psychological exercises for training


Training to relieve emotional stress in a group

Emotional stress is a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by an adequate severity of emotional reactions. This state allows you to best achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional tension is resourceful at a certain time interval. Prolonged exposure to emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

1. Break down and shrink strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any important business or situation for you, move away from the significance of the result.

“It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, in parts and gradually it is possible.” The concentration on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant that it is very emotional to experience. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and general goal, so as not to get confused in the details. The split and reduce strategy allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional tension.

2. Comparison of a situation or any activity with something bigger, more important. Reducing the importance.

"Everything is nonsense, compared to the world revolution." Thus spoke the revolutionaries and steadfastly endured the hardships and hardships of the revolutionary struggle. In business, you can think like this. The project you're worried about is much smaller than the projects of the entire company. Others have already done it, they succeeded, so it will work for you.

3. Establishment of certainty. Often anxiety arises when there is not enough information to make a decision.

Get the information you need, find the right resources to address the uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible options for action.

4. Modeling a set of acceptable results.

Consider all possible outcomes of an activity or resolution of a situation. Find the positives in them. Some options will suit more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to use each result as efficiently as possible.

5. Postponement for a while (if possible) of making a decision, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

So people are arranged that it is difficult to experience when you need to work intensively physically. Emotional stress subsides with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any physical activity balances emotions, makes them more stable. For example, in a village where hard physical work starts at 4 o'clock in the morning and ends at sunset, people are more emotionally stable than city dwellers. There is no time to worry - you have to work.

7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience.

It can be difficult to reflect on paper your condition, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional distress. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for this. Describing your condition on paper, you will formulate clearly what is at the moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

8. Humor and work with negative emotions.

Of particular note is humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, betrayal, love, business - how many tragedies have been written about this. And just as many comedies reconcile people with reality when we laugh at jealousy, betrayal, love, business, more often other people. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating positive emotions for yourself.

It is useful to know anecdotes, aphorisms that are suitable for actual cases from your life. And not just to know, but to tie them to life situations, where they will be, as they say, in the subject. You can simply create your own collection of positive anecdotes and aphorisms that you like, they will be, in a way, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something means to devalue, lower the significance of difficult experiences. Even just holding a smile for 5 minutes can improve your mood. There is a phrase “try to be polite, then you will get used to it”, by analogy, “try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood.”

9. Bringing the experience to the point of absurdity, for example, exaggeration or understatement, mitigation.

Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate the experience or downplay it, watching how the emotional state changes. For example, if you're worried about upcoming negotiations, imagine that this is the biggest problem in the world, much more serious than famine in Africa, wars, death. After all, if the negotiations go wrong, then the sun will stop rising in the east, the rivers will flow back, earthquakes will begin, life will stop. On the other hand, you can underestimate. Negotiations are an insignificant part of your great life, how many years have lived, regardless of the result of some negotiations, it will continue to be so, it's just one moment in the endless communication of people, how can it be important, etc.

Purpose of the training: removal of emotional stress through group interaction, to form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

1. Exercise "Introduction" (7-10 min.)

Target: abstraction from real - social roles.

materials: badges, pens.

The progress of the exercise.

Participants create a role (preferably abstracted from the usual life). They come up with names according to which they will be referred to throughout the training. Then, in turn, each member of the group introduces himself to the others, according to the pleasant role.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Was this exercise easy for you?
  2. What are your impressions of the exercise?
  3. Did you get confused during the task?

2. Exercise "Non-verbal communication" (5-10 min.)

Target: to set up participants for the active completion of tasks, training the skills of a figurative expressive message, developing abilities for group creativity.

materials: No

Instructions: All participants stand in a circle (with their backs in a circle). “Let one of you think of any object that we will non-verbally pass around the circle. The object must be one that can actually be passed to each other.” The trainer waits until the idea of ​​the object arises, asks the participant who conceived the object not to name it out loud and gives him time to prepare for the transfer (1 - 2 minutes).

