Severe swelling of the lip. The appearance of a swollen lip

Find out if there are other injuries in the mouth. Examine your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. You may discover more serious injuries and require medical attention. If your teeth become loose or damaged, seek emergency dental care as soon as possible.

  • Wash your hands and face with soap and water. Before treating a wound, wash your hands and the injured area thoroughly. If there is a wound, then it is extremely important not to neglect this advice.

    • You will need warm water and soap. Don't rub your swollen lip, just pat it gently. Otherwise, the pain may intensify and the injury may worsen.
  • Apply ice. If you notice swelling, apply a cold compress to your lip. Swelling occurs due to fluid accumulation. A cold compress will help reduce swelling, inflammation and pain by slowing down blood circulation.

    • Wrap the ice cubes in a cloth or paper towel. Instead of ice, you can use a bag of frozen peas or just a chilled spoon.
    • Gently apply a cold compress to the swollen area and hold for 10 minutes.
    • After a 10-minute break, apply the compress again. Do this until the swelling decreases or the pain disappears.
    • Be sure to wrap the ice or ice pack in a cloth or paper towel! Never apply ice directly to your lip, as this can lead to mild frostbite and increased pain.
  • If there is damage to the skin, apply a bandage with antibacterial ointment. Use antibacterial ointment and a bandage to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

    • A cold compress will help stop the bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, then press the wound with a towel for 10 minutes.
    • If the bleeding is superficial, then you can handle it yourself. If you have deep cuts or severe bleeding that cannot be stopped within 10 minutes, be sure to seek qualified medical help.
    • After stopping the bleeding, lightly apply antibacterial ointment to the affected area.
    • Be careful: if a rash appears on your skin or you feel itching, do not use the ointment.
    • Apply a bandage to the wound.
  • Sit still with your head raised. If the head is higher than the heart, then there will be an outflow of fluid from the facial tissues. Sit in a chair with your head leaning against its back.

    • If you find it more comfortable to lie down with your head higher than your heart, place additional pillows under it.
  • To determine the reason why your lower lip is swollen, it is important to remember when and under what circumstances you noticed it: after you ate something, or you might have been bitten by insects, etc.

    In this article we will discuss not only the causes of this condition, but also first aid and treatment.

    Causes of swelling of the lower lip

    Possible reasons include:

    • the result of an allergic reaction;
    • consequence of the inflammatory process;
    • manifestation of a viral or infectious disease;
    • lip injury (bruise, bite, consequences of piercing, etc.);
    • diseases of the oral cavity (in particular gums);
    • herpetic disease;
    • consequences of dental procedures.
    1. The most common reason why the lower lip is swollen is an inflammatory reaction - it can be suspected if, simultaneously with the swelling, a strange odor appears from the mouth, pus or other fluids are released, and pain occurs in the lip. This condition is most often observed in the presence of a wound on the lip (as a result of a severe bruise, deep scratch, when squeezing out a boil or pimple, etc.). The tumor that appears must be treated, otherwise it may become inflamed and even fester, which in the future will require surgical opening of the abscess.
    2. Patients often complain that the lower lip is sore and swollen - what could be the reason for this condition? Indeed, sometimes such signs accompany infectious and viral diseases, for example, respiratory infections, influenza, herpes, etc. A dental infection may also be the cause, especially if there were untreated teeth in the lower jaw area. The inflammatory process in the gum tissue can spread to the periosteum, which will cause an influx of fluid to the soft tissues of the lip, which will cause swelling. What else can provoke dental problems: ignoring dental treatment, poor-quality dental treatment, incorrect filling, deficiencies in antiseptic treatment during dental procedures. Additional factors contributing to the development of this condition may be stressful situations, weak immune defenses, long-term chronic diseases, overwork, and hypothermia.
    3. If your lower lip is very swollen, this may be one of the common signs of an allergic reaction. You can suspect such a reason by remembering the circumstances of the appearance of a lip tumor. Perhaps puffiness began to appear after eating some new or exotic product? Or have you tried a new face cream, a new toothpaste, a new lipstick? If the swelling has something in common with allergies, then the swelling of the lip will be accompanied by itchy skin and pink rashes on the skin. Sometimes allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis appears.
    4. What could be the reason if the lower lip is swollen from the inside? Most often this is a consequence of injuries to the mucous membrane: this happens when nervously biting the lips, injury from fish bones and other food elements, as well as after a piercing procedure. As a rule, for a tumor to occur, a deep injury (cut, puncture, bite) to the mucous membrane is required with the formation of edema in the tissues.

    The same condition with lip swelling can develop in connection with herpes - the appearance of itchy, painful rashes on the lip. Herpes is a viral chronic disease that manifests itself with hypothermia, weakened immunity, chapping of the face, etc.

