Homemade milk benefits and harms. How to choose cow's milk

Scientists, and even ordinary people, have been arguing for many years about the benefits and harms of milk. Supporters of both "camps" provide strong evidence in favor of their theories, but so far they have not come to a consensus. Let's try to figure out together whether milk is so useful, as it is sung in a famous children's song, and whether it is so harmful, as some experts say. And we will understand, relying both on scientific facts and on the observations of ordinary people.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value of 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 45 kcal
  • Proteins: 3 gr
  • Fats: 1.5 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 4.8 gr
  • Organic acids: 0.1 gr
  • Water: 89.9 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 1 g
  • Cholesterol: 5 mg
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 4.8 g
  • Ash: 0.7 gr


  • Calcium: 120 mg
  • Magnesium: 14 mg
  • Sodium: 50 mg
  • Potassium: 146 mg
  • Phosphorus: 90 mg
  • Chlorine: 110 mg
  • Sulfur: 29 mg


  • Vitamin A: 0.01 mg
  • Vitamin PP: 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 10 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.15 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.4 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 5 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamins): 0.4 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin D: 0.05 mcg
  • Vitamin H (biotin): 3.2 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.8 mg
  • Choline: 23.6 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 0.1 mg
  • Zinc: 0.4 mg
  • Iodine: 9 mcg
  • Copper: 12 mcg
  • Manganese: 0.006 mg
  • Selenium: 2 mcg
  • Chromium: 2 mcg
  • Fluorine: 20 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 5 mcg
  • Cobalt: 0.8 mcg
  • Aluminum: 50 mcg
  • Tin: 13 mcg
  • Strontium: 17 mcg

The composition of milk includes mineral, regular, energy and plastic substances, as well as some vitamins.

Plastic substances - amino acids

Three of them are especially important: lysine, tryptophan, methionine. If we consider them in more detail, we can distinguish the following features:

  • Lysine- a substance that affects blood formation. Its deficiency in the body leads to anemia and a lack of hemoglobin.
  • tryptophan- Needed for the synthesis of serotonin and nicotinic acid. Scientists have proven that the lack of this substance in the body can lead to such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, diabetes, and even dementia.
  • Methionine- a necessary component in the body that regulates fat metabolism and minimizes the risk of developing a fatty liver.

Minerals and trace elements

The product contains a huge amount of minerals: salts of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, as well as phosphoric, hydrochloric and citric acids. These components are found in milk in an easily digestible form. In addition, milk contains trace elements in small quantities: cobalt, manganese, iodine, copper, zinc and many other elements from the periodic table.

All of them are beneficial for the human body, to one degree or another prevent the development of serious diseases. So, for example, a deficiency can lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  • Lactose - stimulates the nervous system and regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Milk fat is an excellent source of energy.

Milk fat includes the most famous fatty acids to date, including those without which the full functioning of the body is impossible, but it is not able to produce them on its own. This component of milk is also rich in vitamins A, E, K, D, which are present in minimal amounts in other animal fats.

Regulatory elements - vitamins

It is known that a complex of vitamins is necessary for a person for health and a fulfilling life. Milk contains more than 30 vitamins, among which the most important are A, B1, B2.

The benefits of milk

Our grandparents also proved from their own experience that milk is useful for colds. And modern researchers have already confirmed that immunoglobulins, which are formed from protein foods, are needed to treat the infection. And milk protein is considered the most digestible of all known.

Important! The calcium contained in milk makes this product indispensable for children, as it is involved in the formation of bones, hair, and tooth enamel. Calcium is also useful for people suffering from osteoporosis.

A mug of warm milk at night helps with it, as it has a sedative effect on the nervous system. For heartburn, it is also recommended to drink some milk, as it lowers acidity.

Non-traditional ways of using milk include its use in cosmetology. Milk-based products moisturize, relieve irritation and fight inflammation.

Important!Milk is also useful because it has a diuretic effect, due to which the pressure decreases.

Harmful properties

Based on scientific research, one can talk about the dangers of milk for a very long time. Let's look at the most common theories.

The harm of lactose

Milk sugar (lactose) is broken down into two separate components, glucose and galactose. The first is completely absorbed, but the second is deposited on the joints, which can cause, as well as on the lens of the eye, which leads to the formation. There is also an opinion that galactose is the "culprit" in women.

Harm of radionuclides

We recommend reading:

Radionuclides are contained in many products, but it is almost impossible to remove them from milk. These substances, according to some researchers, contribute to the development of polyarthritis, rheumatism and atherosclerosis.

