Big bruise. What is a bruise and how to get rid of it quickly? Folk remedies for a bruise under the eye

They attract and frighten, cause delight and fear at the same time - the largest dogs in the world are the favorites of their owners and a thunderstorm for their ill-wishers.

However, the size does not affect the good-natured disposition of these giant dogs; many of them evoke affection with their tenderness or readiness to frolic like small children.

Zeus - god of the dog Olympus

In 2013, another fact added to the Guinness Book of Records - Zeus was noted as the tallest dog that ever lived.

The height of the largest dog in the world is 111.8 cm, it weighs more than 70 kg, it was born in the USA in the state of Michigan, the town of Otego.

Next to this simply incredible dog, the owners seem like teenage children.

According to them, you need to be very careful so that Zeus does not accidentally step on his foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.

And if the dog suddenly wants to stand on its hind legs, its growth, to the envy of the coaches of basketball teams, will be 2.24 meters.

So it was impossible to hide goodies on the top shelves of cabinets from Zeus.

The daily diet of the giant dog consisted of 14 kilograms of dog food.

Moreover, if the owners wanted to go on a picnic with their pet, a simple passenger car was not suitable for this.

Especially in order to make the transportation of Zeus possible, a truck was purchased.

"Little" dog that eats as much in a day as some people eat in a week

Passers-by a huge dog evoked mixed feelings. The owner, Denis Dorlag, says she occasionally heard questions like, “Is that a dog or a horse?”

And there is nothing to be offended by, because the dog really could easily compete with the pony in terms of size.

Particularly brave asked to be photographed with this dog, which, however, was not opposed.

The nature and lifestyle of Zeus

Like all well-bred Great Danes, Zeus was distinguished by nobility and good nature.

His boundless devotion to the owner was expressed not only in impeccable obedience, but also in the desire to sit in his arms.

Kevin Dorlag, the owner of the dog, said that it was quite difficult for the dog to understand why he was once seated on his knees, but now they avoid showing this kind of tenderness.

The largest dog in the world named Zeus looks like the "Giant" among these dogs

Zeus sometimes liked to play, but these amusements demanded maximum caution and concentration from the owners.

A jumping 70-kilogram "joy" with a height of 112 cm can knock anyone to the ground.

Moreover, a feature of all Great Danes is that they are not fully aware of their strength and size, therefore, their destructive action should not be regarded as deliberate sabotage.

Moreover, 70 kg is not the limit for Great Danes, their weight, like those of and, can reach 90 kg, and the lowest of the Great Danes has a height at the withers of 80 cm.

As a star of respectable size, Zeus led a socially active lifestyle, of course, not without the help of his masters.

So, he was a welcome guest in the hospitals and schools of Kalamazoo County.

And the dog did not just demonstrate himself, but participated in special programs for the socialization of children, helping to overcome the fear of dogs.

He was also involved in canistherapy - this is a treatment through communication with a person's best friends.

Zeus died at the age of five in September 2014.

Relay of greatness

Before Zeus, the title "the biggest dog in the world" was held by a Great Dane named George.

His height at the withers was about 110 cm, and he weighed 111 kg and did not look fat at all.

Like Zeus, George was a socially active dog, regularly participating in charity events and attending a variety of television shows.

Well built, with a beautiful silver color, George was incredibly photogenic.

George took over the baton of greatness from his great predecessor Great Dane Gibson.

This dog grew at the withers - 108 cm, and standing on its hind legs, it reached 2.13 m. Moreover, for his mistress, Sandy Hall, Gibson became a real find.

According to her, she, being fond of breeding Great Danes since 1982, dreamed of growing the tallest dog. Well, well, dreams do come true!

Before Gibson, the tallest dog in the world was recognized as the 70-kilogram lady Nova, who lived, like the rest of her followers, in the United States.

Standing on its hind legs, Madame Nova reached 1.8 m in height. It's funny, but this beautifully built noble dog was very afraid of small dogs.