Exercise progress: “So, now the first participant will pass his item to the neighbor on the left. At the same time, he, and then all of us, will use only non-verbal means, and the one to whom the object is transferred must understand what object he received. The recipient, in turn, passes it on to his neighbor on the left, and so on. Thus, the object will move counterclockwise around the outer circle and should eventually return to Eugene if everyone is careful and does not allow any transformations of the object. At this point, all participants will be facing the circle, since everyone, having passed the object, can turn to face the circle. Let's start".

After the item is returned to the sender, the trainer, moving from the latter, but now in a clockwise direction (in the opposite direction), asks everyone in turn what each received and what transmitted.

To complicate the exercise and increase activity, as well as in order to get more material for discussion, you can offer to simultaneously start passing your objects to three group members, standing approximately at an equal distance from each other in different places in the circle. During the discussion, the attention of the participants can be drawn to those points that contribute to or hinder mutual understanding. In particular, we can talk about the fact that in communication each of the participants is responsible for the result. The one who transmits information should try to make it clear, clear, understandable for the other, i.e. the person who transmits information spends some effort to think about how the gestures and movements used by him can be perceived, understood, interpreted by the person to whom they are intended. On the other hand, the recipient of information should, first of all, think about what meaning his partner could put into this or that gesture and not rush into interpretation.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Were there any difficulties in completing the task?
  2. What hindered and what contributed to the effective achievement of the goal?

3. Main part (35-50 min.)

Plasticine therapy is a soft and deep method of working with your personality. This training is for those who are tired of negative emotions and who want to regain peace and tranquility. The technique can be successfully used to prevent and overcome the “professional burnout syndrome”, which is well known to specialists in social professions.

Target: learn a new way to relieve tension, stress, fatigue; “splash out” negative energy in a safe way and transform it into positive; harmonize the emotional state; deeper understanding of oneself; feel the surge of creativity.

materials: plasticine, drawing paper, simple pencils, music corresponding to the work and the imagination of the participants.


  1. Shape your emotional state.
  2. "Talk" to him, telling him whatever you want.
  3. Transform it (very roughly) into whatever you want.
  4. Prepare a lot of balls of different sizes from any plastic material.
  5. With your eyes closed, fashion anything out of these balls.
  6. Make a group composition on a given topic in a short set period of time.

Exercise progress: The group sits around the table, they are offered whatman paper, plasticine and simple pencils. Instructions are given, after which the participants begin to complete the task.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Was the exercise easy to do?
  2. What difficulties did you encounter in completing the assignment?
  3. Were there any disagreements during the work?

4. Relaxation (5-10 min.)

Target: demonstrate and teach how to normalize the emotional sphere, remove negative emotions, activate positive experiences.

Exercise progress: participants sit comfortably, turn off the lights, turn on the musical accompaniment and read out a certain text.

Reference text for the exercise:

  • My eyes are closing.
  • I calm down.
  • I am relaxing.
  • I feel calm and light.
  • My body is relaxing.
  • With each exhalation, my body becomes more and more relaxed.
  • I am calm.
  • I am relaxed.
  • I am calm, easy and pleasant.
  • With each exhalation, I feel calmer, lighter and more pleasant.
  • I'm resting, I'm fine.
  • My face relaxes.
  • My forehead relaxes.
  • The forehead is completely relaxed.
  • My nose relaxes.
  • The nose is completely relaxed.
  • My cheeks relax.
  • The cheeks are completely relaxed.
  • My face is completely relaxed.
  • My head is completely relaxed.
  • The right hand is relaxed.
  • The right hand is relaxed.
  • The right forearm is relaxed.
  • The right shoulder is relaxed.
  • The right hand is completely relaxed.
  • The left hand is relaxed.
  • The left hand is relaxed.
  • The left forearm is relaxed.
  • The left shoulder is relaxed.
  • The left hand is completely relaxed.
  • Both hands are completely relaxed.
  • Pleasant warmth fills my hands.
  • My hands are filled with a pleasant weight.
  • I am completely calm and relaxed. My right leg is relaxing.
  • The right foot is relaxed.
  • Relaxes the right shin, knee.
  • The right thigh is relaxed.
  • The right leg is completely relaxed
  • The left foot is relaxed.
  • Relaxes the left shin, knee.
  • Relaxes the left thigh.
  • The left leg is completely relaxed.
  • Pleasant warmth fills my feet.
  • My legs are filled with a pleasant weight.
  • I am completely calm and relaxed. The pelvic muscles relax.
  • The muscles of the back are relaxed.
  • Relax the abdominal muscles.
  • My body is completely relaxed.
  • My body is filled with pleasant warmth and heaviness.

