Uterine prolapse in older women treatment. Causes of uterine prolapse in old age

The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism in which all the details are closely interconnected. With age, hormonal disorders begin, which cause the appearance of gynecological pathologies. Uterine prolapse - what to do in old age? What modern therapeutic methods are used to eliminate pathology?


After childbirth, with the advent of menopause, the tone of the pelvic floor muscles may weaken - the uterus begins to sink down to the entrance to the vagina. This pathology is called uterine prolapse, there can be several types:

  • partial - the displacement of the uterus is minimal, the clinical signs of the disease are hardly noticeable;
  • prolapse - complete prolapse of the uterus;

True uterine prolapse should be distinguished from the following pathologies, which are essentially pelvic hernias:

  • rectocele - there is a mixture of not only the uterus, but also the bladder;
  • cystocele - prolapse of the uterus along with part of the rectum.

The main reason is the weakening of muscle tone and hormonal disorders. Prolapse can occur against the background of obesity, chronic cough and constipation. Problems occur in women who, by the nature of their activities, often have to lift heavy things.

There is a genetic predisposition to uterine prolapse, in European women this pathology is diagnosed most often. The cause of the disease may be neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive sphere, women with a degenerating uterus fall into the risk zone. Rarely, there are congenital organ damage that cause prolapse.

Important! Prolapse is more often diagnosed in women with a history of prolonged labor, multiple pregnancies.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, unpleasant sensations do not bother a woman at rest, they appear with strong tension.

Main features:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar;
  • defecation, emptying the bladder, sexual intercourse causes discomfort;
  • there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of various kinds of copious discharge.

Important! Prolapse of the uterus is often accompanied by incontinence of urine, feces, gases.

If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should visit a gynecologist. The primary diagnosis is made after examination on the gynecological chair - the doctor determines the degree of mixing of the uterus and nearby internal organs. The initial examination allows you to exclude the presence of cysts and other gynecological abnormalities.

To determine the degree of development of the pathology, ultrasound, computed tomography, colposcopy are prescribed. Additionally, you need to take a smear from the vagina for bacteriological examination.

What to do with prolapse - treatment

Treatment of uterine prolapse in older women is carried out by conservative and surgical methods. At the initial stage of the development of prolapse, the problem can be eliminated without surgery. For this, drugs, massage, bandage, tampons are used - all these activities help to improve muscle tone.

Therapeutic treatment is carried out in the following cases:

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, the probability of returning the uterus to its place without surgery exists, although in older patients it is lower than in younger ones. For this, hormonal drugs, physiotherapy exercises and gynecological massage are used.
  2. As a supportive method when it is necessary to prevent further downward movement of the uterus. A special uterine ring is inserted into the vagina - it provides support to the organ. Additionally, it is necessary to fix the lower abdomen and inguinal region with a bandage.

During therapeutic treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet - do not eat foods that can provoke constipation. It is necessary to limit physical activity, not to lift heavy objects.


Surgery is the most effective method to eliminate prolapse. In a severe form of pathology, a complete removal of the uterus is carried out during prolapse. If the disease is not in a critical stage, then using special methods, the ligaments that support the uterus in its natural position are restored.

Surgery for uterine prolapse in old age is carried out by transvaginal (transvaginal) and laparoscopic methods. Depending on the degree of development of the pathology, the presence of other gynecological diseases, a complete removal of the uterus can be performed. Or during the operation, the surgeon strengthens the vaginal walls, shortens the muscles. Sometimes they put special implants in the form of meshes, which act as a supporting frame for the uterus.

Folk remedies

Phytopreparations are an auxiliary, but not the main type of therapy for prolapse. Herbal decoctions are used for baths, douching, impregnation of tampons, taken orally. Natural remedies will help strengthen muscles, eliminate pain and other symptoms of the disease.

An effective remedy for falling out is to mix the crushed shells of five eggs with mashed nine lemons. Remove the mixture in a dark place for 4 days, filter. Take 50 ml 2 times a day, continue treatment until the end of the medication.


Herbal collection when omitted is prepared from an equal amount of linden blossom, lemon balm and lamb. Pour 220 ml of boiling water over 10 g of the mixture, cool in a closed container. Divide the infusion into 3 portions, drink during the day.