But she herself often liked to behave like a puppy. She rolled on the floor, stole goodies from the table, rushed around the house like a frantic one.

But when the daughter of the hostess came with her three-year-old son, Nova behaved like the most gentle nanny in the world.

Giant Parade

The expression "the largest breed of dog" can be understood in two ways. Some are guided by such a criterion as growth at the withers.

And in this sense, the Great Danes are leaders today. Others pay attention to build and weight, and here the Great Dane is not the most massive dog.

Leonbergers are not only excellent watchdogs, they are used to work as lifeguards on the water.

They did not win world prizes for their external data, but how many people are grateful to them for the saved life!

The title "the largest dog in the world" was held by Hercules from Great Britain. His weight was 128 kg.

Moreover, the owner did not have a goal to feed the dog, according to him, the dog's nutrition was correct, but he kept growing and growing.

Before Hercules, this title was held by the English Mastiff Zorba.

With a height at the withers of 94 cm, he weighed 156 kg, and in length from the nose to the end of the tail he was 2.5 meters!

Mastiffs are descendants of Great Danes, whose ancestor was.

A long time ago, Celtic tribes came to Great Britain from Asia Minor, and with them the predecessors of the English mastiffs.

Mastiffs were used to work gemstones, which were mixed with meat and given to the dog to eat.

After such "treatment" the stone acquired a special brilliance.

And in order for the pebble to be removed from the litter in time, a person was assigned to the dog, a “henchman”, whose duties included finding and seizing jewelry.

The Tibetan mastiff is often called a bear, the reason for this is the truly impressive size of the dog.

The representative of this ancient breed has a height at the withers of 70 cm and weighs up to 82 kg. And thanks to the thick long hair, this dog looks just huge.

Moreover, a distinctive feature of the Tibetans is their almost cat-like cleanliness.

An interesting fact in the history of the breed is that its representative, named Hong Dong, became the most expensive dog in the world, which was bought by a wealthy Chinese coal magnate for one and a half million euros.

A huge dog also lives in the Stavropol Territory, which has the title of the largest dog in Russia.

His rather characteristic nickname - Bulldozer - suits him very well.

Moreover, this nickname was given to the wolfhound for a reason. The owner, Alexander Khudyakov, said that as a small puppy, this dog liked to shovel snow like a tractor.

Being the largest dog in the CIS for several years, Bulldozer won a lot of diplomas and titles. The working weight of the dog reached 113 kg.

St. Bernards on average have a height at the withers of about 70 cm.

However, genetic “shots” happen among them, when a dog of incredibly huge sizes grows out of a cute teddy bear, sharply dominating against the background of the dimensions of fellow tribesmen.

Such "gigantism" is already visible in those with a stronger physique.

If every such case was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, the St. Bernards could well argue with who is the biggest dog in the world here.

For example, in 1987, St. Bernard Benedict was "noted", who weighed as much as 140.6 kg.

But this is not the limit, before him, the “baby” Heydan Dark Blue, 94 cm tall at the withers, weighed 138.23 kg.

The Newfoundland is a large dog that tends to make decisions on its own in a variety of situations.

The largest dog in the world: Zeus and his "colleagues"

Next to this incredible dog, the owners seem like teenage children. You need to be very careful that the largest dog in the world named Zeus does not accidentally step on his foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.

Many people confuse a bruise with a hematoma, however, the nature of their origin is different. A hematoma is an internal hemorrhage, while a bruise is the result of damage to the capillaries. Our blood circulates throughout the body, including through the capillaries that are located under the skin. As a result of any injury, these small vessels burst, as a result of which blood flows out of them, spreading under a thin skin.

The skin in this area darkens, but, under the influence of enzymes, gradually returns to its original color. Doctors divide bruises into four types. The first is a minor bruise, when a person may not even notice it and not feel pain.

