Hemorrhoids in women: symptoms and treatment. External hemorrhoids: symptoms and treatment by stages

For the treatment of hemorrhoids at home, women use a huge variety of remedies, both medicinal and folk, because this delicate disease causes an incredible amount of inconvenience. Many representatives of the weaker sex know about this disease not from the stories of their friends, but from their sad experience. If you are also not spared by such a problem, read what therapy will help to cope with it.

What is hemorrhoids

This is the name of the condition in which the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum expand and become inflamed. The disease causes severe discomfort. If you do not turn to specialists, then it can lead to terribly serious consequences. You will be surprised to learn how common the disease is - at least once in a lifetime, eight out of ten people suffer from this ailment. The following types of hemorrhoids are classified:

  1. Interior. Hemorrhoids are localized in the lumen of the rectum. Expanding, the vascular plexuses protrude from under the mucosa. Outwardly, this is practically not visible, therefore, a person thinks about the presence of a disease only because of unpleasant sensations.
  2. External. Protrusion of nodes near the anus outwards. This is clearly visible upon visual inspection.
  3. Combined. The presence of nodes inside and outside.

There are four stages of disease severity:

  1. First. Formation of small nodules. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are almost invisible, local therapy.
  2. Second. Hemorrhoids grow, may fall out. It delivers palpable pain.
  3. Third. With any action, the nodes fall out. Complex therapy is required.
  4. Fourth. The bumps are large, bleed and become very painful. They are constantly outside. If conservative treatment at home does not help, surgery is used.

The causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • pregnancy, natural delivery;
  • vascular pathology;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any inflammatory processes, tumors in the pelvis;
  • increased tendency to thrombosis;
  • passive lifestyle.

Symptoms that appear with the disease:

  • discomfort in the anus;
  • admixture of blood in the feces;
  • heaviness after a bowel movement, sometimes before it;
  • itching of the anus, burning, mucus secretion, redness;
  • pain aggravated by defecation;
  • presence of nodes.

You can not engage in self-treatment of hemorrhoids. If you feel any symptoms, consult a doctor. To make a diagnosis, the proctologist must conduct the following studies:

  • palpation of the rectum;
  • anoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • general blood analysis;
  • coprogram;
  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • irrigoscopy.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women

The disease will not go away on its own, so those who have its symptoms should go to see a specialist. In the first two stages, local preparations for home treatment show great efficiency: enemas, rectal suppositories, creams, ointments. Such funds contain a complex of components, each has a different effect: absorbable, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

At any stage of hemorrhoids, pharmaceutical systemic preparations are prescribed for treatment at home:

  • with bioflavonoids;

If the treatment of hemorrhoids at home in adults does not work, options for non-surgical removal are considered:

  • radio beam scalpel;
  • sclerosis;
  • laser coagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • infrared coagulation;
  • ligation with latex rings.

If the disease is very advanced, then a surgical operation is performed. It is necessary for large, constantly bleeding nodes and the absence of a result from the use of all of the above methods of treatment. The bumps are cut out with a scalpel, but laser and electrocoagulation can be additionally applied. Sometimes Longo's operation is performed. The essence of this technique is to suture just above the base of the nodes.

Remedies for hemorrhoids in women

After analyzing the above information, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: the sooner you start treating the disease, the better. The easiest way to get rid of hemorrhoids in the initial stages, using systemic drugs, local remedies, enemas. Their action will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain, remove swelling, burning and itching, and stop bleeding. It is not forbidden to additionally apply traditional medicine methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home.


All known remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home are divided into groups according to the principle of exposure:

  1. Anticoagulants. Dissolve blood clots, relieving swelling and inflammation, restore connective tissue, stop blood. Example - .
  2. Hemostatics, coagulants. Increase blood clotting.
  3. Venotonic, venoprotective, venosclerosing. Increase muscle tone. They make veins less permeable, restore blood flow, relieve swelling and inflammation (, Procto-Glivenol, Ginko-Biloba).
  4. Antispasmodics. Relieve pain.
  5. Immunostimulants. Strengthen the immune system (Posterizan).
  6. Anesthetics(Benzocaine, Lidocaine), antimicrobial (Triclosan, Etazol sodium), anti-inflammatory (, Bufeksamak). Relieve pain, itching, stop the development of infection, heal wounds.

The list of prescribed drugs depends on the type. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, drugs that prevent the formation of nodes are used:

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, drugs are needed, the action of which is aimed at restoring damaged tissues, removing swelling, inflammation, pain:

  • Ginko Fort;
  • Proctonis;
  • Anuzol;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Pilex;
  • Ibuprofen.


Rectal suppositories are often prescribed for hemorrhoids in women because they are effective and very easy to use. Choosing a drug, the doctor is based on the stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms. There are several general rules according to which hemorrhoids should be treated at home in women:

  • be sure to carefully monitor the hygiene of the anal area;
  • in the absence of a result and the appearance of strange symptoms, it is necessary to reconsider the tactics of therapy, and then the diagnosis;
  • constipation should be avoided;
  • the use of suppositories, as a rule, is prescribed for a week or two with strict adherence to the instructions.

The list of the best suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women:

  • (ordinary, Ultra, Advance);
  • Neo-Anuzole;
  • Anestezol;
  • Ginkor Procto;
  • Natalsid;
  • Doloproct;
  • Posterisan;
  • Sea buckthorn oil in suppositories;
  • Proctosedil-M;
  • Methyluracil;
  • Hamamelis;
  • Ultraproct;
  • Olestezin;
  • Proctis-M;
  • Hemo-Pro;
  • Calendula DN;
  • Prostopin;
  • Betiol, belladonna extract;
  • Proctosan;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Hepazolon;
  • Nigepan.