    If you visited a dentist before the swelling on your lip appeared, then the swelling is most likely associated with complex or careless dental intervention during filling or other manipulations. This swelling usually goes away on its own.

    What to do if your lower lip is swollen?

    What you can do yourself if you find that your lower lip is swollen:

    • if there is a wound on the mucous tissues or on the skin at the site of swelling, apply a cotton pad soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin;
    • if there are no visible wounds, and trauma can be considered the cause of the tumor, apply a cold compress to the lip;
    • A compress of aloe juice, or simply a plant leaf cut lengthwise, helps a lot;
    • if there is none of this, it is recommended to brew a tea bag and, after cooling it, apply it to the site of swelling;
    • if the lip is swollen on the inside, then you can rinse the mouth with infusions of medicinal antiseptic plants. This can be an infusion of sage, yarrow, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. You can also rinse with conventional disinfectant liquids, such as furatsilin, stomatidine, gevalex, etc.

    If the appearance of swelling is associated with allergies, then it is recommended to use antiallergic medications, such as suprastin, tavegil, claritin and many others. etc.

    Drink more pure water or tea to restore water balance in the body and speed up the elimination of fluid, and with it, toxins. A good option for drinking would be freshly squeezed juices, fruit or vegetable. Try to consume less salt, or even give it up altogether - this will make the swelling go away faster.

    How to treat a swollen lower lip?

    For insect bites, using local cooling agents, for example, pieces of ice wrapped in a towel, or a cold compress, or special cooling ointments for bites, will help.

    Allergic reactions are treated by first eliminating the causes of their occurrence. Pet hair, pollen, food, cosmetics and detergents - it is necessary to determine what exactly caused the allergy. After this, you can take an antiallergic drug, such as Claritin.

    A very common cold on the lips is the well-known herpes, which can also cause swelling on the lip. If such a disease is not uncommon for you, then you should always have the appropriate medication in stock: 5% acyclovir or Zovirax. Ointments against herpes will effectively eliminate swelling and relieve discomfort.

    Damaged, bitten lips, jams, bites, cracks are the result of instability of the nervous system and a lack of vitamins and other necessary substances in the body. Such wounds need to be disinfected so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process. Try treating them with 3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin or another antiseptic.

    In case of infectious and viral diseases (influenza, ARVI, colds, sore throat), swelling of the lip should be treated simultaneously with the underlying disease.

    If the swelling is due to dental problems, then you will have to visit a dentist who will examine your mouth and find the problem.

    In the future, in order to protect yourself from unforeseen situations and keep your lips beautiful and healthy, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

    • when going outdoors, take some mosquito and midge repellent with you to protect yourself from accidental bites;
    • take care of yourself, eradicate the habit of biting your lips; - visit doctors in a timely manner - dentist, infectious disease specialist, etc.;
    • avoid soft tissue injuries;
    • If you are prone to allergies, then you should be careful about new products for you - cosmetics, food, etc.

    And one more thing: strengthen your body, support your immune system with good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and hardening. And if any disease occurs, or your lower lip is swollen, consult a doctor. If you do this in a timely manner, then within 1-2 days you will forget about the problem.

    Timely and correct determination of the reason why the lip on a person’s face is swollen allows one to quickly eliminate the external defect, as well as prevent the development of possible complications and internal pathologies. The swelling itself is provoked by the accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular space of tissues or is a consequence of the inflammatory process. What this could be is decided in each individual case only by the doctor after taking into account all associated symptoms and complaints from the patient.

    The identified causes and treatment must be appropriate. The presence of disorders that influence from the inside requires the mandatory selection of treatment methods and the elimination of the original factors. In this case, the lips can also swell from external influences, for example, on one side due to a bruise or injury. In such cases, you can try to cope with the swelling yourself. If the lip is swollen for no reason, consulting a doctor is mandatory.

    In addition to forming a detailed medical history, taking into account all the patient’s symptoms and complaints, the doctor must take into account the location of the tumor: the upper lip or lower lip, as well as the extent of the swelling itself. Only after consultation and examination by a specialist will it be possible to find out how to quickly remove the tumor, while eliminating possible serious pathologies, for example, an enlarged tumor with an increased risk of developing cancer.

    Causes and symptoms

    Whether swelling of the lips is solely an external defect that does not require special therapy can be determined only after determining the true cause of the swelling. An incorrectly selected method of therapy or lack of treatment can lead to deterioration of health and the development of complications.

    Inflammatory process

    Observation of pathology is often associated with the presence and further spread of inflammatory processes. If the upper lip is swollen, this may be the result of the body's reaction to irritating factors, in which ulcerative wounds form on the surface of the lips. The pathology itself, as a rule, is accompanied by disturbing painful sensations and the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity due to the accumulation of purulent discharge from the wounds themselves.

