Decreased bifidobacteria. Normal composition of bacteria in the intestine

When there is not enough lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract, a condition called dysbiosis occurs. It is accompanied by a number of unpleasant consequences, among which there are reactions both from the intestines and from the body as a whole. - constipation; diarrhea; - weakness and dizziness - constant sadness, depression - drowsiness at any time of the day - insomnia - overexcited and aggressive state - causeless anxiety - suspiciousness.


Against the background of dysbiosis associated with a lack of lactobacilli, chronic colitis can develop in the intestine. Also today there is a reasonable hypothesis that it is the lactobacilli living in the stomach that inhibit the development of pathogenic strains of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is considered one of the main provoking factors of gastric ulcer. And when the gastric lactobacilli die, the risk of "getting an ulcer" increases many times over. The immune system also suffers from a lack of lactobacilli. We are beginning to pursue frequent colds and all sorts of allergic reactions, including on the skin.


In addition to cleansing the intestines using the SPA Efference method (which in itself will help to cope with dysbiosis), you should use special medications and review your diet. To speed up the restoration of the number of lactobacilli, you can use drugs such as probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are strains of lactobacilli that colonize your gut. Prebiotics are drugs that boost the growth rate of those lactobacilli that already live in your intestines. Also, an increase in the number of lactobacilli contributes to the introduction of the right foods into the diet. First of all, these are fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc. They contain natural lactobacilli. We can say that these are natural probiotics. A variety of vegetables and fruits act as natural prebiotics. Parsley, cabbage, apples, carrots, garlic and beets accelerate the reproduction of lactobacilli.

Intestinal microflora: why is it needed?

The normal intestinal microflora consists of the following microorganisms:

bifidobacteria form a large amount of acidic products, promote the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D, produce lysozyme, which prevents the penetration of microbes from the lower intestines into the upper and other organs. These bacteria form amino acids, proteins, many B vitamins, which are then absorbed in the intestine. With a lack of bifidobacteria (artificial feeding, antibiotic therapy, infectious processes), a whole complex of protein-mineral-vitamin deficiency develops:

  • the absorption of calcium and vitamin D decreases, which increases the effects of rickets or reduces the effectiveness of treatment;
  • with predisposing factors, anemia may develop, as the absorption of iron decreases;
  • there is an excessive growth of pathogenic microbes and their spread to the upper intestinal tract, the general absorption of nutrients is disturbed, which leads to such dyspeptic disorders as belching with air after eating, decreased appetite, there may be diarrhea and flatulence (bloating). And since the absorption of nutrients is impaired, this can lead to a decrease or insufficient weight gain, dry skin, and a general decrease in immunity.

Bifidobacteria accumulate B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) C, nicotinic, folic acids and biotin.

lactobacilli suppress putrefactive and pyogenic microbes, they have antibacterial activity due to the fact that they produce lactic acid, alcohol and lysozyme, and also stimulate the body's own immunity by producing interferons. With a lack of lactobacilli, intestinal motility is sharply reduced, food stagnates in the intestine, leading to an even greater accumulation of microbes.

Non-toxigenic clostridia support the ability of the intestinal microflora to resist the colonization of pathogenic microbes. But the predominance of toxigenic species of Clostridium in the intestinal microflora causes the formation of a chronic inflammatory process. There is a breakdown of nutrients by an unusual microflora for the intestines, as a result, abnormal breakdown products are formed in large quantities, which irritates the intestinal wall. Intestinal peristalsis increases, normal absorption of nutrients is disturbed, gas formation increases. In addition, there is an allergy to the usual breakdown products of nutrients, which also leads to impaired bowel function.

With excessive reproduction in the intestines of veillonella, increased gas formation occurs, all of the above disorders can also occur in the intestines of Escherichia (intestinal daddy), or rather, some of their types, contribute to inhibition of the growth of pathogenic species of Escherichia coli that causes diarrhea - frequent liquefied stools. This happens due to the production of secretory immunoglobulins in the intestine. Escherichia also take part in the formation of vitamin K, ensuring normal human blood clotting. Other microorganisms living in the intestine, with a decrease in the immunological resistance of the body, can also lead to a change in the function of the intestine, contribute to the development of inflammatory processes not only in the intestine, but also in other organs. With a normal composition of microorganisms in our intestines, harmful microorganisms that have fed into the intestines receive a worthy rebuff and cannot settle. If the ratio of normal microorganisms is disturbed, an infectious process may begin in the intestine due to the fact that the number and number of types of pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria will increase. Intestinal microorganisms are responsible for the body's ability to resist various harmful factors - they form our immunity.

