest non-compliance with medical recommendations, her wound may open again. Let us consider in more detail what needs to be done if the seam has opened after childbirth and how to prevent this.

What to do if the seam diverges after childbirth: the main causes of thread rupture

Most often, the seams after childbirth can disperse for the following reasons:

1. Infection in the wound.

2. Sitting down too early.

3. Excessive physical activity (lifting weights).

4. Performing sudden movements.

5. Early resumption of sexual activity.

6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

7. Constipation, which led to overexertion of the muscles of the ointment and rupture of the suture.

9. Improper care of the seams.

10. Wearing tight or too tight underwear.

The seam broke after childbirth - what to do and how to recognize

You can recognize the sudden divergence of the postpartum suture by the following symptoms:

1. Burning sensation in the wound area.

2. Pain and tingling in the suture area.

3. The appearance of swelling of the perineum.

4. A feeling of fullness and heaviness in the wound area may indicate the development of a hematoma and accumulation of blood.

5. Bloody or purulent discharge.

6. An increase in body temperature (may occur when an infection enters the wound). In this condition, it is very important to see a doctor quickly, otherwise, because of this, a woman may lose the opportunity to breastfeed.

7. Weakness.

8. Redness in the area of ​​the seam.

The seam broke after childbirth: what to do and how to be

At the first suspicion of a rupture of the seam, you should contact your observing gynecologist as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures.

Traditional treatment of suture divergence involves:

1. The use of anti-inflammatory and healing ointments (Levomekol, Synthomycin, Vishnevsky ointment). These remedies will help get rid of swelling, pain and redness. They also disinfect the wound and contribute to its rapid healing.

2. If the sutures were still very “fresh” and dispersed literally on the second day after the birth, then most likely the doctor will prescribe re-suturing. In this case, the wound must be washed with antiseptics so that the infection cannot enter it.

It is important to know that when applying postoperative sutures, it is recommended that a woman in labor be in the hospital for five days under medical supervision, and not rush to leave home, since it is in the conditions of the hospital and its sterility that you can protect yourself more.

3. If the seams have parted after the wound has healed, then there are two options for the development of treatment:

If the wound does not pose a threat to the woman's health, then the doctor can leave everything as it is and not apply repeated stitches;

If the seam is completely open, then the edges of the wound are cut again and the threads are re-applied, otherwise an infection can easily get into the seam, and even such a condition will cause discomfort to the young mother all the time.

4. In the case when it was not the seam itself that broke, but only a few of its stitches, then this situation does not require repeated surgical intervention. Instead, the wound must be treated with disinfectant ointments and solutions.

5. A much greater danger is the divergence of the seam after a cesarean section, since in this case the wound runs through the entire anterior part of the peritoneum. In addition, it is quite large and more prone to tearing (due to the fact that the suture is placed on the abdominal muscle, which contracts with almost any physical movement).

It is much easier to see such a divergence of the seam, because it is clearly visible, unlike the seam on the perineum, the rupture of which can only be accurately determined by a gynecologist. In this case, the woman will feel severe pain and burning in a standing and sitting position. In addition, she will ooze blood from the wound.

In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Doctors usually do re-suturing.

6. With severe suppuration of the wound and high temperature in a woman, she is prescribed strong antibiotics, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. After taking them, breastfeeding will, unfortunately, be impossible.

Generally, wound healing time depends on the type of sutures that are used for suturing. To date, natural threads, synthetic and self-absorbable threads are practiced. Metal staples are rarely used.

The healing period of absorbable materials takes two to three weeks. As for non-absorbable synthetic threads, they heal longer - from two to three months.

What to do so that the seam does not open after childbirth: wound care

Proper care of the suture after childbirth is the key to rapid wound healing and prevention of infection. To do this, follow these recommendations:

1. Regularly lubricate the wound with antibacterial agents. In the first days after childbirth, the gynecologist himself usually processes the suture, but even after arriving home, it is important to continue these procedures on your own.

2. Wash stitches with soap.

3. Wash yourself after every urination and bowel movement to prevent infection.

4. Change the gasket every two hours.

5. Wipe dry after a shower with a clean towel.

6. On the first day after childbirth, you need to delay the act of defecation so as not to “strain” the seam. To do this, a woman should eat only liquid meals in small portions.

