Avocado - useful properties, contraindications, recipes. Avocado salad with cheese and garlic

What is an avocado and what do they eat it with? Well, first of all, avocado, from a biological point of view, is a fruit. Although a lot of people have been scratching their heads for a long time whether an avocado is a fruit or a vegetable…

Avocado is a fruit or vegetable, how and where it grows

Its birth on a tree, the presence of one large bone speaks for the fruit pedigree ... But, from another point of view, the taste of the fruit is not as rich as we usually expect from a fruit, so avocado is a vegetable?

Taste qualities also hint at this - the fruit is somewhat reminiscent of an unripe pumpkin that is not very saturated with juice or even a pumpkin. Its neutral, not very pronounced taste allows you to combine it more with other ingredients in salads, snacks. Mexican avocado puree is especially popular - guacamole. The recipe for its preparation is given below in the comments.

The fruit is available on store shelves all year round. True, this does not prevent him from remaining exotic for some. After all, it is not for nothing that it grows in Mexico, South America, Africa, Indonesia and Israel.

In Russia, it does not grow, but recently the fruit has begun to gain incredible popularity among fans of a healthy diet. It is included in detox programs and diets, there are establishments where there are up to 20 avocado dishes in assortment.

The same trend is gaining momentum all over the world, "green gold", as they began to call it for its extraordinary benefits to the body a few years ago, has become more profitable than marijuana. It is adored in the USA, Japan, China, in the latter country the "alligator pear" is a symbol of prestige, whoever can afford to buy an avocado boldly classifies himself as a middle class.

The country No. 1 for growing avocados is Mexico, but it consumes 4/5 of the crop itself, and exports are only enough for the growing needs of America, other countries are trying to grow it, but not everyone can afford it, it takes one evergreen tree of the genus Laurel per year almost 300 liters of water. Although the harvest is excellent - they collect up to 200 kg from an adult plant.

Let's talk about avocado

Avocado grows on a tree with the same name, although botanists will call it American Perseus. The fruit is native to Mexico. Literally, its name is translated from English as an alligator pear. And, indeed, the fruits of the avocado tree are pear-shaped, but can also look like a ball or oval from 6 to 20 cm in length. The peel of the fruit has a green or dark green color. Ordinary fruits weigh around 300 grams, and "champions" reach up to 1.5 kg.

And its flesh is yellow-green, although green is often found. The fruit is very oily, it is not without reason that oil is squeezed out of it. It's also very useful.

But let's talk directly about the benefits and harms of avocados ...

The benefits of avocado or 18 reasons to choose it for dinner

So, what are the benefits of avocado?

Let's start with the fact that avocados are the champion of fruits in terms of calories (212 kcal per 100 g of product). Yes, you won't lose weight! But here you get the benefit - you get it.

True, only the pulp of an avocado is useful, while its seed, on the contrary, contains many harmful substances, and therefore it is not suitable for consumption.

  • It is also worth noting that there is practically no sugar in avocados, which means that everyone, including diabetics, can consume it.
  • Then the product contains an incredible amount of potassium, there is so much of it that the fruit has overtaken even the well-known, less exotic ones in terms of potassium content. In addition, due to the high content of potassium in the pulp of the fruit, avocado is able to normalize the water-salt balance of the body and increase overall stress resistance.
  • The pulp of this fruit is able to purify our blood with you. Oleic acid, for which the green fruit is so generous, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • And how much vitamin E is in our fruit! Well, just a fairy tale! But it fights tissue aging and helps the body resist viruses.
  • Want to improve your memory? Eat avocado. It will not only help you improve it, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The fetus contains polyunsaturated acids, an insufficient amount of which leads to atherosclerosis.
  • With regular consumption, the fruit can bring your blood pressure back to normal. It lowers it naturally, so its benefits to hypertensive patients are invaluable.
  • Among other things, the product improves blood circulation and reduces the risk.
  • Manoheptoulose, which is rich in avocado, helps to increase efficiency, relieve drowsiness, restore the nervous system, and reduce irritability.
  • The global usefulness of avocados for our body -. It is especially useful for diseases caused by viruses, and during the flu season.
  • Avocados are also useful for the digestive system in general, and for constipation, in particular.
  • It is worth noting that "our hero" prevents the reproduction of cancer cells, which is good news. And some types of tumors, in general, are inhibited in their development.
  • We also know that avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac. He can arouse passion. The ancients used it to increase fertility and restore potency.
  • It also, along with potassium, contains phosphorus, which contributes to mental activity. It also helps strengthen teeth and bones.
  • The product has a lot of protein, which is good for those who wish to build muscle mass. It is also worth noting that avocado pulp is a good substitute for animal fats. Very helpful for vegetarians!
  • The fruit, although it is actually more like a vegetable, is rich in antioxidants. Scientists even believe that it can help with cancer.

