Salted green tomatoes for the winter. How to Pickle Green Tomatoes

Green tomato salad can be prepared both for direct consumption and as a preparation for the winter. Unripe fruits give it a special unique taste.

  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 300 g
  • Bulgarian red pepper - (weight of peeled pepper) 300 g
  • garlic - 50 g
  • hot pepper - ½ - 1 pc.
  • hops-suneli, ucho-suneli - 1 tsp each
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • 9% vinegar (or 5% wine vinegar) - 50 ml (or 90 ml)
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • salt 1 tbsp +1 tsp

I made a tomato for 1 kg (I have so many left after salting), so it will not be difficult to count for a larger number. I got about 2 liters of ready-made salad.

We cut the tomatoes in half and then into thin slices, immediately salt the tomatoes with 1 tbsp. salt, and in the process of cutting, mix in a large container. While I am cutting other components, the tomatoes will be salted and juice will be released, then it must be drained and squeezed a little “without fanaticism” so as not to mash the tomatoes.

I cut the onion into thin half rings, the pepper into thin strips. Finely chop the garlic and cilantro.

Add all the chopped vegetables, dry spices, 1 tsp to the squeezed tomatoes. salt with a small slide, mix well. Then pour in the vinegar and oil. Put the salad in a saucepan (I did it in a 3-liter can), seal, cover with a plate and put a small load (a jar of water, I put 0.5 liters).

Leave the salad warm for about a day, then you can put it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator.

You can try immediately or a couple of hours after cooling.

Surplus lettuce can be decomposed into jars, sterilized and closed.

Recipe 2: Delicious Green Tomato Salad with Nuts and Garlic

  • Green tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Nuts - 200 Grams
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Garlic - 3-4 Cloves
  • Fresh herbs - To taste (parsley, cilantro)
  • Spices - To taste (fenugreek, hot pepper, coriander, salt)
  • Vegetable oil - 1 Art. spoon
  • Vinegar - 6 Art. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

Cut green tomatoes into slices and place in a saucepan. Add 200 ml of water, salt, oil and some vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Throw the tomatoes in a colander, add coarsely chopped onions.

Pass nuts and garlic through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with spices, add 4 tbsp. vinegar and stir.

Add the resulting thick paste to the salad, add fresh herbs there. Mix and send to the refrigerator for an hour or two. That's it, green tomato salad is ready!

Recipe 3: how to cook green tomato salad with carrots and onions

  • - green tomatoes - 3 kg
  • - carrots - 1.5 kg
  • - onion - 1.5 kg
  • - salt - 100 g
  • - sugar - 150 g
  • - vegetable oil - 300 g
  • - vinegar 9% - 60 g per 1 liter of juice
  • - pepper, bay leaf - to taste

Vegetables - green tomatoes, wash the carrots well in cold water, then cut the tomatoes into slices, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, you can also make rings if it is not large. Put everything in a large enameled pan or basin, sprinkle with salt, mix well (it is better to do this with your hands, not with a spoon) and put in a cool place for 10-12 hours, so that the vegetables soften and give juice.

Then the juice that has formed must be poured into another saucepan and measured in liter jars, that is, it will have to be poured again first into a jar and then into another saucepan - this is necessary in order to find out how much vinegar we need to add (see recipe).

We add sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar to this juice (as much as you need in jars), pepper and bay leaf to taste, if you like it spicier, put more, and if not, then less.

And we put the juice on the fire, when it boils, it is necessary to pour the boiling into the vegetables, mix gently and put it all together to cook. Cook the salad for 30-40 minutes.

Prepare jars in advance, they need to be washed and sterilized. We lay out the finished hot salad in jars, roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it with something warm and let it cool in this position. After cooling, the green tomato salad with carrots and onions is ready to eat.

Recipe 4: Green Tomato Garlic Salad

green tomatoes - 1 kg
garlic - 1-2 cloves
fresh parsley - 20 g
sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
a mixture of peppers - 2-3 g
chili pepper - to taste
salt - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Wash green tomatoes thoroughly under running water, dry, cut out the junctions with the stalk. Cut vegetables into medium-sized pieces and transfer to a bowl.

