Rough skin on the elbows what to do. Rough and dark elbows: signs and causes of the disease

If a person finds rough and dark elbows in himself, then such a symptom indicates dysfunction of the internal organs.

If a man, woman or child there was a violation of the metabolic process, then the thickened and dry layer of the epidermis gradually grows, and also increases in volume.

Its upper layer becomes dry, sore, itchy, may crack and peel off. This condition is called keratosis.

The reasons What do we have to do?
hereditary factor With a genetic predisposition to excessive dryness of the skin, it is necessary to regularly moisturize it with a nourishing or oily cream.

Brown spots appear in adults and children. Treatment in this case is not effective

Impact of aggressive environment It is important to limit contact with chemicals, soap solutions, which can cause red spots.
Avitaminosis It is necessary to add citrus fruits, apples, sauerkraut, parsley, garlic to the diet. You need to see a doctor who will tell you why black spots appeared on the body
Fungal infection of the skin It is advisable to use topical antifungal drugs. They are applied to rough skin on the elbows (cream, lotion, healing powder)
Diabetes The roughness of the elbows occurs due to the disrupted work of the sebaceous glands. It is important to regularly moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream and take medications prescribed by a doctor for diabetes.
Cesari syndrome Advanced form of granuloma mushroom. The skin acquires a red tint, itching and spots appear. To alleviate the condition, photodynamic, radiation, chemical therapy is prescribed.
insufficient care It is necessary to provide nutrition and hydration not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the elbows, regardless of the season. Unpleasant symptoms can also appear on the knees.
Disrupted work of the endocrine system In addition to roughness of the elbows, patients experience increased sweating, fatigue, and drowsiness.

It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, and enrich the diet with vitamins and foods high in iron.

How and how to treat rough elbows?

Before starting treatment, it is important to diagnose the cause of the roughness on the left hand:

  • Need to consult at the dermatologist and endocrinologist (delivery of laboratory tests).
  • Blood analysis and careful examination of the skin.
  • Confirmation or refutation of the progression of eczema, psoriasis.
  • Examination cosmetic products for the expiration date.

After finding the cause it is important to start solving the problem immediately. First you need to purchase products that exfoliate the skin well.

They are combined with the use of moisturizing and softening preparations. The most effective is salicylic ointment. You can apply nourishing creams to the skin.

These funds help with insufficient care for the elbows and the epidermis, if a rough spot appears and the skin begins to dry.

You must first consult with a therapist who will study the indications and possible contraindications.

More often, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E (for example, Aevit). They need to drink the whole course. The daily diet is enriched with fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs.

In case of violation of the endocrine system, drugs are prescribed. The skin is additionally moisturized with an ointment or cream. They need to be applied several times during the day until a complete remission or recovery occurs.

If the water-fat balance is disturbed in the body, then the epidermis quickly loses the necessary moisture, the skin becomes rough and bumpy.

In such a situation, it is important to limit the use of soap and other harsh products. It is replaced with a special foam, which contains oils.

Why is the skin on the elbows dry and flaky?

Often people are faced with the fact that the skin on the elbows peels off, cracks and dries.

There are several important reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Dermatitis. It is chronic, so patients experience intense keratinization of the surface layer of the epidermis.

    The main signs of the disease: excessive itching, swelling, burning sensation.

  2. Allergic reaction for a cosmetic.
  3. Psoriasis. It progresses with strong feelings, disruption of the endocrine system. The skin begins to peel off, redness, excessive itching appear. Dryness appears in different parts of the body.
  4. Hormonal dysfunction. The problem arises with the intensive production of hormones.

Note! Dryness, rashes and cracks on the elbows are not always the result of a serious illness.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can occur with severe dehydration, constant stress, overwork, swimming in salt water or chlorinated water.

Another unfavorable factors are poor ecology and wearing tight clothes made of coarse fabric.

Causes of goose bumps above the elbow

Goosebumps refers to the appearance of small white bumps that occur not only above the elbow, but also on the shoulders, thighs and under the lower eyelid. This effect is temporary.

Most likely causes- strong emotions during sexual arousal, listening to beautiful music or a feeling of complete satisfaction.

There are situations when the seal in the hair follicles is permanent.

The following factors can be identified that lead to this phenomenon:

  1. emotional stress, feeling of cold. This is the pilomotor reflex, which is controlled by the spinal cord.

    In humans, autonomic peripheral nerve endings are excited, which are responsible for the correct contraction of the muscles in the hair follicles.

  2. Lack of vitamins.
  3. Inadequate nutrition.
  4. Insufficient level of personal hygiene. The upper layer of the epidermis contains keratin.

