Cialis analogues are inexpensive and effective remedies! Known analogues of Cialis tablets for men Cialis analogues are Russian.

Loss of erection makes a man's life less bright and attractive. Realizing that sexual viability is almost the first place in the existence of the stronger sex, doctors have long been looking for an effective remedy for solving problems with erectile dysfunction. Today, one of the most powerful and safest inventions in the pharmaceutical field is Cialis, which allows you to significantly improve erection and have a successful sexual intercourse. However, it has a high price, so for those who cannot afford such an expensive medicine, cheaper analogues of Cialis are offered, which, at a low cost, give the same excellent effect.

What is Cialis

Cialis tablets are the discovery of the pharmaceutical company Glaxo Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline), which back in 1991 began developing a new drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Three years later, the company's specialists discovered the unique substance tadalafil, which relaxes the smooth muscles in the pelvic organs and causes an erection of the penis. As a result, Cialis was created on the basis of this component, which was approved in Europe in 2002, and a year later - in the USA.

Tadalafil belongs to the PDE-5 enzyme inhibitors and has a longer half-life compared to the well-known Viagra, therefore, it allows men to have sexual intercourse for up to 36 hours. The principle of its action is to increase blood flow in the genitals, which, in the presence of sexual arousal, provides a stable and long-lasting erection. The substance does not affect the reproductive capabilities of a man and practically does not cause side effects, due to which it is one of the safest and most popular means to combat potency disorders.

How to replace Cialis: generics based on tadalafil

Cialis substitutes presented on the modern market are practically in no way inferior to the original drug, and their difference lies only in the name, dosage, and sometimes in the presence of auxiliary components.

    Cialis Soft

    Cialis Soft tablets are produced by the Indian manufacturer Sunrise Remedies and contain 20 or 40 mg of tadalafil. Among the substitutes, they have the longest duration of action, lasting for 3 days. Thanks to this ability, the drug allows a man to choose the best time, which is optimal for him and his partner.


    The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company Dharam Distributors, which offers the consumer 40 mg lozenges or a gel containing 20 mg of tadalafil. The drug has all the characteristics necessary for a full-fledged sexual intercourse - a quick onset of effect (after 20 minutes from the moment of administration) and a long duration of action, which is about 36 hours. With all this, it has a significant advantage over Cialis, namely, a lower price available to men with different financial capabilities.


    Tadadel is a product of the Indian company Delta Enterprises, produced in tablets from 5 to 60 mg. Even the lowest dose gives a tangible effect, which is taken about an hour before sex and lasts up to a day and a half. The remedy is quite compatible with fatty foods and a small portion of alcohol, which is a great advantage for a romantic date in the company of a beloved woman.

    Apcalis SX

    Indian medicine Apcalis SX, manufactured by Ajanta Pharma, is a yellow elliptical tablet with a dosage of 10 and 20 mg. They must be chewed well about 30 minutes before intercourse, washed down with a small amount of clean water. The drug acts for 1.5 days, significantly improving erection and helping a man recover quickly between sexual intercourse.


    Tadacip is produced by the American company Cipla and is distinguished not only by its long-term effect, but also by the severity of its action. After taking a tablet at a dosage of 20 mg, a man's potency increases, erection is significantly strengthened, and the duration of sexual contact increases. The effect of use occurs literally 15 minutes after swallowing the tablet and lasts for the same period as other tadalafil analogues - up to 36 hours.


    Tadasoft-20 is produced in the form of chewable tablets with pleasant fruit flavors, which are easily absorbed in the mouth and quickly penetrate into the bloodstream. Due to its ease of use, which does not require the use of water, tadasoft is one of the No. 1 substitutes among Cialis analogues for men. The remedy is valid for up to 36 hours, while the recommended dose is only half a tablet, that is, 10 mg of tadalafil.

    Super Tadarise

    Unlike other generics, Super Tadarise contains 20 mg of tadalafil and 60 mg of dapoxetine, which prevents premature ejaculation and thereby prolongs sexual intercourse. Due to this property, the drug is prescribed to patients who suffer from sexual weakness, associated not only with impaired potency, but also with early ejaculation. When using it, it should be taken into account that dapoxetine is not compatible with alcoholic beverages, so it is advisable to abstain from alcohol while taking the medicine.


The drug from Emkay Corporation is produced in a dosage of 20 mg. It shows excellent results both with a single use before intimacy, and as a prophylactic drug designed to restore sexual function. Its advantages include low cost, the ability to combine with small portions of alcohol, a small number of contraindications and side effects.

