Test to determine ovulation. How to do an ovulation test? When should an ovulation test be done? Test results

Ovulation test

All about ovulation tests...

Ovulation is such a period of the menstrual cycle when an egg capable of fertilization is released into the abdominal cavity from the ovaries of a woman. The frequency of ovulation occurs, depending on the length of the cycle, approximately every 21-35 days.

This periodicity is regulated by special neurohumoral mechanisms, for example, ovarian follicular hormone and gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. Ovulation is facilitated by some accumulation of follicular fluid and a relative thinning of the ovarian tissue, which is located above the protruding pole of the follicle.

For each woman, the constant rhythm of ovulation may undergo some changes: after an abortion - for about three to four months, after childbirth - for one year, and also after the onset of 40 years, when the woman's body begins to intensively prepare for the premenopausal period. Ovulation stops after the complete extinction of menstrual function and with the onset of pregnancy. Establishing the exact date of ovulation is extremely important when choosing the most successful time for conception.

Subjective signs of ovulation are short-term slight pains in the lower abdomen, objective signs are a slight increase in vaginal discharge and a decrease in basal (rectal) temperature on the very day of ovulation with a slight increase the next day, an increase in plasma progesterone concentration and other symptoms.

Violation of ovulation is often caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which can sometimes be caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland or adrenal cortex, inflammation of the genitals, systemic diseases, tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, stress. The absence of the process of ovulation in the reproductive age is manifested by some menstrual rhythm disturbance of the type of oligomenorrhea (menstruation lasting only 1-2 days), dysfunctional bleeding, amenorrhea.

Anovulation is one of the causes of female infertility. Ways to restore the process of ovulation should be determined by the cause that could cause anovulation, and require contact with a competent gynecologist and suitable treatment.

Some women may experience the peak of sexual excitability just the same on the days of ovulation. But the use of only a physiological method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, which is based on complete sexual abstinence during ovulation, is very difficult for young spouses, in whom the frequency of sexual intercourse sometimes reaches a very high level. It is also worth noting that with strong excitement and stress, additional ovulation can occur (especially with irregular sexual intercourse), and then not one, but two whole eggs mature in one cycle.

For a planned pregnancy, it is very important to correctly calculate ovulation, because in order to fertilize an egg, a man’s sperm must necessarily enter the woman’s body at about the same time when the egg leaves the ovaries. If you correctly draw up an ovulation calendar, then choosing the right time for fertilization will be more effective. Most accurately calculate the time when fertilization can occur, you will be helped by special tests to determine the time of ovulation.

How does an ovulation test work?

Each menstrual cycle occurs the maturation of one follicle in the ovaries, less often - two or more. As the follicle cells mature, female hormones called estrogens are produced. The larger the follicle becomes, the more estrogen its cells produce.

When the level of these estrogens reaches a level that will be sufficient for ovulation, the luteinizing hormone (abbreviated LH) is released, after which, within about one to two days, the follicle ruptures (or simply ovulation) and the egg, which is ready for fertilization, rushes directly into the fallopian tube - to meet with spermatozoa. The time of development of the follicle may differ somewhat not only in several different women, but even in the same one - in different cycles.

So, the action of modern ovulation tests is based on determining the moment of a sudden increase in the level of LH in the urine.

From what day should you start using tests to determine ovulation?

The start time of testing should be determined based on the length of your cycle. The very first day of the menstrual cycle is the day when menstruation began. Cycle length is the number of days elapsed from the very first day of the most recent period to the very first day of the next.

If your cycle is always regular, of the same length, then you should start doing ovulation tests seventeen days before the next period, because after ovulation, the corpus luteum phase lasts 12-16 days (on average - 14). For example, if the length of your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin around the 11th day, and if 32, then from the 15th.

If the duration of the cycle is not constant, you need to choose the shortest cycle in the last six months and use its duration to accurately calculate the day when you need to start testing. In the presence of large delays and lack of regularity, the use of tests alone without additional monitoring of follicles and ovulation is not reasonable.

When used daily (or even better twice a day - morning and evening), ovulation tests give excellent results, especially when combined with ultrasound. When using ultrasound control, you can not waste tests in vain, but wait a while until the follicle can reach a size of about 18-20 millimeters and is able to ovulate. That's when you can confidently start doing daily tests.

