Stasis dermatitis, ICD code 10. L30.9 Dermatitis, unspecified

You can find the ICD 10 dermatitis code in the class of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Since pathology has a large number of varieties, it occupies a whole section of dermatitis and eczema in the ICD 10 revision.

It should be noted that in this document, dermatitis and eczema are used interchangeably as synonyms.

The section includes the following types of pathological processes:

  • L20 - atopic form of the lesion (manifestation of an allergic reaction);
  • L21 - seborrheic skin lesion;
  • L22 - diaper type dermatitis (in young children due to mechanical irritation of the skin);
  • L23 - allergic contact inflammatory process (represents an allergy of a local nature, for example, due to household chemicals);
  • L24 - simple contact irritation;
  • L25 - unspecified contact pathology;;
  • L26 - exfoliative variant of skin lesions;
  • L27 - pathology of the skin, which is caused by the ingestion of various substances (for example, medicinal);
  • L28 - lichen simplex and pruritus;
  • L29 - itching;
  • L30 - other variants of the pathological process on the skin.

Despite the fact that in ICD 10 dermatitis has a code due to an etiological factor, the principles of diagnosis and treatment of the disease differ little. The main action of the doctor is to identify the cause of the formation of rashes and eliminate these factors from the patient's life.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Making a correct diagnosis with this type of skin lesion is difficult due to the large number of conditions that can cause this condition.

The doctor carefully asks the history of the disease, trying to find out what exactly provoked the pathological process.

In addition to the interview and examination, there are laboratory tests and allergy-specific methods, such as skin tests. Before conducting a provocative test, the doctor makes sure that there is no acute process, which he removes with medication.

The basic principles of the treatment of the pathological process are based on the elimination of the aggressor acting on the skin. Topical creams and ointments with antihistamines or corticosteroid hormones are used to relieve symptoms (rashes, swelling, redness, and itching). The same drugs can be prescribed systemically for severe forms of the disease. The doctor must take into account that in ICD 10 dermatitis is divided into many points, each of which also has divisions. To view the treatment protocol, it is important to establish the diagnosis as accurately as possible.

Contact dermatitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by irritating or sensitizing action of exogenous factors. Incidence: 669.2 per 100,000 population in 2001

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:

Classification Primary irritant dermatitis (simple contact dermatitis) Allergic contact dermatitis (AKD) Phototoxic dermatitis (see Photodermatitis).


Allergic dermatitis is a skin disease caused by contact with an external irritant. Unlike others, the cause of this type of disease can be not only mechanical contact with the allergen. Irritants in this case can be:

  • medicines;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • perfumery;
  • paints;
  • natural and artificial polymeric materials;
  • metals;
  • substances of industrial origin.

The main cause of allergic dermatitis is hypersensitivity to an irritant. Despite local exposure to the allergen, the course of the disease can manifest itself in symptoms throughout the body.

Usually, sensitization or hypersensitivity develops to one allergen or a group of chemically similar substances.

The history of development in each patient begins with the start of the sensitization process at the time of contact with an irritating substance. The prevalence of a disease is not a sign of its safety.

On the contrary, allergic dermatitis requires complex and immediate treatment. Especially when it comes to pregnant women and children.

In simple cases, the disease can be cured at home. However, treatment should be under medical supervision. In case of development into a severe preclinical stage with swelling of the throat and suffocation, immediate hospitalization of the patient is required.

What provokes the disease

Allergic dermatitis develops as a reaction of the body to local irritants. In essence, dermatitis, including allergic, can be triggered by external and internal irritants.

Moreover, the size of the allergen or its concentration is usually so small that the immune system is simply not able to immediately recognize them.

Therefore, the appearance of symptoms in allergic dermatitis is a long story. In other cases, the allergen binds to blood proteins, thus forming a large irritant.

Doctors believe that allergic dermatitis can manifest itself for quite a long time. In different situations, it takes from two days to two weeks after direct contact with the allergen.

Treatment of dermatitis, especially allergic dermatitis, is hampered precisely by the duration of the development of the first symptoms. Sometimes even in a clinical setting it is difficult to recognize the stimulus.

In adults, the course of the disease can be slow and the first symptoms appear when the person no longer remembers what could have been the cause.

However, practical experience in the treatment of allergic dermatitis has made it possible to identify the most frequent irritants among everyday substances and foodstuffs:

The etiology is unknown.