7. Daily treat the wound with brilliant green. You can also apply absorbable and healing ointments, but only when prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, with prolonged healing, irradiation with special lamps can be used. This procedure is done by a gynecologist.

As an additional prevention, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a week and conduct a follow-up examination of the wound.

What to do to prevent divergence of seams after childbirth: prevention tips

To minimize the risk of seam divergence after childbirth, you should follow these tips:

1. In the first days after childbirth, a woman should not sit. All manipulations (including nutrition, feeding a child, etc.) must be performed in a lying or standing position. Moreover, even after discharge, when traveling home, you need to leave lying down, having previously unfolded the chair in the car. Only after four weeks (if everything goes well and there are no complications) can you fully sit down.

2. You should give up sexual activity until the stitches are removed, since usually this factor provokes an earlier divergence of the threads. In addition, sexual activity can contribute to infection in a fresh wound, which will only prolong the rehabilitation process.

3. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

4. Wash with baby soap without dyes and fragrances that can cause irritation.

5. Seamless loose underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties should be worn. Wear tight models or tight underwear should not be until the wound is completely healed.

6. Treat the seam with antiseptics twice a day.

7. Maintain hygiene in the perineal area and with bloody or mucous discharge, which may be after childbirth, change pads as often as possible.

8. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, so as not to cause constipation. Thus, it is better to temporarily stop eating starchy foods and sweets. Instead, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese), as they not only normalize stools, but also improve the overall intestinal microflora.

It is important to know that it is impossible to take painkillers on your own, especially when a young mother is breastfeeding her baby. This is explained by the fact that most medications can be excreted from the body along with biological fluids, including breast milk, which the baby will then drink. This, in turn, can cause serious problems in the newborn's condition.

Before taking any medication, be sure to consult with your doctor.

During childbirth, situations often arise when it is necessary to put stitches. Their presence requires increased caution from a young mother and, of course, certain skills in caring for this temporary “risk zone”.

When are sutures needed?

If the birth proceeded through the natural birth canal, then the sutures are the result of the restoration of the soft tissues of the cervix, vagina, and perineum. Recall the reasons that could lead to the need for suturing.

Cervical ruptures most often occur in a situation where the cervix has not yet fully opened, and the woman begins to push. The head puts pressure on the cervix, and the latter is torn.

An incision in the perineum may appear for the following reasons:
quick delivery - in this case, the fetal head experiences significant stress, so doctors make it easier for the baby to pass through the perineum: this is necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of injuries to the baby's head;
premature birth - dissection of the perineum pursues the same goals as in a quick birth;
the baby is born in a breech presentation - the tissues of the perineum are dissected so that there are no obstacles at the birth of the head;
with the anatomical features of the woman's perineum (tissues are inelastic or there is a scar after previous births), due to which the baby's head cannot be born normally;
the expectant mother should not push because of severe myopia or for any other reason;
there are signs of a threat of perineal rupture - in this case it is better to make an incision, since the edges of the wound made with scissors grow together better than the edges of the wound formed as a result of a rupture.

If the baby was born by caesarean section, then the young mother has a postoperative suture on the anterior abdominal wall.

Various materials are used for suturing the perineum and anterior abdominal wall. The choice of a doctor depends on the indications, available facilities, the technique adopted in this medical institution, and other circumstances. Thus, synthetic or natural self-absorbable sutures, non-absorbable sutures or metal staples may be used. The last two types of suture materials are removed on the 4-6th day after childbirth.

Now that we have remembered why seams can appear, let's talk about how to care for them. If there is a seam, the young mother should be fully equipped and know how to behave so that the rehabilitation period goes as smoothly as possible, does not leave any unpleasant consequences.

Seams at the crotch

Healing of small wounds and sutures occurs within 2 weeks - 1 month after childbirth, deeper injuries heal much longer. In the postpartum period, all precautions must be observed so that an infection does not develop at the site of the sutures, which can then enter the birth canal. Proper care of an injured perineum will reduce pain and speed up wound healing.

To care for the sutures on the cervix and the walls of the vagina, it is enough only to follow the rules of hygiene, no additional care is required. These sutures are always applied with absorbable material, so they are not removed.

In the maternity hospital, the sutures on the perineum are processed by the midwife of the department 1-2 times a day. To do this, she uses "brilliant green" or a concentrated solution of "potassium permanganate".