Quince is one of the best remedies for improving the muscle tone of the rectum and uterus. Pour 10 dried fruits with 100 ml of water, simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink warm instead of tea 4-5 times a day.


Prolapse is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the genitals. An anti-inflammatory decoction can be prepared from 6 g of viburnum inflorescences and 240 ml of boiling water. Simmer the mixture on fire for 10 minutes, strain, take 45 ml of medicine three times a day.

oak bark

Oak broth helps to improve muscle tone, eliminates inflammation. Grind 70 g of oak bark, pour 2 liters of water, simmer on low heat for 2 hours - this amount is enough for several douches, the broth must first be warmed up a little. The procedure is carried out daily for 3-4 weeks.


Herb smokey well strengthens the muscles, especially effective at the initial stage of the disease. Pour 6 g of crushed raw materials with 500 ml of cold water, leave for 8 hours. Drink 120 ml of medicine three times a day half an hour before meals.

A bath of pine nuts helps with prolapse - pour 2 liters of boiling water over 180 g of nuts, cook for an hour on low heat in a closed container, leave for half an hour. Pour into the bath, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, the water temperature all this time should be within 37–39 degrees.


For the treatment and prevention of uterine prolapse, it is necessary to regularly do Kegel exercises, which are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vagina. Simple exercises will help restore muscles after childbirth, avoid the development of gynecological diseases.

The exercise is based on the alternation of tension and relaxation of intimate muscles. When stressed, they need to be pulled in, fix the position for 15-20 seconds, slowly relax. Repeat the tension after 5 seconds, you need to do gymnastics three times a day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the tension.

In addition to Kegel exercises, you need to walk more, climb stairs more often. Exercise bike, exercise bike, swimming strengthens muscles well.


Prolapse does not go away on its own, long-term medication or surgery is required. Without proper therapy, an advanced form of pathology can cause severe complications.

What threatens uterine prolapse in an elderly woman:

  • development of endocervicitis, cystitis;
  • varicose disease;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the vagina and on the cervix;
  • there may be an infringement of the prolapsed uterus, areas with dead tissues appear.

When the uterus prolapses, the risk of infection increases several times, contact bleeding appears, bedsores of the walls of the vagina, and infringement of intestinal loops.

To avoid falling out, you need to promptly eliminate postpartum injuries and ruptures, do not lift heavy objects, and regularly include foods that prevent constipation in your diet.

Prolapse is a complex pathology that is often diagnosed in older women. At the initial stage, therapeutic treatment is possible, with a neglected form, surgical intervention is required, up to the complete removal of the uterus.

Prolapse of the uterus is a pathological displacement of the reproductive organ beyond the periphery of the vagina. The disease occurs in women after 50-55 years of age who have given birth to 2 or more children on their own (without surgery) in the postmenopausal period. Treatment of uterine prolapse in elderly women is carried out by methods of official and traditional medicine.

The reproductive organ in women is held in place by muscle tissue. When it weakens, the unsupported uterus slides down to the periphery of the vagina. In this case, there are several types of pelvic hernia:

  • the organ is partially omitted;
  • prolapse - the uterus has left the vagina;
  • rectocele - along with the female genital organ, the bladder descended;
  • cystocele - a prolapsed uterus pulls segments of the rectum.

Partial lowering

The uterus descends gradually. When moving down, it does not go beyond the vaginal canal. The descent process goes through several stages:

  1. Elementary. The cervix enters the vaginal canal.
  2. Average. The organ is visible in the perineum when muscle tissues are tensed.
  3. Incomplete omission. The cervix is ​​visible from the vagina with relaxed muscles, but the uterus does not leave the vaginal duct.


Complete prolapse of the penis is diagnosed by visual examination. The uterus completely falls out of the vagina. The phenomenon occurs suddenly as a result of injury, complicated delivery, inadequate physical activity. Prolapse is treated only with surgical methods.


Young women do not have too many reasons for the development of a pelvic hernia, but age gradually takes its toll, many destructive changes occur in the body, leading to the prolapse of the reproductive organ.