  • 09.10.2015
    It is interesting to work with plasticine - a good effect.

Relieve tension from stress

Stress is always tension. Tension of mind, body and soul. To relieve stress and you need to remove tension at all levels.

Stress leads to tension. And stress causes illness, anxiety, or panic attacks.

To cure a disease, physical or mental, it is not enough to take medicine, you need to remove tension.

Removal of accumulated stress- this is prevention in the body, which means the prevention of almost any disease or disease state.

Stress relief is stress relief.

In this article, I will list my favorite TCM exercises for relieving stress and tension.

TCM Exercises for Tension Relief Training

TCM exercises is a training for breathing, imagination and movement, which are carried out in a single rhythm, correlate with each other and multiply the effect. Sometimes TCM exercises are supplemented by pressing certain points and.

I have already presented to your attention simple relaxation exercises from the Qigong on the Sofa cycle - easy to learn and train.

There are many TCM exercises for stress relief.

For correct execution, skills and habits are needed to control both sides of the movement, which are represented in the space of consciousness by attention and perception, in the space of breathing - by inhalation and exhalation, in the space of the body - by sensation and movement.

Relieve bodily tension: TCM exercise "squeezing the hand into a fist"

The TCM relaxation exercise can be as simple as making a fist.

Arms bent at the elbow, placed in front of you, palms up.

In the first part, on inspiration(try to breathe slowly, smoothly, deeply, calmly, exactly as if), in harmony with breathing, you clench your hands into a fist, trying to distribute the effort so that the peak point of tension coincides with the end of inhalation and the filling of the lungs.

However, you need to focus your consciousness on the second part, directing efforts to ensure that exhalation, and hence the release of tension in the hand as the palm is extended, to make it as slow, smooth and even as possible.

This exercise to relieve tension in the body should be repeated six times, that is, to complete 6 complete cycles of inhalation and exhalation.

Removing tension of the mind: TCM exercise "relaxation of the muscles of the face"

The main requirement for the state of mind in TCM is the absence of superfluous thoughts. A relaxed mind is the ability to focus on what is happening and let go of the subject of reflection as soon as you move on to a new business.

It is much easier to tense the mind than to relax it, because the tension of the mind is its natural state.

A simple TCM exercise for relaxing the mind is based on the fact that when the mind works, there is always a tension in the muscles of the face. If you relax your face, your mind will also relax.

You should sit straight with your hands in front of you on your knees or on the table with open palms up.

Inhale at the same time as squeezing the hand into a fist, you should also slowly and intensely close your eyes (squint) and compress your lips (into a tube).

The second part of the exercise is more important because it is necessary to make an effort to relax.

On smooth and slow exhale at the same time - open your palms, slowly release the tension in the eyes and face and slowly lift the eyelids.

To completely relax the mind, TCM prescribes doing this training six times.

Relieving tension in the soul: a TCM exercise on “the ability to maintain a balance of feelings”

In China, the ability to maintain mental, emotional balance has always been valued under all circumstances and in.

If you are a longtime subscriber of my blog, you know that feelings and emotions, the emanations of the human soul are fixed in the muscles, in the body. This means that the balance of the soul is directly related to the ability to maintain bodily balance.

There is a simple TCM exercise for developing a sense of balance of the soul through relaxation - the ability to stand on one leg and smoothly transfer the weight of the body from one leg to another. The most vulnerable to the balance of emotions are the points of transition from inhalation to exhalation and vice versa.

Stand on your left leg arbitrarily, without tension, lower your right leg freely.

Inhale lift your right leg up while bending it at the knee, and on exhalation lower it back while unbending. Wherein. it is desirable that the toes stretch in your direction, forming a right angle with the foot and opening its surface.

Then, standing already on two legs, shift the center of gravity from the left foot to the center and do breath raising your hands, palms down, on exhalation put your hands down.

