Head itches - to smart thoughts or an impending disease? Itching of the scalp.

Itching - the name itself evokes unpleasant emotions, not to mention the presence of this condition in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the body. But how unpleasant the fact that the back of the head itches can be, the reasons that provoke this condition are multiple and not always obvious.

Causes of itching

Itching is a reaction of the skin to the effects of certain factors, which can be hidden both in the external environment and be the result of a malfunction of a certain body system. Your scalp can itch for a variety of reasons. Particular attention must be given if this condition does not go away for a long period of time, wounds appear and there may be hair loss. It is better to seek immediate medical attention.

Itching in the back of the head can be triggered by factors:

  • Allergy. If the back of the head began to itch recently, but there is no characteristic constancy in this feeling, then it is worth thinking about a possible individual intolerance to hair washing products. You may have had an allergic reaction to the detergent or hair care product. Also, if hair coloring was present, it is likely that the dye could provoke a skin reaction. To avoid such an unpleasant reaction, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test in the elbow bend zone.
  • Using too hot water to wash your hair can cause overdrying of the skin.
  • Frequent blow-drying negatively affects not only the structure of the hair, but can also provoke thermal burns of the scalp, in particular on the back of the head.
  • In the summer, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause overheating and overdrying of the scalp.
  • Individual dryness of the skin, which may be a congenital feature.
  • Regular stress, unhealthy lifestyle and emotional stress adversely affect the body as a whole and affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Conditions Requiring Treatment

If the head itches strongly, for a long period of time, while there are additional symptoms that worsen well-being and interfere with a normal, high-quality life, you should seek help from a doctor, since one of the diseases is most likely present:

A banal lack of vitamins and microelements can lead to the fact that the back of the head will itch, and the reasons will not be clear for a long time. Dietary adjustments, vitamin supplementation, and a healthy lifestyle can improve the condition within a week period.


It is quite possible to solve the problem of itching of the back of the head, if it is caused by external factors or allergies, on your own, without the help of a doctor. To do this, you need to take care of purchasing high-quality cosmetics for hair. It is worth giving up daily shampooing and carrying out this manipulation with water at a pleasant warm temperature, while not going to extremes (do not use too cold or hot water).

It is best to dry your hair naturally at room temperature. If such a "luxury" cannot be afforded, then it is necessary to set the hair dryer to the warm air mode and periodically use the cold air function.

Thus, the scalp will not dry out, thereby itching should decrease.

It is independently possible to correct the problem of stress and beriberi. If the work involves a constant stay in a negative emotional state, you should take care of taking sedative drugs. With the manifestation of beriberi, the problem is corrected by taking vitamin complexes, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish.


When the back of the head itches, the reasons are identified, the fight against the disease can be carried out in folk ways. There are a number of methods that can help restore scalp health, including:

  1. Preparation of a decoction of onion peel. The husk is boiled for about an hour, the resulting decoction is used as a rinse after each shampooing.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is also used as the main ingredient for rinsing. It is diluted in water and manipulated after shampooing.
  3. Lemon juice and onion puree are used when dandruff appears, as a mask.
  4. The use of chicken eggs is also recommended by folk healers, they usually wash their hair instead of shampoo.

Healthy scalp prevention

In order to avoid unpleasant itching of the back of the head, it is worth following certain rules:

  1. observe regular hygiene of the scalp;
  2. choose high-quality cosmetics for skin care and cleansing;
  3. do not abuse frequent washing with a hair dryer;
  4. comb your hair regularly;
  5. to massage the scalp;
  6. wear hats in the cold season and in the summer heat;
  7. avoid stressful situations;
  8. keep a sleep schedule;
  9. have healthy physical activity;
  10. eat healthy food.

Often itching of the head is a response to a certain stimulus (substance, temperature factor), but in many cases this sensation is a symptom of internal pathologies occurring in the body and a signal for the immediate detection of the disease. This article will tell you in detail about the causes in adults and children and the treatment of severe itching of the scalp with folk remedies at home.

What is itchy scalp

Itching of the scalp is a modified pain sensation, permanent or temporary, in the form of a sensation of irritation of a certain place, which causes the need to scratch this area. Often itching is a response to a specific stimulus (substance, temperature factor), but in many cases this sensation is a symptom of internal pathologies occurring in the body and a signal for the immediate detection of the disease.

The painful sensation of itching of the head, which occurs frequently, attacks the patient for a long time, causing constant scratching, can lead to rapid thinning of the skin, damage in the form of abrasions and cracks, and further inflammation, since the infectious microflora easily invades the tissues in the areas of scratching.