    Lack of timely treatment can cause the accumulation of too much pus, which can only be removed through surgery.

    Infectious process

    Swelling of the lip can be caused by an infectious lesion of the body, in which the patient experiences a sharp increase in temperature. Depending on the nature of the infection itself (fungal, viral or bacterial), the doctor will prescribe antiviral, antifungal drugs or antibiotics. Most often in such cases, swelling of the upper or lower lip is caused by the presence of the herpes virus and a cold, which reduces the activity of the body's immune defense.

    Allergic reaction

    Swelling due to allergies can appear due to the use of medications or the use of low-quality cosmetics, exposure to external allergens in the form of fluff or pollen, or pet hair.

    We should also highlight the allergic swelling of the lips that occurs after an insect bite.

    You can suspect an allergy if the appearance of swelling is accompanied by:

    • itching;
    • burning;
    • redness of the outer skin around the mouth;
    • the appearance of cracks, especially in the corners of the lips;
    • the formation of blisters up to 5 mm in diameter (urticaria);
    • spread of the rash in the form of small blisters with the presence of internal fluid.

    If the swelling is associated with an allergy to mosquitoes or was bitten on the lip by a wasp, then proper treatment of the bite site and the use of antihistamines is sufficient. At the same time, the formation of a blistering rash (urticaria) requires timely treatment to prevent infection and viruses from entering the site of burst wounds.


    The occurrence of stomatitis is characterized by localization of pathology on the lower lip, as well as the appearance of severe itching and pain. First, slight redness can be noticed on the surface of the oral mucosa, after which ulcerative lesions appear with a red rim and a white coating.

    In such cases, it is extremely important to entrust treatment to doctors, since unprofessional help can cause relapses of the pathology, the formation of painful scars, and also provoke limited movement of the oral cavity.

    If the lower lip is suddenly swollen and the discomfort is accompanied by severe itching and pain, this may indicate the development of stomatitis and requires urgent medical intervention.

    Dental intervention

    Violation of sterility and unprofessional performance of dental services, for example, filling a tooth, can cause swelling of the gums, which can subsequently spread to the lips.

    Self-medication in the form of pain relief after dental interventions is unacceptable, since the cause of the pathology is located inside the mouth and can lead to inflammation with the production of purulent discharge. The high risk of untimely medical care in such cases is due to the possibility of pus entering the brain.

    An acceptable reaction is a slight swelling after anesthesia and dental work, if for several hours it is not accompanied by any painful signs and decreases in size within a few hours after the manipulations.

    Mechanical damage

    Mechanical factors that cause the lip to swell strongly and sharply can be:

    • previous contact dermatitis (skin inflammation);
    • bruises and injuries (impacts with possible cutting of the surface of the lips);
    • burns due to drinking too hot drinks and foods;
    • burns due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
    • damage on the inside due to surgery near the lips or sudden strong biting;
    • consequences of careless squeezing of pimples.

    split lip

    In such cases, it is extremely important to check for open wounds and be sure to treat the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection and viruses.


    Swelling on the lip after a cosmetic procedure is due to the necessary partial violation of the integrity of the skin (introduction is an acceptable norm).

    Permanent manipulations, as a rule, do not cause discomfort or pain, but redness of the skin and the appearance of minor swelling in the injection area indicate gradual healing of the skin.

    Swelling after lip tattooing is not a pathology if it appears 4-8 hours after the procedure and completely disappears over the next 2 days. If the permanent makeup procedure was carried out in accordance with all quality and safety requirements, then 2-3 days are enough for the client to fully recover. In other cases (if the pathology lasts more than 4-5 days), you should look for the cause by making an appointment with a doctor. Of the listed complaints, special attention should be paid to data on how long the swelling lasts, whether there was an increase in temperature, as well as the presence of allergies to medications and components.

    The most common causes of prolonged swelling after the procedure are failure to follow the rules of skin care after a cosmetic procedure, as well as the use of decorative cosmetics before the recovery period has ended.

    Depending on the detected causes of the pathology, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines, anti-inflammatory or decongestant drugs. If no significant abnormalities are found, the patient can speed up the recovery process with healing ointments and dry ice compresses.

    Other reasons

    Swelling of the lips can also be associated with metabolic disorders in tissues, which is typical for:

    • people with kidney, heart or kidney failure;
    • people whose diet contains virtually no protein foods (protein starvation);
    • patients after a blood transfusion procedure:
    • women are common.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting oncological pathologies, which are characterized by the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Edema of the lips can also be caused by:

    • autoaggression or immunodeficiency, when the protective function of the body perceives tissues and substances as foreign and actively fights them (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma);
    • the presence of AIDS viruses in the body;
    • hemolytic diseases (albinism).

