How to give a child "Regidron": instructions for use, analogues and recipes for preparing a solution at home. How to cook "Rehydron" at home

Regidron is a drug used to correct the water and electrolyte balance in mild to moderate dehydration of various etiologies. If it is not in the first-aid kit, at home, you can quickly make an analogue of Regidron with your own hands from improvised components, which can easily replace the pharmacy product for both a child and an adult.

Composition and features of Regidron

Regidron's solution includes several components:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • glucose;
  • water.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the following pathological conditions:

  • acute renal failure;
  • insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • coma (in the presence of a nasogastric tube is not a contraindication);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy.

Several important practical aspects about Regidron:

  1. The calculation of the dose of the drug is carried out in accordance with the patient's body weight;
  2. The medicine is available in the form of a powder, from which a solution is subsequently made;
  3. The prepared composition must be consumed within a day.

Components and cooking conditions

For self-preparation of a rehydration solution, the following components will be required:

  • salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • boiled drinking water;
  • baking soda;
  • a vessel with a volume of 0.5 to 1 liter;
  • tea spoon.

The recipe for homemade Regidron does not require sterility, but it is necessary to observe cleanliness at the place of preparation of the medicinal product. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms may enter the solution and worsen the patient's condition due to the attached bacterial microflora.

cooking recipes

The composition of Regidron, made at home, may vary depending on the presence of components. Most often there are three solution recipes listed below:

  1. In a glass of boiled water, mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt;
  2. ¼ tsp is added to 500 ml of boiled water. baking soda, ¼ tsp. salt and 2 table. spoons of sugar;
  3. 1 tablespoon is added to one liter jar. sugar, in another - 1 table. a spoonful of salt. After both banks are filled with warm water to the top. The composition is taken every 10 minutes, in turn from both cans.

After thoroughly mixing the components and obtaining a homogeneous mixture (for the first two recipes), the finished solution must be removed in the refrigerator and consumed within a day.

Long-term storage of home-cooked Regidron leads to the precipitation of salts, which makes it unsuitable for use.

How and in what quantity to drink the solution

Normal is the consumption of such an amount of Regidron, which is twice the weight loss. If during the illness the patient lost 200 grams of weight, then the dose of the solution for the first 10 hours of treatment will be 400 grams of an aqueous solution. In this case, the patient should not drink other fluids.

If necessary, Regidron therapy is continued for up to 3-4 days, while the patient is allowed to use other liquids. The ratio of ordinary liquid to the solution of the drug should be 4:1, respectively.

The rehydration solution should be taken in small sips. With severe vomiting in a child, Regidron is administered through a nasogastric tube.

Symptoms and causes of overdose

Excessive use of the drug can lead to an overdose, which is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of hypernatremia:

  • weakness;
  • nervous excitement;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • convulsions.

Children with an overdose may fall into a coma with respiratory failure and convulsions.

Hypernatremia with the use of Regidron is possible only with the introduction of the drug through a nasogastric tube or with prolonged multi-day use of the solution in large quantities. A single dose of even a large amount of the drug does not lead to an overdose.

Help with hypernatremia is to maintain the vital functions of the body and remove excess mineral salts. The latter is realized by active stimulation of urination using diuretics that remove potassium and sodium (Furosemide, Lasix). Assistance is provided by qualified specialists in a hospital setting.

Which solution is better - pharmacy or homemade?

In general, both pharmacy and homemade Regidron allow you to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the body in conditions accompanied by fluid loss. When comparing them, the following differences can be noted:

  1. Pharmaceutical drug has a more pronounced effect, because. it contains potassium salts and sodium citrate, which are not added to the home preparation (due to their banal absence);
  2. the pharmaceutical preparation has a more precise dosage and salt ratio. It is not recommended to add foreign substances to the pharmacy Regidron to improve the taste;
  3. Home rehydration solution allows you to add auxiliary components that make it easier for children to take the drug (honey, fruit concentrates).

It is important to understand that a homemade drug can only be used with a mild degree of dehydration. Severe dehydration requires not only the use of professional recovery solutions, but also treatment aimed at addressing the root cause of fluid loss.

At the first signs of dehydration, it is necessary to correct the water-salt metabolism. But not always in the first aid kit there are necessary drugs. To improve well-being and prevent complications, you can use the Regidron prescription at home for urgent help. In the future, you should undergo a diagnosis and perform therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Components and cooking conditions

It is not difficult to make a solution yourself, since all the ingredients are at hand:

  • boiled water;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • baking soda.

