"Biseptol": instructions for the use of suspensions and tablets for children with dosage calculation. Biseptol - a modern look at a long-familiar antibacterial drug

Medications designed to suppress vital processes and destroy pathogenic microorganisms are called antibiotics. The translation of this term from the Latin language - "against life" - leaves no doubt.

However, recently there has been some confusion with the classification of individual drugs used to treat microbial infections. Often drugs related to sulfonamides or nitrofurans are called simply "antimicrobial". This article provides a detailed and reasoned answer to a common question regarding a popular medicine.

Biseptol ® antibiotic or not?

Opinions in various sources on this subject are diametrically opposed, however, the correct answer is “yes”.

According to the modern classification, biseptol ® is an antibiotic that belongs to a separate group of sulfonamides and exhibits antimicrobial activity against a very wide range of pathogenic bacteria (gram-negative, gram-positive and atypical).

By the way, on our website there is a free service for checking any drug for belonging to antibiotics. In order to use it, click on the gear icon glued to the right of the screen:

Biseptol ® acts bacteriostatically, that is, it inhibits the reproduction and growth of microorganisms. This happens due to the introduction of the active substance (co-trimoxazole) into the cell and blocking the synthesis of vitamin B9 - folic acid.

Like other antibiotics, this medicine only fights bacteria and is inactive against viruses. The broader concept of "antibacterial drug" directly indicates that it is pointless and even dangerous to use it to treat influenza or SARS.

However, as statistical studies show, about half of the Russians surveyed mistakenly consider antibiotic therapy to be an adequate treatment for diseases of a viral nature and independently “prescribe” pills for themselves. The result of such illiteracy is the emergence of many resistant strains, severe complications and the development of superinfections that are difficult to treat (often fatal).

Why is Biseptol ® classified as an antibiotic?

Thus, in all respects, Biseptol fully corresponds to the concept of "antibiotic". Then where does the information come from that it is not such and does not give characteristic side effects (that is, it is less harmful to the body)? To answer this question, you should briefly familiarize yourself with some historical information, the principles for the manufacture of antimicrobial medicines and the characteristics of the drug itself.

A bit of history

Biseptol belongs to the group of sulfonamide antibiotics - synthetic antimicrobials, the history of which is quite interesting.

The first of them was synthesized long before penicillin (in 1908) and was named Sulfanilamide ® .

It is noteworthy that this compound was initially considered an industrial dye, and the chemotherapeutic properties of its constituent, prontosil (or red streptocide), were discovered later, in 1934. A year later, it was found that only the sulfanilamide group formed as a result of metabolism (“white streptocid", without a coloring matter), which is used in medicine today.

As a result of numerous experiments and studies over the past years, various drugs based on sulfanilamide ® and its derivatives have been obtained. The modification led to the expansion of the spectrum of antimicrobial activity and to overcome the resistance of pathogens (most of them are currently resistant to the first generation of drugs). So, Biseptol ® is a combination of sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole ®), in which the components act synergistically, preventing the synthesis and absorption of folic acid necessary for cell development.

Indications and release form

To answer the question Biseptol ® in the affirmative is it an antibiotic or not, information about its antimicrobial activity will help:

  • effective against staphylococci and streptococci (gram-positive flora);
  • of gram-negative pathogens, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella and many others are sensitive to it.

Not active against treponema, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Thus, this drug exhibits antibacterial properties characteristic of antibiotics and is successfully used to treat infectious inflammations of the digestive system, respiration, urogenital area, skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue.

The original drug is produced by the Polish concern Medana Pharma in the form of tablets (dosage of co-trimoxazole 120 and 480 mg), suspension for oral administration, concentrate for the manufacture of infusion and injection solutions.

Such a range of dosage forms allows you to accurately calculate the required amount of the active substance and draw up the optimal treatment regimen for a patient of any age. Self-medication (especially in relation to children) is absolutely impossible to engage in. In addition, it is necessary to strictly and strictly adhere to medical prescriptions and not interrupt treatment earlier than after 5 days, if there are no negative reactions of the body.

Application, side effects and contraindications

Due to the peculiarities of assimilation and excretion from the body, it is usually prescribed twice a day. You need to take the tablets after a meal, drinking a sufficient amount of boiled or filtered water (at least a glass). A single dose for an adult and a child over twelve years of age ranges from 240 to 960 mg, depending on the nature and severity of a particular disease. The amount of active ingredient required for younger children is calculated according to weight.

Biseptol ® has a number of strict contraindications and side effects. The latter do not occur often, mainly there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting) and the central nervous system - headache, insomnia. Less common are allergic reactions in the form of a rash, as well as impaired renal and hepatic functions (hematuria, hepatitis). All negative effects disappear immediately after the abolition of drug treatment with sulfonamides.