The beneficial properties of avocados are not limited to this, it also has a very beneficial effect on the skin and hair, which is the reason for its massive use in cosmetology.

Avocado in cosmetology

Do not forget about the benefits of avocados for women in the cosmetic use of this fruit. Oils, as well as masks made on the basis of its pulp, remarkably prevent aging. This is especially noticeable during menopause in women.

Moisturizing the skin with pulp or oil based on the pulp of this fruit is so deep that it can give protection against fungus or viral skin diseases.

You can eat avocados during pregnancy. The pulp of its fetus will have a good effect on both the mother and the child. Although it is better not to use the fetus for those who feed in large quantities, the baby can be passed on.

The fruit can also help those whose work is of a physical nature. It will help them stay productive throughout the day.

TOP diseases for which avocados are necessary

Avocado harm or looking for contraindications to exotic

Avocados should not be consumed by those who are allergic to latex. And, of course, people with individual intolerance.

This is about the fruit itself ... But there is also its bone. We will talk about it separately.

It contains a considerable amount of toxic substances, which can adversely affect human health. The most useful thing you can do with an avocado seed is to plant it in a pot and grow it like a home, although by no means an ornamental plant. You can’t call it pleasant to the eye, it constantly loses leaves, and even for pets, accidental eating of leaves, bark, seeds can be fatal - cardiac activity and respiration are inhibited, edema develops.

Wood, tree leaves are also poisonous to humans. However, we would hardly have been able to find this adult plant in Russia. And start chewing on it...

Boiling, frying, in general, it is better not to heat the described exotic in any way. In such a case, the beneficial properties of the fruit will decrease. It is actively added to cold dishes - snacks, sandwiches, salads. In addition, heat treatment adds a noticeable bitterness to the taste of the prepared dish.

How to eat avocados correctly

It doesn't take much to eat an avocado. You just need to cut the fruit with a knife and separate the pulp from the stone. If the fruit is ripe, you won’t have to put much effort. It is easy to separate from a large bone.

In order to choose a ripe avocado you need to heed the following advice.

First of all, you should pay attention to appearance. There should be no spots on it, indicating its ripeness, scratches, cracks. It is better if the fruit is clean and soft. From one lightest pressure, it should shrink a little.

Peeled fruit should not be kept outdoors. It, like apples and potatoes, has a lot of iron, which will lead to oxidation.

***** *****
We summarize, despite the exotic, the set of medicinal beneficial properties of avocados is beyond praise, so it is very advisable to indulge yourself with such a wonderful fruit at least occasionally.

Many are accustomed to considering fruits as products whose calorie content directly depends on the sugar content. However, this is not quite true. A number of tropical fruits can compete in fat content even with cheeses, oils and meats. Avocado is one of these amazing foods. It contains a record number of fats - up to 20-30% of the total mass! When you try an avocado for the first time, it can be hard to believe that it is really a fruit and not a vegetable. Due to its high fat content, its taste has a pronounced creamy or nutty hue. They are a pleasure to complement appetizers, salads and main dishes.

What are the benefits of fatty acids in avocados?

Do not rush to give up avocados, having learned about their high fat content. The lion's share of fetal fats (up to 80%) is accounted for by oleic acid. It belongs to the group of omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids, characterized by a high degree of digestibility. The beneficial properties of omega-9 include the effective regulation of cholesterol and blood glucose levels, strengthening immunity and reducing the risk of malignant tumors.

In addition to oleic acid, avocados contain palmitic, linoleic, linolenic and stearic acids. Such a wide composition of fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, immune and reproductive systems of the body. Regular consumption of small portions of avocados (1-3 fruits per week) contributes to:

  • sleep normalization,
  • relieve migraine attacks
  • improvement of psychological well-being,
  • restoring metabolism,
  • relieves constipation,
  • increased brain activity,
  • improve memory and vision,
  • normalization of the hormonal background,
  • reduce the frequency of colds,
  • reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes,
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle in women,
  • increase potency in men.

As you can see, the role of fatty acids in the human body is very large. And those contained in avocados are beneficial, not harmful.

