Games similar to heroes of might and magic. Games like Heroes of Might and Magic

The role of brave characters is most clearly manifested in the turn-based strategy Heroes of Might and Magic 3. It is here that you can feel the burden of responsibility for the upcoming global fight against the creation of dark forces in the face of terrible monsters. But your heroes, along with their experienced troops, are already ready to start their journey into an unknown world, revealing its secrets along the way. So download free game Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on PC and race to new conquests.

Colorful 2D world games Heroes of might and magic 3 and today is an example of vivid battles on a strategic map with elements of role-playing projects. So adapt your fearless hero to the realities of virtual life and improve his equipment and troops. Let the dangerous artificial intelligence begin to fear a collision with you.

Download free cult game Heroes of Might and Magic 3 to your computer and create your own beautiful virtual world with the included mission and campaign editor. Let the journey through the universe of the project not end with the plot of the main game and wonderful additions to it. So get your heroes ready to defend your country and eliminate any enemies.

Title: Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Foreign name: Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Release year: 2000
Genre: strategy
Developer: New World Computing
Publisher: 3DO
Platform: PC
Edition type: repack
Language: Russian, English
Sound: Russian, English
Tablet: not required
Size: 900.56 Mb

Features of the RePack version:
1. Game files are not touched.
2. Full Russian and English localization.
3. There are additions:
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia;
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Armageddon's Blade;
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Shadow of Death;
- WoG version 3.58f.
4. Presented as an ISO image.
5. Release from prey2009.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 300 MHz
RAM: 32 MB
Video card: with 4 Mb video memory

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Our latest selection includes games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic. This fantasy turn-based strategy series with RPG elements has captivated millions of gamers around the world. It includes seven projects, but for fans of "Heroes" it does not end there. Game studios at different times were inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic III and other games in the series, and then created their own similar projects. This top is made up of them.

4. King's Bounty Series

Back in 1990, New World Computing released the direct predecessor of their popular Heroes of Might and Magic series of games called King's Bounty. The main game designer of the project was John Van Canegem. He also created the world of Heroes of Might and Magic. It was a turn-based game set in a fantasy universe with role-playing elements.

Here, as in "Heroes", gamers need to create a hero, recruit an army, develop cities, move around the map and go through numerous dungeons, as well as defeat enemies, collect resources and find treasures. In the presence of a huge book of spells, pumping the hero and taking care of his equipment.

But there are differences between the series of games. For example, King's Bounty is more focused on military tactics, rather than the development of the kingdom and cities, because it cannot improve captured settlements. In King's Bounty, the player only has one hero, while in Heroes of Might and Magic there can be up to eight.

In 2007, the Russian company "1C" bought the rights to the King's Bounty trademark. In the same year, Katauri Interactive started developing King's Bounty. The Legend of the Knight. The project was released in 2008, received good reviews from players and critics, and also changed the picture of the world - the King's Bounty universe has become more juicy, bright and rich. Subsequent additions to The Legend of the Knight and other games in the series were also released by various Russian studios.

3. Series Disciples

The first game in the famous turn-based strategy series with RPG elements, Disciples: Sacred Lands, was released in 1999. The series includes 9 games and add-ons to them, and the latest Disciples III: Reincarnation (an improved DLC for the third part with extended campaigns) was released back in 2012.

The events of all games take place in the atmospheric, magical and sinister world of Nevendaar (aka the Sacred Lands). First, the player chooses the class of the main character, and only then develops the capital, acquires an army and auxiliary heroes, captures new lands and resources, and, when necessary, fights in the classic turn-based mode, like in Heroes.

2. Age of Wonders series

Triumph Studios has released a series of turn-based strategy and Heroes-like games called Age of Wonders. These include Age of Wonders (1999), Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne (2002), Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (2003), and Age of Wonders 3 (2014). The latter also absorbed the achievements of the Civilization series of games, and we talked about it in another collection.

The main and similar to the "Heroes of Might and Magic" game chips are global spells, pumping troops, large armies with different types of warriors, a wide range of skills, as well as controlling several heroes at the same time.

1. Eador Series

The turn-based fantasy strategy series Eador is run by Snowbird Games. This includes Eador projects. Genesis (2009), Eador: Masters of the Broken World (2013) and Eador. Empire (2017). These projects are based on the Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic series of games.