  • pregnant women at any time, since the placental barrier practically does not prevent the absorption of co-trimoxazole ® , and the teratogenic effect manifests itself in the form of heart defects in the fetus;
  • lactating (should temporarily stop breastfeeding, and express milk so that lactation does not stop);
  • suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems;
  • children under the age of three (tablet form). However, Biseptol in the form of a suspension or solutions can be used from the third month of life.

In addition to the listed strict prohibitions on the use of the drug, a number of restrictions are imposed. Care must be taken if the patient is diagnosed with thyroid disease, asthma, vitamin B9 deficiency. In addition, if the duration of the course of antibiotic therapy exceeds the minimum period of 5 days, it is necessary to monitor blood counts and, possibly, take additional folic acid preparations.

Where does false information come from?

As you know, the progenitor of all modern penicillins and the symbol of the beginning of a new era in medicine was benzylpenicillin, secreted by the fungus Penicillium notatum. For centuries, the bactericidal and bacteriostatic action of the waste products of mold fungi was used purely intuitively (for example, putting moldy bread on wounds in ancient Egypt). Scientific justification for such methods was given only at the beginning of the last century, when Alexander Fleming made his revolutionary discovery.

Having learned about the property of some microorganisms to destroy others, scientists around the world began to study the properties of various bacteria and fungi. So, for example, in 1952, the study of the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus led to the production of the first of the macrolides (erythromycin), and two years earlier, the polyene fungicide nystatin was isolated from the soil bacterium Streptomyces nourse, and today it is of great importance in the treatment of candidiasis. As a rule, the products of vital activity of microorganisms were purified and stabilized, and then launched into mass production (hence the corresponding name in the classification - natural).

Later, experiments began to be carried out to change the chemical structure of already known compounds. This was caused not only by the curiosity of researchers, but also by a vital necessity: pathogens began to mutate and form drug resistance. As a result, new generations of antibacterial agents with a wider spectrum of action and specific mechanisms for overcoming protection, called semi-synthetic, have appeared.

For example, the widespread Staphylococcus aureus (whose strains cause persistent nosocomial infections) produces beta-lactamase, which destroys penicillin. The addition of a beta-lactam ring to the chemical formula made it possible to make drugs more stable (oxacillin ® and other derivatives). Modifications to date have undergone all the original antibiotics, as pathogens are constantly changing and adapting.

For a long time, it was the method of preparation that determined the belonging of a drug to antibiotics. Since sulfonamides (like nitrofurans) are completely synthetic substances, until recently the answer to the question of whether biseptol is an antibiotic was strictly negative.

Already today, established views have been revised, and all drugs that were previously simply called “antimicrobial” were ranked among the rest of the ABPs and included in the classification. And since many authors use old editions and unverified information when compiling popular science articles, there is still an erroneous opinion.

The principle of separation according to the method of production is all the more irrelevant, since many modern “natural” drugs (for example,) are obtained exclusively by biosynthesis.

  • Restoration of microflora
  • Probiotics
  • Among sulfanilamide drugs, Biseptol can be called the most popular. Such a drug is produced in a suspension that can be given even to the smallest children. In addition, Biseptol is available in tablets. Is it allowed to give this dosage form to children and in what dosage is it used?

    Biseptol helps with purulent bactericidal infections

    Release form

    Biseptol tablets are distinguished by their round flat shape, white (sometimes with yellowness) color, as well as the presence of risks and engraving Bs. They are packaged in blisters of 20 pieces and sold 1 blister per pack.


    The substance that provides Biseptol with a therapeutic effect is called co-trimoxazole. This name combines two active compounds, the ratio of which in one tablet is 5 to 1. Depending on the amount of such active substances, the drug is presented in two dosages:

    1. Tablets 120 mg, in which there is 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole supplemented with 20 mg of trimethoprim.
    2. Tablets 480 mg, of which the patient receives sulfamethoxazole in an amount of 400 mg, and trimethoprim in a dose of 80 mg.

    In order for the preparation to be solid and the tablet to keep its shape, talc, Mg stearate, propyl and methyl parahydroxy benzoate, potato starch, propylene glycol and polyvinyl alcohol are added to the composition.

    Different dosage allows you to most accurately determine the single dose for children of different ages

    Operating principle

    The active substances in Biseptol have a bactericidal effect.. They affect the synthesis of proteins in bacterial cells, disrupting it, as a result of which the microbes die. The drug is active when infected with Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Pneumococcus, Proteus, Shigela, Pneumocystis and many other bacteria. Biseptol is ineffective against pseudomonads, mycobacteria, leptospira, viruses, treponema and some other microorganisms.