The immunomodulatory function of the intestine, that is, the formation of immunity, is realized already in the first hours after birth under the influence of those microorganisms that the child received when passing through the birth canal of the mother and at the first, as early as possible, attachment to the breast. In the presence of these microorganisms, their own antibacterial agent is released - lysozyme and other substances that stimulate the body's immune system. If these microorganisms are not present, then there is a decrease in the number of protective intestinal formations. If there is no substance that stimulates the production of protective forces by intestinal cells, then these cells begin to function defectively, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner, and the height of the villi decreases, which absorb and recycle nutrients. Then the incoming food is not completely digested, nutrients enter the body in a smaller amount, the production of lysozyme, immunoglobulin A, and interferons is less stimulated. It is already a known fact that the intestines digest food by absorbing nutrients, but everyone knows that this is also carried out by intestinal microorganisms.

During the vital activity of microorganisms, a large number of enzymes are formed that process proteins, fats, carbohydrates, regulate the exchange of microelements necessary for our body. Hormone-like compounds are also formed in large quantities, which affect the function of the endocrine glands (pancreas and thyroid gland, pituitary gland and others), and the entire metabolism as a whole. It is noted that the intestinal microflora is able to form almost all the vitamins that are necessary for the body, and even in the right amount. Moreover, special acids are produced that prevent the reproduction of putrefactive and pathogenic microbes.

Microorganisms stimulate peristalsis (muscle contractions of the intestine, which lead to mechanical mixing of food and moving it further along the intestine) of the small and large intestine, gastric emptying, food does not stagnate in the intestine for a long time.

The intestinal microflora also protects us from harmful substances that have entered our body: pesticides, salts of heavy metals, many drugs, nitrates. As a result, instead of toxic substances, non-toxic products are formed that are excreted from the body. The detoxification (that is, disinfecting, removing toxins) function of the intestine is comparable to the same action of the liver.

Of course, the composition of the microflora varies depending on the location in the intestine. The very first "floors" are the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. In these organs, the composition of the microflora is the most variable due to the fact that it depends on the nature of the food we eat. An acid is formed in the stomach, which has an antibacterial effect. The next "floor" is the small intestine. It contains an average, intermediate between the stomach and large intestine number of microorganisms. The large intestine contains the most microorganisms. Naturally, in children, the intestinal microflora differs from the microflora of an adult, and in a newborn, from the microflora of an older child. When and how does the colonization of the intestines occur in a child?

Let's start from birth. Already during the passage through the birth canal of the mother, contact seeding of the oral cavity and eyes of the child with the bacteria of the mother occurs; so the child receives the first portion of microorganisms. These are the microorganisms that inhabit the birth canal of the mother. Thus, it turns out that the mother is the first source of her child's intestinal microorganisms. Accordingly, if a woman has any disorders (most often an infectious process, diseases of the oral cavity, stomach, liver, kidney disease, gynecological organs), this will affect which microorganisms the child will receive.

Even the use of medicines (antibiotics and antibacterial drugs) also affects the future composition of the child's intestinal microflora. Why? After all, the child does not come into contact with these organs. The fact is that the mother's microorganisms can penetrate through the placenta to the fetus and accumulate in the unborn organism. And in the future, this can lead to a violation of the formation of the normal composition of the intestine, the so-called dysbacteriosis. And this despite the fact that the child himself will not take any antibiotics.

The correct formation of the normal microflora of the intestines of a newborn child begins when the child is first applied to the breast. And this should be done as early as possible, within the first 30 minutes after birth. Then the baby will receive the necessary lactic acid flora, which accumulates on the surface of the nipples of the woman in labor and enters the colostrum. If you attach a child to the breast within 12-24 hours from the moment of birth, then the necessary lactic acid microflora will appear only in half of the children, even later attachment will give microbacteria colonization only in every 3-4th child. It has been proven that bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci and some other microorganisms are found in the mother's breast milk in the first 7 days after birth. Therefore, early attachment of the newborn to the breast is necessary, and then - his joint stay with the mother, so that the fullest possible colonization of the intestines with normal microorganisms occurs. And since the colonization of the intestine occurs from the oral cavity in the underlying direction, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are found in the stool of newborns already from the second day after birth, the number of which then increases, and from the 4th day of life the number of Escherichia decreases. Bifidobacteria enable the child's body to resist infectious diseases and stimulate the development of immunity. Thus, with the correct and early attachment of the newborn to the breast, the formation of intestinal microflora occurs by the end of the first week of life. With a later attachment to the breast, the formation of the intestinal microflora is delayed up to 2-3 weeks.

Of course, in addition to the necessary, the newborn simultaneously receives a large number of pathogenic bacteria. The source of these pathogenic bacteria is primarily the staff of maternity hospitals, especially where newborns are separated from their mothers most of the time. And this happens precisely in the first 5-6 days after childbirth, when the mother's milk contains those necessary bacteria that she can and must pass on to her child.

The formation of the intestinal microflora of a child is completely dependent on the nature of feeding. In children who are breastfed, the composition of the microflora is somewhat different from that of those children who are artificially fed. In the latter, other types of bifidobacteria are found, which affects the consistency of feces and the frequency of bowel movements: the feces become thicker, “putty”, and the number of bowel movements can decrease to 1-2 times a day. Bifidobacteria in breastfed children more actively suppress the growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, maintaining their composition at a constant low level.