Shift your center of gravity to your right foot inhale and exhale with the rise and fall of the left leg.

It turns out smooth and slow steps from foot to foot. It is important that it be even, smooth, thin, deep and long.

The cycle of the TCM exercise for the balance of the soul, consisting of four parts, is repeated nine times.

TCM exercise: self-massage for insomnia

The picture "Self-massage for insomnia" shows 5 causes of insomnia as a state of stress.

Massage points for insomnia: TCM training

The training is a self-massage of certain points on the head, as shown in the picture-illustration from the book on TCM techniques for self-healing.

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Meditation: The Ancient Wisdom of LAO JUNG

Meditation is good for stress. I suggest you meditate on an excerpt from the book Lao Jun "Discourse on a hundred diseases and praise of a hundred medicines." Read what is a disease for a person, and what is a cure.

Forgetting about the laws of life, pursuing personal gain is a disease.
Doing good deeds, waiting for retribution is a disease.
Having given something to people, regretting it is a disease.
Talking to a fool is a disease.
to consider people crooked and yourself straight is a disease.

Do not take what you get in excess of what is supposed to be - this is medicine.
Taking advantage of a high position, doing good deeds is a medicine.
Keeping the serenity of peace in the absence of aspirations is a medicine.
Being contact, flexible, modest and compliant is a cure.
Striving for the strength of the spirit and keeping the temptations of the flesh away from oneself is a medicine.

TCM herbs (fungology) for stress >>>

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  • Training for staff “prevention of emotional burnout. Psychological games and exercises for relaxation and stress relief

    Training to relieve emotional tension (for teachers)

    Emotional stress is a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by an adequate severity of emotional reactions. This state allows you to fulfill your goals and objectives in the best possible way. Long-term emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

    Purpose of the training : removal of emotional stress through group interaction, to form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

      Introduction, setting the rules for the group

    - I glad to see you all. Our training is aimed at relieving emotional stress. The second half of the school year, everyone is tired of various performances, competitions, open classes, frosts, winds, lack of sunny days, etc. Before we get started, I suggest choosing some rules: confidentiality (the non-disclosure rule); do not interrupt the one who is speaking; "stop" rule (i.e. "I'm not playing this game!"); lack of mobile communication. Does everyone agree with the rules or should we add others?

    2. Warm up

    one). Exercise "Introduction" (7-10 min.)

    Target : abstraction from real - social roles.

    Exercise progress:

    Participants come up with names according to which they will be referred to throughout the training.

    Tasks: stand up those who love ice cream, sweets, pickles, who have pets, the name has the letter A, E, H, R.

    2). Exercise "Mystery of the name"

    Issues for discussion:

      How is your mood?

      Was it easy for you to complete these tasks?

      Main part

      Exercise "Triangle, square .."

    Target : to set up participants for the active completion of tasks, the development of abilities for group creativity.

    Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. Then everyone closes their eyes. The host asks: In complete silence, without words, build me a triangle ... a square ... a rhombus, etc.

    1. Exercise "Non-verbal communication" (5-10 min.)

    Target : training of figurative expressive communication skills.

    Instruction : All participants stand in a circle (with their backs in a circle). “Let one of you think of any object that we will non-verbally (without words) pass around in a circle. The object must be one that can actually be passed to each other.” The trainer waits until the idea of ​​the object arises, asks the participant who conceived the object not to name it out loud and gives him time to prepare for the transfer (1 - 2 minutes). If no one agrees, we make a choice with the help of a bell (we pass any object while the bell is ringing, on whom the sound has stopped, he makes up an object).

    Exercise progress : “So, now the first participant will pass his item to the neighbor on the left. At the same time, he, and then all of us, will use only non-verbal means, and the one to whom the object is transferred must understand what object he received. The recipient, in turn, passes it on to his neighbor on the left, and so on. Everyone, having passed the object, can turn his face into a circle. Let's start".

    After the item is returned to the sender, the trainer, moving from the latter, but now in a clockwise direction (in the opposite direction), asks everyone in turn what each received and what transmitted.

    Issues for discussion:

      Were there any difficulties in completing the task?

      What hindered and what contributed to the effective achievement of the goal?