It must be remembered that it is unacceptable to ignore the itching of the head, especially in conditions when it is accompanied by:

  • itching of other parts of the body;
  • increasing in the evening or at night;
  • massive hair loss;
  • the appearance of inflammation, red spots, papules (bulging seals), vesicles (small blisters with cloudy exudate), pustules (pustules).

To eliminate this unpleasant sensation, it is important to find the source of the irritant, for which the patient will need to contact a dermatologist, endocrinologist or trichologist. They prescribe examinations, after which it is easy to determine the diagnosis and develop a treatment regimen.

If an external irritant that causes itching of the head is detected, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or at home - using folk methods. And, usually, after identifying the source of the itching and eliminating it, the desire to scratch your head disappears.

How to discover it in yourself

Itching itself is such a clear physiological manifestation that the patient does not have the problem of identifying this sensation when he wants to comb a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin or scratch the entire surface of the head.

Possible pathologies and disorders

Specialists often identify the causes of itching of the head, described below.

Scabies and Pediculosis


An extremely unpleasant fungal skin disease, more common among children in close groups or in contact with animals.

The main symptoms by which a ringworm can be suspected are the appearance on the skin under the hair of itchy, flaky, inflamed plaques with the remnants of broken hair. The bald spots swell, become covered with purulent secretions and then with a thick crust, grow and capture other parts of the body.


Diseases of the internal organs and general pathologies

The head itches not only with skin diseases, but also with pathologies of internal organs and systems, violation of hidden processes in the body and disorders of the nervous system.

  • diabetes;
  • endocrine disorders, including hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • and gastrointestinal system;
  • and neurological disorders;


One of the serious neurological diseases that occurs with pathological changes in the skin. Exacerbations occur against the background of stress, strong negative impressions.

Itching, characteristic of the disease, occurs on different parts of the body, including the face and head, intensifies during nervous tension, experiences.


Neurological disorders

Including mental, physical overload, panic attacks, psychological pressure, emotional experience during illness, loss of loved ones are often the source of scalp itching. The active production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands in response to stressful situations leads to its accumulation and the occurrence of an excruciating itchy sensation on the scalp.

allergic reactions

Allergies, in most cases, are the cause of itching. When the so-called mast cells (basophils) are destroyed by the antigen-antibody compound during an allergic reaction, an itch mediator is produced - histamine, which violates the integrity of cellular structures, resulting in itching of the skin, including the scalp.

  • Symptoms resemble signs - pink flaky (not always) spots.
  • With allergies, the skin on the entire body often itches. If only the scalp becomes the area of ​​​​a constant desire to itch, then this most likely indicates a local allergic reaction when using a product that is in direct contact with it.
  • The skin begins to itch when changing shampoo, applying coloring agents, conditioners, masks, balms, foams and varnishes).

How to deal with such a symptom

Traditional Methods

Since itching of the head appears as a result of improper treatment of the hair or as a symptom of a specific internal disease or disorder, in order to get rid of it, the cause that provokes it is identified and eliminated. If the desire to scratch the head arises as a result of the development of internal pathology, the help of a specialist is required, diagnostic studies are carried out taking into account the severity of itching, an analysis of other symptoms that accompany the obsessive desire to scratch and the appointment of adequate treatment.

Diseases in which there is itching of the head, and their treatment:

A disease that causes itching of the headBasic principles of therapy
Scabies (spread of mites on the scalp occurs in babies up to 3-5 years old)Effective antiscabiosis (anti-scabies) drugs:
  • Benzyl benzoate (ointment, emulsion 20%, 10% - in pediatrics);

  • in the form of a spray, cream, lotion, ointment;

  • (20 – 33%)

A double treatment is carried out on the 1st and 4th day, before bedtime. Do not rinse for 12 hours. Boiling clothes, ironing clothes with a hot iron, airing contact objects in the air for 2 days.


  • therapeutic shampoo for scalp itching with ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, tar, climbazole (at least 2 times a week);

  • tea tree oil;

  • vitamins, antihistamines, decoctions of soothing herbs, probiotics, clinical nutrition, vitamin complexes, tracking hormonal balance to prevent diseases of the thyroid gland, reproductive organs (polycystic, amenorrhea), drinking regimen;

  • masks that nourish the skin and improve microcirculation.

They are prescribed by a doctor after laboratory seeding for a fungus:
  • in severe form - hormonal ointments (topically) Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Griseofulvin, oral antifungal agents: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Terbinafine (100, 200, 250 mg / day, respectively) during the week.