The number of lactobacilli is greater in those children who are artificially fed. But they have more than necessary, and the number of clostridia - bacteria that can produce intestinal toxins. More often and in larger quantities, "artificial" microorganisms are detected such microorganisms as bacteroids and veillonella, which in excess cause increased gas formation. In addition, such children do not receive immunoglobulin A, which is contained in breast milk, and their secretory immunoglobulin is not yet produced in them, which leads to a decrease in the body's defenses. In this situation, those micro-organisms that do not have a harmful effect on the body in small quantities can acquire pathogenic properties and cause inflammatory processes and frequent loose stools.

With artificial feeding, the number of those microorganisms increases, which, with natural feeding, are supported by bifidobacteria at a constant level. All this also leads to the formation of inflammatory lesions of the intestine, the occurrence of an infectious process. Thus, the natural feeding of a child, begun immediately after his birth, forms the most correct microflora of the entire digestive tract, ensures the most complete digestion of food, proper bowel function, development of immunity and controls the work of the entire organ. -ism in general.

If there is a violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, then this manifests itself in the form of dysbacteriosis. But manifestations of dysbacteriosis can be observed much later, although changes in the intestine already exist. And these symptoms can be completely different, depending on which bacteria are absent in the intestines, and which contain more than the norm.

How is dysbacteriosis manifested?

There are 3 degrees of severity of dysbacteriosis: compensated, subcompensated and decompensated. However, due to the fact that different clinical and laboratory assessment criteria are used, there is no single point of view on this issue. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis depend on the place of occurrence of changes. Dysbacteriosis of the small intestine is most often manifested by diarrhea and the formation of malabsorption syndrome. (bloating, weight loss, etc.). Colon dysbacteriosis may not have clinical manifestations, but there is evidence of a connection between constipation and microflora disorders. A variant of the manifestations of dysbacteriosis is an allergic skin rash, irritability, tearfulness, weight loss, growth retardation, dry skin, anemia, frequent colds. In young children, the manifestations of dysbacteriosis are most noticeable, and this is not necessarily bloating and loose stools. This may be a lag in the growth of body weight, dry skin, brittle nails, anemia, tearfulness, irritability, frequent colds, bad breath and other symptoms.

How to determine the presence of dysbacteriosis in a child?

In addition to identifying various symptoms of digestive disorders, laboratory diagnostics is also necessary:

Microbiological analysis of feces helps to identify various combinations of quality and quantity of microorganisms in feces, as well as to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs, which is very important when prescribing treatment. For this analysis, you need to pass fresh morning feces, the use of an enema is undesirable.

You can use a method such as gas-liquid chromatography. This method allows you to evaluate the chemical compounds that are formed during the life of the normal intestinal microflora (in the course of their life activity, microorganisms emit certain gaseous substances; if these substances are not enough or too much, this will be seen on the color scale). For analysis, it is desirable to use fresh feces.

Evaluation of the coprogram (examination of feces under a microscope) reveals a violation of the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. For analysis, the evening portion of feces, which was stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a closed glass container, is also suitable. Analysis of feces for the amount of carbohydrates also allows you to assess the ability of digestion. For analysis, it is better to use fresh feces. With any laboratory test, do not hesitate to ask the doctor questions about how to properly prepare for the analysis and when is the best time to take it.


How to restore disturbed microflora? To begin with, it is imperative to identify the cause that led to the onset of dysbacteriosis, take into account the age of the child, the nature of his diet, feeding, the presence or absence of allergic reactions, past intestinal and other infections, as well as taking medications. This is detected at a doctor's appointment, but, unfortunately, it is far from immediately at the first interview that one can determine the cause of dysbacteriosis.

Nutrition should be adequate for the age of the child. For young children, adapted mixtures enriched with microflora are used. For infants, mixtures have also been developed in the form of lyophilized breast milk, which are enriched with bifidobacteria. These mixtures can be used for both artificial and natural feeding: one or two feedings are replaced by the intake of any mixture of this type.

If violations of enzymatic activity are detected, the pediatrician can prescribe enzyme preparations that give a good result in the complex treatment of dysbacteriosis and allergic diseases.

The doctor can also prescribe enterosorbents that will absorb the products of the activity of pathogenic microbes. And only a specialist can decide which bacterial preparations (containing bacteria of normal microflora) are necessary for one or another manifestation of dysbacteriosis. To stimulate the growth of normal microflora, the so-called probiotics are used: LYSOZYME, LACTU-LOZA, HILAK-FORTE. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe drugs that have anti-bacterial activity that targets specific bacteria. These are various phages that have an antibacterial effect aimed at certain pathogenic bacteria. Of course, if pathogens are insensitive to phages, the doctor may suggest using other antibacterial agents: FURAZOLIDONE, METRONIDAZOL, CHLORPHILIPT, NIFUROXAZIL, INTERIX, as well as antibiotics and antifungal agents. In some cases, immunomodulatory drugs are also prescribed. Treatment can take quite a long time, as it depends on the underlying cause of this condition. Do not forget about such preparations as trace elements and vitamins, the content of which also decreases with dysbacteriosis.

