Apple juice for the winter at home: don’t go wrong with technology! Classic and mixed versions of real apple juice for the winter. How to preserve apple juice, recipes

For apple juice, choose ripe apples of juicy, non-acidic varieties.

The process will require:

- 1, 2 or 3 liter jars and lids;
- seaming machine;
- two small saucepans and a stand for sterilizing jars;
- towels or large napkins;
- glass or enamel container for collecting juice;
- enameled container for juice pasteurization;
- enameled ladle for pouring juice;
- seaming machine;
- detergents or baking soda for washing cans;
- a blanket or blanket for wrapping cans of juice.

Apple juice canning process

Wash the apples selected for juice in a deep bowl, and after washing, transfer them to another bowl or pan. Let the wet apples drain.

Wash the jars inside and out using detergent or baking soda. Rinse them thoroughly and place them upside down on a towel spread on the table, allowing the water to drain.

Install and connect the juicer. Electrical or mechanical will do. You can use a press. Place an enamel container under the juice chute to collect freshly squeezed juice.

Cut the apples into quarters. It is better to remove the stalks. At the same time, clean areas with rotten spots or spoiled when apples fall to the ground. Cover the sliced ​​apples with a towel or napkin. Work quickly as apples tend to oxidize quickly when exposed to air.

Start squeezing the juice. Proceed according to the instructions for the juicer. In a standard juicer, place quartered apples in a tray, press down with a special plate and squeeze out the juice.

Place the collected juice on the stove in an enamel pan and heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Fill a separate small saucepan halfway with water, bring to a boil and lower the lids to roll the jars into boiling water, turn off the heat after a minute or two.

While the juice is heating, place a small saucepan of water and a rack on the stove to sterilize the jars. Place the jar on the stand and keep it steaming for 1-2 minutes until the jar warms up and becomes transparent from the condensation flowing down the inner surface.

Place the sterilized jars on a dry table surface with a towel, neck up. As soon as the juice reaches a temperature of 70 degrees, turn off the stove and start pouring the juice into jars.

Place the jar on a flat surface, preferably on a stool. Pour the juice into the ladle, close with a sterile lid and roll with a seaming machine. Place the rolled can on the floor covered with a blanket. To do this, turn the jar upside down. Cover the top of the jar with a blanket.

Proceed to pour the juice into the next jar. And so on until you have processed all the juice. The blanket can be removed from the cans after a day. Transfer the cooled jars of juice to the cellar or pantry.

If desired and if you have other berries and fruits, herbs (mint, lemon balm), you can add sprigs of mint or lemon balm to the finished juice before sterilization. You can also add berry juice. Chokeberry berries, plums, grapes, pears, and pumpkin are suitable.

A lot can be written about the benefits of apple juice. After all, it’s no secret that apples contain many vitamins, iron, phosphorus and other substances necessary for humans. At the same time, this juice is very low in calories and is useful for overweight people. It is also useful for those who have weak lungs, low stomach acidity, and cardiovascular disorders. The juice is also recommended for those who smoke a lot. However, it should be remembered that juice is not suitable for everyone, especially diabetics. Apple juice raises your blood sugar levels because the fiber is destroyed when it is prepared.

Juice can be prepared from different varieties of apples. Only tart and sour apples give the juice a not very pleasant taste. After all, sour apples contain more malic acid. It is better to choose juicy and sweet varieties for making juice. Then the juice will be very tasty.

Making juice (recipe 1)

1. Pass the apples through an electric juicer, after sorting and peeling the apples. Remove wormholes, damaged areas, grains and preferably the peel. If there are a large number of apples, they are divided into batches so as not to overheat the juicer.

2. Prepare sterile jars.

3.Apple juice is brought to a boil, the juice is poured at a temperature of 85 degrees or higher and immediately rolled up (or screwed). Then the jars are turned over with their lids down and wrapped tightly. Only jars with screw-on lids cannot be turned over; the juice will simply flow out of the jars. Many housewives do not turn the juice, but boil it a little longer.

4. Heat the juice in an enamel container; in an aluminum container, the juice oxidizes with the metal, and then the vitamins are destroyed.

Making juice (recipe 2)


Sugar – no more than 2 tbsp. l.,
- freshly squeezed juice – 1 l.