2. Peel and chop the garlic (very finely chop with a knife, pass through a press or grate on a fine grater).

3. Rinse parsley, dry, finely chop with a knife.

4. Wash the hot capsicum, dry it, remove the stalk and seeds, chop (pass through a press or finely chop with a knife).

The amount of this product is up to you. If desired, hot pepper can be replaced with red ground pepper or not added at all.
5. Add chopped garlic, hot peppers, sugar, salt, pepper mixture and table vinegar to a bowl with tomatoes. Mix the vegetable mass well so that the sugar and salt crystals are completely dissolved.

6. Add sunflower oil and chopped parsley to the salad, mix again, close the bowl with tomatoes with cling film (or a lid) and place in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. To prepare this salad, it is desirable to use refined sunflower oil.

7. After 1-2 days, remove the bowl of salad from the refrigerator, mix the food, transfer to a salad bowl and serve.

To prepare this salad, I recommend using hot red peppers. It is in this case that the food will look brighter and more appetizing. In addition to parsley, you can use any other herb you like, such as dill or celery. At the same time, greens can be added both during the cooking process and immediately before serving.

Recipe 5: cooking green tomato salad in a slow cooker

  • Green tomatoes (800 g)
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.)
  • Onion (2 pcs.)
  • Sugar (0.5 tsp)
  • Table salt (1 teaspoon)
  • Tomato (1 pc.)
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Carrots (3 pcs.)
  • Garlic (1 pc.)

Delicious, it is very tasty both cold and freshly cooked, still hot and with bread.

We clean the onion and cut it into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, and send the onion into it.

Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, add to the onion.

Wash the bell pepper and cut into strips.

Peel the garlic and cut into slices, I had a small head, weighing 15 grams. Cook vegetables for 10 minutes on the "frying" mode.

Wash and cut the tomatoes as desired, and send them to the slow cooker.

We cook on the "stewing" mode for 1 hour, salt, add a little sugar. During cooking, the vegetables will release a lot of juice, if you don’t like it, you can evaporate and lightly fry the vegetables in the “frying” mode.

After the time has passed, the salad is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Green Tomato and Pepper Salad

1 kg of green tomatoes, you can take slightly pinkish or yellowish, but always firm, I only had green ones,
1 pod of hot red pepper,
1 head of garlic
sugar - 2 table. spoons,
vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons,
vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
salt - 1 tablespoon,
parsley optional.

In a bowl, mix salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar, add finely chopped pepper, garlic, squeezed through the garlic or also finely chopped. Stir until salt and sugar dissolve.

Cut tomatoes into slices

put in a bowl with a lid, you can put it in a jar and pour the resulting mixture,

Mix well, close the lid and put in the fridge for a day.
We take it out, put it in a salad bowl and sprinkle with parsley. Delicious! It can be stored for a long time, but we eat this norm in 2 days.

Recipe 7: Green Tomato, Carrot, Garlic Salad

This recipe is used as a salad, appetizer, cold and hot and very tasty. Georgian cuisine.

  • 500 gr. green tomatoes
  • carrot-3 pcs
  • bulb-2 pcs
  • vegetable oil-3 tbsp
  • garlic-5 cloves
  • hot pepper-1 pc
  • parsley, salt, pepper

Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes into small pieces, carrots into slices, finely hot pepper. Salt the vegetables, pepper, pour vegetable oil and simmer for 25-30 minutes. At the end, add finely chopped garlic and parsley. Let cool.

according to the recipe, all vegetables should be stewed at once, without frying, but because I don’t really like “boiled onions”, I fry it first until golden brown, then add carrots, lightly frying tomatoes last.
Serve with meat or simply eat with fresh bread.

Recipe 8: Green Tomato and Cucumber Salad

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • green tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • table vinegar - to taste;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • table salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

Wash vegetables thoroughly and cut into large pieces. Put them in a deep saucepan, add sugar, salt, pepper, mustard and garlic. Pour in table vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything and leave for 4-5 hours.

After this time, spread the salad in clean, dry jars and send for sterilization. The process takes approximately 15 minutes. Then tightly roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. Leave the blanks in this position for about a day - during this time the salad will cool completely and will be ready for storage. Place jars of snacks in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 9: Green Tomato Salad with Cabbage

Green tomato salad is a savory sweet and sour snack that goes well with meat and potatoes in various forms, and can be served with unrefined vegetable oil. Apple cider vinegar gently marinates vegetables, retaining their crunchiness and is not at all harmful, compared to table cider vinegar.