Female Cialis

Not many people know that analogues of Cialis medicine in a pharmacy are intended not only to restore male strength, but also to solve sexual problems in the fair sex. The drug, marketed under the trade name Femalefil, is manufactured in India and is a generic drug that allows women to increase their satisfaction during intimacy. The active ingredient of this substitute is tadalafil at a dosage of 10 mg, which is offered to ladies with sexual dysfunction and has many undeniable advantages:

    increases the chances of getting an orgasm

    improves the sensitivity of the genital organs to stimulation

    allows you to be liberated

    relieves frustration after intercourse

Femalefil is prescribed to women who, due to aging, menopause or the presence of any disease, suffer from a decrease in sexual sensation and a decrease in the production of vaginal lubrication. The drug is recommended to be taken after taking tests for hormones and consulting with a sexologist.

Herbal substitutes for Cialis

Along with an alternative to Cialis based on tadalafil, a wide range of substitutes created from herbal ingredients is presented in the pharmaceutical field. Such drugs require long-term use and have an effect only after a long time of use, however, in addition to a gradual increase in potency, they are able to solve other problems associated with the male genitourinary system. The most popular of them include:

    Wuka-Vuka- the drug is created on the basis of rare medicinal plants growing in the expanses of South Africa (securinegi, carissa, geeria), and is used for the complex treatment of sexual disorders. It improves potency, gives endurance and energy, helps to increase the duration of sexual contact. Wuka-Vuka is safe for men's health and is not addictive.

    Sealex Forte- Russian analogue of Cialis, which, with a similar name, consists entirely of natural ingredients. These include licorice and ginseng roots, yohimbe bark, green tea, and dwarf palm fruits. When using the remedy, the representatives of the stronger sex increase erection, prevent premature ejaculation, improve the functioning of the hormonal system.

    Laveron- a balanced dietary supplement based on extracts of garlic, mango fruits, astragalus roots, nettle leaves and ginkgo biloba. The remedy is prescribed to enrich the sensations during intimacy, improve sexual function and expand the scope of susceptibility during sexual contact.

    Alicaps- a drug designed to enhance erection and increase sexual arousal. The dietary supplement is based on plant components such as creeping palm extracts, long-leaved eurycoma and damianth leaves, which increase male libido and improve sperm quality.

    Tongkan Ali Platinum- a natural remedy that helps the representatives of the stronger sex forget about their sexual problems. The tablets contain ginseng root, eurycoma and royal jelly, which together significantly increase a man's ability to have sexual intercourse.

Obviously, tadalafil has a wide variety of generic and safe herbal alternatives. However, when choosing how to replace Cialis, it is advisable not to be guided by your own preferences, but by the advice of a medical specialist who will help you choose the most effective remedy in accordance with age, health status and tolerance of certain components.

Tadalafil (Cialis) is a patented drug designed to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men. It does its job well, but it is also expensive, which is why many patients prefer to look for substitutes.

Tadalafil is a biologically active substance owned by a British manufacturer and is used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Available only in the form of tablets, the maximum daily dose is 20 mg. The drug begins to act 20 minutes after ingestion, the effect lasts up to 36 hours.

The original remedy, which is based on tadalafil - Cialis. The cost of the drug ranges from 80 to 120 rubles per capsule. In search of more affordable prices, consumers often turn to its most popular generics that have the same effect:

  • Apcalis. Generic Indian. Instructions for use, the duration of the effect and the list of contraindications are completely identical to the original drug. The average cost is 60-80 rubles per capsule;
  • erectafil. Combines tadalafil and sildenafil in minimal dosages. Begins to act 35-40 minutes after ingestion, the duration of the effect is 36 hours. The daily norm is 1 capsule. The average cost is almost the same as the original: 95-110 rubles per tablet;
  • V-Tada super. The effect occurs 15 minutes after ingestion, lasts about 36 hours, sometimes longer. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet every 2 days. Average cost: 73-95 rubles;
  • Vidalist. A drug that completely repeats the original. It costs a little cheaper: 60-120 rubles per capsule;
  • Tadaga. The analogue is good because it is available in the form of gelatin tablets, due to which it begins to act earlier: 15 minutes after ingestion. Has a fixed dosage: 1 capsule per day. The rest is no different from Cialis. Average cost: 50-120 rubles.

Vardenafil: description, generics

Vardenafil (Levitra) is a new generation medicine: it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and easily tolerated by patients of any age (from 18 years old), with proper use, it practically does not cause side effects. Safe at the gene level, non-addictive and suitable for both single and long-term use.

The effect occurs 20-30 minutes after taking the drug, with weak potency disorders, the period can be reduced to 10 minutes. Valid for 8-10 hours. The maximum daily dose is 20 mg.

The average cost of the drug is higher than that of Cialis: 130-150 rubles.

Popular generics:

  • Zhevitra. The duration of the effect of the generic is slightly lower than that of the original: 6-8 hours, but it has much fewer side effects. The cost of 1 capsule: 75-145 rubles;
  • Vilitra. It has a milder effect, the action begins 40 minutes after ingestion and lasts up to 6 hours. Average cost: 70-140 rubles;
  • Viprofil. It works up to 8 hours, the drug is taken 20-30 minutes before intimacy. The maximum daily dose is 1 tablet, but the instructions for use recommend using half the dose. Average cost: 80-130 rubles.

