How do higher powers communicate with us? Kinds of Spiritual Beings of the Universe

Synchronicity is an ever-existing reality
for those who have eyes to see.
Carl Jung

Is there support in your life from higher forces, the Universe? Are you aware of the energy field of constant movement and creation around you?

There is a permanent energy flow that pervades everything around. It creates and shapes the current moment. You are a significant part of this flow and are directly involved in the weaving of the endless web of life.

The Universe is constantly prompting and supporting us to be in tune with this divine dance. We are a necessary part of this interaction.

When we pay attention and properly tune in to this rhythm, incredible miracles begin to happen in our lives!

But it is not always easy and simple. Sometimes the flow can get us into difficult situations because that is how we can unravel the distortions and break free from what no longer serves our development.

At times, we are out of alignment with this current for many reasons, such as fear, past experiences, or difficult circumstances. Our world at this time can be a difficult and confusing place, and perhaps we must resist and even fail in some cases.

The wonderful thing about this stream is that it is always waiting for us. We just need to tune in and get back to it again.

Many forms of support

Divine help comes in many forms. We can get a vision or insight that just appears within us.

Or to feel this knowledge in the area of ​​the solar plexus, from where the term “I feel it inside” comes from. Our “gut” knows what is right.

For example, I ask internal question and feel disharmony and pressure in my solar plexus. Or, as I contemplate an alternative possibility that is harmonious, I feel my body relax and open up.

Sometimes I just inexplicably know it's the right thing to do, even if it wouldn't be the logical or preferred choice according to my mind/ego.

Each of us is unique, so practice listening to your body and inner knowledge. How do you get knowledge?

We have a wonderful helper, a way beyond the mind that is always available to us.

The benevolent flow manifests itself in signs and synchronicity. It is in our interest to notice them by paying attention to our surroundings and what is happening around us.

When we open and aware, then all kinds of magic appear in our lives. The phrase "show me" can be helpful in attracting divine guidance.

Sometimes support can be subtle, and other times bright and obvious. It can be like a sudden light breeze between the trees, or the smile of a stranger, or a "chance" encounter with someone you think of.

Be open to attracting magic into your life, pay attention to it, and magic will happen!

It is important to notice how you feel inside in relation to the external mirror in your world. An event is like a mirror showing you something about itself.

There are also other energies in the universe that do not work so benevolently.

However, if we affirm our honest and noble intentions, do not get entangled in our dramas and distortions, then such destructive energies may have little or no effect on our vibrations and our way of interacting with the world.

This is not a denial of some negative emotions, but an invitation to more of them. deep feeling and working with them rather than suppressing or crowding them out with positive affirmations and thoughts.

If we have eco-friendly intentions, the entire universe will organize for our support. We are part of a single universe, and we are invited to the Divine Service.

As an integral part of the universe, who are we to refuse to play our part in this divine flow?

I recall the words of Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inferior. Our deepest fear is that we are strong beyond measure. Our light, not our darkness, is what scares us the most.

We ask ourselves: who am I to be bright, gorgeous, talented, dazzling? And really, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your bad game does not serve God.

Go from mind to heart

In modern society, a bright mind seems to be a characteristic sign of the road to success, measured in the external manifestations of movement and achievement of the goal. We are taught from an early age to think, plan, strategize.

True success, in my opinion, comes from a deeper connection with your heart and intuition.

True success lies in being who you really are and expressing your divine essence.

Here is an inspirational quote to create more space to tune in to the flow in your life and: “One of the biggest challenges of this society is that you try to do too much.

This simple doing in large numbers is not divine creativity that requires space and presence to happen properly.

So take a close look at everything you did during the day and ask yourself: did I really need to do all of this? How does this serve my highest purpose?

If not, throw it all out and let the open space take shape. Concentrate on "not doing", on "not thinking" about what needs to be done now.

This is not easy, because our mind continues to work on its established cycle. So dive into your heart, work on avoiding the traps of the mind, focus on the space of the heart.

Open your heart. Then you will be surprised what wonderful miracles you can create.”

Focus your attention, take your time, and find a place to contact the stream. Spend just a few moments a day breathing mindfully.

Forget about your busy schedule and other urgent matters for something that happens in a special way.

We may obsess over the end result, but the universe has a much broader view of the world and can reveal things that our limited minds could not imagine.

A myriad of possibilities that we have not even considered may be available to us.

I was reminded of the words and books of Gareth Brooks: “Our unanswered prayers are the greatest gifts of the Lord”, our greatest gifts, as well as what we can never imagine. So stay open to these limitless possibilities.

The following is an exploration of three aspects of the support of the universe that appear in our daily lives as outside rear-view mirrors.

The more we begin to realize and notice, the more evident such support becomes. These aspects are just a few examples.

Besides these, there are many other ways the Universe speaks to us.

Three Ways to Lead the Higher Powers

1. Signs and synchronicities

As we pay attention, we begin to notice signs and synchronicities manifesting themselves in our environment.

Maybe we notice some special way in which the wind moves through the trees, or the words someone said fleetingly have a deep meaning for us, or the number of a passing car indicates numbers that are significant in our lives.

Such synchronicities do not always directly point us in the right direction, rather, they can be invitations to explore something deeper.

They can be quite abstract, such as the formation of clouds, when we notice them and feel that they are somehow important to us.

Initially, we may have to be creative in interpreting their meaning, but as we practice, the answers become more and more apparent.

This inspires us to interact with this experience with even greater interest. Faith in what we feel and how we interpret is also priceless.

2. Hugs from the Angelic World

The angelic world offers beautiful, imposing and loving support. I have always had . I have occasionally used angelic charts with inspiration, which can be amazingly accurate and veil-opening.

I often see feathers floating in the air while walking, which is a clear confirmation that angels are nearby.

A few days ago I was in the store and suddenly the song “In the hands of an angel” sounded. Maybe it was a sign to write this article?

I feel the angels around me, like a warm, comforting embrace from which support and care.

Why don't you close your eyes right now, take a few deep breaths and invite the angelic presence into your space?

Notice how you felt and how your energy changes.

3. Healing animals

“Realizing that visible bodies are only symbols of invisible forces, the ancients worshiped the divine power contained in the inhabitants of the natural world ...

The sages of the past studied living beings, realizing that God can best be understood by getting acquainted with His greatest creations - animate and inanimate nature.

Every creature that exists on earth is a manifestation of some properties of the divine mind or power ... ”- Manly Hall“ The Secret Teachings of All Ages ”.

Each person has his own patron animal.

If either you happen upon one, it may be a sign that you need to pay attention to the characteristics or healing qualities associated with this particular animal.

There are some great animal card decks available or you can find them online for healing related to your spirit animal. However, the most important thing is use your intuition.

Lately I've had an encounter with a pissing squirrel, then a badger crossing the road a few meters ahead of me in the middle of the day (badgers are usually nocturnal creatures).

Both of these phenomena were of great significance and relevance to what I was doing in my life at that time.

