How to prepare for a move: personal experience. Important, interesting folk signs and rituals when moving to a new place of residence

If you are about to move to a new apartment or a new house very soon, then our article can be very useful. Read about the signs and rituals of moving, how to organize the unpacking of things in a new home.

Can you say that when moving to a new apartment, common sense and a clear plan, a list of actions and a list of things that need to be packed are enough? In fact, moving is a rather serious life experience, and it is better to know some of the nuances in advance in order to do everything right and settle down in a new place as well as possible.

You ask, will this be useful to you if you move to a rented apartment? Of course! After all, you will live there for some time, perhaps even a very long time. We also recommend reading our tips on how to equip a rented apartment and make it more comfortable.

Some rituals when moving to a new apartment

As we have already found out, moving from one place to another is not an easy task, a responsible one. Do not forget anything, pack everything carefully, deliver it safely and, finally, place it in its place - this is just a dry summary of the sequence of actions, and how many labor-intensive processes are behind these words ... And yet, most people still find time for one more action, usually we call it rituals.

At the same time, some rituals when moving to a new apartment are not meaningless, while others cause bewilderment and slight shock - there is no clear answer how to relate to this. Out of pure curiosity, you can walk through several of them, at least in order to smile, or maybe become interested.

Moving to a new apartment conditionally includes three stages:

actions in the old place (collection of things, loading);
actions in a new place (unloading, arranging things).
In this chronological order, we will consider some of the rituals when moving.

One of the curious rituals is advice from the teachings of Feng Shui, to which more and more people have been listening lately. You are invited to bake a loaf, pie, cake or something like that from the dough according to the recipe of your choice. The only condition is that the shape of your baking should resemble a house. It is recommended to eat it immediately before moving, thus you carry with you the very essence of the house where you lived.

Another ritual of moving is from the category of more mystical ones. In a vessel, preferably made of glass or ceramic, you carry salt around the old house, mentally imagining how it absorbs all the energy of your life in this house, all emotions, negative and positive. Let the salt stand in a dark place for a while, imagining how your old house is cleared of everything that was. At sunset, in a deserted place, this salt should be buried and left without looking back. After that, you need to wash your hands.

As for rituals in a new place, the most favorite of them is housewarming. It is useful and pleasant in all respects - housewarming will help you get to know your future neighbors and psychologically adapt to a new place. It is not surprising that this ritual not only took root, but also became obligatory.

It is also recommended, upon arrival at a new place of residence, to announce your presence by taking several consecutive steps. It is necessary to open the windows in all rooms, turn on the light in each of them, drain some water. This ritual is useful because at the same time you check the health of all appliances and devices.

You can continue indefinitely listing rituals that share one common property - they are all designed to attract well-being to your new home and preserve as much as possible the good that was in your old home. You just need to remember that only you yourself can do it better than rituals.

Moving to a new apartment: interesting signs

An important sign when moving, especially if you move into an apartment after the old owners, is getting rid of the negative energy accumulated there. To do this, it is very important to do a general cleaning immediately after the move, thoroughly washing the floors, wiping the dust in all places.

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house you can hang a horseshoe over the front door. This sign is connected with the fact that happiness and prosperity reigned in a new apartment or house.

But from evil forces and evil spirits in the old days, bundles of St. John's wort were hung in houses - this is the so-called amulet.

The sign, according to which, when moving, you should be the first to let a cat into the house will help your new home become hospitable. Therefore, they say that the cat should come in by itself, it is enough just to put it at the door. In general, a lot of signs and even superstitions are associated with a cat. Some look closely at her behavior in a new place, remember the places that she has chosen. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, they put a bed. But this is not always correct, because the bed is located according to the principles of Feng Shui in the bedroom, and according to other signs. Well, what if the cat fell asleep in the kitchen or in the bathroom? Of course, you won't sleep there!

How to take your brownie from the old to the new apartment

It is unlikely that today many people pay attention to this fad, but in the old days they didn’t squeeze it into a new dwelling without a brownie at all - they had to lure it with them by any means.

In general, the brownie is your friend and buddy, who not only protects the house from trouble, but also takes care of the household. And when you are friends with him, you probably noticed that you live well. Therefore, it is important to take your friend, the brownie, to your new apartment when moving. The easiest way to do this is to place a box at the front door after collecting your stuff, in which soft things will be folded, and then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Your brownie will definitely climb into this box and go with you. And some beliefs convince us that in order to move along with your brownie, it is enough to grab a broom from the old apartment.

One way or another, but after arrival it is necessary to let the brownie in. Place the same box at the entrance and open it. Then pour milk into a saucer and place it on the floor. The brownie will certainly go to feast from your caring hands, especially since he could get hungry on the road.

What to unpack first when moving

So, the car with all the good you have acquired drove into the yard of your new home. But it's too early to relax. You have to unload and arrange things, and it depends on how successful the move to your new apartment will be. We hope that you have prudently numbered your boxes of things, and the most prudent ones also wrote a list of all the things on the box for convenience. Then the final stage of the move will not raise questions and will not take much time. You only need to decide which things to unpack first.