What else does an avocado contain?

In addition to fatty acids, avocados contain a significant amount of potassium. Its presence does the body a good service, especially if a person likes to abuse salty foods, thereby constantly increasing sodium levels.

The benefits of avocados are to equalize the proportion of potassium and sodium. This is extremely important for maintaining the acid-base balance. Its violation threatens the destruction of individual cells, malfunctions of various systems, and even the death of the whole organism. Also, potassium (in combination with sodium) is responsible for the water balance and the correct functioning of the muscles.

Good absorption of potassium is possible only in the presence of vitamin B6, which is also present in the fetus. This is another proof that avocados are striking not only in the amount of nutrients, but also in their balance.

Avocados are also valued for the presence of folic acid, which is responsible for the normal composition of the blood, proper fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Folic acid is useful for low acidity of gastric juice, neurosis, depressive states, as well as for maintaining reproductive function in men and women. The role of folic acid in the development of the fetus during pregnancy is high. Pregnant women should definitely monitor the level of folic acid intake, as its deficiency leads to unpleasant consequences.

Avocados are also useful thanks to vitamin K, which is part of it. This vitamin is primarily responsible for the normal absorption of calcium. With its deficiency, the bone and cartilage systems suffer. Also, vitamin K has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys, preventing the development of pathologies.

Vitamin C is another beneficial element found in avocados. It is involved in many life processes: tissue regeneration, redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation and immunity maintenance. Vitamin C can replace other organic compounds in case of insufficient intake (folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, A, E).

It should be borne in mind that avocados show healing properties only when consumed in moderation. And this is only 1-3 medium fruits per week. Also, do not forget that the benefits of avocados decrease when they are cooked (boiling, frying, stewing, etc.). Like other fruits, it is best eaten raw or added to ready-made meals.

Avocado is very good as a quick and tasty salad dressing. It is enough to grind it into a puree, add a couple of drops of lemon juice / apple cider vinegar, and the dressing is ready. It is noteworthy that avocados can replace salt. Its taste is so bright and rich that you don’t want to add salt to food with it.

In addition to salads, avocados are used to make cold sandwiches and soups. In tropical countries, they like to add it to smoothies and even make ice cream with it. If you like the taste of avocado and are ready to experiment, then the list of healthy dishes on your table will inevitably expand with it.

direct contraindications there is no avocado, of course, except for individual intolerance. Nursing mothers should take note that after they eat avocados, the baby may have loose stools.

Photo pixabay.com

29 Oct 2015 1719

Discussion: 2 comments

    Of course, I heard about the benefits of avocados, but yours learned a lot from your article. Thanks! Once I decided to try an avocado for the first time - I bought it, tried it, then spat for a long time and swore I would ever eat it at all. However, it is not in vain that the expression “Do not promise!” was coined. or "Never say never!" And so it happened: my sister's husband is a chef, he always surprises with something new and insanely delicious; imagine my surprise when I knew that the salad I liked contained the same avocado! Now this product is often a welcome guest on our table.


    I constantly add avocados to salads (2-3 pieces per week) and after a month I almost stopped feeling burning and aching pains in the heart area. The doctor advised me to eat avocado more often.


It is valued all over the world for its miraculous properties. This fruit can have a positive effect on a person of any gender and age category. But avocado has a particularly favorable effect on the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The benefits for women of this fruit are simply invaluable. It improves memory and may also reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease. But this is not all the advantages of this exotic fruit.

What is this plant?

Mexico and Central America introduced the avocado to the world. The benefits for women of this fruit have been known since the time of the Indians. Then it was also used as an aphrodisiac, as it has an exciting effect.

These fruits of evergreen trees have another name that sounds like an alligator pear. For a long time, because of its not too sweet taste, avocado was considered a vegetable, and then a nut, but it is still a fruit.

Now it is grown in Brazil, America, Africa and Israel. One tree per year can produce from 150 to 250 kilograms of fruit.


Avocados can be of different shapes - pear-shaped, oval or spherical, reaching a length of up to 22 cm. These fruits have a dark green peel and yellow oily flesh. In the very center of the fruit is a bone that should not be eaten, as it contains many harmful substances.

These exotic fruits contain a large amount of various fats and practically no sugar. Thus, in one hundred grams of the fetus there are about 160 calories. In addition, avocados are rich in vitamins such as A, C, B, E, K and folic acid. This fruit also contains sodium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and a lot of potassium.