    Biseptol helps with infections caused by pathogens sensitive to it. It is prescribed for:

    • Purulent otitis.
    • sinusitis.
    • Typhoid.
    • cholera.
    • Salmonella.
    • Brucellosis.
    • bronchitis.
    • bacterial diarrhea.
    • Pneumocystosis.
    • Typhoid.
    • Scarlet fever.
    • Angina.
    • Pharyngitis.
    • Gonorrhea.
    • Whooping cough.
    • Laryngitis.
    • Pneumonia.
    • bronchiectasis.
    • peritonitis.
    • Cholangitis.
    • Osteomyelitis.
    • Skin abscesses.
    • Furunculosis.
    • Urethritis.
    • Orchitis.
    • Cystitis and many other infections.

    Dr. Komarovsky devoted one of his programs to infectious diseases in children:

    At what age is it allowed to take?

    Instructions for use of the tablet form of Biseptol include information that the remedy is recommended for children over three years old. If you need to prescribe a medicine to babies who are not yet 3 years old, a suspension is used. It can be given from 2 months of age.


    The use of Biseptol is prohibited:

    • If the child has an intolerance to such a drug or other sulfa drugs.
    • If the tests of a small patient showed kidney failure.
    • If the child's liver is damaged and its work is severely impaired.
    • If a deficiency of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase is detected.
    • If a blood test revealed agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia or leukopenia.

    The use of the drug with caution implies that the child has an allergic disease, thyroid pathology, lack of vitamins B9 and B12, or porphyria.

    Side effects

    The children's body often reacts to treatment with Biseptol with allergies or disruption of the digestive tract. In addition, the drug can cause:

    • Inhibition of hematopoiesis.
    • Dizziness, lethargy or depression, convulsions, headaches.
    • Shortness of breath and cough.
    • Impaired kidney function.
    • Pain in the joints or muscles.

    Instructions for use and dosage

    Tablets should be taken after a meal with plenty of water. The dosage is best determined individually based on the clinical picture, the condition of the child, the sensitivity of the pathogen and other factors. Usually Biseptol in tablets is prescribed in such a single dose:

    In this single dosage, Biseptol should be taken twice a day., and the interval between doses should be 12 hours.

    The duration of application is determined depending on the pathology. The drug is prescribed for at least 5 days, and when the symptoms of the infection pass, it should be taken for another two days. The average duration of treatment with Biseptol is 5 to 14 days. If the infection is severe, single doses can be increased by 30-50%.


    If you take more pills than prescribed by the doctor, the child will have a headache, nausea, abdominal pain, drowsiness, fever and other negative symptoms. Long-term excess of the dosage leads to the appearance of anemia, leukopenia, jaundice and thrombocytopenia.

    The amount of the drug taken by the child should be carefully monitored to avoid overdose.

    Interaction with food and other drugs

    • Biseptol tablets should not be taken with milk, as this will reduce their effect.
    • Before taking the drug, you should not eat foods that are quickly absorbed and excreted from the intestines, such as pastries or dried fruits.
    • At the time of treatment in the patient's diet, it is desirable to limit fatty foods of animal origin, as well as peas, cabbage, carrots, beans and tomatoes.
    • Biseptol enhances the therapeutic effect of the use of indirect anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs, phenytoin and methotrexate.
    • Co-administration with diuretic drugs will increase the risk of thrombocytopenia.
    • The drug should not be used together with aspirin or drugs that can inhibit hematopoiesis.

    Terms of sale

    To buy a tablet form of Biseptol, you need to present a prescription from a doctor. The average price of a pack of tablets with 120 mg of the active compound is 30 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Biseptol tablets should be stored away from moisture and sunlight, at temperatures below +25 degrees. Children should not have free access to the drug. The shelf life of this form of medicine is 5 years.

    The composition of the drug includes a combined active substance Co-Trimoxazole , which in turn consists of substances sulfamethoxazole (200 mg for suspension and 100 mg (400 mg) for tablets) and (40 mg for suspension and 20 mg (80 mg) for tablets).

    Additional funds

    For suspension: purified water, macrogol, sodium carmellose, propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, magnesium aluminum silicate, sodium saccharin, citric acid monohydrate, maltitol, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

    For tablets: propylene glycol, potato starch, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, talc, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl alcohol.

    Release form

    Available in tablet form, 120 (often also called "Children's Biseptol") and 480 mg of active substances, in the form of a suspension (syrup).

    pharmachologic effect

    Bactericidal, antibacterial.