Remember: so that you do not have to deal with your child's intestinal dysbacteriosis, pay attention to the condition of your intestines. And at the birth of a baby, do not forget about the importance of breastfeeding from the first days of life.

Causes of dysbacteriosis

What can influence the development of dysbacteriosis? A wide variety of factors.

  • stress;
  • unbalanced nutrition (artificial feeding);
  • environmental trouble,
  • chronic non-inflammatory diseases (cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, underdevelopment of the salivary glands, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, rickets, violation of the shape of the jaws, enlarged intestines - megacolon, dolichosigma, neurological diseases), etc.

The causes of dysbacteriosis in infants who are breastfed may be:

  • late or improper attachment to the breast when air is swallowed;
  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • taking antibiotics by a child or mother;
  • inflammatory processes in the mother (thrush, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  • prematurity;
  • allergic diseases in parents;
  • milk protein intolerance.

In the human body, there are many beneficial bacteria, a significant part of which is located in the intestinal system. Being a kind of layer, they prevent the action of pathogens, help to better digest food, receive various nutrients and fight other problems.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are the most numerous representatives of the intestinal microflora. Our regular author, candidate of medical sciences, infectious disease specialist Tatyana Alexandrovna Ruzhentsova will tell about their role for human health.

What unites them is what they are lactic acid bacteria, creating an optimal environment for the functioning of the stomach: eliminate constipation, diarrhea, contribute to the timely cleansing of the intestines. And the difference is that lactobacilli are located throughout the intestinal system, and bifidobacteria are found in the large intestine. And one more difference: in addition to strengthening the immune system, the second representatives of the microflora successfully suppress the action of carcinogens and prevent the development of allergies.

What harms the intestinal microflora

The nutritional habits of the majority of the population in our time, unfortunately, do not at all contribute to maintaining the optimal state of the microflora. And few people realize that a decrease in their number leads to various problems from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the genitourinary, immune, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Air pollution, a large number of preservatives and antiseptics used to preserve food, and emotional stress have a detrimental effect on the flora. Most patients are familiar with nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain often associated with antibiotic use.

These are the first symptoms dysbacteriosis- reducing the number of bifidobacteria and / or lactobacilli with the activation of the growth of other microorganisms that cause pronounced disturbances to one degree or another. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drugs further exacerbate the problem. Without the natural representatives of the intestine, our body becomes susceptible to various infections.

Bifido- and lactobacteria increase the acidity of the environment, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic flora, which causes disease under certain conditions not only in the intestines, but also on all mucous membranes: in the mouth, nose, and genitals.

The peculiarity of lactobacilli lies in their ability to produce antibiotic-like substances that prevent the reproduction of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria. Of these, lysozyme and acidophilus are well known.

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Organic acids produced by bifidobacteria also prevent the growth of pathogenic flora. They are directly involved in the synthesis of B vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of primarily the nervous, immune and hematopoietic systems: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (or PP, nicotinic acid, niacin), Bs (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid) and in the synthesis of vitamin K. Taking an active part in the process of digestion, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli break down proteins and carbohydrates, synthesize essential amino acids necessary to renew all body cells.

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How to eliminate the deficiency of bifido- and lactobacilli

A significant difference between bifidobacteria and others lies in their ability to stimulate intestinal motility. Their deficiency immediately leads to the reproduction of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria, the accumulation of toxic metabolites and gases in the intestinal lumen.

As a result of the complex effect of a number of adverse manifestations of dysbacteriosis, patients complain of discomfort and pain in the abdomen, constipation, alternating with episodes of diarrhea, and nausea. Violation of the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates leads to the so-called syndrome malabsorption(impaired intestinal absorption) with a decrease in the amount of nutrients entering the blood.

What follows? Children gain weight poorly, psychomotor development slows down. In adults, a violation of protein metabolism during dysbacteriosis is often accompanied by excessive absorption of fats, which is manifested by obesity, to which a significant part of the population is currently prone. In turn, excess body weight entails an increase in blood pressure in all age groups, the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, and the development of diabetes.

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Deficiency of bifidobacteria is always accompanied by intoxication with accumulated unsplit substances.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurts, acidophilus, kefir and national products: koumiss, ayran, katyk (a traditional fermented milk product prepared according to the recipes of the peoples living in the Turkic-speaking states of the Middle and Near East) will help maintain and restore the necessary balance of flora in the intestines. The most important thing is that they are natural. This can be clarified by the composition indicated on the label.