Pathogenesis: polyvalent (rarely monovalent) skin sensitization, as a result of which it responds inadequately to various exogenous and endogenous influences.

Sensitization is facilitated by stressful experiences, endocrinopathies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as well as foot fungus, chronic pyococcal processes and allergic diseases.

In childhood, eczema is pathogenetically associated with exudative diathesis.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture

A pathognomonic sign is a sharply demarcated edge of the focus of rashes.

The process primarily involves skin areas with a thin epidermis (eyelids, genitals, etc.).

The skin of the palms and soles is the most resistant to the irritant; the skin of deep folds is not affected.

Forms of contact dermatitis Simple contact dermatitis - erythematous, vesiculo-bullous, necrotic - ulcerative ACD Acute form: papules, vesicles, blisters with erythema surrounding them, weeping, itching.

Initially, rashes appear only at the site of contact with an irritating substance or allergen, later they can spread Chronic form: thickening with lichenification, erythema, peeling, in some cases - erosion.

clinical picture. Eczema is observed at any age, on any part of the skin (more often on the face and upper limbs).

There are true, microbial, seborrheic and occupational eczema.
True eczema is acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute eczema is characterized by bright edematous erythema with multiple tiny vesicles, upon opening of which point erosions are formed with abundant weeping, the formation of crusts and scales.

Subjectively - burning and itching. The duration of acute eczema is 1.5 - 2 months.

In the subacute course, inflammatory phenomena are less pronounced:
the color of the foci becomes bluish-pink, swelling and weeping are moderate, burning and itching subside; infiltration joins.

The duration of the process is up to six months. In a chronic course, skin infiltration predominates in the clinical picture; vesicles and weeping erosions are found with difficulty, subjectively - itching.

A variety of true eczema is dyshidrotic eczema, which is localized on the palms and soles and is manifested by abundant, sometimes merging into continuous foci of vesicles and multi-chamber blisters with a dense cover, upon opening of which weeping areas are exposed, bordered by a fringe of the stratum corneum.

Microbial eczema, in the pathogenesis of which sensitization to microorganisms (usually pyococci) plays a significant role, is distinguished by an asymmetric location, more often on the limbs, rounded outlines, clear boundaries of the exfoliating stratum corneum, the presence of pustules and often associated with fistulas, long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers (paratraumatic eczema).

The course is indefinitely long, relapsing
Seborrheic eczema is pathogenetically associated with seborrhea. It occurs in infancy and after puberty.

Localized on the scalp, behind the auricles, there, in the sternum and between the shoulder blades.
Its peculiar features are yellowish color, stratification of greasy scales, the absence of pronounced weeping, blurred infiltration, the tendency of foci to regress in the center with simultaneous growth along the periphery.

Occupational eczema, morphologically similar to true, affects open areas of the skin (hands, forearms, neck and face), which are primarily exposed to the harmful effects of chemical irritants under production conditions, and has a less persistent course, since sensitization with it is not polyvalent. , but monovalent character.

For diagnostic purposes, allergic skin tests are used.

Symptoms and course

Depending on the stage and form, allergic dermatitis can manifest itself in different ways.

The reaction of the skin to contact with an irritant is manifested by a rash - moderately severe or affecting large areas. The nature and localization of the rash depends on the type of allergic dermatitis and the duration of exposure to the allergen:

  • a mild form of the disease is accompanied by small islands of bubbles, painted in pink, with non-inflamed skin between them;
  • extensive damage is expressed by dense nodules, swelling of the skin, severe itching and fever;
  • with erythema, a reddish ring-shaped rash appears, in the center of which the skin looks healthy, the boundaries are clearly defined, and the spots themselves swell.

The onset of the disease is considered the moment of contact with the irritant. Regardless of the nature of the manifestations, treatment must begin immediately.

The cause of allergic dermatitis can be external and internal irritants. At the same time, even a minimal amount of an allergen can cause a very strong response, since the immune system does not always recognize small doses of pathogens and does not immediately respond to them.

Each type of allergic dermatitis with the ICD-10 code L23 has certain stages of complications. In the course of the disease, 2 phases are distinguished:

  • the acute phase is an exacerbated dermatitis that develops immediately after exposure to an irritant and is accompanied by the appearance of vesicles, on which scales then appear;
  • the chronic phase is characterized by intensely itchy flat rashes from which exudate is discharged.

The most dangerous is the stage of acute allergic dermatitis, complicated by swelling of the larynx.