In order for the home composition to benefit, it is not necessary to induce sterility. But it is advisable to dust the table on which the medicine will be prepared, wash your hands and the container thoroughly.

If such conditions are not observed, pathogenic bacteria will easily enter the agent and the patient's condition will be complicated by the addition of an infection.

cooking recipes

Using one of the options for self-execution, you should consider the following nuances:

  1. Like a pharmacy, homemade suspension easily forms a precipitate. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to mix the product thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. It is better to store in the refrigerator.
  3. It is allowed to give such an analogue of Regidron to the patient during the day. Then you need to prepare a new composition.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 3-4 days. If there is no positive effect, diarrhea and vomiting provoke a pronounced decrease in body weight, urgent medical attention is needed.

Recipe #1

How to make Regidron at home:

  1. Take 1 glass of pre-boiled water.
  2. Stir in liquid 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. The components must be completely dissolved.
  4. Cool down to body temperature - 37-38 degrees.
  5. Take in small portions after each act of defecation.

This method is recognized by the World Health Organization as the best option at home.

Recipe #2

How to make your own mix:

  1. For 500 ml of boiled warm water, take 1/4 tsp. soda, as well as salt and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  2. Stir until the precipitate disappears.

To prepare a homemade solution, it is better to use glass or ceramic containers.

Recipe #3

Another instruction on how to make Regidron with your own hands:

  1. In 1 liter of warm and boiled water, stir 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. In another liter 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. You need to take alternately from the first and second containers every 10 minutes.

The only drawback of the homemade product is the lack of potassium, which is also necessary for the body at the risk of dehydration.

Salt solution on raisins

  1. Thoroughly washed with 10 g of dried fruit.
  2. Pour the prepared ingredient into a saucepan, add 1 liter of cold water.
  3. Heat up slowly.
  4. As soon as it boils, continue to boil for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Remove from stove and filter.
  6. 1 tsp is mixed into the cooled solution. salt and soda, as well as 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

Adult patients and children sometimes complain about the unpleasant taste of Regidron (regidron). Babies tolerate this option more easily, as it resembles a specific compote.

How and in what quantity to drink the solution

The dosage is determined depending on individual indicators:

  1. Food poisoning or infection leads to fluid loss. As a result, body weight decreases.
  2. To restore the electrolyte balance, use twice the amount of home solution.
  3. For example, with a decrease in weight by 300 g, it is indicated to take 600 ml in the first 10 hours. It is forbidden to use other drinks during this time!

If the child refuses treatment with an analogue of Regidron, you can freeze the self-prepared remedy and offer it in small cubes.


Like a pharmacy drug, made at home, you need to take it without overestimating the recommended volume. Otherwise, hypernatremia is likely, characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Nervous excitability or drowsiness.
  2. General weakness.
  3. Convulsions of the epileptic type.
  4. Confusion of consciousness, its loss, coma.
  5. Stopping breathing.

Overdose is possible with prolonged treatment with a home-prepared remedy or with the introduction using a probe. When the first symptoms of hypernatremia appear, a medical team is called. The therapy takes place in a hospital and consists in eliminating the threat to life with the use of diuretics.

Which solution is better - pharmacy or homemade

Both drugs are aimed at restoring electrolyte balance, metabolic processes. But there are a few highlights:

  1. The pharmacological agent normalizes the content of salts in the body better, since there is potassium, which is not found in the home.
  2. The pharmacy medicine has an exact dosage, an optimal combination of chemicals is provided, and is close in composition to blood plasma.
  3. However, it is allowed to add other components to a self-prepared according to the selected recipe to improve the taste. It is forbidden to complete Regidron with other food ingredients.

If necessary, you can replace the medication with a home solution. But recipes are used only with a mild degree of fluid loss and for a short time.


When it is forbidden to resort to the help of Regidron and an analog made at home:

  1. Chronic or acute renal failure.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.
  3. Excess sodium and potassium.
  4. Moderate or severe arterial hypertension.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Individual intolerance to individual components.

If pain occurs in the epigastric region and there is no effect, a doctor's consultation is required.


If there is vomiting or severe diarrhea, and there are no drugs in the pharmacy that can restore the water-salt balance, one of the homemade recipes is allowed. However, in the near future it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the causes of malaise and professional therapy.