Interesting! If the cow was also given growth hormones in her food, then her milk can cause prostate cancer in men.

Naturally, the harmful properties of milk can manifest themselves in the form of a painful reaction in people prone to allergies. Therefore, the product should be used in moderation, and if signs of an allergy were noticed, be sure to consult a doctor.

Important!Due to poor ecology, many modern children are prone to allergies, including cow's milk. Therefore, before introducing complementary foods, consult a pediatrician. This is especially true with poor heredity.

Elena Malysheva tells about the possible harm that can be caused to the human body as a result of drinking milk:

Of course, the most useful is fresh milk. But not everyone can afford to buy it. When purchasing a product in the markets or in stores, follow the rules described below.

  • When buying village milk, you must be sure of the cleanliness of both the animal and its owner.
  • In the store, choose a pasteurized (not sterilized!) product, since the first one has a more gentle processing, which allows you to save all the useful properties to the maximum.

From early childhood, we have always been told that milk is a source of health and we need to drink it every day. This was tirelessly repeated at school, at home, and we, in turn, are already telling our children about the great benefits of milk. What do we know about the health benefits of milk? And is it possible to compare the nutritional value of store-bought milk with that which came directly from under the cow? But the main thing still remains the question of what is the benefit and harm of milk.

Homemade and store milk

On the scale of industrial production, the milk of several hundred cows is mixed, which already entails a loss of quality, rather than when receiving the product from each cow individually. The milk then undergoes pasteurization, in which it is heated to a certain temperature. This allows milk to be stored for a long time, preventing the growth of bacteria. The need for pasteurization for industrial production is obvious, because it significantly extends the shelf life of milk, but at the same time its nutritional value is significantly reduced.

There is another serious reason to say that store-bought milk is worse than a homemade product. The doses of various drugs fed to cows in industrial production are many times higher than those received by animals in the home or private sector.

Summing up the comparison of store-bought and home-made milk, it would not be superfluous to also pay attention to the fact that modern milk, which is sold in stores, often contains preservatives, milk powder and palm oil. But, unfortunately, in cities there is no opportunity to enjoy a natural product obtained from under a domestic cow.

Skimmed milk can be safely called useful, which is able to retain all the properties of whole milk. If such a product is consumed every day, then the risk of stroke, obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced. In addition, the calcium contained in milk helps to strengthen bones and teeth, as well as lower blood pressure.

Milk is useful for people who are actively involved in fitness, since the properties of this product contribute to the increase in muscle mass, but provided that it is consumed one hour after training. In this case, unwanted fat deposits will not occur in the body.

The content of calcium and phosphorus in milk, which are involved in the construction of brain cells, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Moreover, milk is able to act on the principle of mild sleeping pills. If you drink one glass of this drink at night, then a healthy and sound sleep will be provided. Also, when drinking milk, a weak diuretic effect is observed, which is good for people suffering from hypertension.

The composition of milk includes trace elements and vitamins that help restore the forces expended by the body during illness. The content of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and organs of vision. In addition, milk is a necessary product for pregnant women, which is associated with a high concentration of folic acid in this drink.

Undoubtedly, benefits of milk obvious, but, unfortunately, this product is far from being as perfect as we would like it to be. Whole milk is high in fat and calories. What's more, the milk fats in such milk are saturated, which can lead to clogged blood vessels. If we continue to develop the topic of the harm of whole milk, then we can cite a lot of arguments against this drink, who believe that milk leads to prostate cancer, cholesterol plaques, heart disease, etc. However, all this applies to whole milk, and if you use a low-fat product, the risk of developing these diseases is reduced to zero.

Every product has its pros and cons. milk harm no one has been hiding for a long time. The high glycemic index contained in this drink affects the increase in insulin in the blood. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink only skim milk.

Milk should be avoided by people who are lactose intolerant. An organism suffering from a lactose deficiency simply cannot digest this product, which will lead to an upset digestive system. Also, people who are prone to allergies to casein protein should not drink milk. The consequences can be unpredictable, up to severe allergic reactions with suffocation.