The stitches on the perineum, as a rule, are also applied with absorbable threads. The nodules fall off on the 3rd-4th day - on the last day of stay in the hospital or in the first days at home. If the suture was applied with a non-absorbable material, then the sutures are also removed on the 3-4th day.

In the care of the seams on the perineum, personal hygiene also plays an important role. Every two hours, you need to change the pad or diaper, regardless of its filling. It is necessary to use only loose cotton underwear or special disposable panties.

It is also necessary to wash yourself every two hours (after each visit to the toilet; you need to go to the toilet exactly at such a frequency that the filled bladder does not interfere with uterine contraction).

In the morning and evening, when you take a shower, the perineum should be washed with soap, and during the day you can simply wash it with water. It is necessary to wash the seam on the perineum thoroughly enough - you can simply direct a jet of water at it. After washing, you need to dry the perineum and the seam area by blotting the towel from front to back.

If there are stitches on the perineum, a woman is not allowed to sit down for 7-14 days (depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after childbirth. By the way, about the toilet, Many women are afraid of severe pain and try to skip bowel movements, as a result, the load on the muscles of the perineum increases and the pain intensifies.

As a rule, in the first day or two after childbirth, there is no stool due to the fact that before childbirth the woman was given a cleansing enema, and during childbirth the woman in labor does not take food. The chair appears on the 2-3rd day. To avoid constipation after childbirth, do not eat foods that have a fixing effect. If the problem of constipation is not new to you, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil before each meal. The stool will be soft and will not affect the healing process of the stitches.

In the vast majority of cases, it is recommended to sit down on the 5-7th day after childbirth - on the buttock, opposite to the side of the injury. You need to sit on a hard surface. On the 10-14th day, you can sit on both buttocks. The presence of seams on the perineum must be taken into account when traveling home from the maternity hospital: it will be convenient for a young mother to lie or half-sitting in the back seat of the car. It is good if the baby at the same time comfortably settles in his personal car seat and does not occupy his mother's hands.

It happens that the scars remaining after the healing of the sutures still cause discomfort and pain. They can be treated with warming, but not earlier than two weeks after birth, when the uterus has already contracted. To do this, use "blue", infrared or quartz lamps. The procedure should be carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of at least 50 cm, but if a woman has sensitive white skin, it should be increased to a meter to avoid burns. This procedure can be done independently at home after consulting a doctor or in the physiotherapy room.

If a woman feels discomfort at the site of the formed scar, the scar is rough, then the doctor may recommend Contractubex ointment to eliminate these phenomena - it should be applied 2 times a day for several weeks. With the help of this ointment, it will be possible to achieve a decrease in the volume of scar tissue formed, to reduce discomfort in the scar area.

Stitches after caesarean section

After a caesarean section, the sutures are observed especially carefully. Within 5-7 days after the operation (before removing the sutures or staples), the procedural nurse of the postpartum department daily treats the postoperative suture with antiseptic solutions (for example, "brilliant green") and changes the bandage.

On the 5-7th day, the sutures and the bandage are removed. If the wound was sutured with absorbable suture material (such material is used when applying the so-called cosmetic suture), then the wound is treated in the same mode, but the sutures are removed (such threads are completely absorbed on the 65-80th day after the operation).

The skin scar is formed approximately on the 7th day after the operation; therefore, already a week after a caesarean section, you can safely take a shower. Just do not rub the seam with a washcloth - this can only be done in a week.

A caesarean section is a rather serious surgical intervention in which the incision passes through all layers of the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, of course, the young mother is worried about pain in the area of ​​surgical intervention.

In the first 2-3 days, painkillers, which are administered to a woman intramuscularly, help to cope with painful sensations. But already from the first days, to reduce pain, the mother is recommended to wear a special postpartum bandage or tie up her stomach with a diaper.

After a caesarean section, young mothers often have a question: will the seam open if you take the baby in your arms? Indeed, after abdominal operations, surgeons do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how to say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, obstetricians do not recommend that parents after a cesarean section during the first time (2-3 months) lift more than 3-4 kg, that is, more than the weight of the child.

Possible Complications

If pain, redness occurs in the area of ​​​​the seam on the perineum or anterior abdominal wall, discharge from the wound appears: bloody, purulent or any other, then this indicates the occurrence of inflammatory complications - suppuration of the sutures or divergence. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment for the woman. In the presence of purulent-inflammatory complications, this can be Vishnevsky's ointment or Synthomycin emulsion (they are used for several days), then, when the wound is cleared of pus and begins to heal, Levomekol is prescribed, which promotes wound healing.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that the treatment of complications should take place only under the guidance of a doctor. It is possible that a midwife will come to the patient's home to process the stitches, or maybe the young mother herself will have to go to the antenatal clinic, where they will carry out the procedure.

