Why is drinking coffee harmful? Add your price to the Comment database. The harm and benefits of coffee

If you like to drink a cup of coffee with a piece of cake or other dessert, then you have probably wondered at least once whether coffee is harmful or beneficial. This article systematizes information about the beneficial and harmful properties of coffee, which will help you answer the question: is it worth drinking coffee?

Natural coffee has a pleasant aroma, which is sometimes impossible to tear yourself away from. This is a tasty and invigorating drink with which you can eat sweets, talk, think alone, or take a break while working. There are a huge number of coffee drinks for every taste. Everyone loves and drinks coffee – some a little, some a lot. Coffee has both harmful and beneficial effects on the human body. First, we will figure out the benefits of coffee, but we will warn you right away - you need to drink coffee in moderation.

Benefits of coffee

1. Coffee invigorates, improves memory and concentration. All this is due to the presence of caffeine in its composition, which stimulates the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels, and increases the pulse rate. The benefit of natural coffee is that it gives energy to the human body, and he feels a surge of strength. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink coffee before bed - when the body gets ready for bed, it begins to work more intensely when caffeine arrives and the person cannot fall asleep.

2. Coffee reduces the likelihood of asthma by 25%. Italian scientists found this out during experiments. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of natural coffee per day reduces the likelihood of developing asthma. Coffee is considered a bronchodilator that improves the breathing process - this is another beneficial property of black coffee.

3. Coffee reduces the risk of gallstones. This was revealed as a result of a ten-year experiment, which showed that drinking 2 - 3 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of gallstones.

4. Another benefit of natural coffee is to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease in humans. Research at Harvard and other scientific and medical institutions has shown that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day reduces a person's likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease by 5 times.

5. Coffee is good for weight loss and helps you lose weight. One of the properties of coffee is to stimulate metabolic processes in the human body. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, a person gains excess weight more slowly or loses it during physical activity.

6. Coffee improves memory and promotes creative and associative thinking. A coffee break can help a creative person solve his problems. A cup of coffee will help you come up with an original solution, create a creative mood, and help you find an interesting metaphor.

7. Another beneficial property of black coffee is that it reduces muscle pain. This feature of coffee may help athletes reduce sensitivity to muscle pain. To do this, you just need to drink 2 cups of coffee before playing sports.

These are the main beneficial properties of coffee. But that’s not all, there are other benefits from natural coffee: reducing the harm from smoking, increasing the effectiveness of antibiotics, and accumulating the hormone of happiness in the human body. The main component that has a positive effect on certain mechanisms in the human body is caffeine. It can be beneficial in some quantities, but if consumed in excess, it can cause harm to the human body. That is, coffee can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. Let's take a closer look at the harmful properties of coffee.

Harm from coffee

1. Frequent consumption of coffee has a harmful effect on the nervous system. Caffeine stimulates the cardiovascular and nervous system, and with frequent use, the body is constantly in an excited state, which is why it quickly becomes exhausted. The normal functioning of all body mechanisms is disrupted, which leads to stress. Excessive coffee consumption can cause attacks of aggression and psychosis, so you should not drink it too often.

2. Black coffee is harmful to the cardiovascular system. The stimulation of the cardiovascular system due to the action of caffeine is short-term. After drinking coffee, a person's blood pressure rises and their pulse quickens. This effect can be dangerous for hypertensive patients, people with coronary heart disease and tachycardia. Coffee disrupts the natural rhythm of the heart and can worsen the health of not only a sick person, but also a healthy person if consumed excessively. To prevent coffee from harming the heart and blood vessels, people with cardiovascular diseases are not recommended to drink coffee at all; healthy people are advised to drink coffee in moderation, no more than 2-3 cups a day.

3. Coffee leaches a number of beneficial elements from the body, including vitamins B1 and B6, potassium, calcium and magnesium - this is another harmful property of coffee. A lack of these elements in the human body can lead to health problems.

For example, the lack of sufficient calcium in the body leads to tooth decay, brittle bones and nails, and problems with the spine may appear in the form of curvature, osteochondrosis, and back pain. It is especially harmful to drink a lot of coffee during adolescence, when the musculoskeletal system is just developing, and the lack of calcium can lead to its improper formation. A lack of vitamins B1 and B6 can lead to impaired cerebral circulation, which can cause headaches and a number of other diseases associated with mental activity, attention, and reaction speed.

