Washing the wax plug and cleaning the ears in the hospital. Plugs in the ears: how to remove at home and at the doctor

Sulfur plug was, is and will be the main reason for visiting an otolaryngologist. Almost everyone has faced such a problem at least once in their life; and someone is so unlucky that they have to systematically deal with the removal of sulfur plugs. There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of wax plug in the ear, and not all of them can be prevented. It is advisable to get rid of traffic jams only in a medical facility, since only a doctor can clean the ears 100% safely. If there is no opportunity to visit an otolaryngologist, then you can use home remedies to remove the sulfur plug from the ear, but only with extreme caution so as not to harm this complex sensory organ.

The main function of wax in the ear canals is protection. Earwax does not allow the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, does not allow the tissues of the ear to absorb water when it penetrates inside and prevents the flow of water into the deepest parts of the ear, from where it cannot flow out. In the normal state, earwax forms continuously and is released from the ear when chewing, without accumulating in the passage in a large dose. In the event that, for any reason, the natural excretion of sulfur stops, it begins to accumulate in the ear canal and forms a plug.

Causes of sulfur plugs in the ears

In order for the formation of an ear plug, factors provoking this phenomenon must be present. Cause the development of sulfur plugs in the ear can:

  • Congenital feature of the internal structure of the ear.
  • Traumatic disorders in the structure of the ear.
  • Frequent diving. When a person is under water, increased pressure is created inside the ear, which causes earwax to thicken. If such thrombosis occurs regularly, then the body fails to properly get rid of dense sulfur, and therefore a cork develops.
  • Very frequent removal of earwax mechanically. In the event that a person often cleans the ears of wax when this is not necessary, earwax begins to be produced in excess, due to which the body ceases to cope with its removal from the ear passages, and it forms an ear plug.
  • Frequent exposure to chlorinated water in the ear canal. When in contact with chlorinated water, earwax begins to swell and form a plug.
  • Prolonged exposure to dust. With strong dustiness for a long time, the viscosity of earwax increases, and it ceases to fully stand out during chewing.
  • A significant excess of cholesterol in the blood. It has been noticed that the higher the content of this substance in the blood, the more often plugs form. What is the connection between cholesterol and sulfur plugs has not yet been established, but such a pattern is observed.
  • Very dry air. In the event that a person stays in a room with too dry air for a long period of time, sulfur begins to be produced in an excessively large amount and does not have time to be released from the ear canal. As a result, a bottleneck is formed.
  • Age-related changes in the process of excretion of earwax.

Very often, a person does not even realize that a sulfur plug has begun to form in his ear until it completely clogs the ear canal, which causes hearing loss.

Ear wax symptoms

You can determine the presence of sulfur plug by a number of symptoms, even if it has not yet led to a complete blockage of the ear canal and hearing loss. Very often, the signs of an emerging traffic jam are ignored, attributing them to some external factors. Suspicions that sulfur has begun to accumulate in the ear can confirm the following symptoms:

  • feeling of congestion in the ear without pain;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • a feeling that one's own voice is echoing in the ear;
  • hearing loss.

Complete deafness occurs only when the sulfur completely clogs the ear and sound waves cannot reach the eardrum.

What absolutely can not be used to remove sulfuric plugs at home

Some patients, trying to clean the ear from the cork on their own, inflict severe injuries on themselves, due to which the damaged ear completely loses hearing. This happens for the reason that sometimes things are used for the procedure that are completely unsuitable for this purpose. It is unacceptable to use the following items to remove the ear plug:

  • knitting needles;
  • knitting hooks;
  • hairpins;
  • nails;
  • needles;
  • toothpicks;
  • drill;
  • cotton buds.

At first glance, many of these items seem convenient for removing the cork, but they are fraught with great danger. Any awkward movement can lead to the fact that a sharp object, breaking through the sulfuric plug, will pierce the eardrum, which will cause irreversible deafness. If you use a cotton swab to clean your ear, it will only tamp the sulfur, which will make it much more difficult to remove the cork.

How to remove wax plug at home

At home, if necessary, it is quite possible to cope with sulfuric plug. However, self-treatment of this pathological condition should be done only if it is not possible to visit a doctor.

If a pharmacy is available, one of 2 types of drops can be used to help dissolve the sulfur plug.