    Biseptol is an antibiotic or not? This remedy is not an antibiotic.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    Combined antimicrobial drug. The main, active substance is (trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole). What is it used for? Biseptol has a double blocking effect on the metabolism of bacteria. Trimethoprim has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme involved in the metabolism of folic acid, and converts dihydrofolate to tetrahydroflorate. Sulfamethoxazole has a bacteriostatic effect. In the complex, the components of the drug Biseptol block the biosynthesis of purines and nucleic acids, without which the reproduction and growth of bacteria is impossible.

    The active substances are actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted mainly through the kidneys.

    What are these tablets and suspension from?

    In general, the drug is prescribed for infectious lesions of the urinary tract: pyelitis, epididymitis, venereal lymphogranuloma, soft chancre, inguinal granuloma. Consider Biseptol from which it helps in parts of the body.

    Indications for Biseptol's use for gastrointestinal infections:paratyphoid , typhoid fever , cholangitis, (E. coli), cholangitis, salmonella carriers.

    Respiratory infections: lobar pneumonia, bronchiectasis, (acute and chronic course), pneumocystis pneumonia, bronchopneumonia .

    Infections of soft tissues, skin integuments: furunculosis, wound infections, pyoderma . In complex therapy, it is used to treat toxoplasmosis, malaria, South American blastomycosis, and acute brucellosis.


    Aplastic anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, B12 deficiency anemia, severe disturbances in the functioning of the renal / hepatic systems, hyperbilirubinemia in children. Biseptol is prescribed with caution for folic acid deficiency, thyroid diseases.

    Side effects

    Nervous system: dizziness, headaches, rarely depression, aseptic, peripheral neuritis.

    Respiratory system: pulmonary infiltrates, bronchospasm.

    Digestive system: dyspeptic disorders, cholestasis, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, glossitis, epigastric pain, increased levels of hepatic transaminases, stomatitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, hepatonecrosis,.

    Hematopoietic organs: megaloblastic anemia, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

    Side effects from the urinary system: crystalluria, interstitial nephritis, polyuria, toxic nephropathy with, oliguria, increased urea, hematuria, impaired renal function.

    Musculoskeletal system: myalgia, arthralgia. , hypoglycemia, .

    Application instruction of Biseptol (Way and dosage)

    The dose of the drug in each case is prescribed by the doctor.

    Tablets Biseptol, instructions for use

    Adults: 960 mg once, or 480 mg for 2 doses. Severe infections: three times 480 mg. Course 1-2 weeks.

    With acute brucellosis the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, paratyphoid and typhoid fever - up to 3 months.

    Chronic infections: twice 480 mg tablets.

    Instructions for use for children

    For children, Biseptol is prescribed twice a day, the dose is from 120 to 480 mg.

    At the age of 3-5 years: 2 times 120 mg in 24 hours.

    Suspension Biseptol, instructions for use

    The syrup is used in the same way as the dosage of tablets.


    Intestinal colic, dyspeptic disorders, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, confusion, fever, depression, hematuria , fainting, visual disturbances, leukopenia, fever, crystalluria . With prolonged overdose, jaundice, megaloblastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia are noted. It is necessary to introduce trimethoprim, calcium folinate intramuscularly at a dose of 5-15 mg / day. If necessary, hemodialysis is prescribed. There is no specific antidote.


    Biseptol enhances the effect of hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, methotrexate. The drug reduces the effectiveness and reliability of oral contraception. The risk of developing megaloblastic anemia increases when taken with pyrimethamine (more than 25 mg per week). Thiazides can lead to thrombocytopenia. The effectiveness of Biseptol is reduced procainamide , , . The drug leads to the development of cross-allergy when taken simultaneously with oral hypoglycemic drugs. Folic acid deficiency is aggravated by barbiturates, phenytoin, . Crystalluria develops when taking , .

    Terms of sale

    Requires a prescription.

    Storage conditions

    In a place inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

    Best before date

    No more than 3 years.

    special instructions

    Regular monitoring of the concentration of sulfamethoxazole in the blood is necessary. If the indicator is more than 150 μg / ml, then the treatment is stopped until the value reaches 120 μg / ml and below. If the course of treatment is designed for a month or more, then regular monitoring of the blood condition is required. When appointed folic acid hematological changes are reversible. In AIDS patients, side effects are more common and pronounced. Biseptol is not recommended for use in cases of tonsillitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus gr. BUT.

    Biseptol - an antibiotic or not? According to the annotation, the drug is not an antibiotic.

    A recipe in Latin might look something like this: Rp: "Biseptoli-420" D.t.d. No. 20 in tab.

    There is no description of the drug on Wikipedia.

    Biseptol for children

    It is noted that the drug can be used from 3 months of life, and the doses will naturally vary. However, this should be done with caution and only as directed by a doctor. In some countries of the world, Biseptol for children is allowed to be used only from the age of 12.