How You Can Bring More Support from the Universe into Your Life

There are countless ways to communicate and align with the flow to bring more support from the universe into your life. Be inquisitive, open and observe where and in what you feel distortion and tension.

Here are some ideas to help you along the way:

  • Sit in a quiet, comfortable place, relax. Breathe deeply and invite loving support from the universe. Notice how you feel inside. This simple form of meditation can bring significant changes.
  • If you have a question or problem in your life, ask: "Show me". The answer may not come immediately, it may not be obvious, or it may not come in the form you expected. Be patient and stay open.
  • Watch your feelings and the sensations of your body, they are important indicators of correctness.
  • Pay attention to what is happening in your environment. There can be no insignificant moments here. What exactly did you notice that caught your attention, and how do you feel about it?
  • Angelic or spirit animal cards can be helpful in attracting patronage.
  • Create the space of your life: meditate, spend time in nature, connect with the flow of the universe.
  • Finding your joy and expressing it is a wonderful way to get in touch with your soul. Embark on a spontaneous journey without a route or schedule, follow the flow and see where it takes you.
  • Come out of the constant thinking of the mind into your heart, make a choice with your heart and not with your mind.
  • Trust your experiences.

Magnificent mighty The universe is your part You are one with her. You have exceptional support always available to you, you just need to realize it by connecting with the flow within you.

"Coalition Council of Light, you can imagine how you have a summit of representatives of states. Heads of state gather to resolve some issues. This is the Coalition Council of Light. Hierarchs gather there in the Coalition Council of Light, a certain number of them, and these Hierarchs they change, different Hierarchs for different meetings, but not more than a certain number. This is the Coalition Council of Light."

Accepted by Alteri on 11/06/2011


"We are a community that is one third of the Coalition Council of Forces, conditionally called Creators, those who are engaged in the creation of matter, namely, are connected with material, technical and similar things. We have our representatives on Earth, and they receive information, and they process, and try to create something for the Earth that is newer, necessary, high-quality, meaningful, and they do it. Unfortunately, the space of the Earth is not yet quite ready for those new trends, for those new components that are given to the Earth, therefore, now we can only, so to speak, collect information and comprehend the information that we give through our representatives.

We have several representatives on Earth who collect this information, test it and give it to people. And when the Earth grows up a little from its infancy and enters the state of a disciple, then it will already be possible to put into practice what we give. Therefore, what we are now giving, the implementation is not real. It's not real, not because it's not real for the Earth, or it's not real in execution, it's just not yet the space, not yet the time to realize it. Realize with a qualitative new state, a qualitative new manifestation."

Accepted by Alteri on 27.09.2011


"We are Peacekeepers from the Coalition Council. You can see on the channeling website how we look, what clothes we are in. Now we are talking to you like that. We, who have a dense body, like you, people. But it is a little different with us. Today we are representatives who communicate with you - from four universes. From four different universes, but you can imagine us as one whole that can have an image. The one that is provided to you on the channeling website. We we got to know you. We introduced ourselves."

Accepted by Alteri on 11/06/2011

"The Coalition Council of Forces is representatives from different Commonwealths, representatives from different Civilizations, who gather at a certain time, in a certain space, to resolve certain issues. This is a fairly large meeting, it can be translated into the human language of understanding - this is a congress."

Accepted by Alteri on 11/06/2011


"We are the Great Commonwealth, so we got the name not so long ago, a year ago. A year ago, we had an unification, a unification of many Forces, as you call it - Extraterrestrial Civilizations and other Forces that participated in the creation of the New Program, the Program for the Earth. People also participated in this Program. This association was called the Great Commonwealth because a very large number of Extraterrestrial Civilizations and other Forces participated in the creation of these Programs."

Accepted by Alteri on 21.06.2011

"Conventionally, the Great Commonwealth was divided into three parts, that is, made up of three parts. The Great Universe - Velesentzi, VeleTsi. It means Great Qi. What is meant by Great Qi? Great Qi means energy civilizations that have reached the level of development of the Mind. And which, the need for manifestation in the dense world, the physical world, is absent. But which have a very large experience of passing through development in the physical dense world.

There is also Velesonci. As you sometimes call it, the Great Sun, but you mean something else. By the Great Sun you mean the Center of the Galaxy or the Center of the Universe. We mean by the Great Sun - this is the System of Suns. The system of the Suns, through which an instantaneous broadcast is transmitted to all corners of the Universe. And this System is called the Great Sun. And this System of Suns also has its own development, just as each Sun has its own possibilities.

In this System, which we have now defined for you under one word Velesontsi, there is Melesentsi. What is Melesentsi, what civilizations? These are those civilizations that have a relationship with the Sun at the level of interaction with the Sun directly. They have the ability to use reservoirs of solar energy, which is located on the Sun. And, using these reservoirs, to create the necessary living conditions in their Universes. Here there are civilizations that have incarnations, that have dense life, that have life of a physical nature. There are few such civilizations, but, nevertheless, they exist. This is considered a higher level of manifestation of civilizations, which have a dense property of matter, in the transition to an energy state in the future.

So we told you which civilizations will communicate with you now, and where they come from. These are civilizations... We will not say from which Universes, but this is a symbiosis of civilizations from many Universes, so to speak."

Accepted by Alteri on 14.02.2013


"Greetings to you. Greetings to you, dear listeners, dear participants, dear people who came to our meeting. We are representatives of the Great Commonwealth, Velisontsi, now we present to you a number of civilizations that are united under the name Melesontsi, and explain what it is. The fact is that the Great Commonwealth was created, as you already know earlier, according to the result that came from the creation of Earth Development Programs, which was created due to the need to develop humanity on Earth in a different capacity than it was before. People also participated in this. "

Accepted by Alteri on 14.02.2013


"We love you! We interact with you from time to time, not always. But from time to time we appear within the solar system. We have not been on Earth. We do not have our own representative offices on Earth. We did not inhabit the Earth and are not those who oversee development on Earth. But we took part when it was necessary to create a development program for the Earth.

Accepted by Alteri on 14.02.2013


"The Great Universe is not the Universe alone, and it stands out among all other Universes in its significance, this is meant - the packages of Universes that are combined into the so-called Great Universe, these are all the Universes that exist in the universe."

Accepted by Alteri on 11/16/2011


"Greetings. We are Veletsi. Representatives of the Great Commonwealth of Civilizations, which is in energy form. Well, we can also take a physical form, condensing our energies to a material state. But we do not need this now, we do not stay on Earth in a material form. We are in a rarefied energy and far from the space of the Earth, and communicate with the Earth only remotely. Remotely, without manifesting energetically."