  • Drops "Remo-vaks"- this drug dissolves the sulfur plug, but only if it has not yet completely closed the ear canal. Ideally, you need to use this tool for prevention with increased serogenesis 1 time in 10 days.
  • Drops "A-cerumen"- the drug can remove sulfur plugs even with complete blockage of the ear canal. It has a mild effect, and it can be used by children from 2.5 years.

The rules for the use of these funds are detailed in the instructions, and they should not be violated, as this will ultimately lead to undesirable consequences.

You can cope with sulfuric plug without the use of special drops. In this case, actions using other means and methods should be performed with extreme caution, since a number of components for treatment can cause an acute allergic reaction that will provoke the development of otitis media.

  • Ear wash. This action allows you to remove the cork mechanically by washing it out of the ear with water. The procedure can be carried out independently, but, unfortunately, at home it does not always give the desired result. In order to wash, the patient should prepare warm boiled water, to which a little manganese is added. The color of the water should be pale pink. For the procedure, a syringe is used, from which, before washing, it is imperative to squeeze out the air, since if you release it with force into the ear, you will experience discomfort. After that, bending over the sink so that the sore ear is turned down, a manganese solution is injected into it with a syringe under a sufficiently strong pressure. Wash the ear for about 20 minutes. If the cork has not come out during this time, this means that it is impossible to remove it from the ear without prior preparation.
  • Will help dissolve the cork in the ear drops made from onion juice. To obtain the drug, you should take 1 small onion and chop until gruel. After that, juice is squeezed out of it with the help of gauze and mixed with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Having mixed the composition well, they instill a sore ear 3 times a day for 3 days. For 1 dose, no more than 5 drops are injected into the ear canal. Dissolving, the cork will come out of the ear on its own. If you want to speed up the process, you can rinse your ear according to the scheme from the 1st recommendation.
  • Olive oil can also be used in the fight against sulfur plugs. For treatment, a little oil is heated in a spoon to body temperature and instilled into the sore ear 6 drops 4 times a day. Such therapy is carried out for 3 days, after which, if the cork does not come out on its own (which happens quite often), the ear is washed.
  • Soda with salt allows you to clear the ear of sulfur plugs. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda without a slide in 200 ml of warm boiled water and rinse the ear with a syringe, bending over the sink. Soda with salt quickly dissolves the cork and removes it from the ear. Usually, even with a very tight cork, 15–20 minutes of flushing is enough.
  • Used to remove plugs from the ear hydrogen peroxide. For therapy, it is required to inject 5 drops of the drug into the sore ear and lay the ear with cotton wool. After 12 hours of exposure to peroxide, the ear should be rinsed with baking soda and salt. If the symptoms of the plug have not completely disappeared, then the instillation with hydrogen peroxide and washing are again carried out. If after 3 procedures it was not possible to completely remove the cork, then a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Prevention of the formation of sulfur plugs

In order to reduce the risk of developing cerumen plugs in the ears, certain preventive measures should be followed. To prevent the disease requires:

  • refuse to use cotton swabs to clean the ears;
  • do not remove wax from the ears unless absolutely necessary;
  • dry your ears with a cotton flagellum after swimming;
  • treat ear diseases in a timely manner;
  • fully treat ear injuries;
  • maintain a normal level of humidity in the home;
  • control blood cholesterol levels.

Prevention significantly reduces the risk of developing ear wax in the ear, but it cannot guarantee 100% that it will not happen. Given this, even if all preventive measures are observed, if symptoms of sulfuric plug appear, you should immediately visit the doctor.

No one likes to visit hospitals and carry out procedures within its walls. There are a lot of ways to remove sulfur plug at home. Everyone will be able to choose a suitable method for themselves and get rid of the disease on their own.


The problem of how to remove an ear plug at home with a simple method cannot be solved without the use of water and a syringe. It is not recommended to wash the auditory organ on your own, as it can damage the eardrum. For help, it is better to turn to household members.

Safe flushing rules:

  1. Before flushing the sulfur plug, the largest syringe is taken, and the needle is thrown away. The tool must be new. If this was not at hand, then a rubber pear will do. Before the procedure, it must be boiled.
  2. 10 minutes before washing, the ear is clogged with a cotton swab. In such conditions, sulfur becomes softer.
  3. During the procedure, the head is positioned so that water can flow freely into the substituted basin or tray. The sore ear should be directed at a slight inclination up and to the side.
  4. The liquid is boiled in advance and cooled to a warm state. The syringe is filled with it.
  5. The introduction of water into the ear canal occurs gradually without sudden movements. To eliminate the possibility of injury to the eardrum, the fluid flow is directed to the back wall of the organ.
  6. If it was not possible to remove the sulfur plug at home by washing with one syringe, then the procedure is repeated up to three times. Old and hard sulfur is difficult to remove. It can be softened by hydrogen peroxide previously dropped into the ear.

