Dietary supplements for vessels. Effective preparations for head vessels: drug review from VesselInfo

The heart works 24 hours a day without breaks and days off. Do you think it's easy for him to drum on our chest like this, moving blood back and forth? No, it's not easy at all. Therefore, over time, various diseases begin to disturb him, the vessels weaken, lose their elasticity, and become clogged with cholesterol plaques. High-quality dietary supplements for the heart and blood vessels can strengthen the cardiovascular system.

What vitamins does the heart need

Choosing good dietary supplements for the heart, you need to study their composition. It should be selected taking into account what the heart muscle and vascular system needs, as well as taking into account the prescribed dosage.

Bioadditives for the heart and blood vessels from Vision contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients:

  • vitamin A - prevents atherosclerosis and improves metabolism;
  • C - improves blood flow and strengthens blood vessels;
  • vitamins of group B (B1, B6) - normalize blood circulation and the general condition of blood vessels;
  • E - prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques;
  • Q10 - thanks to him, energy is generated in the heart;
  • magnesium - regulates blood pressure;
  • selenium - neutralizes the action of free radicals;
  • potassium - necessary for contraction of the heart muscle;
  • omega-3 PUFAs - necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels;
  • grape pomace extract - the most powerful natural protector of the heart;
  • medicinal plant ginkgo biloba - protects blood vessels from the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

The benefits of dietary supplements for the cardiovascular system

Many people doubt whether it is possible to take dietary supplements for the heart? These doubts are justified, because some pharmaceuticals can provoke allergies and worsen certain diseases.

Vision produces high-quality and safe products. They have a number of advantages:

  1. they are based on natural plant materials;
  2. they are completely absorbed by the body;
  3. do not lead to overdose;
  4. they do not contain harmful additives;
  5. all products are certified by the Ministry of Health of the states where they are presented;
  6. each preparation is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GMP and ISO22000 standards.

Institute of Nutrition RAMS them. THEM. Sechenova For dietary supplements Vision, recommendations have been developed for their proper use.

It is Vision that produces the best dietary supplements for the heart that really help. Thanks to them, effective cleaning of blood vessels and their strengthening, regulation of heart rate, normalization of pressure and reduction of the risk of heart disease are carried out.

Catalog of cardiac dietary supplements

  • The catalog of our online store presents various. Among them:
  • Dietary supplements for veins (reduce the likelihood of varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases);
  • Dietary supplements in violation of the heart rhythm (and tachycardia);
  • bioadditives for the heart and blood vessels with coenzyme Q10;
  • vitamins to lower blood cholesterol;
  • Dietary supplements to improve heart function with calcium and vitamin K2;
  • anti-stress complexes.

The best effect from their adoption is observed when dietary supplements for blood vessels are taken in combination. There is a synergy effect - the active components enhance each other's action.

All Vision supplements are discounted up to 40%. To learn more about this and choose an individual complex of drugs that will strengthen the capillaries, veins and heart, contact a consultant.

Dietary supplements for veins and blood vessels are one of the best investments in the health of your heart and life expectancy.

Effective preparations for head vessels: drug review from VesselInfo

In a number of diseases, including atherosclerosis described above, but also with migraine, /, after injuries, the brain experiences constant oxygen starvation due to vascular dysfunction. There are sensations that the head aches, hurts, splits. And all because the small capillaries penetrating the parts of the brain do not provide a sufficient supply of red blood cells to the nerve cells that need nutrition. For some time, the body compensates for this shortage by redistributing the flow of blood through various vessels. But without treatment, the negative consequences of undernourishment of the brain increase. Due to constant cellular starvation, partial death of neurons occurs, which is expressed in the development of senile dementia.

You see how important it is to maintain the health of the vessels of the brain in order to remain a full-fledged and healthy person for as long as possible.

Fortunately, vascular diseases, including those that feed the brain, can be treated. Drugs have been developed and successfully used that can reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques, remove them. In addition to acting directly on the vascular wall, it is possible to improve blood characteristics, reduce its viscosity and ability to form blood clots.

Consider the most common drugs for cerebral vessels.