Uterine prolapse in older women develops under the influence of the following factors:


In order to start treatment on time, you need to know how to distinguish the symptoms of uterine prolapse from other pathologies. The main symptoms of a partially or completely prolapsed uterus in elderly patients:

  1. Discomfort in the pelvis, radiating to the lumbar spine. Women suffer from intense pain that increases with prolonged sitting and subsides after a change in body position.
  2. Patients feel a foreign body in the vagina.
  3. Difficulty urinating, defecation, walking.
  4. The organs of the genitourinary apparatus are inflamed.
  5. The blood flow is disturbed, against the background of congestion, varicose veins develop.

With prolapse of the cervix, women often self-medicate. They blunt the symptoms of the disease with medications. Prolonged uncontrolled treatment causes a dangerous consequence - organ prolapse. The only way to get rid of it is surgery.


Performing palpation, the gynecologist detects the displacement of the organ. The degree of prolapse is determined after the patient strains the muscles. Attempts help to identify the shift of the bladder and rectum. In addition to the gynecologist, the patient is examined by a urologist and a proctologist.

To determine exactly what type of fallout has formed, do:

With a timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, patients manage to avoid surgery and preserve the reproductive organ.

Methods of official medicine

The severity of the disease affects the choice of treatment methods. The disease is eliminated by conservative methods and surgically.

Therapeutic treatment is effective at the initial stage of pathology development. Women are prescribed drugs that can eliminate pathological signs. Get rid of the disease:

  • special tampons;
  • bandage devices that support the uterus;
  • uterine rings;
  • massage.

The operation is an effective method of treating uterine prolapse in old age, thanks to which the muscles and ligaments of the penis are restored. This is possible in the early stages of the development of the disease and in its moderate course. In neglected states, the organ is completely removed.

Radical methods are resorted to in such cases:

  • therapeutic treatment did not give proper results;
  • the patient asked for medical help too late.

During the operation, the surgeon performs the following manipulations:

  • excised the entire organ;
  • strengthens the vaginal walls;
  • shortens the vaginal muscles and muscle tissue of the perineum;
  • corrects the position of the uterus;
  • inserts supporting implants.


The uterus will stop falling out if you regularly perform special exercises. Kegel complex - the best option for the treatment of pathology. The exercises included in it improve the elasticity of the muscles, strengthen the vaginal walls.

To get rid of the problem, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Cessation of urination. When emptying the bladder, forcefully hold and release the jet. The vaginal walls, tensing and relaxing, are strengthened.
  • Pelvic muscle training. The muscles located in the lower abdomen must be pulled up and down in an accelerated, well-defined rhythm.
  • Climb. The muscles of the vagina are smoothly tightened and relaxed.
  • Pushing. They imitate the attempts that occur during childbirth, with less intensity.

A prerequisite for achieving a positive result is the regular and long-term implementation of the complex. In addition to it, women are recommended to do gymnastics:

  1. Sports walking. With little effort, internal organs are strengthened.
  2. Walking on stairs. Climbing stairs stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis.
  3. Bike. Take a supine position, imitate cycling.
  4. Butt lift. Lie on your back, bend your lower limbs at the knees, rest against the floor. Raise the pelvis up, lower it to its original position.
  5. Swimming. Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles.

Adequate physical activity does not completely eliminate uterine prolapse. They slow down the progression of the disease, prevent its development.

Traditional medicine methods

A woman who discovered a pelvic hernia in herself is trying to treat her with folk remedies. They really help, but they should be used after consulting a doctor. To eliminate the problem at home, they prepare plant extracts, take herbal baths, and douche. Such procedures strengthen the muscles of the vagina.

Means for internal use

The following means are used to fight:

Products for external use

  1. Dandelion bath. Boil 5 liters of water, pour 20 g of dandelion leaves into the liquid. After 15 minutes, filter, pour into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  2. Bath with pine nuts. Pour 2 cups of nuts into 2 liters of boiled water, simmer for 1 hour. Leave for 30 minutes to infuse. The filtered extract is poured into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The water temperature in the bathroom is 38 degrees.
  3. Oak bark extract. In 2 liters of cool water, 4 tablespoons of bark fall asleep. The product is put on fire, brought to a boil, simmered for 2 hours. The medicine is divided into 3 equal portions. Douche daily for 30 days.