First of all, you need to unload from the car all the items that will interfere with the removal of furniture. It can be fragile chandeliers, a TV, indoor plants, and so on - all this can be temporarily placed on the ground or on a bench near the house. Now you can take out and deliver the furniture to the house. As furniture is brought in, it should be immediately unpacked and inspected for damage in transit. It will be easy if you have an inspection report drawn up during the collection. Furniture is recommended to be assembled, if required, and arranged with the help of loaders immediately to where it will be in the future. This is best planned in advance and included in the moving plan. If you do not have a plan, just keep this information in mind and control each mover with furniture, giving them instructions on how to arrange items.

If necessary, you can walk with a damp cloth on the outer surface of the furniture and wipe the shelves in the cabinets.

After the initial arrangement of furniture and unpacking things from the boxes, it's time to get rid of the now unnecessary containers in the form of countless boxes and a pile of packaging material. As soon as the maximum space is freed up, it will not be superfluous to wipe the floors. However, this must be done after installing the cornices, installing blinds or hanging curtains on the windows.

The question of which things to unpack first has already lost its relevance, and it is the turn of those things that are orphanedly awaiting their fate on the street. Bring in a TV, plants, a vacuum cleaner, bedside tables, ottomans, chairs, in general, everything that is left. When the last thing is brought in, and your act, the entire list of things is marked with a tick, it remains to take a look at everything again with the master's eye and sign the act on the completion of work with a calm soul in order to let the loaders go and stay with your family.

The more organized you arrange furniture and things, remembering to take out the garbage in the form of packing material, the sooner you will be able to drink tea in a new home environment after moving into a new apartment and congratulate yourself on its successful completion.

“When I left the notary, having sold my apartment, fear suddenly came over me, almost panic. Why did I do all this? What have I done? I wanted to scream: “Give me back my house!” - recalls 35-year-old Natalya. “But until recently, I was flying on wings from the mere thought that my little son and I would finally move from a cramped odnushka to a more spacious apartment!” According to a study by the TNS Sofres International Institute for Marketing Research, 70% of us experience serious stress when moving. Especially women - 82% of them admit that they went through it with difficulty.

Often we think that it's all about the power of habit, because of which it is so difficult to part with a house, yard, district. However, psychotherapist Maria Fedorova believes that it is more accurate to talk about attachment: “Attachment implies security, reliability, stability. The house is a settled, fenced area, it is imbued with our spirit, memories. All this is our history. It's a shell where we hide when we feel safe. Parting with her, we feel very uncomfortable.”

The fear of change is inherent in a person, whether it is a change of job, place of residence or a new relationship.

Psychologist Alexandra Suchkova adds: “In general, a person is characterized by a fear of change - whether it is a change of job, place of residence or new relationships. Any new situation increases the degree of uncertainty, and hence anxiety: how will everything turn out now? That's why moving is so exhausting. But when we make a decision, a new potential appears in life. This is a sign of the desire to live, to change, to move forward.

This is an opportunity to sum up

Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would never change the roof over his head. If earlier the notorious housing problem forced two or even three generations of the family to coexist together, now young people, barely getting on their feet, tend to live separately, at least in a rented apartment. Marriage, the birth of children, career growth, divorce, new marriage - important milestones in the biography are often accompanied by a change of residence.

“A change of residence is the end of one life period and the beginning of a new one,” agrees 40-year-old Yana. - This is an opportunity to redefine, upgrade and get rid of excess burden. I throw away clothes that have been stale in the closet, gifts from former lovers ... "

It's not always a change for the better. Sometimes a divorce, the loss of a highly paid job, a credit trap can force you to move to a smaller apartment, change the center to a remote area. And this also increases anxiety, our image suffers: since I now live in a cramped and cheap apartment, then my “I” seems to be decreasing. However, any move encourages us to seek our own identity: “Who am I? What am I doing with my life? Are you satisfied?

Saying goodbye to the old house gives us the opportunity to make an "inventory" of the events experienced in it

It is always a summing up of intermediate results, and it is very important, says Alexandra Suchkova, to pay close attention to this procedure: “Farewell to the old house provides a precious opportunity to take an “inventory” of the events experienced here, to figure out what role we played in them, what we did wrong and what we can change in the future. If parting is experienced honestly, being aware of one's feelings, then these reflections can become a psychological resource for solving new problems.

Agreeing with this, Maria Fedorova adds: “It would be nice to say thank you to yourself, to others, to the house for all the good that was here. And also talk with relatives, compare feelings: what was important for you? And how do you remember it? Such a natural boundary allows us to say something important that we don’t discuss in everyday life, and to understand each other better, to figure out together what we want to change, starting life in a new place.”

Saying goodbye to native walls involuntarily resurrects the experience of experienced separations, starting from the very first - with the mother's womb, Maria Fedorova believes. And so a change of residence is always traumatic. The situation is aggravated by all the accompanying circumstances: arrogant or unscrupulous realtors, scammers operating in the housing market, who have to be feared. Finally, a string of potential buyers, whose visits are often painful.

