What is valine responsible for? Feed and feed additives

Valine is one of three amino acids that make up the group of branched chain compounds. Its brothers with a similar structural formula are leucine and isoleucine. These three amino acids are inseparable friends and should be consumed together, because together they perform their functions in the body.

Structural formula of valine:

The carbon skeleton of valine is one carbonine larger than that of alanine, but not one carbon sequence, but two, stuck to the second carbon atom (in the β-position), i.e. The amino acid is bifurcated at one end, hence the name branched-chain amino acid.

Branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) make up about 45% of all essential amino acids in tissues. Branched-chain amino acids prevent protein breakdown to the same extent as the introduction of a full set of amino acids.

Valine is an essential proteinogenic amino acid. The body does not synthesize this compound, and it must come from outside with food. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, valine enters the liver. The liver lacks enzymes for the metabolism of branched chain amino acids, and it delays other amino acids for biochemical transformations, and this, incl. valine gives the green light to enter the general circulation, as a result, the amino acids of the food protein are separated, and a mixture of branched-chain amino acids is sent to the muscles, all the same three friends - valine, leucine, isoleucine. It is there that they enter into amino group transfer reactions, providing the muscles with energy.

The formation of a pool of free branched chain amino acids in the liver depends on the content of taurine, which regulates the conversion of amino acids to glucose.

In muscle, BCAAs are incorporated into muscle protein synthesis, forming a reserve from which they can be mobilized during exercise. During work, muscle protein breaks down, and branched-chain amino acids enter into a chain of biochemical transformations, the end product of which is glucose, which provides energy for work. It must be said that the intramuscular fund of free amino acids remains constant all the time of work, but after the load it increases, i.e. there is a certain inertia in the biochemical pipeline.

The need for valine is 3-4 g per day.


  • Structural
  • Energy
  • Immunogenic
  • Regulatory

structural function

Valine is a part of almost all proteins, giving them hydrophobic properties, i.e. the protein repels water from itself, hanging in the aquatic environment as an autonomous droplet-globule. Especially a lot of this amino acid in albumin, casein, connective tissue proteins, it also accumulates in muscles.

Valine is a precursor of vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid).

It protects the myelin sheath, the insulator of the nerve fiber.

energy function

Valine is a glucogenic amino acid that is metabolized to succinyl-CoA and then incorporated into the energy chain to produce glucose. Together with its branched brothers - leucine and isoleucine - it provides energy for muscle work, for which bodybuilders fell in love. During exercise, BCAAs, and valine in particular, are the main source of amino nitrogen in skeletal muscle. A significant part of them is released during the breakdown of muscle proteins, which requires an increase in the intake of these amino acids with food. Taking commercial preparations of branched-chain amino acids in these conditions is justified, because. it compensates for the stress breakdown of muscle proteins.

Immunogenic function

Valine provides energy for the production of immunocompetent cells. Turning into succinyl CoA, it enters the energy conveyor of the respiratory chain, giving energy in the form of ATP molecules at the output. This amino acid has the greatest impact on cellular immunity, as the most energy-intensive.

Regulatory function

Valine is involved in the regulation of the pituitary gland: a brain gland that tunes the body's hormonal orchestra. It stimulates the production of growth hormone, which supports protein synthesis as opposed to protein breakdown.

In alcoholism and drug addiction, characteristic disturbances in the balance of amino acids, incl. branched chain, among which valine plays an important role. With addiction-related emotional disturbances, brain cells require more energy, which they get from utilizing branched-chain amino acids, in particular valine. The breakdown of proteins in the areas of the brain that respond to the regulation of emotions and the general tone of the body is activated, which leads to a violation of the functional activity of these areas and an increase in the severity of depression and irritability.

Valine affects the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, a deficiency of valine provokes depression, and, conversely, with a balance of amino acids, the mood rises, a person experiences a surge of vivacity and an increase in overall vitality. Valine and tryptophan compete for transport across the blood-brain barrier. An excess of valine inhibits the accumulation of tryptophan in the brain and, in case of an overdose, can lead to impaired brain functions up to hallucinations.