It is not recommended to give milk to children before they reach the age of 2-3 years due to the high content of fat in the composition of the drink. For children, special baby milk is made, the composition of which is ideally balanced for the baby's body and is saturated with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Proven facts about milk

  • The calcium content of 200 ml of whole milk, which has a fat content of 3.5%, is less than that of low-fat milk. Gastroenterologists recommend drinking milk with a fat content of 2.5%, since in this case vitamins and calcium are best absorbed by the body.
  • Not so long ago, many thought that casein (a kind of milk protein) has a direct effect on the thickening of the vascular walls. Today, this hypothesis has not received scientific confirmation, but many doctors unanimously declare that with diseases of the heart and blood vessels benefits of milk can be quite noticeable.
  • It is best to drink milk 40 minutes before meals. After eating, drinking milk is undesirable, as this product blocks the normal secretion of gastric juice. Ideally, milk is combined with sweet fruits, berries and starchy vegetables. Milk should be avoided immediately after citrus fruits, tomatoes and sour apples.

Undoubtedly, milk harm less significant than its usefulness. Moderate consumption of this tasty and nutritious drink (no more than one liter per day) will bring undoubted benefits to the whole body.

In general, based on the article and video, draw your own conclusions - drink milk or not!

According to the technical regulations, milk is a polydisperse system composed of many components and having a liquid consistency.


Cow's milk is the most sold type of animal milk. It is a nutritious liquid of white color with a cream shade, which has a specific taste and smell. The consistency of milk is homogeneous, without flakes and sediment.

The world produces 400 million tons of cow's milk every year. On average, an animal produces 200 thousand glasses of a delicious drink during its life.

What is the fat content and calorie content of homemade cow's milk

The nutritional characteristics of milk are presented as follows:

  • Fats - from 1 to 6 g.
  • Protein substances - 4.30 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 6.50 g.
  • Calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 52-85 kcal.
  • The fat content of the drink varies from 1 to 6%.

Vitamins and minerals of cow's milk and their effect on the body

The chemical composition of the product is indicated in the tabular data.

Substance Benefits for the body
Calcium (found in large quantities in and) Forms solid bone mass.
Immunomodulator. Resistance to intestinal diseases.

Improve development and growth.

Potassium Restores the activity of blood vessels and the heart.
Sodium Participates in hematopoiesis. Necessary for the production of enzymes.
Forms bone tissue and dentin tissue.
Chlorine Improves digestion. One of the elements that form muscle tissue.
Sulfur Beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Necessary for the production of bile.

Supports the functions of the central nervous system.

trace elements
Iron Promotes the production of hemoglobin. Influences oxygen metabolism.
Zinc (also found in some other foods, more) Necessary for puberty, growth and development. Stabilization of digestion.
Copper It is necessary for hematopoiesis. It is part of many enzymes.
Manganese Normalizes sexual functions. Necessary for full growth.

Participates in hematopoiesis.

Cobalt Preserves the structure of bone tissue. Necessary for the health of the adrenal glands, kidneys, and liver.
Iodine Thyroid health.
Molybdenum Implements tissue respiration. Catalyzes enzymatic activity.
Fluorine Determines the health of bones and teeth.
Silicon Affects the immune potential of the organism. Participates in hematopoiesis.

Forms muscle tissue.

Selenium Positive effect on growth. Strengthening of vascular tissue.

Health of the reproductive organs and pancreas.


Chromium Determines the health of the thyroid gland and the composition of cells.
B vitamins Ensuring the full functioning of the nervous system. Contribute to the production of energy.

Improve memory, mood, mental abilities.

Vitamin C Antioxidant. Determines the health of blood vessels and the heart.
Vitamin H Forms the health of skin cells. Participates in carbohydrate metabolism.

Brings sugar levels back to normal.

Vitamin D Essential for proper blood clotting. Affects heart health.

Prevents diseases of bones and joints.

The fattest milk is given by whales and seals, and the most useful is produced by donkeys and mares.

Benefits and harms depending on fat content and calories

Milk has the following health benefits:

  • Bactericidal activity– the product inhibits the action of microorganisms.
  • Help in the fight against colds- high protein content initiates the production of immunoglobulin, helping the body recover.
  • Fight insomnia. Warm milk drunk at night acts as a sedative and allows you to fall into a deep sleep.
  • Elimination of acidity of gastric juice. This property helps to cope with heartburn.
  • Mineral and vitamin content of the body.
  • Benefits for the heart, blood vessels. The product has a beneficial effect on people suffering from high blood pressure, who are at risk for stroke and heart attack.
  • Low-fat milks help manage weight. The drink should be consumed as a separate meal.
  • Strengthening muscle and bone mass due to its high protein and calcium content.