1. Pour the juice into an enamel bowl and add sugar.
2. Bring the liquid to a boil, but do not boil.
3. Hot juice is poured into sterile jars. Seal with lids.
4. Corked jars stand upside down for a day. They are then stored in a cool, dark place.

The preparation time for apple juice for the winter is 30 minutes.

How to make apple juice

(per 1 liter of apple juice)
Fresh apples - 1600 grams
Sugar - 30 grams

How to cook
1. Wash the jars well with powder or soda, pour over boiling water or steam sterilize.
2. Wash 1600 grams of apples thoroughly and cut into four parts.
3. Remove the apple cores and seed pods.
4. Pass the prepared apples through a juicer.
5. Pour the juice into a saucepan. The juice should occupy half the volume of the pan or two-thirds of the volume, since when heated, the juice forms a lot of foam and can run out of the pan.
6. Stirring constantly, bring the juice over medium heat to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
7. Using a spoon or slotted spoon, remove the foam from the juice.
8. Add 30 grams of sugar to the juice and mix.
9. Turn off the gas and pour the finished juice into jars.


- When juicing apples, the juice is important do not bring to a boil so that it retains all the vitamins and nutrients.

Depending on the variety of apples, you can adjust the addition of sugar to the juice: if the apples are sweet, you don’t have to add sugar.

You need apple juice keep in the basement, cellar or any other dark and cool place.

Apple juice for the winter is usually obtained highly concentrated, so it can be diluted with warm or cold boiled water after opening.

Juice made from sour apples must use carefully: It can cause heartburn due to its high malic acid content. You can neutralize the acid by adding zucchini juice to apple juice at the rate of 1 glass of zucchini juice per 3 liters of apple juice.

When passing apples through a juicer the juice turns dark. This is due to the high iron content in apples, which oxidizes in fresh air. To keep the juice light, you can add 0.2 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of apple juice.

Apple juice is possible diversify adding pumpkin, red beet, pear, and raspberry juice to it.

- From apple juice you can prepare mousse, jelly or jelly.

- Cost of apples seasonal average in Moscow for June 2017 - from 60 rubles/1 kilogram.

- Calorie content apple juice - 42 kcal/100 grams.

- Opened jar Store homemade apple juice in the refrigerator for 1 day.

No matter how expensive and branded store-bought juice is, it will never compare with homemade juice in terms of quality and benefits. That is why preparing fresh juices and canning apple nectar is simply necessary. And if there is such a wonderful thing in the house as a juicer, the process is simplified as much as possible and all we have to do is organize the operation of the equipment correctly.

Selecting and preparing apples

To get as much of the drink as possible and not spend too much money on sugar, let’s take the sweetest, juiciest varieties of apples. It can be white filling, prima, jonagold, fuji, gala, mackintosh, saffron, pink lady. If you can’t get any of them, we’ll make juice from sweet and sour ones - in this case, the product will also turn out tasty and rich in vitamins.

Advice! Juice should be squeezed from fully ripe fruits, when they are sufficiently filled with moisture and sun. No more than two to three weeks should pass from the moment of collection to the actual processing, otherwise the fruit will begin to deteriorate and some of the potential juice will inevitably end up in waste.

To prepare for pressing, wash the apples thoroughly in cold water, remove leaves and small debris, and cut out the wormy segments. Next, we divide each fruit into 4 parts along the stalk, and if the apples are too large, into 5-6 parts.

Making the “drink of the gods”

First, let's deal with our kitchen assistant. A truly high-quality apple juicer should have:

  • electric, of course;
  • centrifugal or auger (if we use a centrifugal one, it is advisable to have an automatic pulp ejection function);
  • with cutting parts made of stainless steel;
  • with a wide funnel for loading products and a spacious juice receptacle.

Secondly, let’s make sure that there is nothing against the peel and small seeds.

We turn on the device and pass the available fruits through it. If you plan to consume the juice immediately, then the preparation can be considered complete and no further actions are required.

If you have a lot of drink, it makes sense to stock it up for future use. We filter the squeezed juice through several layers of gauze, thereby getting rid of foam and excess pulp. Pour it into a large enamel pan, put it on the fire, and boil for about 5 minutes. When hot, pour into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Advice! Nectar from unripe fruits or sweet and sour varieties may turn out to be completely unsweetened. Sugar will help improve the situation: a tablespoon of sand is diluted in a liter of juice and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved.