Application of the test

Tests can be taken at almost any time of the day, but it is still highly advisable to stick to the same time for using the test. At the same time, in order for the concentration of the hormone in the urine to be the highest, it is better to refrain from urinating for at least four hours, and also to avoid excessive drinking before testing, as this may well lead to some decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and somewhat reduce the reliability result. The best time to take the test is in the morning.

Evaluation of results

Compare with the control line the result line. The control line, if the test was carried out correctly, always appears in a special window. If the line of your result is paler than the control line, then the LH surge has not yet occurred, and testing should be continued. If the result line is exactly the same or somewhat darker than the control line, then the hormone has already been released, and you will ovulate within 1-1.5 days.

A couple of days, which are most suitable for conception, begin from the moment when you were able to determine that the release of luteinizing hormone has already occurred. If sexual intercourse happens in the next couple of days, the probability of getting pregnant will be maximum. Once it is determined that the LH surge has already occurred, there is no need to continue testing further.

Planning the gender of the unborn child

It is impossible to plan the birth of a child of a certain gender in advance, but there is a theory according to which, on the days closest to ovulation, the possibility of conceiving a boy increases slightly, and on the most distant days, girls. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of a boy being born, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse until the test shows a negative result.

To increase the likelihood of having a girl, on the contrary, you need to stop having sex immediately after the ovulation test shows a positive result. True, this method cannot provide one hundred percent reliable results.

Erroneous results

Unfortunately, ovulation tests may not show ovulation itself, but only some change in the dynamics of LH levels. A sharp rise in LH is very characteristic of ovulation, but the rise of luteinizing hormone itself cannot give a 100% guarantee that this event is associated with ovulation and the latter has definitely taken place.

An increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone can also occur in other situations - with ovarian wasting syndrome, hormonal dysfunction, kidney failure, postmenopause and other disorders. Thus, with any permanent or temporary dysfunction (including immediately after the withdrawal of synthetic hormonal drugs or a sudden transition to a raw food/vegetarian diet), tests may show false positive results. In addition, false positive results are also possible under the influence of other hormones that are absolutely not associated with changes in LH levels.

For example, in the presence of a pregnancy hormone, tests can give a positive result due to some similarities in the molecular structure with LH (in structure, luteinizing hormone is similar to some other glycoprotein hormones - TSH, hCG, FSH), which many pregnant women have already been able to see for themselves women. That is, an ovulation test during pregnancy may well give a false positive result. When ovulation is stimulated after hCG injections, tests can also show a positive result, which is absolutely not associated with an increase in the content of luteinizing hormone.

Ovulation tests after hCG injections are absolutely not informative. It is possible that fluctuations of some other hormones (TSH, FSH) and even nutritional habits (phytohormones contained in plants) can also somewhat affect the results of such tests.

Therefore, in the absence of menstruation or if any hormonal disorders are suspected, you should not rely only on test results. In such cases, the timing and presence of ovulation should be determined using more reliable diagnostic methods. For example, with the help of ultrasound examination.

Ovulation tests are sold in many pharmacies and are presented there in a fairly wide range.

Types of ovulation tests

1. test strips. Most likely, you are already familiar with a similar type of pregnancy test - a thin strip of special paper that is impregnated with a special reagent. An ovulation test is a similar strip that should be immersed in urine for a while, after which the result will appear after a while. Such ovulation tests are not very accurate and have their drawbacks.

2. Test plates (or test cassettes). Similar tests also have analogues among pregnancy tests. The test tablet is a plastic case with a small window. This test must be substituted under a stream of urine or just drip a little urine on it - and after a few minutes you can see the result in the window. The test pads are very reliable, but they also cost a little more.

3. Inkjet tests. These are the most reliable ovulation tests currently available. This ovulation test is dropped directly into a container of urine or simply substituted under a stream of urine - and after a few minutes you will be able to observe the result.

4. Reusable ovulation tests . In fact, they are a portable device with a whole set of test strips. These strips are lowered into the urine, then they are inserted into the device - and very soon it will be possible to find out the result.

5. Electronic ovulation tests . These tests "react" not to urine, but to the woman's saliva. A small amount of saliva should be placed under the lens, and then either look at a special sensor, or observe the pattern on the saliva through the microscope that comes with the lens. What does a specific pattern mean - it is written in the instructions. These ovulation tests are quite expensive, but in terms of reliability, they definitely have no competitors!