Accepted by Alteri on 06.12.2012



"Greetings, I am Saint Germain, I will follow the traditions, the traditions of this channel, how the forces in this channel work. The forces in this channel always introduce themselves and always explain who they are, I think that everyone, many people know me as Saint Germain, but I still want to tell you about myself so that you have a clearer understanding of who Saint Germain is. You, people, have a lot of conflicting understandings of me, the fact is that I am not quite what some imagine me, yes, there lived a man, a living Soul, embodied on Earth, who did quite a lot for the Earth, and this man went into a subtle plane, and his Soul went to its place... So the Soul of that person who lived on Earth under the name of Saint Germain and I are completely different things.

I want to tell you right away why I am called Saint Germain, and who I really am. I explain to you, there are Souls that come to Earth and fulfill their mission, these Souls are of different levels, with monads of different levels, you were told this. And there is, you can say so, a component, a component, when God takes and does the compilation, the compilation of the experience that human Souls have on Earth, that's right, human Souls, just earthly Souls.

Those Souls that pass the steps, starting from crystals to the God-man, go along the Earth and develop further like this, this is the experience that exists, and the Soul, having developed to the state of Light, such that there is no further place for it to develop, this Soul, completely merged with the Monad, has dissolved in this experience, and the experience has dissolved in the Monad, and it all enters back into the Absolute. And now the Absolute collects these already dissolved Souls, developed, it collects them, as it were, into a certain vessel, one might say, the vessel of God, the vessel of the Absolute, where it collects the experience already gained, and it draws from this vessel, if necessary, what is connected with the Earth, because it knows that it can manifest itself on Earth as blissfully as possible. And so he takes and draws from this vessel, and makes, yes, makes a component, a component that he manifests as a given, a given in the subtle plane, and this component, it goes, is divided. Look at the volume, the volume, yes, a certain volume of this component from this vessel, taken by God - that experience has been gained by earthly souls that have already developed to the state of the Absolute. It takes a certain amount, so to speak, it will be a certain light, and it starts with a statement, that is, it goes to, it goes to, well, you can say the Coalition Council, in which I manifest, then it goes on to Cosmic Shambhala and Earthly Shambhala. And I'm one of these God-chosen options."

Accepted by Alteri on 01/31/2012

RERICHI Nicholas and Elena

"We greet you. We have come to communicate with you. We have come to communicate with you, because there is a need for this. You know us as those who lived on Earth, a married couple - Nikolai and Elena. Our surname is the Roerichs. This is how we introduce ourselves, this is how we are in the subtle world - also connected in a pair. We are now in the detachment of Co-Creators. We are accepted at this high level of Hierarchy, and as representatives of the Co-Creators, we now communicate with you. Creators. The Squad of Co-Creators is very extensive, it includes a lot of different Hierarchs. And in our development, even after our departure from the Earth, we continued rapid development and reached this level. We were quite satisfied with this level, but, nevertheless, we continue to develop. Our mind develops, our experience develops."

Accepted by Alteri on 05/24/2012



“Absolute at one time, this big Mind, determined that it was necessary to make two components of itself. A component of a soft, calmer part, and a component of a fast, energetic part, which was called Yin - Yang. Yin is a calm part, Yang is an active part.
Such a division of the Absolute itself or the manifestation in itself of two different components is named on Earth for a more understandable person - this is the Mother of the World. This is the same as the Inevskaya part of the Absolute and the Mind of Christ is the Yanevskaya part of the Absolute."

Accepted by Alteri on 05/31/2012


"Absolute. Absolute energies that are always, constantly. Constantly moving and changing. The Absolute at one time, this is a great Mind, determined that two components of itself needed to be made. A component of a soft, calmer part, and a component of a fast, energetic part, which was called Yin - Yang. Yin is a calm part, Yang is an active part.

Such a division of the Absolute itself or the manifestation in itself of two different components is named on Earth for a more understandable person - this is the Mother of the World. This is the same as the Inevskaya part of the Absolute and the Mind of Christ is the Yanevskaya part of the Absolute. Therefore, we can say that the male substance of the Absolute, the Mind of Christ, is communicating with you today. Why Reason and why Christ? Well, Reason is understandable, it is a synonym for the Absolute. The Absolute is Mind. Here the same thing - there is Mind. But why Christ, you ask. I will explain to you why Christ. Because for the Earth the word Christ, especially in the Christian world, has a very great meaning. And in the minds of people for 2 thousand years, this understanding of the young Christian religion has been present.

Accepted by Alteri on 05/31/2012


Created by the Absolute to control the implementation of the laws of the Absolute.
Has 8 hypostases.

Lucifer explains who he is and his sign.

"This drawing is my sign. The sign - here the color does not matter - it is not in color, that is, you can depict this sign in any color, it will not be a binding to color. Here we mean light, yes, light rays, light spheres, that is, what is black is a filled sphere between the rays and 4 rays.
This sign designates myself as I am.

4 rays - they have such an interpretation or such an explanation:

1 ray of Light,
2 ray of meaning,
3 ray of Destiny,
4 ray of love of freedom.

These are 4 beams that have such an orientation.

The sphere that is between the rays:
is nothing but the transition from one ray to another, that is, all
4 beams are my 4 incarnations.
My hypostasis is:

I am Light
I am Meaning
I am Destiny
I am Liberty.

It's all me, Lucifer!

And at the same time there are spheres - transitions from one incarnation to another.
And in the transition from one hypostasis to another, another hypostasis appears.

When ... along the rays:

1 when I am Light - they call me Lucifer,
2 when I am Meaning - they call me the Messenger of God,
3 when I am Destiny, they call me the Arbiter of destinies, also Lucifer;
4 when I love freedom - they call me the wisest, the wisest.

When I manifest in a sphere, in the transition from one hypostasis to another, I acquire a new hypostasis.

When I am in transition:

5 from Light to Meaning, from one ray to another, a sphere appears, in this sphere they call me an Angel.
6 from Meaning to Destiny - they call me the Fallen Angel, the Messenger of Darkness.
7 from Destiny to Love of Freedom - I am the Truth.
8 from Love of Freedom to Light, I am the Creator.

These are those 8 incarnations and all are different, and at the same time similar, and all are truthful.
In different cases of manifestation and necessity, I appear in the corresponding hypostasis.

Accepted by Alteri on 09/08/2011


"We also have magnetic poles, in our universe, on our planets. We spread on several planets. We do not live on the same planet, like you, earthlings. There are several of them in our world, planets. Well, we will not talk about this now, tell about ourselves, what exactly we are. We will now talk about our experience. About our experience, which we want to pass on to you. We, the Luminous, have this conditional name, we have experience, great experience. they said that we spent one and a half thousand years on earthly calculations, in order to come to this state in which we live. We live precisely in conflict-free and in integrity. In integrity with duality. With the duality that you also have. Duality - here we mean - men and women, Yin - Yang, up - down, plus - minus, and we also mean magnetic plus - minus.

Accepted by Alteri on 02/07/2012


"We are very close to the Luminous in our worldview, manifestation of the world. We also have a dual world. And we, living in the dual world, have also come to a state of conflict-freeness. Therefore, we will communicate with you to share this experience. We want to talk with you about how to live without conflict. It is very difficult for this period of time that you have on Earth now."