AvitaminosisA course of vitamins (Vitrum, Neuromultivit, Complivit, Antistress, Alphabet, Centrum, Milgamma)
Allergy to external irritantPrimary activities:
  • cancellation of the irritating agent, the use of shampoos that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, paints without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;

  • the use of special shampoos after washing off the paint, neutralizing the drying effect of the dye.

Doctor - trichologist
Pathologies of organs and systemsIf serious internal pathologies are suspected, in which the itching of the head appears, they immediately turn to a therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

Itching, as a symptom of the disease, will help in time to identify and begin therapy for such formidable diseases as:

· diabetes;

endocrine, hormonal and neurological disorders; neurodermatitis;


Folk remedies

To relieve itching of the head are effective:

  • massage that enhances blood circulation and cell nutrition;
  • treatment with herbal decoctions and extracts to normalize the function of glands that produce sebum (nettle, dandelion, oak bark, chamomile, burdock root).

Useful folk recipes that you can use at home to get rid of the need to scratch your head:

  1. Dandelion flowers (full handful) are crushed, poured with vodka (50 - 80 ml), juice of one small lemon, adding a teaspoon of liquid honey. Leave to infuse for 14 days. The tincture is filtered and half an hour before washing the hair, the lotion is applied to the skin, covering the hair with a cotton scarf.
  2. Onion (or garlic juice) is mixed with lemon juice, vegetable oil in equal volumes. The liquid is rubbed into the skin and applied to wet hair, leaving for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water, to which a large spoonful of apple cider vinegar is added. Sulfur contained in the juice of garlic and onions, well eliminates itching after hair coloring.
  3. The apple mask is very simple, but it helps when the head itches. A large apple is rubbed on a grater, applying fresh gruel to the skin and hair before washing. Keep under the cap for about half an hour. Use 2 times a week.
  4. Magic remedy: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil is beaten with 1 egg yolk, cognac, onion juice and honey (1 large spoonful of all liquids). A neutral shampoo is added to the mixture (which does not itch the head). Everything is mixed and applied to the head, after 30 minutes, washing off with warm water.
  5. Rye mask. Crumble the pulp of rye bread (a glass) into a glass dish, pour 150 ml of boiling water, stir and let the bread swell. After that, add the yolk to the gruel. The mixture is rubbed into the skin under the hair, leaving for 10-20 minutes, then washed off without using shampoo.

The video below will tell you how to get rid of an itchy head:

Why does the head itch, there is a constant itching of the skin at the back of the occiput, peeling, burning, redness, the back of men and the back of the head are very flaky? The causes of pain are different. Irritation is observed both with pediculosis and when a person has dandruff. Perhaps you are allergic to shampoo, or cream or spray for various sores. Treatment of irritated skin on the back of the head and in the hair is accompanied by antihistamine ointments or a mask, which includes a sedative. The brush will help soothe and relieve dryness. However, the child may have scratches that need to be treated.

Seborrhea: dry and itchy scalp

Seborrhea is a disease in which the scalp becomes inflamed, which provokes an increase in fat. This disease characterizes the thickening of the surface layer of the skin, which is flaky and shiny. Due to this, the hair becomes thinner and thinner. The disease belongs to dermatitis, however, if treatment is started at the first symptoms, it is easily cured.

Seborrhea is easily cured if measures are taken at its first symptoms.

There is a disease due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands located on the head in large numbers. As a result, the composition of sebum changes and the glands become clogged, which contributes to the abundant reproduction of microorganisms of pathogenic origin. This is seborrheic eczema, or simply seborrhea.

Causes of imbalance in the work of the glands:

  • chronic diseases;
  • Heredity;
  • Malfunctions in the digestive tract;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Pathological disorders of the endocrine system;
  • The state of immunodeficiency;
  • Chronic fatigue and prolonged stress;
  • neurological diseases.

At the molecular level, such conditions affect the change in subcutaneous fat, make it viscous, thick, increase its amount. The amount of subcutaneous fat is greatly reduced with dry seborrhea. The doctor prescribes and develops a comprehensive treatment, which is based on the volume of the head affected by seborrhea and the stage of the disease. In the treatment, effective shampoos, which include antimicrobial components.

Diabetes or what keeps your scalp itchy

Diabetes is a disease due to which normal metabolism for the body is disturbed. The metabolism of carbohydrate and fat is most susceptible to influence. Due to changes in metabolic reactions, toxins accumulate in the human body, which negatively affect the normal functioning of all organs. These reactions are the cause of pathological changes in the skin.