True, if you are going to do an ovulation test, you should remember that all of the above tests may not show the exact timing of ovulation, but the timing of the release of LH into the body, after which ovulation should occur. This must be taken into account when conducting such tests.

At the moment, several companies produce ovulation tests. The most famous among them are Frautest, Eviplan and Clearblue.


These ovulation tests are made in Germany. They are divided into three categories:

1. Ovulating. This product contains 5 strips because that is exactly how many days a woman with a regular cycle needs to determine when to increase her luteinizing hormone levels. The sensitivity of this test is from 30 mIU / ml.

2. Frautest for ovulation Planning. This kit includes 5 ovulation tests and 2 pregnancy tests, as well as several containers for collecting urine.

3. Ovulating (in a cassette with a cap). This kit contains 7 tests and is suitable for women with irregular cycles. Each test is very convenient and hygienic: no need to collect urine, you can test almost anywhere. A well-closing small cap does not allow violating the well-thought-out test methodology. The sensitivity of this test is from 30 mIU / ml. The accuracy is over 99%.

How much does this ovulation test cost? The price of a Frautest ovulation test is about 350 rubles.


Eviplan's one-stage diagnostic ovulation test is designed to accurately determine the LH surge. This biological substance is a fertility hormone, the total amount of which increases sharply around the middle of the cycle. An increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone can trigger the process of ovulation, as a result of which an egg is released from the ovaries.

Ovulation is the period when an egg is released and is ready for fertilization. The accuracy of this test is approximately 99%, and the result can be seen in just five minutes.


1. It is necessary to open the package, take out the strip and lower it into a previously prepared container with urine.

2. The test strip must be lowered for 5 seconds to the indicated “Max” mark. Next, the test strip should be placed on some flat surface.

3. The result should be evaluated at room temperature after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes after the start of the procedure.

4. The test strip is for single use only.

5. To determine the exact result, you should compare the color intensity (lighter or darker) of the test strip with the control strip. The control strip is located at the end of the test field.

6. A positive result (an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone) is considered a strip with a color intensity, as in the control strip or slightly darker. This result indicates that an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone has occurred. Basically, the process of ovulation occurs within 1-2 days after an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone. This period of time is considered the best for conception.

7. A negative result (the absence of an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone) is a strip with a color intensity lighter than in the control strip. This result shows that the increase in luteinizing hormone did not happen.

The result is considered invalid if no control line appears within 10 minutes.

Special instructions when using the Eviplan ovulation test:

· Before starting the test, you need to determine the actual duration of the cycle. In case of any violation of the duration of the cycle, you need to contact a specialist (when the cycle is less than 21 days or more than 38 days).

· Before starting the procedure, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

· The reasons for a false result may be incorrect testing, erroneous timing.

· The very first morning urine is not suitable for testing.

· The synthesis of luteinizing hormone usually occurs in the early morning hours, while the substance itself is determined throughout the day. Thus, the most optimal time for testing is the time from 10 am to 10 pm.

· Testing must be done at the same time.

· Prior to testing, you should refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

The cost of ovulation tests produced by this company is about 350 rubles.

clear blue

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test indicates a slight increase in LH levels, which usually occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation. This allows you to accurately determine the two most favorable days for conceiving a child in this cycle. Making love on these two days will give you many more opportunities to get pregnant than on any other days.

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is the most effective home test available.

The Clearblue Ovulation Test should be used on multiple days, at the same time each day, when Luteinizing Hormone levels are expected to rise. The test can determine the days of your cycle when your chances of conception are highest.

The Clearblue Ovulation Test has the following features:

· Detects the very peak of LH concentration with 99% accuracy

· Pretty easy to use, is a non-invasive and natural urine test

· Has the original flashing test strip symbol to indicate that the test is working correctly

· Shows results within three minutes

The cost of ovulation tests produced by this company is about 700 rubles.

Which ovulation test is better - it's up to you! It must be remembered that the conception of a child is a responsible matter. But soon all your efforts will be rewarded by the greatest miracle in this world - the most wonderful and beloved baby.

When planning a pregnancy, you can use an ovulation test. How to choose the most suitable one and how to use it?

When planning a pregnancy, not all girls think about. But in vain, because this knowledge can bring you closer to realizing the dream of motherhood. An ovulation test can tell you which days of the menstrual cycle are optimal for “working” on the appearance of a baby.

There is a misconception that ovulation always occurs on day 14, but this is a misconception. Everything is individual, since the day of ovulation depends on the length of your cycle.