1 kg. green tomatoes (strong, whole fruits)
1 kg. white cabbage
2 large onions
2 sweet peppers
100 g of sugar (can be less)
30 g salt
250 ml apple cider vinegar 6%
5-7 peas of black and allspice

Yield: 1 liter of ready-made salad.

Add sugar, apple cider vinegar, black and allspice peas to the vegetable mixture. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Wash glass jars well, sterilize in a hot oven or steam for 10-12 minutes, put the finished hot mixture in them, compacting well. If storage is planned outside the refrigerator, it is necessary to sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water - 10-12 minutes, liter - 15-20, then roll them under iron lids. I cover with a plastic lid, cool at room temperature and put the salad in the refrigerator.

It is very good to serve such a salad as an appetizer for boiled potatoes, baked meat or poultry. And a jar of salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Recipe 10: Quick Green Tomato Salad

I have been preparing green tomato salad according to this recipe for about 20 years. The whole family loves it, the salad is very tasty and fragrant, a bit like stuffed green tomatoes, but it's easier to cook. Minimum ingredients, quick preparation and amazing taste!

A quick green tomato salad can be served at the table within an hour or two after preparation. You can store in the refrigerator for more than a month, this salad is also suitable for preservation.

green tomatoes - 1.8 kg, completely green, milky ripeness, and brown are suitable;
bell pepper - 4 pieces, better than red, and brighter and tastier;
garlic - 2 heads;
hot pepper "chili" - half of one pod and a whole pod, if you like it spicier;
greens - 1 bunch of parsley + dill;

For the marinade you will need:
water 1 liter;
vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
salt - 50 ml;
sugar 100 ml.

boil water, add salt, sugar, vinegar, let it boil and remove from heat - the salad marinade is ready!

Wash tomatoes and cut into small pieces.

Add chopped bell pepper, hot pepper, finely chopped greens and garlic, passed through the garlic.

We mix everything and put it tightly in a 3-liter bottle or liter jars.

One serving of vegetables produces 1 bottle or 3 liter jars of salad.

Pour marinade over salad.

Depending on which marinade, cold or hot, you pour, the taste, speed of preparation of the salad and its shelf life will depend.
If the salad is poured with boiling marinade, then you can treat yourself to them as soon as everything cools down. Of course, it tastes better if you let it stand for an hour in the refrigerator. Store salad in the refrigerator.
If you want to prepare this salad for the winter. Pour boiling marinade over it and sterilize for 20 minutes. Cork after the jar. The taste of canned lettuce will be slightly milder than fresh.
If the salad is poured hot, 60 -80 degrees marinade, then after everything has cooled down, let the salad brew for 8-10 hours at room temperature, and only then put it in the cold. This salad will be more crispy than the previous one and its taste will be brighter.
If you pour the salad with marinade cooled to room temperature, then you need to insist it for at least a day, but such a salad can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a month.

I usually make a salad of 1.5 or 2 servings of vegetables, divide everything into 3 parts and fill each bottle with a marinade of different temperatures. So I have a quick green tomato salad for lunch and dinner. When the first jar is eaten, a well-infused and chilled second jar is on the way. And the third jar can be stored in the refrigerator until you want to eat green tomato salad again.
Serve a quick green tomato salad chilled. Before serving, you can add some fresh herbs and fragrant sunflower oil to the salad, or you can do without it, as you like. Bon appetit!

When autumn comes, and there are still many green tomatoes left in the garden, many simply throw them away. But do not spoil the product, because there are many recipes for instant green tomatoes. Vegetables can be pickled, fermented, salted, caviar and various salads can be made from them. The most useful are salted tomatoes. The result will please all relatives and friends.

Product selection

To prepare chopped green instant tomatoes, you should follow some rules when choosing them. The main ones are:

Slices with adjika and garlic

This preparation is best done in liter jars. Quick green tomatoes in the recipe include the following products:

To pickle green tomatoes quickly with garlic, you should do the following manipulations:

Whole in Korean

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are quite spicy, as they belong to Korean cuisine. They contain the following ingredients:

  1. Green very ripe tomatoes, the diameter of which is up to 5 centimeters - 500 g.
  2. Fresh parsley - 1 medium bunch.
  3. Garlic cloves - 7 pcs.
  4. Dried hot chilli pepper - 1 pc.
  5. Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Natural apple or wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  7. Kitchen salt - to taste.