“Our home is a projection of our “I”, this is our protected world. And when strangers come into it, inspect and evaluate it, we perceive it as if they evaluate and criticize us ourselves, ”comments Alexandra Suchkova.

Why do we want to take old unnecessary things with us

The gathering is in full swing, we are packing things, throwing others away... And looking around, we see that our nest has been devastated. The old house is no more, the new one is not yet. This intermediate point is the most difficult. “Any transition is always a test, a step into the unknown,” says Maria Fedorova. - We see our nest ruined, so cozy, beloved, in which so much effort has been invested. And we ruined it ourselves, with our own hands. This gives rise to a sense of guilt, orphanhood.

At every step, we find ourselves in a situation of choice - what things to take with us, and what to get rid of. And suddenly we begin to cling to seemingly complete nonsense. Some old concert ticket will suddenly seem like a jewel - reminding you of a romantic love story. Throwing something away means getting rid of some part of your past. Putting old postcards from childhood in a trash bag is like moving away from those who once sent them to us. Torn children's books, a mangy teddy bear are witnesses to the continuity of our existence.

“I was going to give the neighbors the service left from my grandmother, because I have two more of my own, much more beautiful,” recalls 43-year-old Nina. “But at the last moment, I didn’t dare to part with him. As soon as I realized that now I would lose it forever, it immediately gained value. I wanted to take with me a lot of absolutely, seemingly unnecessary: ​​my son’s school notebooks, a sweater knitted for him 20 years ago by my mother ... "

We will build a new coordinate system, "tame" an unfamiliar space, acquire new habits, new acquaintances

“We tend to have children's magical thinking,” explains Alexandra Suchkova. - We endow objects with a special power, and they become "talking", acquire in our eyes "added value". For the same reason, we are relieved to get rid of things that bring back painful memories.

When it comes to departure, it turns out that even what used to annoy us in the house turns out to be an important part of our “fortress”: a harmful neighbor, piano scales coming from the upper apartment ... The difficulty of moving is the loss of familiar landmarks and the efforts that will have to attach to create a new living space.

We can laugh at superstitions, but nevertheless we are the first to let the cat in through the threshold, then we rush to wash the floor of the new apartment for the first time. These ancient rituals are symbolic acts that help to adapt to new conditions. The cat will “secure” the house from evil spirits, water will cleanse the space from the presence of former residents.

“There is no need to drive away sadness and a sense of loss, it is much better to accept them,” says Alexandra Suchkova.

“At first it seems that we have destroyed, cut off some memories,” notes Maria Fedorova. - But time will pass, we will use the usual things, look at the photographs we brought with us - and we will find that the memories have remained with us. And it helps to “collect” yourself again. We will build a new coordinate system, "tame" an unfamiliar space, acquire new habits, new acquaintances. These are always new opportunities that open up before us.”

Text: Anastasia Vernaya

So that the stress of moving does not kill all the joy of living in a new place, you need to properly organize the process and plan your time. The Village tells you where to start when your big day is less than a week away, while experts and moving gurus share useful tips and personal experiences.

Foresee everything

The first question is: do everything yourself or delegate? Many transport companies offer services not only for the transportation of things, but also for assessing their quantity and preparing for shipment. Yes, you still have to collect personal items, clothes and books yourself, but at least you won’t have to suffer with furniture and large household appliances. Carriers also have delivery services for boxes and other necessary tools - there will be no need to waste time and nerves on shopping runs. An alternative is to involve relatives and friends in the process: this way you will have more time and also enlist moral support. It is better to send children to their relatives so that they return to their new housing.

The easiest way to choose a transport company is through the recommendations of friends and a banal search on the Internet. Private traders with vans also offer their services - this is a cheaper option, but various risks are higher here. When ordering a machine, pay attention to how it is equipped. The van must not only correspond to the amount of cargo in terms of capacity, but also be prepared inside: have guides for furniture fasteners and the fasteners themselves (belts), non-slip floor, soft pads on the walls, ideally a hydraulic lift for quick loading of heavy objects.

Soberly assess the number of things that need to be transported, and contact the chosen company: somewhere you need to order a car in advance, somewhere right on the day of the move. They will also be able to tell you how long loading / unloading may take and how many loaders you will need. If you're worried that you won't meet the carrier's time-limited rate, and you're not happy with the extra hour charge, choose bundled rates that many carriers offer: rates usually depend on the number of rooms in the apartment. This will also protect against dishonest workers who can deliberately play for time, and then persuade you to pay for a new hour cheaper past the cash desk.

Knowing exactly the scale of the "disaster" is necessary not only for an agreement with transport workers: if you are not a minimalist, it is unlikely that you will have enough for a couple of evenings after work (when you are already tired) - it is better to take a day off for a couple of days.

Purchase materials

You will need a variety of packaging to get things to their destination safe and sound. Basic set: boxes of different sizes, adhesive tape, scissors and bubble wrap. For packing furniture and large equipment, you will need corrugated cardboard, stretch film and foam blocks, for small things and breakable things - plastic bags, polyethylene foam and craft paper, and for clothes and textiles - vacuum bags. And don't forget the marker to sign the boxes.