Harmful properties of the product

Studies have proven the negative impact of milk on the body:

  1. High allergenicity. This property is due to the activity of a protein - casein - which is not able to be completely digested in the digestive tract and, getting into the bloodstream, causes an allergic response.
  2. High risk of developing lactose intolerance in people over 35 years of age. People who have crossed this line are recommended to consume fermented milk products.
  3. The product may contain a large number of contaminants:
  • Toxic Products- cadmium, lead, aflatoxin.
  • Antibiotics- tetracyclines, nisin, penicillin, chloramphenicol.
  • inhibitory substances- soda, disinfectant and detergent components.
  • Pesticides.
  • bacteria.
  • Hormones- is fraught with delayed puberty in boys and early development in girls. A high concentration of hormones - estrogens - is observed in fresh milk.

Camel milk can be digested even by those people who suffer from lactose deficiency.

Benefits of whey and milk derivatives

Products made on the basis of cow's milk are distinguished by the beneficial properties discussed below.

Milk derivatives:

  • Kefir- the drink is recommended for adults and children. It improves the activity of the digestive tract, promotes bowel movements, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Sour cream- The product can be used by both children and adults. If you give preference to varieties of medium fat content, you can replenish the supply of vitamins and amino acids without harm.
  • Yogurt- a home-cooked product is an example of healthy food. In childhood, the drink helps to replenish the supply of protein necessary for growth and development, in the elderly it improves peristalsis and strengthens bone tissue.
  • Buttermilk- a dietary product that restores the health of the kidneys, the nervous system. In old age, the drink protects against atherosclerosis, fatty degeneration of hepatocytes.
  • Useful properties of whey from cow's milk- the drink facilitates the course of diseases such as dysbacteriosis, constipation, colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis. For children, whey becomes a source of minerals and amino acids.
  • Cream contain maximum concentrations of calcium, lecithin and are considered useful for increased and mental stress. The drink is necessary for peptic ulcer, gastritis, poisoning. Children, using it, receive a growth factor.
  • Oil- the product must be present in the diet of adults and children. It strengthens vision, muscle and bone tissue, is good for digestion and improves immunity.
  • Condensed milk- using 1-2 tsp. product per day, you can strengthen the immune system, restore strength.
  • Cheese It is an easily digestible product useful for adults and children. Eating cheese helps to recover from diseases such as tuberculosis, bone damage.

Features of the use of cow's milk

Before drinking the drink, you should read the additional information:

  • Diabetes- It is recommended to take skimmed milk once a day, 250 ml. Fresh milk is contraindicated.
  • With edema, colitis, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers of the digestive tract, gastritis with high acidity, milk is used as a dietary component. It can be consumed in a glass a day and used for making cereals, soups.
  • With migraines, insomnia, hysteria, nervous disorders you can drink warm milk before going to bed.
  • When the child is 12 months old cow's milk is gradually introduced into his diet. The product must be of high quality, designed specifically for baby food. It is this drink that becomes the main source of calcium for a growing organism. Depending on age, the consumption rate varies from 50 to 250 ml per day.
  • Cow's milk is recommended for pregnant women. The drink should be taken warm. You can dilute it with water (in case of high fat content) or use low-fat varieties. It is better to drink the product as a snack, not during a meal. It is enough to receive 250 ml per day.

Healthy milk-based recipes

Milkshake with avocado


  • Cow's milk - 250 ml.
  • Avocado fruit.
  • Liquid honey - 30 g.


  1. The avocado fruit is peeled, the pulp is processed into gruel.
  2. Honey is introduced into the resulting mass, milk and the drink is brought to a homogeneous consistency using a blender.
  3. The cocktail can be poured into glasses and consumed with ice.

Modern humans can consume milk due to a mutation that has resulted in a gene responsible for the production of the lactase enzyme in the body. In the Neolithic people could not drink this drink.

fish milk soup recipe


  • Red fish - 500 g.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bulb.
  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Greens, salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Potatoes are boiled until cooked, the remaining water is drained. The vegetable is poured with hot milk.
  2. Shredded fish is placed in milk.
  3. The soup is brought to a boil and simmered for 10 minutes.
  4. Salt, seasonings and spices are introduced into the dish.
  5. After 5 min. healthy and nutritious soup can be served at the table.

Learn more about milk in the video below:

Despite the beneficial characteristics of cow's milk, this product should be used with caution, especially by the elderly and people with allergies.

For the manufacture of any dairy products that we see on the shelves of supermarkets, manufacturers use cow's milk. Its chemical composition is strikingly different from a more useful natural product, namely, goat's milk, which is often used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases, including severe pulmonary pathologies.