The recipe includes the following steps:

After the time has passed, you can eat instant green tomatoes for food.

Georgian style for the winter

This blank has a very attractive appearance and unsurpassed taste. The ingredients for cooking are:

How to make a spicy Georgian preparation according to this recipe:

After that, the dish is removed until winter in a cold dark place.

Sauerkraut in Armenian

Pickled tomatoes are very popular in Armenia. To prepare them, you need the following set of products:

Quick green tomatoes according to this recipe are prepared as follows:

With mustard and aspirin

This method is called "cold", as it does not imply sterilization. The ingredients of the dish are:

In order to pickle green tomatoes in a cold way, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

It is ready for use in 2 months.

In barrels without vinegar

Salted tomatoes harvested in a barrel turn out to be unusually tasty and healthy, since they do not contain vinegar.

The recipe includes the following products:

To pickle tomatoes in a barrel without vinegar, you must do the following.

  • green tomatoes (medium size);
  • sweet pepper (red);
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • hot peppers.
  • For filling:
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g of sugar sand;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 100 ml table vinegar.

How to cook Daily Salted Green Tomatoes

Wash the green tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into large chunks. For daily pickling, milky tomatoes are more suitable, that is, their surface is not dark, but slightly whitish.

Pepper should be exactly red, you can, of course, take green pepper, but then the appetizer will no longer look so bright and beautiful. Remove the stalk with seeds, wash and cut into thin strips. Take pepper in relation to green tomatoes in a ratio of 1: 2.

Wash and chop the leaves of fresh parsley, finely chop the garlic and hot peppers. Greens should be added more, garlic is also not necessary to regret. But the amount of hot pepper depends on its sharpness and your love for spicy.

Put it all in a heat-resistant container with a lid and mix well. We use a large rectangular container, you can use a jar, a pot or a small tub.

Add granulated sugar, vinegar and salt to the water, bring it all to a boil and pour the chopped and mixed vegetables into the resulting marinade. If necessary, the amount of filling should be increased, as long as it completely covers the tomatoes.

Close the lid and leave at room temperature until the marinade has cooled completely. Then remove the container in the cold.

After 24 hours, you can already lay on and enjoy crispy and slightly spicy salted green tomatoes. If desired, a vegetable snack can be seasoned with vegetable oil, but this is not at all necessary, since it is very good in its pure form.

Salted green tomatoes instant recipe with photo

We offer you a recipe for instant salted green tomatoes, we will cook them with a lot of garlic and herbs.

Salted green tomatoes per day

Cooking time: Not indicated

According to memoirs, the recipe that was in the greatest demand was instant lightly salted green tomatoes, you will now see the recipe for a day. No less tasty are these salted tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic for the winter.

- 1.5 liters of boiled water;

- 1.5 tablespoons of salt;

- 3 tablespoons of sugar;

- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 5%;

- A small bunch of dill;

- 3 cloves of garlic;

Tomatoes choose dense, firm, whole, without any defects on the skin. Wash them.

Take a tall bowl or bowl of water and add salt, mix sugar and stir until completely dissolved, then add apple cider vinegar.

Finely chop the garlic. Be sure to cook such green tomatoes for the winter.

Take a large container, put fresh dill and garlic on its bottom.

Lay all hard tomatoes, pepper,

put chili pepper on top

pour pre-prepared brine.

Chop dill. Put dill on top of the jar.

Put in the refrigerator for a day, after which salted instant green tomatoes

will be ready. You will definitely like this recipe, as it is neutral, suitable for both adults and children due to the unobtrusive taste that comes out in the end.

Lightly salted green tomatoes of instant preparation, the recipe for a day

I love canned vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, various salads. Unfortunately, I do not always have enough time to prepare conservation, as I have to work from morning to evening. I propose to cook lightly salted green tomatoes, a quick recipe for a day

Pickled instant green tomatoes in a pot

Pickling green tomatoes is easy and profitable. Firstly, the unripe fruits will go into action, and you will not have to think about how to save them. Secondly, there are a huge number of recipes with which you can pickle green tomatoes. It will not be difficult to choose the most suitable for you. Thirdly, pickled green fruits are very healthy and tasty.