    1. Plasticine therapy

    it is a soft and deep method of working with your personality. The technique can be used to prevent and overcome the "burnout syndrome"

    Target : learn a new way to relieve tension, stress, fatigue; “splash out” negative energy in a safe way and transform it into positive; harmonize the emotional state; deeper understanding of oneself; feel the surge of creativity.

    materials : plasticine, drawing paper, simple pencils, music corresponding to the work and the imagination of the participants.


      Shape your emotional state.

      "Talk" to him, telling him whatever you want.

      Transform it (very roughly) into whatever you want.

      Prepare a lot of balls of different sizes from any plastic material.

      With your eyes closed, fashion anything out of these balls.

      Make a group composition on a given topic in a short set period of time.

    Exercise progress : The group sits around the table, they are offered whatman paper, plasticine and simple pencils. Instructions are given, after which the participants begin to complete the task.

    Issues for discussion:

      Was the exercise easy to do?

      What difficulties did you encounter in completing the assignment?

      Were there any disagreements during the work?

    four). "Zhmurki"

    Target: Relieve stress, increase emotional tonesa; initiation of tactile contacts.

    Material: handkerchief.

    Quest progress:

    The blindfolded contestant must catchanother participant. Difficulty: Catch in a circle, everyone else forms a circle.

    1. Relaxation

    Leading: We have worked hard, and now you will learnrelaxation techniques , which can be used in any difficult life situations:

    1) stress relief exercise

    Take a very deep breath, the deepest (at the expense of 1-4), hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Now exhale all the air from the lungs (on a count of 1-6) and with the exhalation relax, relieve tension, return to normal breathing.

    Inhalation should be combined with muscle tension, exhalation with relaxation.

    Afterdeep breathsandslow exhalationsa person always gets better.

    2) Exercise "Lemon" (to relax the muscles of the hands )

    Lower your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand as tightly as possible into a fist. Feel how tense your right hand is. Then throw the "lemon" and relax your hand: I will take a lemon in my palm. I feel that it is round. I squeeze it slightly - I squeeze the lemon juice. Everything is in order, the juice is ready. .

    3)Exercise to relieve excitation

    1. Connect the palms in front of you and press with one hand on the other.

    2. Clasp the hands with your fingers, one palm pointing down, the other up. Then, forcefully pull your arms in opposite directions.

    3. Grasp the seat of the chair with your hands, and pull it strongly towards you, keep your back straight.

    4. Interlock your fingers behind your head and press your palms on the back of your head without changing the position of your head.

    4) Exercise "Fingers"

    Participants sit comfortably in chairs or chairs, forming a circle. The fingers of the hands placed on the knees should be interlaced, leaving the thumbs free. On the command “Start,” slowly rotate the thumbs around each other at a constant speed and in the same direction, making sure that they do not touch each other. Focus on this movement. At the command "Stop" stop the exercise. Duration 5-15 minutes. Some participants experience unusual sensations: enlargement or alienation of the fingers, an apparent change in the direction of their movement. Someone will feel intense irritation or anxiety. These difficulties are connected with the singularity of the object of concentration.

    Issues for discussion:

    1. Was it easy to do the exercises?

    2. What difficulties did you encounter in completing the assignment?

    5). Air balloons

    Target : demonstrate and teach how to normalize the emotional sphere, remove negative emotions, activate positive experiences.

    Exercise progress : participants sit comfortably, the lights are turned off, the musical accompaniment is turned on and a certain text is read out. Close your eyes and relax. Remember your childhood, each of you had favorite places. Come there, to your cherished place, lie down on the ground, feel the warmth and softness of the grass.. Mentally open your eyes. You see that 12 balloons with multi-colored ribbons are descending towards you. Feel how the ribbons easily wrap around you and lift you up.

    You feel light and happy. You feel like you are overwhelmed with childish delight. You soar above the ground, look how beautiful and different it is, and when you want to return, ask the balls to lower you to the ground. On the count of 10, return to where you are physically.