Sildenafil: description, generics

A vasodilator that has a strong effect on the body. It is part of Viagra - one of the most popular inhibitors. It differs in that it not only normalizes potency, but is able to reduce pressure in the pulmonary artery, due to which it is used to treat pulmonary hypertension. May cause slight color disturbances. The recommended dosage is 50 mg per day, the maximum is 100 mg. The remedy is taken 1 hour before the intended sexual contact, the action lasts up to 6 hours.

The average cost of the drug: 100-125 rubles.

Popular generics:

  • Generic Viagra. It is no different from the original drug, except for a lower cost: 65-100 rubles;
  • Malegra. 1 tablet contains 100 mg of active ingredient. Taken 30 minutes before planned proximity. The duration of action, contraindications and side effects are the same as those of Viagra. Average cost: 100-120 rubles;
  • Silagra. Lasts up to 4 hours, it is recommended to take 40 minutes before sexual contact. The rest is similar to the original. Average cost: 75-100 rubles.

Russian analogues of Tadalafil

Most of the cheap domestic Tadalophil substitutes are biologically active nutritional supplements. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Parity. Strengthens erection, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, positively affects the functioning of the prostate gland. Average cost: from 33 rubles per 1 capsule.
  • Impaza. Homeopathic remedy intended for course use. Average cost: from 20 rubles.
  • Sildenafil Vertex. A drug for restoring an erection, available by prescription. Average cost: from 46 rubles.
  • Yohimbe Forte Evalar. Consists of natural phytocomponents. Increases the sensitivity of the genitals. Average cost: from 10 rubles. The cheapest Russian analogue of tadalafil.

Cialis, Viagra and Levitra: a comparative analysis

PDE-5 inhibitors have a similar pharmacological action, are rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, but after entering the blood, the biological and chemical processes occurring with them begin to differ. This is reflected in the following indicators of each of the drugs:

  • Bioavailability - the amount of the active substance remaining in the blood plasma after administration;
  • The maximum concentration in the blood;
  • Time to reach maximum concentration;
  • Effect of heavy food on maximum concentration;
  • The half-life is the time it takes for the concentration in the blood to decrease by half.

These are important characteristics that determine:

  • The speed of achieving the effect;
  • The duration of the action.

The longer and more stable the effect of the drug, the less the risk of provoking mental disorders in the patient against the background of the dependence of sexual activity on the time of taking the drug.

Let's compare the pharmacokinetic parameters of the three drugs:

And now let's look at the comparative table of the effectiveness of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis:

Comparing the time of action of the drugs, we can say that tadalafil has the most stable duration of action, while sildenafil is unstable.

As for side effects, Cialis most often causes muscle pain during the rest period, while Levitra and Vigra cause visual impairment, "hot flashes" and digestive disorders. However, the duration of side effects of all three drugs is relatively short.

When asked which drug effectively solves the problem of potency in men, sildenafil or tadalafil can be safely answered in favor of the latter. According to statistics, the number of successful sexual intercourse in patients taking Cialis reached 80%, in Viagra - 66%. In Levitra, this figure reached 65%.

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What worries men of all age groups? Of course, problems with erectile function, or as doctors also call it, are a genital reaction. When a dysfunction of the genital reaction occurs, difficulties arise with the reproductive system: difficult onset and maintenance of an erection. Naturally, getting sexual pleasure simply does not come or comes very hard. In such cases, a man is visited by an inferiority complex and difficult communication with the opposite sex. Some representatives of the stronger sex simply begin to abuse alcohol, someone goes in search of radical methods for solving the problem (for example, treatment with traditional healers) or taking herbal recipes found on the Internet. The World Wide Web, of course, suggests how to get rid of problems. But some recipes or recommendations are not enough. It is also necessary to have an idea of ​​​​why the disease appeared. This will require a visit to the doctor and diagnosis. If the problems are not associated with chronic ailments, then it is recommended to maintain the function of Cialis or analogues of this drug.


To understand why and why they take Cialis or Russian analogues, one should understand why the pathological process arose, what it means. First of all, it is worth understanding that problems associated with erectile dysfunction can be not only in men, but also in women, but the stronger sex suffers more often because of their unwillingness to be treated and constant employment. You can quickly understand that erection problems have begun to arise or have already arisen:

  • difficult arousal;

"Cialis" - a remedy that helps to cope with erectile dysfunction

organic level Causes are functional
  • dorsal dryness;
  • syringomyelia;
  • multiple sclerosis.

If you have problems with the genitourinary system, a consultation with a urologist is required!

  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • hyprolose and lactose.

The drug is produced in tablet form.

Used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence

The cost of the drug for many may seem high. To replace the dosage form, you can use the developments of Russian manufacturers of pharmacological factories. In total, there are five similar drugs, but at a much cheaper price.