Diabetes can cause changes in the epidermis.

The skin becomes rough, dries out, reacting with excruciating itching, loses elasticity. The skin's regenerative capacity is reduced, so microcracks and wounds do not heal well after combing for a long time. Pustular and fungal skin diseases develop due to incorrect functioning of the vascular, nervous and immune systems.

Two causes of excruciating itching:

  1. Pathological state of the endocrine system. Itching in the head occurs due to a violation of global metabolic exchanges. The sensation of burning and itching is also manifested in hyperparathyroidism (with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the production of parahormone increases), menopause, hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland).
  2. part of the disease. The appearance of itching is due to deep blockage of small vessels, which leads to problems in the kidneys. The kidneys do not have time to get rid of toxins. The same function is violated in the skin. The epidermis reduces moisture levels, losing elasticity. As a result of this condition - roughness of the skin and unbearable itching.

People with diabetes in 99% of cases suffer from the appearance of copious amounts of dandruff, increased brittleness and dryness of hair, hair loss on the head. Nails are also prone to deformation in the form of delamination and brittleness. The global nutritional deficiency in the human body that suffers from diabetes becomes the main cause of this situation.

Stroke or why the back of the head itches

A stroke is a sharp and sudden damage to some parts of the brain, caused by cerebral hemorrhage or blockage of blood vessels. Doctors distinguish two conditions in which a person can stay with a stroke.

Conditions of a person with a stroke:

  1. Hemorrhagic - occurs as a result of a burst vessel in the brain, followed by bleeding;
  2. Ischemic - as a result of blockage of an artery or capillary of the brain by a thrombus. This type of stroke is very common, about 79% of cases.

A stroke can be diagnosed by a number of signs. A harbinger of a stroke can be sudden severe weakness, numbness of the muscles on the limbs in one of the parts of the body. Difficulty speaking, dizziness, unstable gait, severe headache and blurred vision. When such signs appear, you should immediately call for emergency help.

Often, after a stroke or microstroke, there are severe itching in the occipital region caused by insufficient blood supply.

A microstroke has symptoms similar to a stroke, but their duration is about 3-5 minutes. In any case, do not neglect medical help. The state of a stroke leads to coma, paralysis, disruption of the brain. Fatal outcome, unfortunately, is also not uncommon.

Irritation of the scalp in men on a nervous basis

Tension at work and at home, chronic fatigue and long experiences cause numerous diseases that are accompanied by itching of the skin. Annoying itching often manifests itself in very sensitive individuals who do not know how to master their emotions and react sharply to various troubles.

Women and children are at risk. From nervous disorders in men, itching is often manifested.

Due to stress, the work of the adrenal glands, which produce hormones that prevent inflammatory processes, decreases. This causes itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Pustular lesions appear and acne develops. At night and in the evening, the itching, which was initiated by nervous disorders, increases.

The exact cause and definition of treatment can be revealed when:

  • Severe nervous disorders, therapy is carried out by a psychiatrist who prescribes drugs with a powerful sedative effect;
  • A slight violation of the emotional and psychological background is prescribed sparing means, sedatives, mainly of plant origin, containing hops, mint, valerian, lemon balm, motherwort and peony.

With a nervous shock, itching of the head is a rather alarming signal that the body gives in response to a dangerous critical situation. The nervous system needs additional funds, because its own are not enough. Such signals should be treated with the utmost care.

Itching and flaking of the scalp after chemotherapy

After chemotherapy, skin itching and allergies are common symptoms. Side effects are mild and almost imperceptible, and can reach severe complications with a fatal outcome.

Complications after chemotherapy can range from mild to fatal.

Itching and allergies can manifest as a response of the body and from the administered drug. This condition is known as a "non-immunological reaction" caused by an intolerance to any drug in the body.

Tips for relieving unpleasant symptoms:

  • Daily intake of a cool hygienic shower;
  • Refusal to take hot baths;
  • Use of gloves when using household chemicals;
  • Applying a neutral, alcohol-free moisturizer.

Itching after chemotherapy can manifest itself not only on the head, but also on the whole body. The appearance of hemorrhoidal cones causes itching in the anus. As a result, hemorrhoids with indigestion and constipation can develop.