One of the complementary home treatments for hemorrhoids for women. You should make a solution in a bowl of boiled water with one or another remedy (herbs, infusions) and sit in it for a while. Depending on how the bath is prepared, it will give an antiseptic, analgesic, regenerating effect:

  1. hot. Relieves pain, inflammation. Such a bath is recommended to be done with a decoction of chamomile, onion peel, calendula, calamus, burdock root, St. John's wort, sage, potassium permanganate, garlic, horse chestnut, water pepper. It is necessary to sit in the solution from a quarter of an hour to 25 minutes.
  2. Warm. Strengthens blood vessels, heals small cracks, removes itching. Oak bark, chamomile, onion peel, manganese, milk, garlic are suitable for treatment with a bath.
  3. Cool. Stops bleeding, relieves pain. The water temperature for treatment at home should be no more than 20 degrees. You need to start with a five-minute session, adding two minutes for each next. Chamomile, celandine, nettle, plantain are suitable for the solution.
  4. Steam, smoke. They quickly relieve pain, but are rarely used because they are the most difficult to do.


A time-tested and very effective remedy for home treatment, which is now underestimated by many specialists. Vaseline helps relieve swelling and relieve pain in about a week. Its action is aimed at:

  • decreased sensitivity of the anorectal zone;
  • increase in skin elasticity;
  • reduction of swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • restoration of the integrity of the anus mucosa;
  • improvement of local blood circulation.

How to use Vaseline for home treatment:

  1. After emptying, wash the anus thoroughly with soap and dry with a cloth.
  2. You need to take a little Vaseline and apply it to the affected areas with massaging movements.
  3. Attach a cotton swab on top, into which the remaining ointment will be absorbed.
  4. Apply a compress with Vaseline several times a day and always the last time at night.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies

In those days when traditional medicine was not yet developed and accessible, and the problem already existed, it was solved in other ways. Used folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women. To reduce the nodes and the discomfort they cause, herbal decoctions and tinctures, compresses with various products that have a healing effect were used. Today, folk remedies are no less effective as part of complex treatment.

Herbal ointments

There are several good recipes:

  1. Mix equal amounts of oak bark, toadflax flowers and water pepper herb. Mix this collection with hot lard. It should be about half thinned. Put the mixture on a small fire and cook for 12 hours without ceasing to stir. Strain, pour into a jar. Put the finished ointment on a gauze swab and insert it into the anus and keep it for 4-5 hours.
  2. Apply compresses with aloe gruel to hemorrhoids.

Honey and propolis

Home remedies for hemorrhoids in women:

  1. Propolis must be dissolved in boiling water and insisted for a day. Soak cotton wool in this tincture and apply to the anus. The treatment period is 2-3 weeks.
  2. Combine equal amounts of beetroot juice and honey. Make lotions with this mixture.
  3. Grate a piece of propolis, pour half a glass of olive oil, add flaxseed and put on a small fire. When it melts, remove the mixture from the stove. Lubricate the anus with the resulting ointment.


  1. From a fresh potato, cut a bar and give it the shape of a smooth candle. Enter into the anus and leave it there for several hours, and preferably all night.
  2. Grate potatoes. With the resulting slurry, make a compress for 6-12 hours.
  3. Grate the peeled potatoes, squeeze out the juice. Give them enemas for 10 consecutive days. One procedure requires 30 ml of juice.

Video: How to get rid of hemorrhoids at home

Hemorrhoids in women is a common disease that brings beautiful representatives no less trouble than men. It can occur even more often in women, but they are less likely to seek help.

It seems to them that this is a shame, but the problem becomes even greater, because such a specific ailment needs to be treated at the initial stage, especially when you consider that girls have more aggravating factors than boys.

It is also important to remember that hemorrhoids, whether external or internal, will not go away on their own. At whatever stage it is, you need to contact a specialist. Even if you are not sure that you suffer from this particular disease, it would be useful to contact a proctologist to exclude or start treating hemorrhoidal formations in a timely manner.

In this article, we will consider the features of hemorrhoids in women, its symptoms and first signs in the initial stage, as well as modern methods of treating hemorrhoids, including at home using suppositories, ointments and folk remedies. If you have any questions - leave them in the comments, or share your feedback on the successful disposal of this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

The most common causes contributing to the development of pathology are associated with inactivity, lack of motor activity or sedentary professional activity. No wonder hemorrhoids are also called a disease of civilized countries.

So, let's consider in detail the common risk factors that are the causes of hemorrhoids in women:

  1. Pregnancy, childbirth. The uterus increases in size during pregnancy, so it puts pressure on the vessels, which causes blood stasis. During childbirth, this stagnation becomes stronger, because in the process of straining, the blood supply to the pelvic veins increases.
  2. Constipation. Women are more likely than men to suffer from constipation due to the peculiarities of the structure of the intestine (elongated sigmoid colon). During a bowel movement with constipation, a woman strains, while the pressure on the walls of the venous vessels of the anal canal increases, and hemorrhoidal "bumps" appear.
  3. Physical stress, hard work. As you know, a Russian woman "stops a galloping horse, enters a burning hut." Well, from time immemorial, the profession of a sleeper has been considered primordially female in our country ... Plus, recently mass emancipation has been gaining momentum all over the world, women are increasingly starting to engage in purely male types of work and sports. Even the Olympic program includes competitions in wrestling and weightlifting among women ... And how many lovely ladies, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, exhaust themselves with exercises with “iron” in gyms!
  4. Sedentary lifestyle. Most of us work in offices, sit at a computer and papers almost the entire working day. Yes, and many modern city dwellers prefer to spend their free time in front of the TV or at gatherings in a cafe. Naturally, in this case, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disturbed, the blood stagnates, stretching the veins, which leads to the formation of pathological nodes.
  5. Menstruation. You may notice that hemorrhoids worsen or begin to develop during menstruation. Of course, it cannot be said that this process is the direct cause of the disease, however, during this period, more and more blood rushes to the small pelvis, the blood vessels overflow, which may cause hemorrhoids.
  6. Improper nutrition. The fast pace of life, when in one day you need to have time to do a thousand things, for a complete and balanced diet, unfortunately, leaves no time at all. Therefore, today malnutrition occupies a leading position among all risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids. Every woman knows what the desire for an ideal figure is and what sacrifices she is ready to make for this goal. As a result of all kinds of experiments and unbalanced diets, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the work of the digestive system worsens.