Folk remedies cannot completely get rid of the disease. If side effects occur, you should consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

Observance of elementary rules helps to avoid a dangerous disease:

  • preventive examinations at the gynecologist - 1 time in 6 months;
  • reasonable dosing of physical activity;
  • correct lifting of heavy objects;
  • rational nutrition, a diet that prevents constipation;
  • gymnastics that strengthens the muscles of the vagina;
  • a ride on the bicycle.

From the occurrence of complications and surgery, timely treatment with therapeutic and folk remedies, therapeutic exercises and elementary prevention saves.

An abnormal change in the anatomical position of the organ with its partial exit from the genital slit. The pathology has multiple symptoms (dysuric and digestive disorders, discomfort and pain, foreign body sensation, inflammatory processes) and requires professional treatment in the clinic. The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor based on the clinical situation, the age of the patient and other factors. Both conservative and radical influence is practiced.

The initial stage of the disease under consideration is uterine prolapse - the omission of the organ from top to bottom. If at this stage a full-fledged therapy is not carried out, the omission turns into prolapse. Another name for the disease is diaphragmatic pelvic hernia.

The disease reduces the quality of life of a woman and can cause serious complications in the work of the genitourinary and digestive systems.

Surgical intervention allows you to solve the problem in a radical way, but not always the state of health allows for an operation.


The main contingent of patients are elderly women who have given birth more than 2 times. By itself, menopause is a predisposing factor for the occurrence of prolapse and subsequent dystrophic changes, since the lack of sex hormones adversely affects the physiological and anatomical status of the internal genital organs.

The direct cause of the disease is a progressive weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the perineum, pelvic floor, diaphragm and muscle tissue of the abdominal wall. With age, the uterus gradually changes its position, which creates the preconditions for the emergence of a hernial ring. Relaxed muscles can no longer withstand the natural pressure of the internal organs, and gradually the latter are shifted downward.

Predisposing factors for such a bias are as follows:

  • Multiple births, multiple or large pregnancy;
  • Difficult childbirth, accompanied by ruptures of the perineum and other injuries;
  • Gynecological surgical operations;
  • Decreased estrogen production after menopause;
  • Heavy physical work, weight lifting, especially in the postpartum period;
  • Degenerative (involutional) age-related changes in tissues and organs;
  • Additional pressure on the muscles with obesity;
  • Weakening of muscle tone with exhaustion;
  • A history of abortion;
  • Persistent constipation;
  • Chronic bronchitis, asthma and other diseases accompanied by persistent cough and increased intraperitoneal pressure;
  • Congenital anomalies of the genital organs, manifested with age.

In Caucasians, this disease is more common than in Asians and African Americans. The first signs of uterine prolapse may appear even at a young or middle age, the last stage - prolapse - can occur 10-20 years after the initial symptoms.


Uterine prolapse is accompanied by multiple disorders of the reproductive organs, excretory system and digestive system. The disease is almost always accompanied by prolapse of the bladder (cystocele) or rectum (rectocele). A change in the anatomical position of the uterus creates favorable conditions for infection of the reproductive organs: the gaping of the genital slit is especially dangerous. Prolapse is often accompanied by infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina, bladder, urethra.

Typical manifestations of the anomaly:

  • Sensation of a foreign body in the genital area;
  • Pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen, in the lower back;
  • Difficulty walking;
  • Dysuric disorders - involuntary urination with laughter, coughing, at night (with significant uterine prolapse, urination is difficult and is possible only after the uterus is repositioned);
  • Constipation, inadequate emptying of the rectum;
  • Pain during intercourse or the complete impossibility of its implementation.

Constant prolapse of the uterus contributes to the traumatization of this organ, leads to the formation of trophic ulcers, bedsores, the development of endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal.

The abnormal position of the genitals negatively affects blood circulation, lymph outflow, causes a violation of the trophism (nutrition) of tissues, and the formation of blood clots.


The anomaly is usually not difficult to diagnose and is easily detected during a standard gynecological examination. To clarify the diagnosis and detect associated disorders, blood and urine tests, ultrasound examinations are prescribed. The initial stages of descent and prolapse of the patient can be detected independently - when washing or douching.


If the prolapse is partial or insignificant, the installation of an orthopedic ring - pessary will help. Other conservative methods at this stage are useless or produce a temporary therapeutic effect.