With alcoholic encephalopathy (impaired brain function), due to poor liver function, poisoned by alcohol, the concentration of aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, phenylalanine) in the blood increases and the number of branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) decreases. As a result of competition for transport that carries amino acids across the blood-brain barrier, the concentration of valine in the brain decreases, and tryptophan increases. This does not lead to anything good, because the absence of branched-chain amino acids deprives the brain of energy for the production of neurotransmitters. An energy-deficient brain sinks into depression and begins to work through a stump-deck, which is outwardly expressed in a weakening of mental parameters.

Valine reduces sensitivity to pain, improves adaptation to heat and cold. Being a glucogenic amino acid, it suppresses appetite, reduces cravings for sweets through the regulation of blood sugar levels.

It is necessary to maintain a normal nitrogen balance in the body.


The largest amount is found in eggs, cheese and other dairy products, meat, fish, especially salmon, squid. From plant products, valine in decent concentrations can be obtained from nuts, especially walnuts, pistachios, red beans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and seaweed.

In the process of cooking, the content of valine in products changes: in meat, chicken, and fish, it becomes more when stewing or boiling than in a raw product or after frying. In eggs, on the contrary, when frying, the amount of valine increases compared to a raw or boiled product.

Good assimilation of valine requires the presence of other branched chain amino acids - leucine and isoleucine in the ratio of valine: leucine: isoleucine = 1: 1: 2. This balance is maintained in commercial preparations.

Valine goes well with slow carbohydrates (cereals, wholemeal bread) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish oil, linseed oil).

So, only 200 g of Parmesan's son is enough, you will have to eat 5 eggs - a sickly scrambled egg, and drink almost 2 liters of milk. However, you can get by with 200 g of beef, 250 g of turkey or pork tenderloin. If you are a vegetarian, then you will have to serve a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds or eat 400 g of boiled soybeans (which is unlikely) or a kilogram of pea porridge (which is completely unbelievable), half a kilo of walnuts will be required, other products can not be counted, because eating the required amount is not in human strength. I'm not calling for anything, I'm just showing by example what threatens a vegetarian diet.


The lack of valine in the body can be both absolute, with insufficient intake of amino acids from food, and relative, when the need for this amino acid increases due to physiological or pathological processes in the body.

With a vegetarian diet, it is very difficult to maintain a protein balance: if you mindlessly lean on some vegetables and fruits, it is very easy to get problems associated with a lack of amino acids, primarily essential ones. Valine deficiency can also occur with insufficient absorption of it in the gastrointestinal tract due to diseases of the digestive system.

The need for valine increases due to the following conditions:

  1. Sports training, especially related to the development of strength and endurance
  2. Stress, both psychological and physiological: injuries, burns, surgeries, blood loss, etc.
  3. Pathological addictions: addiction to alcohol, drugs, incl. nicotine, and just a craving for sweets and a desire to eat everything indiscriminately.
  4. Diseases of the central nervous system: multiple sclerosis, depression
  5. Acute infectious diseases: SARS, pneumonia, etc.


  1. To increase the effectiveness of training, especially in bodybuilding and weightlifting.
  2. Treatment of depression, insomnia, migraine, restoration of a positive emotional background, in the complex treatment of multiple sclerosis
  3. Treatment of pathological addictions: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction
  4. Control appetite, eliminate sugar cravings, control weight, increase metabolism to burn fat and build muscle
  5. In the complex treatment of shock, burns, injuries, operations, excessive blood loss
  6. Stimulation of immunity during the seasonal rise of colds


The consumption of valine in too high doses is not indifferent to the body, therefore, the recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded - more than 4 g. At best, an overdose manifests itself in paresthesia: numbness of the extremities, crawling, allergic reactions are possible, dermatitis, indigestion, increased anxiety. Regular overdose can lead to thickening of the blood, cause liver and kidney dysfunction, increase the level of ammonia in the body, which manifests itself in nausea and vomiting. With a strong excess of valine, chills, palpitations, fears up to hallucinations occur.


Valine accelerates protein synthesis, promotes muscle building, improves coordination of movements, and increases endurance. It improves brain function, increases efficiency, fights depression, helps maintain a good mood. Helps to overcome pathological addictions: reduces cravings for alcohol, drugs, sweets, removes the negative background when refusing products that are addictive, suppresses excessive appetite. Promotes wound healing, restores elastin and collagen in the skin, which is important for skin diseases such as dermatitis or eczema. Enhances T-cell immunity, which is important for viral and bacterial infections.