    Since the development of pathology can occur for various reasons, it is extremely important to undergo a timely examination and eliminate the risks of possible internal diseases and their complications. Taking any medications and performing additional procedures must be discussed with your doctor in advance.


    Only a clear definition of the cause and extent of the disorder itself will allow the doctor to prescribe the most effective and correct treatment. A doctor's advice on what to do if your lips are swollen will help you quickly restore their shape and return to full functionality.

    Even before prescribing any medications, the damaged area of ​​skin should be treated with an antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide. If there are painful wounds inside or outside, they should be cauterized with iodine. All further therapeutic methods are carried out in accordance with the established cause of the disease.

    How to remove swelling from the lip

    Quick first aid, if swelling of the lips appears without any reason, can be carried out using:

    • a piece of clean cloth soaked in cold water (the compress should be kept for at least 12-15 minutes to reduce swelling);
    • a tea bag, which must first be immersed in hot water for a minute, then allowed to cool slightly and applied to the damaged area (helps remove inflammation);
    • an aloe leaf, cut lengthwise, which should be applied with the inside to swollen lips for at least 5-7 minutes (has a disinfectant, decongestant and analgesic effect, helps get rid of inflammation);
    • a paste of soda and warm water (the consistency of sour cream), which should be placed on the damaged area for 8-12 minutes, and then carefully washed off;
    • honey, which needs to be smeared a few drops on a clean cotton pad, and then applied to the tumor for 20-25 minutes with the obligatory repetition after 4-5 hours (it will remove swelling and carry out disinfection;
    • celandine (or plantain) juice, in which you need to moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the inflamed area for 25-30 minutes, repeating 2-3 more times during the day.

    Tea tree essential oil can also help at home; dilute a few drops of it in warm, clean water, then moisten a cotton swab and treat external wounds.

    Possible complications

    Untimely or incorrect treatment of the causes that provoked the swelling or part of it can lead to:

    • lip deformation;
    • regularly occurring relapses of herpes;
    • the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of purulent discharge;
    • formation of scars and cicatrices on the skin.

    If the pathology does not go away for a long time, which may cause the skin color to change, then you should consult a doctor to confirm or refute:

    • the presence, in which, the neck, larynx and trachea, causing respiratory arrest (emergency medical care is required);
    • the addition of a secondary infection, which is dangerous by the development of an abscess (purulent lesion) or phlegmon, which can only be treated surgically;
    • transformation of a tumor into an oncological disease (lip cancer).

    Self-administration of any medications or home recipes can further aggravate the problem and accelerate the development of a dangerous pathology. That is why consultation with a doctor and examination should be done as early as possible.


    The most common preventive safety measure concerns careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, as well as the use of only high-quality, proven cosmetics. In addition to this, it is recommended:

    • follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle and strengthen your immune system;
    • avoid stressful situations and prolonged serious experiences;
    • adhere to the rule of alternating work and proper rest;
    • use the services of trusted, responsible dentists and cosmetologists;
    • Avoid eating foods that cause allergic reactions in advance;
    • prevent cracking of the skin of the lips and the formation of external wounds, which most often occurs in the frosty season.

    The willingness to regularly wash your hands with soap will eliminate the risk of harmful and dangerous infections entering the oral cavity. If you have the slightest suspicion of a disease, you should consult a doctor for professional advice and the necessary help.

    The skin on the lips is highly sensitive, so even minor irritants or problems within the body can cause redness and swelling.

    If the lips on your face suddenly become swollen, there may be various reasons.
    To find out the exact causes of swelling on the lips, you should analyze the last days and find out what factors could lead to such consequences.

    Why lips may become swollen

    Possible reasons that can cause swelling of the lips include: inflammation, allergic reaction, insect bite, injury, dental disease, piercing, tattooing and nervousness.

    The causes of lip swelling can be different, the main thing is to correctly identify them

    Let's take a closer look at these factors.


    If the lips on the face are swollen, then the reasons may lie on the surface. An open wound with clear or yellowish liquid oozing and an unpleasant odor means that the lips are inflamed. During the inflammatory process, pain is usually present, even at rest.

    Factors influencing the appearance of inflammatory suppuration may be:

    • mechanical impact such as a bite, squeezed papule or cut;
    • hit;
    • soft tissue damage.


    Swollen lips can be the body's response to various irritants. Allergies can start from insect bites, food products and cosmetics.

    When the lips on the face are swollen, allergic causes from inhaled pathogens are unlikely. Therefore, you can remove pollen, wool and dust from the list of possible sources.

    When using low-quality cosmetics, an allergic reaction is a common occurrence.

    If the swelling is only external, the allergen is the substances that come into direct contact with the affected area. This could be lip gloss, mask, scrub or face cream.