After the procedure, the auditory organ is dried to avoid inflammation. An ear stick is not used for this, so as not to infect. It is recommended to insert a cotton swab for a short time or dry the ear with a hair dryer operating at low power.

Attention! Be careful not to blow hot air directly into the ear canal.

A light plasticine-like sulfur plug at home can easily be removed by hydrogen peroxide. Treatment is carried out in the following order:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3% is taken;
  • 10 drops of the drug are instilled into the ear of a patient lying on his side;
  • you can not move and get up so that the hydrogen peroxide softens the cork and does not leak out.

Before removing the seal, a clean napkin is placed on the pillow, onto which the composition will drain. In the ear, hydrogen peroxide hisses and foams, which means that the liquid begins to clear the passage. From interaction with the agent, the sulfuric cork loosens and breaks into pieces. They will come out of the ear along with the liquid in about 10 minutes.

At the end of the time, a cotton swab dipped in warm water is taken to clean the edges of the auditory organ from the remnants of the sulfur product. Care must be taken not to compact parts of the remaining substance. At the end, the ear is wiped dry with a paper towel.

Regular rinsing with hydrogen peroxide helps improve hearing and permanently get rid of sulfur plugs at home. The tool disinfects the ear canal, heals wounds and removes germs.


You can get rid of the sulfur plug on your own by a mechanical method - blowing. He is approached quite rarely, since not everyone is familiar with the intricacies of the procedure.

The principle of blowing consists in the penetration of a jet of air into the ear through the Eustachian tube. The Eustachian tube is a canal that connects the nasopharynx and the tympanic region. There are more than 10 blowing techniques: the Lowry technique, the Edmonds maneuver, and others.

The simplest method is the Valsalva maneuver. To carry out the blowing, a deep breath is taken, and then an exhalation is made through the nose while pinching the nostrils with the fingers. You can not exhale sharply, as you can damage the inner ear.

Air is forced into the nasopharynx, from where it is sent to the auditory canal. This entails an increase in the gap in the Eustachian tube. Before the procedure, the nasal mucosa is cleaned and disinfected with a saline solution. This will help to avoid the penetration of pathogenic flora into the ear.

Attention! If pain occurs during blowing, then the procedure should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.


Pharmacy remedies help solve the problem of how to remove a wax plug from the ear of a small child who cannot sit through long standard procedures. They are also able to help out in cases where the sulfur plug is sufficiently dense and the symptoms do not disappear from exposure to water, hydrogen peroxide and other liquids.

Aqua Maris Oto

An effective nasal remedy that is used to flush the auditory organ and soften plugs. It is absolutely safe, as it is made from sea water. Suitable for children and pregnant women. Use is contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum and the presence of inflammation in the auditory organ.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The active substances are lidocaine and phenazole. Treatment is carried out according to the doctor's prescription, he will indicate the required dosage. Indicated for children from one year old and pregnant and lactating women.

Otipax relieves pain in the ears and stops the production of prostaglandins.

Remo Wax

Gently and gently removes sulfur accumulations and prevents the recurrence of seals. The composition contains penetrants that eliminate dead particles and soften sulfur. Remo-Vax contains moisture-retaining components that push the cork out and moisten the ear canal. It is allowed to periodically use a means to prevent the occurrence of sulfur seals. Contraindications are the presence of pain in the ear and deformation of the eardrum.


The product is made entirely of olive oil. It not only removes sulfur plugs at home and protects against new formations, but also softens and moisturizes the ear canal. Treatment is as follows - the drug is instilled once a day for 5 days. One bottle is enough for 200 applications. Not recommended for persons allergic to olive oil and with damage to the eardrum.


It is allowed to be used by children from the first days of life. Surfactants, which are part of the drug, dissolve sulfur accumulations and bring them to the surface. Drops do not cause irritation and are able to gently clean the ear canal. An excellent tool for preventing the occurrence of sulfur seals.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot of tools on how to remove the sulfur plug. Most of them use simple ingredients that everyone has in the house.