Most often resort to radical treatment - surgical correction. Operations are performed as minimally invasive as possible - through the vagina or through laparoscopic access. There are modern medical technologies that can reduce the risk of relapse to a minimum. One of these procedures is the installation of a special synthetic mesh. Sometimes a hysterectomy is prescribed - removal of the uterus, as a rule, this occurs with complete prolapse, which is characterized by the exit of all parts of the uterus beyond the entrance to the vagina (more on this can be found in this article).

In this fragment of the program "Doctors" Professor Puchkov K.V. will talk about the causes and modern methods of treatment of genital prolapse:

Prognosis and possible complications

With timely and professional surgical treatment, the prognosis is relatively favorable. A positive role is played by the implementation of medical recommendations regarding the limitation of physical activity, correction of the nature of nutrition and lifestyle.

The most dangerous complications are inflammatory and infectious processes, kidney pathologies, chronic cystitis and urethritis, erosion, infringement, uterine edema. Mechanical damage leads to bleeding and painful ulcers on the organs of the reproductive system.


The main method of preventing the disease is the detection of uterine prolapse at stage 1 and the elimination of muscle defects with the help of conservative therapy - gymnastics, wearing a ring. A positive role is played by limiting loads, stabilizing weight, eliminating constipation, correct delivery, professional and timely treatment of any diseases of the reproductive system.

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(prolapsus uteri) - displacement of the uterus outside the genital gap. There are partial prolapse of the uterus, in which part of the body of the uterus is outside the genital slit, and complete, in which the entire body of the uterus is outside the genital slit.

Uterine prolapse occurs in half of women who have experienced menopause. 50% of women in the world after 50-60 years of age suffer from this disease. After 80 years, every 10th representative of the weaker sex has prolapse. More often this applies to women who have given birth to several children or suffer from an innate predisposition to muscle weakness.

The problem also applies to women who have experienced vaginal delivery. Uterine prolapse is a serious disorder in the functioning of the body, so consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

What is uterine prolapse

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

The severity of uterine prolapse affects the symptoms. In mild cases, there may be no symptoms.

In a severe course of the disease, the following symptoms of the disease appear:

  • heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • copious and abnormal discharge;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the vagina;
  • infectious diseases of the bladder;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • lower back pain;
  • discomfort when urinating.

As a rule, these symptoms appear during the day and become unbearable in the evening. There are no symptoms in the morning.

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you should contact for an examination.

Treatment of uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is one of the progressive pathologies. Therefore, timely treatment is a factor that determines the prognosis of uterine prolapse in each individual clinical case.

In the treatment of uterine prolapse, both surgical and conservative methods of treatment are used. The choice of a specific technique depends on the degree of development of the disease and the condition of the sick woman. Consider the common ways to treat uterine prolapse.

Healthy lifestyle

With prolapse of the uterus, the patient is recommended to correct the lifestyle. In the presence of obesity, sports or fitness are recommended. Your doctor will give you advice on how to lose weight and teach you exercises that strengthen your pelvic muscles, such as special Kegel exercises.

Vaginal pessaries

To correct organ prolapse, special plastic products are often used, often in the form of a ring and called vaginal pessaries. Pessaries are placed inside the vagina for a long time or even forever. Devices are designed to maintain the uterus in the desired position. The desired configuration of the pessary is selected by the attending physician, and the choice is determined by each specific case.

hormone therapy

Often, patients are prescribed hormone therapy that replaces the hormone estrogen. The result is the strengthening of muscles and tissues to support the uterus. Hormone therapy is used only for its intended purpose and under the supervision of the attending physician.


A method consisting in suturing the uterus to the wall of the peritoneum using a surgical mesh.


This method, which involves the removal of the uterus, is used in severe cases when other methods of treatment have been exhausted and do not lead to improvement. The operation often also corrects the sagging urethra, bladder, urethra, vaginal walls, and rectum.