Suture Healing Exercises

To speed up the healing process, whenever possible, try to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase blood flow. As an example of such an exercise: contract the muscles around the vagina in an upward and inward direction, as if you need to stop the flow of urine. Maintain this position for a count of 6. Relax. Such exercises can be repeated several times a day, alternating tension and relaxation 5-8 times.

During childbirth, situations often arise when it is necessary to put stitches. Their presence requires increased caution from a young mother and, of course, certain skills in caring for this temporary “risk zone”.

When are sutures needed?

If the birth proceeded through the natural birth canal, then the sutures are the result of the restoration of the soft tissues of the cervix, vagina, and perineum. Recall the reasons that could lead to the need for suturing.

Cervical ruptures most often occur in a situation where the cervix has not yet fully opened, and the woman begins to push. The head puts pressure on the cervix, and the latter is torn.

Incision at the crotch may appear for the following reasons:

  • quick delivery - in this case, the fetal head experiences significant stress, so doctors make it easier for the baby to pass through the perineum: this is necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of injuries to the baby's head;
  • premature birth - dissection of the perineum pursues the same goals as in a quick birth;
  • the baby is born in a breech presentation - the tissues of the perineum are dissected so that there are no obstacles at the birth of the head;
  • with the anatomical features of the woman's perineum (tissues are inelastic or there is a scar after previous births), due to which the baby's head cannot be born normally;
  • the expectant mother should not push because of severe myopia or for any other reason;
  • there are signs of a threat of perineal rupture - in this case it is better to make an incision, since the edges of the wound made with scissors grow together better than the edges of the wound formed as a result of a rupture.

If the baby was born by caesarean section, then the young mother has a postoperative suture on the anterior abdominal wall.

For overlay seams on the crotch and anterior abdominal wall using different materials. The choice of a doctor depends on the indications, available facilities, the technique adopted in this medical institution, and other circumstances. Thus, synthetic or natural self-absorbable sutures, non-absorbable sutures or metal staples may be used. The last two types of suture materials are removed on the 4-6th day after childbirth.

Now that we have remembered why seams can appear, let's talk about how to care for them. If there is a seam, the young mother should be fully equipped and know how to behave so that the rehabilitation period goes as smoothly as possible, does not leave any unpleasant consequences.

Seams at the crotch

Healing of small wounds and sutures occurs within 2 weeks - 1 month after childbirth, deeper injuries heal much longer. In the postpartum period, all precautions must be observed so that an infection does not develop at the site of the sutures, which can then enter the birth canal. Proper care of an injured perineum will reduce pain and speed up wound healing.

To care for the sutures on the cervix and the walls of the vagina, it is enough only to follow the rules of hygiene, no additional care is required. These sutures are always applied with absorbable material, so they are not removed.

In the maternity hospital, the sutures on the perineum are processed by the midwife of the department 1-2 times a day. To do this, she uses "brilliant green" or a concentrated solution of "potassium permanganate".

The stitches on the perineum, as a rule, are also applied with absorbable threads. The nodules fall off on the 3rd-4th day - on the last day of stay in the hospital or in the first days at home. If the suture was applied with a non-absorbable material, then the sutures are also removed on the 3-4th day.

In the care of the seams on the perineum, personal hygiene also plays an important role. Every two hours, you need to change the pad or diaper, regardless of its filling. It is necessary to use only loose cotton underwear or special disposable panties.

It is also necessary to wash yourself every two hours (after each visit to the toilet; you need to go to the toilet exactly at such a frequency that the filled bladder does not interfere with uterine contraction).

In the morning and evening, when you take a shower, the perineum should be washed with soap, and during the day you can simply wash it with water. It is necessary to wash the seam on the perineum thoroughly enough - you can simply direct a jet of water at it. After washing, you need to dry the perineum and the seam area by blotting the towel from front to back.

If there are stitches on the perineum, a woman is not allowed to sit down for 7-14 days (depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after childbirth. By the way, about the toilet, Many women are afraid of severe pain and try to skip bowel movements, as a result, the load on the muscles of the perineum increases and the pain intensifies.