    Usually they can prescribe a suspension from 3 months, tablets - from 2 years.

    Instructions for Biseptol for children

    At the age of 3 to 6 months, 2.5 ml of syrup is prescribed 2 times a day. The interval between doses should be at least 12 hours. From six months to 3 years, take up to 5 ml of Biseptol suspension for children twice a day.

    From 3 to 6 years, the dosage is made equal to 5-10 ml twice a day, 6-12 years - 10 ml 2 times a day. From the age of 12, take 20 ml every 12 hours.

    How to take tablets for children?

    At the age of 2-5 years: 2 times 120 mg in 24 hours. From 6 to 12 years of age use 480 mg every 12 hours.

    The course of treatment is 5-7 days. When using drugs for children, you should drink plenty of water.

    Alcohol compatibility

    The reaction of combination with alcohol is impossible to predict. The use of these substances together is undesirable.

    Biseptol's analogs

    Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

    Analogues are drugs: Baktiseptol , Biseptazole , Biseptrim , Groseptol , , Oriprim , Raseptol , Soluseptol , Sumetrolim , Triseptol .

    Reviews about Biseptol

    The tool is very effective, especially in diseases of the respiratory system. It has an excellent antibacterial effect. Of the minuses, it should be noted sometimes occurring side effects. Should not be used without the direction of the attending physician.

    Biseptol for children, reviews

    It is considered to be a very effective tool for fighting microbes. Negative reviews in the treatment of Biseptol syrup for children are generally not found.

    Reviews about Biseptol with cystitis

    The drug is effective for cystitis, but do not forget about the side effects.

    With angina

    It is prescribed when it is impossible to take antibiotics. According to studies, the microorganisms that cause angina began to lose sensitivity to this drug.

    Biseptol price

    The price of Biseptol in tablets of 120 mg is 35 rubles for 20 pieces. You can buy 480 mg tablets for 100 rubles per pack of 28 pieces.

    The price of Biseptol syrup is approximately equal to 130 rubles.

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    Means "Biseptol" is a combined drug with antibacterial properties. It is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company "Polfa" and is dispensed from pharmacies exclusively by prescription.

    Its active ingredients perfectly fight the reproduction of bacteria, destroy gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including those that have developed resistance to other drugs of the sulfanilamide group. In this article we will tell you everything about the drug "Biseptol": what helps, what are its indications and contraindications for use. We will also describe how and in what doses it should be used, what side effects it can have on the human body. We hope you find this information useful.

    Release form of the drug "Biseptol"

    This drug is produced in several versions: in the form of tablets of 120 mg and 480 mg, suspensions for oral administration of 80 ml and ampoules with a concentrate of 8 ml. Regardless of the form of release, the drug contains two main components: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (400 mg and 80 mg, respectively). The suspension is prescribed for children and has a pleasant sweetish taste. In addition to active ingredients, it consists of Cremophor RH 40, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, magnesium aluminum silicate, citric acid, sodium hydrogen phosphate, maltitol, propylhydroxybenzoate, methylhydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, purified water. Ampoules are used only for inpatient treatment. They, like the suspension, contain, in addition to the two main active, several auxiliary components: propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, and water for injection. Tablets have a round flat shape, white-yellowish color and engraved "Bs". In addition to active ingredients, they consist of potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate, and other components.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug "Biseptol" has a bacteriostatic effect on various types of pathogens. Sulfamethoxazole disrupts the metabolism of bacteria, including preventing the synthesis of dihydrofolic acid in their cells. Trimethoprim prevents the formation of nucleic acids necessary for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, which leads to their rapid death. The active components of Biseptol tablets are absorbed in the small intestine. They penetrate into the fluids and tissues of the body: into the kidneys, lungs, tonsils, prostate, vaginal and bronchial secretions. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are passed through the placental barrier and during lactation can be excreted in breast milk. 60 minutes after taking the drug, the concentration of active substances in the blood reaches the limit value. The therapeutic effect lasts for 12 hours. The drug is excreted from the body within 10-12 hours, mainly with urine. So, we examined what effect the drug "Biseptol" has. From what it helps, we will tell further.

    In what cases do doctors prescribe the drug "Biseptol"?

    The drug destroys various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and even some pathogenic fungi. It is effective against such pathogens as Escherichia coli, Klebsiela, Proteus, Enterobacter, Morganella, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Legionella, Toxoplasma, Neisseria. It is also active against chlamydia and vibrio cholerae. A wide range of pathogenic microorganisms sensitive to the active complex of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim determines an impressive list of diseases for which Biseptol is prescribed. What does he help? Often this remedy is used to treat acute infections of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis), infections of the upper respiratory tract (otitis media, chronic sinusitis). Often, doctors prescribe the drug Biseptol for bronchitis caused by bacteria. It is worth remembering that when a cough occurs, it is impossible to purchase and use medicine without a doctor's recommendation. Inflammation of the bronchi can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses that are resistant to the components of the tablets. In order not to harm your body, the drug "Biseptol" for coughing should be taken only after visiting a therapist. Self-treatment is unacceptable.