Valine is essential to feel good and look beautiful.

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Graduated from: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank. Specialty: social work, pedagogy. Health fitness and bodybuilding courses at the Belarusian State University of Physical Education, at the Department of Health Physical Education. CCM in arm wrestling, 1st adult category in hand-to-hand combat. Winner of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Republican Dynamiad in hand-to-hand combat.

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The date: 2014-09-12 Views: 15 514 Amino acids are the main material for protein cells that form hormones, tissues, ligaments. These can be non-essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids (branched) are very important for the body, especially during physical exertion. Let's analyze the essential amino acid - valine. Let's try to understand its effectiveness and methods of application. Valine is a branched-chain amino acid. Its synthesis in the body is not carried out and it must be supplied with food. Included in many proteins. There is a lot of it in albumins and connective tissue proteins. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is synthesized from valine. Vitamin B5 is an excellent substance to combat stress and physical fatigue.

Functions of valine

1. Restores muscle tissue after heavy physical exertion.

Accelerates protein synthesis, which cannot but affect and. Without branched-chain amino acids, in particular valine, metabolism slows down. Also, the regeneration process becomes impossible.

2. Participates in the formation of energy.

Valine is used by the muscles to release energy, along with isoleucine and leucine, as it has developed side chains in its structure. Improves the coordination of muscle contractions, thereby increasing the dexterity and accuracy of movements.

3. Participates in maintaining nitrogen balance.

In bodybuilding, to gain muscle mass, athletes try to change the nitrogen balance in a positive direction. Therefore, having valine in its composition, it is taken together with arginine.

4. Participates in maintaining the level of serotonin and the absorption of other proteins.

Due to this function, cases of the use of valine in medicine are not uncommon. It is used in the treatment of depression. If the body is deficient in valine, this leads to the destruction of contractile proteins. Even a slight lack of valine can lead to impaired absorption of other proteins. Valine is found in the following foods:

  • Beef,
  • Chicken fillet,
  • Salmon,
  • Cow's milk,
  • Chicken eggs,
  • legumes,

When and to whom it is desirable to apply

The ideal time to take a valine supplement is during the bulking period. This will strengthen the muscles and lower cortisol levels. Therefore, if you decide to gain a few kilograms of muscle mass, then valine will be a good helper in this matter. Just because you don't hit the gym doesn't mean your body doesn't need valine. Valine improves protein metabolism, which means that your performance will increase and the impact of stress will be minimal. As you can see, valine is always needed, whether it's hard training or hard working days.

Dosages and side effects

For a person who is not involved in sports, the daily dose of valine is 2-4 g. For people who are involved in power sports, this rate is higher. It is best taken with leucine and isoleucine. This is possible thanks to the BCAA supplement. A good and working dosage is up to 12 g, while you need to use amino acids before and after strength or cardio training. In order to speed up the recovery process after a workout, it is recommended to take valine together with. Bringing the body to an overabundance of valine is unrealistic. Especially if you train hard and lead an active lifestyle. Valin has no contraindications. Personal fitness training from the author of this article:
  • drawing up training programs and nutrition online,
  • weight loss and adjustment
  • set of muscle mass,
  • Exercise therapy for various diseases (including the back),
  • rehabilitation after injury,

Valine refers to one of the few amino acids that our body does not reproduce. This substance should enter the body only from the outside, along with food. About this substance and will be discussed in the article.

Its scientific name is 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, or aliphatic α-amino acid, one of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids, is part of almost all known.

Chemical formula: C5H11NO2

Did you know? The human body contains 5 million proteins: all of them form only 22 types of amino acids.

It is one of the essential amino acids. It promotes the absorption and assimilation of other amino acids, participates in the synthesis of proteins, in particular, determines their structure. It is also the basis for synthesis.

But still, its main role is to support the health and tone of the muscles of a person, his immune system. The liver, if necessary, converts this amino acid into glucose, and directs it to the muscles.

It is also important for the mental health of a person, and the health of the liver, takes part in the removal of toxic substances from their body.
As a prophylaxis, it is used against brain damage and for the treatment of liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

Main Functions and Benefits

Valine is a truly essential amino acid: without it, the human body has a very hard time.