    In cases where not only the lips, but also the tongue swell, it means that the allergen has got inside. This can happen when you react to foods you eat. Associated symptoms of food allergies include skin rashes all over the body, hives and purple spots that cause itching.

    A bite of an insect

    In cases where the lips are swollen due to insect bites, there may be a lot of swelling on the face.

    This occurs as a result of the body's protective reaction to the introduction of toxins under the skin. Some insects, such as mosquitoes and bedbugs, inject saliva into the subcutaneous layer, which prevents blood from clotting.

    A bee sting is accompanied by swelling

    When stung by bees and hornets, a larger area of ​​skin becomes inflamed, since their venom is stronger and has a destructive effect on the internal tissues of a person. Their bites may be accompanied by an allergic reaction.

    From insect bites, swelling is accompanied by redness, hardening in the immediate area of ​​the bite, bruising and pain that turns into itching. Also in the area around the bite, the temperature may rise and a burning sensation may appear.


    A common cause of lip swelling is injury. Moreover, the swelling process begins immediately after a blow, bruise or cut is applied..
    If the lips are swollen from this common cause, then damage to the soft tissues on the face, bleeding and pain may also occur.

    Dental reason

    If not both lips are swollen on the face, but only the upper one, then the reason is obvious. This is flux or periostitis. Such inflammation appears due to fractures and injuries of the jaws, untreated pulpitis, weakened immunity, due to a dentist’s mistake or from hypothermia.

    Flux can be determined by the following signs:

    • unbearable pain that spreads to the eyes, cheeks and ears;
    • increased body temperature;
    • severe swelling of the gums and swollen areas under the eyes and jaw.

    Stomatitis can cause a complication in the form of inflammation of the lips

    Inflammations accompanied by pustules may be a consequence of previous stomatitis or, as a result, from poor-quality dental services.
    You can encounter the problem of swollen lips due to infection with viral or infectious diseases.

    A common oral infection in children is stomatitis. It is much less common in adults. It appears due to infection in the oral cavity.

    Signs of stomatitis include swollen lips, ulcers and localized redness inside the mouth.

    Consequences of mechanical intervention

    When using lip jewelry such as piercing, you need to be prepared for the consequences of the piercing.

    After the puncture is made, the lip swells, which lasts up to 3 days. The wound heals completely only after 2 months.

    To reduce swelling after mechanical intervention and reduce the likelihood of infection, you need to avoid food and alcohol for the first few hours after the puncture. Until healing, you need to take vitamin B and follow a diet.

    Lip piercing should be done by a professional and the instruments should be disinfected

    Hot, spicy, salty and sour foods should be excluded from the diet. Several times a day, especially after meals, you need to rinse your mouth with antibacterial agents. To reduce pain, you can eat cold foods and ice cream. You should also not paint your lips or remove jewelry until the wound has completely healed.

    After the lip tattoo procedure, swelling lasts 5 days

    If the swelling does not go away for more than 7 days, you should go to the hospital. I'm sure this is a worrying sign. Also, after the adjustment, an exacerbation of herpes is possible, which will complicate the healing process.

    The swelling that appears can be removed with the help of antihistamine and diuretic drugs. To relieve swelling, the lips can be treated with dry cold or treated with Hydrocortisone eye ointment.

    Stress and neuroses

    The reason why swelling on the lips may occur is bad habits, such as biting or picking at the lip. This habit occurs in moments of excitement, fear or irritation. It also manifests itself when a person is depressed or confused.

    Nervousness causes dry lips and chapped lips.

    The consequence of such a habit can be not only irritation caused to surrounding people and a poor aesthetic appearance, but also damage to the skin and mucous membrane of the lips. Thus, it is possible to introduce infections and bacteria into the oral cavity, which will lead to inflammation.

    How to help using traditional methods

    To solve the problem in the absence of medical means, you can use traditional methods:

    • Compress. Can be used both hot and cold.

    Attention! The compress should not be applied to the swollen area, but near it.

    • Healing juice from aloe leaves.
    • Tea brewing. You can use tea bags, which should be poured with boiling water, allowed to cool and then applied to the affected areas.

    Wet tea brewing may help relieve inflammation
    • Also, if swelling appears on the lips and face from an insect bite, you can use parsley leaves, crushed into a paste, and calendula tincture.
    • To treat herpes at the initial stage, you can use ice, zinc solution, lemon balm tincture, salt, soda solution and apple cider vinegar.

    Do not use any other type of vinegar as it may cause skin burns.

    Folk remedies will only help with minor tumors in the initial stages, since the effectiveness of their use is not high.

    How to help with medications

    It is important to know! If the reason why your lips are swollen is inflammatory diseases on the face, then treatment should begin immediately when the first signs appear.