In the world of Eador, the player assumes the role of Lord of one of the many fragments into which the earth was divided after the catastrophe. Over time, each such site turns into a separate world. The task of the gamer is to fight the creatures inhabiting the fragments, gods and other rulers in order to become the sole ruler of Eador. The games focus on the role-playing component, so in addition to expanding territories and developing troops, a lot of attention needs to be paid to the hero.

Heroes of war and money

In 2007, a group of Heroes of Might and Magic 5 fans decided to create their own browser version of the game. The project was called "Heroes of War and Money" and released online in the same 2007.

In Heroes of War and Money, the player is allowed to create 3 characters. Next, he needs to choose one of 10 guilds (a local variation of the character's professions), as well as one of three factions, which determines the hero's available skills. In the presence of quests, trade, city development, PVP battles, tournaments and global wars.

Star Warsman

Star Wars is a browser-based space strategy MMO developed by the Antarex group. The project is a classic economic strategy, where the player needs to manage the planet, provide it with resources, develop colonies, create armies, and also study six local technologies.

In Star Wars, gamers have access to PVE missions and global story missions. For fans of PVP, there are attacks on the planets of other players, as well as clan wars. From the "Heroes" there is a familiar turn-based combat system, with various spells and many types of units.

Forge of Empires

My Lands

The main features of the multiplayer browser-based military-economic strategy My Lands are the development of the kingdom, the training and pumping of the army, the economy and diplomatic relations, as well as the extraction of a local resource called the Black Pearl. Most of these characteristics apply to the Heroes of Might and Magic series of games as well.

Until the beginning of 2017, it was even possible to withdraw real money from the game, but then this possibility was covered. Still, My Lands will appeal to fans of Heroes for its fantasy style, deep economics, and emphasis on urban development.

Many games for social networks are tiring with their primitiveness. Endless automatic battles minimize player involvement. It seems that sometimes all available actions are donation and the "Next" button. Throw in money to level up your character and watch 100x combat animations... Is this supposed to be fun?

Therefore, today's selection is for those who are tired of endless auto-battles. The games collected under this heading are united by the combat system from "Heroes of Might and Magic". These are strategies in which battles take place in turn-based mode. And victory depends only on us!

As the name implies, the universe of this game consists of islands. If you believe the prehistory, kirdyk came to our planet, after which only a few survived. Global warming flooded the survivors, forcing them to unite in small groups living on the islands. On one of them we equip our base.

Further actions develop quite habitually: we develop the economy, do not forget about protection, we raid neighbors. The characters in this war seem to be taken from the game "Mosvar" (Indigenous vs. Invaders): farmers, aggressive grannies, some gopniks, marauders and other motley brethren.

Fights take place in an intuitive turn-based mode. Instead of a "book of spells", you can use various bonuses that are brought on a motor boat from your home base - electric shock, elixir to enhance attack, etc. The economic development of the base is more reminiscent of the "Farm", it has nothing to do with the "Heroes of Might and Magic". Nevertheless, everything is implemented quite adequately.

The most accurate adaptation of the third "Heroes" for Vkontakte. Of course, a devoted fan of HoMM III will find something to complain about and his complaints will be justified. Gameplay is truncated, hero leveling isn't as extensive, there's no map or character selection... But let's not forget that this is a social media app, not a full-fledged PC game.

The main canons are preserved: the graphics and the combat system, castle-cities and the economy - everything is copied as accurately as possible from the "Heroes of Might and Magic". At the same time, there are no boring stretches of the game inherent in many games on social networks: wait until the energy accumulates; ask a friend for life; come back in half an hour... Nothing like that! "Heroes: A New Saga" offers to complete missions in Non Stop mode.

As already mentioned, there is no choice of race. But as soon as you complete the mission, which is usually stretched over 3 maps, the game for some new faction will begin. The game "Heroes: A New Saga" can be recommended without a doubt to any fan of the classic "Heroes". This game is the closest to the original.

It seems that "Knights" did not try to cosplay "Heroes", for which special thanks to them. This is an independent game, with its own history, a separate universe, its pluses and minuses.

The combat system is implemented just fine:

  • One unit is one unit. He does not represent a group of identical beings, as is the case in "Heroes".
  • Quite a few soldiers converge on the battlefield, each of which can be sent to attack one or another target: you can try to break through to the archers in a crowd, or split up and impose a fight on the swordsmen, while one of them bypasses them from the flank.
  • There are a lot of options for choosing a strategy, a turn-based combat system allows you to slowly think about tactics.

The main disadvantage is that the economy comes from the same "Farm". Come in, collect resources, load mines to mine new ones. At the same time, gold will always be sorely lacking. And it's depressing - you won't be able to play continuously for your own pleasure. Played - wait until new coins are added. Or connect donat.