There are cheaper analogues of this drug on the market.

The result is no less effective:

To understand why and why they take Cialis or Russian analogues, one should understand why the pathological process arose, what it means. First of all, it is worth understanding that problems associated with erectile dysfunction can be not only in men, but also in women, but the stronger sex suffers more often because of their unwillingness to be treated and constant employment.

You can quickly understand that erection problems have begun to arise or have already arisen:

  • difficult arousal;
  • retention of sexual activity is difficult;
  • the completion of sexual relations is delayed due to the end of the erection of the flesh;
  • partial or complete absence of ejaculation.

Scenarios may vary depending on the disease or other causes of sexual discomfort. There are three stages of development that more than half of the male population on the globe experiences:

  1. The initial stage of arousal goes well, but during sexual contact, inhibition occurs until it is completely absent. Ejaculation does not occur.
  2. Erection manifests itself in an insufficient form, i.e. partial.
  3. Excitation practically does not occur, or an erection occurs before or after sexual relations.

Problems with arousal and erection should not be left to chance, as they may indicate a serious pathology

Experts divided the causes into two categories: functional and organic. The second group, in percentage terms, is much less common than the functional one.

organic level Causes are functional
Inflammation of the urinary system. This subgroup includes balanitis, urethritis, all types of prostatitis Personal characteristics of a person. These include low self-esteem and excessive suspiciousness.
Appearance and development of benign and malignant tumors. Injuries and bruises in the groin area. Pathological processes With insufficient understanding on the part of the partner or constraint on their sexual needs - problems with the partner
Disorders of a neurological nature. These include:
  • dorsal dryness;
  • syringomyelia;
  • multiple sclerosis.
Psychological pressure from the person himself. This refers to memories of the first unsuccessful experience, fear for a possible failure or dissatisfaction of a partner in bed.
Peyronie's disease and acute cavernitis Fear. This subgroup of patients have problems at the level of situational causes: infection with diseases not only of a venereal nature or overwork
Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction

Need to know! Doctors believe that psychogenic factors or functional causes are completely unrelated to organic ones, since 90% of patients belong to the 40+ group.

Only a doctor recommends buying an analogue of Cialis for men. It is not recommended to decide this nature on your own. The fact is that quite often there is a combination of causes. For example: the use of medication for calming or sleeping pills along with overwork (psychological pressure from a partner). It is better to solve such situations comprehensively and with the help of not one specialist, but several.

Self-medication is not worth it, since only a doctor can establish the true cause of the problems

Often, the appearance of diseases of the genitourinary system is relatively asymptomatic, so the appearance of problems with erection can serve as a reason for an urgent visit to a urologist or nephrologist. After going to the hospital, the patient:

  • receive reliable information on the causes of dysfunction of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • will undergo all the necessary diagnostic measures to clarify the diagnosis and determine the causes of genital insufficiency;
  • only qualified specialists who are able to choose the right treatment regimen and monitor the course of therapeutic measures and effectiveness will prescribe treatment;
  • You can be diagnosed not by one doctor, but by several at once. Then come to a single diagnosis. The procedure is simple: get advice from three doctors and combine their recommendations;
  • it is possible to determine the problem only with the help of modern technological developments and devices;
  • the entire course of treatment is confidential if the patient wishes.

There are many drugs on the shelves of pharmacies that can improve sexual desire and normalize erectile function. The most famous for all - Viagra. Cialis is her generic. But it differs in price and quality, which is not inferior to the original. As for the use, men often choose Cialis and its analogues, since they are cheaper, and they are not inferior in performance.

The dosage form is in the release form - tablets. One contains no more and no less than 20 g of tadafil, which is the active substance. Auxiliaries include:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • cellulose microcrystalline;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • hyprolose and lactose.

You can buy the drug in small quantities to see if it suits you.

All tablets are coated with a shell specially designed in such a way that dissolution does not occur immediately, but reaches the intestines. It consists of triacetin, iron and titanium, opadra. Packings differ from each other: from 1 to 8 pieces. Thus, the developers give men the opportunity to purchase a package with one or two tablets for testing. If the dosage form came up and gave the expected result, and there was no allergic reaction, then the drug can be bought already in a higher dosage. Storage is assumed to be at a maximum of 30 degrees above zero.

In any of the packages with tablets there is an instruction for use. It describes everything related to the purpose and application. The drug is designed to stimulate erectile function by suppressing the production of nucleotide substances. During excitation, nitrogen oxide is released, and this makes it possible to increase the level of nucleotides. Further, there is an improvement in blood flow to the inguinal zone and in the tissues of the penis, which makes it possible to achieve an erection. But all this will happen only at the moment of excitement. Viagra works in a completely different way. After its adoption, there must be sexual intercourse without fail. With Cialis, it is completely different: sexual relations will normally last for almost two days (up to 34-36 hours).