  1. Milk and hemp oil. 100 grams of milk is heated to a tolerable hot state and mixed with two drops of hemp oil. The composition is instilled into the ear with a pipette. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  2. Almond oil. The liquid is heated and instilled in the amount of 10 drops into the ear with a sulfur plug. After that, it is clogged with a cotton swab and left overnight. The procedure is repeated every evening until the cork is completely released.
  3. Camphor oil and garlic. One clove of garlic is crushed and mixed with three drops of oil. A small piece of bandage is taken and smeared with the resulting composition. A tampon is rolled up from it and inserted into the ear. We remove the bandage when there is a burning sensation.
  4. Vegetable oil. A small amount of quality oil is heated. Two drops are instilled into the ear canal and left overnight. Wash your ears in the morning.
  5. Onion and cumin. A medium-sized onion is cut in half. From each half, a little pulp is taken out of the middle. Instead, cumin falls asleep. The halves are stacked together, wrapped in foil and baked in an oven. After cooling, only juice is used. It should be instilled two drops twice a day.
  6. Vodka and onion. Juice is obtained from fresh onions. It is taken 4 parts and mixed with 1 part of vodka. Drips two drops in the morning and evening for five days.
  7. soda and glycerin. 50 ml of ordinary water, a teaspoon of soda and 3 drops of glycerin are heated. 5 drops of the mixture are instilled 4 times a day.
  8. Vegetable oil and soda. First, 5 drops of oil at room temperature are instilled into the ear canal. After 5 minutes, wash the sulfur with a solution of soda.
  9. Ash leaves. Juicy and fresh ash leaves are used to make juice. The resulting liquid is dripped twice a day.

A good addition to any way to deal with ear plugs will be the use of herbal decoctions for washing or douching. Particularly effective: chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula.


Special candles from the pharmacy help get rid of sulfuric plugs. The tool helps to soften the seal and eliminate the inflammatory process. During the procedure, the inner ear is warmed up and immersed in a vacuum due to the burning of a candle.

To get rid of the sulfur seal, it is necessary to additionally prepare a baby cream, cotton swabs and tampons, matches, a napkin and water. Next, the following actions are performed:

  • Before getting rid of the plug, the outer ear is massaged with a cream.
  • The person lies on his side, and the open ear is covered with a napkin with a cutout for the auricle.
  • The lower edge of the candle is inserted into the ear, and the upper edge is lit with a match.
  • A small part of the candle should burn out to the mark, after which it is taken out of the ear canal and extinguished with water.
  • The remnants of the candle are removed from the surface of the organ with a cotton swab.
    To keep warm, the ear is covered with a swab for 10 minutes.

The procedure should be carried out on both sides, regardless of whether there is a cork in both ears or only one. Recommendations for the safe use of candles:

  • the sore ear warms up last;
  • the procedure is best done before going to bed or after the end you need to lie down for at least 20 minutes;
  • you can go outside 10-12 hours after warming up;
  • Do not wash your hair on the day of the procedure.

Candles to remove sulfuric plugs are allowed to be used daily until a positive effect is achieved. If after several procedures the sulfur plug has not been removed, then it is better to visit a doctor. The most common brands are: Reamed, Phytomedicine, Diaz and Doctor Vera.

How to make a candle yourself?

If you don’t want to turn to pharmacy products, then you can make a candle with your own hands:

  1. The base for the wax is being prepared. A cone 50 cm long and 20 and 5 mm in diameter is cut from a dry aspen log.
  2. The beeswax is melted in a water bath.
    Cotton fabric is cut into strips five centimeters wide.
  3. One strip is dipped in beeswax and soaked abundantly with it.
  4. The wooden cone is lubricated with vegetable oil.
    The impregnated fabric is tightly wound on the workpiece without gaps. If they do arise, then they are covered with a brush, which is first dipped in wax.
  5. After hardening, the candle is removed from the workpiece.

The result is a hollow wax tube, which can be used for the above procedure to remove sulfur plugs.

Sometimes the seal is so dense and is located in close proximity to the eardrum. In such cases, home remedies are ineffective. The sulfur plug is removed only by a specialist.

The formation of sulfur in the ears is a natural process for any organism. The substance is produced by the sulfur glands and protects the ear from the penetration of bacteria, fungi and potentially dangerous microorganisms. Normally, sulfur is removed from the ear on its own, without causing any inconvenience to a person (plaque, itching, burning). With excessive secretion, as well as with blockage of the glands in the ear canal, the amount of sulfur exceeds the required volume. Lack of hygiene leads to the compaction of the substance, transforming it into a dense layer - sulfur plug.