This version of "Heroes" has gone through several stages of evolution, which turn the classic strategy into an application for Vkontakte. As a result, we have nice graphics, familiar gameplay, but prolonged gameplay and ubiquitous donations. But first things first.

Let's start with the positives. The graphics are pretty good in my humble opinion. Better than Heroes 4. It will please the new generation, which falls into hysterics at the sight of "Heroes 3". The second significant plus is the ability to choose a race. True, there are only two of them: people or demons. But look at other similar strategies for VK - in most of them there is no choice at all. And here are two full-fledged forces, with their own unique units.

The cons have already been mentioned. This is the usual for social networks long construction of buildings and the eternal shortage of gold. Would you like to learn a spell? Pay. Recruit units? Pay. Speed ​​up construction? Did you understand. Separately, the ability to introduce a reserve for donations in battles is annoying. Those. any clumsy can win any battle just by donating a certain amount. It's sad, but not fatal.

I really wanted to squeeze King's Bounty into this small rating. But alas, it has already outlived its usefulness - half of the browsers do not support KB due to some security problems and it seems that the developers do not care about this fact. Maybe for the better : after all, we can turn our attention to another classic browser version of "Heroes", which are called "Heroes of Might and Magic Online".

This game came out 2 years ago. Quality was expected from her, because Ubisoft themselves were involved in the development, and not some self-taught no-names. Expectations were justified: graphics closer to HoMM 5 or 6 are implemented without harm to performance - nothing slows down, everything is beautiful and tasteful.

In terms of choosing a faction, the revolution did not happen. We can play for the forces of light or darkness. From the start, we are handed a castle in which it is necessary to build buildings for the extraction of resources and the subsequent hiring of units. The castle brings to mind the third Heroes - no three-dimensional model of buildings, but it is not needed.

In addition to the castle, money can and should be knocked out of various opponents who stray underfoot. The combat system is, of course, turn-based. At the same time, it was implemented wisely: for example, there were bonuses for attacking from the flank or from the back. Also in the game there are siege weapons for taking enemy cities. Fights with other players (PvP) are available.

Bottom line: an excellent browser for Heroes, everything is beautiful and without obvious errors. You can play without donation - the main thing is to farm everything that moves.

In this collection we collect games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic. the series already has 7 full-fledged parts and a myriad of add-ons, but for some this is not enough. The key feature of the cycle - turn-based battles of the armies of fabulous creatures on the fields "in a box", was copied by the developers long before the release of the epochal Heroes 3, so it's not at all difficult to find similar projects.


Single heavyweights

King`s Bounty: The Dark Side

The King`s Bounty series appeared even before the Heroes, but for many reasons it could not get out of the shadow of the "little brother". The Dark Side is the last part of the cycle in which all the main characters are villains. The game uses the classic turn-based combat scheme (there can be 5 types of creatures in the army), and pleases with an abundance of non-linear quests and nice graphics.

Age of Wonders 3

This strategy is mandatory for anyone who wants to download games like Heroes of Might and Magic. Created at the intersection of two genres (turn-based and 4X-strategy), this game offers a rich strategy mode in the spirit of Civilization and no less intense battles on a tactical map. Capture cities, upgrade commanders and be especially careful during sieges - the mechanics of the game is such that armies of neighboring hexes can participate in one battle, which results in real battles.

Disciples: Rebirth

After a frankly unsuccessful, many fans buried the famous series, but Studio did a miracle and showed the world a seriously redesigned version with great design. Yes, many will not like the stripped-down strategic mode and frankly weak sound, but the authors offered a good replacement: solid tactical battles with an interception system, an interesting storyline campaign and a well-knit multiplayer with the ability to control neutral troops. If you like Heroes and gothic environments, then this game is for you.

Browser experiments

Might & Magic Heroes Online

Compared to single projects, online games in the spirit of Heroes are not so rare. Heroes Online is a product of the German branch, that is, the game is made soundly and in style is very close to the classic series. The same turn-based battles, the same squad collecting, the same leveling of heroes, but now with the possibility of co-opting quests and.

Heroes of War and Money

Judging by the mechanics of battles, this project is the same Heroes 5. The graphics in the game are made in Flash, so don't expect any special beauty from it. But there are 2v2 and even 3v3 fights, a system for repairing and improving artifacts, a built-in Arcomage mini-game and the ability to reset skill points. And here you can rob caravans, hunt, fish and work.

different world

If you are looking for games similar to Heroes and at the same time, then this project is for you. The simple graphics here hide the complex mechanics of turn-based battles, a deep leveling system, light and dark clans, and most importantly, the ability to fight other players without leaving the box office. A great project for fans of thoughtful gameplay.