    If a person monitors the cleanliness of his body, then he regularly peels off. Otherwise, the hair follicle becomes clogged, so the goosebumps appear.

  5. hereditary predisposition. Special treatments help reduce visual imperfections on the skin.

Important! Another effective remedy is vacuum massage.

You do not need to immediately resort to treatment with drugs and medicines to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

It is important to correctly determine the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Only he will tell you how to treat the disease and how to eliminate the cause.

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An article about why the skin on the elbows flakes and dries, and what diseases it is associated with.

  • due to skin diseases
  • Due to hormonal imbalance
  • Due to lack of vitamins A, C
  • Not enough water in the body
  • From wearing synthetic clothes
  • Due to frequent bathing in water with chlorine
  • Due to frequent stress and overwork

What are the diseases of the skin on the elbows?

Flaky skin on the elbows due to dermatitis


The skin on the elbows can peel off due to dermatitis - skin diseases in the form of redness, rashes and peeling all over the body or in areas.

The result of dermatitis can be:

  • Transferred stress
  • After chemical, thermal burns and received from overheating in the sun
  • Frostbite in winter
  • Due to allergies to food, synthetic clothing, cosmetics

Dermatitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute dermatitis characterized by features:

  • sudden itching
  • A slight increase in body temperature
  • Redness and swelling of certain parts of the body
  • With allergic dermatitis - runny nose
  • With infectious dermatitis - rash

For chronic dermatitis the inflammatory process is weakly expressed, a rash may appear, and if dermatitis is not treated, then the rash turns into a scab, abrasions, ulcers, cracks, from which pus will come.

Flaky, cracked skin on the elbows with psoriasis


Psoriasis - "scaly lichen", a skin disease in the form of red spots, sharply defined, covered with flaky silvery scales. Then the spots turn into dry plaques.

If the disease is not treated, it can spread to the nails and joints. Psoriasis is most commonly affected:

  • Elbows and knees
  • Small of the back
  • The part of the foot that we walk on
  • Thighs and calves
  • Genital area
  • Palms
  • The part of the head where the hair grows

Cause of psoriasis there may be the following signs:

  • Stress, emotional distress and pent-up anger
  • Heredity
  • Decreased immunity
  • Skin injury
  • Medications (some blood pressure medications, chloroquine, lithium, indomethacin, progesterone)
  • Feature of the body to the active division of skin cells

Why does the skin on the elbows flake and dry?

Sitting at a computer for a long time and resting your elbows on a table can cause flaky skin on your elbows.

Passive lifestyle

The skin on the elbows can dry and peel off due to a sedentary lifestyle, if you sit at a table or computer for a long time, and lean your elbows on the table.

Anemia can cause flaky skin on the elbows


The skin on the elbows can dry, peel and darken due to iron deficiency in the body, such a disease called anemia.

Symptoms of anemia:

  • Fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Dizziness, tinnitus
  • Paleness of the mucous membrane of the skin
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • With prolonged anemia - perversion of taste (I want to eat chalk, paint, ice)

Why does the skin on my elbows hurt?

Diabetes can cause painful, flaky skin on the elbows

On the elbows, palms and heels, the skin can be dry, thin, flaky and hurt with diabetes.

There are 2 types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes symptoms develop quickly, for a few days, and then a diabetic coma may occur. Symptoms:

  • A person drinks up to 5 liters of water per day and still feels very thirsty
  • The smell of acetone from the mouth
  • A person eats a lot, but still loses weight
  • Wounds don't heal well
  • Itchy skin, frequent rashes
  • Frequent urination at night

Usually, type 1 diabetes appears after severe stress, an infectious disease: measles, rubella, influenza.

Type 2 diabetes develops slowly, for several years. Its symptoms:

  • Fast fatiguability
  • Decreased vision, memory
  • Whole body itching
  • fungal diseases
  • Wounds don't heal well
  • intense thirst
  • Frequent visits to the toilet at night
  • Leg numbness
  • Ulcers on the feet and legs
  • Women often have thrush
  • Late stage - sudden weight loss

Cracks in the skin of the elbows, causes

Thyroid disease can cause flaky, cracked skin on the elbows

The cause of rough, dry, flaky skin on the elbows, with cracks, may be hypothyroidism - a disease of the thyroid gland.

In addition to dry flaky skin on the elbows, knees and feet, there are other main signs of hypothyroidism:

  • General weakness and fatigue
  • Chills, skin cold to the touch and pale
  • Hair becomes dry and brittle and begins to fall out
  • Anemia
  • Voice got rougher
  • Hearing loss
  • Pain and cramps in the muscles
  • Shortness of breath and pain in the heart
  • Bradycardia is a violation of the heart, expressed in a heart rate of less than 55 beats per minute
  • Frequent cases of bronchitis and pneumonia, which are not cured for a long time
  • Flatulence, constipation, loss of appetite, and nausea often occur
  • Lethargy and apathy towards the outside world

Causes of goose bumps on elbows

Flaky goose bumps on the elbows can be the cause of a lack of vitamins A and C in the body.