Folk remedies for the treatment of uterine prolapse

Fifty grams of lemon balm grass and linden flowers, seventy grams of white lamb and ten grams of alder root. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and insisted. You need to drink the infusion for a day, divided by three times. The course of treatment is fourteen days. Then they take a two-week break and continue taking it. Treatment continues for three months.
Mix in equal proportions lemon balm leaves, pine nuts and astragalus. Pour a teaspoon of the collection with three hundred milliliters of hot water and boil for five minutes. Strain the broth and drink in a day, divided by four times. Continue treatment for a month.
St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, calendula and calamus root are mixed in equal parts. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and simmer for half an hour. Strain and drink a glass of decoction a day for two months.
In March, collect and dry the bark of birch and alder. Two tablespoons of the collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted. Drink instead of tea, two months.
Grind three medium-sized fir cones, add a tablespoon of kirkazon grass and string. A teaspoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for forty minutes. Strain and take twenty milliliters in the morning and evening.
A tablespoon of dill seeds, mixed with the same amount of St. John's wort, chicory and chamomile. Before going to bed, pour a teaspoon of the collection into a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Strain the infusion in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Continue treatment for three weeks, then take a two-week break and resume. It takes three months to heal.
To prepare the collection, you will need knotweed grass, burnet, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, bedstraw and calendula flowers. Herbs mixed in the same proportion. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons of the collection, cool and strain. Take seventy milliliters three times a day for a month.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

Kegel exercises are used to train the internal muscles of the vagina, which prevent possible prolapse of both the uterus and the walls of the vagina. You can perform the exercise in front of the TV, in the office, on the subway, and even standing in line.

Kegel exercises involve gradually tensing and relaxing the pelvic muscles that surround the anus, vagina, and urethra. For a tangible result, divide at least 25 repetitions every day. A set of Kegel procedures:

Causes of uterine prolapse

  • numerous natural births;
  • severe cough that lasts for a long time;
  • strong attempts in the toilet with chronic constipation;
  • obesity, due to which there is physical pressure on the abdominal muscles.

Factors that cause uterine prolapse without the development of physiological causes (mechanical factors):

  • deformation of the pelvic floor during childbirth;
  • rupture of the perineum during childbirth;
  • manipulation during childbirth due to the size or incorrect position of the fetus.

Uterine prolapse in older women

For women, the period of menopause becomes acute, during which tissues become less elastic and bones become brittle. As a result of the cessation of the body's production of progesterone during menopause, the risk of uterine prolapse increases significantly.

Causes of uterine prolapse in old age:

  • consequences and complications of multiple births;
  • frequent constipation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse in older women do not differ from the symptoms of the same pathology in young girls. It is necessary to diagnose prolapse in the elderly as soon as possible, since prolapse develops much faster than in a young female body.

Classification of uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is described depending on which part of the uterus protrudes forward (omitted).

Diagnosis of uterine prolapse

The diagnosis of uterine and vaginal prolapse is not difficult and is based on a comparison of anamnesis and gynecological examination.

After the patient is in bed or in the absence of physical activity, the uterus and vagina occupy a normal position, therefore, to identify pathology during a gynecological examination, it is advisable to offer the patient to push.

The state of the pelvic floor, the position and tone of the levator muscles should be assessed by palpation. To confirm a cystocele, a bladder catheterization is done, the presence of a rectocele is clarified using a rectal digital examination.

Prevention of uterine prolapse

Prevention of uterine prolapse begins with the observance of a rational regimen, starting from the girl's childhood. Useful exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal press, water procedures, swimming pool. In addition, proper management of pregnancy and childbirth is important.

A pregnant woman must eat right. Firstly, proper nutrition is the prevention of the development of a large fetus, the birth of which causes perineal ruptures that lead to uterine prolapse.

Secondly, with proper nutrition, there is no constipation, which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and, as a result, uterine prolapse. If constipation could not be avoided, try not to strain during bowel movements, use laxatives and cleansing enemas. Prolonged and difficult childbirth should be avoided.

In the postpartum period, purulent and inflammatory complications are prevented. The number and nature of childbirth affect the likelihood of genital prolapse. The second birth increases the likelihood of genital prolapse by 2 times, and the fourth - by 10 times. Therefore, one should be extremely careful when choosing a maternity facility and discuss the tactics of childbirth with doctors in advance.

After childbirth, heavy physical exertion is prohibited. Some time after the birth of a child, special gymnastics is used to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Do not lift weights over 10 kilograms.

Questions and answers on the topic "Prolapse of the uterus"

Question:Hello! Is it possible for me, with a disease of diffuse toxic goiter, to be operated on for prolapse of the cervix from the vagina. I am 48 years old, I have been suffering from goiter for 5 years, I take Mercazolilum.