Is it good to drink milk

If we talk about homemade cow's milk, then according to the law of nature, it is intended for the natural feeding of a newborn calf, and after switching to "adult food", the animal does not need to drink milk. All the same can be attributed to people - children perceive any kind of milk as a source of necessary substances for the developing organism, while in many adults cow's milk is simply not digested. Whether it is worth drinking milk in adulthood depends on the individual perception of the product by the body. In any case, there is no direct need to drink cow's milk.

What is the danger

The milk of any animal contains the milk protein casein. Animal babies digest milk without problems, thanks to the production of the enzyme renin by the body, but this enzyme is absent in humans. Casein is a strong oxidizing agent, and the human stomach is forced to neutralize the increased acidity due to calcium, which leads to bone fragility and other negative consequences. As a result, we are dealing with a vicious circle, since we drink milk, considering it useful due to the high content of calcium, but not only is this element not absorbed by the body, but also the level of our own calcium decreases! Sounds absurd, but it's an established fact. In addition, excessive consumption of cow's milk can lead to hormonal problems, which often lead to serious diseases that are difficult to cure.

All of the above applies only to animal milk - mother's milk for feeding an infant has a completely different composition and cannot be harmful to a healthy child's body.

Is it possible to give milk to children

In itself, cow's milk is a very strong allergen, and there are cases of complete intolerance to the product, but many children digest it quite normally. If you prefer homemade milk, then it must be pasteurized before being given to an infant. Obvious signs of allergy may be absent, but it is worth refusing to feed a baby with milk in the first year of life in the following cases:

  • Vomiting after feeding;
  • Intestinal colic and any discomfort;
  • Problems with the stool (most often this is expressed in constipation).

How to use milk correctly

You are unlikely to be able to completely abandon milk - it is used in cooking for preparing various dishes, and mainly for baking. If you like to drink cow's milk and your body absorbs it normally, 2-3 glasses a week will not harm your health. The most important thing is not to force yourself to drink milk "because it's good" if you don't like it or if it causes an upset bowel every time.

When choosing store-bought milk, give preference to a product with the shortest shelf life. Milk from a package that is stored for more than 3 days cannot be natural.

Source http://sovjen.ru/moloko-polza-ili-vred

Cow's milk is the most common dairy product in the markets, which many people love because it has a lot of useful properties. There are many discussions about the benefits and harms of cow's milk today, and scientists have not come to a single opinion.

Surely everyone heard how milk was sung in one famous Soviet cartoon: “Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy! ". And you can’t argue with the fact that children’s milk, especially cow’s milk, is vital. But is cow's milk really necessary for adults? After all, there are a lot of rumors that only children are able to tolerate this product.

The benefits of cow's milk

  • Regular consumption of cow's milk has a good effect on the condition of the stomach.. This product helps to cope with stomach ulcers and gastritis. In addition, cow's milk reduces the acidity of the stomach and helps to get rid of heartburn.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Cow's milk is an excellent source of calcium. This trace element has a positive effect on the growth of children, strengthens bones and teeth, and also improves the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, thanks to this component, cow's milk prevents the development of heart disease. In the course of research, scientists have found that if you drink one glass of milk every day, then the risk of a stroke or heart attack is reduced by 40%. In addition, the normal functioning of the heart muscle is maintained.
  • Strengthens the nervous system. Cow's milk is known as an excellent remedy that helps in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Daily use of cow's milk in the morning strengthens the psyche and supplies the body with energy, providing a person with vigor. And if you drink milk before going to bed, then you will be provided with a healthy and sound sleep.
  • Maintains normal weight. There are many myths about cow's milk, they say, it allegedly contributes to weight gain, which is why many of those who want to lose weight refuse to take such a healthy product, being afraid to gain weight. But studies by Canadian scientists disproved these rumors. During the experiment, it was proved that, while following the same diet, people who were given milk lost 5 kilograms more than those who did not drink this drink.
  • Milk protein is absorbed by the body better than others. Since proteins contain immunoglobulins that are effective in fighting viral infections, the ease of digestion of cow's milk makes it possible to take it in the treatment of colds. It is also very popular among athletes.
  • Relieves headache symptoms and has a diuretic effect. If you have a common headache, migraine or regular headaches, then a weekly intake of a boiled cow's milk cocktail with a raw egg will help you forget about this problem for a long time. Also, due to the diuretic effect, cow's milk reduces high blood pressure - an excellent remedy for hypertensive patients.
  • Effectively used in cosmetology. Cow's milk moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and inflammation. For a wonderful rejuvenating effect, you can take milk baths, as Cleopatra herself once did.

Harm of cow's milk

Milk is not a remedy for all diseases and for many it is generally not recommended for consumption.