Chronic dermatitis occurs in the form of alternating periods of remission and exacerbations. The duration of remission depends on the severity of the disease and can range from 2–3 weeks to several years.

At this time, inflammation completely disappear or become barely noticeable. During remission, it is necessary to avoid contact with irritants to which the immune system reacts.

Diagnosis and treatment

Investigation methods If ACD is suspected, a skin patch test is performed with a standard set of contact allergens attached to a patch tape that fixes them on the skin for 48–72 hours.

The reaction is evaluated 20 minutes after removal of the allergen. Identification of a possible photosensitizer.

Differential diagnosis Infections caused by HSV Bullous pemphigoid Seborrheic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis.

To determine the etiological factor of allergic dermatitis with the ICD-10 code L23, skin or provocative allergic tests are performed. Before finding out the cause in an evidence-based way, the acuteness of the inflammatory process is first removed.

Since there are too many allergens in nature, it first becomes clear which of them the patient considers likely.

Although allergic dermatitis is coded in the ICD-10 for an etiological factor, there is no significant difference in the treatment of different types of the disease. First, the effect of the irritant or the cause that caused this pathology is eliminated, and then the necessary therapy is carried out.

In the early stages, the disease of any form is subject to complete cure.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis with the ICD-10 code L23 is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Taking antihistamines to relieve itching, irritation, swelling - Ebastine, Astemizol, Loratadin, Claritin, Claritidin, Tavegil are recommended.
  2. Carrying out detoxification (in difficult cases) using activated charcoal or sodium thiosulfate.
  3. Local treatment with the use of ointments and creams - "Sinaflan", "Akriderm" and others.

Also, in the acute form of dermatitis, glucocorticoids can be prescribed to relieve inflammation. In the chronic phase, external glucocorticoids are often used and, in addition, antihistamines.

Therapy will be most effective if the pathogen is detected early. The longer the allergen affects the body, the more harm it does to it.

The local effect of the allergen can eventually spread throughout the body and go into the complication stage, accompanied by swelling of the throat and symptoms of suffocation.

The treatment process is complicated by the fact that often the irritant is recognized quite difficult, and the disease proceeds slowly. Therefore, a person may not notice the reasons that caused the appearance of the first symptoms.

Any prescription for the treatment of allergic dermatitis with the ICD-10 L23 code, regardless of the phase and complexity of the disease, should only be performed by a specialist.

He will select the best drugs for a particular case that can cure the disease with minimal side effects. We must not forget that the effectiveness of recovery depends on the timeliness and correctness of treatment.


Management tactics It is necessary to eliminate the impact of a possible etiological factor Diet with the exception of spicy foods, alcoholic beverages; restriction of salt, carbohydrates.

Drug therapy

Locally Cold disinfectant lotions with 2% r - rum of resorcinol, 3% r - rum of boric acid, Burov's liquid (at a dilution of 1:40) GK - ointments with high activity, for example, fluacinolone acetonide (0.025% ointment) days, preferably under a compress.

Systemic GC (only in severe forms with large lesions), usually prednisone 0.5-1 mg/kg/day with gradual withdrawal over 10-14 days Antihistamines - hydroxyzine 25-50 mg 4 times a day or diphenhydramine 25-50 mg 4 r / day When a secondary infection is attached - antibiotics: erythromycin 250 mg 4 r / day.

Complications Accession of a pyogenic, yeast infection Malignancy with radiation dermatitis (radiation cancer) Transformation of allergic dermatitis into eczema.

The prognosis is favorable.

Ointment is able to eliminate external manifestations.

You can cure the disease in the early stages at home. For the treatment of various symptoms use:

  • antihistamines (Tavegil, Telfast, Claritin, Claritidine) help relieve itching, reduce swelling. Modern drugs for the treatment of allergies do not cause drowsiness and scattered attention. Most of them can treat dermatitis in pregnant women and children.
  • detoxification therapy for the treatment of severe stages of allergies. Activated charcoal, Laticort and sodium thiosulfate are commonly used. The last drug is administered intravenously. Do not use it at home, use it alone for the treatment of pregnant women and children.
  • creams and ointments are used topically to eliminate external manifestations. Among the popular remedies are Akriderm, Sinaflan, and other creams containing zinc. If the rash is wet, it is recommended to smear it with antiseptic agents with bandages. Topical treatment is safe for all individuals, including pregnant women.

Treatment is reduced to the identification and elimination of the irritating factor, the treatment of concomitant diseases. The skin, especially the affected areas, should be spared as much as possible from local irritation.