In case of fluid loss, which develops against the background of prolonged vomiting, diarrhea and other painful conditions, Regidron is prescribed. The pharmaceutical product, produced in the form of a powder composition soluble in water, helps to restore the water balance. With its help, the balance of electrolytes is also restored. In accordance with the instructions for use, Regidron is prescribed for both adults and minors.

Composition and form of release

This tool looks like a white or slightly yellowish powder. Before taking it, you need to carefully dissolve it in plain water. It is better to do this filtered or cooled boiled. Drink the resulting solution preferably in small sips.

Powder "Regidron" includes:

  • Dextrose - about 10 g.
  • Sodium chloride - in the amount of 3.5 g.
  • Sodium citrate - 2.9 g.
  • Potassium chloride, its weight in one sachet is 2.5 g.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Due to the components of the composition, the drug has hydrating properties. The tool helps to correct the balance of fluid lost due to poisoning along with feces or vomit. It helps with rehydration.

Glucose, present in the composition of the drug, contributes to the maintenance of metabolic acidosis, absorbs salts and citrates.

Features of the component composition of "Regidron":

  • Reduced osmolarity compared to other WHO recommended hydrating solutions.
  • Reduced sodium content.
  • Slightly increased amount of potassium.

A similar combination of components that are part of Regidron helps prevent the development of hypernatremia and restore the optimal level of potassium. The pharmacokinetics of this drug is characterized by the identity of the combination of glucose, water and electrolytes at a natural level for a healthy body.

What is the drug prescribed for?

Understanding what Regidron helps from, it is best to refer to the instructions attached to it.

In accordance with it, the drug is effective:

  • With diarrhea. Indicated for mild to moderate dehydration. It is characterized by a general loss of body weight, which is fixed at a level of 3–10%.
  • With desalting of the body, with urine chlorides from 2 g / l.
  • In correcting any violations in which the VEB is skewed.

Instructions for use Regidron for adults and children

The drug belongs to the list of drugs with minimal contraindications. But even in such a situation, the use should be carried out in accordance with the instructions and prescribed by the attending physician. Methods of using the remedy differ depending on the disease and the age group of the patient.

How to dilute the powder and how to drink Regidron solution for adults

Adult patients use this drug depending on the reason for use:

  • For allergies, one dose dissolves in about 400 ml of water. The daily dose of the drug is determined in accordance with body weight.
  • For the treatment of intestinal disorders, the drug is taken immediately, dissolving one sachet in a liter of liquid.
  • Reception for food poisoning is based on the use of a product prepared from a bag of 750 ml of water. The daily volume of the suspension is determined at the rate of 0.01 ml per kilogram of body weight.
  • Dilution of the dose per 1 liter of water can be used to eliminate the effects of alcohol poisoning, called a hangover in folk tradition. In such a situation, 2-3 doses are enough within a day after the onset of alcohol intoxication.

During the intake, it is required to exclude from the diet fats and foods that include a significant amount of carbohydrates. They can reduce the level of action of the agent on the body.

How to breed and take Regidron for children

A drug, which includes drugs that have a minimum number of contraindications with high efficiency, is prescribed not only for adults. It is recommended in the treatment of gastric infections and poisoning in the youngest patients.

The calculation of the optimal dosage is carried out by a pediatrician. In most situations, the dosage recommended for children by the instructions for use is determined by the formula: one dose of powder per 1 liter of water. Only boiled liquid is used. It is important to refrigerate it before use.

The child is offered to drink the suspension in small sips. It is important not to rush - the baby may have a gag reflex. In this case, the reception is suspended.

The remedy is prescribed even for breast crumbs.

The instruction says that the amount is determined in direct proportion to body weight:

  • 350 ml is assigned to a child whose weight does not yet exceed 5 kilograms.
  • If body weight ranges from 6 to 10 kg, the serving volume per day is about 500 ml.
  • When the weight is 11 - 20 kg, up to 700 ml is prescribed.
  • For every 5 kg over 20, add 50 ml of suspension.

Indications for admission by a child are determined only after examination by a specialist.

Any pain in the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, requires a mandatory visit to the clinic. To exclude inflammatory processes, an ambulance can be called.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

A feature of "Rehydron" is the ability to use it in the months of waiting for the birth of a child and further breastfeeding. The drug is not transmitted to the fetus and is completely eliminated from the mother's body.

Special instructions for taking the drug

Despite the components that are actually safe to use, the drug has certain features.