Drugs designed to dilate blood vessels

The pharmacological action of these drugs is to increase the blood supply to the brain. In addition, the energy metabolism of cells improves.

calcium antagonists

All preparations for the vessels of the brain from this group relax the arteries and practically do not change the tone of the veins. Blood flow increases and oxygen-rich blood flows to the brain. These drugs are widely used, and the third generation of such drugs is being developed.

All these drugs are used to correct vascular disorders throughout the body. Since side effects can occur when taking them, they should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

The first generation produced:

  • Phenylalkylamine derivatives - verapamil (drugs called Isoptin, Finoptin);
  • Derivatives of dihydropyridine - the active substance nifedipine (drugs Fenigidin, Adalat, Corinfar, Kordafen, Kordipin);
  • Benzothiazepine derivatives based on the substance diltiazem (Diazem, Diltiazem).

In the second generation of these drugs, their spectrum expanded, such as:

  • Isradipin (Lomir);
  • Gallopamil, Anipamil, Falipamil;
  • Amlodipine (Norvasc), felodipine (Plendil), nitrendipine (Octidipine), nimodipine (Nimotop), nicardipine, lacidipine (Lacipil), riodipine (Foridon);
  • Klentiazem.

The next generation have noticeable advantages over previously released drugs that work on the same principle:

  1. First, they have a more prolonged action;
  2. Secondly, they demonstrate a higher selectivity of exposure;
  3. Thirdly, they give fewer negative side effects.

It is especially important that among calcium antagonist drugs that increase the lumen of the arteries, there are drugs that have a predominant effect on the vessels of the brain, without significantly affecting other vessels.

The most effective for brain vessels from this point of view:

  • Nimodipine;
  • Cinnarizine.

With severe atherosclerosis of the vessels, these drugs cannot be dispensed with. In the same time, all drugs in this group should not be treated as self-medication pills. Be sure to visit a cardiologist and a neurologist, the doctor will select and prescribe the funds you need. They are often prescribed as a permanent medication that is taken for life.

Preparations based on plant alkaloids

Vinca-based preparations

The most beneficial effect on cerebral circulation is produced by derivatives of the alkaloid of a common garden plant - periwinkle. Just this substance acts in the body as an antispasmodic, relaxing the cerebral vessels. In addition to this action, vinca alkaloid improves metabolism in brain tissues. At the same time, preventing platelets from sticking together, this substance increases blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, therefore, provides nerve cells with sufficient nutrition.

Such a well-known drug for the vessels of the brain, like Vinpocetine, is just a derivative of this alkaloid. Other names for this tool are:

  • Bravinton;
  • Vero-Vinpocetine;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Vincetin;
  • Cavinton;
  • Cavinton Forte;
  • Telektol.

This remedy is widely advertised and has so few contraindications that it is prescribed to a large number of patients. Please note that self-administration of Cavinton and Vinpocetine without consulting a doctor is still unacceptable. The drug is available in tablets and solutions for intravenous injection. Drip injection by injection is more effective. Depending on the state of health, the doctor will offer you the optimal treatment regimen with this drug.

Gingko biloba preparations

A unique relic plant gives people drugs with a complex effect on the blood supply to the brain. When taking gingko preparations, vasospasm is simultaneously relieved, blood fluidity changes, microcirculation and vascular wall permeability increase. Additionally, thanks to the antioxidant properties, gingko biloba medicines strengthen the walls of veins and arteries and destroy free radicals. And that's not all - these drugs have a pronounced anti-edematous effect at the level of the brain and improve the metabolism of nervous tissue. Gingko biloba extract contains medicines such as

  • Tanakan;
  • Bilobil;
  • Gingium;
  • Ginkor Fort and others.

These remedies are over-the-counter and can be taken on your own. But you need to carefully read the contraindications and do not combine gingko with aspirin due to an increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Derivatives of nicotinic acid

These drugs do not dilate large vessels. At the level of capillaries, nicotinic acid still has a vasodilating, in other words, vasodilating effect. A side effect from taking nicotinic acid is reddening of the skin, which is precisely associated with this property.