Common causes of sulfur plug formation are the following situations:

  1. Mechanical tamping of sulfur - with intensive hygiene with cotton swabs, a person does not clean the ear canal, but pushes the substance deeper. In this regard, sulfur constantly accumulates in the depth of the passage without the possibility of exit, which eventually leads to complete blockage of the ear opening and the formation of an ear plug. Also, excessive use of cotton swabs disrupts the natural secretion of the secret, leaving the mucous membrane unprotected. This leads to the formation of fungus and infectious inflammation.
  2. Increased secretion is an individual feature of the body, when a substance is released in a larger volume than it should be. In this case, the excess eventually accumulates in the ear canal, or is pushed deep into the cotton swabs. The result is the formation of a sulfur plug.
  3. Increased ear care - there is no doubt that the ear needs to be looked after, but only within reasonable limits. The use of cotton swabs several times a day leads to microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the ear canal, as well as complete deprivation of lubrication in the form of sulfur. The glands begin to produce the substance in an enhanced mode, so an excess of secretion is obtained. It is he who becomes part of the sulfur plug.
  4. - some people have a unique structure of the auditory canal, which is characterized by tortuosity. In this regard, hygiene measures do not bring the desired effect - part of the sulfur remains deep in the ear. If at the same time the substance has an increased viscosity, then the occurrence of sulfur plugs for a person is a frequent and familiar phenomenon.

The reason for the formation of a sulfur plug is both the person himself and his rash actions, and the peculiarity of the body. The latter option is no less common than the first.

Important: increased ear secretion is considered a pathology and is a symptom of several diseases, such as eczema or dermatitis.


Signs of the formation of a sulfur plug differ depending on the localization and density of the formed substance. The process of formation of blockage of the ear canal proceeds imperceptibly for a person until the canal begins to overlap. The first symptomatology appears at 70% of the closure of the ear opening.

The main symptom is considered to be hearing impairment - a person feels either a complete hearing loss, which depends on the intensity of the cork formation and its density. As a rule, the process proceeds gradually, so there is no sudden hearing loss. First, there is a feeling of congestion - after water procedures, when water enters the ear canal and the cork gets wet. Also, the effect of stunning is observed after sleep, when a person spends a long time in one position, while sulfur is evenly distributed inside the channel.

The localization of the sulfur plug can be roughly determined by sensations. If the clot of secretion is located closer to the external passage, then additional symptoms, except for hearing loss, are not observed.

If the cork is as close as possible to the eardrum, then the symptoms are as follows:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • lack of coordination;
  • causeless yawning;
  • mild cough without symptoms.

Signs appear due to pressure on the eardrum, as a result of which intracranial pressure changes.

When to flush with a doctor

It is necessary to consult a doctor in the first days of the onset of symptoms - with hearing loss. A person is not able to independently diagnose himself - is it a sulfur plug or an inflammatory process. That is why postponing a visit to the ENT is contraindicated.

The doctor is able to visually determine the presence of a blockage. For this, otoscopy is performed - a visual examination of the auditory canal with an instrumental method. If there is an accumulation of matter, the excess must be removed.

How to flush from a cork in a hospital

If we talk about how the ear is washed from the cork in the hospital, then the procedure is as follows:

  • the doctor determines the consistency of the cork - viscous or dry;
  • in case of a tight connection or complete overlap of the ear canal, special drops (based on oils) are prescribed before washing, which are instilled by the patient on their own at home for three days 2-3 times;
  • saline solution (saline 0.09%) or sterile water brought to a temperature of 37 degrees is used as a liquid;
  • as a tool, a Janet syringe is used, designed for washing cavities;
  • the patient is in a sitting position with his head thrown back in the opposite direction from the affected ear;
  • using Janet's syringe, liquid is poured into the auditory canal;
  • waiting time 2-3 minutes;
  • the patient turns his head to the opposite side so that the fluid and the contents of the auditory canal flow out.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times until the plug comes out on its own.

Does it hurt

The logical question, is it painful to rinse the ear, worries everyone who has encountered such a problem for the first time. There is no definite answer, since each person has an individual pain threshold and sensitivity. If we compare the sensations figuratively, then the process can be described as a combination of intensive cleaning of the ear canal with the simultaneous ingress of water into it. There is a minimum of pain, but there is also little pleasure.