It is harmful to drink coffee during pregnancy, since the fetus may not receive enough of the above microelements, which coffee washes out of the woman’s body, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the child.

4. If consumed frequently, coffee becomes addictive. People addicted to coffee may experience symptoms such as fatigue, depression, drowsiness, and drowsiness. To cheer up, a person drinks coffee, but over time its effectiveness decreases and the coffee lover needs more caffeine. So a person drinks more and more coffee, which has an increasingly detrimental effect on his body.

5. Another harm from natural coffee is that if consumed frequently, it leads to mental disorders such as paranoia, epilepsy, and psychosis. Coffee stimulates the active functioning of the cardiovascular system, and if a person is in this state often, then stress appears. Due to being under constant stress, a person becomes aggressive.

6. The harm of coffee for women is that excessive consumption of coffee during pregnancy increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Therefore, women are strongly advised not to drink coffee during pregnancy.

7. Coffee has a dehydrating effect on the body and is a diuretic. Therefore, it is recommended to drink plain water along with coffee. To replenish the water supply in the human body. To maintain the balance of water in the body, it is recommended to drink as much water as you drink coffee.

Coffee can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the amount of coffee consumed. A healthy person can drink 2 - 3 cups of coffee a day and there will be no harm from it. But if a person has hypertension and vascular disease, then it is not advisable for him to drink coffee. It is useful for asthmatics to drink coffee; consuming 2 - 3 cups will help improve breathing and slightly reduce the severity of the attack.

Black coffee is a drink that has an active effect on the human body, so you can drink it in small quantities, only in this case its consumption will be beneficial for the person. Frequent and excessive consumption can be harmful to a person, so if you drink a lot of coffee, we strongly recommend that you reduce your dose to maintain your health.


The history of making tonic drinks from plants dates back to the times of ancient states. Nowadays, tonic drinks are no longer considered as medicines or narcotic drugs, but once upon a time, in the early period of man’s acquaintance with them, drinks of this kind were declared miraculous, and therefore even more closely than other food products were intertwined with prejudices, superstitions, and customs and the search for truth. This gives regular coffee an aura of mystery. This article is devoted to a person’s attitude towards coffee and the impact of this drink on our health.

Coffee is a drink made from roasted seeds (grains) of several species of plants belonging to the genus Coffee (Coffea) of the Rubiaceae family.


So, what kind of plant is this and what is this drink made from its seeds? Let's start with botany. The coffee tree is a low-growing evergreen woody plant of the Rubiaceae family, which grew wild in northeastern Africa, and is now widely cultivated in various countries of the tropical zone.

There are several types of coffee trees, of which the most important for agriculture are: Arabic coffee, cultivated almost everywhere in coffee-producing countries; Liberian coffee, grown in West Africa and Vietnam; coffee Сoffea excelsa, which is grown in Africa and Tonkin; and finally, the coffee tree Coffea canephora, which can be found in equatorial Africa and Indonesia.

The raw material for preparing the coffee drink is the grains (seeds) of the coffee tree, located in small oval fruits. The content of the caffeine alkaloid in the seeds, which we already mentioned above, ranges from 0.6 to 2.7% by volume of the total composition. The second active substance, which largely determines the other (taste and tonic) properties of the drink, is chlorogenic acid, which makes up 7% of the total amount of substances. The nutritional properties of the drink are explained by the presence of a significant amount of fiber - more than 20%. The remaining substances in the composition of coffee beans: fats (12-15%), nitrogenous substances (13-14%), coftannic acid (4-8%), minerals (3.9%) and, finally, sugar (2-3 %).

Caffeine, which belongs to the chemical group of alkaloid substances, is a narcotic substance in its effect on the body. Abuse of this drink, therefore, can lead to the development of substance abuse. Moreover, this form of dependence on caffeine is called caffeineism, as opposed to theism, which is a form of dependence on caffeine in tea. Tolerance (addiction) to caffeine is very high, which is why there is a mixed form of caffeine toxicomania, combining caffeineism and theism.

Coffee is a mysterious drink, and the coffee tree is definitely a mysterious plant, but the main mystery of coffee remains, unfortunately, the mystery of a person’s first acquaintance with it. This event probably took place in the prehistoric past. In any case, the high probability of this is indicated by the materials collected by archaeologists and ethnographers about the coffee tree and the attitude towards it in the historical homeland of the plant, that is, in Africa.