After menstruation, the female body begins to prepare for ovulation. Everything is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of a new life: the brain produces follicle-stimulating hormone, which, in turn, stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. As they grow, one of them becomes dominant and differs from other eggs in size.

Changes also occur in the uterus: its surface slightly increases in size and becomes loose, overgrown with a mucous membrane of blood and nutrients.

During preparation for ovulation, the girl produces a watery, viscous mucus, which promotes the advancement of spermatozoa. It can be seen as highlights.

Sperm activity after intercourse persists for five days. And since the life of the egg is short (only 24 hours), you must not miss the time. In other words, conception can occur within a day after ovulation.

If this happens, the fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus and is fixed there - this is how pregnancy begins.

In the absence of conception, the unfertilized egg dies. Together with the thickened uterine mucosa, it is shed and menstruation begins.

Types of ovulation tests

Type of test

How does it work

Disposable ovulation tests

These are inexpensive ovulation tests that work like pregnancy tests. To get the result, they must be lowered into the urine. One-time tests are considered the most popular. However, their results are not always correct.

Reusable test cassettes in a plastic case

These are portable devices with a set of disposable test strips. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out 10-15 tests, informing not only about the onset of ovulation and its peak, but also about the days on which conception is also possible. The test cassette does not need to be lowered into the urine, it is enough to drop it on a special window.

Electronic tests for ovulation

Ovulation is determined by saliva: under the action of hormones, its composition changes at this time. However, there is an important caveat: the result of the analysis may be incorrect due to the food you ate. In addition, it is important to maintain the interval after eating. But there is a way out - instead of saliva, use a vaginal secret.

Inkjet tests

They allow you to determine the onset of ovulation without the use of a urine container. It is enough to substitute the tip of the dough under its jet. Inkjet tests are considered the most informative, hence their high cost.

How to use an ovulation test

In order to use the ovulation test, you need to know the length of your menstrual cycle. Use a simple formula: subtract 17 from the number of cycle days. If the cycle is unstable, calculate the period of the shortest cycle in the last six months.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is always individual. It can be from 23 to 35 days.

3-4 hours before using an ovulation test, refrain from urinating and do not drink a lot of fluids. This is necessary in order not to reduce the concentration of the hormone in the urine.

Follow the directions on the test package.

The optimal time for an ovulation test is from 10 am to 8 pm.

The test must be done within 2-3 days when ovulation is expected.

Applying the test is easy: depending on the type, dip its tip into a container of urine or substitute it under a stream. The result will be ready in about three minutes.

You will be told a new line should appear parallel to the control line. If she's pale, she hasn't ovulated yet. If dark - the body is already ready for conception.

An ovulation strip test is the easiest and most accurate way to find out exactly those days when the likelihood of conceiving a child is maximum. Therefore, women who cannot become pregnant for a sufficiently long time, or who carefully plan the birth of a baby, are recommended to conduct special tests that can almost certainly determine ovulation. How to do such studies, how to choose the right time for testing, how to interpret the results, read below.

When the chance of pregnancy is high

Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a special hormone LH (luteinizing) begins to be actively synthesized in the body, which “starts ovulation”, that is, leads to the rupture of the follicle with the egg. And if the egg meets the sperm within the next 1-2 days, then fertilization will occur, and pregnancy will occur. But since the cell lives only (approximately) a day after leaving the ovary, it is very important to determine the time of ovulation so that conception occurs for sure. This can be helped by special tests that are freely sold in pharmacies. Typically, the package contains 5 ovulation test strips, 2 pregnancy test strips, and urine collection containers.

When to do an ovulation test

The basis of such a study is to check the content of the LH hormone in the body. The tests are done simply: it is enough to collect a portion of urine, but not in the morning (as for a pregnancy test), but in the middle of the day or in the evening. After that, you should immerse the test in it and wait for the result to appear: the probability of conception is greatest if you see two bright strips of the ovulation test. If one - continue research for a few more days. To accurately calculate the time for such studies, you need to subtract 17 from the number of cycle days. For example, if your menstrual cycle is 29 days, then testing should start on the 12th (29-17 = 12). If your periods come irregularly, then it is recommended to take the minimum duration of your cycle for the number of days.