Goosebumps on the elbows can be the cause of a lack of vitamins A and C in the body.. To find out the cause of the disease, you need to consult a doctor, and he will first prescribe vitamins A and E, and then C.

Vitamin A absorbed only together with fats, can accumulate in the liver. Vitamin A (retinol) is abundant in such products:

  • Yellow, green, red vegetables and fruits
  • Liver
  • In fish oil and sea fish
  • In egg yolks
  • In butter, whole milk and cream

Vitamin E is most in such products:

  • in vegetable oil
  • in nuts
  • In sunflower seeds, pumpkin
  • In flax seeds
  • In whole grain
  • In fresh vegetables (spinach, green onions, broccoli, carrots, radishes, cucumbers and potatoes)
  • oatmeal
  • In the leaves of raspberry, dandelion, nettle
  • In rose hips

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is destroyed by contact with light, air, water, high temperature, does not accumulate in the body, therefore it needs to be replenished every day. Most vitamin C in the following foods:

  • In the wild rose
  • Coriander greens
  • In sweet and hot pepper
  • in sea buckthorn
  • In black currant
  • In the greens of parsley and dill
  • In kiwi
  • In broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kohlrabi
  • In citrus
  • In strawberry

In addition to vitamins for the elbows, you need properly care: make baths with herbs, lubricate with nourishing cream in time, because there are no sebaceous glands in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, and besides, the lack of vitamins additionally dries the skin, and therefore the skin here is dry.

Why does the skin on the elbows darken and turn black?

Poor adrenal function may be the cause of dark, flaky skin on the elbows

Darkening of the skin on the elbows may signal poor adrenal function..

adrenal glands are above the kidneys. They look different: the right one is in the form of a triangle, the left one is a crescent, but they have the same function - produce adrenaline, norepinephrine, sex hormones.

Thanks to the adrenal glands:

  • Our body is more resilient to stress
  • Better processed proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Better functioning of the heart, kidneys, central nervous system
  • Increases muscle volume
  • Faster recovery of mental and physical health of the body
  • Controlled blood pressure
  • Supports the immune system
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Sex drive is regulated

If there is a malfunction in the body, this can affect the work of the adrenal glands and manifest itself in serious diseases. If you have the above symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

How to care for and treat the skin on the elbows?

Recommendations for the care of flaky skin on the elbows

So that the skin on the elbows is always soft and does not peel off, you need adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters.
  2. If before every day you took a bath, then some of the baths need to be replaced with a shower.
  3. Do not wash your elbows with soap, but with special emollients.
  4. Take multivitamins, especially in winter.
  5. Do not use cosmetics with an irritating effect.
  6. If your elbows are already sore and flaky, use an anti-inflammatory cream.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with dermatitis

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with dermatitis

If there is a suspicion of dermatitis, then you need to contact a dermatologist and find out why you have this disease, and first treat the disease, and then the skin on your elbows.

At allergic dermatitis You need to pay attention to the foods you eat. In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor, rashes at home can be treated with such methods:

  1. Apply gauze bandages soaked in decoctions of succession, celandine, periwinkle, Japanese Sophora.
  2. If the rashes are not very advanced (weeping wounds), then it is useful to wash the places of redness and rashes tar soap made from birch tar, which has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
  3. If dermatitis is caused by burns, injuries or insect bites, then it helps well tea tree oil. The oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, a good antiseptic against microbes, viruses and fungi.
  4. raw potato puree, as for potato pancakes, apply to places affected by dermatitis for 2 hours, and then rinse and lubricate ointment with propolis.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with psoriasis

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with psoriasis

Psoriasis can be treated in several ways.:

  1. Usage ointments and creams(vaseline, cetafil, eucerin).
  2. Tablets and injections.
  3. Phototherapy - use of light.
  4. Treatment hydrogen peroxide. Take orally in the morning for the 1st week, 10 drops, the 2nd for 20, the 3rd for 30.

Patients with psoriasis need eat more:

  • Foods rich in folic acid(liver, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, fruits and especially oranges, peas and beans, yeast).
  • Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids(sea fish).