    It is necessary to disinfect the swollen area with an aqueous solution of iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If the symptoms do not subside, then you should immediately go to the hospital to find out the exact causes and prescribe therapy. If inflammation is allowed to occur, it can lead to the formation of pus, which may require surgery to remove.

    To cure herpes, special ointments are used, the main component of which is acyclovir. In addition to external treatment, antiviral drugs are prescribed.

    To get rid of herpes, you need to apply a special ointment to your lips.

    Stomatitis is treated with antifungal drugs and antiseptics together with immunostimulants.

    To cure purulent inflammations, you need to eliminate the factors that cause them to appear. This could be a weakened immune system, severe body fatigue, or stress. Having eliminated the causative agents of the disease, you need to find out the exact cause of the infection. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    In order to eliminate swollen lips of an allergic nature, you need to remove irritants and start taking sorbents and antihistamines.
    For a tumor caused by an insect bite, anti-inflammatory ointments and gels are used.

    Prevention of herpes rashes

    A viral infection that affects people of all ages is herpes. With this disease, the lips swell at the initial stage, then blisters with liquid appear at this place, which subsequently burst.

    This virus occurs in people with weakened immunity or in those who have a bad habit such as biting the skin on their lips. Before herpes appears, the lip swells in this area, it begins to itch and turn red.

    Give up the habit of biting your lips

    By following a number of simple rules you can minimize the possibility of herpes manifestations:

    1. Maintain personal hygiene. Herpes is a viral disease and is spread by air, so precautions should be taken in public places, especially crowded places should be avoided during periods of exacerbation of ARVI and influenza.
    2. Strengthen immunity. By hardening yourself and taking complex vitamins, you can get rid of not only herpes, but also seasonal diseases.
    3. Store personal hygiene items in isolation. To prevent infection of all family members, you need to keep hygiene items in different places.
    4. Use different dishes. If you have herpes, it can be transmitted not only through personal hygiene items, but also through dishes and cutlery, so at the time of exacerbation of herpes, it is advisable to allocate a plate and spoon for everyone.
    5. Use hygienic lipstick and cream. To avoid dry and cracked lips, you should use protective products in cold weather.

    First aid for tumor removal

    The simplest and fastest method to remove swelling in the first hours is ice. It should be applied to the lip, first wrapped in a napkin or bandage. Application time should be no more than 15 minutes, otherwise hypothermia is possible. The procedure can be repeated after 2 hours.

    ice can only be used if there is no abnormality in the swollen area

    Among the first aid medications, you can use badyagu. It is rubbed into the sore area until it is all absorbed.

    Hydrogen peroxide can be used as disinfection and to eliminate swelling. You need to put a couple of drops on cotton wool and apply it to the tumor. By repeating such lotions every 3 hours, you can get rid of swelling. But when using this method, you need to be prepared for a slight burning and tingling sensation when the peroxide comes into contact with the sore spot.

    Treatment with hydrogen peroxide should be systematic

    In order for the treatment of lip edema to be effective, in case of lip swelling on the face, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of its appearance. If the swelling does not subside and the methods used do not help, then you should seek qualified help.

    What to do if your face is swollen? Find out from the video:

    A useful video will tell you how to quickly remove facial swelling:

    How to get rid of allergic manifestations of various types? Watch the video consultation:

    The sensitivity of the human body to certain substances very often causes a lot of inconvenience. Allergy is a rather unpleasant disease, especially when it manifests itself in the facial area, including the lips.

    A feeling of discomfort that significantly affects a person’s condition is caused by:

    1. constant itching;
    2. redness;
    3. rashes;
    4. swelling of the lips due to allergies.

    In addition, if the disease is left to chance, unpleasant serious consequences are possible, which in some cases can be fatal.

    So what is a lip allergy, how does it manifest itself and what methods can be used to eliminate its symptoms?

    What causes the disease

    Allergy on the lips (allergic cheilitis) is a disease that is caused by various kinds of irritants that come into contact with the red border of the lips.

    The following are the most common causes of lip allergies:

    • influence of adverse weather factors (wind, ultraviolet radiation, cold);
    • exposure to chemical components contained in lipsticks, toothpastes, plastic dentures, metal objects (mouthpieces on wind instruments, pencils, pens);
    • intolerance to certain foods;
    • use of low-quality cosmetics.

    Very often the allergen is lipstick, so the disease usually occurs in women after 18 years of age.

    Sometimes children with contact allergies on their lips come to see a doctor. It later turns out that the child was playing with his mother’s lipstick and smearing it on his lips.

    It is also common to experience allergies to new plastic dentures. In some cases, there is an allergic reaction to toothpaste or powder.

    Another cause of allergic lip damage may be a harmful occupational factor.