Drugs in this group help deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, the doctor prescribes nicotinic acid for complex effects, including strengthening the vascular wall, to prevent vascular accidents. Most often, treatment is carried out in courses in the form of injections under the supervision of physicians.

Tablets of this group of medicines:

  • Nicotinic acid, Enduratin, Nikoshpan are available by prescription, as their uncontrolled intake can cause significant damage to the health of the liver.

Video: expert opinion on vasodilators

Preparations that strengthen the walls of blood vessels

These funds maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. They have a beneficial effect on the permeability of capillaries, activate metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. First of all, that's how they work. In addition to them, some trace elements are needed.

  • vitamin P, the most important element necessary for the good functioning of capillaries is a whole group of biologically active substances contained in plants, otherwise these are bioflavonoids and polyphenols, the most important of which are rutin, anthocyanins, flavones, flavonols, catechins, more than one hundred and fifty. In combination with vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that prevent cell destruction due to excessive formation of free radicals, the effect of vitamin P is more pronounced. The simplest and most well-known drug that contains these vitamins is Askorutin. Anthocyanins are found in all dark berries, such as blueberries and shadberry. Therefore, dietary supplements based on them, such as Blueberry Forte, will bring undoubted benefits to the health of cerebral vessels.
  • Potassium, silicon, selenium. The most useful for blood vessels, including cerebral ones, are vitamin complexes that additionally contain minerals. In addition to them, food additives, dietary supplements containing adaptogen plants strengthen the vascular walls.
  • Dihydroquercetin, one of the most effective preparations of this group, it contains bioflavonoids of Siberian or Dahurian larch.

Vitamins and minerals are useful not only for the treatment of brain disorders that have arisen, but also for their prevention. These drugs can be taken independently, taking into account the dosages recommended by the manufacturers.

Homeopathic preparations

The action of these drugs is based on the transfer to the patient's body of the energy-informational characteristics contained in them in extremely low concentrations of medicinal substances. As a rule, homeopathy involves long-term use and individual selection of remedies for each patient. In the case, you can buy homeopathic drops at the pharmacy. Well proven such as Edas - 138 and Cerebralik, used in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels to improve memory, reduce dizziness and other unpleasant manifestations. Homeopathic remedies in pharmacies are dispensed without prescriptions, they can be taken independently, guided by the instructions.

Medicines for the treatment of migraine

Separately, you should consider drugs that relieve seizures. Although this disease is also associated with disruption of the circulatory system, the pathological condition here is completely different. A migraine attack has five stages.

High blood pressure with pain and discomfort in the heart, decreased memory and attention, discomfort in the legs with chilliness and pain, at rest and in motion, recovery from myocardial infarction. Or atherosclerosis in the vessels of the lower extremities or the brain, coronary or hypertension, chronic heart failure. Or hereditary predisposition to these diseases, when close relatives suffer from them, or preparation for surgery, or rehabilitation after operations on blood vessels and the heart. With any of these phenomena or their prevention, natural dietary supplements for the heart.

They have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce pain, eliminate failures and reduce the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, reduce vascular spasms and normalize sleep. The use of dietary supplements for the heart increases coronary blood flow, improves blood supply to the heart, increasing its contractility and expanding the energy reserves of the heart muscle. An increase in the efficiency of the heart in the case of physical activity or degenerative disorders associated with advanced age leads to an increase in minute volume and endurance.

By improving lipid metabolism, dietary supplements for the heart reduce sclerotic phenomena, lead to a decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides, affect the qualitative content of lipoproteins, increasing the level of beneficial high density, reducing the level of harmful low density. Regular use of bioactive supplements for the heart leads to a decrease in blood viscosity, vasodilation, elimination of possible spasms and a noticeable improvement in blood flow, and also positively affects the state of the endothelium on the inner walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity.

With an insufficiently balanced diet, the myocardium may need additional intake of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. For this, dietary supplements of various compositions are used. It is best to purchase these funds in the pharmacy chain or in online stores directly from manufacturers.