In the first years of life, the child becomes vulnerable to disease, especially when the mother's antibodies no longer protect him. And here the correct intake of valine becomes extremely important. After all, it is he who forms and maintains the immune system of the baby.

A growing body requires this amino acid to build and strengthen muscles.

Its role also increases during active mental stress, which occurs in children during study. Also used to support mental health.

For adults

But not only for the development of children, valine is needed. Adults should also monitor their intake of this substance. After all, it has the following properties:

  • increasing endurance and resistance to extreme situations;
  • helps with muscle growth and development;
  • does not allow the level of serotonin (hormone of joy) to decrease;
  • removes excess nitrogen from the body;
  • helps with diseases of the liver and kidneys. Used in the treatment of addictions (alcohol, drugs);
  • increases the feeling of fullness and is used during diets and in the treatment of obesity.
  • strengthens the immune system.

We can only get it with food. Therefore, it is important to determine where it is contained in sufficient quantities.

Literally saturated with this amino acid are dairy products - cheeses. Even a small amount of these foods can provide you with your daily need for valine.
A lot of it and in eggs, meat, fish. It is especially worth paying attention to quail eggs - the digestibility of this substance in them is very high.

From plant products, legumes (, beans, peas), seeds and sunflower seeds, pine nuts and hazelnuts are rich in them.

Daily requirement and norm

A healthy person needs 2-4 grams of this amino acid per day. But this is a general average. More precisely, your rate can be calculated based on the indicator of 10 mg of valine per 1 kg of human weight.

Important! In case of violations of the liver and kidneys, the rate of valine consumption is selected only by a doctor. Doing this on your own is extremely dangerous.

About excess and deficiency

As you can see, the substance is useful and necessary. Its deficiency is quite dangerous. But it is undesirable to allow excess.


In case of an overdose, problems with the nervous system begin, chills, numbness and tingling in the limbs, hallucinations appear. There are disturbances in the digestive system, blood flow becomes more complicated, dysfunctions of the liver and kidneys appear.

With a deficiency, degenerative changes begin in the body:

  • immunity is weakened;
  • memory worsens, sleep is disturbed;
  • the level of serotonin decreases, as a result, mental disorders, despondency appear;
  • dermatitis and other skin rashes.

Reducing the content of valine complicates the absorption of other amino acids.

Did you know? The name of the amino acid "valine" comes from the valerian plant.

Most often, deficiency occurs with diets, especially protein. In this case, you should carefully select the composition of the products for the diet.

Interaction with other substances

This amino acid actively reacts to proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, interacts well with "long" carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, wholemeal bread, bread, muesli). It also goes well with its "colleagues" - amino acids of the protein group.

One of the functions of valine is to help build and strengthen muscles and reduce cortisol levels.
Therefore, it is included in the diet of bodybuilders and other athletes as part of protein shakes.

So, valine is an important component of our body. It helps in strengthening muscles, relieves stress, is useful for athletes and workaholics. It is found in many foods, and getting the right amount is not difficult.

Valine belongs to the group of amino acids with a branched molecular structure. These substances make up approximately 70 percent of all proteins in the human body.

However, this amino acid is not produced by the body and therefore must be supplied through food or supplements.

general characteristics

In 1901, the German chemist Emil Fischer, by hydrolysis of proteins, first isolated valine from casein. This amino acid owes its name to valerian. Today, this substance is known as an essential amino acid that stimulates the activity of the body, contributes to the formation and maintenance of its structural and functional integrity.

Valine is an aliphatic amino acid with a non-polar character. It is closely related to leucine and isoleucine, with which it shares a number of properties. These hydrophobic substances rarely take part in biochemical reactions, but play a crucial role in determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins. In addition, valine promotes the absorption of other amino acids.

Valine (L and D isomers) is also known as the glucogenic amino acid. That is, if necessary, the liver is able to transform this substance into glucose, which the muscles then use as an additional source of energy. In addition, it serves as the starting "material" for the synthesis of penicillin.

Role in the body

Valine is an essential nutrient for maintaining bodily functions such as healthy muscles and the immune system.

Prevents muscle damage and provides tissues with additional glucose needed for energy production during physical activity. In combination with isoleucine and leucine, it promotes normal growth, tissue repair, regulates blood sugar levels, and also provides the body with energy.

This essential amino acid is important for the central and autonomic nervous system, is important for the adequate flow of cognitive functions, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the psyche. In addition, it is a substance that inhibits the transport of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier.