What makes your head itch (video)

The scalp and neck are prone to various ailments. And even such a procedure as laying the scalp can lead, if the instruments are not properly processed, to bad consequences. Even a leather jacket can become an irritant and trigger an allergy. Therefore, if you notice that artifacts have appeared on your skin, contact your doctor immediately.

Our ancestors also thought about why the back of the head might itch. As a result, based on observations, several signs were identified at once.

You may have heard the expression “I feel it in the back of my head” at some point. It is interesting that it did not happen by chance. According to the sign, it is in this part that goosebumps begin to run when they are plotting something against a person. So for the next week, be on the lookout - perhaps the back of your head began to itch due to the fact that someone is trying to "peel" you like a sticky or sit in the service.

By the way, the sign can be interpreted differently - perhaps someone simply wants to play you. The energy field cannot figure out what kind of intrigues are being started around you, and therefore it sounds the alarm, thanks to which you scratch your head. Stop worrying and look around to understand the situation.

Another interpretation is also associated with other people's thoughts, but already more benevolent. Most likely, an itchy nape indicates that people close to you simply yearn for you. The solution to the problem is elementary - visit your parents or remember old friends, and the itching will stop.

It is important that the stronger the itch, the more people think about you.

Another sign says that if the back of the head itches, it means that problems await you soon. Of course, problems can arise in relation to anything, but most often these are troubles in the family. Be more restrained and delicate so as not to accidentally provoke a quarrel that will upset both you and your loved ones. According to the sign, it will be very difficult to make peace and you will rack your brains trying to figure out how to do it. It is important that the stronger, the greater the problem.

In some cases, an itchy head means that you will be scolded for nothing, that is, in other words, "they will arrange a brainwash." When it comes to work, think about exactly where you managed to do things, and put your workplace in order. If the prediction nevertheless comes true, then you will have an argument in favor of the fact that you tried to fix everything.

Well, the last option is somewhat mystical. According to him, if you feel an itch in the back of your head, it means that a ghost is standing behind you at the moment. And not just a loved one who decided to play a joke on you, but the real soul of a person who loves you, who wants to warn you about something. Perhaps such grandiose changes await you that even loved ones from the other world are worried.

If the girl's head began to itch, then this is sadness. Perhaps in the near future your beloved will upset you so much that many tears will be shed because of him.

If the girl still does not have a lover, then she will have a long loneliness up to the “wreath of celibacy”.

By the way, any controversial issues can cause a girl to scratch her head. Most often, it symbolizes omissions in an educational institution, at work or in the family. Future strife with the young man can also contribute. As people say, thoughts do not give rest.

Itchy back of the head in men

If the back of the head is itching for a man, pay attention to exactly where this happens.

  1. Head in the back of the head itches from above? This means that soon the man will have cases that need to be resolved. And it seems that problems arise out of nowhere, and it is the man who has to solve them - such is the male lot.
  2. If the back of the head began to itch on the right, it means that pleasant events await you. But for lefties, on the contrary, this is a sign that a man will be scolded at work or at home for running a business. By the way, if the back of the head is combed on the right, then there is nothing wrong with that - rather, fate reminds you of some forgotten business that will further affect your fate.
  3. But if the crown, on the contrary, itched on the left, it means that there are more complex problems ahead that may be related to health. You are also likely to be required to make an immediate and urgent decision.

Before sinning on some signs and their interpretation, make sure that the back of your head really itches just like that, and not because, for example, you are experiencing severe stress. Additionally, you can contact a dermatologist in order to diagnose skin diseases.

If you are sure that itching is connected precisely with some kind of bad omen, then you can neutralize it very simply with the help of a remedy that our ancestors used. To do this, wash your hair with plain water, and it will take away all the bad predictions that bother you. By the way, this method allows not only to relieve the itching from the back of the head, but also to cleanse your energy shell, because it was not without reason that since ancient times it was believed that water washes away all negative energy from a person.

If the itching in the back of the head has not gone away even after this, seek help from the church, because it is quite possible that one of the recently deceased and people close to you cannot find a way to another world, and he simply needs a guide. Order a service for such a person, and it is quite possible that his soul will finally be able to find a place for itself in the world where it is supposed to be.

In any case, one should not let negative energy get too close to oneself and believe in something bad. Believe only in good omens, and then prosperity and luck will be on your side.

Most signs that explain why the head itches promise quarrels and abuse. Pay attention to the intensity of itching - the stronger, the larger the squabbles will be. However, do not be upset - far from all beliefs promise trouble. There are other definitions that depend on which part of the head itches.