Accepted by Alteri on 02/07/2012


"Greetings. We are the Generous.
We are a civilization that has a very long chronology of its residence. We are a civilization that has a common Soul. This civilization is built on a different principle than the principle of cultivating Souls on Earth. And we have already talked about this - on what principle we were built, our civilization was built, how we are developing.

Accepted by Alteri on 05/22/2012


"We are related to the Great Commonwealth. We are not direct representatives from the Great Commonwealth. We are called the Svaroga group. The Svaroga group is a group located in space. And this is a group that ... a nomadic group that has different forms of residence at different points in the Universe. We were on Earth at one time. You can say so - this is the basis of the Aryan civilization - the Aryans, this is us. And we now had the opportunity with this group, the FED group, to start communicating on the topic ... because we received such permission. We ourselves put forward this desire, to hold a series of lectures that are connected with the family and with family relations, relations between a man and a woman. And we gave Volkhvich for this connection. "

Accepted by Alteri on 24.08.2011


"The image of him is a man, quite so tall, about 1m 85 cm tall. He is considered one of the elders. They have 13 elders in the Council of Elders, and he is one of thirteen. His clothes are so bluish-silver in color, like canvas, such a canopy, or whatever you call it. shoulder-length silvery hair. And his face is not senile, despite the fact that he is considered an elder, but he is not senile, somewhere around 40-45 years old and a man's face. He has a staff in his hands. The staff reaches his shoulder, and on the top of the staff there is such a sphere. When he turns on the staff, light comes out of the sphere, and with the help of this light coming out of the sphere, well, like a ball on a staff, there is communication through this staff. And this ball glowing, when it is turned on - there is communication. And then, it starts to broadcast. "

Accepted by Alteri on 24.08.2011

Great Svarog

"Light to you!!!

I appeal to you with the desire that you could accept our Teaching with all your Soul, the Light of your Consciousness. Our Teaching, it brought us a lot of joy and wonderful Life to our Kindred. I will give you little by little the experience that we have accumulated over a long time of Life.

We live according to earthly standards for as long as we ourselves want. Someone for several decades, someone for several hundred, and someone for thousands of years measures their lifespan. We have found for ourselves a planet similar to your Earth in your constellation of the solar system. It's from another universe. There are not so many planets like yours in the universes, but there are, and they are inhabited by people similar to you.

This is how the Absolute duplicates the planets for the residence of the protein origin of matter. She is not always spiritual.

We have Souls similar to yours. The same structure of the Crystal of the Soul also has 2 bodies of the Soul: the body of Goals and the body of Desires. You have only one star, and it brings the life support of biological matter to the Earth. We have learned how to modify matter, transform it from one state to another, and this allows us not to have waste products.

We have arranged the transformations of the food we consume in our bodies in such a way that we do not have excrement. We take food only when we run out of energy supply of protein origin.

Accepted by Alteri on 06/26/2011


"We will introduce ourselves as who we are. Here the condition, on this site, is precisely such that the Forces need to introduce themselves. We are conditionally called Antares, so that there are landmarks, orientation, where we are. If your star map is the constellation Scorpio, one of the stars, large stars, you call Antares. This is the space where our civilizations exist. We have several civilizations located in different spaces. state. And there are civilizations where there is a physical form. A physical form close to the form of people that is on Earth. We have DNA similar to your DNA. When we chose the form for bringing a step of man to Earth, our DNA was useful in construction, building material for creating a person.

We also have a similarity of planetary properties, similarity with the planet Earth. This is not an identical planet, duplicated by the Absolute, it is a different planet, but very similar. Similar in mass, similar in volume, similar in orbit of rotation around the Sun, around a star, and has a cycle similar to the Earth. Our atmosphere is different, our atmosphere is different, but we will not tell you now about what kind of atmosphere we have. Our civilizations that live on this planet - we have five civilizations there, five different levels of development, as you call it. All of humanity is like one civilization for you, and we can say that we have five such humanities, five completely different civilizations living in the same space, located at different levels and, in practice, interacting little with each other. Only in emergency situations. We have a lot of experience, a lot of experience in terms of technical properties, development of technology and technical developments. So you can say it."

Accepted by Alteri on 03/05/2012


"We salute you, Lightworkers. We are representatives from Orion, also called Lightworkers. Greetings, colleagues on Earth."

Accepted by Alteri on 11.07.2012

"As you know, we call ourselves Warriors of Light more. But, after listening to you, we got better, and we began to call ourselves Workers of Light. And that's it, as Workers of Light, those who go through life so that the light side of the human Soul manifests itself more actively, and the Soul is more saturated with the light side of the Soul. "Our civilization is very ancient and brought a lot to Earth in its time. Therefore, we periodically come to Earth for some kind of interaction. And now we want to resume such interaction as well."

Accepted by Alteri on 12.09.2012


"Sunlight to you, people of the Earth, we send from our own world. We are from the world that you know by the name Andromeda. We have been in this world for a long time, in this dense world. We have a dense, energetic world. You and I, those who communicate now, whom you hear through the contactee's voice, are in a dense world. A dense world similar to the world of the Earth. With your world. We also have a space built according to the planetary principle, and also in this space is in dense state of living matter, which develops quite intensively and quickly, so you can define. Only we are not quite people like you. We are similar, but different. It is we who are now communicating with you. We are representatives from Andromeda."

Accepted by Alteri on 07/25/2012


“Light to you, people of the Earth, we send light to you from our distant Universe, our Galaxy with our world in which we live, we send it to you, people of the Earth. You have known us for a very long time and very well, since we lived on Earth both in physical and energetic condition, had a great connection with the Earth. But the fact is that when there was a revision of the Earth, and many structures were removed, our structure was removed in the same way. We call ourselves Epsilon. that in relation to the New Program, what we produced on Earth was not correlated. We understood, we accepted, and we left the Earth, as required by the Higher Forces from us. But having been without correlation with the Earth, looking, observing, we determined that we do not want to break the connection with the Earth, we want to begin to manifest on Earth in a new way. We applied for us to be returned to Earth."

Accepted by Alteri on 09/03/2012


"We are Plasmoids. We, Plasmoids, are talking to you for the first time on this site. We are still selecting vibrations that will be more acceptable to you, since we are speaking for the first time on this site. But on Earth we are talking for the first time. We greet you. We greet you and tell you who we are. Plasmoids are civilizations, these are many different civilizations that can be called in one word - Plasmoids. Civilizations that are not humanoid, but civilizations endowed with Mind The Mind that we have is vast, it is vast, and it is manifested in different spaces, and in the space of the Earth there is also such a manifestation.

Where do we show up? We manifest in the bowels of the Earth. In the bowels of the Earth we manifest, and there is a certain vital activity - plasmoid. We appear on the stars - there is plasmoid life activity. On the Sun star, in the solar system where the Earth is located, we are also manifested. We are also manifested in other spaces where there is a state of energy of a very powerful direction. It is difficult for us now to pick up vibrations for you, you are very versatile now, being here and now with us. Therefore, we will focus on the working team and we will select vibrations for the working team. This will make it easier for us to focus our attention on the information that we are authorized to present to you today."