If a man has no problems with blood pressure, then there is no reason for concern - an increase will not occur in the vessels, and the heart rate will remain normal. Absorption occurs within half an hour, which is quite fast for such drugs. Sometimes up to two hours. Everything will depend only on food intake. Sperm does not change its composition, metabolizes enzymes, and the substance itself comes out with feces and urine.

  • absence or inhibition of orgasm and friction speed;
  • internal system disorders, impotence;
  • impossibility or inability to complete partner contact of a sexual plan;
  • the disappearance of sexual desire before or during sexual intercourse;
  • erection problems (weakness and short duration).

Suggested Use: One tablet at the same time every day. After a thorough examination, the doctor may recommend reducing the dosage to 10 mg per day (half a tablet). Also, a correction of the intake is required if there are significant health problems: dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, diabetes mellitus.

The cost of the drug for many may seem high. To replace the dosage form, you can use the developments of Russian manufacturers of pharmacological factories. In total, there are five similar drugs, but at a much cheaper price. The result is no less effective:

  1. Effect Neuro. With its help, the hormonal background responsible for sexual desire and sperm production is restored. The appointment must last at least three months.
  2. Impaza. The drug is more homeopathic. Designed for course treatment in the presence of problems of weakened erection.
  3. Vertex. To increase libido and sexual desire. Restores potency.
  4. Evalar Yohimbe Forte. Contains only herbal ingredients. Reception immediately before sexual intercourse. This increases the time and productivity of sexual intercourse.
  5. Parity is often recommended as a dietary supplement. It also contains natural ingredients. Designed to improve erectile function and increase potency. Prevents blood stasis and improves performance. But you should not use it yourself for treatment or prevention. There are other medicines for this.

About 30 years ago, the first drug to increase potency in men entered the pharmaceutical market, it was Viagra. The Pfizer company spent a lot of money on the development of the drug and its introduction into the "masses", so the original Viagra tablets are still the most expensive among other representatives of this group of drugs. Around the beginning of the 2000s, the first analogues of Viagra were released - the drugs Cialis, Levitra. Their price was lower, but still remained quite high. Scientists have also solved this problem - the analogues of Cialis and Levitra were born, which were called generic.

Generic is essentially a substitute for the original drug (or other product) with the same properties and effect.

Initially, the active substance of the original Viagra was sildenafil, which belongs to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. But since the product was protected by a patent, other companies could not use this component. Therefore, it was decided to replace sildenafil with a substance similar in action and efficiency.

So the generic Cialis entered the market, the active component of which was similar to sildenafil, but cheaper tadalafil. A similar drug did not require serious clinical trials, did not need advertising and a patent, all this was done back in 1992 by Pfizer. This has led to a significant reduction in the cost of the drug.

Generic is a generic, but certified product that has the same properties as the original drug, the only difference is that it is several times cheaper.

It was Viagra that became the progenitor of many drugs to increase potency, in fact, all of them are its analogues. It should be noted that some generics even surpassed the original in terms of the speed of onset and the duration of erectile function.

Cialis or Viagra

Both drugs are designed to increase potency, improve erectile function in men and belong to the group of type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors.

If we compare Cialis and Viagra we get the following results:

  • Viagra- the standard dosage of sildenafil is 50 mg. Application - 1 tablet 40-60 minutes before copulation. The duration of erectile function is maintained for 4-5 hours. The drug can cause many side effects, the most common of which are flushing of the face, shortness of breath, headache, and changes in color perception. The medicine can not be combined with alcohol; before use, it is not recommended to eat fatty, heavy foods;
  • Cialis- the recommended dosage of tadalafil is 20 mg. Application - 1 tablet 30-40 minutes before the alleged intercourse. The effect after taking the medicine (the ability to conduct full-fledged sexual intercourse) lasts for 36 hours. Cialis rarely causes flushing of the face, all other side effects are similar in frequency to Viagra. It should also be noted that this inexpensive analogue can be combined with small doses of alcohol. In addition, the medicine is well absorbed regardless of the food consumed.

All drugs PDE-5 inhibitors work only if there is sexual arousal. Their task is to increase the blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis, due to which an erection occurs, but they do not have any effect on the strength of libido.

The conclusion is that the effectiveness of Cialis exceeds the effect of Viagra, and the cost of the analogue drug is much lower than the original remedy.

Cialis or Levitra

Levitra is a drug of the PDE-5 group, the active substance is Vardenafil (the chemical composition is almost identical to sildenafil, tadalafil).

If we compare the effectiveness of Levitra with the action of Cialis, we get the following results:

  • The recommended dosage is 10 mg Vardenafil;
  • Application - 1 tablet 15 minutes before the expected proximity;
  • Action - the ability to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse lasts for 8 hours;
  • Side effects are mild, most often there is nasal congestion, facial flushing, dyspepsia;
  • It is allowed to combine with small doses of alcohol, but it is better to refuse fatty foods before taking Levitra (it impairs the absorption of the active substance, slowing down its action).