How to read results

So, having calculated the time of the study, you need to correctly interpret (read) its results. For example, if an ovulation test showed two strips when conception is possible - during intercourse within 48 hours after receiving this result. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. Modern tests are very sensitive, their reliability is up to 99%. Therefore, one test strip shows that the egg has not yet left the ovaries, that is, the LH hormone accompanying the process is absent in the urine. A pale ovulation test line indicates that the LH surge has not yet occurred in sufficient quantities, in which case you need to continue testing until the second strip becomes as bright as the first, control. Usually, the maximum concentration of the hormone in the urine is detected within 48 hours (it is at this time that the egg moves through the fallopian tube and is ready to meet the sperm), that is, the question of how many days the ovulation test shows 2 strips can be answered - about 2 day. It is during these two days that the probability of conception is maximum.

Please note that the test does not always give the correct result. It can be influenced by some hormonal drugs taken, the presence of a number of diseases associated with ovarian dysfunction, as well as kidney failure, etc. Nutrition plays a significant role in this matter, for example, if your food is rich in phytoestrogens, or there has been a sharp transition to a vegetarian diet or a raw food diet, test results may be false positive. Consider these factors when conducting research and, if necessary, consult a gynecologist who can prescribe an ultrasound (folliculometry) for the most accurate determination of ovulation.

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When a couple dreams of a child, catching the moment the egg leaves the follicle means catching luck by the tail. The ovulation test instruction recommends performing several times during the cycle with a break of 12 hours. This approach will allow you to find out as accurately as possible a favorable day for conception.

An ovulation test is necessary to determine the fertile period. During this period, the woman is completely ready for fertilization, and the likelihood of conception increases significantly. Any gynecologist will tell a couple planning a pregnancy why it is necessary to know fertile days. This is the basis of pregnancy planning.

During the cycle, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. Under the influence of some substances, the follicle grows and develops, while the production of others provokes its disclosure. Ovulation does not occur in every woman, but often the patient is unaware of such a violation, continuing to plan a pregnancy. That is why it is so important to determine whether this natural process exists in the body of the fairer sex. The reasons for the lack of ovulation can be:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • being overweight or underweight;
  • bad habits;
  • exposure to stress, lack of sleep and chronic fatigue;
  • ovarian exhaustion;
  • taking certain medications.

If the natural process is disturbed, then the probability of pregnancy tends to zero. A simple and reliable way to confirm a woman's ability to fertilize is a home ovulation test.

Knowing the exact time of the release of the egg from the follicle, a woman increases the chances of conception. In some cases, the test is required for the fairer sex for protection, but this method of contraception is not as reliable as others, and quite expensive. Doing a home study will allow the couple to know on which day of the cycle conception peaks. This will shorten the planning time. What is important for those who want to become parents as soon as possible.

What is this test

Test systems are strips coated with a special reagent. Upon contact with material that has an elevated level of luteinizing hormone, the system shows a positive result. LH is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland shortly before the release of the egg from the ovary. This substance starts the process of ovulation.

The standard package of test strips contains 5 systems. Instructions for use with a detailed description of the days for the manipulation is attached in a single copy. The principle of operation of all devices is as follows:

  • material (urine or saliva) is applied to the surface of the test (in the area designated for this);
  • the regent comes into contact with the biomaterial, trying to find the concentration of LH;
  • when determining this hormone, a reagent appears in the right amount;
  • test results are easily interpreted by the patient. Two stripes mean the onset of ovulation soon.

There are different types and models of strips for determining the fertile period, but they all work on the same principle.

Types of test systems

Modern pharmacological enterprises produce tests to establish ovulation for every taste and budget. All of them differ in sensitivity, ease of use and price category.


Paper test strips are the most inexpensive and common ovulation test. They are easy to use and compact. Such funds can be taken with you on the road, travel and even to work. Before carrying out the manipulation, it is necessary to find out exactly on which day of the cycle to do an ovulation test. The instructions included with the kit will tell you about it. Classic test strips must be immersed in a container with urine up to the indicated mark. Within a few minutes, the result should be evaluated, after which the device becomes uninformative.


Inkjet is a more expensive and convenient option for research. The undoubted advantage of its use is the absence of the need to collect biomaterial. Simply place the device under the stream of urine and evaluate the result in a few minutes.


The tablet test differs from its predecessors only in the method of use. To carry it out, it is necessary to collect urine in a clean container, and then use a pipette to apply the biomaterial into the desired window. After evaluating the result, this test also becomes uninformative. It is believed that the accuracy of tablet devices is higher than the performance of strip strips and inkjet tests.