Accepted by Alteri on 10/22/2012

Freemasons of ATLANTIS

"Greetings to you! We have come, we are here, we are communicating with you. What do we want to tell you? We want to tell you pleasant words of love, pleasant words of love that you radiate, and that we send to you. And these radiations of your love and our message to you create the sphere in which we are now, the sphere of love - the sphere of love in communication with the Masons of Atlantis. Yes, we have long lived on Earth, we have experience of living - both positive and negative, the experience of living on Earth, and not only on Earth. And we collect the necessary information from all over the universe and compress it, compress it, so to speak, compress it to a state where this information can be placed in a capsule. And this capsule is on Earth, which contains the necessary knowledge that you need to live in. We will now tell you what is in this capsule. And today our topic is precisely connected with the fact that you can live in goodness, health, happiness and security, so that your life is provided in material terms. In material terms and in terms of money as well.

Accepted by Alteri on 11/17/2012


"The Cygnus Civilization is one of the most humane Civilizations of the Commonwealth of the 7th Ring. The mission that these Civilizations perform - there are several Cygnus Civilizations - is the role of parliamentarians in complex issues of mutual understanding. Civilizations are located on 4 planets from two stars. Deneb, there are three planets inhabited, and Albireo is one planetary system. They say that this planetary system is very similar to our solar system. And they even started to tell how our solar system was formed, which planets, how they appeared.What life is on the planets, because a very similar scenario for the development of our solar system, like they have this Albireo, one planetary system.So they explained.That these Civilizations are very friendly in orientation, and that all the laws of friendship that were announced at the signing of the FED Friendship Pact with the Seventh Ring, and the Seventh Ring with the FED, then all this was taken from the experience of the Higher Civilization Swan".

Accepted by Alteri on 12/17/2012


"Greetings to you. We are representatives of the system of Imperiality. This system, it was created a long time ago. It exists and develops. Systems that correlate, correlate components of the micro and macro manifestations of the Absolute. We are representatives of this system. The system includes various Civilizations of all Universes. This system is progressive. There is a progressive movement between parts of the system. The entire system is turned on in exceptional cases simultaneously, immediately, when there is an archi need. We are now represented by seven individuals. Seven individuals will periodically communicate with you. We individuals of different properties. Two individuals similar to you - Earthlings, five individuals are not similar to earthlings. The point is not who we are, the point is why we came to you, and what we will talk about."

Accepted by Alteri on 01/21/2013


We have invested from ourselves the strength of the body, its adaptation to physical conditions. We are not nudists - we have such clothes. A person can mobilize his level of development of cells by changing his DNA through the direction of the entry of consciousness into the structure of cells, that is, a person has the opportunity to place consciousness in a cell and view its work, give a different setting. We can do it and very well. We pass on our knowledge to you.

from where impulses go to all sides of the universe.

A blue glow, a set of spiritual matter from which energy models are built for their implementation in other constellations.

Energy capsule for the conservation and development of nature and natural resources on Earth.

An education system has been laid down, namely road and all types of transportation, and communication.

It is the ability to work with cells and DNA that is embedded in the capsule.

Blue-blue - have invested development in the team (like clans, estates, cities) while maintaining the environment. Knowledge how to live environmentally friendly. A lot has been invested. Whites - transferred the ability to communicate linguistically.

Today we will talk with you about what role the Higher Forces of the Universe play in your life and how your communication takes place.

Let's start with the fact that every person who has embarked on the path of spiritual development, and therefore striving for the Light, immediately finds helpers invisible to him on the subtle plane, since his Light attracts the Forces of Light to itself by the similarity of vibrations.

And the higher a person climbs the spiritual ladder, the more “higher” in terms of the level of vibrations he receives patrons.

For clarity, imagine the following picture. Your subtle bodies, like radio transmitters, send energy impulses of a certain frequency into the Universe.

And the Higher Forces, located in different densities, like antennas, pick up your signals and connect with you energetically.

The Higher Forces are reading all the information about you at the moment and are looking for the best solution for you - one that would help you as much as possible and, at the same time, would not prevent you from going through the necessary lesson that your Soul has planned.

They clearly observe this fine line between helping you and interfering in your destiny, which can set you back, because, not allowing you to pass the lesson so necessary for your Soul, they can attract even more serious trials to you.
Therefore, it is so important not to complain about fate, but to be able to thank for the little things: this will help you avoid much greater troubles and troubles.

ALWAYS THANK the Universe and the Higher Forces FOR EVERYTHING you have, because it is not yet given to you in your physical body, being in the world of third density, to comprehend all the subtleties and nuances of your own life.

Trust your Soul, your Guardian Angels, your Spiritual Guides, all the Higher Forces of the Universe who love you immensely and wish you only good!

Last edited by meditation 21:47, 02/11/2017

Circle of Masters *Matrix 999 (2017)

Circle of Masters
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Forms of preparation for the transition.

When preparing for the Transition, the main task must be solved - the preparation of all four bodies. This work requires a lot of effort and energy costs. The main thing here is a change in nutrition towards plant foods, control over emotions and the practice of adapting all bodies to the energy of the fifth dimension. What does it mean? We must learn to perceive ourselves already in the fifth dimension. This can be done by reading affirmations:
This should be done every day and not depending on the preparedness of the cells, gain the energy of the fifth dimension. The result will not keep you waiting - you will soon notice a change in the cellular state of the skin. Old obsolete cells will begin to fall off profusely, and energetically you will feel a surge of strength. Before starting all practices, I recommend reading the Call for a General Raise of Vibrations:

“In the name of I AM THAT I AM, with the permission of the Lords of Karma of the Earth, under the guidance of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters, under the protection of Archangel Michael and his legion of angels, I turn to my Higher Being, my Golden Angel and ask to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that I am allowed at this stage of development of my consciousness. I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that will benefit the development of my soul, the souls of those people and Essences that surround me, for the benefit of the entire Space and for the benefit of the evolution of planet Earth. I thank all the Higher Powers for their help. I ask Archangel Raphael to heal all my bodies and fill the healed places with the Light of the color scheme that will help in the healing of my bodies. With an open Heart, I accept the assistance rendered and thank the Lords of Earth Karma for the permission given to the Ascended Forces of Light to help me and all non-ascended humanity, as well as all the Essences walking the ladder of evolution, for the benefit of the entire planet Earth. I accept the changes that are happening to my bodies and consciously direct the Light of God through me to the places where it is needed. So be it!" I recommend doing this practice every day, there will be no excess. This will help you energetically prepare yourself for new vibrations.