Such a bruise passes quickly enough. The second is stronger, and is accompanied not only by bruising, but also by muscle rupture. The third type of bruise is very painful, in this case the tendons are damaged and even the possibility of dislocation is not excluded. But the most dangerous is the fourth type, when a bruise turns into a serious injury. The most important thing is to recognize in time the degree of damage, the nature of the bruise and the cause of its appearance, since the correct treatment of the affected area will depend on this.

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Causes of bruising

A bruise can appear for various reasons. Basically, these are bruises, but it happens that a bruise can appear on the body for no reason, especially if the skin is naturally very light. Sometimes this can be explained by age-related changes. Simply put, aging skin. Over the years, tissues lose their elasticity, and capillaries can be damaged even as a result of contact with clothing. Another possible reason is the lack of estrogen in the body, this problem is most common in women.

In rare cases, bruising can occur after taking aspirin, which has the ability to thin the blood, or from a lack of vitamin C - its deficiency leads to vascular fragility. But most bruising occurs in people suffering from varicose veins, and is expressed in very visible capillaries in the form of nets. It happens that bruises appear under the eyes (this is due to fatigue), under the nails (as a result of damage to the plates) and on the hands (poor blood clotting). Very rarely, but still it happens that a bruise appears “belatedly” - due to an old bruise that a person has long forgotten about. Why this happens baffles even experts.

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How can you get rid of bruises?

If the bruise appeared as a result of a bruise, then after some time it brightens and disappears on its own. The time interval depends on the severity of the injury, how strong the blow was. The bruising may go away in a week, or it may last for a month.

An important role is played by the location of the bruise. The lower it is on the body, the longer it will last. Consequently, on the face, it disappears faster than, for example, on the leg. How quickly the consequences of a bruise will pass depends on competently rendered first aid. If a bruise appeared from a blow, then something cold should be immediately applied to the damaged area - this will relieve pain and reduce the volume of the bruise.

If the bruise fell on the arm or leg, then an elastic bandage will come to the rescue. If first aid could not be provided, then a warm compress should be applied to the already formed bruise. This is necessary so that, under the influence of heat, the blood vessels expand, and the accumulated fluid begins to dissolve more intensively. Ointments that include vitamin K or arnica extract will help speed up the healing process. But if bruises appear for no reason, then a doctor’s consultation is already required.

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It gets a little scary when you realize that our planet is constantly bombarded by rocks the size of a rock, but it is. It's good that we have an atmosphere that can fry a brazen asteroid or a comet if they fall on our heads, but sometimes they still fall to Earth, causing inconvenience of various scales. Let's take a look at ten of the most interesting meteorites that have fallen on our planet at different times in its eventful history.

1. Tunguska meteorite

This meteor flew through the earth's atmosphere over Siberia in 1908 and exploded just a few kilometers from the Siberian surface.

The explosion had the force of an atomic bomb and knocked down trees within 800 square kilometers. It took years for scientists to start exploring the abandoned and uninhabited area; a hundred years later, they are still looking for conclusive evidence of a meteorite impact in the form of a crater or body debris.

They say a meteorite hit Nikola Tesla, but that's just another conspiracy theory.

Someone believes that the crater is hiding in a nearby lake. Others believe that at the last moment, an alien ship destroyed the meteorite so that it would not destroy the Earth. Well, we have a lot to learn from aliens.

In a separate line: the death of dinosaurs

As you know, dinosaurs died, most likely due to an asteroid impact. Together with them, more than half of all species on the planet died. Scientists aren't 100% sure that it was this asteroid that triggered the so-called KT extinction, but they have some reason to believe that the villain came from outer space.

Most of the soil during the event (K-T layer) contains a lot of iridium, which is abundant on asteroids, but scarce on Earth.

Scientists believe that one or more iridium comets or meteorites fell to Earth about 65 million years ago, kicking dust into the atmosphere and causing massive climate change. Where did this guest go? No one knows, but some researchers believe that a crater on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico is the place.