The digital test is recognized as the most effective, but at the same time it has a high cost. The method of conducting the analysis is no different from inexpensive strip strips, but the result does not have to be interpreted independently, peering into the brightness of the lines. In the allotted window, a few minutes after the procedure, the woman will see a positive or negative answer.

Reusable (by saliva)

Reusable tests are less popular. They are necessary for women who regularly monitor the work of their reproductive function. Such devices involve the study of not urine, but saliva. In this biomaterial, the level of luteinizing hormone increases at the same rate. Externally, the device resembles a lipstick. To interpret the results, it is necessary to compare the resulting pattern with a sample characteristic of the fertile period.

Regardless of which type of device a woman chooses, she needs to know:

  • on what day of the cycle to conduct the study;
  • When is the best time to do an ovulation test?
  • how to interpret the received data;
  • when to start conception.

When to do the test

Before using the ovulation test, you need to read the instructions for use. Use it differently than a strip to determine pregnancy. Therefore, if a woman has never used them before, she must definitely read the information from the leaflet.


When is the best time to do research? An ovulation test (unlike a pregnancy test) is best done during the daytime (from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.). It is better not to use the first morning portion of urine.

On which day to do an ovulation test depends on the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. Each device is accompanied by a table that sets certain days for patients with a long, natural or short cycle:

  • with a standard, most common, cycle of 28 days, the study begins on day 11;
  • for a longer monthly cycle, testing is suggested to begin 17 days before the expected bleeding. For example, with a cycle of 32 days, we do a test on day 15;
  • women with irregular menstruation should start the study in accordance with the shortest cycle (at 23 days - from 6), and complete in accordance with the longest (at 33 days - at 16). Be prepared for the fact that you will need quite a lot of test strips.

Here is a guide for women with different lengths of the menstrual cycle.

  • Cycle 22 days - the first test for ovulation is done on day 5 of the MC;
  • 23 days - 6 day MC;
  • 24 days - 7;
  • 25 days - 8;
  • 26 days - 9;
  • 27 days - 10;
  • 28 days - 11;
  • 29 days - 12;
  • 30 days - 13;
  • 31 days - 14;
  • 32 days - 15;
  • 33 days - 16;
  • 34 days - 17;
  • 35 days - 18;
  • 36 days - 19;
  • 37 days - 20;
  • 38 days - 21;
  • 39 days - 22;
  • 40 days - 23.

How the test is done

For strip strips and tablet devices, the method of use is approximately the same. It is necessary to collect urine in a dry container, and then apply the material to the system (immerse the strip strip to the indicated mark, and place a few drops in the tablet using a pipette). After that, the manufacturer suggests waiting 5-10 minutes and evaluating the result.

It is important to know how to do an ovulation test correctly when using a jet machine. Instructions for use suggests removing the cap from the device and placing it under the stream of urine for a certain time (3-7 seconds). There is no need to wait until urination is complete, otherwise the system will overflow with biomaterial. The result is interpreted in the same way as in the previous versions.

The electronic test is the easiest to use. It is used similarly to popular strip strips, but it is almost impossible to spoil or misuse this device. The result obtained remains accurate throughout the day.

Unlike the classic morning urine pregnancy test, ovulation timing is best done in the afternoon. The results of such diagnostics will be more accurate if you follow the rules:

  • refrain from urinating for 4 hours;
  • before the study, do not consume large amounts of liquid;
  • do not take hormonal drugs, including external use;
  • conduct a study every 12-24 hours.

As a rule, five strips of a test pack are enough to carry out diagnostics in one cycle.

Result interpretation

The main thing you need to know about the ovulation test is how to use it correctly. Only if the conditions of the procedure are observed, you can get a reliable result, which will be:

  • positive - the device shows two bright strips or a darker reagent strip;
  • negative - the control band is brighter than the test band or the latter is absent altogether.

It is impossible to consider a pale strip, shown at the place of application of the reagent, as a positive result. This response suggests further testing in 12-24 hours. Upon receipt of a positive response, it can be considered that within 2 days an egg will be released from the ovary.

Interestingly, ovulation tests on the day of ovulation most often show a negative result. The fact is that the test determines the peak level of luteinizing hormone. Immediately at the time of the release of the egg from the follicle and immediately after it, the release of this substance is lower than 24-48 hours before.