If a starter culture or strains of fermented milk microorganisms are indicated, the product can be consumed to maintain the balance of microflora. You can also confirm the presence of live microorganisms by adding a small amount to milk. If, at a temperature of about 37-40 ° C, after about 7-10 hours, the milk thickens and turns into a tasty fermented milk product, then there was enough microflora and such nutrition will be beneficial.

If pronounced violations are detected, special enriched curds and yogurts can be used. Frequently ill children and adults, especially during or after the use of antibiotics, cancer patients who have received radiation or chemotherapy, are indicated Actimel containing lactobacilli.

It is drunk from 1 to 3 bottles per day, preferably before meals. Symptoms of flatulence, abdominal discomfort, constipation are significantly reduced by eating curds and yogurts. Activia containing bifidobacteria. Their daily use by the elderly can not only improve bowel function, but also significantly reduce the manifestations closely associated with increased pressure in the intestinal lumen: arrhythmia and heart failure.

If dysbacteriosis is detected, especially with intolerance to dairy products, it is necessary to take special preparations - probiotics available in pharmacies in a large assortment. For example, you can choose linex containing a complex of bifido- and lactobacilli. It is recommended for adults to take 2 capsules after meals 3 times a day, and for children - 1 capsule 3 times a day.

AT acipole are lactobacilli. It is taken 1-2 capsules before meals 3 times a day. The traditional drug based on bifidobacteria is considered bifidumbacterin in capsules or sachets, which is prescribed for adults 2 capsules or 2 sachets during meals 3 times a day. Children are usually prescribed 1 sachet 3 times a day, regardless of age.

I emphasize that it is not necessary to take preparations containing normal flora without the need, since an excess of microorganisms entering from outside can reduce the reproduction of one's own bacteria and thereby contribute to the development of symptoms of dysbacteriosis when they are canceled.

Lactobacilli (lactobacilli) of the intestine live on the mucous membrane. A small amount (10 2 CFU per 1 ml of intestinal contents) is found in the small intestine. And the bulk (10 8 -10 12 CFU per 1 g of intestinal contents), together with others, lives on the wall of the large intestine. There they breed, feed, and, since they are symbionts, they are beneficial.

  • They hinder growth. Lactobacilli synthesize organic acids, maintain an acidic environment in the intestines, produce hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic-like substances, thereby preventing the spread and reproduction of the infection.
  • Enhance immunity. Since they, being foreign organisms, come into contact with the epithelium of the intestinal wall, stimulate defense mechanisms. Lactobacilli and other parietal microflora accelerate the synthesis of antibodies, lysozyme, interferons, cytokines and activate phagocytosis.
  • Participate in membrane digestion. Lactobacilli produce, break down milk sugar and prevent the occurrence of lactase deficiency. Without these microorganisms, milk is not normally digested.
  • Promote the metabolism of bile acids. Under the influence of lacto- and in the distal colon, bile acids are transformed and stimulate the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen. This prevents dehydration of feces (solid feces are poorly excreted from the body, damage the intestinal mucosa, and are one of the causes of anal fissures and other pathologies).
  • Thanks to the microflora, the hydrolysis of cholesterol occurs in the large intestine, the breakdown of toxins and nutrients undigested in the small intestine.
  • Participate in the detoxifying function of the intestine. They help to reduce the permeability of vascular and tissue barriers to toxins and pathogens.
  • In the process of life, lactobacilli produce gases, acids, thereby activating.

Lactobacilli, together with others (escherichia, bifidobacteria, eubacteria), are involved in the synthesis and absorption of vitamins K, B, E, PP.

A decrease in the amount of normal microflora contributes to indigestion, the development of infectious diseases, weakened immunity, and the occurrence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sources of lactobacilli


Medicines containing live cultures of microorganisms -. They are prescribed for the prevention and correction of inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea and constipation.

There are preparations containing only lactobacilli, and there are complex preparations (they also include other representatives of the intestinal microflora). Some preparations contain vitamins and minerals.

Medicines containing lactobacilli:

Medicines should be taken with food. Those medicines that are sold in powder form are diluted in water (not hot). It is strongly not recommended to dilute them with drinks containing alcohol.

  • with severe candidomycosis;
  • patients with catheters in the central vein;
  • after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, heart, in the oral cavity;
  • patients in a state of threat to life;
  • if blood is found in the stool;
  • children under 3 years of age with short bowel syndrome.


Dairy products are used as raw materials for the manufacture of food products. They are fermented with kefir ferment and bifido- and lactobacilli are added. The stores sell kefirs, yogurts and other fermented milk products, in the names of which there is a prefix:

  • "Bio";
  • "Acido".

It is understood that they contain live cultures of bifidus and lactobacilli.

If fermented milk products have been pasteurized, then they cannot contain the necessary microorganisms, since these cultures are very sensitive to temperature conditions.

Sources of lactobacilli are hard cheeses:

  • "Aibolit";
  • "Slavic";
  • "Olympus";
  • "Uglich".