In addition to the treatment of psoriasis with medications, you need take care of sore skin take one of the following baths:

  1. Baths with baking soda (250 g for a full bath of warm water), duration 15-20 minutes.
  2. Baths with juniper berries (1 kg of berries per bath).
  3. Baths with a decoction of wheatgrass roots (1 liter can of dry roots per bath).
  4. Baths with a decoction of herbs (1 tablespoon of chamomile, calendula, succession and motherwort, 2 tablespoons of celandine); pour the dry mixture with boiling water, insist, filter into the bath, you can add small piece of propolis
  5. Smear the affected areas with elecampane ointment, and take inside the tincture from the roots of elecampane.

Elecampane tincture

Recipe 1.

  1. Cooking 120 g fresh elecampane roots 10 minutes, strain, add half a liter of red wine, take before meals 50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Recipe 2.

  1. Grinding 250 g elecampane roots, fill half a liter of vodka, insist 2 weeks, filter.
  2. The finished tincture is taken orally 15-20 drops 3 times a day, and we smear the places affected by psoriasis.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows in diseases of the thyroid gland

Treatment of the skin on the elbows in diseases of the thyroid gland

For thyroid diseases the doctor prescribes medicines, but in addition to medicines, you need diet food:

  • Foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese and green vegetables).
  • Foods rich in iodine (seaweed, fish, squid, cod liver).
  • Raw vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, onions and garlic).
  • Vegetables subject to minimal heat treatment (zucchini, eggplant, potatoes and beets).
  • Fruits (persimmons, apples, currants, dates, oranges).
  • Buckwheat and millet porridge.
  • Beef liver.

A few rules that should be followed by patients with hypothyroidism:

  • The consumption of protein foods is increased, and carbohydrates and fats are reduced.
  • Replace meat with fish and seafood.
  • Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits.
  • Eat warm food and chew thoroughly so that the body spends less energy on digestion.

If you treat hypothyroidism, follow the above rules, diet and proper skin care, then dry, flaky elbows will clear themselves.

Whitening of dark flaky skin on the elbows in violation of the adrenal glands

Treatment of the skin on the elbows in violation of the adrenal glands

In violation of the work of the adrenal glands the doctor prescribes the medicine to be taken, and dark skin on the elbows can be bleached with such means:

  1. Lemon juice.
  2. A solution with ammonia(1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 liter of warm water, a little liquid soap), do baths for 20 minutes.
  3. Raw potato porridge.
  4. Diluted apple cider vinegar(2 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar).
  5. starch solution(2 teaspoons starch, 1 cup warm water).
  6. Homemade scrub of fat sour cream and coarse salt.
  7. A solution of baking soda.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with anemia

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with iron deficiency anemia

If the elbows are peeling, and the doctor diagnosed "Iron deficiency anemia", you need to take iron supplements. In addition, you need to remember that some foods contain a lot of iron, which can be replenished.

Most iron in such products(amount of iron in descending order):

  • Beans
  • Hazelnut
  • Halva tahini and sunflower
  • Cereals
  • Skim milk cheese
  • fresh mushrooms
  • Millet
  • Pork liver
  • Peas
  • Yeast
  • sea ​​kale
  • Dried fruits

So, we figured out that dry, flaky skin on the elbows can be the cause of serious diseases.

Video: How to care for elbows and knees?

The skin on the elbows is very sensitive and flakes much more often than on other parts of the body. This phenomenon may be caused by a genetic predisposition.

There are cases when the skin does not just peel off, but also begins to crack, which causes unpleasant painful sensations. Various reasons can provoke such a phenomenon, having established which, you can begin to look for methods to eliminate increased dryness.

Why is the skin on the elbows dry?

Various factors can cause increased dryness and severe peeling of the skin on the elbows. As a rule, such a problem appears immediately for several reasons, both external and internal. It can be:

  • endocrine problems. Such reasons are accompanied by certain changes in the hormonal background, which, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the skin. If, in addition to dry elbows, there are certain irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a sharp weight gain, excessive sweating, swelling, shortness of breath, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.
  • Sudden changes in temperature, change of seasons. It is during these periods that certain changes in the activity of the sebaceous glands begin to occur, which will affect the condition of the skin. Consequently, the skin on the elbows begins to dry.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. In order for the skin to be in good condition, vitamins E and A are required without fail. If the body experiences a serious lack of these vitamins, the nail plate begins to peel, the skin on the elbows peels, hair loss, etc.
  • Various mechanical influences. This problem often occurs in people who sit at the table for a long time every day, leaning on a hard surface with their elbows. As a result, the skin begins to coarsen, peeling appears, delamination and cracking may occur.
  • Eczema- This unpleasant disease is accompanied by inflammation. Some types of eczema can appear as a result of contact with low-quality synthetic things. In this case, only a doctor can help.
  • Wrong care. It is worth remembering that the skin on the elbows needs increased hydration and nutrition. Therefore, if it is not regularly moistened, but hard water and a variety of aggressive detergents are constantly used, the elbows begin to dry out, crack, and peel off.
  • hot tub. Probably everyone likes to soak in a hot bath, relieve stress after a hard day's work. This method helps to get rid of tension, especially with the addition of sea salt to water, foam or aromatic oils. However, such relaxing procedures can provoke increased dryness of the skin, because the water contains chlorine. The pH of the skin is also negatively affected by cofires, which are part of the soap balls.