The diet during exacerbations is predominantly milk-vegetarian. Assign antihistamines and sedatives, including tranquilizers.

In acute events, accompanied by swelling and weeping, diuretics, calcium preparations, ascorbic acid and rutin. Locally - with swelling and weeping lotions from solutions of rivanol, furacilin; to eliminate them - pastes (2 - 5% boron - naftalan, boron - tar, etc.

), then ointments (sulfur, naftalan, tar); with a sharp infiltration - thermal procedures. At all stages, corticosteroid ointments are widely indicated (for pyococcal complications, combined with antimicrobial components).

With persistent delimited foci, especially dyshidrotic eczema, supersoft X-rays. Common forms with a persistent course require the appointment of corticosteroids by mouth.

Severely flowing forms are subject to treatment in a hospital with subsequent spa therapy.

Prevention, prognosis. Correction of neurogenic abnormalities and concomitant diseases, especially mycosis of the feet and pyococcal lesions; timely treatment of exudative diathesis and seborrheic conditions; exclusion of contact with chemical irritants at work (employment) and at home.

The prognosis of true eczema in relation to a complete cure is doubtful, other forms are more favorable.

ICD-10 diagnosis code L30.9

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I'll duplicate it, it's not difficult for me, catch - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a divorce? Why the Internet sell ah?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then, it's OK! Everything is in order - exactly, if payment upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman has been suffering from pain for many years ...

Andrew a week ago

What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped, it only got worse ...

Ekaterina a week ago

I tried to drink a decoction of bay leaves, to no avail, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense !!

Maria 5 days ago

Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

Elena (rheumatologist) 6 days ago

Yes, indeed, at the moment there is a program in which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS will be able to completely cure diseased joints. And yes - Professor Pak personally supervises the program.

  • Description

    Many people are wondering what is chronic eczema? This phrase is called the inflammatory process on the skin.

    A distinctive feature is, as a rule, constant relapses of the disease. With proper treatment, you can achieve a stable remission, but this will require quite a lot of patience and perseverance.

    The coding for microbial 10 in chronic eczema varies depending on the type of disease and the factor that provoked it.

    The range of values ​​is between L20 and L30. According to the results of the tests and examinations, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and classifies chronic eczema using microbial 10.

    Coin-like (nummular) eczema is a form of eczema characterized by the presence of often generalized, severely itchy, rounded (coin-shaped) foci of eczematous inflammation. Adults get sick more often, men more often than women.

    The onset is gradual, with no apparent deterioration and no history of eczema. Coin-shaped eczema often begins with a few isolated lesions on the legs; over time, multiple foci appear without any specific location.

    Lesions often resolve or improve with topical corticosteroids, but sometimes recur after discontinuation of topical corticosteroids.

    Contact dermatitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by irritating or sensitizing action of exogenous factors. Incidence: 669.2 per 100,000 population in 2001

    Classification Primary irritant dermatitis (simple contact dermatitis) Allergic contact dermatitis (AKD) Phototoxic dermatitis (see Photodermatitis).

    The chronic form of eczema manifests itself on any part of the body, mainly on the face and hands. This disease can affect anyone, at any age, but women are more susceptible to it.

    1.2 Etiology and pathogenesis

    Eczema develops as a result of a complex effect of etiological and pathogenetic factors, including neuroendocrine, metabolic, infectious-allergic, vegetative-vascular and hereditary ones.

    It is caused by exogenous (bacterial and fungal agents, chemicals, physical factors, drugs, foods, etc.) and endogenous factors (antigenic determinants of microorganisms from foci of chronic infection).

    Genetic predisposition determines the violation of immune regulation, the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems. In eczema, polygenic multifactorial inheritance is noted with pronounced gene expression and penetrance.

    With the disease of one of the parents (mainly the mother), the chance of getting eczema in a child is approximately 40%, with diseases of both parents - 50% -60%. The leading role in pathogenesis belongs to immune inflammation in the skin against the background of suppression of cellular and humoral immunity, suppression of nonspecific resistance and immunogenetic features (association with HLA-B22 and HLA-C1 antigens) of the body.

    According to modern concepts, the main role in the development of eczema is played by T-lymphocytes (mainly Th-1), which carry specific antigen receptors on their surface and secrete a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines: interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-2, TNF- ?, ?-interferon.