1 g of cheese contains 10 7 -10 9 CFU of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Yoghurts and kefirs containing lactobacilli:

  • Actimel;
  • Activia;
  • Imunele;
  • Biokefir.

In addition to products with lacto- and bifidobacteria, it is also necessary to use substances that promote the growth of these cultures:

  • lactulose;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish and vegetable fats);
  • lysozyme.

The systematic consumption of fermented milk products enriched with bifido- and lactobacilli has a beneficial effect on the microflora. But the content of these cultures in products is low. And with some diseases of the digestive system, they are contraindicated. Then, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections, drugs with lactobacilli are recommended. Some of them are recommended even for newborns.

Lactobacillus for children and newborns

Most of the preparations with lactobacilli are available in the form of capsules. Small children are not able to swallow them. For them, special water-soluble powders have been created that are added to food (it should not be hot, as microorganisms will die). If the doctor prescribed the drug in a capsule, it's not scary - it opens, and the contents are mixed with food.

Starting from the neonatal period, for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, gastroenteritis, in the complex therapy of allergic diseases, the following is prescribed:

These drugs are also prescribed for adults, only in large doses. A Multiprobiotic Symbiter Acidophilic is recommended for children under 3 years of age (it is not prescribed for adults).

It is categorically not recommended to prescribe drugs on your own, especially for children, even if the instructions do not indicate side effects. It must be remembered that individual intolerance to the drug may occur.

Can I take lactobacillus preparations for prevention?

The instructions for the drugs say that they are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This does not mean that they should be accepted by everyone. They are prescribed if there are prerequisites for the development of pathology:

  • taking medications (antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, antisecretory agents);
  • dysfunction, resection of the ileocecal valve;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • enzymopathies;
  • malabsorption in the intestine.

Lactobacilli should also be taken by those who are contraindicated in fermented milk products. If there are no contraindications, then prevention should be carried out by correcting nutrition. Add to diet:

And it is better to drink tablets when there are certain indications and a clear deficiency of lactobacilli is revealed. For this, there are special research methods.

Diagnostics and maintenance standards

Carry out the determination of the number of lactobacilli in case of suspected dysbacteriosis. To do this, research:

  • the contents of the small intestine;

In the contents of the small intestine, the number of microorganisms is 10 4 -10 8 CFU per 1 g of intestinal contents. This is a combination of all representatives of the normal intestinal microflora (enterobacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, lactobacilli, fungi, clostridia, bifidobacteria). Of these, 85–90% should be bifidus and lactobacilli.

Normal content of lactobacilli in feces:

When interpreting the results, it should be borne in mind that the colon should contain not only lactobacilli. There are many representatives of beneficial microflora. To diagnose dysbacteriosis, a study is carried out on the content of the main symbionts in the intestine, as well as on the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

When looking at the blanket sheet of dysbacteriosis tests, one can notice a long list of microflora. People who do not understand medicine can draw erroneous conclusions and assumptions.

It should be noted that the form of the test sheet may vary, depending on the medical institution. First, beneficial bacteria can go, then opportunistic and pathogenic ones. Or in a different order. We provide several different analysis forms so that you know about it and do not be afraid that the form of the results is different from yours! Therefore, just find the line in your sheet of results and compare the value with the norm, which is shown here in the photo.

  1. bifidobacteria. Representatives of bifidobacteria can rightfully be considered useful inhabitants of the microflora. The optimal percentage of their number should not fall below 95, but it is better to be all 99%:
  • microorganisms of bifidobacteria are engaged in the breakdown, digestion and absorption of food elements. They are responsible for the absorption of vitamins,
  • due to the activity of bifidobacteria, the intestine receives the proper amount of iron and calcium;
  • a significant role of bifidobacteria in the stimulation of the intestines, especially its walls (responsible for the elimination of toxins).
  • Digestion, absorption, assimilation of all useful elements of food
  • You can talk for a long time about the benefits of bifidobacteria, but these are the most beneficial bacteria in our intestines, the more of them, the better!

Quantitative indicator of bifidobacteria in the test form - from 10 * 7 degrees to 10 * 9 degrees. A decrease in numbers clearly shows the presence of a problem, in our case - dysbacteriosis.

  1. LACTOBACTERIA. The second place among the inhabitants of the intestine is occupied by lactobacilli. Their percentage in the body is 5%. Lactobacilli also belong to the positive group of microflora. Ingredients: lactobacilli, lactic acid molecules, representatives of streptococci. Based on the name, it can be understood that lactobacilli (sour-milk viruses) are responsible for the production of lactic acid. It, in turn, normalizes the vital activity of the intestine. Lacto bacteria help the body avoid allergenic attacks. Microorganisms stimulate the function of getting rid of toxins.

Blanket analysis assumes a strict number of lactobacilli - from 10 * 6 degrees to 10 * 7 degrees. With a decrease in these microorganisms, the body will undergo a reaction from allergens, constipation will become more frequent, and lactose deficiency will occur.