Usually, even children do not cry during such procedures, so when wondering if it hurts to wash the ear from a sulfur plug, you should not be afraid of anything.

Can I delete myself

Not recommended for several reasons. First, a person without a medical education cannot be completely sure that sulfur plug is the cause of the symptoms. Second, there is a high risk of ear injury and infection.

If there is no other way, and you are sure that the cause of hearing loss is the formation of a cork, then you can try to remove it yourself. This will require some medical instruments and preparations.

Removal methods at home

For the procedure you will need the following:

  • oil-based ear drops;
  • pear-shaped balloon (will be used instead of Janet's syringe, since the pear has a rubberized tip and it will reduce the risk of injury to the ear canal);
  • cotton balls or napkins;
  • saline or hydrogen peroxide 3%.

First you need to put drops in your ear and lie down in a side position for 4-5 minutes to soften the cork. Then draw warm saline or hydrogen peroxide into a pear-shaped balloon and gently pour into the ear canal. At the same time, it is necessary to pull the ear concha forward and upward so that the canal is as level as possible. Wait 3-4 minutes and bend over the basin so that the liquid comes out of the ear. If there is no effect, repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. The cork should come out. If this did not happen, it is not worth repeating again. You need to seek help from a doctor.

If the procedure is successful, it is necessary to gently wipe the auricle from the liquid with a cotton swab.

Prevention of the formation of sulfur plugs

The main preventive method for the formation of sulfur plugs is the observance of ear hygiene. It does not consist in intensive care for the ear canal, but in proper processing.

Sulfur plug is an accumulation of earwax, consisting of the secretion of the sebaceous and sulfuric glands, and keratinized epithelium. This problem is often faced by people of different ages. Hearing loss and the appearance of extraneous sounds in the ears are the main symptoms of blockage of the ear canal with sulfuric mass.

The ear is an organ in a person or animal, complex in structure, which is designed to perceive sound vibrations. To understand the cause of the appearance of various pathological processes in the auditory organ, it is necessary to know how it works.


It consists of the auricle (functions to receive sound waves that are transmitted to the internal part of the organ) and the ear canal (covered by the skin, containing sulfuric and sebaceous glands). The end of the external auditory canal is the tympanic membrane. It separates the outer and middle ear, and looks like a thin membrane that is impervious to fluid and air. The eardrum is essential for transmitting sound to the middle ear and protecting the inside from foreign objects.


The tympanic cavity of the middle ear is a small space, the volume of which is about 1 cm³. In this area are: hammer, stirrup and anvil. All of them perform the function of transmitting sound waves to the inner ear. On closer examination, one can see that the hammer is a handle and head, connected, on the one hand, to the eardrum, on the other hand, to the anvil; the anvil is attached to the stirrup, which, in turn, covers the oval window of the inner ear.

The middle ear cavity is closely connected to the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube (serves to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum).


Its structure is the most complex and intricate. Location - temporal bone. The inner ear is otherwise called the membranous labyrinth, which includes: semicircular canals (filled with fluid); snail; vestibule. Any vibration that occurs in the oval window passes to the liquid, with the help of which the receptors are irritated (located in the cochlea, create nerve impulses).

The vestibular system is located in the inner ear of a person, which is necessary for a person to balance and accelerate in space.

Having considered the anatomy of the ear in more detail, it becomes clear how important it is to accurately diagnose and treat any diseases that occur in this organ.

Functions of earwax

Sulfur is produced by the sulfur glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal.

The main functions of earwax are:

  • ensuring the cleaning of the auditory canal from foreign particles and its moistening;
  • protection from the influence of adverse factors.

Earwax has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect due to its biochemical composition; its components are lipids, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, enzymes, lysozyme and immunoglobulins. It is insoluble in water and is produced for natural lubrication, which is necessary to prevent drying of the epithelium of the auditory canal and eardrum.