What coffee is, the benefits and harms of coffee for human health, all this is of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Beneficial features:

First, we will figure out why coffee is beneficial, but we will warn you right away - you need to drink it in moderation.

  • This drink invigorates, improves memory and concentration. All this is due to the presence of caffeine in its composition, which stimulates the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels, and increases the pulse rate. The benefit of natural coffee is that it gives energy to the human body, and he feels a surge of strength. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink coffee before bed - when the body gets ready for bed, it begins to work more intensely when caffeine arrives and the person cannot fall asleep.
  • This drink reduces the likelihood of asthma by 25%. Italian scientists found this out during experiments. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of natural coffee per day reduces the likelihood of developing asthma. Coffee is considered a bronchodilator that improves the breathing process - this is another beneficial property of black coffee.
  • This drink reduces the risk of gallstones. This was revealed as a result of a ten-year experiment, which showed that drinking 2 - 3 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of gallstones.
  • Another benefit of natural coffee is to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease in humans. Research at Harvard and other scientific and medical institutions has shown that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day reduces a person's likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease by 5 times.
  • This drink is good for weight loss and helps you lose weight. One of the properties of coffee is to stimulate metabolic processes in the human body. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, a person gains excess weight more slowly or loses it during physical activity.
  • This drink improves memory and promotes creative and associative thinking. A coffee break can help a creative person solve his problems. A cup of coffee will help you come up with an original solution, create a creative mood, and help you find an interesting metaphor.
  • Another beneficial property of black coffee is that it reduces muscle pain. This feature can help athletes reduce sensitivity to muscle pain. To do this, you just need to drink 2 cups of coffee before playing sports.

These are the main beneficial properties of coffee. But that’s not all, there are other benefits from natural coffee: reducing the harm from smoking, increasing the effectiveness of antibiotics, and accumulating the hormone of happiness in the human body. The main component that has a positive effect on certain mechanisms in the human body is caffeine. It can be beneficial in some quantities, but if consumed in excess, it can cause harm to the human body.

Is coffee with milk healthier?

Research and experiments have proven that the benefits of coffee with milk are much higher than regular coffee. This happens because the chemical elements in milk and coffee do not interact with each other. Accordingly, the more milk in the cup, the less caffeine content in the drink, while the beneficial properties of the drink are preserved. The presence of dairy products in coffee drinks replenishes the loss of calcium washed out of the body. Coffee and milk drinks are especially useful during cold periods, as they not only have a warming effect, but also fill the body with minerals and vitamins contained in coffee and dairy products.

Among other things, coffee with milk will be useful:

  • People who suffer from low blood pressure
  • If a person has a breakdown and needs to recover quickly, this drink is an excellent option, but not long-term
  • Caffeine “washes” calcium out of the body, and milk, on the contrary, enriches it with calcium, so the combination of these products can be considered “ideal.”

Instant coffee, pros and cons:

The harms and benefits of consumed instant coffee are not very different from the harms and benefits of natural coffee. But it is soluble that poses an additional threat to your health.

The proportion of coffee beans in instant coffee is less than 15%. The rest comes from flavorings, preservatives and colorings.

It is an indisputable scientifically proven fact that preservatives contained in instant coffee negatively affect proper metabolism and provoke the appearance of cellulite. And no matter what diet you are on, and no matter what workouts you overload yourself with, as long as you drink instant coffee, you will not be able to get rid of cellulite.

The harm of instant coffee is pronounced in people suffering from liver and stomach diseases. Substances added to instant coffee have a powerful irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which can lead to gastritis or even peptic ulcers.

If we talk about such an advantage as the benefits of such a drink, then perhaps only one quality can be noted. This is the speed and simplicity of its preparation. After all, lack of time is the main problem of modern man.

What is green coffee?

Natural green coffee beans are the regular coffee we are used to, but the beans are not roasted, but left raw.

Coffee beans contain many valuable substances, for example, 7% chlorogenic acid. After roasting the beans, its quantity decreases due to destruction from high temperature. Consequently, green coffee beans contain more of this valuable acid.

It is involved in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, and also promotes weight loss.