    Issues for discussion:

    1. Was it easy to complete the task?

    2. How do you feel?


    Our training is coming to an end and to get a good mood, I suggest:

    one). "Cheerfulness"

    "Sit down freely. Stretch your arms forward and prepare 2 fingers: thumb and index. Grasp them at the very tips of the ears - one from above, the other from below the ear. Massage your ears, saying: “Ears, ears hear everything!” - 10 times in one direction and 10 in the other. Now lower your arms, shake your palms. Prepare your index finger, extend your hand and place it between the eyebrows above the nose. Massage this point as many times with the words: “Wake up, third eye!” Shake your palms. Gather your fingers in a handful, find a hole at the bottom of your neck, put your hand there and say: “I breathe, breathe, breathe!” - Massage the hole 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other. Well done! We see, we hear, we feel!

    I would like to hear your wishes and suggestions regarding the training.

    Thank you all and goodbye to everyoneBracelet from negative thoughts (elastic).

    Does it happen that you catch yourself on a frightening thought “What if…? What if…"? Oppressive thoughts are harbingers of an impending emotional storm.

    Negative thoughts need to get rid of in order to prevent stress. We will develop positive reflexes. Build yourself a rubber bracelet. Put the bracelet on your wrist and, as soon as an anxious thought begins to pulsate in your head, pull the elastic band harder and, letting go, say: “Don’t be like this!”

    The unpleasant sensations that you will experience will eventually completely relieve you of negative thoughts. Do not remove the bracelet immediately, let it remind you of your victory over your own fears.

    Emotional stress is a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by an adequate severity of emotional reactions. This state allows you to best achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional tension is resourceful at a certain time interval. Prolonged exposure to emotional stress causes stress and a state of chronic fatigue.

    Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

    1. Break down and shrink strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any important business or situation for you, move away from the significance of the result.

    “It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, in parts and gradually it is possible.” The concentration on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant that it is very emotional to experience. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and general goal, so as not to get confused in the details. The split and reduce strategy allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional tension.

    2. Comparison of a situation or any activity with something bigger, more important. Reducing the importance.

    "Everything is nonsense, compared to the world revolution." Thus spoke the revolutionaries and steadfastly endured the hardships and hardships of the revolutionary struggle. In business, you can think like this. The project you're worried about is much smaller than the projects of the entire company. Others have already done it, they succeeded, so it will work for you.

    3. Establishment of certainty. Often anxiety arises when there is not enough information to make a decision.

    Get the information you need, find the right resources to address the uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible options for action.

    4. Modeling a set of acceptable results.

    Consider all possible outcomes of an activity or resolution of a situation. Find the positives in them. Some options will suit more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to use each result as efficiently as possible.

    5. Postponement for a while (if possible) of making a decision, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

    So people are arranged that it is difficult to experience when you need to work intensively physically. Emotional stress subsides with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any physical activity balances emotions, makes them more stable. For example, in a village where hard physical work starts at 4 o'clock in the morning and ends at sunset, people are more emotionally stable than city dwellers. There is no time to worry - you have to work.

    7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience.

    It can be difficult to reflect on paper your condition, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional distress. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for this. Describing your condition on paper, you will formulate clearly what is at the moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

    8. Humor and work with negative emotions.

    Of particular note is humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

    Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, betrayal, love, business - how many tragedies have been written about this. And just as many comedies reconcile people with reality when we laugh at jealousy, betrayal, love, business, more often other people. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating positive emotions for yourself.

    It is useful to know anecdotes, aphorisms that are suitable for actual cases from your life. And not just to know, but to tie them to life situations, where they will be, as they say, in the subject. You can simply create your own collection of positive anecdotes and aphorisms that you like, they will be, in a way, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something means to devalue, lower the significance of difficult experiences. Even just holding a smile for 5 minutes can improve your mood. There is a phrase “try to be polite, then you will get used to it”, by analogy, “try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood.”

    9. Bringing the experience to the point of absurdity, for example, exaggeration or understatement, mitigation.

    Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate the experience or downplay it, watching how the emotional state changes. For example, if you're worried about upcoming negotiations, imagine that this is the biggest problem in the world, much more serious than famine in Africa, wars, death. After all, if the negotiations go wrong, then the sun will stop rising in the east, the rivers will flow back, earthquakes will begin, life will stop. On the other hand, you can underestimate. Negotiations are an insignificant part of your great life, how many years have lived, regardless of the result of some negotiations, it will continue to be so, it's just one moment in the endless communication of people, how can it be important, etc.