Prevention of dry skin on the elbows

In order for the skin of the elbows to always have an attractive appearance, you need to adhere to the following tips:
  • You can wear only those clothes that were made from natural materials, and forever forget about synthetics, as it negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Periodically apply masks of heavy cream, sour cream, almond oil with honey.
  • It is necessary to refuse to take very hot baths, use only soap that contains moisturizing substances for washing. Shower gels are great.
  • Regularly you need to use a special scrub designed to care for the delicate skin of the elbows.
  • Several times a day, including after taking a bath or shower, you need to apply various emollients. These include linseed, olive, sunflower oil, as well as creams containing glycerin, chamomile, calendula, nettle, and cinquefoil.
  • Special oil baths are made several times a week.

How to get rid of dry skin on elbows

Thanks to a large number of different methods, each girl will be able to choose the most suitable way for her to eliminate dry elbow skin. However, in order to achieve the goal and completely get rid of this problem, you must first eliminate the cause that provoked this phenomenon.

Honey compresses

In equal proportions, honey is taken with almond oil (slightly warmed). The finished composition is applied to all problem areas, the elbows are covered with a simple cling film on top, wrapped with any warm cloth. This compress lasts at least one hour, but you can leave it all night.

Oils for dryness

You can take oils and simply rub them into problem areas, or add them to baths. In this case, any oil, or a mixture of them, is taken and slightly heated until it reaches room temperature (you can use a microwave). Then the oils are poured into a container into which it will be possible to lower the elbows. The duration of one bath should be at least 15 minutes.

These products can also be used for night compresses - gauze or a bandage is moistened in oil, applied to the skin, fixed with a warm cloth and left all night.

Baths with starch

Starch (2 tablespoons) is dissolved in 500 g of water (warm), and elbows are lowered into the finished solution for about 15 minutes, no less. Then the skin is rinsed with clean water, and a little nourishing cream is applied.


You can fill the lack of vitamins with the help of special medications, or simply by changing your usual diet. Doctors recommend adding almonds, seeds, chicken eggs to your menu, which include an increased amount of vitamin E.

To make up for the lack of vitamin D, it is useful to eat cheese, various dairy products and fish liver. Spinach, sorrel, beef liver, carrots will help solve the problem of vitamin A deficiency.

If the categorical change of the menu did not help to completely solve the problem of peeling and painful cracks on the elbows, you need to take concentrated multivitamin complexes. However, here it is better to seek help from a doctor who will select the appropriate remedy and determine the desired dosage.

Emollient creams

Special emollient creams help a lot. First you need to take a bath, because the skin should be steamed and softened. Water contains chlorine, which has a negative effect on the condition of the skin, so it is worth adding a little glycerin. Then the skin is cleansed with a soft scrub and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Use only extra moisturizers or moisturizers. Today, it will not be difficult to purchase such a cream.

If the cream is not suitable, or it is not possible to use it, you can replace it with any essential oil. Carriage oil is perfect - it is very useful for dry skin, and its properties are not inferior to expensive cosmetics.

Folk remedies

To reduce redness, you need to regularly use sauerkraut brine, lemon juice, rice water. These substances not only perfectly soften, but also give a whitening effect.

Compresses based on kefir or sour cream are perfect. The duration of this procedure is about 10 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to use these products if wounds or cracks are found on the skin, as there is a risk of getting the opposite result and only exacerbating the problem.

Honey softens the skin well, from which you can make nourishing and moisturizing compresses. In equal proportions, honey is taken with almond oil, which is slightly heated. Elbows can be lowered into the resulting solution or applied to the skin, making a compress, and removed after about 20 minutes.

No less useful infusion of mint. To make such a tool, you need to take crushed leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (1 cup). After half an hour, you need to filter through a fine strainer. From the resulting infusion, ice cubes are made, with which the elbows are rubbed. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is quickly smoothed, it becomes velvety to the touch.