  • it does not allow opportunistic microorganisms to breed in your intestines, fights them day and night;
  • coli absorbs oxygen, thereby saving bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from death.
  • with its direct participation, the production of B vitamins, and the absorption of iron and calcium occur!
  • if there was a decrease in E. coli below or above the norm (i.e. below 10 to the 7th degree and more than 10 to the 8th degree) - this may indicate the presence in the intestine, firstly of dysbacteriosis, and secondly, the presence of worms . Norm - 107-108 cfu / g

E.coli LACTOSONEGATIVE - opportunistic bacteria. Their norm is 10 to the 4th power. Increasing this value leads to an imbalance in the intestinal flora. In particular, these are constipation, heartburn, belching, pressure and bursting in the stomach. Prominent representatives of these bacteria are PROTEI and KLEBSIELLA.

PROTEUS - facultative anaerobe, rod-shaped, non-spore-bearing, motile, Gram-negative bacterium. A bright representative of opportunistic bacteria.

Opportunistic - means that their number within the normal range does not cause a violation in the intestine. As soon as the norm is exceeded, and these bacteria have bred, they become pathogenic, harmful, and dysbacteriosis occurs.

KLEBSIELLA is an opportunistic pathogen that is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family. It got its name from the name of the German scientist, bacteriologist and pathologist who discovered it - Edwin Klebs.

E. coli HEMOLYTIC - E. coli is present in the sections of the large intestine, it is a competitor of bifidus and lactobacilli. The norm is 0 (zero). Its presence in the intestine unequivocally speaks of a violation of the microflora. Leads to skin problems, allergic reactions. In general, having this wand will not bring you anything good.

  1. BACTEROIDS. Individual test reports may include a list of bacteroids. It is a mistake to attribute them to harmful bacteria. In fact, everything is quite simple - their quantitative indicator is not related to the performance of the body. In newborns, they are practically absent, then they gradually populate the intestines. Until the end, their role in the body has not been studied, but normal digestion is impossible without them.
  2. ENTEROCOCCI - it is these microorganisms that are present even in a healthy intestine. Under the optimal regime of the body, the percentage of enterococci does not exceed 25% (10-7).

    Otherwise, we can state a violation of the microflora. However, they are the causative agents of urinary tract infections. It's believed that not exceeding their values ​​relative to the norm are a good indicator and do not worry.

  3. PATHOGENIC MICROBES OF THE INTESTINAL FAMILY(Pathogenic enterobacteria) are extremely harmful bacteria. Here and Salmonella(lat. Salmonella), and Shigella(lat. Shigella). They are the causative agents of infectious diseases of salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever and others. The norm is the absence of these microbes at all. If they are, then there may be a sluggish or manifested infectious infection. It is these microbes that often go first in the list of test results for dysbacteriosis.
  4. non-fermenting bacteria regulators of the entire digestive process. Food fibers are fermented, prepared for the absorption of all useful substances (acids, proteins, amino acids, etc.). The absence of these bacteria indicates that your intestines have something to strive for. Food is not fully digested. He advises to eat germinated wheat and bran.
  5. EPIDERMAL (SAPROPHITE) STAPHYLOCOCCUS- also applies to representatives of the conditionally pathogenic environment. But by analogy with enterococci, these microorganisms can easily coexist in a healthy body. Their optimal percentage point is 25% or 10 to the 4th power.
  6. CLOSTRIDIA ( Clostridium) bacteria that are also present in small numbers in our intestines. With the help of them, processes associated with the formation of alcohols and acids occur. they are harmless in themselves, they can only supplement the pathogenic flora when it grows above the norm.
  7. Staphylococcus aureus These bacteria are nothing but microbes of the external environment. For example, they can be found on the skin or mucous membranes of our body. Even the smallest part of staphylococci can lead to exacerbations in the intestines. It is not surprising that medicine has long developed a standard: there should be no staphylococci in the test form. Even a small amount of them can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

    An important feature of the intestine is that Staphylococcus aureus will never appear on its own. They are entirely dependent on the number of positive microorganisms and representatives of bifidobacteria. Useful microflora (bifido- and lactobacilli) is able to suppress aggression from staphylococcus aureus. But if it still enters the intestines, the body will undergo allergic reactions, suppuration and itching of the skin. A person can have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

  8. YEAST-LIKE MUSHROOMS CANDIDA (Candida) Mushrooms Candida albicans

    Candida fungi - live in the human intestine, in an amount of less than 10 in the 4th degree. The number may increase if the patient is actively taking antibiotics. An increase in fungi with a general decrease in normal microflora leads to the development of thrush, usually in women or stomatitis (in children). The disease affects the mucous membranes of the human body: the mouth and the genitourinary system. Candidiasis is the common name for diseases associated with the active growth and vital activity of these fungi (thrush, stomatitis, etc.).