    Purpose of the training: removal of emotional stress through group interaction, to form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

    1. Exercise "Introduction" (7-10 min.)

    Target: abstraction from real - social roles.

    materials: badges, pens.

    The progress of the exercise.

    Participants create a role (preferably abstracted from the usual life). They come up with names according to which they will be referred to throughout the training. Then, in turn, each member of the group introduces himself to the others, according to the pleasant role.

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    Introduction. Relevance of the chosen topic.

    The profession of a teacher requires a lot of endurance and self-control. From numerous intensive contacts with other people, the teacher experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in emotional exhaustion. The teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional stress, which leads to a progressive deterioration in health. According to the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, 60% of teachers are prone to neuroses. I believe that teachers of modern educational institutions need psychological support, training in techniques for relieving emotional stress. This is a priority line in the work of a school psychologist.

    Main part.

    Purpose of the training: removal of emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.


    • to acquaint the participants of the training with some methods of psychological self-regulation;
    • create favorable conditions for productive work on oneself;
    • improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing inner spiritual harmony.

    Organization of the training: a group of teachers from 12 to 15 people .

    Form of training- a circle, it is possible to move freely around the office, to take a comfortable position of the body during relaxation.

    Duration- 90 minutes.

    Training leader: teacher-psychologist Vorobyova V.L.

    Course of the training

    Music sounds. Participants of the training enter the office, choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. They sit in a circle.

    1.1. The principle of insufficiency occupies a large place in our life. We do not have enough time for meetings, affection and attention to each other. We are always running, in a hurry, not noticing each other. Let's not stop this run for a moment and talk to each other.

    - Perhaps something has been bothering you lately?

    Or do you feel tired?

    - Or even minor events throw you off balance?

    If you answered “yes”, then today you should talk about the fact that nature has endowed a person with the ability to self-regulate, that is, no one else, but only you, can control your emotional state.

    1.2. To start fruitful work, let's see what mood and well-being prevails in you. The psychologist comments on the meaning of the chosen color. Cards "Color Meaning"(Attachment 1)

    1.3. An exercise "Business card"

    Members of the group write a word-definition on the first letter of their big name, which reflects their character, temperament and lifestyle. Business cards are attached to the chest for the next exercise.

    1.4. An exercise "Molecule"

    All participants move freely around the room. The psychologist calls it: "A diatomic molecule." Teachers form pairs and say:

    - I'm generous!

    - Yes, you are generous, but also beautiful!

    Similarly, the psychologist asks to make three-atom, four-atom and five-atom "molecules", and teachers try to form groups and communicate with their colleagues.

    - Now hold hands, stand in a circle and say in unison:

    “It’s great that we are all here today!”

    1.5. "The teacher combines the intellect of a scientist, the talent of an actor, the conviction of a politician, the endurance of a scout, the prudence of a sapper, the flexibility of a diplomat."

    The work of a teacher is everyday work not only with students at school, but also regular work on oneself.

    1.6. Psychologist calls theme and goals psychological training.

    2. Removal of emotional stress.

    Every person strives for success and well-being. He wants to be loved and respected. But look around, how many people are dissatisfied with the life around them. It was as if a load of problems hung over them that they were unable to cope with. And as a result, there is anxiety, fear, a sense of insecurity, emotional stress.

    The ability to control oneself has been a dream of man since ancient times. This is the ability to relax or restrain, relieve physical and emotional stress.

    2.1. Autotraining and aromatherapy.

    The impact of smell on the mental and physical state of a person is combined in aromatherapy with the healing properties of essential oils.

    Essential oil "Orange" stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, sadness, anxiety. Helps increase optimism. Opens the heart to kindness and joy.

    Slow music is playing. The group members take a relaxed “coachman” pose, close their eyes and listen to the words AT (Appendix 2).

    2.2. We rested, we are in a great mood. We want our peace of mind to last as long as possible.

    We will compose "The Tale of the City" in which there are no conflicts, where all people are happy and loved. And the story starts like this : A wonderful family lived in one beautiful city ...