Also, many women are interested in whether ovulation tests can not show ovulation? It turns out that a false negative result occurs when the conditions for the procedure are not met, for example, after drinking a large amount of liquid, which dilutes concentrated urine. Also, a negative response can be obtained if the study was performed out of time.

False positives are less common than false negatives. Its causes are the pathology of the adrenal glands, the use of hormonal drugs, hormonal dysfunction, ovarian exhaustion, as well as other disorders in the body.

Additional Methods

To accurately determine the fertile period, additional research methods should be used. One of the simple and affordable is. Tracking charts can show the time when reliable results of an ovulation test will be received and when it makes sense to do it.

Another informative, but more expensive way to determine the time for conception is. The essence of the technique is to conduct an ultrasound examination from 2 to 5 times during the cycle. The sonologist monitors the growth of the follicle and suggests on what day it will open.

“The tests are quite informative, but like all indirect methods, they have a percentage of errors,” says an obstetrician-gynecologist, a doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences,. - Therefore, we usually use several methods to check for ovulation - ovulation tests from 11 to 15 (20) days of the cycle, basal temperature, ultrasound monitoring, control of progesterone levels in the blood on days 21-24 of the cycle. We advise you to use several of the listed methods, this will increase the percentage of reliability of the study.

Less reliable, but often practiced methods for diagnosing ovulation are:

  • monitoring vaginal discharge;
  • intuitive sensations;
  • calendar method.

So, it will be possible to determine the time of release of the egg from the ovary as reliably as possible if several methods are used at once.

For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary not only the quality of the biological material, but also the ability to use it, namely, to calculate favorable days for conception. For this, schedules, calendars, observation of symptoms and ultrasound are used. One of the most reliable methods is determination by probing. To establish accurate results, you need to know how to do an ovulation test correctly.

Ovulation is the process of release of a mature oocyte from the follicular cavity through the action of luteinizing hormone and estradiol on the walls of the follicle. Before ovulation, estrogen predominates in the body, in the luteinizing phase -.

A high level of estrogen indicates a large follicle, as more and more shell cells are able to produce the hormone. A high concentration of estrogen is a marker for an LH surge. The peak concentration of the hormone in a woman's body is 1-1.5 days before ovulation. It is under the influence of LH that a rupture of the follicle is possible. The duration of the ovulatory process is 16-32 hours.

Before doing an ovulation study, you need to determine the days to start daily calculations. First, you should find out the duration of your own cycle. With a normal level of hormones, its duration is the same, and ovulation occurs with deviations of 1-3 days. With an irregular cycle, you need to fix the duration of the shortest of them within 6 months and count on it.

General rules for urine analysis

The informativeness of diagnostics lies in the strict observance of the rules for its implementation. In addition to the attached instructions, there are criteria that can affect the quality of the test material:

  1. The amount of liquid drunk before the diagnosis affects the concentration of LH in the urine. This means that a normal amount of water must be drunk prior to the test, as concentrated or watery material may give a false positive or false negative result.
  2. Strips must be vacuum sealed prior to use. If the integrity of the packaging has been compromised, this may cause false results.
  3. For greater accuracy, it is better to conduct a study in the morning and in the evening. Before urine collection, you must refrain from emptying the bladder for 4 hours, which means that the first morning urine is not suitable for analysis.
  4. Before testing, you need to study the instructions, since if the analysis is carried out incorrectly, the gadget may be mistaken.
  5. Before use, it is necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs, as they reduce the reliability of the results.
  6. With irregular cycles, the diagnostic results are not informative as a means of natural contraception.


The instructions usually describe how to use the ovulation test, may indicate the general rules for conducting, the principle of operation of the device and the evaluation of the results.

For diagnostics using a strip strip, you must:

  1. Take care of the hygiene of the genitals in advance.
  2. Collect urine into a vessel after a 4-hour abstinence from urination.
  3. After that, the strip strip must be lowered with a sensitive end into the liquid for 15-20 seconds and placed on a horizontal surface.
  4. The result can be seen in 5 minutes.
  5. If the test showed a weak second strip, a second test is recommended after 12 hours or a day.

Analysis of results

If before the analysis one strip was already present on the device, this indicates its unsuitability. A false result also occurs when liquid enters the boundary strip.