All PDE-5 drugs have almost identical contraindications and cause side effects, but the most effective among them is still Cialis, which allows you to maintain a full erection for 36 hours.

This ability of the drug made it popular and in demand. In response to this, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce their generic Cialis, while the form of release of the drug began to change.

Varieties of Generic Cialis

In a pharmacy, you can buy original Cialis only in the form of tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 5-20 mg. For a single oral dose (before direct intercourse), the recommended dosage is 20 mg of tadalafil, with course use, tablets of 5 mg should be taken.

But Cialis generics are produced in different dosage forms:

  • Pills- this form of release is similar to the original drug, however, the dosage of tadalafil can be 5, 20, 40 and 60 mg;
  • Chewable tablets- they are not swallowed with water, but are absorbed or chewed. Such drugs instantly begin to be absorbed, so the action occurs much faster;
  • Gels- they are packaged in disposable stickers, the content of tadalafil is 20 mg. This form is intended for oral administration, so the drug has a pleasant fruity taste, and it is not necessary to drink it with water. The medicine begins to act in 5-10 minutes;
  • Capsules- in fact, it is a gelled substance enclosed in a thin shell. The drug is intended for oral administration. Once inside, the enzymes of gastric juice instantly dissolve the shell, and the gel immediately begins to be absorbed, so the effect occurs quickly, after 5-10 minutes;
  • Combined drugs- they contain two active components at once, as a rule, it is tadalafil and dapoxetine. Such a symbiosis helps not only to increase the strength of an erection, but also to prevent premature ejaculation.

Despite the fact that the analogue is much cheaper than the original drug, this does not affect its effectiveness in any way, of course, if all the standards for the production of generics are met.

Generic oral tablets

Before use, read the contraindications and possible side effects. The best option would be to consult a doctor who will help determine the most effective, but at the same time safe dosage of the drug.

  • Tadacip (Tadacip) - dosage of 20 mg of tadalafil. Take once a day for half an hour before sexual intercourse. The duration of action is 36 hours. It is recommended to start taking with half a tablet, but if necessary, it is allowed to increase the dosage. The price ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.
  • Tadarise-40 (Tadarise-40) is an Indian-made generic. The content of tadalafil in one tablet is 40 mg (Tadarise is also available with a lower dosage). The medicine is recommended for men with overweight, but first a doctor's consultation is necessary. The cost of 10 tablets is 1700 rubles.
  • Tadadel (Tadadel) - tablets for oral administration with a dosage of 5, 10, 20, 40. 60 mg of tadalafil. The highest dosage (40 and 60 mg) is prescribed exclusively by a doctor in especially severe cases with a long history of erectile dysfunction.

All drugs begin to act about half an hour after ingestion and retain the effect up to 36 hours.

Lozenges (chewable)

This form of release allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. All Cialis lozenges are labeled "Soft".

  • Tadajoy Soft (Tadajoy Soft) - the content of tadalafil 20 mg. The medicine has a pleasant taste and aroma, in addition, the presence of additional components reduces the risk of adverse reactions. At the same time, the properties of the generic are not inferior to the original Cialis. Despite the fact that this is a cheaper analogue (the cost of 10 tablets is 1200 rubles), it starts to act after 10-15 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 36 hours.
  • Tadaga Soft 40 (Tadaga Soft 40) is an enhanced formula of the drug, so its intake must be agreed with the doctor. It is better to put dragee for resorption under the tongue, where it is better absorbed, and, accordingly, the action comes faster.

There is also a Russian analogue of Cialis Soft - Impaza lozenges. The drug can be used once - an hour before intercourse, dissolve 2 tablets in turn, as well as a course (every 2 days for 12 weeks, take 1 tablet). Plus, this drug has no side effects and a minimum of contraindications. In addition, this Russian generic costs only 500 rubles.


The consistency of the drug allows you to take it in any situation, especially before spontaneous sex (it has a pleasant taste, there is no need to drink water, it acts instantly).

  • Tadaga gel (Tadaga Oral Jelly) - after taking there is an instant absorption, so the effect occurs literally in 10 minutes. It should be noted that after the use of the gel, adverse reactions occur extremely rarely and are of a short-term nature. In a disposable package, the content of tadalafil can be 10, 20 and 30 mg.
  • Apcalis gel (Apcalis Oral Jelly) - produced by Goodviagra (the same drug is available in the form of tablets). The gel for oral use does not cause dependence, however, minor side effects are possible - dizziness, headache, facial flushing, nasal congestion. The medicine begins to act 15 minutes after ingestion.

Despite the pleasant taste and ease of use, it is not recommended to use more than 1 Cialis gel sticker per day, this will not affect the quality of erection, but it can provoke an increase in side effects.