First of all, the appointment of this agent alone is not recommended in situations where a high degree of dehydration is eliminated. In cases where the patient loses more than 10% of body weight as a result of dehydration, first of all, intravenous infusions of solutions are required to normalize the electrolyte balance. Only after the suppression of the acute manifestations of the processes leading to dehydration, the use of Regidron in powder is introduced.

This remedy may be used in the treatment of dehydration in patients with the following conditions:

  • Confirmed variants of diabetes mellitus.
  • Situations of diagnosing renal failure.
  • Other diseases with a chronic course of the course that violate the water balance.

But in such situations, admission to the hospital becomes a prerequisite. Changes in the patient's condition are controlled by the attending physician. He also develops an individual course of taking funds.

Suspension intake does not affect the driving of vehicles. You can take food at the same time as the medicine or immediately after taking it. The healing effect in this situation is not reduced.

Drug interactions with other drugs

A certain interaction is noted when used simultaneously with drugs, the therapeutic effect of which is based on absorption into the walls of the stomach and intestines. Such a reaction is explained by the slightly alkaline reaction of the drug solution.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Despite the prevalence of use by children and adults, this drug has a list of contraindications.

It is not recommended even with severe diarrhea and poisoning in cases of:

  • diagnosing an increase in the level of potassium in the body;
  • situations of detection of kidney dysfunction;
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual rejection of components.

In case of violation of the order of use, certain complications can occur:

  • Rapid fatigue is noted.
  • Patients complain of increased fatigue and cases of drowsiness.
  • In some cases, there are speech disorders and disorientation.
  • The development of hyperkalemia and hypernatremia.
  • Respiratory dysfunction has been reported.
  • Bloody discharge may appear in the feces, flatulence may develop.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises.

The appearance of adverse reactions requires contacting a specialist to make adjustments to the individual treatment program.

Cases of overdose with this drug are practically not observed. Excess suspension can in rare situations lead to a feeling of nausea. Only in exceptional cases, with a significant overdose, medical intervention may be required to correct the electrolyte balance. Adjustment is carried out on the basis of laboratory tests in a hospital.

Analogues of the drug Regidron

This drug has practically no analogues in terms of the level of impact on the human body.

Among the drugs with a similar principle of action are:

  • Released by the Russian manufacturer replacement "Trigidron". The composition of this remedy is characterized by a halving of the concentration of potassium and sodium.
  • Virtually identical in terms of components, the drug "Hydrovit". Its difference is the addition of components to improve the taste, which will come in handy when treating children. The powder dissolves in a smaller volume of water and is characterized by a lower concentration of components.
  • "Trisol", produced in the form of a ready-made solution. Differs in the most favorable price.

At the same time, it is easy to make Regidron at home. For this purpose, salt and granulated sugar are taken, soda is added. The mixture is poured with a liter of water. The proportions of dry ingredients are selected in equal proportions - approximately, a tablespoon.

The drug belongs to the category used in the treatment of patients of different ages. It is highly effective, but the doctor should prescribe it and explain how to take Regidron, focusing on the patient's condition.

With an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, the body gets rid of poisons through diarrhea, vomiting. The more severe the infection, the longer the dangerous symptoms. In this case, the sick child is threatened with dehydration. The first aid that doctors often offer is the drug Regidron. The powder is intended for dissolution with water, contains substances important for restoring the water-salt balance: NaCl, KCL, glucose, dextrose, Na citrate. You can’t call it a tasty drink, so manufacturers produce a special children's Regidron-Forte. And even this drug, not every baby agrees to drink. Medicines may not be in the nearest pharmacy, a sick child needs help immediately - situations where it is useful to know how to replace rehydron for a child at home .. Stay tuned!

To make a medicinal drink yourself, pay attention to the composition of the medicinal powder. It is listed above. The drug contains what the body loses with profuse vomiting, diarrhea. Home analogue should contain salt, sugar, baking soda to replace pharmacy powders. These products are similar in chemical composition to their components.

You can make a substitute using necessarily boiled water:

  • A glass of liquid plus half a teaspoon of salt.
  • A glass of water plus a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of sugar
  • Half a liter of water at room temperature plus 2 tablespoons of salt, the same amount of sugar, a quarter of a teaspoon of soda.
  • Prepare a liter of warm liquid, add a tablespoon of salt. Separately, another liter, where add a tablespoon of soda. Every 10 minutes, let's drink the solution alternately from each jar, a teaspoonful.
  • Prepare a liter of water, put 100 grams of raisins there. Boil for half an hour, strain, add a teaspoon of soda, salt, plus 4 tsp. sugar, boil again. The solution should be taken chilled to room temperature. Maybe a little warm.