The beneficial properties of green coffee are manifested in:

  • improving metabolic processes (including water and fat metabolism),
  • antioxidant effect (anti-aging),
  • activation of the brain,
  • outflow of bile,
  • reducing the risk of cancer,
  • increasing vitality,
  • eliminating headaches and spasmodic pain,
  • improving the functioning of the higher nervous system (thanks to tannin in coffee),
  • stimulating lymphatic drainage.

Due to its lower caffeine content, green coffee is suitable for people who are contraindicated in traditional roasted coffee.

To drink or not to drink?

  • insomnia,
  • irritability,
  • headache,
  • anxiety and nervousness,
  • increased breathing,
  • increased heart rate,
  • stomach problems,
  • joint diseases.

The described types of adverse effects of green coffee occur only after a severe overdose.

What is chicory coffee?

Chicory coffee is a product obtained from chicory root and used as a coffee substitute. It perfectly quenches thirst and gives vigor. Pregnant women and children over three years of age can drink it.

In the middle of the last century, when natural coffee had to be “procured,” chicory-based drinks were more popular. With the increase in coffee supplies, the popularity of chicory has decreased, but more and more health-conscious people are remembering it.

People who need to give up the natural drink can start drinking chicory drinks. A morning cup of delicious coffee can easily be replaced with a chicory drink. Its aroma and taste are different, different from coffee, but no less pleasant.

Advantages of chicory coffee compared to regular coffee:

  • Coffee is primarily a stimulant. Chicory can be considered as a regulator of digestion and intestinal function. Both drinks have diuretic properties, but do so in very different ways.

Chicory has many advantages over coffee without the negative properties of caffeine, here are the main ones:

  • Coffee is a stimulant because the caffeine it contains increases cellular metabolism. Chicory contains a set of nutrients (magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber, Apigenin, vitamin C, etc.) that increase diuresis without affecting the nervous system.
  • Caffeine has muscle relaxant effects. Chicory can also reduce muscle pain, but with the help of other components (apigenin, magnesium, rutin, etc.)
  • Both drinks have antioxidant properties.

Harm and contraindications to consuming chicory:

  • Oddly enough, one of the contraindications to the use of chicory is associated with its beneficial properties. By promoting vasodilation, drinks from this plant can negatively affect patients suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • It is necessary to limit or completely avoid the use of chicory for certain types of gastritis.
  • This plant should not be used by people who have a tendency to form kidney stones, as the root is rich in oxalates.
  • Parents should be aware that increased appetite caused by chicory drinks can lead to weight gain in children.
  • Harm and contraindications to drinking coffee and other chicory drinks:
  • Chicory coffee has absolutely all the contraindications that chicory root has.
  • Coffee or chicory tea can be harmful to children under three years of age because their nervous systems are not yet fully developed.
  • People with neuropsychiatric diseases should use chicory drinks with caution.

What are the benefits of coffee for men?

Until recently, the world's scientific minds could not give a definite answer to how coffee affects potency. For a long time, studies have not found scientific confirmation of the fact that drinking coffee causes harm to reproductive function. And yet, Cambridge scientists were able to identify the effect of coffee on potency. The plant hormones found in coffee beans are very similar to female sex hormones - estrogens. Gradually accumulating in the male body, they can cause significant harm to the male libido.

In addition, feminization of the body can be provoked, manifested by female-type obesity and a change in the timbre of the voice. Excessive consumption of coffee drink, which entails a decrease in male “activity,” can also provoke a disease such as prostatitis. But with moderate consumption of natural coffee there is no risk to potency.

Interesting conclusions were made by Brazilian scientists who conducted experiments on a group of young men. They proved that coffee can have a positive effect on potency. To do this, it is best to drink coffee after a hearty dinner or during the morning meal. The drink is an excellent aphrodisiac (a drug that can whet the sexual appetite), and aroma plays an important role in this.

Coffee for prostatitis Of course, for prostatitis you should adhere to a certain diet that excludes all potential irritants for an inflamed bladder in the form of coffee, strong tea and alcohol. But, as a disease prevention, a morning cup of aromatic drink will only do you good. One of the causes of prostatitis is a decrease in testosterone levels.

Coffee affects glucose metabolism, which promotes testosterone production. Doctors are actively studying which component of the coffee drink has a therapeutic effect on the prostate gland. It's probably not caffeine. In addition, the composition of coffee beans is replete with biologically active substances, minerals and antioxidants.