  • Drinking cow's milk is fraught with diarrhea. This is because the body of many people has a small amount of an enzyme that can break down lactose. As a result, some people are unable to digest cow's milk at all.
  • Cow's milk is a powerful allergen. In this regard, allergy sufferers should refrain from drinking cow's milk. Allergic reactions such as itching, nausea, rashes, bloating and even vomiting can cause milk antigen "A". For allergy sufferers, it is recommended to find an alternative to cow's milk, which include yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese or goat's milk.
  • Contains substances that cause atherosclerosis. That is why it is not recommended to drink cow's milk for older people aged 50 years or more, since it is at this age that the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases.

If you have tried cow's milk and you have not experienced any allergic reactions, there was no diarrhea and white stools, then cow's milk is not harmful to you and you can safely use it. If you regularly drink this drink of animal origin, you will significantly improve your health, since the benefits of cow's milk are obvious.

Source http://foodinformer.ru/napitki/molochnie/moloko/polza-i-vred-korovego-moloka

The benefits and harms of milk

From early childhood, we have always been told that milk is a source of health and we need to drink it every day. This was tirelessly repeated at school, at home, and we, in turn, are already telling our children about the great benefits of milk. What do we know about the health benefits of milk? And is it possible to compare the nutritional value of store-bought milk with that which came directly from under the cow? But the main thing still remains the question of what is the benefit and harm of milk.

Homemade and store milk

On the scale of industrial production, the milk of several hundred cows is mixed, which already entails a loss of quality, rather than when receiving the product from each cow individually. The milk then undergoes pasteurization, in which it is heated to a certain temperature. This allows milk to be stored for a long time, preventing the growth of bacteria. The need for pasteurization for industrial production is obvious, because it significantly extends the shelf life of milk, but at the same time its nutritional value is significantly reduced.

There is another serious reason to say that store-bought milk is worse than a homemade product. The doses of various drugs fed to cows in industrial production are many times higher than those received by animals in the home or private sector.

Summing up the comparison of store-bought and home-made milk, it would not be superfluous to also pay attention to the fact that modern milk, which is sold in stores, often contains preservatives, milk powder and palm oil. But, unfortunately, in cities there is no opportunity to enjoy a natural product obtained from under a domestic cow.

Skimmed milk can be safely called useful, which is able to retain all the properties of whole milk. If such a product is consumed every day, then the risk of stroke, obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced. In addition, the calcium contained in milk helps to strengthen bones and teeth, as well as lower blood pressure.

Milk is useful for people who are actively involved in fitness, since the properties of this product contribute to the increase in muscle mass, but provided that it is consumed one hour after training. In this case, unwanted fat deposits will not occur in the body.

The content of calcium and phosphorus in milk, which are involved in the construction of brain cells, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Moreover, milk is able to act on the principle of mild sleeping pills. If you drink one glass of this drink at night, then a healthy and sound sleep will be provided. Also, when drinking milk, a weak diuretic effect is observed, which is good for people suffering from hypertension.

The composition of milk includes trace elements and vitamins that help restore the forces expended by the body during illness. The content of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and organs of vision. In addition, milk is a necessary product for pregnant women, which is associated with a high concentration of folic acid in this drink.

Undoubtedly, benefits of milk obvious, but, unfortunately, this product is far from being as perfect as we would like it to be. Whole milk is high in fat and calories. What's more, the milk fats in such milk are saturated, which can lead to clogged blood vessels. If we continue to develop the topic of the harm of whole milk, then we can cite a lot of arguments against this drink, who believe that milk leads to prostate cancer, cholesterol plaques, heart disease, etc. However, all this applies to whole milk, and if you use a low-fat product, the risk of developing these diseases is reduced to zero.

Every product has its pros and cons. milk harm no one has been hiding for a long time. The high glycemic index contained in this drink affects the increase in insulin in the blood. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink only skim milk.

Milk should be avoided by people who are lactose intolerant. An organism suffering from a lactose deficiency simply cannot digest this product, which will lead to an upset digestive system. Also, people who are prone to allergies to casein protein should not drink milk. The consequences can be unpredictable, up to severe allergic reactions with suffocation.