Homemade rehydration drinks are similar in biochemical properties to pharmacy drinks. The well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky recommends starting soldering with a small initial dose of 5-10 ml.

Important! Before preparing a drink, you should consult your child's pediatrician. He knows the characteristics of the organism of the ward, the general state of his health, and other nuances that must be taken into account when creating a remedy with his own hands. You can not give sick bitter-salty solutions, their substitutes in the presence of diabetes, kidney failure, with an excess of potassium.

Pharmacy substitutes for Regidron

You can replace rehydron for a child at home with a pharmacy counterpart.

Electrolyte Humana

If you cannot buy bitter-salty powder because of its absence, or it is his children who refuse to drink, throwing tantrums, ask the pharmacist for the pleasant-tasting Humana Electrolyte preparation. It can even be given to newborns. One sachet dissolves with a glass of water, kids usually drink delicious water without whims, parents do not get nervous, do not worry - everyone is happy.


Hydrovit can be used instead of Regidron. Children will like the strawberry taste of the medicine, as pharmacies sell two types of Hydrovit - for adults, the usual white, bitter-salty, for children - a fragrant light red powder. The medicine contains active substances: potassium, sodium chloride, dextrose, aspartame, dry beet root spray, malic acid. The purpose is the same as the above drug - frequent vomiting, diarrhea, risk of dehydration. Can be used for overheating, increased sweating for prevention. If you look at the reviews, this is the most popular analogue of rehydron for a child: convenient packaging, dosage, pleasant taste.

Attention! Read the instructions before preparing the solution for your child. It is recommended to use no more than five bags per day for patients under 3 years old and a bag after the toilet for those who are older.

Undiluted powder should not be taken, this will aggravate the disease. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of poisoning disappear.


The drug is available in sachets of different doses. According to the dose, a certain amount of water is recommended, so it is very important to read the instructions carefully. Small patients can take this drug every ten minutes, two teaspoons in 4-6 hours. The duration of treatment depends on the rate of disappearance of vomiting, diarrhea.

Attention! The medicine has a salty-bitter taste, while sugar cannot be added there. If you give the drug instead of Regidron when vomiting, wait 10 minutes after the last vomiting, then let it drink slowly. It is highly likely that the baby will refuse to drink this medicine.


Another possible substitute for rehydron for children is available in tablets and powder. Tablets are diluted with water (half a glass), the contents of the sachets - a liter of liquid. Children from birth to three years old take three teaspoons. We recommend that you carefully study the instructions, get the advice of a pediatrician.

Written in another article on the site.


Look for how to replace rehydron for a child with vomiting - pay attention to Reosolan. This powder has the same indications for use as the above. As an analogue, it is recommended to take 10 ml every 10 minutes for 6 hours. Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.


The medicine has the same composition, purpose, is produced in sachets of different dosages. It can be given from birth, it is considered a low-allergenic medicine. Most often prescribed in the complex treatment of the consequences of food poisoning. Patients under 10 years of age can take the drug twice a day, older - three times. The course of treatment lasts from a week to two.


The cure for dehydration Acesol is a solution for droppers and injections, so only a parent, a doctor or a nurse, can treat this drug at home. You need to consult a pediatrician. Acesol is a good alternative to drinking options, when a small sick person is tormented by nausea, vomiting, he flatly refuses to drink tasteless drinks.

Read in another article.

It's important to know

Small patients can be very difficult to get to take the medicine, especially when vomiting is accompanied by severe nausea. If the child does not drink rehydron or any of its replacements, you can:

  1. Pour the drink into molds, freeze, give in small pieces on the tongue. Cold blocks the gag reflex.
  2. Drop into mouth with pipette.
  3. Replace the medicine with your baby's favorite drink: compote, fruit drink, herbal decoction with honey, warm weak tea.

Attention! You can not give cocoa, lemonade, juice. They will increase the release of fluid from the body, exacerbate the situation.

Each home first aid kit contains the most necessary medicines. "Regidron" must be among them. Every adult is familiar with such a drug as Regidron. "Regidron" is bought at a pharmacy at an affordable price, the drug does not require a prescription. This is a first aid drug for dehydration. Situations in which dehydration quickly sets in are known to almost every person. Rapid fluid loss occurs with diarrhea and vomiting. Together with water, the body quickly loses vital trace elements.