Is coffee good or bad for women?

  • High-quality natural coffee contains a number of vitamins, minerals and biologically active compounds that have a positive effect on women's health. First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of the aromatic drink for metabolic processes - it speeds up metabolism, which contributes to the timely removal of harmful substances from the body.
  • Coffee is also known for its diuretic properties, which reduces the risk of edema.
  • For women watching their figure, it will be useful to know that this drink helps reduce appetite. This means that by consuming it, you can lose weight faster without experiencing severe discomfort.
  • A number of scientific experiments allowed scientists to conclude that natural coffee protects women from cancer. In particular, her risk of developing uterine cancer is significantly reduced. However, in this case there is a caveat - coffee must be consumed in large quantities (from 3 cups per day), without adding sugar and milk to it. And this will not be to everyone's taste. In addition, the constant consumption of such volumes of an invigorating drink also has negative aspects. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Excessive coffee consumption can cause the following phenomena in women:

  • The likelihood of conceiving a child is significantly reduced.
  • You should also avoid drinking a lot of coffee during pregnancy. This can lead to the development of gestational diabetes in the child, slow growth, and low body weight. Coffee also negatively affects the development of all fetal systems, it is especially harmful to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Or worse, excessive consumption of invigorating drinks can lead to miscarriage. In addition, the drink causes swelling of the body, increases anxiety, irritability, causes sleep disturbances and other unpleasant conditions.
  • It is worth reducing the amount of coffee you drink during your period. Caffeine, contained in large quantities in the powder, has an irritating effect on the nervous system. At this time, the ladies are already in an unstable mental and emotional state, and they do not need an additional external stimulus. Again, coffee retains fluid in the body, which can lead to severe swelling. During menstruation, women often suffer from this, and the drink can significantly worsen the condition.
  • In addition to health, do not forget about external beauty. In large quantities, coffee leads to the development of cellulite and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles. It is these two factors that are a common cause of women’s tears, and the drink so beloved by many can cause even more harm to one’s appearance. In addition to these two points, such drinking worsens the color of tooth enamel and makes the skin dry, which also does not add either beauty or mood.

Considering that coffee is not only harmful, but also has many benefits, completely giving it up is not always the best option. By following a few simple rules, you can somewhat reduce the negative impact of a grain drink on a woman’s body.

  • You should only choose natural coffee, which is much healthier to drink. Soluble varieties are tasteless and often very harmful.
  • You can find decaffeinated coffee on sale. Sometimes it costs a little more, but health, as you know, is more expensive.
  • The maximum allowable amount that is not capable of causing harm is 1-2 cups per day. Moreover, it is not a strong drink and preferably with milk or cream.

Does coffee affect blood pressure?

Research by scientists has shown that coffee affects human blood pressure in different ways. The experiments revealed some rather interesting patterns:

  • When healthy people drink coffee, deviations in blood pressure are insignificant.
  • In people suffering from hypertension, blood pressure can rise sharply and strongly to critical levels that threaten health.
  • In 15% of people who drink coffee, their blood pressure even dropped slightly.
  • With regular and long-term coffee consumption, the body adapts to caffeine and stops reacting.

If your blood pressure is “Normal”, then you can drink several cups of coffee a day without much concern.

You definitely need to drink the drink carefully if there are signs of hypertension! Some modern doctors do not prohibit it for those who drink coffee for a long time. If you take it regularly, a sharp rise in blood pressure is unlikely.

Coffee is not harmful! - the scientists were finally pleased. On the contrary: more and more new data are coming in about the exceptional benefits of this drink.

The results of long-term studies in the USA, Japan and some European countries have shown that those who drink 5 or more cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. Coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney and gallstones, gout, age-related memory loss, and even… sexually transmitted diseases.

Let's drink, gentlemen, coffee lovers! Until they banned it again... So, what benefit can a “black prince in a coffee cup” bring?


Drinking filter coffee (American style), even in large quantities, does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in most people. This conclusion was reached by an international team of scientists from the University of Madrid and the Harvard School of Public Health as a result of 20 years of observation of 128 thousand men and women.

Researchers have noticed that passionate coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke and abuse alcohol, drink tea less often, take vitamins and exercise less. But even taking these circumstances into account, their risk of developing a heart attack is not increased. The conclusion is obvious: coffee protects the cardiovascular system.