Self-cleaning earwax

In a healthy person, sulfur is removed on its own when the temporomandibular joint is activated, for example, when talking or chewing. Under the influence of certain factors, cleaning the ear canal from accumulated sulfur can be difficult, which leads to the formation of sulfur plugs.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plug

For the accumulation of sulfuric secretion and blockage of the ear canal, the following factors are distinguished:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of hygienic care for the ears. Most often, the outer ear is cleaned with cotton swabs or hard objects. This method leads to the following results: violates the natural mechanism of spontaneous purification; irritates and injures the skin of the ear canal, and, accordingly, increases sulfur formation; contributes to a deeper pushing of the sulfuric mass inward, thus ramming it there;
  2. Violations of the anatomical structure of the auditory canal (too tortuous or narrow auditory canal);
  3. Natural tendency to pronounced formation of sulfuric secretion (most often inherited);
  4. Unfavorable external factors: long stay in too dusty places; frequent water in the ear, high humidity; strong changes in atmospheric pressure; use of headphones or hearing aids;
  5. Excessive and active hair growth in the external passage;
  6. Inflammatory diseases (during pathological processes, the viscosity and pH of sulfur change);
  7. Dermatitis, psoriasis (with damage to the cartilaginous region of the ear canal).

How does it manifest

The person's hearing may be impaired.

Signs of sulfuric plug appear when the auditory canal is completely filled with sulfuric secretion. Most often, they appear after a shower, because when water enters the ear, the sulfuric mass swells, which leads to blockage of the passage.

Sulfur plug, symptoms:

  • a significant decrease in sound perception in one ear;
  • extraneous noise, squeak in the ear opening;
  • feeling of stuffy ear;
  • feeling the echo of one's own voice in the ear;
  • in rare cases, pain in the ear canal may occur.

If a sulfur plug has formed near the eardrum and presses on it, then the following symptoms may appear:

  • cough;
  • lack of coordination;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • violation of cardiac activity (such a manifestation is very rare, and is associated with the work of the heart and nerve endings in the ear).

With prolonged accumulation of earwax, its protective function is impaired, which can lead to inflammation in the middle ear.

How to remove sulfur plug

The main methods for removing sulfur plugs are: cerumenolysis; aspiration; instrumental curettage; irrigation (washout). Such procedures should be performed only by an otolaryngologist after an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Cerumenolysis- this is the extraction of sulfur plugs with cerumenolytics (special tools that can dissolve earwax). The composition of such drugs most often includes: sodium bicarbonate or urea peroxide.

A popular remedy is A-Cerumen. It is designed to cleanse the ear canal, and can also be used to prevent the formation of sulfur plugs. When it enters the ear, the active substances dissolve the accumulated sulfur mass without causing it to swell.

Cerumenolysis is not always effective, so an additional procedure to remove the ear plug may be required.

Aspiration of cerumen it is used only after softening the sulfur with cerumenolytic agents. This procedure refers to the "dry" removal methods. For its implementation, a special aspiration tube is used, which the doctor inserts into the external auditory canal. The disadvantage of this method is that the sound is too loud during the procedure, and there is also a risk of a disorder of the vestibular apparatus.

Washing out the sulfur plug using a professional device Propulse is considered one of the most effective methods.

How is the procedure carried out:

  • the patient is in a sitting position, a waterproof cape should be attached to his neck;
  • most often, the patient is asked to keep a container near the earlobe for the water drained during the procedure;
  • the doctor gently inserts the nozzle into the auditory lumen and, pressing the foot pedal, delivers water;
  • when particles of sulfur plug appear, the water supply stops. The remains of the ear plug are removed using a special disposable spatula;
  • water in the ear canal is removed with cotton wool.

Instrumental curettage applies if:

  • other methods of removal did not bring the desired result;
  • the patient has persistent hearing loss or disturbances in the eardrum;
  • purulent otitis media was transferred or chronic otitis media developed.

With this method, local anesthesia can be applied. The procedure is performed under the control of optics; for its implementation, special tools are used, which should only be used by a highly qualified specialist.

How to remove wax plug at home

How to get rid of sulfur plug at home? You can try to remove an ear plug if:

  • when you press on the knot of the auricle (located closer to the face), there is no pain;
  • a sulfuric plug in the ear is removed from an adult (if a child has a stuffy ear, a doctor's consultation is required);
  • No ear pain or fever.

How to drip (soften, soak, pierce, clean)

It is not so easy to remove the sulfur plug on your own; most often, when using special tools, it is possible only to soften the sulfur mass. To achieve a soft consistency of the ear plug, hydrogen peroxide (3%), which should be instilled 2-3 drops into the ear for 5 days, no more than 5 r / day.

You can also use the tool "A-Cerumen". For more convenient use of this medication at home, it is recommended to purchase it in the form of a spray. How to remove a sulfur plug with A-Cerumen:

  • to remove, you need to make one spray in each ear, leaving for 1 minute;
  • after tilting your head to one side so that the dissolved sulfuric mass flows out;
  • rinse the ear with saline;
  • course: morning and evening, 3-4 days.