Valine is essential for liver function. In particular, it removes potentially toxic excess nitrogen from the body. It also helps in the treatment of the gallbladder, liver (with cirrhosis, hepatitis C) and other organs affected by alcoholism or drug addiction. It is an effective prophylactic against encephalopathy or brain damage caused by excessive drinking. Has antiviral properties. It is the precursor to penicillin.

Functions and Benefits of Valine

Valine has many benefits. This amino acid is a real salvation for people suffering from insomnia and nervousness. It has also been shown to be effective in treating muscles and regulating the immune system. And those who want to lose weight take this substance as a remedy for excessive appetite.

Other properties of valine:

  1. An essential amino acid with a stimulating effect, essential for muscle metabolism, growth, tissue repair and proper coordination.
  2. As a glucoamino acid, it provides the body with additional glucose.
  3. Useful for the treatment of the liver and gallbladder.
  4. Helps to correct the balance of amino acids in the body (for example, with drug addiction).
  5. Promotes mental activity, maintains a calm mood, relieves depression.
  6. It is important for regulating the concentration of nitrogen in the body.
  7. Before entering the bloodstream, it is not processed by the liver.
  8. It is found in high concentrations in muscle tissue.
  9. Any acute physical stress, as well as surgical interventions, are the reason for increasing the daily norm of valine, leucine, isoleucine.
  10. It facilitates getting rid of alcohol and drug addiction.
  11. Improves the condition of multiple sclerosis.
  12. Necessary for people with hypersensitivity to temperature changes.

Valine for bodybuilders

But perhaps most of the benefits of valine are experienced by athletes, particularly bodybuilders. For athletes, this amino acid is important as a substance for repairing muscle tissue, accelerating metabolism and increasing endurance. Bodybuilders use valine along with leucine, which contributes to faster muscle growth, supplying additional energy. In addition, the amino acid helps easy recovery from injury or overexertion.

daily requirement

The waste requirement for valine is approximately 2-4 g.

A more accurate individual dosage can be calculated using the formula: 10 mg of an amino acid per 1 kg of body weight (or 26 mg of a substance per 1 kg - when it is necessary to increase the dose).

However, individuals with liver or kidney dysfunction should not consume valine in supplement form without the advice of a physician. High doses of amino acids can aggravate the course of diseases. Also, reduce the intensity of valine consumption should be people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the presence of sickle cell anemia. But diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, insufficient production of enzymes, on the contrary, impair the absorption of amino acids by the body.

amino acid deficiency

Although valine is easily replenished from food, amino acid deficiencies have been reported. The lack of this substance affects the quality of myelin (the sheath of nerve cells), and also causes degenerative neurological diseases. Lack manifests itself in the form of the so-called maple syrup disease (occurs in people whose body is not able to absorb leucine, isoleucine and valine). The unusual name of the disease is explained very simply: in such patients, the urine acquires the smell of maple syrup.

In addition, an experiment on rats showed that with a lack of valine, lipid formations appear in the liver tissues. Hair loss, weight loss, stunted growth, leukopenia or hypoalbuminemia (a sharp decrease in the level of albumin in the blood) may also indicate an amino acid deficiency. And also possible damage to the mucous membranes, arthritis, memory problems, depression, muscle atrophy, sleep disturbances, weakened immunity.

People whose diet is deficient in protein foods, as well as those who are professionally involved in sports, in order to avoid a deficiency of valine, should take care of its additional intake in the form of dietary supplements.

Overdose: what is the danger

Too high doses of valine can lead to hallucinations and goosebumps. Also, regular overdoses cause dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, increase the level of ammonia in the body. Minor overdoses of the substance cause allergic reactions, nervousness, indigestion and blood clots.

food sources

Valine is an essential amino acid, which means that there is an urgent need to replenish the supply of the substance with the help of food.

In a high concentration, the amino acid is found in products:

  • animal origin: meat (beef, lamb, pork, chicken), fish, squid, dairy products, various types of cheeses;
  • vegetable origin: lentils, peanuts, soybeans, mushrooms, sesame and pumpkin seeds, greens, whole grains, beans, cornmeal, peas, beans, seaweed.