    The release of biologically active substances (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, histamine) causes the development of tissue inflammatory reactions, which is clinically manifested by hyperemia, edema, and itching. As a rule, eczema is characterized by polyvalent sensitization and autosensitization, an imbalance between the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system (with a predominance of the latter), and a change in the functional nature.


    There are quite a few factors that can provoke such an ailment. The main reason is believed to be persistent allergic reactions. Sometimes a person simply does not pay attention to the fact that he is allergic to something.

    The disease is caused by skin contact with an allergen. These irritants may include:

    • chemical substances;
    • dyes;
    • household chemicals;
    • some food;
    • medications;
    • perfumery;
    • cosmetical tools;
    • some materials, including building materials.

    The skin in this disease reacts sharply to contact with an irritant, resulting in a characteristic rash. Diseases are equally susceptible to all people, regardless of age and gender.

    The list of irritants that cause dermatitis is very long. Each patient can detect an individual skin reaction to seemingly safe substances and materials.

    The development of eczema is due to various factors affecting the body in a complex.

    The etiology is unknown.

    Pathogenesis: polyvalent (rarely monovalent) skin sensitization, as a result of which it responds inadequately to various exogenous and endogenous influences.

    Sensitization is facilitated by stressful experiences, endocrinopathies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as well as foot fungus, chronic pyococcal processes and allergic diseases.

    In childhood, eczema is pathogenetically associated with exudative diathesis.

    ICD - 10 - what is it?

    This disease has 9 types. For the most part, they all refer to the fact that a person has come into contact with or used products, both cosmetic and chemical, which caused skin irritation. This group also includes dermatitis caused by the patient's contact with a certain food product. But at the same time, if you ate it, this is a different kind of dermatitis.

    This type of dermatitis involves the application of special ointments to areas of the skin in contact with irritants. Usually use corticosteroid hormonal. Also, zinc oxide is prescribed for additional disinfecting treatment.

    This diagnosis is easy to confuse with the previous one, but it differs in that not only the part of the body that has been in contact with the allergen suffers, but a systemic allergic reaction is actively taking place in the body.

    Therapy begins, as a rule, with the elimination of the allergen from the patient's environment. If you must still come into contact with the allergen at work, you must use protective equipment such as a face mask, gloves. Since these are still varieties of ICD contact dermatitis.

    With this disease, the skin is affected due to the sebaceous glands. Dermatitis of this type progresses slowly, but causes significant discomfort to patients. Moreover, the amount of fat reproduced by the skin increases, pathogenic microorganisms use the same.

    Microorganisms greatly exacerbate the situation.

    Often this disease begins with seboria. But in fact, seborrhea does not in all cases lead to seborrheic dermatitis. ICD distinguishes 4 types:

    • seborrhea of ​​the head;
    • seborrheic childhood dermatitis;
    • other seborrheic dermatitis;
    • seborrheic dermatitis, unspecified.

    This type of dermatitis is also distinguished by the fact that the itching with it is quite strong. In addition, specific plaques are formed. Also, the skin is flaky. If dermatitis appears on the head, then all this is accompanied by severe dandruff.

    Seborrheic dermatitis is almost impossible to distinguish from other skin diseases on its own. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a mycological and microscopic examination with the study of skin scales for pathogenic fungi. In some cases, they turn to a biopsy.

    Treatment of this disease is somewhat difficult. It is necessary to fight not only with the acute process, but also to carry out constant maintenance therapy, since this disease is chronic. In no case should you start seborrheic dermatitis, this can seriously affect the condition of both the skin and the whole body.

    Allergic dermatitis is a skin ailment that can affect a person at any age. In addition, allergic dermatitis occurs even in pregnant women, which is very dangerous. According to the international classification according to ICD-10, the disease has the code L23. Causes and methods of treatment of allergic dermatitis, learn from this material.

    A skin disease that is provoked by contact with external irritants is called allergic dermatitis. The reason for the formation of this type of skin disease is not only a mechanical method of exposure. Allergy occurs through inhalation of irritants, which happens in frequent cases. Allergic dermatitis can appear with the following factors:

    • perfumery;
    • paints and varnishes and peeling materials;
    • metals;
    • medicines.

    The underlying cause of the development of the disease is excessive sensitivity to allergens. Their local influence can lead to the fact that the disease will spread throughout the body. You can cure a dermatological ailment on your own at home, but initially by visiting a doctor. The danger of the disease is due to the fact that dermatitis can go into the stage of complications, provoking swelling of the throat and symptoms of suffocation. In this case, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient.