Read in this article

When and who needs dietary supplements for the heart

The use of dietary supplements in most cases is recommended to prevent heart and vascular diseases in patients who have no signs of pathology, but they are at risk:

  • with a hereditary predisposition - among close relatives there were cases of heart disease, early death from or;
  • after the age of 50 years - the vascular wall loses its elasticity;
  • with the onset of menopause, the protective effect of sex hormones is lost;
  • - nicotine promotes progression;
  • those who are overweight - fat and carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, the load on the heart increases;
  • with low physical activity - less than 30 minutes a day is allocated for physical activity;
  • experiencing stress overload - cause a spasm of the arteries and an increase in blood pressure;
  • choosing unhealthy food - an excess of animal fats, fast food, sweets, confectionery, a lack of plant foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, unsaturated fats (fish, vegetable oil, nuts);
  • in the presence of .

In addition, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes with microelements for people living in areas with a cold or excessively hot climate, sudden changes in weather, working in harmful conditions, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women (only after agreement with a gynecologist), who have undergone serious illness or surgery.

The heart muscle may need additional support during strict diets, with concomitant diseases of the internal organs and the endocrine system.

The best dietary supplements-vitamins

Among the vitamin-mineral complexes there are both drugs and dietary supplements. Sometimes the same drug may, after the expiration of the registration certificate, remain in retail sale in the form of a dietary supplement. You can determine the most effective means by the presence of important components. For the cardiovascular system to work, you need:

  • vitamins A, D, E, C and group B, P;
  • trace elements - magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium;
  • - bioflavonoids, dihydroquercetin;
  • coenzyme - coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone);
  • unsaturated fatty acids - omega 3,6,9 acids,;
  • plant extracts - ginkgo biloba, grape seeds, sophora, blueberries, garlic, lemon balm, valerian;
  • microalgae spirulina.

Among the vitamin complexes with bioadditives, which have the most pronounced positive effect on the heart muscle, include:

Most Advertised Tools

To support the work of the myocardium, the prevention of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, many dietary supplements are produced. Among the most famous manufacturers are Evalar (Russia), Newways (USA), Solgar (USA).


It produces herbal preparations, many of which are used to strengthen the heart. The preparation Ateroklerofit BIO contains an extract of red clover, hawthorn, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, vitamin P. These compounds normalize blood cholesterol levels, help improve fat metabolism, remove their excess from the body.

In vitamins for the heart Directs included potassium and magnesium in the form of salts of aspartic acid. These trace elements help to normalize the heart rhythm and metabolic processes in the myocardium. Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 protect the myocardium from the consequences of insufficient oxygen supply during ischemic processes.

Hawthorn extract improves contractility and conduction of the heart, restores the excitability of muscle fibers. Ginkgo biloba and rosehip act as antioxidants and prevent cell damage.

Balm for the heart Tales of Altai is based on herbs with a pronounced cardioprotective effect (hawthorn, clover, oregano, motherwort and lemon balm). It is rich in flavonoids, essential oils. Main therapeutic effects:

  • calming;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • toning the heart muscle;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • restoring lipid metabolism;
  • antispasmodic;
  • relieving pain in the heart during overexertion, stress.


BAA Revenol consists of plants with antioxidant properties - cocoa beans, grape seeds, turmeric, pine bark, ginkgo biloba and vitamins A, E, and C. All these components prevent the destruction of arterial walls, inhibit atherosclerosis, aging of the body. After a course of treatment, microcirculation is restored, swelling and stagnant processes in tissues are reduced.

Cardiol capsules contain coenzyme Q10, which increases the rate of energy production in cells. It restores the structure of membranes after damage, improves blood composition, and normalizes metabolism. Its action is most pronounced in the myocardium and liver. Under the influence of this remedy, exercise tolerance, mental performance, resistance to infections and stress increase.


The Cardio support plus complex can be used as a source of vitamins, microelements and antioxidants. It consists of amino acids (taurine,), isoflavones, magnesium, glycine, pepper and grape seed extract, coenzyme Q10.

It is indicated for the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack, operations and stress, with circulatory failure, to improve physical activity in atherosclerosis,. It is recommended for older people during menopausal restructuring of the body.