The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids is a violation of the filling of the cavernous veins with blood. This condition can be provoked by a slowdown in venous outflow or an increase in arterial blood flow. A peculiar bag of blood formed in an enlarged vein is called a hemorrhoid. Most experts believe that the prolapse of hemorrhoids occurs due to the weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the mucous layer of the rectum.

First signs

The very first manifestation is a feeling of discomfort in the anus. It can occur during bowel movements, sitting or walking. Itching, burning, sensation of a foreign object - all this indicates inflammation of the venous nodes.

Let's single out first signs of hemorrhoids in women:

  • feeling of discomfort, burning, itching;
  • slight bleeding while going to the toilet;
  • inflammatory processes of the anus;
  • pain, tingling, cramps during bowel movements;
  • prolapse or swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • copious secretion of mucus.

Over time, the symptoms of hemorrhoids get worse. There is swelling of the anus, heaviness in the groin. It becomes difficult to walk and it hurts to sit. In the event of a pinched hemorrhoid, a woman experiences a sharp, very severe pain. The nodes themselves can be detected by touching the anus: they feel like bumps under the skin. In advanced cases, nodes may fall out.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women with the development of the disease become more pronounced (see photo). So, with external hemorrhoids observed:

  1. Increased itching in the perianal area, secretion of mucus from the rectum, which causes burning and irritation in the anus;
  2. Small lump at the entrance to the rectum, which increases over time, becomes inflamed, becomes painful. There may be several such seals, and they come out during defecation or when straining;
  3. Feeling of discomfort and itching around the anus, which intensifies, and after defecation there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine;
  4. Anal pain and bleeding during defecation. Going to the toilet becomes painful for a woman.

The most common complaint with hemorrhoids is the sensation of a foreign body in the rectum, as well as heaviness in the groin when walking. These signs are explained by the bulging of hemorrhoidal "cones" overflowing with blood. Itching and burning in the anus are also characteristic symptoms of hemorrhoids in women. These signs occur due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus with secretions, and are also a manifestation of erosion of the walls of inflamed hemorrhoids.

Stages of hemorrhoids

It should be noted that the more neglected the disease, the more radical the method used to treat it. The development of hemorrhoids occurs in four stages:

  1. It is characterized by swelling and swelling of captive, sometimes bleeding hemorrhoids. There is an increase in the vascular pattern of the mucous membrane, as well as minor anatomical changes in the longitudinal muscle.
  2. At this point, the hemorrhoidal bumps increase in size, become more dense and painful. When defecation, they come out (this is a reversible process, they enter back on their own). Not only blood oozes from the rectum, but also an inflammatory fluid - it irritates the anus area, uncontrollable itching and discomfort appear. Women become very nervous. And already at this stage, almost 80% of them go to the doctor for help.
  3. It proceeds against the background of increasing anal itching and frequent bleeding. Prolapse of hemorrhoids requires manual or instrumental reduction. In the course of a laboratory study, morphological changes in muscle tissue are detected, indicating the predominance of dystrophic processes and loss of elasticity.
  4. There is also a group of particularly persistent women who engage in ineffective self-treatment and "spit on some kind of doctor." They have a unique chance that the 4th stage of the disease will soon develop! I don’t even want to talk about wild discomfort, pain, suffering. We will describe only the main symptoms: severe bleeding during bowel movements, various bumps inside and outside the anus, the inability to set the hemorrhoids in any way (even manually), blood clots appear.

In general, despite certain causal features, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women and girls are typical and do not differ from those in men.

What does hemorrhoids look like in women: photo

In the photo below you can see what hemorrhoids look like in women, depending on the stage of development of the disease.

Click on the spoiler to view



There are three types of ailment in accordance with the location of hemorrhoids:

  1. Internal hemorrhoids, in which the nodes are located under the mucous membranes of the rectum, but higher than the border of the dentate line. Localization - the place of the internal plexus of the veins.
  2. For external hemorrhoids hemorrhoids are located below the dentate line.
  3. Combined hemorrhoids represented by a combination of internal and external types of the disease.

The degree of development of hemorrhoids depends on which of the four successive stages it is in.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women

In women, the proctologist takes the treatment and diagnosis of hemorrhoids. It is this specialist who is engaged in examinations, prescribes therapy, gives all possible recommendations, and also tries to support the patient.

True, not all polyclinics have a proctologist, since his specialty and direction is rather narrow, most often he takes either in hospitals or in private medical clinics for a fee.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of female hemorrhoids can be made already during a visual examination of the anal region, in which edematous, hyperemic, dense hemorrhoids are determined, sometimes ulcers covered with blood clots are visible on their tops.

  1. At rectal examination reveal the presence of internal nodes and other pathology of the rectum (polyps, tumors).
  2. Sigmoidoscopy- Examination of the rectum and rectosigmoid for comorbidities.
  3. Anoscopy is performed to assess the condition of the anal mucosa. Inspection is carried out by a special apparatus - an anoscope.
  4. Colonoscopy allows you to assess the condition of the entire intestinal mucosa.