You can dwell on emotions, this is a very important point. Emotions affect everything in our life, and even non-health related events depend on our emotions. Therefore, we constantly remember this and use a cleansing mantra: Any negative thought, an obsessive frightening situation, a scenario, a desire to take revenge, to respond with force. We say: This is not my thought (situation) I bless it and release it with Love. All the people that I have met or talked on the phone with today (date), even for a short time, all the situations that I have been involved in today, I BLESS, RELEASE AND RELEASE WITH LOVE. Thus, by controlling emotions, we will be able to change the real life and prepare ourselves for the Transition. The existing practices will be effective if they are applied consciously, affecting the deeper layers of the Soul. Otherwise, if your feelings do not respond, changes will only occur on the outer layers, and therefore the preparation will not be effective.

Help from the Higher Powers.

Help from your Higher Powers comes to you constantly. At any time, you can turn to the Angels, the Saints, the Creator.

Ask the Higher Forces from the Central Primary Source to REMOVE FROM ALL YOUR LIVES, INcarnations, MANIFESTATIONS, FROM PARALLEL WORLDS ALL FEEARS, PROGRAMS, ENERGIES, CONNECTIONS INTERVENING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HAPPY LIFE, HERE AND NOW, IN VOLUME AND AT A SPEED COMFORTABLE FOR YOU. ASK FOR THE RELEASED SPACE TO BE FILLED WITH NEW CRYSTAL ENERGIES: LIGHT, LOVE, HEALTH, JOY, ABUNDANCE, SPIRITUAL WEALTH, HAPPINESS (AND WHAT YOU ELSE ELSE WANT). It is impossible to clean everything at once: it is necessary to clean all life plans, because. they are interconnected, and there is an overflow of energies. In addition, the cleaning process must be repeated, as you are developing intensively, and you constantly have new programs (fears) that are no longer necessary for your development. This practice is very effective and will help in preparing for the Transition, and most importantly, in restoring normal life in the present moment.

Prayer of Transition.

That's why we started writing this article. Yes, this is a real prayer and very energy-intensive: Lie down on your back and breathe to calm the body, you can use prana breathing. Then we tune in to the connection with the Creator, we can imagine this as a flow of Golden Light. You should feel this connection, it may be a manifestation of warmth in the palms or head, you may hear a voice, but this is not necessary. Then you begin the appeal: Lord and Creator of All That Is! I appeal to You by the right of Nature of the Laws you have established. I ask You, Omnipresent, to change my Life Plan, taking into account the decision of my Innermost Soul to ascend. Create a New Time for me and teach me the correct perception of the New Energies so that there are no nominal distortions in the Space of the Universe. I am ready to present my Light and Reunite, as a Part of the Universe, that the Spirit gives life to me. I ask You, Beloved, do not let me disappear into the Void. And the joy of Unity, let me carry for the benefit of All Your Children. Love, giving to all Souls in the Universe.

Life in the fifth dimension.
There is a lot of information out there on this subject. We will focus on new moments. Life and creativity in the fifth dimension are fundamentally different from real life in the third dimension. The main difference will be that in the fifth dimension there will be no Duality and there will be no forces that will constantly test you to pass the lessons outlined by your Soul before incarnation. This means that all diseases, troubles and other negative things will not be present there. Your life will be a creative laboratory, you will not lack anything. Everything you need you can create for yourself. Levitation and exchange of thoughts at a distance, all this will be available to you. As you understand, having such opportunities, a person must have a high level of Spiritual development. That is why we now recommend the Transition Prayer as a tool to change your lifestyle and enable you to safely prepare and move into the fifth dimension. I really hope for your desire to work productively.

Affirmation for connecting to a collective meditation: “I ask all Higher Teachers, all Higher Beings, all Higher Forces, Angels and Archangels to connect me to the meditation "A guide to the transition to the Fifth Dimension. Higher Forces of the Universe" through Elena. I express my will to be grounded in the process of carrying out this work. Please help me to carry out the work as comfortably (effectively) for me with the appropriate intensity and speed. according to the divine plan. For the benefit of!"

We owe the existence of religions, shamanism, rituals of white and black magic, etc. to the fact that the Higher powers periodically manifest themselves in the life of each of us. But all of the above are only forms that try from their positions to interact with the unknown Higher Forces in order to achieve the desired result.

All of them present themselves as intermediaries between the Higher Powers and ordinary people who are not burdened with the skills and knowledge to interact with the Higher Powers.

If there had never been a result, then these forms (religions, etc.) would have disappeared long ago. The fact of the matter is that sometimes what we call a "miracle" manifests through them. Something happens that science cannot explain.

Having felt at least once the manifestation of the Higher forces on himself, an ordinary person laughs at the official science, which claims that there are no forces, and that he himself invented everything.

Therefore, a person begins to be drawn to one of the forms, which claims to have effective tools for interacting with the Higher Forces. Thus, people come to religion, paganism, magic, mysticism, and so on. The very manifestation of the unknown man felt for himself. Science does not want to do this, pushing a person to where they do not deny the presence of the Higher powers and offer mediation.

Having answered this question, it will be easier to find a way to interact effectively with them. Moreover, interact directly.

If the Higher power manifests itself individually in relation to each of us, then it is quite natural to desire to interact with such a force not through intermediaries who do not understand what, but directly.

To find the answer, you must first put a question in front of you ..... The question sounds like this: "What is common between all forms (religion, magic, witchcraft, shamanism, esotericism, etc.)?"

I give you a hint. Do not look for common in the ideological component. The answer is not there. Take each of these forms, as if in absolute value, as in mathematics. Or, for example, imagine each of these forms in the form of heterogeneous fruits and find something in common that can connect fruits growing on different trees in countries distant from each other.

I'll give you an answer in a week. If you manage to find it yourself during this time, then such a discovery will be more valuable to you than a ready-made answer. The desire to discover something new for oneself is an internal need of a person, a way to satisfy his intellectual needs. A person feels happy when he makes some kind of discovery for himself.

Here you are try to discover may be the most important thing in your life.

Let's calmly figure everything out to see that the answer has long been in front of each of us literally in front of our noses. Let's start with the traditional idea of ​​the Higher Forces.

It is generally accepted that they are somewhere in outer space or nearby, but in another dimension that we are not able to perceive. Now let's ask the question, what is common between all religions and other cults, from a material point of view, in those cases when they try to act as intermediaries between a person and the Higher Forces? The answer lies on the surface. Religions, cults, shamanism and others, turning to the Higher powers, work with what is called "element" or "element" since ancient alchemy. Those. they work with the elements, which are the fundamental principles of the world: "Water", "Fire", "Wood", "Metal". The theory of the four elements was first developed by Empedocles, who believed that each of the elements is endowed with the properties of love and enmity. Later, Plato introduced the concept of primary matter and, according to his theory, the elements (elements) are capable of mutual transformations. According to Aristotle, each element represents one of the states of primary matter. Aristotle also introduced the concept of the fifth element, which is the ether. All cults that claim to be mediators between the Higher forces and people in their rites do the same thing: they direct the thought form (ether) to one of the elements (element) or to a combination of them. Therefore, prayers in temples by candlelight, from an energy-informational point of view, are no different from pagan spells with dancing around a fire, since interaction with the element "Fire" is used. Magical conspiracies for water or wind differ only in the form of the rite, from washing or sprinkling in other faiths. Prayers, church hymns, magic spells, etc. there is nothing else than a scale modulated by ultra-low frequencies, which arise due to a change in the amplitude (loudness) of the sound and an unnatural stretching of the duration of the sounds. As a result, the voice is modulated by a low-frequency component, which can enter into resonance with the forces that we call natural, and also serve as a means of transmitting information to the energy-information field. Simple speech is not assimilated by the energy-informational field, since it is characterized by ultra-low frequencies. Chanted words create a low-frequency envelope, whereby a prayer, or something else, can be "heard", but only in cases of very skillful modulation. Air always contains water vapor, which, as you know, is the medium through which the development programs of living beings are revealed.