BAA Lipotropic Factor contains three components that inhibit the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of arteries - the amino acids choline, methionine and inositol. They improve fat metabolism by acting on the liver, kidneys and intestines. Thanks to this, fats are used to build cell membranes, are included in metabolic processes, and excesses are effectively excreted from the body.

Where to buy quality products to strengthen the myocardium

The disadvantage of bioadditives is that in most cases they do not undergo the necessary clinical studies, and the composition declared on the packaging does not always correspond to the actual content of active substances.

In order to protect yourself from unscrupulous manufacturers, you need to choose only drugs that are produced by enterprises that have pharmaceutical lines.

Credible manufacturers include Evalar, Diod, Queisser Pharma, Naturprodukt, Solgar, Valmark, Eim.

To purchase dietary supplements, you can contact the pharmacy or the online store of the manufacturer or its official representative. Foreign drugs can be bought on the iHerb specialized website.

Dietary supplements to maintain the cardiovascular system are indicated for patients at risk of cardiac pathology. They help to fill the deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants with an unbalanced diet.

Not possessing medicinal properties, these drugs help prevent diseases and increase the overall tone of the body, restore metabolic processes. To purchase quality products, you need to use pharmacies or the websites of manufacturers, official distributors.

Useful video

Watch the video about dietary supplements for the heart and blood vessels:

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Options for how to strengthen the heart depend mainly on its condition. They also affect blood vessels and nerves. For example, in old age, exercise will support the heart muscle. After a heart attack, with arrhythmia, folk remedies can be prescribed.

  • Carnitine is prescribed for the heart quite often. Its main use is to give energy. The influence on the myocardium also goes in several directions. L-carnitine is prescribed in children, adults, and senile age.
  • Sometimes you just need to drink vitamins for the heart, drugs to maintain its activity. The best of them help children and adults, normalizing the work of the myocardium, as well as blood vessels, the brain and the heart, with arrhythmias. What are they needed for? What are the benefits of potassium and magnesium?
  • It is quite acceptable to use dietary supplements for pressure, but not with excessively high numbers. They will help to normalize high rates. Pills from high pressure to reduce also normalize blood vessels.
  • Various Doppel Hertz vitamins are used after diseases, for prevention and support. For example, there is a complex with magnesium that will help with arrhythmia, tachycardia, there is an asset that will add energy.
  • The health of most people gives many reasons to turn to additional funds in order to maintain and activate internal systems. First of all, the cardiovascular system suffers from the wrong lifestyle. To minimize the negative impact on the heart, there are auxiliary preparations with vitamins and trace elements.

    Biologically active additives (BAA) to food are concentrates of natural substances that contribute to maintaining health, normalizing the balance of substances. These are drugs that have an adaptogenic and tonic effect. The stimulating effect of additives on the physical, mental and mental sphere of the human body is explained by their formula containing extracts of medicinal plants, animal organs, bee products, mummy, algae.


    The classification of dietary supplements is very extensive. Bioadditives are divided into several groups: depending on the composition, according to the nature of use, for various situations, according to the sources of receipt, according to the effect on the body, according to the components. The classification of dietary supplements allows you to decide on the choice of the desired formula of the drug.


    It is necessary to think about the state of the heart as early as possible, not allowing the occurrence of diseases, but preventing them. Prevention through the use of dietary supplements helps in this. Cardiologists especially recommend taking additional drugs that support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels to certain groups of people:

    • athletes;
    • people over 35;
    • patients with pathology of the vessels of the head and lower extremities, severe heart disease;
    • workers of hazardous production and people of heavy physical labor;
    • teenagers and children.

    For these categories of people, the intake of dietary supplements should be agreed with the doctor. There is a clear relationship between the occurrence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels and the lack of certain essential components in the diet, represented by a set of such elements:

    • antioxidants;
    • amino acids;
    • plant fibers;
    • medicinal and edible plants.

    Among the antioxidants for the heart and blood vessels, the following are especially needed: vitamins C, A, E, B1, B6, F, P, bioflavonoids, coenzyme Q10. Vitamin C reduces cholesterol and plasma triglyceride levels. Combined with bioflavonoids, it strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Vitamin C activates the properties of oxidized vitamins A and E. Bioflavonoids are synergists with vitamin C, enhancing each other's action. They also lower low-density lipoprotein levels, dilate coronary vessels, and reduce blood clots.