    For example, working at a chemical plant, playing wind instruments (contact with the metal part of the instrument).


    Lip allergies can be acute or chronic.

    In addition, it is customary to distinguish between several types of allergic cheilitis:

    1. Exfoliative cheilitis. The disease occurs due to constant stress or depression, dysfunction of the endocrine system, weakened immunity, and unfavorable heredity. In addition to redness and cracks, peeling appears on the red edges of the lips;
    2. contact allergic cheilitis. Usually occurs in adolescents after 14 years of age. Accompanied by peeling of the skin around the lips and the appearance of wounds on the mucous membrane. Most often, this is an allergic reaction to chemical irritants found in water, toothpastes and dentures, cosmetics and food;
    3. meteorological cheilitis. Occurs as a result of exposure to weather (wind, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, cold) and radiation. It is marked by the appearance of hyperemia, infiltration of the lips, they dry out and become crusty. In the absence of proper treatment, it can develop into severe and intractable forms;
    4. Glandular cheilitis. Characterized by enlargement and chronic inflammation of the minor salivary glands. The allergic reaction is aggravated by caries, periodontal disease, and other diseases of the oral cavity. Most often, this type of allergy occurs in teenagers. The causes of proliferation may be congenital abnormalities of the salivary glands, genetic predisposition, infections, chronic injuries, as well as impaired mineral metabolism and hypovitaminosis;
    5. atopic cheilitis. Its symptoms are similar to those of atopic dermatosis and diffuse neurodermatitis. It is usually observed in people suffering from diseases of the digestive system due to poor nutrition. In the cold season, an exacerbation of the disease is possible;
    6. macrocheilitis (Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome). The causes are most often infections and heredity, and disturbances in the microcirculation of blood and lymph aggravate the process. The disease occurs in a fairly severe form;
    7. hypovitaminous cheilitis. Inflammation of the red border, corners of the lips and tongue occurs. Chronic cracks form on the lips, which can appear due to non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, the existence of bad habits (biting and licking lips). The disease usually occurs due to a lack of B vitamins, especially riboflavin, but also retinol and thiamine.

      Symptoms of lip allergies

      Signs of an allergy on the lips appear either simultaneously, or a gradual progression of symptoms may occur, which are accompanied by increasing pain.

      This affects not only the lips, but also the peri-labial area.

      At first, minor manifestations do not attract attention and people continue to use the wrong product or consume harmful products, which only worsens the situation.

      The symptoms of lip allergies are quite specific, and some are directly life-threatening.


      Symptoms of lip allergies have their own characteristics, including:

      • itching caused by the release of mediators, primarily histamine;
      • redness, in place of which a rash forms;
      • bubbles are possible, which then open;
      • a small rash that usually disappears after the allergen is eliminated;
      • cracks that form as a result of dry skin of the lips;
      • sometimes blisters that accompany hives.

      Initially, a slight redness appears on the lips, their surface dries out and begins to peel off.

      As the process continues, cracks form on the lips.

      Very often, allergies are manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane and red border, which causes pain on palpation.

      In some cases, small blisters may appear on the lips, which quickly open and form small erosions.


      There are also symptoms that are of serious concern.

      These symptoms include:

      • swelling of the lips (labial edema), which can lead to a life-threatening condition such as an anaphylactic reaction;
      • Quincke's edema (giant urticaria), the rapid spread of edema into the nasopharynx can provoke attacks of suffocation.

      If your lips are swollen and at least one of the following symptoms is observed, you should urgently call an ambulance:

      Precautions when choosing cosmetics

      People who are prone to allergies need to carefully study the composition of cosmetic products. Even a well-known and high-profile name of the manufacturer does not guarantee the absence of allergies when used.

      Below is a list of substances that most often provoke lip allergies:

      1. preservatives. They provide a long shelf life for cosmetics, but at the same time have a high content of substances that have an aggressive effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase cosmetics that contain natural preservatives;
      2. fragrances, flavorings. They add a pleasant scent to cosmetics, but can cause serious harm to your lips. Therefore, it is best if lipstick and lip gloss are odorless;
      3. dyes. The most powerful allergens are metal salts and aniline dyes, but they are widely used in the production of cosmetics. When buying cosmetics, you must take into account that the durability and richness of the color directly depends on the amount of dyes they contain.

      An allergic reaction can also occur as a result of improper storage of the product. Air, dampness, lighting can negatively affect the quality of cosmetics. Therefore, you should not purchase cosmetics from a display case or use those that have been in your cosmetic bag for a long time.


      Lip allergies have long been known to medicine, but very often its diagnosis is difficult. The symptoms of this disease often resemble the symptoms of certain skin infectious diseases.

      Therefore, tests such as skin tests and blood tests are necessary to make a diagnosis.