Often, patients experience shame in front of a proctologist and hope that the disease will go away on its own, but such behavior is fundamentally wrong. The disease can only get worse and worse, so when the first signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Do not try to diagnose and self-medicate yourself, as it is very difficult. In addition, this disease can be confused with other serious diseases of the rectum.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women

In the case of hemorrhoids in women, the initial stage of the disease allows treatment at home without hospitalization. While the second and third require hospitalization. More advanced cases or stage four are treated with surgery alone.

How to quickly treat hemorrhoids in women? Symptomatic medications are used that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, resolving effects. Below are the names of the most effective drugs.

most popular ointments for hemorrhoids are:

  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Posterisan;
  • Relief;
  • Aurobin;
  • Bezornil.

This form of medicines is most effective for eliminating the external manifestations of the disease. For internal hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories, they are best at stopping inflammation and eliminating painful symptoms. Here is a list of the most common drugs:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Posterisan;
  • Candles with adrenaline;
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Candles with belladonna;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Candles with propolis.

In cases where local treatment is not effective enough, the doctor will recommend combine suppositories and ointments with venotonic drugs in the form of tablets or capsules. For oral administration, drugs such as:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Detralex;
  • Aescusan;
  • Troxerutin.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to see a doctor and get advice from a proctologist on the use of medicines. You can not self-medicate, relying on advice or reviews on the Internet, especially for pregnant women.

Minimally invasive treatments

When conservative methods of treatment at home do not bring the expected result, the operation is performed using minimally invasive methods:

  1. Sclerotherapy - the essence is the introduction of a substance with a sclerosing effect into the hemorrhoid. It causes flattening of dilated veins and their gluing. Simultaneous sclerosis of no more than two hemorrhoids is recommended, but the procedure can be repeated after two weeks.
  2. Alloying with latex rings. The basis of this method of treatment is putting latex rings on the nodular formation of hemorrhoids. It puts pressure on the vessels that carry blood, thus closing the possibility of nourishment to the nodular formation, which gradually dries up and finally dies off after four days, then coming out through the anus. The ring is made of natural material. One latex ring has an outer diameter of five millimeters and an inner diameter of one millimeter.
  3. Fluorocoagulation is carried out using a light guide, which is brought to the hemorrhoid until complete contact. Radiated thermal energy contributes to the desolation and gluing of venous vessels.
  4. Cryotherapy - is the treatment of nodular formations with a very low temperature, which decreases to two hundred degrees. Manipulation is performed using the apparatus "cryoprobe". The cryoprobe is connected to a cylinder filled with nitrogen. The nitrogen supply is controlled by tubes connecting the balloon and the cryoprobe. Treatment of the disease with this device gives a noticeable effect at any stage of the development of the disease, except for the fourth. At the last stage of the disease, hemorrhoids spread over a large area. The focus of his defeat is too large. Doctors can only prescribe in this situation an operative intervention called hemorrhoidectomy.

All minimally invasive interventions are performed on an outpatient basis, using special equipment and local anesthesia. The procedure does not last long, after which the patient is under the supervision of doctors for some time, then he goes home. Recovery after the intervention occurs in a short period, there are practically no complications.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women at home

Folk remedies are used to treat hemorrhoids in women as an auxiliary, with a decrease in inflammation. From folk recipes it is clear that they prefer local exposure at home with the help of tampons, lubrication, baths.

  1. Sitz baths. There are several herbs that are great for helping with hemorrhoids. These include oak bark, chamomile, celandine and calendula. They have antibacterial and analgesic properties. To prepare the remedy, you need to take one type of herb or make a mixture of herbs, taking them in equal amounts, pour boiling water over them. The remedy is allowed to infuse. As soon as it cools down a bit, you can proceed to sitz baths. In addition to herbs, a cool bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate will also help.
  2. To narrow blood vessels, strengthen their walls ice can be applied, regular or from chamomile infusion. Ice cubes should be placed in clean gauze and applied briefly to avoid hypothermia.
  3. Mix in tsp. honey, propolis, birch tar, vaseline, sea buckthorn oil. It will turn out an excellent tool that you need to lubricate the bumps before going to bed or make compresses on a napkin. Such treatment is effective and harmless, it should be used for 10 days.
  4. Beet juice microclysters(50 ml) in a warm form are introduced into the rectum at night.
  5. Help treat disease lotions that are made directly on the nodes themselves. For example, a piece of cloth can be abundantly moistened with a decoction of herbs and applied to the knots for several hours. These can be simple lotions from cold water, lotions with an infusion of wild strawberry leaves.

Before using any, even the most effective folk remedy for hemorrhoids, you must always consult with a specialist. Only the right treatment will give positive results.


As you know, timely warning is much better and cheaper (in every sense of the word) than long and painful treatment. Fortunately, hemorrhoids is a disease that we can influence and quite successfully for the better. To understand what is best for prevention, it would be advisable to return to the factors of the disease and try to minimize them, if it is impossible to eliminate them altogether:

  1. Do not lift heavy objects frequently. If you must lift heavy objects, do not hold your breath while lifting.
  2. Maintain proper bowel function, eat right and do not provoke the appearance of constipation and diarrhea. The diet should include fiber, fluids, vegetables and fruits. Only healthy balanced fractional food. 4-5 times a day, especially during pregnancy, drink plenty of water and timely emptying of the body.
  3. Do not strain the anus during bowel movements, do not sit for hours in the toilet for an interesting book or newspaper.
  4. Avoid prolonged sitting, try to be physically active. Moderation is the key to good health. If your profession "binds" you to a chair for a while, take frequent breaks to perform movements in moderate physical activity such as walking or swimming.

Preventive measures are necessary not only for those who fear a relapse of the disease, but also for those whose relatives suffer from hemorrhoids or simply want to protect themselves from the possible occurrence of the disease.