A variety of options for salting allows you to cook spicy tomatoes, sweet, stuffed and without, with spices and classic in brine.

Even if your family already has a favorite recipe, you can always try something new. And the advantages of homemade preparations have been appreciated by the hostesses for a long time:

  • you know for sure that the dish is prepared from fresh ingredients;
  • such snacks are much cheaper;
  • most importantly, no popular salads from the supermarket can compare with the taste of homemade preparations.

It is very convenient to use enameled pans for salting green tomatoes. They successfully replace the barrels in which vegetables have been salted and fermented for a long time. In modern apartments and houses, it is rare to find a real tub for salting. But pots, buckets and plastic containers are available in sufficient quantities and different sizes. The optimal container is a saucepan up to 5 liters. In such containers, you can pickle tomatoes in different ways.

Consider popular recipes for pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan for the winter.

A simple and delicious option for home pickling

We need unripe tomatoes of medium size. It is best if they are in the stage of milky ripeness with a slightly whitened skin.

Brown, red and green require different concentrations of salt when marinating.

We select even healthy fruits without damage, signs of damage or rotten areas.

We wash the fruits well, put them in a colander for blanching in boiling water. We hold the tomatoes for 5 minutes, then immediately cool them under running cold running water.

We wash the greens, let the water drain and cut.

We clean the garlic from the husk, you can cut the teeth in half. Often, when pickling, garlic cloves are put whole.

We put the pan in a bowl of a suitable size so that at the time of fermentation the juice does not flow onto the floor.

We shift the blanched green tomatoes in a saucepan in layers. Sprinkle each layer with herbs, slices of pepper and garlic. The more fresh herbs we take, the richer we get the taste of pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan.

Boil the brine and cool. Pour the tomatoes with the cooled composition, put a plate and oppression on top. Cover with a clean cloth. We will schedule a tasting in 2 weeks.

Proportions of ingredients for 1 kg of green tomatoes:

  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • parsley and celery - 1 bunch each.

If desired, add a bay leaf, sweet pepper in a small amount.

For brine, for every liter of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt.

Accelerated salting option

This recipe is used by many housewives to speed up the harvesting process. Due to the content of solanine in green tomatoes, it takes time for its concentration to decrease. It is destroyed during the fermentation process and the preparation of green tomatoes in the pan becomes safe for consumption. But there is an opportunity to pickle instant green tomatoes.

Literally in a day you get delicious tomatoes, but in this case you need to add table vinegar. If that doesn't bother you, then let's get started.

We measure the number of unripe tomatoes with a 3-liter saucepan. We take as much as we can fit in it. Usually this amount is equal in weight to 1.6 - 1.8 kg.

Well, wash all the tomatoes and cut them into slices like a salad. In order for the finished vegetables to be strong and elastic, you should not cut them finely.

Grate 2-3 carrots.

Cut hot pepper into pieces. Adjust the amount of spiciness to your liking.

Grind garlic cloves in a convenient way.

We begin to lay the vegetables in layers in a pan - we alternate the tomatoes with garlic, carrots and peppers.

Fill with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Then we pour the water into a separate container and boil again, but with salt (2 tablespoons), sugar (5 tablespoons), vinegar (100 ml). Add laurel leaves (3 pieces) and peppercorns (5 pieces) to the brine.

Boil the composition for 3 minutes and pour the tomatoes in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and set to marinate for a day. After 24 hours, our pickled green tomatoes in the pot are ready.

Cold marinating in a saucepan

An excellent option for pickling green tomatoes with a taste of cask. Pots help out if there is no tub in the house. Yes, and it requires a lot of care in order to survive longer, and the quality of the fruit was excellent. Therefore, the preference of the mistresses of enameled pans is fully justified.

There are no very strict dosages of products in this option, and it is considered the most convenient. Another plus is that you can take tomatoes of different sizes for harvesting. Very large cut in half. The main ingredients are green tomatoes, fresh herbs (dill, celery, parsley), spices (garlic and hot peppers).

Wash prepared vegetables under running water. Large cut, and medium and small chop. You can replace the punctures with cross-shaped incisions in the region of the stalk.

Peel the garlic and cut into slices.