After counting 17 days from the end of the menstrual cycle, a test is performed, the results of which may be as follows:

  1. On the first day of the study, a faint second line on the ovulation test may be observed. This indicates an insignificant concentration of LH, which means that the next test should be carried out in a day.
  2. If after a day the second strip is seen better than during the first test, this indicates a gradual increase in the level of the hormone. In the future, it is recommended to do testing 2 times a day.
  3. If the strip is pale or absent after testing for several days, this indicates a shift in ovulation, a violation of folliculogenesis, or diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. If the band becomes brighter with each test, but its tone does not reach the concentration of the control band, the results may indicate that the result is weakly positive.
  5. If the stripes during the test are equally bright or more saturated than the control, the result is positive.
  6. In the absence of a control strip, most likely, either the packaging was broken, or the device was defective in production.

It is important to consider that the listed decryption options are based on the correct conduct of the test, which means that any violation of the instructions can cause a false positive result.

Inkjet ovulation tests

The inkjet test is an upgraded version of the strip strip. It is performed without urine collection. For probing, you need to substitute the sensitive end of the device under the stream of urine. The results of an ovulation test can be seen in a few minutes.

The convenience of this method of analysis is that for probing there is no need to look for a vessel and conduct urine sampling. The device is in a special plastic package that protects it from excess moisture. The test is recommended to be carried out 2 times a day to calculate the best time for conception.

Digital instruments - features of the result evaluation

An electronic ovulation test differs in the method of evaluating the result. The method of its implementation is the same as with the inkjet test, however, to establish the presence of the ovulatory process, there is no need to independently check the shades, compare the results with previously performed analyzes.

To conduct the test, it is necessary to open one of the strips, and then remove the special cap from the device. The device must be inserted into the holder so that the arrow on it coincides with the one on the device, after which a signal about the readiness of the test should sound for 1 minute.

After this signal, you need to substitute the device under the stream of urine for 5-7 seconds, if the urine was collected in advance, you need to place the sensitive end for 15-20 seconds, then you can postpone the test while waiting for the results. The device, 20 seconds after exposure to the liquid, should emit a signal about the readiness of the test, which indicates the correctness of the process.

The answer will appear on the screen in 2-3 minutes. There can only be 2 results:

  • an empty circle, which indicates a negative result and a low level of LH;
  • smiley, which means a high concentration of luteinizing hormone, and approaching ovulation.

Saliva testers - advantages

When examining saliva, there are no problems, such as recognizing a weak line on an ovulation test, there is no need to compare with previous tests. It is known that at the moment of release of the oocyte, salts form a pattern similar to the outlines of a fern leaf due to abrupt hormonal changes.

Reusable saliva tests are divided into mechanical microscopes and electronic ones. If ovulation has occurred, an electronic test shows that the result is positive, you can independently assess the state of saliva using a microscope. You can do an ovulation test in the morning and in the evening.

The device was created to determine not only the rupture of the follicle, but is a marker of other processes occurring in the body of a woman:

  • favorable days for conception;
  • cause of infertility;
  • the reason for the delay in menstruation;
  • the threat of miscarriage or fading of the fetus;
  • pregnancy up to 1-1.5 weeks;
  • assess the state of the hormonal background during menopause;
  • gender of the baby;
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

How to use

The reusable hormone tester is the most accurate test on the market.

For probing, you need to put a small amount of saliva or urine on a glass slide and observe the change in its appearance. This must be done with sterile instruments. Under the influence of estrogens, the salts in the test material, when dried, turn into strokes and lines, the location of which can be varied. It will depend on the concentration of estrogen in the body, which reaches its peak along with LH.

If, during the study on the approximate days of ovulation, the crystals do not change their structure, this may indicate late ovulation, impaired folliculogenesis, or pregnancy.

Which saliva test to choose

Reusable tests are expensive devices, but at irregular rates, they help to more accurately determine the rupture of the egg. Of the microscopes, the most common are Ovulux, Arbor Elite, MAYBE MOM. A popular electronic pocket "laboratory" in the post-Soviet space is D.


An ovulation test is the best method of pregnancy planning, as it helps to determine the beginning of the process of rupture of the follicular membrane with 99% accuracy. To independently determine the day of the ovulation process, urine and saliva tests are used. Each of them has its own advantages, however, in choosing a planning system, one must proceed not only from convenience or price, but also from the quality and sensitivity of the instruments.

Regardless of the manufacturer of the test and its type, the most important thing is to follow the instructions and the general rules for testing.



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