External (external) hemorrhoids, accompanied by an increase and - perhaps the most common disease of a proctological nature.

According to various statistics, this pathology occurs in 10-25% of the adult population, other sources speak of 70% of men and women suffering from this unpleasant disease.

Pathological changes can affect both internal and external hemorrhoidal plexuses, which is why it is necessary to dwell in more detail on what are the causes of inflammatory processes and how to treat external hemorrhoids with medicines and folk remedies.

Features of the disease

The natural end of the human digestive tract is the rectum, surrounded by a double ring of vein plexus: internal and external.

  • external hemorrhoids (a photo of the disease can be seen in the article);
  • interior;
  • mixed (combined).

With external hemorrhoids, inflamed hemorrhoidal nodules of various shapes and sizes are located outside the anus, along the perimeter of the anus.

External hemorrhoids should be distinguished from the severe stage of inflammation of the internal hemorrhoids, when they fall out of the anus.

In the case of advanced internal hemorrhoids, the prolapsed venous plexuses have a mucous membrane.

With external hemorrhoids, nodules located outside the intestines are covered with skin.

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Moreover, with the weakening or temporary disappearance of symptoms, the external bumps are practically painless and do not bother a person. But in case of exacerbation, an intense inflammatory process and a pronounced pain syndrome occur.

Causes of external hemorrhoids

The most important reason for the formation of external hemorrhoids is the congenital weakness of the walls of the veins and hereditary predisposition. That is, in such a situation, the probability of the appearance of nodes or varicose veins is significantly higher than in the general population.

Of course, the predisposition to inflammation of hemorrhoids does not indicate the mandatory onset of the disease. However, the risk increases in the presence of the following provoking factors:

  • a "sedentary" lifestyle or a field of activity that is associated with standing on your feet or lifting weights;
  • persistent problems with bowel movements - constipation or diarrhea;
  • weightlifting and other types of power (kettlebell lifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc.);
  • a diet dominated by low-fiber foods, spicy and fatty foods, coffee drinks;
  • inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • addiction to and (more common among the strong half of humanity);
  • , labor activity in women (this factor is associated with physiological changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and woman in labor).

The influence of each of these "provocateurs" (or their combination) leads to stagnation of blood in the peritoneum and pelvic organs. Such a condition is fraught with an increase in the saphenous veins and the development of inflamed nodules near the anus.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

At the beginning of the pathological process, external, or external, hemorrhoids are not particularly “bright”. , a qualified proctologist will be able to tell.

Its "known" initial features are:

  • constant, generally discomfort in the anus;
  • small ones that are found on toilet paper (this is not an obligatory symptom of the disease, since bleeding is possible only if the external nodes have increased significantly in size).

At especially “critical” moments, the external venous plexuses begin to become inflamed and swell, which leads to quite pronounced twitching pains. There is no pain during remission.

It is possible to determine external hemorrhoids in a patient with a visual examination of the anus. During the period of exacerbation, hemorrhoidal cones can be felt by the patient himself.

What happens if external hemorrhoids are not treated?

Therapy of the disease must be timely, otherwise its progress can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition. In the absence of treatment of external hemorrhoids or the wrong choice of therapeutic techniques, complications may develop.

The most serious and severe consequence -. Blood clots form during prolonged stagnation, very soon they begin to burst the nodules from the inside, resulting in the following:

  • sharp, sometimes painful pains that increase when a person walks, changes position, and even coughs or sneezes;
  • blue tissue, tension and swelling that extend to the external hemorrhoidal venous nodes;
  • , hyperemia (reddening of the skin) caused by the spread of inflammation;
  • the transition of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues (this further enhances the discomfort).

If you ignore these alarming symptoms, then in the future it is possible to develop a pararectal abscess - inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue located around the rectum.

In turn, this pathological process is fraught with the emergence of - a kind of tubules, from which pus comes out. These "moves" not only look frightening, but can also cause tissue infection.

When is it necessary? Naturally, it is better for patients not to bring their condition to such a serious one. That is why it is recommended to visit a doctor and start treatment at the first symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

Conservative methods of treatment of external hemorrhoids

Among the methods of getting rid of external hemorrhoids, preference is given to conservative therapy. It is a procedure and activities designed to eliminate symptoms and alleviate a person's condition.

In addition to correcting the diet and lifestyle, the treatment of external hemorrhoids involves the use of those recommended by the doctor, among them are:

  • local remedies (creams, ointments, suppositories);
  • systemic drugs - tablets.

Conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids includes the use of agents designed to relieve swelling, itching, reduce inflammation and pain.

Another important point of treatment is the use of venoprotectors and venotonics, which improve the condition of the entire venous system. Such drugs also prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of severe complications.

General medicines

Such remedies are indicated in the case of general venous insufficiency, as a result of which external hemorrhoids occur.

There are the following groups of venotonics that provide rapid relief of symptoms:

  • Preparations with diosmin as an active ingredient. This group includes Flebodia 600,. The active substance helps to increase the tone of the walls of the veins, reduce congestion, improve blood circulation. As a result, the veins are better able to withstand external factors.
  • Means containing a complex of diosmin + hesperedin. This category includes and. Active substances tone the veins, reduce the permeability of blood vessels, normalize metabolism in cell membranes and improve blood circulation.
  • Medicines based on troxerutin. This group of pharmaceuticals includes and. Their intake helps to increase the tone of the veins, reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, reduce swelling and inflammation in the veins and nearby tissues.
  • Means based on pentoxifylline. This category includes medicines Trental and Vasonit. As a result of their use in patients, small blood vessels expand, their damage is prevented, and blood circulation improves.
  • Medicines with natural ingredients. Among them, Pilex is especially distinguished. The herbal ingredients contained in these products reduce blood stasis, swelling, relieve inflammation, and ensure the healing of damaged tissues.