Other games:

  • Disciples
  • King's Bounty
  • Age of Wonders
  • Dominions
  • Greed Corp
  • Eador. Creation
  • Demiurges

The most interesting thing is that Heroes IV, and New World Computing could have been saved were it not for the greed of the 3DO leadership.

Ubisoft has had its eye on NWC's creative heritage for a long time, and for the first time, Ubisoft approached 3DO with an offer to sell the franchise. Might & Magic still in development Heroes of Might & Magic IV And MM9. However, Trip Hawkins decided to turn down the French company, hoping that they would soon return with a better offer. His expectations were not met, and just a year later, 3DO went bankrupt, putting all their games under the hammer.

Series rights Might & Magic Ubisoft will eventually buy out for $1.3 million.

Heroes of Might & Magic V that never happened

Albeit not for long, but Heroes V in the NWC edition did exist. This is a documented fact that has been confirmed by various leaks and eyewitness accounts. The latter claimed that the design of the game was in full swing, and a list of factions was already ready, as well as a plot synopsis.

The company understood that they did not have much time and resources, and in terms of art did not change anything, relying on pre-rendered 3D graphics in the spirit of Homm IV. Van Kanegem fulfilled his promise and made several changes that the fourth "Heroes" lacked so much: it was required to move away from the "quest" style of storytelling towards strategic gameplay, "cut" role-playing elements, significantly reduce the bestiary, and also rewrite AI from scratch. Three of the six cities were already ready in the draft when the game had to be abandoned.

But, as we already know, these "Heroes" were no longer destined to see the light. All that has come down to us from them is concept art and pre-renderers, kindly posted by ex-NWC artists.

"Real" HoMM V rise from the ashes five years later through the efforts of Nival Interactive. Ubisoft itself will refer to them as "reboots". John Van Kanegem will refuse to take any part in their creation, and at the request of the French publisher, Steve Fawkner will take his place ( Steve Fawkner), an experienced game designer and creator of another popular TBS - Warlords.

If you want to know how Nival was able to handle the arduous task of translating Heroes into true 3D, then I highly recommend reading the post "Journey of Heroes: Design Postmortem" by former Nival game designer Alexander Mishulin, which contains a lot of interesting and shedding light on completely non-obvious things that Nival had to face while working on the game.

It is worth noting that the increase in the field of the arena does not increase the tactical possibilities of the player, as many fans believe, it ... reduces them. As the value of one square decreases, the possibility of error becomes greater, which means that combat becomes a little less dependent on the player's tactics.

Alexander Mishulin, "The path of Heroes: a design postmortem"

Build stolen FPP version Heroes of Might & Magic V, intended for a publisher, could be bought on disk in stalls long before the release of the game itself, similar to STALKER and Half-Life 2 and DOOM 3. This build was known among the players as "alpha".

Today, Sergei Orlovsky calls "Heroes" the most important project in the life of "Nival". Van Kaneghem calls the fifth part "funny", while noting that he really liked modern remakes. King's Bounty. Well, to each his own, and it's almost time for us to disperse, but before that, a little surprise awaits you.

Heroes of Might & Magic VI that didn't exist

In fact, there is another project that still haunts your obedient servant. It's semi-mythical HoMM VI, which was made by Nival for Ubisoft, but Something went wrong, and the development was given to another studio - Black Hole Entertainment.

According to one theory, this version was used by Ubisoft at the pre-production stage of the game. Officials hinted that the development of the sixth part of the game began in 2006, and Nival was involved in the process until the creation of a playable demo. One of the requirements of the publisher since the sixth part was to get rid of the "city screen" so beloved by the players - which, as we know, will actually happen in the seventh part of the series - and the mocap significantly hints to us that most of the action was now supposed to take place in the mode adventure.

Presumably, the following concept art and several mockups belong to this version of the game, one of which you can see above. I personally have not seen a single real screenshot from this legendary version, so I will not confidently say that it existed. The reasons why Ubisoft decided to change the developer after such a strong "reboot" as HoMM V, a more or less warmly received fan, also does not occur to me; It's hard to believe that Nival didn't try to pitch Heroes 6.

Let's hope that one day someone will shed some light on this story.