This is confirmed by another study that lasted 15 years, involving more than 27 thousand women aged 55 to 69 years. Those who drank 1-3 cups of coffee a day were 24% less likely to die from cardiovascular and other inflammation-related diseases than those who did not drink coffee at all. And all this thanks to the antioxidants contained in coffee.

Attention, men! Coffee increases libido in women.

Under the influence of caffeine, the need for sex increases, so do not forget to offer the lady a cup of coffee on a date. But remember: coffee has a Viagra-like effect only on those ladies who drink it from time to time, and do not consume it daily and in large quantities.


Our magazine wrote back in 2004 that coffee lovers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But what’s new is the recent discovery of Harvard scientists, who found that 6 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes for men by half, and for women by a third.

In other words, coffee protects men better against diabetes. The study involved 125 thousand people. Literally similar results were obtained in Holland.


A cup of coffee not only restores energy, but also improves memory, especially in the elderly. Scientists from the University of Arizona came to this conclusion after conducting an experiment in a group of people over 65 years of age. They tested their memory abilities at 8 a.m. and at 4 p.m. In both cases, the participants drank a cup of coffee, some with caffeine, others without. It turned out that when drinking regular coffee, memory did not decrease in the evening.

The use of coffee to prevent Parkinson's disease is on the way. Doctors studied the health of more than 8 thousand Americans of Japanese descent over 30 years and found that people who drank more than 3 cups of coffee a day developed parkinsonism 5 times less often. Similar predictions are made for Alzheimer's disease.


And yet doubts remained: why did they convince us for so long that this drink was controversial? After all, the negative effect of coffee on the body has been confirmed by no less competent and large-scale studies. And this seems to have been answered.

Turns out, harm from coffee for a particular person is determined by genes.

“The negative effects of coffee on the heart depend on the genetic makeup of the individual,” writes The Journal of the American Medical Association, citing a study of 4,028 people conducted by an international team of scientists from the University of Toronto, the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Costa Rica. .

Caffeine is “processed” with the help of enzymes, the work of which is controlled by a special gene. Depending on the variant, the breakdown of caffeine may occur faster or slower in different people.

Genetic tests showed that in carriers of the “slow” gene variant, the risk of developing myocardial infarction increased with each cup of coffee drunk. And among those with the “fast” gene who drank up to 3 cups of coffee a day, the risk of heart attack was even lower than among those who consumed less than a cup daily.

“One cup of coffee a day will not cause any harm, regardless of genetic characteristics,” says study author Ahmed el-Sohemy. “But more coffee may be harmful. So people who do not know which gene variant they carry are better off.” observe moderation."


Coffee increases the effectiveness of antibiotics
Iranian scientists from the University of Mashhad came to this conclusion. After adding caffeine to the antibiotic, the effect of the drug on Pseudomonas aeruginosa increased by 2 times, and on staphylococcus by 4 times.

Coffee is not contraindicated for pregnant women
An expectant mother can safely drink 3 cups a day without fear for the baby’s health. Provided, of course, that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Coffee protects against gout
According to a study that was conducted in the United States for 6 years and included 50 thousand men, 4 or more cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of developing gout by 40%.

Caffeine relieves muscle pain
Scientists from the University of Georgia recommend drinking 2 cups of coffee before warming up during the first week of exercise. This helps reduce sensitivity to muscle pain.

Coffee protects against cirrhosis
Each additional cup of coffee per day reduces the risk of alcoholic liver cirrhosis by 22%. These conclusions were reached by American scientists who published a report on a study of 125,580 men and women in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

Coffee reduces the harm from smoking
The risk of bladder cancer in smokers is 7 times higher. But if a person is an active coffee consumer, the risk increases only 3 times. The findings were published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. True, oncologists remind that the best method of preventing bladder cancer is to completely quit smoking.

Drowsiness and background fatigue darken the everyday life of many people. It can be extremely difficult to get enough sleep and lead a busy life at the same time, so an invigorating drink comes to the rescue. The missing energy comes with every sip, but at what cost? Why is coffee harmful and should you use it if you have a lack of vitality?

A lot has been said about the dangers of coffee, but this has not diminished the value of the product in the eyes of coffee lovers. But this is a strong drink that becomes dangerous if used incorrectly.