Treatment at home with systemic medications should be carried out after the approval of the attending physician. Each listed drug has its own contraindications, which the patient may not even be aware of.

Means of local action

How about creams? Observing all the rules for the use of drugs - including the frequency and duration of application.

First of all, they will help to defeat hemorrhoids, among which the following medicines are distinguished.

  • Ointments and gels. Medicines contain shark liver extracts, which relieve inflammation and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. Also, ointments help stop bleeding, reduce pain.
  • . Active ingredients relieve inflammation, stop the formation of blood clots, reduce the severity of pain.
  • . A complex agent containing antithrombotic, antibacterial and hormonal components. Thanks to this combination, the drug can defeat swelling, inflammation and blockage of blood vessels.
  • . The active ingredients included in the composition prevent thrombosis, reduce swelling and inflammation, contribute to the normalization of blood flow in the pelvic organs, and the healing of damaged tissues.
  • . Another representative of hormone-containing drugs. Its ingredients reduce the severity of pain, inflammation, destroy pathogenic microbes and heal the affected skin.

In addition to the use of directly antihemorrhoidal medications, the treatment of hemorrhoids at home is often accompanied by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, your doctor may prescribe Diclofenac or Ibuprofen for pain relief.

Minimally invasive procedures

If the treatment of external hemorrhoids at home with conservative methods has not brought a visible result, it is possible to use some minimally invasive methods:

  • . This technique is used in the later stages of the disease. Its essence lies in putting on special rings on the hemorrhoid. Its "leg" is pinched, as a result of which the nodule gradually dies off and disappears.
  • . This procedure is indicated at the very beginning of the development of the disease. A special device directs the rays to the base of the hemorrhoidal bump, so that it "dries up" and disappears. Only a scar remains on the anal region.

Minimally invasive techniques allow you to answer the question of how to quickly cure hemorrhoids. However, they also have some contraindications. For example, with external nodes, sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids is not recommended.

Such procedures should not be performed for pararectal abscess, blood clots in hemorrhoidal cones and anal fissures.

Surgical interventions

How to treat external hemorrhoids, which is not amenable to drug therapy, is constantly aggravated and complicated by nodule thrombosis? In this case, they resort to operations, since such a condition threatens the life of the patient.

As a rule, thrombectomy is used - a type of surgical intervention that involves opening an external nodule and removing a blood clot.

The operation is performed in a medical institution under local anesthesia. This type of surgical intervention is considered sparing, since the patient quickly returns to his usual way of life.

The operation technique consists of the following steps:

  • the introduction of anesthesia at the place of future intervention;
  • cutting the surface of thrombosed hemorrhoidal cones;
  • the introduction of a special preparation inside, which softens the clot and allows it to be removed;
  • restoration of the integrity of the vein.

The patient feels improvement almost immediately after the operation. Excruciating pain disappears, swelling decreases, inflammation of the venous plexuses decreases.

In the postoperative period, the patient must perform hygiene procedures, for example, apply a sterile bandage to the operated hemorrhoid.

Folk remedies

Suggest how to treat hemorrhoids at home conditions, alternative medicine will help. At the disposal of patients are various small baths with infusions of medicinal plants, various compresses and ointments with natural ingredients.

A popular folk remedy is an ointment made from propolis and vegetable oil. It effectively relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces pain, restores damaged areas of the body and slows down the development of the pathological process.

Another popular advice is to apply a gauze swab lubricated with sea buckthorn oil to the affected hemorrhoids. Natural plant extract has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can cure hemorrhoids with the help of a plant that has high anti-hemorrhoidal properties. Decoctions, lotions, compresses are made from this herb. To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. dry raw materials need to pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist 12 hours.

At home, you can prepare decoctions for oral administration from the following medicinal plants:

  • raspberry leaves;
  • tops of carrots;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • horse chestnut berries.

These funds are designed to relieve inflammation, strengthen the venous walls and improve the overall immunity of the body. In addition, honey can be added to the rosehip infusion.

In addition, a good way to relieve pain and stop bleeding is to take cold sitz baths. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to pour cold water or an infusion of medicinal plants into the container, and then sit in the bath for a few minutes.

Quickly cure hemorrhoids at home (or relieve symptoms) help from. A course of 10 procedures with chamomile, calamus, sage, onion or garlic decoction will help relieve pain and inflammation.

However, it should be understood that they are used only as additional procedures. If a patient is diagnosed with hemorrhoids, a proctologist will help to tell how to treat an external inflamed node with the help of alternative medicine.

The specialist will explain how such techniques can be combined with medication treatment and adherence to certain recommendations regarding the proper diet and necessary hygiene measures.

Features of the treatment of external hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy

Therapy of external hemorrhoids in women in position should be especially careful and balanced. That is why expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

How to treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Preference is given to local pharmaceuticals - ointments or creams. External hemorrhoids in women in position involves the use of the following medications:

  • . A popular homeopathic preparation, which is dominated by natural herbal ingredients. Ointment agent well reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, relieves itching and pain.
  • . Another natural medicine created according to the recipes of Chinese healers. The cream has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory properties, is able to stop minor bleeding.
  • Sea buckthorn ointment. Perfectly restores the integrity of the skin and heals wounds, eliminates inflammation. Also belongs to the number of natural remedies.
  • Relief. The ointment and gel products of this series also contain other natural ingredients. Medicines at home quickly anesthetize, relieve inflammation of the nodes and heal wounds.
  • . The drug stimulates local immunity, relieves inflammation, restores damaged areas of the skin and has an antipruritic effect.