With this list, you can go to a hardware or hardware store. If this is not your option, then online stores and websites of carrier companies will help. It is difficult to calculate the number of boxes without experience, so estimate how many of them you will need, and take them with a decent margin.

To pack

There are two approaches to collecting things: by storage location or by type of items (first the whole bedroom or first all the books from all rooms). It is better to start with things that are used the least and will definitely not be needed until the move; load more necessary things into the next group of boxes, and leave the last few boxes for the last day - there you will put the most necessary things from this room. For example, if the child is staying with their grandmother before moving, you can start with the nursery and collect it all. Often not the most necessary is stored in the living room and office. This also includes seasonal items: clothing, sports equipment. First aid kit and favorite frying pan will go to the last batch.

In addition, moving is the best time to get rid of excess: the idea that you won’t have to pay for the transportation of things thrown out or given away is motivating. Set aside what you don't need and do something like a garage sale: call out on social media groups that specialize in handovers - let people come and pick up what they need. There are also services that are ready to pick up unnecessary things in bulk, in order to resell them at flea markets, such as Locus Solus or Dump. Put the most valuable things on Avito or Yulia, and put them in a box and send them to the entrance to the mailboxes if you haven’t taken them by the time you move. Those things about which you doubt whether to leave them or not are also easier to put together: perhaps it will be easier to make a decision in a new apartment.

There are a few simple packing rules:

Assemble the boxes in small batches, securing them securely with tape. The main thing when packing things in boxes is safety, in second place is compactness, in third place is the convenience of subsequent analysis. It is important to pay attention to the weight of the box, because an overloaded box is easy to drop or damage.

Boxes must be signed on several sides. Ideally, this should be the number of the box, the room where it needs to be taken to the movers, and the type of content. Using the box number, you can describe its contents in more detail in a notebook or take a picture of it and sign it on your phone - this will make it easier to find the right things in a new place. Mark boxes with breakable items with a large exclamation mark. It should always be clear from the boxes where they have the top and where the bottom is.

Clothes can be folded into large boxes or trunks. When packing clothes, put them in vacuum bags first - this will protect clothes from dirt and save space.

Breakable items, such as fragile dishes, wrap tightly in bubble wrap and rewind with tape. Fill all voids inside dishes, such as glasses or bowls, with crumpled craft paper, as well as all voids inside boxes. More durable dishes can simply be wrapped entirely in Kraft, and polyethylene foam can be laid between the layers of products in the box. For dishes, take small boxes or boxes, the bottom of which is stronger.

Lay out the little things in bags so that they do not mix up and are not lost, and wrap them in craft.

Wrap large items and small equipment in several layers of bubble wrap or polyethylene foam and rewind with tape, also putting them in large boxes.

Large equipment is not always transported in boxes, but it is better to play it safe. If native boxes are left from the moment of purchase - great. If not, choose the right size. Attach non-removable wires to the case with adhesive tape, seal opening elements, such as refrigerator doors, too. Wrap the case itself in polyethylene foam and place it in a box, filling the voids with foam blocks. TV and monitor screens must be additionally protected with corrugated cardboard and bubble wrap.

Before transportation, furniture must be completely freed and preferably disassembled as much as possible: at a minimum, pull out all drawers and shelves, unscrew the doors and remove protruding elements such as handles - pack them separately. Non-removable elements (for example, legs) are wrapped with stretch film, the same is done with upholstered furniture and mattresses to protect them from dirt and moisture. Glass doors and glossy surfaces must be additionally lined with corrugated cardboard sheets. The furniture itself is completely wrapped in bubble wrap.

Day X: how to act

In large cities, it is better to move late in the evening, at night, very early in the morning or on weekends to avoid traffic jams. At the same time, it is advisable to leave the next day or two free for parsing things. Saturday is the most popular day for moving, so you definitely need to take care of the availability of available cars in advance. The weather on the day of the move is also important, especially if you are moving in autumn or winter: it is better if the forecast does not promise rain and ice, which can complicate the loading and unloading of things.

Make sure that everything is ready in the new house: the elevator works, the locks are working, the passages are not blocked by anything, the crystal chandeliers do not hang dangerously low. It is also desirable to protect the walls in the corridors with cardboard so that the repair is not spoiled. It is advisable to transport pets in advance by personal transport or leave them with someone for a while. If you are transporting animals with you, provide them with a cage or carrier in a new place - without them, the animals will not only get under your feet, but may also run away or get injured.

Personal experience

Valery Mayorov

recruiter in the project "Teacher for Russia", 10 moves, 3 of them - to another city

The most important thing is to deal with the boxes. It is best to calculate the amount by eye, but always increase this figure by one and a half times. For example, dishes (one set) take up one whole box, and it doesn't matter if there is still room in the box. You can also put old T-shirts or socks there to fix the dishes. Be sure to sign all boxes and packages so that you don’t have to walk for hours in a new place and look for the shoe shovel you need or your favorite pillow to sleep on.