The benefits of avocados for a woman's body are invaluable due to such a rich vitamin composition. This exotic fruit is able to cleanse cells from various destructive viruses and fight age-related changes. Thanks to the fruit cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

In addition, it normalizes the work of the heart, and also significantly improves the memory of avocados. The benefit for women of this fetus also lies in the fact that it is simply indispensable during pregnancy, as it contains monounsaturated fats that contribute to the development of the child's brain and other important organs.

Alligator pear will also be useful for people suffering from hypertension due to the fact that it can lower blood pressure. Among other things, this fruit is able to increase efficiency, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve irritability and stress, relieve drowsiness and fatigue, and also help increase immunity. Therefore, avocados will be especially useful in winter, when there are epidemics of various colds.

But the beneficial properties of this exotic fruit do not end there. This fruit can prevent the appearance of cancer cells, makes bones and teeth stronger, and also acts as a vegetable analogue of animal protein.

What effect does the fetus have on girls?

However, this fruit has a beneficial effect not only on health. The benefits of avocado for a woman may also lie in the fact that it is able to make the skin more elastic and smooth. With the constant use of an alligator pear, small wrinkles can be smoothed out.

In addition, with the help of oil obtained from this fruit, many girls relieve inflammation on the face, and it can also fight diseases such as dermatitis, acne and eczema.

Despite the fact that it has such a high benefit for women of this fetus in diets, it is invaluable. Due to the fact that his fat does not go into deposits, those ladies who watch their figure can safely include it in their diet.

Many experts have come to the conclusion that this fruit is indispensable for ladies aged forty and older. for women of this age, it became known not so long ago. It turns out that it contains biologically active substances similar to hormones that can fight the decline in estrogen production, thereby pushing back menopause.

Alligator pear will still be useful for nursing mothers, as it contains vegetable proteins that infants need.

Application in cosmetology

But these are not all areas where avocados can be used. Benefits for women (reviews of many ladies are direct evidence of this) may also lie in its use as anti-aging masks for the face, décolleté and neck. To do this, take one tablespoon of fruit pulp and chop it well. Then add five milliliters of cream, two yolks there and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Gently apply the resulting mass on the face, neck and wash off after fifteen minutes. This mask will be especially useful for owners of irritated or overdried skin.

A cleanser is obtained by mixing honey, mayonnaise, flour, alligator pear pulp and a raw egg in equal proportions. For those ladies who suffer from excessive fat content of the epidermis, a mixture of avocado with kefir or yogurt is suitable.

In addition, the most valuable oil is obtained from these fruits, which can be used as an additive to various cosmetic creams, as well as used in massage. It is ideal for the care of nails, face skin, body and actively helps to fight the aging process.

Among other things, cosmetic products that contain avocados can have a protective effect on the skin, protecting it from all kinds of fungal diseases.

Curl Care

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how avocados affect the health and beauty. The benefits for women (the properties of this fruit are simply priceless) do not end there. This exotic fruit is also able to restore hair and fight against their fragility. To do this, you can use a mixture of alligator pear with olive oil and a beaten egg.

Girls who want to grow long curls can try using a mask of avocado pulp and mayonnaise. Also, this fruit can be used as an additional hair care in the summer.


But like any exotic fruit, avocados also need to be carefully used. Benefits and harms to women from exposure will depend on whether all precautions were taken before using this product.

In no case should it be used by those people who have fruits, latex, as well as individual intolerance to avocados. In addition, the stone and leaves of this fruit plant contain various toxic substances that can cause an upset digestive tract and adversely affect human health.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this fruit retains the entire wide range of useful properties exclusively in its raw form, since after heat treatment they become much smaller.

Helpful information

Before buying a fruit, you need to examine it for various spots, it is also important that it is soft to the touch. Do not purchase fruits that have blackened peel or cracks.

In the event that the avocado is unripe, it can be kept at room temperature for a while, but not in the refrigerator, as it may deteriorate there.

It is usually consumed raw, as well as in combination with other products. This will preserve all its wonderful properties and a pleasant nutty smell. This fruit is widely used in various salads or cold appetizers. Also, the taste of the fruit can perfectly complement either spicy and sweet seasonings.

Such a fruit as avocado has become a very popular product in the diet of people who adhere to proper nutrition, but not everyone knows what exactly this exotic fruit is useful for, what vitamins and minerals it contains. The product appeared on the market relatively recently, so many buyers are faced with various questions that cannot be left unanswered.