    What do Biseptol tablets help from?

    The tool is often used to treat diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs. It is effective in the presence of urethritis, including post-gonorrheal, gonococcal infection, pyelitis, chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis. Often the drug "Biseptol" is prescribed for cystitis. The thing is that in almost 80% of cases, the cause of infection in the urinary tract and the inflammatory process of the bladder is Escherichia coli. Tablets "Biseptol" perfectly fight this pathogen.

    Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, you should be guided by the recommendations of your doctor. He will probably prescribe you not Biseptol tablets, but a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Inadequate therapy and self-medication can lead to chronic diseases of the urinary tract, which are extremely difficult to treat. In addition to cystitis, the drug "Biseptol" also helps in the presence of a gastrointestinal infection: typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery, paratyphoid, cholera. It is also effective in the presence of infections of soft tissues and skin, such as furunculosis, pyoderma or abscess. Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug "Biseptol" in the treatment of meningitis. From what it helps, we examined. Next, we describe the scheme of application, as well as talk about contraindications and possible side effects of this drug.

    Instructions for use. Dosage

    The duration of treatment is set for each patient individually. It can be from 5 to 14 days. Usually the daily dosage of the drug is calculated according to the following formula: 30 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 6 mg of trimethoprim per 1 kg of body weight. Babies are prescribed the drug "Biseptol" in the form of a suspension or syrup. The standard dosage for children is as follows:

    • at the age of 3 to 6 months - 2.5 ml (every 12 hours);
    • at the age of 7 months to 3 years - 2.5-5 ml;
    • at the age of 4 to 6 years - 5-10 ml;
    • at the age of 7 to 12 years - 10 ml.

    Children 12 years of age and older and adults should take 20 ml every 12 hours. When prescribing Biseptol tablets to patients with impaired renal function, the dosage is halved.

    Contraindications and side effects of the drug "Biseptol"

    It is contraindicated in patients with severe disorders of the functioning of the kidneys and the hematopoietic system. The drug "Bispetol" is not recommended for people with folic acid deficiency, as well as those with hypersensitivity to active ingredients (trimethoprim and / or sulfonamides). It is not prescribed in children under 3 months, during pregnancy and lactation. With prolonged and uncontrolled use, the drug "Biseptol" can adversely affect well-being, including causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis. In rare cases, use may contribute to the appearance of hepatitis, acute liver necrosis, pancreatitis. Also, while taking the tablets, allergic reactions may occur: hives, itching or skin rash.

    The drug can also cause headache, dizziness, cause apathy and depression. Its use in high doses can develop thrombocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis and disrupt kidney function. Therefore, do not neglect the appointment of the attending physician and exceed the recommended dose. Be healthy!

    Biseptol is a combination drug that belongs to the group of sulfonamides. It contains sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. The medicine is often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of various diseases provoked by pathogenic microflora.

    The action of the drug

    The drug is characterized by an extensive spectrum of action against such microorganisms:

    • The simplest microorganisms;
    • Gram-positive aerobic bacteria;
    • Aerobic bacteria;
    • Gram-positive anaerobes;
    • Gram-negative aerobic bacteria;
    • pathogenic fungi.

    Biseptol also inhibits E. coli, causing a decrease in the absorption of B vitamins, nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, in the intestine. The duration of the therapeutic effect is about 7 hours.

    The instruction attached to the Biseptol preparation states that the medication does not act on:

    • Viruses;
    • Corynebacterium spp.;
    • Treponema spp.
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
    • Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
    • Leptospira spp.

    Biseptol antibiotic or not

    Antibiotics are drugs of natural or semi-synthetic origin, endowed with antimicrobial activity. As for Biseptol, this drug is fully synthesized and belongs to sulfonamides. They are called antibacterial chemical drugs.

    Antibacterial agents kill bacteria or inhibit their reproduction and growth.

    Sulfonamides penetrate the structure of microbes instead of para-aminobenzoic acid, causing disturbances in the metabolism of their vital activity and the growth of bacteria. Performing such work, sulfonamides are not antibiotics. Drugs represent a different group of antimicrobial drugs.

    Sulfonamides became the first systemic antimicrobials. They have been used for more than 65 years, thereby raising the risk of addiction of a mass of microbial strains to this group of drugs. It was possible to increase the sensitivity of pathogenic microbes in the development of combined medicines that combine these antimicrobial agents with trimethoprim. These include Co-trimoxazole and other analogues of Biseptol.