It took me two light days to pack (I lived alone in an apartment for about two years). I moved with a dog. He is calm and patient. He waited all the time while I was packing the boxes, then calmly got into the back of the car with me and drove to a new place. Later, when I came to pick up every little thing from the old apartment, he was waiting for me in a new place.

Parsing things is a different story. Here you just need to pull yourself together and do it all at once, otherwise you risk living with boxes until the next move. Well, you can really save a lot of time if you sign these damn boxes.

Oleg Amursky

Deputy Department Director at Rostelecom, 10 relocations

We moved twice last year. Both - not in one day, but for two weeks. I recommend doing the same if possible. At first, we collected and transported valuable and fragile items and small things on our own, and for large and heavy items we called a car.

At the same time, it seems to me that the boxes are more about an office move or something from American films, because it is very inconvenient to carry and collect them. We used large checkered bags - they contain a lot of things, it is convenient to pack both books and clothes.

I studied the market in advance and realized that there are several options. The first is to place an order with a company that is professionally engaged in moving. This is the most expensive way. The second is to hire a universal transport company: they also provide movers, but they will not have additional services. This option is also quite costly. The third one, which I discovered and have been using since then, is the YouDo and Lucky Everyone services. These are private traders who can be selected based on the reviews in their profile, and their prices are quite democratic. At the same time, there is competition, different offers come up that can be compared. In my case, there were not so many responses, but there were plenty to choose from.

The most exhausting were the preparatory activities. The day of the move itself went smoothly: we just stood and watched the movers carry things, and made sure that no one stole anything from the street. As for the subsequent analysis of things, we did not manage not to live on bales. Our first move was intermediate, so we did not dismantle some of the items. And after the second move, they took things apart for a month: they were waiting for new furniture where they could be folded.

Alexandra Shubina

freelancer, 6 moves

I moved several times from one rented apartment to another. The ideal sequence of actions, in my experience, is:

Stock up on bags, boxes, packing material, people (important: at least two people gather together and more conveniently, and moral support in this case is priceless).

Collect things around the premises, bypassing them one after another. Do not forget about window sills, built-in wardrobes, mezzanines, storage under the sofa, a balcony, a refrigerator with a freezer and the like.

Most of the time is spent on kitchen utensils and dishes: they require careful packaging.

Essentials: hygiene items, towels, essential clothing, bedding - must be packed separately.

It is better to put important documents and valuables in a backpack and take it with you.

It is rather inconvenient to transport flowers, especially large ones: firstly, they are relatively heavy; secondly, you need to wrap the pots so that they do not beat each other, and wrap the plants themselves (so that they do not break, and if you move in winter, then also so that they do not freeze). Sturdy plastic or wooden crates come in handy here.

I have booked shipping a couple of times. As a rule, the standard three hours with one loader were enough: about an hour for loading, road and unloading (there were from half of things to a full van). Some sites have an inconvenient booking system: you seem to order a car with a loader, and a driver arrives who did not expect to be a loader - I encountered this a couple of times.

Marina Bogoda

coach, consultant, 10 moves

Unless you're traveling to another country where every centimeter counts, you don't have to try to cram boxes all the way. Just fold as you go. Full but not overcrowded. Label boxes with fragile items so you don't have to read the text on the box, but you can see it right away. For example, I used yellow or red tape.

For those who are doing very badly with the analysis of the boxes, you can use this technique: write the date large on the unsorted boxes - for example, in a month. And agree with yourself that if you don’t take apart the box before this date and put things in their places, then it goes to friends or put out in the yard for others. Because if you haven't used things in a month, you probably don't need them.

Expert opinion

Photos before the collection are a way to try on a design project for an existing apartment, if it is to be renovated, not to lose anything in the process of collection and transportation and save your nerves. In the photographs, objects that do not fit (or no longer fit) into the interior will be clearly visible - and you can part with a bedside table, a vase or a collection of glasses from travels without sentimentality, leaving photographs as a memory of them.

The key to a successful move is proper packing. The weight of one box should not exceed 12 kilograms, otherwise its movement will be problematic, and the cardboard itself is unlikely to withstand more weight. All detergents, flammable or poisonous liquids must be carefully closed and packed in polyethylene, preferably hermetically. In addition, use the printer and sticker sheets to print out a detailed description of what is in the box. Develop your own tagging system. For example, the name of the room comes first, followed by the name of the contents, then, if needed, the list of items. When you move, this will save you a lot of time looking for cutlery or cosmetics.

Loaders can provide additional services: as a rule, the cost of their services includes packing things, disassembling / assembling furniture and assistance in loading. For an additional fee, they can take old household appliances, furniture, construction waste for recycling. Discuss these issues ahead of time.

When moving to a new apartment, it is worth considering in advance where the furniture and appliances will be located in order to quickly orient the movers and reduce their work time. Don't skimp on packing things you care about, especially if the travel time is going to be long.