Weighing 60 tons, the Hoba meteorite, which still lies in its place in Namibia, is the largest known meteorite on the planet. A flat slab of iron fell to the ground about 80,000 years ago, so we don't know for sure what pyrotechnic show accompanied its arrival, but it wasn't discovered until 1920 when a farmer was digging in his field and stumbled upon the metal top. Since then, Hoba has become a national treasure, attracting thousands of visitors every year.

Weighing approximately 15 tons and three meters tall, this massive bony piece of iron is believed to be the remnant of the iron core of a planet that crashed billions of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, Williametta fell on our planet and was discovered only in 1902 by peaceful Americans in the form of a healing source of the Clackamas Indians - Tomanovos.

Tomanovos now rests in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, but recently a tribe of Indians made a deal with the museum to keep the meteorite in place for as long as the Clackamas visit it for ceremonial purposes.

4. Sikhote-Alin

When this massive iron meteorite roared from the sky in February 1947, eyewitnesses said it was brighter than the sun. And when the explosion tore it apart, its fragments showered the ground over an area of ​​half a square kilometer in the Sikhote-Alin mountains in Siberia.

The entry into the atmosphere and the explosion was visible within two hundred kilometers. For years, meteorite hunters have scoured the area for the well-recognized metal bars, twisted and curled in interesting ways.

Small pieces of Sikhote-Alin are still sold.

Ann Hodges and her meteorite bruise.

One autumn day in 1954, a 31-year-old Alabama housewife named Ann Hodges was dozing on the couch when a five-kilogram meteorite fell from the sky.

He broke through the roof and hit the woman in the thigh. Fortunately, Hodges escaped with a bruise, while the neighbors saw this grapefruit-sized rock as a fireball that cut through the sky. Hodges got her moment of fame, and later donated the meteorite to the Alabama Museum of Natural History.

Not so long ago, a German boy said that a meteorite also fell on him during a trip to school. A 14-year-old student said he saw a flash of light and was then hit by a pea-sized meteorite. Who knew pebbles could be so dangerous.

6. ALH 84001

Big name, isn't it? In fact, the meteorite is much more impressive than its low-key name.

ALH 84001 (let's call it Al for short) was discovered in Antarctica in 1984, 13,000 years after its arrival from Mars.

Yes, from Mars.

Al was born from the lava of a Martian volcano about four and a half billion years ago. 15 million years ago, he lay on the surface of Mars, and then another asteroid or meteorite released him, sending him to Earth, after which he landed on the Allan Hills in Antarctica.

Inside Al, there may be evidence of early Martian life in the form of fossilized algae or small amounts of bacteria.

The Orgueil meteorite burned through the atmosphere in May 1864, breaking into 20 pieces on its way to the French town of Orgueil. The fragments were soft enough to be cut with a knife, and very soon the remains of the meteorite were distributed to museums around the world.

Since then, the Orgueil meteorite has caused a lot of controversy, as scientists have long thought about where the organic material brought with it came from - what if this is evidence of extraterrestrial life? But in fact, although the meteorite itself was real, the signs of life were faked.

How? Some spores stuck together with coal dust. But it has already happened in our world.

8 Peekskill Meteorite

In 1992, the Peekskill meteorite crossed the sky over Kentucky and Pittsburgh in greenish flames and crashed into a parked car in Peekskill that was innocent.

It was a 1980 Chevy Malibu that had only received a massive dent and continued to travel the world like a meteorite survivor. And the meteorite was the most ordinary piece of iron the size of a bowling ball.

What was odd was the amount of attention given to the Peekskill meteorite. Due to the fact that he crossed the east coast, his path and trajectory were recorded on video and analyzed by scientists, but it turned out that this is the most common meteorite. It's a pity.

The Murchison meteorite broke into hundreds of pieces when it fell in Australia in September 1969. The largest of the pieces weighed about 50 kg, the smallest - less than 200 grams.

It fell to the ground in a massive fireball followed by a misty tail before disintegrating. Fragments are still being studied.