    It is worth noting that Co-trimoxazole is a drug - the leader in side effects that pose a threat to life. Danish medical academics have established that Biseptol negatively affects hematopoiesis, provoking a condition in which the bone marrow stops producing leukocytes - granulocytes, that is, it contributes to aplastic anemia.

    This phenomenon causes a severe violation of hematopoiesis, in which patients without the necessary qualified assistance die in a few months. This condition (aplastic anemia) causes complete atrophy of the brain, and in terms of danger it occupies a leading position along with blood oncology.

    Composition and form of release

    The drug Biseptol release form may be as follows:

    • Suspensions for oral administration 240 mg / 5 ml - 80 ml bottle. 100 ml contains the active substances trimethoprim - 0.8 g, sulfamethoxazole - 4.0 g and auxiliary ingredients. The medicine is dispensed according to a doctor's prescription.
    • Biseptol tablets contain for adults 0.4 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 0.08 g of trimethoprim. The medication used to treat children has the following dosage - 0.2 g of trimethoprim and 0.1 g of sulfamethoxazole. The package contains 20 tablets.
    • Concentrates for injections of 480 mg (in 1 ml of the agent - 16 mg of trimethoprim and 80 mg of sulfamethoxazole).


    The mechanism of action of Biseptol is as follows:

    • Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, when taken, are completely absorbed by the digestive system.
    • Trimethoprim is rapidly transported into cells, and also instantly penetrates through tissue barriers into the kidneys, lungs, bile, prostate, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, sputum. The substance is excreted through the kidneys in half the volume consumed unchanged.
    • Sulfamethoxazole is supplied via the kidneys, with about 30% in the active form.

    Biseptol: indications for use

    The drug is intended for the treatment of infectious diseases provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. Biseptol is recommended for:

    • Infectious lesions of the respiratory system (bronchitis or lung abscess, sinusitis, inflammation of the brain and lungs, sinusitis, otitis media, flu or colds, tonsillitis);
    • Infection of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, salpingitis);
    • Nutritional diseases (shigellosis, cholera and paratyphoid);
    • Skin lesions - furunculosis and pyoderma.

    With cystitis or prostatitis, the effectiveness of the drug can be observed when pathologies are provoked by the following pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, cocci, E. coli. In this case, recovery will be quick and efficient.

    Biseptol is used to treat the acute and chronic forms of these diseases.

    The dosage for the treatment course is selected individually by the attending physician. Self-treatment is fraught with the risk of severe complications. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, leading to various diseases, are provoked by pathogenic microbes, so you need to know which treatment regimen to use in each specific situation.

    Biseptol in pathologies of the infectious nature of the origin of the genitourinary system is prescribed to stop the further transition of the pathological reaction into a chronic form.

    In severe cases of the disease, antibacterial agents with a wide spectrum of action are added to the antiviral drug. Therapy is carried out for three weeks, after which the patient is recommended to take a month break. Then treatment should be resumed.

    Before using Biseptol, the patient should undergo a laboratory test for pathogenic flora. According to the results of the tests, the doctor selects the necessary group of drugs.

    AIDS is an incurable disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people around the world

    Scientists are constantly developing new drug formulas to help alleviate the condition of patients. The antiviral drug Biseptol can be used to treat HIV-infected children.

    Long-term studies have shown that this drug helps to reduce the death rate of children by almost 50%. Today, in many African countries, where the disease is most common in children, they are prescribed Biseptol. This is due to its high efficiency and availability.


    Biseptol is unacceptable to use:

    • Patients with hypersensitivity to incoming components;
    • Pregnant women;
    • During lactation;
    • Children under 6 years of age for intramuscular injection;
    • Under the age of 3 months;
    • With pneumocystis pneumonia;
    • In case of hyperbilirubinemia in children;
    • With bronchial asthma;
    • If severe kidney failure is diagnosed;
    • With a deficiency of folic acid;
    • When a violation of the functions of the thyroid gland is detected;
    • With pathologies of the hematopoietic system.

    Biseptol can have side effects on the body from:

    The drug can provoke an allergic reaction and manifest itself in the form of itching, rash, drug fever, urticaria, fever, exfoliative dermatitis, scleral hyperemia, allergic myocarditis, angioedema.

    Summary of dosage and methods of administration

    Tablets for oral administration are recommended for adults and children over 12 years of age, 960 mg at a time. However, the drug is allowed to use 480 mg twice a day. With the advanced form of the disease, the drug may be prescribed three times a day for 480 mg.