As a rule, in the first day or two after childbirth, there is no stool due to the fact that before childbirth the woman was given a cleansing enema, and during childbirth the woman in labor does not take food. The chair appears on the 2-3rd day. To avoid constipation after childbirth, do not eat foods that have a fixing effect. If the problem of constipation is not new to you, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil before each meal. The stool will be soft and will not affect the healing process of the stitches.

In the vast majority of cases, it is recommended to sit down on the 5-7th day after childbirth - on the buttock, opposite to the side of the injury. You need to sit on a hard surface. On the 10-14th day, you can sit on both buttocks. The presence of seams on the perineum must be taken into account when traveling home from the maternity hospital: it will be convenient for a young mother to lie or half-sitting in the back seat of the car. It is good if the baby at the same time comfortably settles in his personal car seat and does not occupy his mother's hands.

It happens that the scars remaining after the healing of the sutures still cause discomfort and pain. They can be treated with warming, but not earlier than two weeks after birth, when the uterus has already contracted. To do this, use "blue", infrared or quartz lamps. The procedure should be carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of at least 50 cm, but if a woman has sensitive white skin, it should be increased to a meter to avoid burns. This procedure can be done independently at home after consulting a doctor or in the physiotherapy room.

If a woman feels discomfort at the site of the formed scar, the scar is rough, then the doctor may recommend Contractubex ointment to eliminate these phenomena - it should be applied 2 times a day for several weeks. With the help of this ointment, it will be possible to achieve a decrease in the volume of scar tissue formed, to reduce discomfort in the scar area.

Stitches after caesarean section

After a caesarean section, the sutures are observed especially carefully. Within 5-7 days after the operation (before removing the sutures or staples), the procedural nurse of the postpartum department daily treats the postoperative suture with antiseptic solutions (for example, "brilliant green") and changes the bandage.

On the 5-7th day, the sutures and the bandage are removed. If the wound was sutured with absorbable suture material (such material is used when applying the so-called cosmetic suture), then the wound is treated in the same mode, but the sutures are removed (such threads are completely absorbed on the 65-80th day after the operation).

The skin scar is formed approximately on the 7th day after the operation; therefore, already a week after a caesarean section, you can safely take a shower. Just do not rub the seam with a washcloth - this can only be done in a week.

A caesarean section is a rather serious surgical intervention in which the incision passes through all layers of the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, of course, the young mother is worried about pain in the area of ​​surgical intervention.

In the first 2-3 days, painkillers, which are administered to a woman intramuscularly, help to cope with painful sensations. But already from the first days, to reduce pain, the mother is recommended to wear a special postpartum bandage or tie up her stomach with a diaper.

After a caesarean section, young mothers often have a question: will the seam open if you take the baby in your arms? Indeed, after abdominal operations, surgeons do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how to say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, obstetricians do not recommend that parents after a cesarean section during the first time (2-3 months) lift more than 3-4 kg, that is, more than the weight of the child.

Possible Complications

If pain, redness occurs in the suture area on the perineum or anterior abdominal wall, discharge from the wound appears: bloody, purulent or any other, then this indicates the occurrence of inflammatory complications - suppuration of the sutures or divergence. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment for the woman. In the presence of purulent-inflammatory complications, this can be Vishnevsky's ointment or Synthomycin emulsion (they are used for several days), then, when the wound is cleared of pus and begins to heal, Levomekol is prescribed, which promotes wound healing.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that the treatment of complications should take place only under the guidance of a doctor. It is possible that a midwife will come to the patient's home to process the stitches, or maybe the young mother herself will have to go to the antenatal clinic, where they will carry out the procedure.

Suture Healing Exercises

To speed up the healing process, whenever possible, try to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase blood flow. As an example of such an exercise: contract the muscles around the vagina in an upward and inward direction, as if you need to stop the flow of urine. Maintain this position for a count of 6. Relax. Such exercises can be repeated several times a day, alternating tension and relaxation 5-8 times.

During natural childbirth, if the child is large, or comes out in a non-standard way, for example, the booty forward, ruptures of the birth canal, perineum may occur. In some cases, the doctors themselves make a small incision in the perineum during childbirth, if otherwise the child cannot be born. Immediately after childbirth, such incisions are sutured. They add additional discomfort and pain after childbirth, and stitches on the perineum are a separate story that needs to be experienced.