It turned out that the meteorite contains a wide range of amino acids, the building blocks of life, so the interest in it from astrobiologists is obvious.

The Allende meteorite, which fell to Earth in 1969 in Mexico, broke up into hundreds of fragments in flight. Together they will weigh several tons. Fragments, of course, went to private collections.

Many of the black pebbles are coated with a glassy material that forms under the influence of high temperatures during passage through the atmosphere. The meteorite contains particles that may be older than our solar system, olivine, and even microscopic diamonds.

To the question How to quickly remove a large bruise ?? given by the author Natalia the best answer is I know, as soon as you hit, you need to rub the impact site with dry soap (any, only dry)
Checked on myself.

Answer from chevron[expert]
add raw meat.

Answer from DAISY[guru]
There is a bruise-off cream)) Try them.

Answer from Insufficient salting[guru]
Gel Bodyaga-forte, really good. You can just heparin ointment.

Answer from sketch[active]
correctly write_badyaga or there is also Arnica ointment

Answer from Mikhail Nikolaevich[guru]
Now only warming up, nothing else will help!

Answer from yuri ivanov[guru]
Bodiga is not an ointment, but an herb. Buy it at the pharmacy and mix it with sunflower oil. Then anoint the bruise. Result in 2 days.

Answer from Yovetlana Ershova[expert]
Buy grass in a pharmacy, it's called "Bodyaga"

Answer from Mila[guru]
iodine mesh or vodka compress, and there is also hyparin ointment

Answer from Helen[guru]
There is Badyaga, it is inconvenient to use this ointment: to spread, then it is necessary to wash it off. To have a big effect - did not notice. Heparin ointment is more effective.

Answer from Love Lappa[guru]
Gel Dolobene.

Answer from Wais[guru]
Bruising occurs as a result of a bruise - a closed injury to soft tissues from a blow with a blunt object or a fall on a hard surface. The bruise looks like a spot that changes its color over several days: red - purple - blue-green - yellow. This color change occurs due to the breakdown of the coloring matter - hemoglobin. For the treatment of bruises, the following drugs are used: Badyaga ointment, Bruise-OFF gel, Rescuer balm. These funds are widely distributed and sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.
Non-traditional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Apply fresh cabbage leaves to the bruise.
2) Take a raw potato and, cut into 2 parts, apply with a cut to the sore spot and rub the bruise.
3) On the sore spot, apply a compress from raw potato mass or slurry from potatoes boiled in peel and mashed. Sometimes honey and baking soda are added to the potato gruel for a better effect.
4) Peel a raw potato, apply one of the peels to the bruise with the inside and attach with a plaster. Do not remove this compress for 2-3 hours.
5) Pour 3 tablespoons of garlic slurry 300 ml. 6% vinegar, insist in a dark place at room temperature for 12 hours, shaking the contents from time to time, then strain. Rub bruises with tincture.
6) Apply gruel from soy flour to the bruise.
7) Attach a cleanly washed piece of copper to the bruise.
8) Apply to bruises in the form of a lotion juice or decoction of herb fragrant rue (sold in a pharmacy).
9) Apply to the bruise in the form of a lotion a napkin soaked in a decoction of marigold herb (sold in a pharmacy).
10) Attach a crushed or finely chopped plantain leaf to the bruise.
11) Grind 1 onion, mix with 1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaf, add an equal amount of honey and mix in a boiling water bath. Apply in the form of compresses. Keep 2 hours. Make compresses 3 times a day.
12) Take 3-4 tablespoons of dry chopped marjoram herb, pour 1.5 cups of vegetable oil, simmer for 15-20 minutes, strain. Apply oil-herbal gruel to the bruised area.
13) Add 4-5 drops of clove oil to a bowl of ice water, soak a piece of bandage in the solution and apply to the bruise. Hold until the compress is warm. Repeat the procedure several times.
14) Mix vinegar with honey and apply in the form of a medical bandage to the site of impact. The mixture should be renewed from time to time until the bruise disappears.



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