What is an avocado?

Exotic fruits and vegetables began to actively fill the shelves of stores, but not everyone knows what it is and what positive properties are provided when it is used in the diet.

Avocado is a fruity evergreen tree that is not only beautiful to look at, but also gives fragrant fruits of the same name. Avocado has a dense structure and relatively thick skin, which protects the pulp from negative external influences during storage or transportation. Inside the oily and fragrant pulp there is a large bone, which makes the fruit not only tasty, but also presentable in appearance.

The popularity of avocados was able to win due to the high concentration of nutrients in its composition, since it is the only fruit that combines so many useful trace elements and minerals. Natural fats and amino acids are indispensable helpers in losing weight, as the digestive system is getting better, and fat deposits are gradually absorbed.

The product was able to conquer not only vegetarians, but also people who adhere to proper nutrition, as it is possible to prepare balanced and nutritious meals with a high concentration of beneficial enzymes.

Avocados contain the following vitamins and minerals:

  1. Vitamins of groups A, C, B1, B6, B9 and E.
  2. Macro- and microelements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper and similar substances.

The composition does not contain sugar and cholesterol, which makes it possible to eliminate the negative effects on the body. In the process of losing weight and maintaining a balanced diet, such a product can be considered indispensable.

The calorie content of avocado per 100 grams is 160 kcal. If we calculate the calorie content of the entire product without a stone, then on average the product weighs 180 grams (excluding the stone), so one fruit is no more than 300 kcal. But there is no need to be afraid of such a calorie content, since the product is saturated only with useful substances, calories have a positive effect on the state of the body.

Medicinal properties of avocado

Avocado is distinguished not only by its nutritional value and useful substances in its composition, but also by its medicinal properties, which together have a positive effect on the body. The following medicinal qualities are distinguished:

  1. The immune system is strengthened, making it easier for the body to fight infections. This is an excellent protection during the epidemic of colds.
  2. Due to the high concentration of potassium, a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system is provided. Blood vessels are strengthened, and the heart receives oxygen for proper blood circulation. The ability to lower blood pressure has a great effect on the human body, so hypertensive patients are shown daily consumption of avocados in the diet.
  3. Excess cholesterol is excreted from the body due to the presence of oleic acid in the composition, so you can not be afraid of the formation of blood plaques in the circulatory system.
  4. Avocados have a positive effect on the digestive system, due to which all toxins and toxins are removed, which can be considered an important advantage in losing weight.
  5. Thanks to vitamin B6 in the composition, a positive effect on the liver is ensured. This element is easy to get from food, so it is important to include avocados in the diet for those people who have liver diseases.
  6. Avocado has an excellent prevention of vision problems, which makes it possible to prevent cataracts and ensure the correct functioning of the visual apparatus.
  7. For women, the fruit is especially useful for its vitamin E content, which has a positive effect on skin condition.
  8. Excess moisture is removed from the body, so swelling is prevented.
  9. The product contains a large amount of natural protein, so it is especially useful for those people who adhere to vegetarianism.

But remember that avocados contain useful enzymes only if they are consumed raw, since during heat treatment all substances important to the body are completely washed out of the fruit.

Avocados can also be consumed in the form of oil, since due to oiliness, all conditions are created for obtaining a large amount of a natural product.

Most often, avocado oil is used in cosmetology, since natural nutrition and moisture allow you to restore the structure of the hair, increasing their density, and the condition of the skin improves, as it is saturated with useful substances. The oil is also suitable for aromatherapy, since the essential oils released into the space help to strengthen the immune system and have a preventive effect.

The use of avocado oil is recommended for dry skin that is easily irritated and covered with red spots. Due to the emollient properties, a qualitative restoration of the skin and their nutrition with useful substances is ensured. Gradually, the skin takes on a healthier appearance and gets rid of excessive dryness.

You can create masks based on avocado oil to strengthen nails. If you regularly use oil for rubbing nails or for preparing baths, you can get rid of brittleness and dryness by strengthening the plate.

Can you eat an avocado pit?

Many are interested in the question of why the avocado seed is thrown away and is it possible to somehow use it in the diet? The bone is strictly forbidden to be used in nutrition, as it contains a high concentration of persin, which is a toxic substance. When it enters the body, it poisons it with lightning speed and can cause a lot of health problems. In addition, persin has a cumulative effect, which gradually poisons the body and causes the development of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Also, persin is found in large quantities in the peel and leaves of avocados, so only the pulp can be added to food, as it is protected from toxins, filled with useful minerals and vitamins for the human body.