It is not recommended to give milk to children before they reach the age of 2-3 years due to the high content of fat in the composition of the drink. For children, special baby milk is made, the composition of which is ideally balanced for the baby's body and is saturated with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Proven facts about milk

  • The calcium content of 200 ml of whole milk, which has a fat content of 3.5%, is less than that of low-fat milk. Gastroenterologists recommend drinking milk with a fat content of 2.5%, since in this case vitamins and calcium are best absorbed by the body.
  • Not so long ago, many thought that casein (a kind of milk protein) has a direct effect on the thickening of the vascular walls. Today, this hypothesis has not received scientific confirmation, but many doctors unanimously declare that with diseases of the heart and blood vessels benefits of milk can be quite noticeable.
  • It is best to drink milk 40 minutes before meals. After eating, drinking milk is undesirable, as this product blocks the normal secretion of gastric juice. Ideally, milk is combined with sweet fruits, berries and starchy vegetables. Milk should be avoided immediately after citrus fruits, tomatoes and sour apples.

Undoubtedly, milk harm less significant than its usefulness. Moderate consumption of this tasty and nutritious drink (no more than one liter per day) will bring undoubted benefits to the whole body.

In general, based on the article and video, draw your own conclusions - drink milk or not!

Source http://sitesovety.ru/polza-i-vred-moloka.html

    • The harm and benefits of milk
    • The harm and benefits of sports nutrition
    • The benefits and harms of coconut milk

    About the benefits of milk

    About the dangers of milk

  • Benefits of coconut milk

    Coconut milk is a great alternative to cow's milk. As you know, a certain percentage of the world's population cannot consume a product of animal origin due to individual lactose intolerance. And here comes to the aid of a fragrant liquid obtained from coconut. It is perfectly digestible and has a number of properties that will be of interest to those who want to learn the maximum about the benefits and harms of coconut milk.

    One glass of coconut milk contains a complete set of omega fatty acids (3, 6 and 9), which are extremely beneficial for human health. At the same time, unlike cow's, it does not contain cholesterol, which means it does not cause the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Moreover, due to its potassium and magnesium, coconut milk can lower blood pressure and “calm down” the raging nervous system.

    Coconut milk is a true friend of athletes, who rightly consider it a natural energy booster. The optimal ratio of iron, potassium, as well as vitamins A and C allows lovers of this drink to quickly replenish their energy reserves, relieve muscle tension and get away from depression.

    Coconut milk is also an excellent cosmetic product. If you wash your face regularly, you can get rid of acne and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. And masks from this product will improve the condition of the hair and scalp.

    Harm of coconut milk

    In fact, there are very few contraindications to the use of coconut milk. However, it is impossible not to mention them.

    So, the high calorie content of coconut milk explains why it should not be consumed by people who are unable to cope with the problem of excess weight. In addition, this product is not recommended for food purposes in chronic pancreatitis, as well as fructose intolerance.

    When there are conversations on such a topic as the benefits and harms of coconut milk, it is impossible not to mention the rules for buying it. The fact is that a canned product may contain toxic substances that adversely affect human health. Therefore, preference should be given only to natural coconut milk with a minimum shelf life - especially when it comes to a child's diet.

  • Tearing or bag - that is the question

    Black tea has a number of undeniable healing and cosmetic advantages. This is due to the high content of vitamins A, B, C, K and P. In addition, it contains some amino acids, tannins and alkaloids. However, it should be borne in mind that tea bags are practically “empty” (and sometimes simply harmful) drink, so experts recommend enjoying only its leaf forms. Therefore, when it comes to the benefits and harms of black tea, it is first of all necessary to consider its loose varieties.

    The benefits of black tea

    Black tea is a valuable source of caffeine. So, it is an excellent tonic that increases the efficiency and mental activity of a person. In addition, drinking the drink improves the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular system and kidneys.

    In combination with honey or raspberry jam, black tea is widely used for colds and flu. And all because the drink has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, allowing you to bring down the high temperature.

    Another unpleasant situation that a “tandem” of strong black tea and pasteurized milk will help to get out of is poisoning. And it doesn’t matter at all what caused it: alcohol, poor-quality food, or something else. The substances that make up this life-giving drink will help in a short time to “bind” and remove toxins from the body that pose a danger to human health.

    It has long been observed that people who regularly consume black tea are less likely to suffer from oral diseases. The secret lies in the antibacterial substances that make up its composition. They also make tooth enamel stronger and resist the development of carious formations.

    Due to its pronounced antibacterial properties, black tea allows you to quickly cope with the initial stage of conjunctivitis, as well as various skin and internal infections. In addition, the weak form of the drink will help bring down the pressure and stimulate the metabolism in the body.