    There are cases when tests do not reveal a decrease in microflora, while an increase in fungal microorganisms is observed. This practice indicates that the concentration of fungi does not appear inside the body, but in the external environment. First of all, we are talking about the skin, for example, near the anus (anus). Treatment is prescribed, during which problem areas of the skin are treated with an ointment against fungi.

Other microorganisms are analyzed only in extremely rare cases. Pseudomonas aerugenosa is considered the most prominent pathogen of this group.

Sometimes in the analysis form you can find a curious term: abs. But it doesn't mean anything bad. With the help of this spelling, medical workers note the absence of any element of microflora. Also in the analysis form, you can find the phrase “not found”, which is understandable to all of us.

As practice shows, diagnostics consists of deciphering information from 15 to 20 varieties of bacteria. This is not so much when you consider that our body consists of 400 types of microbes. Human feces submitted for analysis are carefully examined for the presence of bifidobacteria and pathogens of various diseases (staphylococci, proteus, etc.).

Dysbacteriosis is a decrease in the quantitative index of bifidobacteria and a simultaneous increase in pathogenic microorganisms of the intestine.

The norms of the microflora of the intestinal tract

Example 1 - The composition of the intestinal microflora is normal
  • Normal microflora:
  • E. coli - 10 to the 6th degree (10 * 6) or 10 to the 7th degree (10 * 7)
  • Spore anaerobes - 10*3 and 10*5
  • Lactobacilli - 10 to the 6th degree and above
  • Bifidobacteria - 10 to the 7th degree and above
  • Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora:

Example 2 - The composition of the intestinal microflora is normal
Example 3 - Composition of normal intestinal microflora in children

Analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis. How to do it all?

  1. The first thing to remember is the incompatibility of antibiotics with stool sampling for culture. It is recommended to wait at least 12 hours after the completion of the course of medications, and only then prepare the tests. Fecal collection is carried out naturally, without additional stimulation of the intestines. You should not put enemas, use barium - the material for research will turn out to be unsuitable. Before collecting feces for analysis, it is necessary to empty the bladder. Defecation should occur naturally, preferably not in the toilet, but in a vessel or pot. Urine should not enter the feces. The place for collecting feces is treated with disinfectants and washed with boiled water.
  1. The hospital usually gives out a resealable container with a spoon. It is necessary to place material for the diagnosis of dysbacteriosis in it. After you collect the feces in a container, you must immediately deliver it to the laboratory. The maximum allotted time for this is 3 hours. If you do not have time, then place the container with feces in a cold environment (but not in the refrigerator).
  1. Mandatory conditions for the collection and storage of feces for analysis:
  • it is forbidden to store analyzes for more than 5 hours;
  • the container must be tightly closed;
  • defecation should be carried out on the day of the study of feces, and not the day before.

If the conditions are not met, you may encounter distorted laboratory data. In this case, the picture of the disease will be incomplete, and the doctor's assumptions will not be confirmed. You will have to donate feces for sowing a second time.

Video "Study of feces for dysbacteriosis"

Analysis for dysbacteriosis: negative sides

If you turn to the medical literature, you can find polar opinions on the analysis of dysbacteriosis. And in order to have an idea not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of this method, consider the negative aspects. In any case, the doctor is responsible for your treatment, it is up to him to decide how to take tests.

Disadvantages of analysis for dysbacteriosis:

  1. ambiguity in the interpretation of the result- complex accounting of bacteria found in the analyzes of a sick and healthy person, cases of insufficient confirmation of dysbacteriosis, evaluation of analyzes;
  2. when diagnosing, there is no accounting for bacteroids and obligate anaerobes- microorganisms are the main core of the intestinal flora, and feces only copy the state of the intestinal wall, and do not always give a complete picture of the disease or its absence;
  3. despite the fact that pathogenic bacteria allocated to a special group, the usual microflora can also cause a painful situation (oversaturation with bacteria or their lack);
  4. accounting is conducted from the microflora of the large intestine, and the microorganisms of the small intestine are not analyzed - it is on the latter bacteria that one or another defect of the gastrointestinal tract depends.

The negative points, by the way, mentioned by the physicians themselves, show the ambiguity of the interpretation of the analysis for dysbacteriosis. Contradictions concern, first of all, the high cost of the study. The probability of erroneous analyzes is also among the unfavorable factors. But professional doctors can easily distinguish low-quality material from reliable information. After receiving the microbiological diagnosis, the specialist deals with the clinical content. His competence consists of prescribing a course of treatment for the patient.

In conclusion, I would like to note one more important nuance: dysbacteriosis is a phenomenon based on problems with the intestines. Secondly and thirdly, it concerns the microflora itself. Therefore, the courses of antibiotics and live bacteria praised today cannot always correct the situation. It is not the intestinal microflora that should be treated, but the intestine itself. Numerous symptoms of the disease will serve as the basis. Ultimately, by eliminating the troubles of the intestinal environment, it is possible to achieve normalization of the microflora.



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