All of the above tips will be useful, but you need to adhere to the main rules of skin care:

  • If the skin on the elbows not only peels off, but rather painful cracks appear, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is better not to ignore this symptom, otherwise more serious problems may appear.
  • With the onset of the cold season, you need to take multivitamin complexes, thanks to which the development of beriberi and other diseases can be prevented, and well-being improves significantly.
  • The use of various baths and oils will give the desired result only if they are used regularly. At least two weeks of intensive rehabilitation therapy will be needed to solve the problem. Then you need to constantly use moisturizing and nourishing products to maintain skin condition.
  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition - the menu should contain various products that contain vitamins E, A, D.
  • Do not lean too often and strongly on a table or other objects with a hard surface, because of this, the skin becomes very rough and rough.
Elbow care video:

The skin on the elbows can peel off for a number of reasons. Dermatologists focus on the fact that this symptom often refers to one of the manifestations of diseases of the internal organs. There is a risk of disturbances in the endocrine system or there is a lack of vitamin A and E. For some people, problems begin with sudden changes in temperature - the skin on the elbows begins to peel off, roughen, crack. In the treatment of pathology, it is recommended to combine conservative therapy, cosmetics and folk recipes.

Provoking factors

Completely different factors can cause increased dryness and severe peeling of the skin on the elbows. Often problems are associated with both the internal state of the body and external influences:

  1. 1. Endocrine disorders. Pathological disruptions at the hormonal level cause problems with the skin on the elbows. This is accompanied by shortness of breath, swelling, excessive sweating, menstrual irregularities in women. Such health problems require urgent treatment to a specialist.
  2. 2. Change of seasons, sudden changes in air temperature activate the sebaceous glands. For such reasons, the skin on the elbows not only becomes rough - crusts and cracks form on it.
  3. 3. Lack of vitamins A and E causes hair loss, delamination of nails. The skin on the elbows begins to peel off. Vitamin deficiency causes particular difficulties with the skin in children. A thorough diagnosis in a medical institution is necessary, followed by correction of the problem under the constant supervision of a pediatrician and a dermatologist.
  4. 4. Mechanical effects on the elbows. This reason applies to those people who, due to their professional activities, constantly rest their elbows on a hard surface. The skin begins to coarsen, peel off, crust, crack.
  5. 5. Eczema - a dermatological disease that provokes an inflammatory process on the upper layers of the epidermis, forms extensive crusts. It is important to treat according to the doctor's recommendations. One cosmetic or folk methods in such a situation is not enough.
  6. 6. Improper care, which consists in completely ignoring the use of moisturizers and nutrients, leads to dryness and flaking of the skin on the elbows. Hard water, aggressive detergents play an important role in this.
  7. 7. A hot bath with the addition of aromatic oils, foam or sea salt causes dry skin.

Water with a high content of chlorine is also dangerous. Susceptibility to external stimuli increases, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the delicate layers of the epidermis. The skin on the elbows is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. It needs proper and constant care.

Age-related changes affect all layers of the epidermis. Lack of care, untimely access to a dermatologist only aggravate the problem with the skin of the elbows.

Preventive measures

Diseases of internal organs, pathological processes on the skin are the main causes of peeling of the skin on the elbows. Experts say that dealing with the problem is quite simple, if you do not forget about important preventive measures:

  • it is better to buy clothes from natural materials, because synthetic fabrics provoke serious skin problems;
  • strictly follow the recommendations of doctors in the presence of skin diseases;
  • buy masks and creams based on oils;
  • periodically use a scrub specially designed for dry skin of the elbows;
  • after taking a bath, emollients should be applied to problem skin;
  • the initial signs of dryness or peeling should serve as a signal for contacting a dermatological office.

The skin on the elbows can peel and crust for a number of reasons. As an independent pathology, it is quite easily and quickly eliminated through the use of special cosmetics and softening balms. However, the problem, complicated by concomitant diseases of the internal organs, requires a complete examination and conservative therapy.

Medical therapy

The treatment that is prescribed by a dermatologist is based on an integrated approach. It is important to fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, improve the diet and, of course, act locally on the problem skin of the elbows:

  1. 1. An affordable and simple remedy - salicylic ointment. Course therapy is about 10 days. Then doctors recommend switching to a high-quality nourishing cream.
  2. 2. Vetoron drops are indicated for use as an additional source of beta-carotene.
  3. 3. The use of foods with a high content of vitamins A and E.
  4. 4. Treatment of endocrine disruptions in the body through individual hormonal therapy.
  5. 5. Lipikar balm. Moisturizes and softens the affected layers of the epidermis. Constant application to dry skin creates a protective film that prevents the entry of pathogenic bacteria. Peeling is eliminated and instant healing occurs.
  6. 6. Cream Atoderm. A modern hypoallergenic drug recommended for the treatment of atopic and contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases of the elbows.
  7. 7. Ointment Radevit allows you to relieve itching and inflammation after the first application. Protects the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment, is indicated for skin injuries of a permanent nature. It is prescribed by dermatologists in course medical therapy. Useful components of the ointment soften the upper layers of the epidermis.
  8. 8. Cream Pitival restores elasticity and relieves peeling. It is prescribed for the treatment of problem skin 3 times a day.