If you carefully watched the movie "The Great Mystery of Water", then remember that water has a memory. All rituals, be it sprinkling, preparation of all kinds of potions for magical purposes, conspiracies or prayers, one way or another, are associated with water in its various states, including in the form of vapors in the air.

The properties of the element "earth" are revealed when interacting with water. Throw a seed into dry ground and it will not germinate. But as soon as you start watering the earth, the program contained in the grain will come into action. Water enables the growth program and further evolution of the seed to open up.

What is emerging? And it emerges that all "mediators" differ only in the form of rituals. For some, they may be more effective, for others they may be less effective, and for others they may not be at all effective. The four elements are derivatives of some primary matter, and all kinds of cults turn to these derivatives, directing their aspirations towards interaction with the Higher forces.

Love, which all religions and cults operate, in their view, is the fifth element that is able to unite all four primary matters. Love acts as a "gluing" or "cementing" element.

Stop talking about religions and cults. I think now you understand how they are similar to each other and what they have in common. We are more interested in how it is possible to interact with what we call the Higher Forces, without intermediaries, who are not always able to competently do the work they undertake. Those. ideally, everyone should learn such contact on their own. But in order to learn something, you need to understand how it all "works". To do this, we have to turn to concepts such as consciousness and subconscious. What is consciousness and how it works, I think you do not need to explain. But with the subconscious, everything is more complicated. A person, having a consciousness, cannot fully understand how his own subconscious works.

Just think, a simple seed, planted in the ground and watered with water, sprouts and eventually turns into a plant. But the seed does not have a brain or anything that even remotely resembles one. By itself, lying in a bag or box, the seed will not grow. He definitely needs to get into the ground, watered with water. In this case, the internal program embedded in the seed is revealed. Think about what is an internal program? Guessed? That's right, it is subconscious. The seed has a subconscious that is activated if it falls into the earth and water. In relation to the seed, earth and water are the Higher power that controls the process of growth and development of the plant.

So you say: "I am a man." And what is your original form? If you follow the chain, you will realize that you are the product of a combination of two elements: water and earth. It's the same story as the seed. But the difference is that you have consciousness and the seed does not. However, both the seed and you have a subconscious.

Imagine that the trees have consciousness. Let it be a birch forest. There are very young trees, which are 2-3 years old, and veterans, from 50-60 years of age. You have all noticed that with the advent of autumn or spring, trees of the same species located in a certain area behave as if on command: they open their buds or shed their leaves. If we are already talking about birch trees, then they were “born” at different times and from different “parents”, but the command is the same for everyone and is perceived strictly. The same birches, located in a different climatic zone, some two hundred or three hundred kilometers away, behave at the same time in a completely different way. That is, the "team" that they receive is not one for the whole world, but concerns a certain territory. This "command" they subconsciously carry out.

Where does the command come from? There is only one answer: from earth and water, whose subconscious is the manager, in relation to the subconscious of the same birches. But, we were going to consider the option that birches have a mind (consciousness). Let's pretend they have it. Where there is reason, there is conversation.

- Here came the command to drop the foliage, - says a young birch. - Personally, I'm not going to drop it. I'm so beautiful in the foliage.

- Stupid you are, - an elderly birch instructs her. - It will soon get colder. Snow will fall. Snow will stick to the leaves and break off all the branches.

- You do as you wish, but I still will not drop the foliage, - the young woman resists.

Do you feel what appears when there is a mind? This is what we call the ego.

The ego is what tries in every way to counteract the subconscious. Transferring the gaze to a person, it is difficult not to notice that following one's intuition is nothing more than following a person's controlling subconscious, which in relation to him is the Higher power. If it is not intuition that wins, but the Ego, then the programs of the controlling subconscious and the subconscious of a person come into conflict. Wanting to follow his Ego, a person puts himself in conditions when he begins to experience the negative influence of the Higher powers. Simply put, the “birch tree”, which, thanks to the Ego, did not want to shed its leaves in time, does not expect anything good. And there is nothing for her to blame the Higher powers for breaking her all. She herself is to blame for not taking into account the controlling subconscious.

Thought, there is nothing but the fifth element - "ether". And this ether interacts with other elements, which are also carriers of the controlling subconscious. If you've read the Schumann Waves section of the site, you'll probably remember an excerpt from there, which I'll just repeat:

"Researchers exposed plant grains to 10 thousand roentgens. At such a huge dose of radiation, even chromosomes in the seeds are destroyed. Then, the grains were divided into two groups. The first group was treated with a certain spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, on which an acoustic signal in the form of a human voice was "superimposed", asking the seeds to restore their original natural properties. their properties, and the seeds of the second - irretrievably perished.

Thus, the ether, which is inherent in us in the form of thoughts and words, is an element that can control subconscious programs. If there is no conflict of other elements of the controlling subconsciousness with the ether, then we observe miraculous events, as in the above example.

Whether you like it or not, an attentive and thoughtful person has to admit that what we call the Higher Power is the primary matter embodied in the five elements. The very primary matter was characterized by a subconsciousness, which was transferred to its elements and through which the control action is carried out.

There is nothing accidental in hurricanes and earthquakes, as manifestations of the elements. It's just that in this territory there was a conflict between the control programs of the "elements" and the ether, which is created by people who call themselves society. This ether modulates forces in a destructive way that might otherwise be creative.

Someone will now say: "I do not want to accept the statement that the surrounding matter has a subconscious and is able to control me. My God is in another, invisible world, and he takes care of me." If someone likes to think so - consider it. I will not argue with you and object to you. If you think that the earth is inanimate and does not have a subconscious, then find an explanation for yourself why everything that you eat grows on it and where did the expression that "the earth will give birth" come from?

If you accept the view that was discussed today, then you are simply forced to look for ways of your effective interaction with what surrounds you, as with the Higher power, the direction of which you can regulate through the ether, which is born during the interaction of your consciousness and subconscious. If the Ego suppresses the subconscious, then nothing pleasant can be expected from such a modulation, since you are directing the Higher forces against yourself.