    For children 1-2 years old, Biseptol tablets are prescribed at a dosage of 120 mg in the morning and evening, for babies 2-6 years old, the dosage can be increased to 240 mg.

    Suspension should be consumed after a meal, drinking a sufficient amount of liquid 960 mg every 12 hours. In severe cases, the dosage of the suspension can also be increased to 1440 mg, which must be taken every 12 hours.

    Biseptol in the form of syrup is intended for babies. Up to 2 years, it is recommended 120 mg, 2-6 years 240 mg, in the older category of persons, the dosage is 240-480 mg. You need to drink the medicine twice a day. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the inflammatory process and can range from several days to several months.

    The drug can be used to prevent recurrence of chronic infections of urinary tract pathologies. In this case, the recommended dosage is 480 mg once at bedtime. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3-12 months.

    In the treatment of acute cystitis in adolescents and toddlers, a regimen of 480 mg twice a day for three days is used. Biseptol for intravenous injection of adults and adolescents at 960-1920 mg every 12 hours, for children - according to age and existing standards.

    In severe infection, intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug is used. Do not administer the drug concentrate with other solutions. Children over 12 years of age, as well as adult patients, are prescribed injections of 10 ml twice a day. At the age of a child under 5 years, the dosage of the drug is reduced by four times, and for schoolchildren - by half. In severe situations, a half dose increase is allowed for any age group. The medicine must be administered for at least 5 days (when the characteristic manifestations of the disease disappear, and then a couple more days).


    Failure to follow the doctor's recommendations for the correct use of the drug threatens with negative consequences. The substance co-trimoxazole can be life-threatening. In the presence of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to stop taking this drug and do a gastric lavage, and it is recommended to do this procedure no later than 2 hours after taking the drug. Drinking plenty of fluids and artificial vomiting will help improve the condition after poisoning.

    In chronic poisoning with Biseptol, there may be a risk of leukopenia. Thrombocytopenia and megaloblastic anemia may occur. Leucovorin, recommended for use at a dosage of 5-15 mg per day, helps to stop unpleasant discomfort.

    The state after poisoning should be kept under control.

    If any deviations occur, you should immediately contact your doctor and notify him of the problems.

    special instructions

    If rashes or diarrhea appear on the skin in the acute stage, you should immediately stop taking Biseptol. It is forbidden to take the drug for streptococcal angina.

    During treatment with these drugs, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids.

    With prolonged drug therapy, it is necessary to control the parameters of the state of the circulatory system.

    It is undesirable to include green vegetables, as well as tomatoes and carrots in the diet. Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time. Biseptol is not recommended for use in pathologies of the respiratory tract. Trimethoprim contributes to a change in the value of the serum residence time of methotrexate.

    Biseptol during pregnancy

    It is recommended to use the drug for pregnant women only if there is a clear positive result. In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is contraindicated to use it, since Botkin's disease can be provoked in a child. It is desirable to take Biseptol only in liquid form.

    During the therapeutic course, pregnant women are prescribed this substance at a dose of 5 mg per day due to a deficiency of folic acid in their body. For nursing mothers with any pathologies, the use of this drug is strictly prohibited.

    Alcohol compatibility

    Biseptol, like many other drugs, cannot be combined with alcohol and with the protein contained in food. If you drink alcohol and this drug at the same time, you may experience cramps in the limbs. In such cases, an increase in pressure, body temperature is recorded, a suffocating cough is noted.

    Biseptol with alcohol can cause an allergic reaction. It may continue to occur every time you use this drug, whether alcohol has been consumed or not. The most unpleasant moment in the tandem of alcohol and the drug is cerebral ischemia, which can cause death.


    Biseptol is produced by various pharmacological companies under the following names:

    • Bel-septol;
    • Baktiseptol;
    • Bebitrim;
    • Bi-sept;
    • Raseptol;
    • Bikotrim;
    • Triseptol.

    Its popular analogues in the form of a suspension and tablets for children have become products made in Poland. A good substitute for this medication is a drug manufactured by the French company Seneksi Bactrim.

    The drug Co-Trimoxazole in a dosage of 240 mg and 480 is produced by Pharmstandard. This medicine is an inexpensive analogue of Biseptol. There are other manufacturers that produce the drug under this name. All of them are united by affordability. In pharmacies, you can also buy more expensive analogues - Bi-septin from Holland, Septrin from the English company Glaxo.

    The price of the drug

    The price range for Biseptol in domestic pharmacies is as follows:

    • In tablets 120 mg - 31 rubles. (20 pieces);
    • In tablets 480 mg - 67 rubles. (20 pieces);
    • In ampoules of 5 ml - 340 rubles. (10 pieces.);
    • Suspension 240 mg - 120 rubles.


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