Cialis Generic Capsules

Another innovative development of generic Cialis companies is that the drug is quickly absorbed, providing an instant effect, while the result also lasts for 36 hours.

  • Tadaga capsules - we have already considered this drug in the form of a gel, tablets. Capsules for potency from an Indian manufacturer have the same characteristics. It is recommended to take half an hour before the planned intercourse with the drug washed down with water (at least half a glass). The standard daily dose of tadalafil is 20 mg.
  • Cialis Super Active is also a capsule with a jelly-like content (manufacturer India). It is not recommended to combine with alcohol and take no earlier than 2 hours after a meal, so the drug will be better absorbed.

The price of the drug varies from the number of capsules in the package - 1400 rubles (10 capsules) and 5000 rubles (50 capsules).

Combined generics

These are drugs with two active ingredients. The most prominent representatives are:

  • Tadapox (Tadapox) - the composition of the tablets includes tadalafil (strengthens erection) and dapoxetine (prevents premature ejaculation). It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day with a dosage of 20 mg of tadalafil 40-60 minutes before sexual intimacy. The drug is not compatible with alcohol, excessive consumption of fatty foods impairs the absorption of the drug;
  • Super Tadarise (Super Tadarise) - tablets containing tadalafil and dapoxetine. The drug is intended for occasional use, not more than 3 times a week. The ratio of active ingredients is tadalafil 20 mg, dapoxetine 60 mg. Side effects are possible, which increase with an overdose of the drug.

The list of drugs we have given is far from complete, there are many different analogues of Cialis, which one the doctor will tell you to choose.

Cialis is a drug for rapid erection stimulation based on tadalafil. Its main advantage is long-term action. The disadvantage of the original medicine is the high cost. Nevertheless, Cialis, whose analogues are produced by various manufacturers, can be replaced without harm to the family budget.

Cialis helps men who are faced with the problem of impotence

Instant pills, such as Cialis or Viagra, are well known to men who are faced with the problem of impotence. These preparations contain different active substances, but have the same pharmacological action.

Cialis inhibits the activity of the PDE-5 enzyme. As a result, the blood vessels of the penis relax, which provides an almost instantaneous blood flow to the organ and causes a strong erection.

The drug works only under one condition - this is the presence of arousal in a man. Thus, the drug is not used for psychological impotence, when a man does not feel arousal.

The main active ingredient of Cialis is the PDE-5 inhibitor tadalafil. Its advantages in comparison with other drugs in this group:

  • fast action;
  • lack of dependence on food intake;
  • minimum side effects;
  • long-term preservation of the effect.

After taking the pill, the effect occurs after a maximum of two hours. Unlike other drugs in this group (Viagra, Levitra), the effect of Cialis does not depend on food intake, so the pill can be taken with dinner. The maximum concentration of the active substance is reached after two hours. As a rule, the effect of the drug, namely the onset of an erection, is noted already 40-60 minutes after taking the pill and only intensifies with time.

The main feature of the drug is a long-term effect. The effect of Cialis lasts at least 6-8 hours. In some cases, the stimulating effect of the drug lasts for a day.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. One tablet, intended for one dose, since it cannot be divided, costs about 1,500 rubles. Due to the high cost of the original Cialis, its analogues and generics are in great demand, but they must be chosen with care.

Cialis analogues: what you need to know?

Drug analogues containing the same formula are called generics

Complete analogues of Cialis for men contain tadalafil. They are called generics. Generics differ from the original drug in cheaper manufacturing technology, which significantly affects the cost of the drug. The main nuance is the number of side effects. The original drug is practically safe and only in some cases causes a migraine the next day after taking it and slight fluctuations in blood pressure. When taking generics and cheap substitutes, the risk of side effects is much higher.

Analogues for pharmacological properties contain another active substance. Based on this, Viagra and Levitra can be considered analogues in the group. These are original drugs that practically do not differ in price from Cialis.

You need to buy an analogue of Cialis in pharmacies. Some adult product stores offer generics and analogues of Cialis at bargain prices (100-200 rubles). The composition and manufacturer of such pills are unknown, therefore, when buying such a medicine, a person gets a "pig in a poke", and the consequences of taking it can be unpredictable.

Russian generics

Russian pharmacological companies do not produce drugs based on tadalafil, which is part of Cialis. Moreover, there are few drugs with this active substance, only Cialis is original. If you want to choose a substitute for domestic production, you should pay attention to tablets with the same mechanism of action, but with a different composition. Russian analogues of Cialis:

  • Vizarsin;
  • Sildenafil-SZ;
  • Viasan-LF.

These drugs contain the PDE-5 inhibitor sildenafil, which is part of the original Viagra. In fact, this is the same medicine as Cialis, with a similar mechanism of action.