Proper treatment of dry and cracked skin of the elbows should take place under the full supervision of a doctor. It is important to diagnose the body and identify the internal cause of the pathology. Based on the results of the examination, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Cosmetic procedures

Dry and cracked elbow skin can be cured using cosmetics in combination with home remedies.

It is important to apply "cosmetic nutrition" of the elbows based on:

  • alfalfa;
  • chamomile;
  • glycerin;
  • lecithin.

Creams should be applied with light massage movements, but without injuring the affected areas. It is important to pre-treat the skin of the elbows with warm water and baby soap.

During the period of seasonal temperature fluctuations, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, which has a direct effect on the epidermis. It is not recommended to use harsh caring soaps at such a time. It is better to choose light foams and simple gels without additives. Aromatic ingredients have an irritating effect on the epidermis. It is better to rub the damaged area with natural bristle washcloths. It is necessary at least 3-4 times a week to clean the dry skin of the elbows with a scrub and gommages. After each of these procedures, nourishing masks are applied.

Almond, linseed and olive oils have an excellent softening effect on the formed crusts. It is recommended to simply rub them into the affected skin, but it is better to do baths.

In beauty parlors, they offer a cleansing peeling of the rough skin of the elbows with various preparations. At home, you can independently carry out a similar procedure using lemon juice. The course of treatment is seven days. Be sure to lubricate the elbows with a softening cream after peeling.

Peeling with the pulp of grapefruit or lemon helps to eliminate keratinized scales, to give elasticity to the upper layers of the epidermis. Fruit acid softens and makes the skin silky. Contraindication for the procedure - cracked skin of the elbows. You can provoke burning and irritation of the epidermis.

Important components of cosmetics for the restoration of rough skin of the elbows are humectants. Their purpose is to retain moisture and prevent dehydration of the skin. Cosmetics with mummy extract and aloe vera have a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Balms and cream oils should consist of:

  • nettles;
  • oregano;
  • birch tar;
  • lemon balm extracts;
  • juniper.

An innovative drug in the treatment of problem skin is Kartolin ointment. It eliminates crusts and gently restores the connective tissues of the epidermis.


A homemade cream based on calendula and chamomile has proven itself well. The ingredients are taken in 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of boiled water. The broth is infused for about 8 hours. 1 st. l. honey and butter is melted in a water bath. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly rubbed with the prepared decoction and applied to the affected areas in the evenings after taking a shower. The course of restoration of the upper layers of the epidermis is about 14 days.

Curd-yolk mask is made from 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. It is important to stir all the components to a homogeneous consistency and apply on the elbows. Wrap first with cling film, then with a bandage. Keep the bandage for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is applied 3 times a week. This method helps to restore the lost softness and silkiness of the skin.

You can eliminate the crusts with a healing balm from a glass of sea buckthorn oil and 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers. Within 15 minutes, this composition is heated in a water bath and infused in a dark place for 5 days. The filtered finished product is applied overnight without rinsing. The course of procedures lasts 2-3 weeks.

Natural honey, in the absence of allergies, according to cosmetologists and dermatologists, is the best emollient to eliminate skin pathologies. Nutritious compresses based on it can be made with the addition of almond, olive and vegetable oils. It will be possible to soften the rough layers of the epidermis using rice infusion or sauerkraut brine. It is recommended to apply softened leaves of fresh cabbage or common burdock.

Apple cider vinegar, dissolved in warm water, in proportions of 3 to 2, allows you to eliminate peeling in just a few applications. Sour cream and kefir effectively soften and whiten the skin. It is recommended to remove the keratinized layers and crust with a honey-coffee scrub. The tool is unique in its healing properties.

With age, both women and men develop pathologies of internal organs, and skin lesions can become one of the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, a consultation with a dermatologist is the right and important step in diagnosing health.

So that dry skin on the elbows does not crack, does not become covered with a crust, it is necessary to take up treatment. It can be treated with folk and pharmacy remedies. The first include masks, baths, compresses. The second - creams, ointments, vitamin complexes. But first of all, you should pay attention to the daily diet, it must contain foods containing vitamin A and E (dried apricots, pumpkin, spinach, etc.). It is because of the lack of these vitamins that hair falls out, nails exfoliate, and the skin becomes dry.