    Harm of black tea

    However, even such a healthy drink as black tea has a number of contraindications. And again, you should start with caffeine, which has a tonic effect. Its excess can lead to insomnia, causeless anxiety and tachycardia. For the same reason, tea is contraindicated in patients with glaucoma, as it can increase intraocular pressure. In addition, black tea leaches magnesium from the body, which is very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a result, nervous disorders associated with irritability, increased excitability and even convulsions.

    And one more prohibition: you can’t drink medicines with them, since some of the components of black tea can react with the active ingredients of the drugs.

    The benefits and harms of black tea is perhaps an inexhaustible topic. But the main thing in it is the rule of the "golden mean". To prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, doctors recommend consuming no more than four cups of tea per day. And pregnant women do need to reduce its consumption to two mugs. Otherwise, it may adversely affect the weight gain of the child.

    Source http://www.kakprosto.ru/kak-813571-vred-i-polza-moloka

  • Greetings to loyal readers and guests! The article “Milk: benefits and harms to the body” is all about cow's milk. About the composition and calorie content of this product, what are the benefits and harms of milk for the elderly. At the end of the article is a video on the topic.

    What is milk?

    It is a nutrient fluid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals. Its natural role is to feed the young of animals or the child of man, who are not yet able to digest other food.

    The human body digests milk thanks to the enzyme lactase, which was originally produced only in the body of infants.

    Assimilation of milk in adults occurs in different ways (individually). It all depends on the bacterial flora of the intestines of a particular person. People who drink milk constantly produce the enzyme latase. And a special gene is responsible for this.

    Today, approximately 40% of adults can drink milk. The rest have lactose intolerance of varying intensity. Science knows that during the Neolithic, adults could not drink milk. They did not have the gene responsible for digestion of lactose. It appeared over time due to a genetic mutation.

    Types of milk

    • Paired
    • Fresh
    • boiled
    • pasteurized
    • sterilized
    • UHT treated (ultra high temperature treatment)

    The chemical composition of milk

    In 100 grams of product:

    • kcal - 52
    • Water - 88.5%
    • Proteins - 2.5-4%
    • Carbohydrates - 4.8%
    • Fats -3.2%
    • B3 - 15 mg
    • A - 0.03 mg
    • E - 0.1 mg
    • Carotene - 0.02 mg
    • Potassium - 145 mg
    • Calcium - 120 mg
    • Phosphorus - 95 mg
    • Sodium - 50 mg

    Useful properties of milk

    • Reduces blood pressure
    • Has a mild diuretic effect
    • Strengthens the substance of the brain and improves memory
    • Relieves fatigue and eliminates depression (Vit. B)
    • Good for the skin and essential for vision (Vit. A)
    • Strengthens the reproductive and hormonal functions of the body (vit. A and E)
    • Milk with normal fat content has a choleretic effect
    • Potassium phosphorus and other minerals are involved in bone formation
    • Milk proteins have the ability to bind toxins in the body. Working people in hazardous industries must be given milk.
    • Soothes and disposes to sleep from a sedative effect on the nervous system. A cup of warm milk with honey an hour before bedtime is a good remedy for insomnia.
    • Milk products are useful: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and cheese.

    Harm of milk

    May cause osteoporosis. Milk protein promotes the rapid leaching of calcium from the bones, making them more fragile. This can be checked with a urine test. If calcium is washed out, then its content in the urine increases sharply.

    Milk contains the animal protein casein, which is poorly digested. It rots in the body and leads to disease.

    Pasteurized milk is obtained by heating it so that it does not sour longer. And when heated, calcium turns into calcium phosphate. It precipitates, forming phosphate stones in the pancreas and kidneys.

    Pasteurization kills lactic acid bacteria, but leaves putrefactive ones. Such a substance rots inside us, poisoning the body with toxins.

    Why did they drink milk before and everything was in order, but today it suddenly became harmful? First, the environment has changed, but not for the better. Secondly, the technique for scientific research has become more perfect and more accurate. Science does not stand still and tomorrow we will learn a lot of new and amazing things.

    On a note!

    • More useful milk with a high fat content than 0.5%.
    • You can't drink cold milk! It should be warm or room temperature.
    • There are no vitamins in skim milk!
    • With frequent use of milk, its fat content should not exceed 2.5%.
    • See the expiration date on the packaging. If it is 3-4 days, then it is a natural product.
    • After milk, dishes should be washed first in cold water, and then in hot. Otherwise, the milk protein will become sticky and difficult to wash off.
    • If you are bored of eating empty cottage cheese, add chopped fruits or herbs to it. You can add a banana, an apple and a little honey to the cottage cheese. Every time you can fantasize.

    In this video, additional information on the topic "Milk: benefits and harms to the body."

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