Cut hot pepper into slices or rings.

Wash the greens and chop coarsely or leave whole leaves.

Put greens on the bottom of the pan, a layer of tomato on top. Alternate layers of green tomatoes with pepper, garlic and herbs. Spices are placed in one layer. After laying the pan, you need to make sure that the final layer is made of spices and herbs.

Preparing the marinade is very easy. For a 3-liter saucepan, you will need cold boiled water (2 liters) and coarse salt (70 g per liter). When cooking for 5 or 10 liter pots, just recalculate the proportions. Pour the container so that the brine covers all the vegetables.

Quick option with vegetables

An amazing and delicious recipe combining green tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, onions and spices.

Its uniqueness is that the green tomato appetizer looks like stuffed peppers. And the filling consists of garlic, onion, carrot and tomato. But unripe tomatoes canned in this way will surprise all guests.

For 5 kg of sweet pepper you will need to cook:

  • 5 kg unripe tomatoes;
  • 300 g of peeled garlic;
  • 1 carrot and a large onion.

The marinade is prepared from 2 cups of sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of table salt.

Cut tomatoes into small slices.

We clean the pepper from the stalks and seeds, rinse under running water.

Grind tomatoes, carrots, onions and garlic in a meat grinder. Mix and stuff the pepper with this composition.

We put it tightly in a saucepan, additionally sprinkling with herbs and onion rings.

Boil the marinade immediately with all the ingredients and pour the workpiece. We put the pot with peppers on the fire and boil for 15 minutes.

Cooled vegetables can be tasted.

Feel free to use your favorite herbs to pickle green tomatoes. Each of them gives its own taste and aroma to the appetizer, so there are a lot of recipes.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic

If you have a lot of green tomatoes, you can put them to good use by preparing a quick and tasty snack according to this recipe. Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic they are perfect for any side dish, and as an appetizer they can be served with baked meat. To acquire a rich taste, tomatoes need to brew in the refrigerator for two days. During this time, they will marinate well, become softer.


Cooking steps

Wash and cut green tomatoes into slices. Add salt, sugar, a mixture of peppers, finely chopped parsley and garlic, passed through a press, pour in vinegar. All ingredients should be mixed and left until the salt and sugar dissolve. You can also stir a couple of times so that the sugar and salt dissolve faster.

Then add sunflower oil to the tomatoes and mix again. Oil must be added at the very end, as spices do not dissolve well in it.

Cover a bowl with tomatoes with a film or a lid, put in the refrigerator for two days. After this time, delicious pickled green tomatoes with instant garlic can be served at the table.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Instant Garlic - Recipe with Photo

If you have a lot of green tomatoes, you can put them to good use by preparing a quick and tasty snack according to this recipe. Instant pickled green tomatoes with garlic are perfect for any side dish, and as an appetizer they can be served with baked meat. To purchase…

Choose the best, interesting and proven recipes for green tomatoes with garlic on the website. Try variations with a variety of fragrant greens, bell and chili peppers, carrots. Create an amazing snack from a seemingly junk product. Appreciate the charm of various marinades.

When choosing green tomatoes, sort them according to the degree of maturity, as well as by size. It is not advisable to mix brown and green tomatoes in one container. Ideally, fruits of medium caliber, greenish-milky tone, without damage and stalks, are suitable. Spicy, sweetish, spicy, pickled, pickled, stuffed - there are quite a few ways to cook green tomatoes. The result, in any case, will be great.

The five most commonly used ingredients in green tomato garlic recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Make "minced meat": in a blender, kill greens, garlic, pepper.
2. Salt, stir.
3. Rinse the tomatoes, cut them in half or make a cross cut.
4. Carefully stuff with the spicy salt mixture.
5. Place “umbrellas” of dill, a few peas of bitter and allspice, cloves, leaves and horseradish root, bay leaf at the bottom of a clean dish.
6. Tamp the tomatoes tightly.
7. Pour warm brine.
8. Leave in a cool place for a couple of weeks.

Five of the fastest recipes for green tomatoes with garlic:

Helpful Hints:
. Before blanks, it is more correct to clean the containers with baking soda, rinse thoroughly with water and sterilize. After such processing, the banks will not explode.
. It is convenient to sterilize jars for preservation in the microwave (10-15 minutes). Just pour half a glass of water into each.
. Very small, smaller than a walnut, green tomatoes are best avoided. They can give a taste of bitterness and green tops, which will significantly spoil the quality of the final product.