This drug is approved for use in children older than 2.5 years.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Sulfur plug in the ears- this is the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal, which did not come out naturally. In large volumes, sulfur can completely block the ear canal.

Earwax plug in the ears not only reduces the quality of life, but can also cause serious ailments if no action is taken to get rid of it.

Sulfur plug in the ears: causes of formation

There are two main reasons for the formation of sulfur plug.

Increased serogenesis.

Anatomical features of the ear canal.

Often people themselves contribute to the formation of sulfur plugs in the ear. Excessive concern for the cleanliness of the ear canal may have the opposite effect. The main task of sulfur is to protect the inner ear. Daily cleansing manipulations will be a signal to the body for an increased formation of sulfur, as a protective component, which the ear canal is deprived of.

Passion for cotton swabs, as means of cleaning the ear, leads to the fact that the sulfur is compacted and pushed deeper into the ear canal. Some time after such "cleansing" procedures, a dense sulfuric plug is formed. Physiologically, the ear is so arranged that excess sulfur is removed spontaneously when a person chews or speaks. Our task is to keep only the outer part of the ear (pinna) clean, and not to try to penetrate deeper into the ear canal.

Various diseases (dermatitis, otitis media, eczema), high levels of dust and moisture in the air, regular use of headphones and hearing aids can be sources of additional irritation of the ear canal and, as a result, the formation of a plug.

What symptoms indicate the presence of sulfur plug?

Typical symptoms of sulfuric plug.

  • Feeling of persistent stuffiness in the ear (in the morning or after taking a bath).
  • Noises, feeling that one's own voice is echoing in the ears.
  • Coughing, nausea, dizziness, and even heart pain can be triggered by an ear plug.
  • Inflammatory processes in the middle ear - their cause can also be an excess of sulfur that clogs the ear canal.

Often, excess sulfur content in the ear canal does not manifest itself in any way - hearing loss occurs gradually, as long as there is a gap in the sulfuric plug.

How to remove wax plug at home

The best way to deal with tinnitus is to prevent it from happening. But if they are already formed, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of getting rid of them. The best option for removing a sulfur plug is to seek help from an ENT doctor. But if you are firmly convinced that the sulfur plug is really the cause of your discomfort, then you can try to get rid of it without resorting to outside help.

To get rid of sulfuric cork at home, you must follow a certain sequence in your actions.

Softening of a dense lump of sulfur. To do this, you will need a pipette, a cotton swab and a softening agent (glycerin, 3% hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil - to choose from). Enough 4-5 drops of softener, heated in the hands to a comfortable (room) temperature. The problematic ear should be on top when the head is tilted. To instill with your free hand, you need to pull the edge of the auricle slightly up and back. After the procedure (it is more expedient to carry it out at night), a cotton swab is immediately placed in the passage.

Then you must first rinse the sulfur plug with a syringe and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%) - carried out the next morning. Rinse while lying on your side with the problem ear up. Gradually fill the ear canal with peroxide until it starts to overflow over the edge of the ear. After that, stop washing and lie quietly on your side for 15-20 minutes.

In order to finally remove sulfuric plugs, it is enough jets of warm water under pressure . For these purposes, you can use a shower hose without a spray nozzle. Starting from a certain distance, the stream of water should be gradually brought closer to the ear until the end of the hose touches it.

It sometimes takes several visits to completely remove wax plugs from the ears. The lack of relief even after several procedures is a serious reason to involve ENT specialists.

Folk remedies against sulfuric plug

You can try to remove the sulfur plug with the help of proven folk remedies.

Warm almond (sesame, hemp, olive) oil- 5-7 drops at night.

Baked onion stuffed with dill seeds- 3-4 drops of juice at night. Close the ear canal with a cotton swab with petroleum jelly.

Onion Recipe: cut off the top of the onion in the husk so that it turns out to be a depression, pour dill seeds into it and send the onion wrapped in foil to the oven to bake until brown juice appears.

Douching with soda (or saline) mixture- 50 ml of warm water plus a teaspoon of soda (table salt).

Are there any contraindications?

Do not use sharp objects (hairpins, toothpicks, etc.) to remove the cork. Diabetes mellitus, perforation of the tympanic membrane, inflammatory processes in the ear, uncertainty in self-diagnosis - these are the reasons why you should also abandon independent manipulations in the ear canal.



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