Eating dairy products and eggs is easy to get a daily dose of valine. The highest concentration of the substance is in cottage cheese, natural yogurt, in cheeses (Swiss, processed, goat, edama), as well as in milk and eggs. Among the seeds and nuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds will bring the most benefits. It is better to stop the choice among fish varieties on salmon, trout, halibut, and among legumes rich in proteins - choose beans, lentils or chickpeas. Porcini mushrooms and cherries, as well as wild rice, millet, buckwheat and barley, are ideal for vegetarians. But still, perhaps the easiest to digest is valine from quail eggs and walnuts.

Interaction with other substances

Decided to take valine as a dietary supplement? Then it is important to know the rules for the use and combination of amino acids in order to get the maximum benefit.

First and foremost, valine should always be taken in combination with the other two amino acids, leucine and isoleucine. The perfect balance: 2mg of leucine and valine for every milligram of isoleucine.

The second thing that should not be forgotten is that valine competes with and on the way to the blood-brain barrier. This means that the higher the level of valine in the body, the less tyrosine and tryptophan are found in brain cells. Given these amino acid "competitions", it is necessary to take tyrosine and tryptophan no earlier than an hour before or after taking valine.

Third tip. This amino acid goes well with polyunsaturated fatty acids and the “right” ones (cereals, muesli, wholemeal flour products).

And the fourth rule of combining useful substances. Valine deficiency makes it difficult for the body to absorb all the other amino acids needed by the body.

By following these tips, you can not worry about a possible deficiency of valine.

2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid

Chemical properties

Valine is a widespread aliphatic alpha amino acid , is one of 20 proteinogenic essential amino acids . The compound was first isolated from casein in 1901 by chemist E. Fisher.

Chemical formula of Valine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH(CH3)2, R acemic formula of Valin: C5H11NO2 . The molecular weight of the compound \u003d 117.15 grams per mole, the density of the substance is 1.230 grams per ms3. The structural formula of Valin is discussed in detail in the Wikipedia article. The agent has 2 spatial isomers D and L. The amino acid is synthesized in the form of colorless crystals. L-Valine It dissolves well in water, aqueous solutions of alkalis, and is poorly soluble in organic solutions.

A substance can be synthesized by the action NH3 on the alpha bromoisovaleric acid . Since 1982, the product has been produced all over the world, at about 150 tons per year. In a living organism, the amino acid is one of the main components involved in the processes of growth and synthesis of living tissues, increases muscle coordination and reduces the body's sensitivity to pain and other adverse environmental factors. The main sources of Valine are: chicken, salmon and beef; cow's milk, eggs, walnuts; wheat and corn flour; peas and brown rice.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This amino acid plays a key role in the processes of synthesis and growth of body tissues, is a source of energy for muscle cells, prevents a drop in the level and development. The substance significantly improves the quality of muscle coordination and reduces the body's sensitivity to cold, heat, pain and stress. The tool has the ability to protect myelin sheath - an important part of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. This substance is necessary for the body to maintain normal nitrogen metabolism.

The agent achieves its maximum effectiveness in combination with and. This amino acid It is irreplaceable, that is, the body cannot synthesize it on its own. Once in the systemic circulation, the substance is completely metabolized and does not accumulate in the tissues.

Indications for use

Amino acid Valine is prescribed in combination with other drugs:

  • to provide parenteral nutrition ;
  • as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for intensive loss of proteins by the body;
  • with injuries, burns, sepsis and peritonitis ;
  • after extensive surgical interventions;
  • as part of the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the intestine and gastrointestinal tract;
  • at depression , addiction, multiple sclerosis ;
  • as a prophylactic for increased physical exertion.


The tool is contraindicated:

  • in case of process violations amino acid metabolism ;
  • patients with this substance;
  • in severe renal failure or overhydration ;
  • sick with metabolic acidosis .

Side effects

The amino acid Valine is generally well tolerated and adverse reactions are extremely rare. Allergic reactions may develop.

Valine, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Depending on the dosage form and purpose, various treatment regimens with drugs based on Valin are used. The dosage and duration of administration is determined by the attending physician.


There are no cases of overdose with this drug.


This amino acid can be combined with almost all drugs.

Terms of sale

No prescription required.

special instructions

It is recommended to infuse drugs containing an amino acid slowly in order to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

In case of renal insufficiency, dosage adjustment may be required.



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