The classic list of vegetable preparations for the winter includes such representatives of the crop as: cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, carrots and many other fruits.

Have you ever tried to cook green tomatoes - salted and pickled, or at least heard of such an appetizer? If you are lucky with the harvest, albeit not too ripe, then be sure to roll up a few jars - you will be surprised how tasty it is.

Pickles and Marinades: What's the Difference?

Canning is one of the most popular ways to prepare products for a long time. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, even garlic - these are the vegetables that we are always glad to see on our table.

But why do we prefer to eat some of them salted, and some pickled, because the technologies for preparing them are quite similar?

  1. When salting, salt is used as a preservative. It better preserves products in the most natural form, moreover, provides a fairly long shelf life.
  2. The marinade is based on acid: it can be lemon juice, vinegar, or something similar. She, in combination with butter and other additives, makes the dish spicy, and if desired, spicy.

Try both options and then choose which one you like better.

Salted green tomatoes for the winter


The number of products is indicated based on a 2-liter jar

  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • Parsley - 3-4 sprigs;
  • Blackcurrant leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Horseradish (leaves) - 3 pcs.;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pod (you can take the quantity to taste or do without it at all);
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Allspice and black peppercorns - to taste;
  • Non-carbonated drinking water - 1 liter.

How to pickle green tomatoes in jars for the winter

If you have ever tried salting tomatoes, then this recipe will not cause you any difficulties. The most important thing is to choose the right vegetables so that they are not dented or spoiled, and then you just need a little patience.

Sterilizing jars and lids

  • We will use a cold preservation method, so special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of dishes. For sterilization, we use a steam bath, an electric oven or a conventional microwave oven. In the latter case, be sure to pour water into the jars so that they do not crack.
  • When the jars are well warmed up, carefully put them on a clean towel and let them cool at room temperature.

Preparing vegetables

  • As a rule, green tomatoes are not too large, so just check them for dents, rotten places and other defects.
  • Wash thoroughly, if there are stalks, remove them. Lay out the tomatoes on a towel to dry.
  • At this time, we wash the greens, hot pepper, peel the garlic from the skin. Do not forget that peppers come in different spiciness, and the most burning are the seeds. Therefore, if we use it, then we measure the amount to our liking.

We put the product layers in a jar

  • In cooled and dry jars, first put spices and garlic with horseradish, then - part of the tomatoes. In this order, lay out several layers until the jar is completely full.

  • Pour cold water into a separate container of sufficient size. It is important that it be of high quality, so we use either bottled or from a proven well or source.
  • Add salt to it, at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of water. Mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. It will take some time.

Roll up jars of green tomatoes

  • Pour green tomatoes with brine, tightly close the lid and send to the refrigerator.

Canned green tomatoes will be ready in about 1.5 months. The only condition is that they must be stored in a cool place.

Pickled green tomatoes for the winter


  • - 3 kg + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • black currant leaves4-5 pcs. (or to taste) + -
  • 7-8 pcs. (or to taste) + -
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pods (or to taste) + -
  • - 2 tbsp. for 1 liter of water + -
  • - 4 tablespoons for 1 liter of water + -
  • 2 tbsp per liter jar + -
  • Allspice - 5 pcs. + -
  • Black peppercorns— 7 pcs. + -

How to cook pickled green tomatoes deliciously

The process is very similar to the previous method, the only difference is that we will use a hot vinegar marinade. These canned tomatoes can be stored at room temperature.

  • We prepare dishes and vegetables in the same way as described in the previous case.
  • We collect cucumbers and greens in sterilized jars, alternating them. Herbs should be at the top.
  • Boil water in a separate saucepan and pour over the tomatoes. Close the lid a little and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.
  • Pour the water from the cans back into the pan, bring it to a boil and add the spices (salt, sugar, vinegar). Mix everything until completely dissolved, and then pour the liquid into jars.
  • We tightly close them and leave to marinate for 1.5-2 months. After that, the appetizer can be served at the table.

Now you know how to cook green tomatoes (salted and pickled). Choose your favorite preservation option and enjoy this unusual, but incredibly tasty snack.

Bon appetit!



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