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On the cervix, such sutures can be applied without anesthesia: its sensitivity in the postpartum period is reduced, but on the perineum without anesthesia it will be difficult to do. In this case, local anesthesia is used. But if epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, it works for a long time, and there is no need for additional anesthesia when suturing. Stitches after childbirth can be placed on the cervix, vagina, perineum. But it is in the latter case that the most severe discomfort and pain can be felt.

How long does it take for wounds to heal after stitches during childbirth, and can this process be accelerated? In general, everything is individual, it immediately depends on many factors, and last but not least, on the correct observance of the patient's precautionary measures. Some heal faster, others slower. The healing rate is also affected by their localization, the type of surgical threads that were used in this case. As a rule, catgut is used for internal sutures, which dissolves on its own. In this case, everything heals in an average of 2 weeks. If surgical threads are used that do not dissolve, for example, nylon, they are removed on the 5-6th day after application. And the healing process itself can take from 2 to 4 weeks, and in some cases even longer.

Almost all "affected" women in labor are concerned about the question: how to quickly heal the stitches after childbirth? The healing rate also depends on the patient herself, on whether she follows all the rules for caring for the injured area, precautions so as not to infect, not to re-injure these areas. All this should be reported to her at the hospital.

If microbes get on post-healing wounds, inflammation and suppuration may occur, which will significantly prolong the healing period.

Why stitches hurt

This is normal, because there was a gap. After the anesthesia wears off, the stitches may start to hurt. The fact is that most young mothers breastfeed their children, so painkillers are contraindicated for them. The doctor may prescribe drugs with local action in order to somehow alleviate the patient's plight. However, if everything is in order, there are no complications, and the woman follows all the rules, the pain should pass very soon. After suturing in the first week, you can not sit normally. This must be done with caution and give a load to the buttock, which is located on the opposite side of the seam. You can sit on the toilet almost immediately, but do not linger on it for too long and do not push hard.

You need to make sure that everything is in order with them, they are not infected, they are not festering. Otherwise, if this still happens, you should consult a doctor. He will most likely prescribe special antiseptic drugs. The stitches can hurt due to the fact that the woman sits for a long time, which is undesirable in the first 2 weeks after childbirth. You can take a reclining position, or lie on your side.

Often they can hurt during a bowel movement. For this reason, a woman should avoid constipation. To do this, she must monitor her diet, take, if necessary, permitted laxatives.

If the pain is severe, accompanied by itching, redness, suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious complications.

Sometimes even a year later, the stitches after childbirth make themselves felt, especially when they are under additional load.

How to care for postpartum stitches

There is nothing particularly difficult. After each visit to the toilet, a woman must be sure to wash herself. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day using warm water. For now, you should forget about thongs and other fashionable slimming underwear. It should be free, comfortable, made of natural, high-quality materials. Sitting, with the exception of the toilet when visiting the toilet, should be started only after 2 weeks and do it gradually, very gently, without sudden movements, so that it does not hurt and the seams do not open.

Also, women are prohibited from any physical activity, lifting, and carrying weights; sex will also need to be abandoned for 1-1.5 months. Many women, for the sake of their sexual partner, only in order not to upset him, neglect this rule, making it worse only for themselves. But it is worth remembering that an understanding man will not insist on intimacy.

What to do if the seam has come apart

If the seam has come apart, you should not do anything on your own. It is necessary to call a doctor at home, if possible, or an ambulance. Usually, repeated stitching is performed. If the wound has already healed, the doctor can simply prescribe special preparations (vaginal suppositories, ointments) with a wound healing effect.

The doctor usually, even when suturing, tells when exactly the woman will need to come to him to remove the threads. If everything is in order, no complications or other problems arose during the healing process, the sutures are removed exactly after the period indicated by him.

The process itself is relatively painless. As a rule, internal catgut sutures are not removed, they dissolve on their own. Other types of surgical threads are also removed relatively painlessly. Although, it all depends on the pain threshold of each individual woman. In the vast majority of cases, anesthesia is not required. The woman feels a slight tingling, burning sensation. If the woman is in pain, the doctor may use a local anesthetic to make it easier for her to endure the procedure. After removing the stitches, you should also continue to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, avoid strong physical exertion until the wounds are completely healed and healed.

How long does the external seams heal after childbirth, how does the recovery period go on the video:

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