Cialis analogues are cheaper than the original drug. Vizarsin costs about 100 rubles for one tablet of 25 mg, Sildenafil-SZ - about 500 rubles for 20 tablets at a dosage of 25 mg. Viasan is available in a dosage of 100 mg, 10 pieces per pack. The cost of the medicine is about 2000 rubles per pack.

Comparing the cost of domestic drugs with Cialis, many prefer drugs based on sildenafil. It also acts fairly quickly, but is sensitive to food intake, so these tablets should be taken 2-3 hours after a meal. The action of the drug begins one hour after ingestion and lasts at least 6 hours.

Indian substitutes

India is one of the largest manufacturers of cheap generics of the original drugs Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. The list of analogues is very large, but India also does not produce drugs based on tadalafil, replacing them with drugs containing sildenafil.

The reason for the lack of full analogues of Cialis on sale is very simple - tadalafil is more difficult to synthesize, and its production is more expensive than sildenafil. It simply does not make sense to release generics, since their cost will differ slightly from the original drug.

If the difference between Cialis and its substitute is about 100 rubles, it makes no sense for the buyer to save on health by purchasing a non-original drug. The only Indian analogue of the drug Cialis is the drug Up-Grey based on tadalafil. It is rarely found on sale, and the cost differs little from the original drug and is about 1300 rubles per tablet.

Indian analogues based on sildenafil:

  • Adamax-100;
  • Alti-Met;
  • Jenagra;
  • Viatile;
  • Kamagra;
  • Konegra.

The cost of one tablet of these drugs does not exceed 700 rubles. You can buy medicines from an Indian manufacturer at any major pharmacy. These are proven drugs that have passed clinical trials, so their use is safe if you follow the recommendations given in the instructions.

Analogues and generics from other manufacturers

Among all the pills for potency, one of the best analogues of Cialis is the drug Dynamico. This drug is manufactured in Israel. There are two types of tablets in pharmacies - Dynamico and Dynamico Long.

Dynamico contains sildenafil. The cost of 4 tablets at a dosage of 100 mg is 900 rubles. This is a potent drug recommended for severe forms of impotence.

Dynamico Long contains tadalafil in the same dosage as the original Cialis. The drug is available in packs of two tablets, the cost of the drug is 1200 rubles, i.e. two times cheaper than Cialis.

Instructions for use of Cialis, Dynamico Long and analogs based on tadalafil assure that the drug is valid for 36 hours.

Another popular substitute for Cialis is Levitra. The drug contains the PDE-5 inhibitor vardenafil. The cost of a tablet is about 1200 rubles. Levitra acts within 10-15 hours.

On the basis of tadalafil, the Ukrainian drug Erektadil is produced. Today it is practically not found in Russian pharmacies, the cost is unknown.

Cialis and its analogues for women

The dosage of Cialis for women is no more than 10 mg of tadalafil

Recent studies have shown that PDE-5 inhibitors are excellent in the treatment of low libido in women. However, tadalafil and other drugs in this group act differently on women than on men. When taking the pill, blood flow to the genitals increases and arousal is stimulated, as a result of which a woman gets more pleasure during intercourse.

The female dosage of Cialis is 10 mg of tadalafil, while tablets for men are available in 2.5 and 5 mg. An analogue of Cialis for women is produced in India and is called Femalefil.

Women should not independently take drugs intended for the treatment of impotence in men. Dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor. In some cases, it is better to give preference to natural stimulants (Spanish Fly, Silver Fox), which are safe and effective in stimulating sexual arousal in women.


Which analogue to choose?

Cialis and generics need to be bought only in a pharmacy

Complete substitutes and analogues of Cialis for men are rare. If the doctor has prescribed Cialis, it is safe to replace it with the drug Dynamico Long or the Up-Grey tablet. It is important to compare dosages, since tadalafil-based drugs are available in different forms.

The remaining substitutes contain sildenafil, a substance that is part of Viagra. With intolerance to sildenafil, you can not take such medicines.

Due to the wide range of prices for analogues of Cialis tablets, it is easy to get confused. A wide range of pharmacies can confuse a man, so the best solution would be to choose the drug in consultation with the doctor.

If a man is self-medicating, you should follow a few rules:

  • purchase only high-quality drugs;
  • buy analogues and generics in a pharmacy;
  • read the instructions carefully;
  • do not exceed the prescribed dosage.

As a rule, the action of official generics is well studied. All possible side effects and precautions are described in detail in the instructions for use. Such drugs are relatively safe if a man takes them as prescribed by a doctor. It is worth noting that certified analogues of Cialis are dispensed in pharmacies with a prescription.

In sex shops you can find cheap pills based on sildenafil or tadalafil. Such drugs are usually sold as one tablet, without packaging and instructions. They do not pass clinical trials and are distributed not as a drug, but as a dietary supplement, so their effectiveness remains in question. If you need to find cheap analogues of Cialis, you should go to the pharmacy, but not to the adult goods store.



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