    What provokes the disease

    Allergic dermatitis is provoked by the influence of both external and internal stimuli. Their volumes are too small for the immune system to recognize it in time. If the provocateur of the disease comes into contact with blood proteins, then in this case an irritant is formed on a large scale.

    Allergic dermatitis is a disease that is very often diagnosed in both adults and children, and patients with dermatitis often come across such a concept as the ICD code for allergic dermatitis - 10: what is this code and why is it needed?

    Before determining the ICD-10 dermatitis code, you should figure out what kind of disease it is, what varieties and manifestations of dermatitis are.

    ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the international classification of diseases. This classification was developed by WHO and is considered generally accepted among all health workers from around the world.

    The classification contains 21 sections, each of which is divided into subsections with codes for various diseases and conditions.

    ICD-10 helps doctors systematically study and interpret diseases and statistics that are obtained in different years and in different parts of the world.

    ICD-10 converts the verbal name of various diseases and conditions of patients into a special alphanumeric code.

    It is very convenient and easy to store and enter data, as well as analyze them using such a code.

    ICD-10 is a generally accepted international standard that analyzes the health of all population groups and the prevalence of various diseases and conditions.

    What code does allergic dermatitis have and how does the international classification of diseases describe this disease?

    Allergic dermatitis according to the international classification ICD - 10 has the code L23. The disease is very common among all ages and populations. Pregnant women are very vulnerable to allergic dermatitis.

    Why does the disease occur?

    This disease occurs after the contact of our body with a pathogen or irritant. The main cause of pathology, doctors call the excessive susceptibility of a person to a particular pathogen.

    Even if the allergen acts only on a certain area of ​​the skin, the disease can manifest itself throughout the skin. Usually, over-susceptibility develops to a single pathogen or to a group of similar substances.

    Doctors consider the beginning of the disease to be the moment of contact of the patient's body with an irritant. Whatever the manifestation of the disease - a rash all over the body or only in small areas, treatment should be started immediately, especially for children and pregnant women.

    Treatment can take place at home, but you should not self-medicate, because the doctor must control the entire process and record the results.

    If the allergy is supplemented by edema of the respiratory tract up to suffocation, then in this case the patient is referred for therapy under the supervision of specialists.

    Allergic dermatitis can be caused by both external and internal irritants. Even a minimal amount of a pathological substance can cause a very strong reaction, since the human immune system cannot always detect and recognize small doses of pathogens and respond to them.

    The reaction to the stimulus can last from several days to several weeks.

    Therapy will be most successful when pathogens are detected early, as the longer doctors look for an irritant, the more damage it does to our body.

    In addition, after a while, the patient may no longer remember what could serve as a catalyst for the disease.

    Before starting therapy, the doctor must find the cause of the disease and eliminate the pathogen.

    Varieties of pathologies

    Specialists distinguish several forms of allergic dermatitis:

    • Contact dermatitis is the body's response to a pathogen from the outside. The disease begins after contact of the skin with a strong irritant. Contact dermatitis can be identified by a local reaction to the pathogen - redness, rash, vesicles at the point of contact. Contact dermatitis will be completely cured when the patient eliminates the pathogen. To speed up the process, the doctor may prescribe drying ointments. With repeated interaction with the pathogen, contact dermatitis reappears;
    • Atopic. This form of allergic dermatitis combines chronic skin lesions with respiratory diseases. It can be found in both children and adults. It is characterized by a wet rash, symmetrical outlines of rashes. Immediately after the elimination of the allergen, the pathology disappears, often no medication is even required. In some cases, the doctor prescribes ointments with zinc in the composition;
    • The toxic-allergic form (toxidermia) develops if the irritant enters the respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, and also by injection. The reaction spreads quite extensively, occupies a large area, manifests itself almost instantly in the form of itching, burning, papules. It can also be manifested by fever, general weakness. Treat the rash with zinc ointments;
    • Fixed erythema is manifested locally by local inflammation. This is a reaction to sulfanilamide preparations, which is considered one of the forms of toxidermia. The spots have a clear shape and a purple color. In this case, ointments alone are not enough; traces of sulfanilamide substances should be removed from the body.

    Treatment of allergic dermatitis, whether it be contact, atopic dermatitis, erythema or toxidermia, begins with the elimination of the cause that caused this pathology.

    Medical treatment is also used, which depends on the manifestation of the disease.



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