Women more often than men try to adhere to proper nutrition, since both external and internal beauty depend on it. But not everyone is familiar with the positive properties of avocados, so it is important to carefully consider them:

  1. It is not in vain that significant benefits for women's health are noted. Their bodies need vitamins and minerals to keep their organs comfortable and functioning properly. Doctors note that when using avocados, the likelihood of breast cancer is reduced.
  2. Benefits for facial skin. The skin of a woman's face is subject to heavy loads due to the constant use of cosmetics, since not all decorative cosmetics position themselves as a high-quality and safe material. If you use avocado pulp in food or create masks based on oil or the fruits themselves, you can slow down the process of wrinkles, give the skin freshness and beauty.
  3. Hair benefits. If you add natural avocado oil to hair care products: shampoos, various balms and masks, you can strengthen the hair follicle and the very structure of the hair, filling it with useful substances for active growth.
  4. Benefits of avocado for weight loss. Due to the minimum calorie content in combination with various useful microelements in the composition, it provides benefits for the digestive system, and special enzymes contribute to the active dissolution of body fat. In addition, the product satisfies hunger for a long time, which is important for maintaining the daily calorie intake without overeating.
  5. Benefits of avocado during pregnancy During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother should consume only fortified and healthy substances in the diet, thanks to which the fetus develops correctly. Avocados are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, so it is not only possible, but also necessary to include the product in the diet during pregnancy. The only exception will be individual intolerance to the fruit.
  6. The female body will function properly if the balance of vitamins and minerals is constantly replenished. You can eat avocados in food in different forms: make salads, soups and even smoothies. And if you don’t want to complicate things, you can make sandwiches from avocado and whole grain bread.

The most important benefit of avocados for men's health is the positive impact on men's health. It is recommended to eat avocados in order to prevent impotence. It has also been scientifically proven that the fruit contains trace elements that prevent the development of prostate cancer.

Avocado has a positive effect on brain function, physical endurance and strength, therefore, with an active lifestyle, it is recommended to use the fruit as the basis of the diet.


As such, no harmful properties have been noted when using avocados, but there are some contraindications that need to be carefully considered to prevent health problems:

  1. It is important to stick to the norm of avocados in the diet, as excessive consumption of the product can cause indigestion.
  2. If there is an allergy to citrus fruits, then avocado can cause an exacerbation, so you need to use an exotic product in a minimal amount to exclude the appearance of allergic manifestations.
  3. It is not recommended to give avocados to children, as an unprepared body can result in an allergic reaction.
  4. During lactation, the use of avocados is prohibited, since saturation with essential oils can harm the child.

Avocado is a healthy food, but it is important to use it wisely, as there are many features that are important to consider in order to prevent health problems. A source of vitamins and minerals with a reasonable approach will prevent various diseases and strengthen the body.

Video: avocado - benefits and harms

Every year, exotic fruits are increasingly filling store shelves. A fruit called "avocado" is also no exception. He quickly entered our diet. In today's article, we will discuss in detail the benefits and harms of avocados in human life.

This fruit grows on a tree of the same name. Europeans also call it "alligator pear". The plant itself is native to Mexico.

General characteristics of the fetus

The fruit is oval, round or pear-shaped. They can grow up to 20 cm in length. The weight of one fruit can reach two kilograms. I have a dense black or green skin.

Inside, the pulp is yellow with a green tint with a rather massive bone, which, depending on the plant variety, can capture a different volume. In general, you can count more than 350 types of avocado varieties. Pretty oily fruit. No wonder the taste of avocado resembles butter with a hint of greens and nuts.

The harm and benefits of avocados

Useful and harmful properties of avocados are often of interest to fans of this fruit. Avocado is one of the most unusual and nutritious fruits, thanks to a wide range of useful minerals that are included in its composition. For example, phosphorus, zinc, iron and manganese, as well as sodium and potassium. And, of course, there are many vitamins in avocados (C, E, B, A, D, PP).

Interesting fact! On September 25, 1998, the avocado was officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the healthiest fruit.

Especially a large amount of vitamins C and E. These vitamins contribute to the enrichment of cells with oxygen and slow down the aging process.