    Each teacher in turn, passing a soft toy, names one sentence for composing a fairy tale.

    We all want to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and complete. But this does not happen!

    Probably, each of you got into stressful situations.

    Stress - it is the reaction of our body to external physical and emotional irritation. People handle stress differently. Alone- quickly overcome the "anxiety phase" and immediately "pull themselves together." These are calm, balanced people who are not inclined to make quick, rash decisions. Other- give up quickly. These people are impatient, unrestrained, their movements are quick and abrupt.

    2.3. Hidden stress test(Annex 3) . All training participants are given prepared test forms. There are many tips and psychological techniques for relieving emotional stress.

    2.4. An exercise "Basket of Soviets".

    Each teacher takes turns taking cards and reading aloud the suggested tips (Appendix 4) .

    If you find yourself in a stressful situation, then the most important thing is calmness, even if only externally. By maintaining your composure, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. And most importantly, you will keep your health.

    According to the World Health Organization, 90% of all human diseases are related to stress.

    An exercise "Name the emotion." Participants stand in a circle, throw the ball to each other, naming positive emotions, then negative ones. They are convinced that there are much more negative emotions and draw the appropriate conclusion.

    How nice to see you in a good mood. Success at work improves mood, but the teacher needs to constantly regulate his mood.

    2.5. How to help relieve stress laugh, and tears.

    American psychologist Don Powell advises "Every day to find a reason to laugh at least a little."

    The healing power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

    Most people admit that after crying they feel better. Scientists believe that tears cleanse the body of harmful stress products. Don't be afraid to cry!

    2.6. Bioenergetic healing.

    Recently, many have begun to listen to biorhythms, to the type of weather, to horoscopes for every day. The energy of the cosmos is pure and the same, but it is distributed among people in different ways, according to the level of their spirituality.

    Around each person there is an invisible aura that represents his spiritual territory. Intrusion into this territory causes us unpleasant feelings (annoyance, discomfort, resentment, heartache).

    It is known that many diseases arise from energy imbalance. When energy is abundant in one part of the body, it is lacking in another. For example, if there is an excess of energy in the endocrine glands, then hormonal metabolism is disturbed.

    2.7. An exercise "Art Therapy".

    Space music sounds.

    Those who wish come to the table, where paints, brushes, gouache, drawing paper, jars of water are prepared. They begin to draw, expressing their feelings from the music in the drawing (Appendix 5).

    The rest of the trainees close their eyes. The psychologist gives the installation: “Imagine yourself the center of the Universe. Focus only on yourself. Feel that you are unique and unrepeatable. Time 2-3 minutes.

    Open your eyes. Tell me about your feelings.

    2.8. In all methods of relieving emotional stress, special attention should be paid to your breathing.

    Ancient Chinese medicine says that all diseases are caused by improper breathing. Usually our breathing is shallow. Approximately 1/3 of the volume of the lungs is filled with clean air. It is necessary for each person to master the complex of "Respiratory gymnastics".

    An exercise "Full Breath"(Appendix 6).

    It is better to perform the exercise in comfortable clothes, in a well-ventilated room, you need to breathe slowly with pleasure, concentrating your attention on breathing.

    Advice: Start your day with breathing exercises!

    The blood and brain are enriched with oxygen, freeing the body from excess stress.

    The profession of a teacher requires skillful possession of one's voice.

    Crying is a natural, natural and widespread way to relieve nervous tension.

    But the teacher can and should direct the energy of the cry in a positive direction.

    Exercise "Meditation" to manage their emotional state (Appendix 7).

    Final part.

    1. American psychologist D. Carnegie offers Formula for Today.

    Sounds like a tape recording. The psychologist shows cards with these words. The participants of the training whisper the words (Appendix 8).

    2. Feedback.

    The most useful thing for me was...

    - I like it…

    I would like to change...

    3.Thank you all for your work!


    In a difficult life situation, prefer to act actively rather than worry. Be positive and kind to everything around you: to people, to nature, to the world.


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    7. Selevko G.K. Assert yourself. Moscow, 2006
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