  1. A common sign says that the head itches to strife. Moreover, the scolding will begin out of the blue - one wrong word or the slightest reason will serve as the reason. Therefore, if you want to prevent such events, keep yourself in control and try to control emotions.
  2. Itching of the head may also indicate the purchase of a new piece of jewelry or clothing that is worn over the head.
  3. When your head itches - deal with those things that you have been putting off. This must be done in any case, regardless of whether there is a desire or not. Otherwise, the problems will grow like a snowball, and after that it will be much more difficult to deal with them.
  4. It is believed that itching also occurs while you are thinking. Remember, many often scratch their heads at the same time. This helps to put your thoughts in order, and you will gain the ability to generate new ideas.
  5. If your head itches, you will be scolded, as they say, a head washer is expected. Remember, perhaps there are unfinished business or you know where you were guilty. Correct the situation immediately, and then troubles can be avoided.

If whiskey itchs, then signs in this case promise disappointment. The case that has been worked on or on which great hopes are placed will not live up to expectations. In addition, itching in this area indicates a problem, the resolution of which will require effort.

Beliefs say that sometimes whiskey itchs for a conflict that will start over a trifle. You may hear unpleasant words addressed to you or a review that seems unfair. One tip - try to translate all the joke and avoid a quarrel.

Another sign says that in work it is worth listening exclusively to common sense and not allowing emotions to take over. Otherwise, you will become vulnerable to ill-wishers.

For girls, itching of the temples promises a meeting with a loved one. And if a feast is planned, you should be careful, as there is a possibility that you will not hold back before an abundance of alcoholic beverages. Follow the measure, and the rest will leave only positive memories.

Itching at the temples also symbolizes the need to meet with an influential person. Soon you will turn to such a person for help, and if the left temple itches, then you will ask for patronage from a woman, the right one from a man.

There is also a sign that explains in a different way why whiskey itchs: the right one - they are waiting for advice from you, the left one - you yourself need it and will certainly receive it. In the latter case, it is advisable to analyze the current situation and try to understand what caused it. Only in this way will advice help to resolve the situation in the best way.

In addition, the temple itchy on the left, according to signs, means an unpleasant conversation, and this will be a conversation with friends or relatives.

If you pay attention to the interpretation of superstitions that say why the top of your head itches, then signs promise news or changes in the financial sector.

  • Itching arose in the morning - a pleasant surprise will overtake. It will be a raise wages or premium.
  • The top of your head itched during the day - get ready for bad news that will be associated either with study or with work.
  • We felt itching in the evening - we are waiting for trouble at work or disappointment due to the fact that you cannot realize yourself in creativity.
  • At night, the temechko itches for news from relatives who are far away. Most likely, the news will be related to health problems.

There is another sign that tells why the top of the head itches - she advises you to prepare for an important conversation. If itching on the right - expect pleasant events, on the left - you will be reproached for working too long on the assigned task. But at the same time, the latter interpretation does not have serious consequences - it will be more a reminder than a threat that promises problems.

If - a sign prophesies long thoughts, doubts and difficulties in making a decision. At the same time, another belief promises a quick visit from a person who misses your company.

Sometimes the back of the head itches for a meeting with relatives. You will get together and can finally communicate, discuss problems and express your thoughts.

And also itching in the back of the head - a warning that you are surrounded by ill-wishers who spread gossip in order to denigrate your person. Perhaps one of your colleagues is trying to take your place, or scammers are developing a scheme that will help you get close to your finances.

At the same time, this may indicate an innocent prank of friends. It is difficult to formulate an exact interpretation, but at the same time, the sign suggests that someone's thoughts are occupied with you and have a negative connotation.

If you are far from your home or have not visited your parents for a long time, then the back of your head itches because of longing. If you're bored, visit your parents. Such a visit will not cause harm.

The head in the back of the head itches and to the problems that have arisen against the background of misunderstanding in the family. It is important to pull yourself together and not become the instigator of a quarrel. Otherwise, it will not be easy to restore order in relationships and make peace.

There is another interpretation that explains the itching in the back of the head as the presence of a ghost. Now he is behind. Don't panic because we are talking about a loving soul who has come to bring news. And they are not always bad.

What will help neutralize the bad omen

If the sign promises sad events, then wash your hair to prevent them. Water will smooth out the negative nature of the coming situation or carry it away along with the consequences.
And remember, whatever the color of the interpretation, there is no need to worry.

A sign gives a chance to prepare for a particular event, which means that there is an opportunity to get around sharp corners. And if you tune in to the positive, then even a bad omen will turn into good luck.



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