Useful properties of avocado:

  • Very low sugar content.
  • A strong aphrodisiac that increases potency.
  • Avocado prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques.
  • Useful for building muscle in the body.
  • A large amount of Ca and P content strengthens teeth and bones.
  • Phosphorus also contributes to the activation of mental activity and increased efficiency.
  • Avocado resists the spread of cancer cells.
  • Folic acid helps protect the unborn child by reducing the risk of birth defects.
  • Oleic acid activates the part of the brain that gives you a long feeling of satiety.
  • Avocado fiber (3.4 grams) helps to normalize the digestive system.
  • Improves blood circulation throughout the body (B12, iron and copper).
  • Prevents vision problems thanks to carotenoids and lutein.
  • Glutathione - promotes oxygenation of cells.

Harmful properties of avocado:

  • Allergy is possible.
  • It is also not recommended for people with allergies to latex and citrus. The bone contains a large amount of toxic substances, which is why it should not be eaten.
  • This fruit should not be consumed by women who are breastfeeding. Avocado enzymes actively penetrate into mother's milk, so the baby may experience diarrhea.
  • Caution should be taken by people with chronic diseases of the pancreas or stomach.

As you can see, the harm of avocados is incomparably small, and the beneficial properties cannot be counted. This allows the use of avocado and its oil not only in cooking, but also in the cosmetic field or medicine.

Tips for Buying a Ripe Avocado

Avocados are often brought unripe so that they do not spoil during transportation. But no need to be upset, just put the avocado in a dark place for a couple of days. The ripened fruit at home in 2-4 days will acquire the desired ripeness.
Avocados can be picked and bought in any season as they are a tropical fruit and grow on the tree all year round. Buy soft and clean fruit. With light pressure, the avocado should spring back a little.

Do not buy avocados if:

  1. The fruit is too soft and shriveled. An overripe fruit will be bitter and there are almost no trace elements left in it.
  2. Expired fruit has rusty orange or white spots.
  3. You found cracks or scratches on the peel.

Also, when choosing an avocado, you first need to determine the variety, because each variety has a number of its own characteristics. Some people believe that skin color plays an important role. However, this is an incorrect conclusion. After all, the color of an avocado depends on the variety.

The most commonly imported avocados to our department stores are Californian, Pinkerton and Florida varieties. Each variety has its own differences.


Dense dark green peel with prominent pimples. The fruit contains a lot of pulp, because the bone inside is small.

Florida variety

The peel is thin and has a light green tint. Contains rather sweaty pulp inside. Avocados of this variety can most often be seen in stores in winter or spring. Ideal for use in rolls or in various salads.

avocado california

The skin color is brownish. The flesh is soft and very tender. With such an avocado, you can cook a wonderful soup puree or cocktails. It can be seen on the shelves in stores at any time of the year.

It is also worth remembering that 5 days is the maximum shelf life of an avocado in the refrigerator.

The use of avocado in cooking

The taste of the fleshy and juicy fruit of the avocado has long been popular with the people of our continent. Various avocado dishes can often be seen in modern restaurants. It is worth noting that avocados often replace many products in a raw food diet or vegetarian cuisine.

Due to its neutral taste, avocado is used in dishes where other components have a pronounced taste and smell. Avocados are a great addition, making the dish more tender and juicy.

Keep in mind that avocado flesh oxidizes when exposed to air and darkens. To keep the avocado fresh after you've cut it, drizzle some lemon juice over it.

The easiest way to make an avocado salad.
Such recipes have already accumulated a very large number. The avocado should be thrown into the salad at the very last turn, so that it does not darken before it is supposed to. During heat treatment, the fruit can lose many useful properties (tinin).

Mexican guacamole is the most common avocado dip.
It includes avocado pulp, other vegetables, spices, salt and lime juice. This sauce is perfect for any second course. Various seafood recipes are also very popular. For example, avocado with red fish and shrimp.

Avocado oil is also often used in salad dressings.
When roasted, it does not become bitter and does not lose its taste, so you can safely use it when cooking meat or fish.

The use of avocado in cosmetology

In cosmetologists, various masks from the pulp and avocado oil are actively used. Its substances soothe and rejuvenate the skin. Nourishes hair and gives them strength. In general, this fruit can be characterized by the following useful properties:

  • The complexion becomes even, without redness and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Alignment of small wrinkles on the face. This is facilitated by phytohormones that are part of the avocado.
  • Avocado does not dry out the skin and does not make it oily.
  • Restoration of skin cells.

It should be noted that avocado oil is often used in massage.

So, here are some recipes for hair and skin care with avocados.