What happened to the "Heroes" next - you probably know as well as I do. After the release, quite successful HoMM V And Dark Messiah of Might & Magic in 2006, Ubisoft will try to completely restart the brand by releasing interconnected Might & Magic X: Legacy And Might & Magic Heroes VI.

Considering that Ubisoft never had high commercial expectations from the franchise, Heroes was still lucky - the strategy series of games was cheaper to produce by definition, so its sixth and seventh parts were able to see the light of day.

The Hungarian studio Black Hole Entertainment, founded by Andrew J. Vine, a Hollywood producer and part-time owner of a casino in Las Vegas, has not been famous for “strong” projects before (if you still remember such a game as Warhammer: Mark of Chaos- it means that everything was in order with their marketing); HoMM VI and completely became a “swan song” for her - after the release of this game, the company went bankrupt, but finally shared her experience with Ubisoft.

Black Hole used up all of its reserves for 6 months just to complete the project... it cost us over 1 million euros. There was not a single chance to return what was spent, because under the royalty contract we would have received no earlier than the moment when 2 million copies of Heroes VI were sold at full price.
For the last 10 months, we have been working literally 24/7 with no hope of compensation ... because of this, we could not survive the release of the game and find another project.
Heroes 6 was a gigantic project, 1.5-2 million lines of source code. This is more than most RPGs. Such a project can really be completed in only a few years and on a budget comparable to what Blizzard has. Nine months into our work, UBI continued to send in new ideas and change their minds right up to release.

My experience with developers from Hungarian and Romanian studios tells me that there is no reason not to trust him - all the problems described could well have taken place. In general, after reading an emotional letter from an anonymous employee of the studio, we can only guess how, with such a publisher, Nival managed to make such a cool fifth part - however, there is nothing surprising, because the same letter hints to us that about Nival in Ubisoft were not of the best opinion.

They say the developers Might & Magic X: Legacy, Limbic Entertainment, jokingly called her Might and Magic: Legend of Grimrock- the thing is that, according to sources, money for the development M&M:X Ubisoft decided to release only in the wake of the financial success of another game - Legend of Grimrock. Probably their working conditions were no better, since the creators M&M X And HoMM VII they no longer have anything to do with the franchise and are now busy developing a new Tropico.

And is it worth it to continue? .. After the release of Heroes of Might & Magic VII, many reviewers voiced something that had been hanging in the air for a long time - it seems that Ubisoft is completely confused between the desire to please the fans, leaving everything "as is", and trying to bring some innovation to the series…

... Meanwhile, the adventures of John Van Kanegem continued, but in a new setting of the universe "Investments and Startups". It is not difficult to trace his further path. After several years at NCSoft on an unannounced project, he co-founded Trion Worlds with a former EA VP. Trion Worlds will create an MMO Heroes of Telara, which will be released only in 2011 under the name Rift(the total development cost will be over 50 million dollars).

But John will leave the company long before then, moving to EA, where he will again work on strategy - Command & Conquer: Generals 2. Alas, the project, which the management regularly threw from side to side (from a premium strategy with a main focus on multiplayer to a free-to-play model), did not live up to the hopes that EA had placed on it. After a massive alpha testing spanning several months, the project will be canceled in October 2013 due to "not meeting the level of player expectations".

As a result, in 2014, John will leave the walls of EA and follow the example of his colleagues with whom he once started his business at the same time: after attracting $ 5 million in investments, he establishes VC Mobile Entertainment, which will develop the Creature Quest mobile game. Today, over 20 people are working on the game, and Van Kanegem is actively promoting it. JVC's decision to switch to mobile games is justified by the desire to "be on a platform that allows you to reach the majority of gamers today." Today, John still gets asked about Heroes in just about every interview, but he doesn't seem to have a really burning interest in Heroes- although earlier he greatly regretted that at one time he did not dare to buy the rights to Might & Magic.

Former head of development for the third and fourth "Heroes" David Mullich will contribute to the creation of another legendary RPG that still has not received a worthy heir - this Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Today he consults, teaches games related disciplines in educational institutions, and also complains about age discrimination in the Western gaming industry due to massive refusals of large companies to hire him. He continues to keep in touch with most of those who worked on the third "Heroes".

The rest of the former NWC staff still swear by Trip Hawkins and speak fondly of the time in their lives when they could come to work and be creative with the rest, participating in the creation of incredible games that the whole world waited with bated breath.

The article is based on concept art created by artist George Almond for Heroes of Might & Magic III. First time image data



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