Distribute the boxes in the back of the truck in blocks, depending on which room they are intended for. For example, clothes and hangers - in a bedroom box, dishes and a tablecloth - in a kitchen box.

Photo: cover, 5 -

As a person who has changed 9 places of residence in his entire life and moved several times from apartment to apartment within the same settlement, I can fully confirm the veracity of the people's comparison of moving with two fires.

Moving without damage and loss of property, without wasting nerves and health? This happens, probably, only in commercials of moving companies, but in reality the situation looks much more complicated.

So, in order...

The documents

If you have to move from city to city, and not to a neighboring street, then before leaving, you need to prepare a package of documents.

Dismissal. Do not forget the work book, health book (if any), income statements (for 2 years, 12 months, six months and 3 months) and average wages (required for the subsequent calculation of payment for sick leaves, when registering with Employment Center, to apply for benefits).

You can ask the employer for written recommendations or references (useful when looking for a new job). If the reason for dismissal is the transfer of a military husband to a new duty station, then this should be indicated in the letter of resignation, attach a certificate of transfer and make sure that this reason is indicated in the labor. This is necessary in order to receive severance pay in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Defense of July 11, 2002 N 265.

Child. In the clinic at the place of residence, you should get a medical card and a vaccination form in your hands if the baby does not attend either kindergarten or school.

Kindergarten child. In the kindergarten, you also need to take a medical card and vaccination form. It will not be superfluous to characterize the child and a certificate stating that he attended a kindergarten (in some regions this certificate provides a basis for obtaining a place in a kindergarten without a queue). And you also need to resolve the issue of payment: get a certificate stating that there are “no debts” (if there is an excess of money on the account, after a corresponding application they will be transferred to any other account of yours; for example, I transferred an overpayment of 500 rubles to my salary card) .

School child. Here, in addition to the medical card and vaccination form, you should pick up a personal file. Characterization again will not be superfluous. If a portfolio is kept for a child at school, then it is advisable to get his hands on it as well.

Other Documents. An extract from the personal account informing about the absence of rent debts, a medical card from the clinic.

Collecting things

This is the hardest part of the move. Some people prefer to leave or sell their belongings and buy everything new in a new place. But if moving happens often, few people go for this way of solving problems: most people cannot afford to fully furnish an apartment every 2-3 years.

To pack things you will need:

· Boxes. You can buy them in StroyAresenal, OBI, or ask in stores, but the cleanest and most accurate ones are in pharmacies. You will need at least 30 boxes (we, a family of 4 people, spend at least a hundred boxes in which we pack toys, dishes, interior items, furniture, books, etc.).

Large plastic bags. You will need both garbage and those that sell flour or sugar (you can buy them at a hardware store). We pack clothes, textiles, bedding in them, you can also shoes, if you don’t mind.

· Air-bubble film for packaging fragile items and equipment.

· Stretch film for packing upholstered furniture parts.

· Adhesive tape, twine.

You will have to spend a lot of money on packaging: for example, on the last move, we spent 1,500 rubles on just one adhesive tape.

All furniture must be dismantled, especially if a Russian Railways container is chosen for transportation, otherwise a box of firewood will arrive at the new place of residence. Yes, and it will be more convenient for loaders: a large cabinet runs the risk of not budge.

During transportation, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines most often suffer. Dents, scratches, chipped enamel appear on them, so you need to pack them especially carefully (old blankets are great for this).

Each box should be numbered on all sides, and on a separate sheet of paper, write in detail what lies in them. In a new place, this information will be very useful.


For short distances, things are transported by trucks. It is unlikely that any of the transport companies will undertake delivery from Khabarovsk to Moscow in this way, and it will cost too much. Russian Railways will come to the rescue. True, there is one BUT: 3, 5-ton containers have been canceled since 2013, and only large 20-ton ones are offered for the transportation of personal belongings. They are significantly more expensive, and things “dangle” in them, this must be taken into account when placing cargo in a container (evenly along the bottom, and not a bunch in one corner). By the way, a car can be driven into a 20-ton container, and things can be placed on a rack on top of it. This is often done by military personnel when they move from the Far East (cars are cheaper there) to the European part of Russia or the Urals.

Have pity on your friends and relatives and hire movers! They know the peculiarities of placing things in the back of a truck and container. So, during one of the moves, we had big doubts that all our things would fit in the ordered 5-ton truck. For this reason, we even made a list of boxes with things that you can leave in case of emergency. But the movers loaded things into the container so skillfully that everything we planned for transportation was included. It was a real miracle, and the work of real professionals!

Our move is scheduled for the end of August, and I'm already slowly starting to buy packing material, give away things. And my heart is sad that we will have to leave the already beloved city, that we are leaving our friends here, that we will no longer be able to participate in the Parade of strollers organized by Yu-mother and other events. But there is a new and, I hope, a better life ahead of us. And you can visit your beloved Yu-mother from any corner of the world where there is access to the Internet!

Moving to another city, although cardinal, is an easy way to part with the past and start a new life. Consider how to properly move and what to consider when changing your place of residence.