Face masks

If the skin is oily:

  1. Crush the avocado pulp into gruel (1-2 tablespoons).
  2. Add one egg white.
  3. Lemon juice (1 tablespoon).

Leave for 10-2 minutes. Then cleanse your skin with cool water.

If the skin is dry:

  1. Make 1/2 avocado puree.
  2. Olive (vegetable) oil (1 tablespoon)

Hold the mask on the skin for fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove with warm water.

Hair masks

If hair is dry or dull:

  1. Avocado pulp (150 grams).
  2. Crush banana (1 pc.).
  3. Honey (1 tablespoon).

Mix the ingredients and apply along the entire length of the hair. We leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with shampoo and water. This mask is a real vitamin bomb, many are convinced of the effectiveness of its use.

For oily hair:

  1. Flesh of half an avocado.
  2. Honey or kefir (1 tablespoon).
  3. Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon).

The mask is applied to wet hair for up to 30 minutes. Then remove it with warm water and shampoo.

In order for the mask to be as effective as possible, after applying the mixture, cover your head with polyethylene and wrap it with a terry towel. This is how you keep warm.

How often to apply a hair mask?

You need to determine your hair type. For dry hair - 2 times a week, for normal hair - 1 time per week, and for oily hair - 1 time in two weeks.

Remember! Only a systematic approach and regular use of avocado masks will lead you to silky and healthy hair.

The use of avocados in medicine

Despite the fact that avocados are widely used in cooking, this fruit has also found its name in medicine. It is used as the flesh of the avocado itself, as well as its leaves, seeds and peel.

Medicines made from avocado leaves exhibit disinfectant properties. Thanks to them, wounds and diarrhea can be treated.

Avocado seeds are a natural antibiotic.
Medicines based on avocado seeds are used in the fight against pathogenic bacteria or various types of fungi.

Avocado oil has a particularly large number of medicinal properties:

  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral;
  • antioxidant.

And the pulp of an avocado does not even need to be processed. It just needs to be included in your diet.
Especially for those people who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, beriberi. For preventive purposes, avocados are used to strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels.

Even the avocado mold itself has healing properties. Thanks to the medicine based on this mold, scientists were able to cope with such diseases as arthrosis, scleroderma, eczema and many others.

The benefits of avocado for weight loss

Despite the fact that avocado is a very nutritious fruit and contains up to 150 kcal per 100 g of calories, it can be used to lose weight intensively.

Today, avocado is one of the most fashionable and popular products in weight loss. Avocado fats are easily absorbed by the body, and sugar is almost absent. Avocados also cleanse the body of toxins.

Consider a three-day diet. During this diet, the stomach goes first, while there is no feeling of hunger. You can throw off in weight from 1.5 to 2 kg.

Diet menu for the day

Breakfast: half an avocado stuffed with low-fat cottage cheese. To do this, lay the curd mass on the inside of the avocado.

Dinner: A cup of green tea. Avocado salad: grate 1 avocado on a medium grater, chop 1-2 medium tomatoes and hard cheese into cubes, pour over with olive or vegetable oil, salt a little. Potato puree boiled with water and a little milk.

Dinner: 100 grams of chicken or fish + 1⁄2 avocado with stuffed cottage cheese inside.

Follow this diet once every three or four months. But after completion, in no case do not stop at the achieved result. Gradually include other healthy and low-calorie foods in your diet.

Growing avocados at home

The most important thing is to choose a good bone. To do this, you need to take it from a ripe fruit. It will be problematic to grow a tree from the seed of an unripe or overripe fruit, especially at home.

So, we get a ripe fruit in the store and carefully take out the bone without damaging it. Rinse and let it dry.

There are two ways to plant the bone itself: in water or in the ground. The first method gives results much faster, although the second method is easier and will be suitable for beginners in gardening.

Method 1 - sprouting in water

Poke holes in the bone and poke them shallowly with three toothpicks. With these toothpicks, hang the bone above the water in a glass as shown in the picture below.

The water in the camp must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. Do not completely submerge the bone in water. Only its lower thick part. Add water if it has evaporated. After the roots have sprouted up to 3 cm, plant the seed in the ground.

Method 2 - germination in the ground

For this method, you need to plant a half of the stone with its blunt end in the ground, which contains crushed expanded clay and peat. Cover the soil with a thick film. Do not forget to moisten the soil, because the stone will sprout only in a humid environment.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of avocados in human life. This is truly a wonderful fruit!



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