And it's not fantasy. For more than a year or two, we have been studying ways to effectively interact with what we call the Higher Power (the controlling subconscious). In part, such effective methods have been known since ancient times, in part they are distorted beyond recognition and do more harm than good.

It is impossible to put the Higher control forces under the control of one's Ego, but it is possible to effectively interact with them, and each individually.

I don't know about you, but we made sure of it. So expect in the near future the emergence of new programs for effective interaction with the elements, the combination of the interpenetration of which is usually called a manifestation of the energy-information field.

You have been looking at the sky for a long time, thinking about the Higher powers, but you have to look under your feet.

The results that you observe when working with programs are the result of the activation of your subconscious, which has become more clearly felt by the controlling subconscious of the Higher forces (elements). You just come into conflict less often, and if you act correctly, then you direct these forces for your own good, without realizing it. Those. you do not get out like a "young birch" that does not want to perceive the controlling force, but intuitively follow the right path.

A part (element) of what you call the Higher power is in you, and this part is important, because it is able to modulate the controlling subconsciousness, which is characteristic of the surrounding matter.

Nikolay Ivanovich Karmishin

On the eve of Christmas, when the heavens are open for our appeals, I want to talk with you about how to properly ask questions to the Higher powers, incl. questions to the angels.

I am sure that each of us in our lives, one way or another, received messages from angels. Someone received greetings from the other side in the form of clear signals, expressed in some visual or auditory images - it could be a phrase spoken in your head, or maybe some kind of vision that came in response to a request. But most often, the message from the angels comes in the form of a deep sense of calm, a feeling that everything will be fine, i.e. expressed simply by an explicit change in internal state. This is the most common option and, by the way, the most truthful.

Because you can hear a voice ringing in your ears, you can hear a ringing, you can see some kind of image - and all this can be a falsification of the mind. But it is impossible to falsify the state of rest, especially if before that you were in confusion, anxiety and tension.

How exactly do you need to formulate your requests to angels?

There is one important rule - you need to ask not for events, not some advice, not facts, you need to ask states.

We all came here, to Earth, with our unique stellar signature, with our unique past lives, in order to build our own unique life. And if we wanted to know the answer, we would simply open our genetic memory and immediately leave the game. It's like seeing a game of chess, all laid out to the end. Why play then? Then there is no need to be in the body. But the fact of the matter is that we chose to play this game, knowing in advance that in this particular life we ​​have limited ourselves in something.

Often the mind intervenes in the dialogue of our heart with the Higher powers and wants to get some logical or rational answers. But, in fact, the angels cannot give you any valuable instructions, they can only help to energetically influence your space, help you keep calm. Everything else you decide for yourself, because it is you who are your life.

You have probably heard such a metaphor that a person is stronger than an angel, because he can choose between good and evil, has freedom, unlike an angel who is the executor of God's will. Therefore, it is you who is the master of the situation, and you choose the path. And the heavenly forces are beings that energetically help you to realize your desires. They help you achieve that inner balance, create such inner harmony that will be favorable for the realization of your creative desires. Angels can tell you whether it is better to go to the right or to the left along the road you have chosen, but they cannot say which road to go on.

Accordingly, the questions that you ask should be not so much questions as requests. You sincerely ask - what should I know in order to ... For example - What should I know so that I can do this? And you are waiting for an answer.

Information should come to you completely by chance, in everyday life: you will accidentally see it in a magazine, hear it in a momentary television interview or in a conversation ... Just be careful, follow the signs. If you wanted to look into a magazine - take a look, if you wanted to linger at the TV - linger, if you suddenly wanted to talk to a person with whom you had never talked - talk. Those. you need to feel the attraction within yourself - this is an openness to contact. And this information will help you make a decision that will clarify some of your inner doubts.

But you must understand that the answer will come at the right time for you. While you are tense and waiting for an answer, you will not receive it.

In any case, remember that when you receive an answer (words, visions or signs), you must certainly have a feeling of deep peace within. Because any answer from the Higher powers is accompanied by a feeling of calm. Unmistakable help always brings with it the energy of the House, the energy of God, the energy of Creation. And this energy necessarily gives a feeling of serenity.

Therefore, if you are in doubt whether you are receiving a response, the marker is very simple: whether in your soul and warmth? If yes, then you have received the support of the Higher Forces.

Many conscience does not allow to turn to angels often, to “pull” them for nothing. This is a common misconception. We ourselves, no matter how much we love each other, but we get tired of communicating even with the closest people, and we need time to be in, to recover. And we unconsciously transfer this image to our angels.

But here we need to understand that angelic energy is built into us. The Creator manifests itself through us on Earth, His spark is present in each of us. And angels are the light of God. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation of unbearability, when you understand that in a “human” way you cannot disperse the clouds in the depths of your heart and the sticky web in your thoughts, you need to ask for help not from someone, but from your own divine part - turn to the Heart. That's where help comes from.

Angels are happy to transform our pain, our fear. Because the transformed distorted energy returns to the Creator as a radiant light. And this is the purpose of the angels - the return of the divine light to its original pure state. And it is thanks to people that angels can realize this.

But they cannot respond until you have made a request. And in this sense always need to apply. When, for example, you are offended by your parents and turn to the angels, saying: “I ask you to remove this burden from my soul and suggest what I should do in order to resurrect love for these people in myself,” you give the green light, give access to transformation.

Therefore, not just “you can contact”, but you can always contact when you lose your clarity of thought, experience confusion, when you are confused, when clouds appeared in your sky ... Ask for clarification, ask to transform all the negativity, ask.

At night it is very good to make a request. In general, it is good to contact not at the moment when you are already feeling bad, but regularly with a request to set you up - for the day or for the night. If you asked for peace in your heart for today, if you thanked life, if you tuned in to love, then no hardships of life, no turmoil will harm you in any way.

For example, I always have before my eyes two large portraits by the artist Suvorov - the Archangel Uriel and the Archangel Michael. Every day I communicate with them, thank and interact, and read appeals to them in the morning and evening. Despite the fact that the era of cataclysms has long passed in my life, I clearly understand that this is not superfluous, even now.

I am often asked - how to develop and strengthen the connection with the Supreme?

My dears, the era has come. In past eras, connection with the Higher was a way out of the fields of the Earth, and now connection with the Higher is, on the contrary, an invitation to Him to us, to Earth. And it happens through a point in the Heart.

Therefore, one should not confuse true enlightenment with a game called esotericism and. True enlightenment is when every cell in your body raises the frequency. And this happens when you are focused on love for people, for the world and for yourself, as a particle of this world.

Those. if you set the goal of love in your heart, life itself will tell you which practices will help you. For someone, meditative needlework or mandala drawing can help open their hearts, someone needs to go to a dog shelter and treat them there, and someone needs to make peace with their grandmother, with whom they have had a tense relationship for the past 10 years.

You yourself feel that allows you to open a new door within yourself. That's why stay inthis is the most rapid approach to the Highest. What do you want!



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