To avoid dehydration of the body, use a solution of the drug "Regidron", which is easy to make on your own at home. Regidron is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers or young children. It is only necessary to clarify the dosage of the drug with a doctor.

We list the symptoms that accompany the onset of dehydration. These are fatigue, feeling of viscosity and dryness in the mouth, drowsiness, thirst, decreased amount of urine, headache, dizziness, constipation, dry skin, fainting.

Symptoms of severe dehydration when an urgent need to see a doctor: insomnia and fussiness in infants and young children, lack of tears when crying, sunken fontanel in infants, confusion, sunken eyes, lack of sweat, fever, rapid heart rate and heavy breathing, wrinkled dry, inelastic skin. In severe cases of dehydration, loss of consciousness and delirium may occur.

Let's briefly dwell on the causes of dehydration in order to try to avoid this disease in the future. Dehydration occurs when the body does not replace the fluid lost during the day. The main causes of dehydration are vomiting and diarrhea, high fever, frequent urination and profuse sweating. Acute diarrhea is especially dangerous. It usually occurs unexpectedly and causes a large loss of fluid and electrolytes in a short time. Also, some medications that have diuretic properties, antihistamines, and blood pressure medications can contribute to dehydration. They cause increased sweating and urination.

Let's find out what the pharmacy "Regidron" consists of. In the instructions you can read the composition: citrate and sodium chloride, anhydrous dextrose and potassium chloride. These elements, diluted with boiled water in a certain proportion, will return the lost fluid to the body, as well as restore electrolytes and the acid-base balance of the blood.

"Rehydron" must be taken with diarrhea or vomiting, with food poisoning, with heat stroke. Other cases when it is recommended to drink a solution of "Rehydron":

  • physical exercise,
  • regular overheating of the body,
  • increased sweating.

During pregnancy, rehydron is allowed to be used in the doses indicated in the instructions. Regidron does not affect the fetus. Drivers of vehicles and people operating precise mechanisms can also use rehydron.

Rehydron contraindications

"Regidron" has contraindications. In acute and chronic renal failure, with an excess of potassium in the body, with severe and moderate arterial hypertension, as well as with diabetes, Regidron should not be taken. An urgent visit to the doctor is necessary if, after taking the drug, the patient complains of drowsiness, fever, bloody stools, and impaired speech. If, after the diarrhea stops, there is severe pain in the abdomen, the intervention of a qualified specialist is also necessary. We must not forget that home treatment does not always lead to good results. It is better to seek help from a specialist and follow the recommendations.

If a child has a problem, see a doctor right away. With vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary not only to restore the water balance, but also to find out the cause of the disease. The cause can be both rotavirus infection and poisoning. Even a concussion cannot be ruled out. Until the cause is clarified, do not forget to give the child liquid. It can be "Regidron" prepared at home.

A solution of homemade "Rehydron" can be made and safely used if diarrhea or vomiting is taken by surprise, and the pharmacy is far away. There are several recipes, here are three of them. You decide which one to use.

3 recipes for the preparation of rehydron

The first recipe for Regidron. In a glass of boiled water at room temperature, add one teaspoon of salt and sugar. Second recipe. For 500 ml of boiled water, add sugar 2 tbsp. l. and 1/4 tsp. soda ordinary with salt. Third recipe. We take two liter jars, pour boiled chilled water there. In one jar, add a full tablespoon of table salt, in another - the same amount of sugar. The resulting solutions are taken every 10 minutes alternately.

Take "Regidron" prepared at home in the same way as a pharmacy. For children, a solution that helps restore strength can be compote, green tea, home-brewed raisin decoction, alkaline water, or electrolytic solutions. You can also give plain boiled water to drink. The liquid should be about 22 degrees or a little warmer - so it will be absorbed by the body faster and will help to start restoring health.

You need to know how to store this medicine. At room temperature, the pharmacy "Regidron" is stored in a dry, dark place for three years. Do not forget that it is very important to keep all medicines out of the reach of children. The prepared solution is stored only in the refrigerator (2 - 8 ° C) for a maximum of two days. The same applies to Regidron prepared at home. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a volume of the drug sufficient for two days, no more. Before use, Regidron should be taken out of the refrigerator before use, so as not to drink cold.

The sooner you start taking Regidron, made at home or from a pharmacy, the faster the problem of dehydration will be solved. Therefore, recovery will come faster. Dehydration is very dangerous!



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