Why do people move to other cities

    Favorable ecology and beautiful nature. Families with young children want their children to grow up healthy and active, so they often move from noisy and dirty cities to eco-villages. The same reason often drives the elderly, in particular those whose life and work took place in ecologically unfavorable regions. For example, we are very lucky with nature. Here are the steppes, and forests with springs, and the famous resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Trips to the mountains and the sea for local residents are not grandiose plans, but a pleasant routine.

    Prospects and living conditions. Big cities offer a lot of career opportunities. In addition, they have a more developed road and social infrastructure.

    Forced move. It is associated with a variety of reasons, for example, a long business trip, military service, or some life circumstances that force you to sell your home and buy property elsewhere, where prices are lower.

    Child care. Often the reason for moving to another city is the desire of parents to provide children with better living conditions. Young people want to settle in the capital or other large cities, because there are many prospects and opportunities, the best universities in the country and fewer problems with enrolling a child in school or kindergarten.

    Change in family composition. You celebrated the wedding, the children appeared and it turned out that the old apartment had become too cramped. Or vice versa - the children grew up and got their own families, and now it's hard to look after a big house, it's more expedient to move to an apartment.

    Availability of free money. Free funds can be invested in real estate by choosing a good or even prestigious area for this, it all depends on the allocated amount. Perhaps this is maternity capital or personal savings, and they need to be invested in housing as soon as possible.

Now that the motivation for moving to another city is more clear, let's figure out what difficulties a person who has set himself this goal faces.

Problems arising when moving

There are five main fears that haunt a person who decides to move to another city or region.

    Deterioration of health. Climate change can affect well-being both positively and negatively. For example, a forced move to the North can result in frequent colds. Moving from the regions of the Far North to the south to coastal cities is fraught with problems with pressure, the cardiovascular system. So that when moving to another city, the body does not present “surprises” in the form of exacerbation of diseases or inflammations, you should consult with your doctor before leaving, take tests to once again check the status of all major systems, and if there are any problems, take action. Upon moving, you can find a clinic that offers wellness adaptation programs. This is especially true for the regions of the Far North and the Far East that move them.

    Absence of friends and relatives. A person is social, therefore, in a new place of residence, it is important for him to find an environment in which he would be comfortable being. Currently, many residential complexes are being built, in which people of various social strata are settled. Often there is a situation when people live on the same site, but do not know anything about each other. How can this situation be corrected? Try to make acquaintances first on social networks. If you have already moved, you can try to find work in positions such as: journalist, teacher, social worker, photographer, videographer. They most often interact with people, which allows you to quickly make acquaintances. If you have a dog, it is easy to find buddies among dog breeders. As an example, sign up for courses, find classes in the city that suit your interests, or start traveling.

    Loss of property. The problem that worries, as a rule, women. On the one hand, it’s a pity to throw things away, on the other hand, packing everything, including the old service, Soviet-era carpets, hand-painted paintings, and so on, is quite expensive, since you have to order large vans. Some transport companies do not guarantee the safety of property. Fragile items during transportation often break and lose their original appearance. In order not to overshadow the move to another city with damage to property, it is necessary to follow the rules for packing items of various functions.

    • put clothes in bags and sign each of them;
    • we lay out easily breaking dishes, interior items in cardboard boxes, after wrapping each item in a rag, special wrapping paper, or, in extreme cases, a newspaper;
    • in order not to break household appliances, we place them in foam plastic or bubble wrap, depending on the dimensions of the equipment;
    • sofa, bed, cabinets and other bulky furniture is disassembled into small parts and elements to make it easier to transport them.
  1. Changing living conditions. After buying a home, you may feel that the old house or apartment was dearer. The lack of comfort, "home" feeling is accompanied by anxiety and unwillingness to spend free time at home. Indeed, it is difficult to call a new house or apartment home, even if this is your first home. However, the good news is that move-to-permanent disorder can be cured with time.

Experienced designers of construction companies have come to the conclusion that it is possible to create comfort in a new apartment without high costs. To achieve maximum comfort, you must:

    Maintain cleanliness. Daily wet cleaning will create the effect of freshness in the room and will not take much time.

    Pay attention to interior details. Patterned curtains, original beautiful dishes, bright pillows, warm blankets and photographs cheer up and create the warmth of a home.

    Hang pictures, collages from photos, paste photo wallpapers. Let children smile at you from the walls, and huge landscapes, so fashionable for the last couple of years, will brighten up an unremarkable wall.

    Ventilate rooms. Unpleasant odors repel guests in the first place and create unpleasant associations with housing and its owners. In addition to the fact that you need to open the windows daily, you can purchase or make various flavors with your own hands, for example, sachets with dried herbs and citrus peels, aroma sticks and aroma stones, diffusers and candles.

A responsible and serious approach to the issue of moving to another city will help you avoid most of these problems. Additional information on the issues of well-being of settlements can be obtained from the results of research by thematic agencies and authoritative portals.

For example, the Domofond portal conducts an annual analysis, where users vote for the most comfortable Russian cities. Below are the results of the 2017 study.