Answer: Hello! If we are talking about the conservative treatment of DTG for 5 years, it is necessary to reconsider our actions and change the treatment. Simultaneous reception of Mercazolil and surgical treatment is quite possible.

Question:Hello! I have a question for you: my mother turned 85 years old, had an attack the other day, and an ambulance was called. She had a delay in urination, there were pains. An ambulance arrived and it turned out that she had a prolapse of the uterus and because of this there was urinary retention. She refused hospitalization. But today the same thing happened again. Please tell me what can be done at home and without consequences?

Answer: Hello! Self-medication is unacceptable. I recommend considering the use of pessaries.

The prolapse of the uterus is a change in the position of the organ and its partial exit to the outside, which occurs under the influence of abdominal pressure. This pathology can also occur in young women who have experienced difficult childbirth, but most often it is diagnosed in older people: 50-60 years old.

If you do not pay attention to the resulting problem and do not start timely treatment, then serious consequences may develop. In this article we will talk about the causes of this phenomenon, its consequences, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Types, stages and causes of pathology in the elderly

The uterus inside the female body is supported by the muscles of the small pelvis, with the weakening of the ligaments, it begins to sink down. Gynecologists distinguish the following types of this pathology:

If you do not start timely treatment, then the uterus can completely leave the vagina. Gynecology defines several stages of this pathology:

  • the initial stage is characterized by a displacement of the organ just below the level of the interspinal line, while the uterus does not enter the vagina;
  • the second stage is characterized by partial omission, in which the main part of the organ is located on the line of the genital fissure, but the pelvic area is considered to be its location;
  • The final stage represents a complete omission of the organ from the genital slit.

The main cause of this pathology in women over 50 years old, after the onset of menopause, is an insufficient amount of estrogens responsible for blood supply, nutrition, elasticity of the ligaments that hold the organ. In addition, this disease is provoked by the following factors:

Symptoms and methods of diagnosing the disease

The symptoms of this pathology vary according to the degree of the disease. At the initial stage, the following symptoms appear:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • lower back pain;
  • when moving, there is a feeling of heaviness.

If you do not contact a gynecologist and do not start treatment, then the symptoms worsen, there are:

If timely treatment is not started, then women over 50 years of age may develop chronic kidney disease, erosion, chronic bladder damage, uterine edema, urethritis, bleeding, varicose veins.

The prolapse of the uterus is determined on examination by a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor determines the degree of pathology at rest and under tension, for this he asks the woman to push. After that, the organ should be put back into place to assess the state of the tone of the ligaments, appendages. The gynecologist also prescribes:

How to treat uterine prolapse in old age?

Treatment of pathology at an uncomplicated stage involves the use of special rings. They are made from biological material and prevent further deterioration of the condition. These rings or pessaries must be worn constantly, because at this age the muscles are rather relaxed and cannot be restored. When using them, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene, remove at night. To prevent the development of a sexual infection, these devices must be regularly processed.

Also, the initial stage involves wearing special underwear, which has a supporting structure. Sometimes it is recommended to wear a bandage worn over underwear in a prone position.

Tip: many gynecologists advise combining this underwear with pessaries, therapeutic exercises and hormonal therapy.

In addition to the supporting device, the following medicines help treat pathology:

  • hormonal drugs can increase the level of female hormones;
  • hormonal ointments injected into the vagina. They increase the level of estrogen and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the ligaments.

conservative methods

With a slight omission, the following conservative therapy is indicated:

Surgical solution to the problem

Quite often, gynecologists recommend surgery for patients over 50 years of age who have crossed the line of childbearing age, who are not helped by conservative treatment. During surgery, the doctor can use the laparoscopic method, by punctures on the abdomen, and the vaginal, when the incision is made inside the vagina, access. Today, medicine offers to perform operations in different ways:

Treatment with traditional medicine

Traditional medicine helps to comprehensively treat this pathology. However, it must be remembered that it is only an addition to the main therapy and has the task of strengthening the vaginal muscles at home. The most used methods are listed below:

Prolapse of the uterus in women over 50 years old is a fairly common problem, in order to prevent complications and resolve the issue without surgery, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and perform effective therapeutic exercises.



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