In severe cases, for the treatment of external inflamed hemorrhoids, systemic medications are taken that improve venous tone and reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. These include Detralex tablets

The above recommendations will help various categories of patients decide how to treat external hemorrhoids. The first and most important advice is to contact a specialist who will determine the stage of the disease, select and prescribe the most suitable and safe medicines, help determine the folk remedies or send you for an operation. It is important to understand that self-treatment in such situations is fraught with inefficiency and serious undesirable consequences.

Hemorrhoids - a disease that occurs when blood circulation in the veins of the anus is disturbed, with the formation of nodes and extensions in them. As the disease progresses, the nodes become inflamed and protrude into the anus or into the intestinal lumen.

Hemorrhoids are divided into 3 forms:

  • interior;
  • combined;
  • outer.

Treatment and diagnosis of hemorrhoids must be quick and timely to avoid excruciatingly painful exacerbations. Methods of treatment of external hemorrhoids depend on the severity of the disease, which is determined by the specialist proctologist. Diagnosis includes history taking and examination. External hemorrhoids are visible without the use of instrumental methods of examination, but in order to exclude possible oncological diseases, a colonoscope is used or flexible sigmoidoscopy is performed. If bleeding from the rectum is observed, a digital rectal examination may be required to determine the severity of the disease.

Stages of the disease

Relief - popular candles and ointments for hemorrhoids

In the remission stage, patients have practically no complaints, but the recurrence of the disease can be quite painful:

  • nodes in the anus bleed during the passage of feces;
  • anal fissures are painful and also bleeding;
  • the patient is concerned about itching, irritation, discomfort in the anus;
  • with relapse and exacerbation, hemorrhoids become inflamed and pain occurs during bowel movements;
  • the patient himself can feel small bumps near the anus: there may be several of them and they can be of different sizes.

According to the symptoms, you can approximately determine the severity of the disease:

  1. First stage manifested by itching, burning and small bleeding. In the anus, you can feel the seals. Warm baths and proper nutrition, regular physical activity will help alleviate the situation;
  2. Second stage manifested by enlarged nodes and mucous secretions. Defecation becomes uncomfortable and painful. At this stage, you need to consult a doctor and carry out the prescribed treatment;
  3. Third stage aggravated by swelling and irritation - the disease takes an acute form;
  4. At the fourth stage nodes increase so much that they prevent the patient from leading a normal life. At this stage, the formation of blood clots can occur, which trigger the inflammatory process. The nodes turn blue and hurt. If you do not begin to be treated, then an inflammatory process with high fever, swelling and weakness may develop. Treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids includes thrombolytic and venotonic drugs. Sometimes surgery may be required.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with ointments and suppositories

At the first stage of the disease, the use of suppositories and ointments is not necessary. It is enough to put the food in order so that the feces become soft and do not injure the intestinal walls. You need to drink enough liquid.

In the later stages, medical treatment is necessary. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, drugs should be used only as directed by a doctor in short courses, no more than 10 days. Then there is a break. Particular attention should be paid to the use of hormonal suppositories and ointments.

The choice of drugs should be carried out depending on the main symptom:

  • with pain in the node, you need to choose candles with lidocaine or anesthesin: Emlu or Relief Advance;
  • For the treatment of uncomplicated hemorrhoids, it is good to use anticoagulants: Nigepan or heparin ointment;
  • if the disease is complicated by inflammation: Diclofenac, Piroxecam or ibuprofen;
  • if the skin is involved in the inflammatory process: mafenide acetate ointment or Levomekol;
  • for bleeding, combined preparations with venotonic, vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic components are used: Proctoglivenol, Relief and hemostatic hemostatics - Adroxon.

Ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. Ointment Proctosedil used to treat all types of hemorrhoids. The composition of the drug includes a glucocorticosteroid, an antibiotic and a heparin salt, due to which the drug has an anesthetic, antithrombotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Ointment Posterizan- is a combination drug with Escherichia coli in the composition, which increases local immunity and increases the resistance of the skin around the anus to pathogenic microflora. The drug stimulates cellular immunity, increases tone, improves vascular permeability, restores damaged tissues.
  3. Relief Advance and Relief Ultra- the most effective and popular drugs for external hemorrhoids. They include shark liver oil, which has a local wound healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Phenylephrine hydrochloride, also present in the composition of the drug, has a local vasoconstrictive effect, relieves itching and swelling of tissues.
  4. Hepatrombin G It is considered a very effective drug, consisting of heparin, allantoin, dexpanthenol. This is a well-known antithrombotic agent, decongestant and improves local blood flow in the rectum. The substance allantoin has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic processes. Dexpanthenol accelerates tissue epithelialization.
  5. Aurobin can only be used as directed by a doctor. It contains a hormonal agent - prednisolone. As an anesthetic, Lidocaine is included in its composition, which reduces burning and pain. Dexpanthenol quickly heals tissues;
  6. Methyluracil usually prescribed in the presence of external hemorrhoids and its combination with cracks in the anus. The drug helps with their further healing, helps as an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent.
  7. Heparin ointment traditionally used in hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis. In acute hemorrhoids, heparin ointment is lubricated with tissue and applied to the nodes. Heparin has an antithrombotic effect, reduces the inflammatory process. Anestezin, which is part of it, has an analgesic effect.
  8. Candles Anuzol have analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, antiseptic and drying effect. Candles are used to treat anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Diet for hemorrhoids

Medical treatment of external hemorrhoids will be effective only if lifestyle changes are made. Healthy activity in combination with a healthy diet will be the key to effective treatment and increase the duration of remission of the disease. Of course, it is necessary to choose a vitamin complex to replenish vitamins and microelements in the body.

Heavy lifting, sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation - a short cut to the development of hemorrhoids. To prevent the cured disease from reappearing, prevention of constipation is necessary. Care must be taken to empty the bowels every day without holding back the stool.