Also, the results of the All-Russian competition, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of improvement, are freely available on the Internet. When determining the most comfortable city in Russia, the Ministry of Construction takes into account all the latest results of the work of municipal administrations. So, in 2016, Stavropol became the most comfortable city.

In addition to data from various surveys and studies on the topic of relocation, it is necessary to obtain informal information from the residents of this locality.

What points should you pay attention to when moving to another city?


  • ecology;

    work of public transport;

    sports and leisure infrastructure;

    educational establishments;

    wages and cost of living;

    quality of medical care.

It is almost impossible to find out exact information on many aspects of the life of the settlement, however, you can register on the forums of the city where you plan to move. Residents will share with you the basic information you need. Although the opinion of people is subjective, after communication it will be more clear whether it is worth moving to a specific chosen city or it is better to wait with this idea.

The decision is made, and there is even an idea in which region or county you want to settle. Now is the time to act.

Preparing to move to another city

To smooth out the negative aspects of moving to another city, you need to prepare in advance for a change of residence.

    The nuances of choosing a region and city. When moving from the regions of the Far North or the Far East, it must be remembered that a radical change in climate can have a negative impact on health. Therefore, it is worth choosing more. Young people can cope with the move easily if there are no serious health problems, but older people - not always. In any case, both of them should consult with their doctor and follow his recommendations during the move.

    Expenses. You can calculate the cost of transporting things in an online calculator, for example, in this one. With it, you will understand how expensive it will be to pack everything you need, including furniture, personal and small items that you feel sorry to throw away and want to take with you.

    Job. Before moving, familiarize yourself with the situation on the labor market. It will be easier for freelancers who can work from any city. The rest will do well to read the forums on the availability of jobs and wage levels. You can also look at the notice boards for the sale of commercial premises, if you want to open your business in a new city.

    Hobbies and additional education. When everyday issues fade into the background, the feeling of loneliness makes you think about finding a new environment. To do this, you can, firstly, enroll in courses or enroll in a second higher education. As an alternative, you can get a dog, and there are sure to be people on a walk with whom there will be at least one common topic. If you are raising children, the school and kindergarten will make it easy to make friends with parents whose children study in the same educational institution as your child.

Your property when moving is the most important thing. However, do not make hasty decisions. It’s better to spend several days in hostels and hotels in search of a suitable option if the housing issue could not be resolved in advance.

Deciding whether to buy or rent a home

If you have to move to a resort town or a "millionaire", the cost of housing will be appropriate. Lucky are those families who have a good supply of financial resources or move from a large city to a city of the same size.

If it is important for you to have your own roof over your head, and the prospect of a long-term lease does not inspire confidence, pay attention to the cities with the most affordable cost per square meter of housing.

You can find out the average prices for apartments and houses on such sites as: Avito, Rosrielt, Domofond, Cyan, etc.

We also suggest downloading and familiarizing yourself with the data from the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 4, 2018. "On the normative cost of one square meter of the total area of ​​​​residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the 3rd quarter of 2018"

I would like to dwell separately on the issue of transportation of things. After all, proper packaging will save a lot of money and nerves.

Collecting things

When moving to a new city, it is important to collect all the necessary things and deliver them safe and sound. Collecting things will not cause problems if you pack them correctly.

In the course can go:

    carton boxes;

  • bubble polyethylene;

If you use the services of transport companies, you can save yourself from all these troubles by paying for the services of masters. Some moving companies, in addition to packing things, offer assembly and installation of furniture and household appliances.

The following tips will help you pack quickly and easily. :

    sort things correctly: separately collect fragile items, separate sharp ones, do not put household chemicals next to the products;

    documents, medicines, bank cards and cash should be kept with you;

    sign boxes with a marker to remember what is already packed;

    do not take absolutely everything with you, especially those that are no longer in working order, they will only add weight, and you will overpay extra money.

    Don't doubt your decision. Don't be put off by a lack of confidence and a sense of control - it's natural when it comes to moving to another city. No matter what happens, you need to view the move as a life experience or a quest for you and your family to complete.

    Prepare the ground. If you do not have any of your relatives in a foreign city, psychologists advise you to find friends on social networks or on forums of city portals before moving. This will serve as a kind of emotional support.

    Improve your health. Do cardio, yoga, walk a lot. Physical activity helps to cope with stress much more effectively than medications.

    Pay off your debts. Before leaving, take care to distribute all debts. Be sure that you do not have tax debts, utility bills or traffic police fines. Also remember, perhaps you borrowed money from neighbors or relatives - then it's time to give it back. Thus, you will make it easier for yourself to move from a moral point of view.

    Be open to change. Whatever the situation and whatever the desire to leave for another city, you should not “burn all the bridges”. Do not exclude the option that life may not work out in a new place, so let relatives and friends wait for you at home, who will gladly accept you back.

So, to another city - a chance to start life from scratch. Ahead: a sea of ​​opportunities and a new environment. If the motivation to move was the desire for change, and not some problem, you should not burn all the bridges. Organize a farewell party and start a new stage in your life.



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