The reasons

Various factors can cause increased dryness and peeling of the skin on the elbows of the right / left hand. Sources of such a problem can be both internal and external causes.

External factors include:

  • Sudden changes in temperature, change of seasons. During these periods, changes in the activity of the sebaceous glands occur in the body, which directly affects the condition of the skin of the hands. So, the skin on the elbows hurts, itches, peels off. Due to frequent scratching, crusts form, the skin becomes red.
  • mechanical influences. This problem often occurs in women, men, a child, and even young girls who sit at a table for a long time, leaning on a hard surface with their elbows. As a result, they begin to coarsen, roughness appears, cracking and delamination may occur.
  • Wrong care. Not only the skin of the hands, but also the knees and elbows need increased hydration and nutrition. These manipulations are useless if hard water and a variety of detergents containing aggressive substances are constantly used. Therefore, the skin on the elbows, as well as on the knees, begins to crack, dry and peel off.
  • Hot bath. It helps relieve fatigue after a hard day's work. But such a procedure can cause dry skin due to the content of chlorine in the water. Cofires, which are part of soaps and shower gels, also have a negative effect on it.
  • Wearing rough and synthetic clothing.

The skin on the elbows peels off much more often than on other parts of the body due to its high sensitivity. This phenomenon is often caused by a genetic predisposition.

Internal factors include:

  • Disruptions in the endocrine system. Such causes, as a rule, are accompanied by certain changes occurring against the background of hormonal imbalance. If, in addition to dry elbows, there is a sharp weight gain, sweating, shortness of breath, swelling, menstrual irregularities, you should seek medical help.
  • Deficiency of nutrients in the body. To keep the skin in good condition, it needs vitamins A and E. With their deficiency, in addition to cracking the elbows, hair begins to fall out, and the nails exfoliate.
  • Eczema. Some types of this disease can manifest themselves in contact with low-quality synthetic things. In this case, only a specialist will help.
  • Hyperkeratosis. Thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Diabetes. Relative or absolute lack of insulin, which leads to malnutrition of the entire skin.

If the skin on the elbows is rough, crusted, darker than usual, itchy - these symptoms cannot be ignored, it is necessary to start treatment, which will be prescribed by a specialist after determining the underlying cause.

Folk remedies

Due to the variety of folk methods, it is possible to choose the appropriate method to eliminate this problem. To achieve greater effectiveness, treatment should begin after the identification of the true factor.

Folk remedies:

  • Honey compress. Take equal amounts of almond oil and honey. Warm up over low heat to room temperature. Apply the product to all problem areas of the skin, then wrap with cling film and wrap with a warm cloth. Keep at least 60 minutes, but it is advisable to set for the whole day or make a compress for the night.
  • Oils: cocoa, mango, coconut, peach, apricot, wheat germ, linseed, olive, almond. These products can simply be rubbed into the skin of the elbows or compresses can be made. To do this, you will first need to heat any of the listed oils to a comfortable temperature, moisten a bandage (gauze) in it and wrap the elbow around. Remove the bandage the next morning.
  • Baths with starch. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 0.5 liter of warm water. Dip your elbows in the prepared solution for 15 minutes, then rinse them with clean water and apply a nourishing cream (you can take a baby cream). You can also make wound healing baths: mix the juice of 1/2 onion and lemon, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tsp. infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. In this composition, you need to keep your elbows for at least 1/4 hour.
  • Mask. The most effective: mix almond oil with honey in equal proportions, add 1 yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

The simplest thing is to wipe cracked skin with agave juice several times a day. If there is no time at all, pharmacy products in the form of creams and ointments will come to the rescue.


If the elbows do not itch, crack, the skin is not dark and does not dry out, it is enough to apply a nourishing cream with extracts of chamomile, alfalfa, lecithin, glycerin several times a day. Rub into the skin with massage movements. In case of coarsening and thickening, lubricate the elbow bends with salicylic ointment for a week. This will help remove the stratum corneum and disinfect the surface.

You can also use:

  • Lipikar (balm). It will help restore the lipid mantle of dehydrated skin.
  • Pitival (cream). Contains antibacterial and antifungal agents. It is indicated for irritated and reddened integuments.
  • Atoderm (cream). Moisturizes, nourishes and protects the skin from external factors.
  • Radevit (ointment). Reduces itching, inflammation, promotes the healing of microcracks.
  • Bepanthen (ointment). Accelerates cell renewal and reduces irritation.

When using these products, you must follow the instructions: apply twice a day after a shower. They can also be used after compresses and masks. Vitamin complexes: Aevit, Vitrum, Vetoron, Duovit, Pikovit, take courses for 2-4 weeks, then take a break.



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