      The most effective methods for diagnosing lip allergies are:

      1. skin patch test;
      2. patch tests on the mucous membrane.

      The results of both tests are known after 24 or 48 hours.

      After testing your blood for allergies and performing skin tests, you can say with confidence which foods and substances caused the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

      How to distinguish it from other diseases

      Symptoms of allergies on the lips are very similar to the manifestations of other diseases, such as herpes, cheilitis (bacterial and fungal origin).

      Inflammation of the oral mucosa can occur as a result of exposure to pathogens or yeast.

      Fungal cheilitis very often occurs after prolonged use of antibiotics. The source of inflammation is bright red in color and covered with a small crust on top. A characteristic sign of fungal cheilitis is a whitish coating.

      Bacterial cheilitis looks like a small blister that bursts with the slightest movement of the mouth. Most often, bacterial cheilitis occurs in children due to the fact that they may bite their nails or lick dirty toys.

      The oral mucosa may be affected by a viral infection such as herpes. This disease is characterized by irritation and redness of the skin around the lips, followed by the appearance of small blisters.

      Herpes on the lips is accompanied by itching and pain. In addition, there is a danger of infection for surrounding people.

      In any case, only a doctor can determine the disease and make the correct diagnosis. Self-diagnosis and subsequent incorrect treatment can only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.


      If an allergy to the lips is confirmed, medication is usually prescribed. Additionally, folk remedies can be used to reduce the manifestations of the disease.


      The following medications are commonly used for drug treatment:

      • antihistamines. Since allergies on the lips are accompanied by an increase in histamine levels, antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Eden) are first prescribed;
      • hormonal drugs. Special gels and ointments for topical use (Flucinar, Fluorocort);
      • drugs that promote healing (vitamins A, E, Solcoseryl).

      Traditional methods

      Additional methods of treatment are lotions and ointments that relieve unpleasant symptoms. To get rid of itching, compresses made from decoctions of chamomile, string, and sage are excellent. You can take a nettle decoction internally, which effectively suppresses the allergic reaction.

      To eliminate dryness and cracks, you can use the following folk remedies:

      • aloe juice (a couple of drops from a freshly cut leaf);
      • jojoba, sea buckthorn or tea tree oil (have an excellent healing effect);
      • composition of zinc ointment and fish oil (recommended for use at night). This mixture fights pathogens, heals cracks, relieves inflammation, softens the skin of the lips;
      • plantain leaves, crushed to a mushy state (effectively reduces allergy symptoms).

      Video: Causes and treatment of cracked lips

      First aid

      First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of the allergen, so drinking plenty of fluids and taking sorbents is recommended. Antihistamines are also taken to help relieve allergy symptoms more quickly. Next, you should consult a doctor so that he can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

      Under no circumstances should you mask the manifestations of allergies using cosmetics:

      • firstly, it may contain a substance that triggers an allergy.
      • secondly, the composition of cosmetic products contains substances that can dry out already dry skin, which contributes to the occurrence of cracks.
      • in any case, continued use of cosmetics may lead to undesirable consequences.

      For rash

      It is necessary to remove the irritant and cleanse the lips and skin around them with water at room temperature. To reduce the appearance of rashes on the lips, it is recommended to use special balms or compresses with aloe and cotton extracts.


      After eliminating the effect of the allergen and taking antihistamines, you can resort to cold to eliminate swelling.

      To do this, you need to take a piece of ice, wrap it in a napkin and apply it to the affected area; you can also use a chilled tablespoon instead of ice.

      This method will help relieve swelling of the lips due to allergies and prevent its further spread.

      For cracks

      Used cold tea bags, aloe juice, plantain juice, decoction of oak bark, alder cones, and sea buckthorn oil lotions are suitable for providing first aid for cracks.


      To prevent lip allergies, the following preventive measures must be observed:

      • follow the recommendations of a hypoallergenic diet;
      • avoid contact with possible allergens;
      • systematically carry out wet cleaning in the room.

      When there is wind and frost, it is advisable to use harmless hygienic lipstick or lubricate your lips with Vaseline to maintain the integrity of the skin and prevent cracks.


      After implementation of all treatment and preventive measures, the prognosis is usually favorable. But in order to prevent relapses of the disease, it is necessary to carefully follow preventive measures.


      If lip allergies are not diagnosed and treated in time, the following serious complications are possible:

      • progression of the disease into a more complex, chronic form;
      • swelling of the upper respiratory tract;
      • anaphylactic shock.

      Therefore, at the first suspicion of an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

      Recently, the problem of allergies, including those on the lips, is increasingly worrying representatives of humanity.

      Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor your health, use measures to prevent the disease, and at the slightest unpleasant manifestations, be sure to consult a doctor.



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