    A decrease in the level of one of the most effective antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, in plasma and tissues leads to coronary heart disease. It takes part in the supply of energy to the myocardium, activates enzymes, stabilizes membranes and has an antiarrhythmic effect. Of the most common dietary supplements for vascular and heart health, one can name such drugs as Kapilar, Kudesan Forte, Kudesan with potassium and magnesium, Coenzyme Q10 with Ginkgo, Kapilar cardio with coenzyme, Cardio Active and many others.


    There are dietary supplements of the Tianshi company, which have a multilateral effect on strengthening the human body. Tiensha preparations neutralize the side effects of medicines, increase the reserve strength of the body, and strengthen the immune system. In addition, Tianshi supplements are used in the treatment of worms. In the process of healing, they take the Tianshi complex, which consists of a set of several components:

    • cordyceps Tianshi, which has an antibiotic effect and acts directly on worms;
    • chitosan, accelerates the withdrawal of affected worms;
    • anti-lipid tea conducts detoxification caused by worms;
    • biocalcium Tiensha has an anti-allergic effect and restores immunity;
    • biozinc enhances cell regeneration;
    • Ikan capsules from Tiensha restore liver function.


    In certain cases, exercise is ineffective for gaining weight and muscle mass. Increasing the intensity of training leads only to health problems. Excessive food leads to weight gain due to fat, which is also not good for the body. In such a situation, dietary supplements come to the rescue, for example, brewer's yeast.

    Brewer's yeast has a unique composition that promotes the restoration of metabolism and weight gain. In addition to a large number of vitamins and microelements, brewer's yeast contains fatty acids, glucose, protein and amino acids necessary for human health. Weight gain occurs as a result of improved functioning of the digestive system, increased appetite. The level of glucose in the blood stabilizes, which also has a positive effect on digestion.

    Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the liver, blocking the accumulation of fats. The body is cleansed of toxins, removes excess fluid, stabilizes the energy balance. All these processes bring weight back to normal. Weight gain occurs in accordance with the needs of the body. You can adjust the set of muscle mass in the necessary areas of the body by selecting exercises. An increase in appetite when eating yeast should be combined with physical activity and proper nutrition. Then weight gain will occur due to muscle mass, not fat.

    Gainers and protein shakes are also popular among athletes. Gainers are drugs in the form of drinks or bars that give the body energy and help to gain weight. The formula that combines proteins and "slow" carbohydrates gives a rapid increase in muscle mass. But an excess amount of protein in the supplement is dangerous for the health of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is necessary to obtain the advice of a doctor before using them. Protein shakes are easy to make yourself. It is enough to mix low-fat dairy products with egg protein and carbohydrates in the form of honey, dried fruits. Here you can add L-carnitine, B vitamins.


    Dietary supplements from have a formula that allows you to reduce the number of attacks in asthma and rhinitis, and can also completely get rid of intolerance to certain agents. A weakened immune system is not able to cope with the antigens that cause an allergic reaction in the body. Often it is impossible to completely eliminate the allergen, in this case it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. There are such dietary supplements as VMM, Ming Gold, Anatomix. There is also a supplement with a set of twelve natural enzymes - D-Zyme. It is known that enzymes contribute to the removal of allergens from the body, destroying the protein compounds of the antigen with the antibody.


    Dietary supplements for women are represented by various sets for beauty and health. The formula of such drugs contains natural ingredients, antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. Dietary supplements for women are divided into nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. The first contain a set of substances to improve the appearance, metabolism. The latter are used as an addition to medicines and prevention during pregnancy, menopause.

    The attitude of doctors towards bioadditives is ambiguous, since such drugs are not tested before sale and do not belong to medicines. There are also many contraindications that require careful study of the instructions before use. You should be wary of a large number of fakes and buy dietary supplements only in special stores. But still, the effectiveness of many of them helps to improve health.

    Before using dietary supplements, you should trust the doctor's recommendations.



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