This product should be stored at room temperature. If in winter the open juice seems too concentrated, dilute it with boiled water and sweeten it if necessary. Bon appetit!

Making apple juice using a juicer - video

What could be healthier and tastier than fresh, homemade juice? But the time for fresh fruits, berries and vegetables is short, so it is best to prepare juice for future use, so that you can get a portion of delicious vitamins in winter.

You can preserve juice from any type of fruit, vegetable or berry, and if desired, make various juice mixtures - for example, apple-grape or carrot-pumpkin juice.

The process of canning juices is quite simple: prepared fruits, vegetables or berries are washed and squeezed, and the resulting juice is heated and poured into sterilized jars. The resulting juice can be stored throughout the year, while retaining all its beneficial substances and vitamins.

How to can your own juices

Preparing homemade juices goes through several stages:

  1. Juice preparation;
  2. Heat treatment of juice;
  3. Juice preservation.

Juice preparation

  • Juice is obtained by squeezing (or pressing) fresh, healthy and ripe fruits or berries, previously selected and thoroughly washed.
  • To extract juice, use a juicer (for example, for apples and pears), a meat grinder (for currants, lingonberries, grapes) or a wooden masher (for raspberries, black currants, strawberries).
  • Some fruits and berries have difficulty releasing juice, so before squeezing, they must be crushed and heated to 60 degrees in a water bath, after diluting them with water.
  • Some juices turn out clear on their own (cherry, raspberry), others turn out cloudy due to the high pulp content. If you want to get a more clarified juice, pass the squeezed juice through several layers of filtered paper or napkin and let it brew in a cold place for 24 hours. Then strain the juice again.

Heat treatment of juice

  • Juice processing before preservation can be carried out in two ways: pasteurization and hot filling. Moreover, the latter method is much more popular, since the canning process is much faster.
  • With the pasteurization method, after squeezing, pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it almost to a boil (80-95 degrees). Then cool the juice, filter and heat again. Then pour the hot juice into jars and pasteurize for another 15-20 minutes.
  • With the hot pour method, we heat the squeezed juice to 70-75 degrees in a saucepan, then filter it and put it back on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 3-4 minutes. After which we immediately pour it into jars and roll it up.

Juice preservation

  • The processed juice is poured only into pre-sterilized jars. At the same time, you need to pour the juice to the top so that it does not spoil.
  • It is best to use sterilized metal lids for sealing.
  • After cooling, the jars should be turned upside down and placed in a dark place for a week. If during this time the juice does not become cloudy or ferment, feel free to turn the jars over and store them in a cool place.

Using the above method, you can preserve almost all vegetables, berries and fruits.

Recipes for canning juices at home

Tomato juice

  1. We pass the pre-washed tomatoes through a juicer. If there is none, scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them and grind them in a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan and boil for 10-12 minutes until the foam disappears (remove the foam periodically with a spoon).
  3. Pour the finished juice into jars and immediately seal.
  4. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them until they cool completely.

Raspberry juice

  1. Gently wash 1 kg of raspberries, then knead with a wooden pestle.
  2. Heat a glass of water in a saucepan and add raspberries there. Heat the raspberries for some time on the fire, without bringing to a boil and stirring continuously.
  3. Then remove the berries from the heat and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Filter the resulting juice, bring to a boil and pour into jars.
  5. Pasteurize the jars of juice for 15-20 minutes and then seal them.

Apple juice

  1. We cut the washed apples into slices, peel them from seeds, and pass them through a juicer or meat grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and add sugar (for 0.5 liters of juice - 1 tablespoon of sugar).
  3. Place the pan on the stove and heat until boiling (but do not boil!), stirring constantly.
  4. When it boils, immediately remove the juice from the heat and pour into jars.
  5. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until completely cool.
  • Be sure to choose fruits for canning that are ripe, fresh and not spoiled. Otherwise, the juice will lose its natural taste and may “ferment” during preservation.
  • Mixed juices are more tasty: apple juice goes well with most fruits and berries, raspberry juice goes well with sour juices.
  • If you want to preserve the vitamins and nutrients in the juice as much as possible, it is better not to squeeze it. Juices with pulp are much healthier.
  • The resulting juices can be stored for no more than a year in a dry, cool and dark place.

Preserving juices for the winter includes a lot of recipes for making juices from various fruits and berries, in various variations. Perhaps you can offer your own recipe for delicious canned homemade juice.



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