Compliance with a diet for hemorrhoids, especially with its exacerbations, is the key to a quick cure and prolongation of remission. You should include in the diet a maximum of laxative foods:

  • prunes, dried apricots, apricots, apples, peaches, figs;
  • cereal or grain breads;
  • beets, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower;
  • plum and apricot juice, vegetable juices with pulp;
  • White wine.

To replenish the necessary trace elements and vitamins in the diet, you must include the following products:

  • magnesium: nuts, plums, tomatoes, olives, green leaves, parsley, pumpkin, oats, bran, rye bread, bran;
  • vitamin K: green vegetables and plants, soybean oil, liver, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts;
  • vitamin C and B: berries, cabbage, green onions, tomatoes, sorrel, sweet peppers, black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, kiwi;
  • vitamin P: buckwheat, rose hips, green tea, oranges, black currants, chokeberries.

Fixing products should be excluded:

  • boiled meat, strong broths, raw and boiled eggs, cottage cheese;
  • semolina and rice porridge;
  • pasta;
  • quince, pomegranate, pear, persimmon, mountain ash, raisins and grapes;
  • mashed potatoes, carrots, eggplant;
  • biscuits, white bread, bagels, crackers;
  • toffee, chocolate;
  • decoctions of fixing plants - oak bark, pharmacy chamomile, mint, bird cherry;
  • jelly, aspic and jelly;
  • black coffee, tea, dried fruit compote.

How to treat external hemorrhoids with folk remedies

  1. Sitting baths of chamomile, marigold, string, sage, oak bark and other medicines are very popular. You can also cook them with propolis, manganese, garlic, onion peel.
  2. A well-known remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is sea buckthorn oil. Tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil are applied to the anus or inserted overnight into the rectum. You can also buy ready-made candles with sea buckthorn oil in a pharmacy.
  3. Lotions are also made from carrots and beets, buckthorn berries, clay with water and aspen leaves.
  4. Potato candles are made from peeled potatoes. A cone up to 1 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm long is cut out of a raw potato. Such a candle is placed all night. The course of treatment should be continued for 10 days. You can also make lotions from potato juice. A swab is soaked in potato juice and applied to the hemorrhoids every evening for 20 minutes.

Useful for external hemorrhoids is a special sphincter gymnastics, consisting of 3 exercises. You need to do it every day:

  • lying on your back, squeeze the buttocks, count slowly to 5, while simultaneously drawing in the rectum. Then, counting to 5, relax. Repeat 15 times;
  • then lie on your stomach, put your chin on your hands. Raise straight legs in turn: 10 times left, 10 times right;
  • then you should lie on your right side, bend your right arm at the elbow under your head, bend your left arm in front of your chest, and also bend your right leg. Counting to 4, raise your left leg, bend it at the knee, straighten it, take it back and lower it. Repeat the exercise 10 times on the left side.
  • Instead of toilet paper, wash with warm water without soap to help relieve itching.
  • Sleep on your stomach and place a pillow under your thighs to help reduce swelling.
  • If the work is sedentary, put a pillow under the buttocks, and every 40 minutes, be sure to get up and walk.
  • An inflamed hemorrhoid is anesthetized with ice. Ice candles are prepared from water (salted water) or a medicinal decoction (the liquid is poured into the little finger of a rubber glove and frozen). Such a candle can be kept in the anus until defrosted.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins located in the anus, as a result of stagnation of blood in them. The internal form of the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms, while external hemorrhoids in women make themselves felt with acute pain and bleeding. The external form is considered an advanced stage of pathology and needs immediate treatment.

The reasons

In addition to tablets, ointments, gels, and suppositories are prescribed. The following ointments have a thrombolytic effect:

  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • Venobene;

Radical treatments

Surgery for external hemorrhoids is indicated in the last stages of the disease, as well as in cases where conservative treatment has been ineffective. The following radical methods of treatment are practiced:

  • hemorrhoidopexy according to Longo (read more).

Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical intervention that is performed through the anus. A clamp is applied to the hemorrhoidal node, the node is cut off from the vascular pedicle and sutured with catgut. Then the wound is sutured.

If external hemorrhoids are complicated by thrombosis, thrombectomy is necessary. During the operation, nodes are opened and blood clots are removed, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Hemorrhoidopexy is a circumferential excision of a section of the rectal mucosa. Hemorrhoids are not removed. During the operation, they are pulled to the inner surface of the organ.

Minimally invasive

Minimally invasive therapy is a non-surgical treatment method that includes the following methods:

  • - latex rings are put on the hemorrhoidal node, which are pulled together by a doctor, the node is cut off from the circulatory system and subsequently disappears;
  • photocoagulation - a procedure using a photocoagulator with a special tip (the device is brought to the vascular pedicle of the node, pressed against the mucous membrane and cauterized, the defect necrosis occurs).

To determine which method of treatment will be most effective, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination.

Folk ways

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for external hemorrhoids, including herbal sitz baths, skin applications and herbal ointments. Many of them can be used even during pregnancy.

To relieve inflammation, infusions and decoctions are taken:

  1. Hazel based. 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves insist in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 1-1.5 hours. We take 100 ml 4 times a day.
  2. Based on carrot tops. We prepare an infusion of 40 g of vegetable raw materials and 1 liter of boiling water. The product is infused for 2 hours. We take 200 ml 3 times a day.
  3. Based on rose hips. 1 st. l. crushed fruits, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and add 2 tsp. honey. We insist the product under a closed lid for 12 hours. We filter and take 100 ml 5 times a day.

At home, ointments are prepared based on propolis and mummy. Additionally, you can make compresses from raw grated potatoes or carrots. To do this, finely rub the vegetable, wrap it in gauze and apply to the affected area for 15 minutes. Skin applications relieve itching and inflammation, and in combination with conservative treatment accelerate the healing process.



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