Reasons for negative impact:

  • Excess. Coffee causes the main harm to people who drink too much. One or two cups in the morning rarely cause problems. But five or six doses of vigor can quickly exhaust the body. Why can't you drink a lot of coffee? Like any medicine, this drink becomes poisonous in excess quantities.
  • Poor quality. “Singed” coffee, especially instant coffee, contains a lot of harmful impurities. Minimum vigor, maximum pollution of the body - a low-quality product poorly tones, forcing you to drink more than is really necessary. Which drink is more dangerous - natural or? Often the latter, which often contains unwanted additives.
  • Intolerance. Caffeine is processed using special enzymes, which are produced in different quantities by each person. The absence of a genetic “program” aimed at absorbing caffeine leads to rapid destruction of the body.
  • Water imbalance. The drying effect of coffee is well known. Have you had a cup? It is necessary to replenish the water balance with two glasses of clean water. People who ignore the body's need for water often suffer from vitamin deficiency and premature aging.
  • Abuse. If you drink coffee every day in insane quantities, then it gradually leaches beneficial substances from the body and makes the body work for wear and tear. Its harm with a constant lack of adequate sleep and nutrition is obvious.
  • Untimeliness. Energizing your body in the morning is tempting, but dangerous. The harm of coffee increases many times over if the drink is taken on an empty stomach. Drinking caffeine before meals wears out your digestive organs 40% faster and tires your heart 30% more.

Coffee is a drink without which a huge number of people around the world cannot imagine their lives.. Thanks to its taste, aroma and tonic effect on the body, coffee is loved by many and has become a cult drink. Some people try to limit themselves to it for fear of heart problems. In this article, we decided to figure out what will happen if you drink a lot of coffee, how many cups of it you can drink a day without harm to the body, to whom this drink is contraindicated, what beneficial and negative properties it has.

What is coffee

Coffee is a drink made from beans of plants belonging to the coffee family. For its preparation, roasted coffee beans are most often used, occasionally green ones.. 98% of all coffee drinks are brewed using just two varieties: Arabica and Robusta. Manufacturers, combining these two types of grains in different proportions and ratios, obtain different flavors.

Coffee varieties

Have you noticed the inscription “100% Arabica” on packs of relatively inexpensive coffee? In fact, this is not true. “100% Arabica” is not tasty and very sour. What we buy and drink is a blend of Arabica and Robusta.

What's in coffee?

Coffee is a multi-component drink. Coffee beans are a natural source of a large number of different active substances. Some of them are widely used in medicine.

The main substances that make up coffee:

  • caffeine is an active substance that has a stimulating effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Scientists have learned to artificially synthesize caffeine and produce drugs based on it for oral and parenteral administration;
  • theophylline is also widely used in modern medicine. It is able to relieve spasms in the bronchi and increase urine production. Theophylline is considered a natural diuretic;
  • tannins - these substances belong to the group of astringents. They are the ones who provide the coffee drink with a bitter and pronounced taste;
  • caffeol - has an effect on blood vessels, improving blood circulation in them. Caffeol also lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin P – improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents fragility of vascular walls;
  • chlorogenic acid regulates and improves protein metabolism in the body;
  • essential oils. These substances not only give the coffee drink a pleasant taste and smell, but are also able to relieve vascular spasm, eliminate headaches and tension.

The above components are a small part of the substances that make up coffee beans. According to research results, coffee contains more than a thousand different active elements that can affect the condition of the human body.

How coffee affects the body

The claim that drinking coffee every day is unhealthy is not true. In fact, this the drink is good for the human body and has a beneficial effect on it. There are many myths and rumors surrounding coffee. Some consider it poison and poison, and some cannot imagine a day of their life without a cup of this aromatic drink. So who is right?

Below we have tried to consider in detail the effect of coffee on various systems and organs in our body and figure out whether this drink is harmful to us.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

We decided to start looking at the influence of coffee from this system, since most people are sure that this drink leads to heart disease and hypertension.

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I clean my vessels regularly every year. I started doing this when I turned 30, because the pressure was too low. The doctors just shrugged their shoulders. I had to take charge of my health myself. I tried different methods, but one helps me especially well...
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Coffee is the favorite drink of most hypotensive people, that is, people prone to low blood pressure. Without a cup of this aromatic drink, it is difficult for them to start the day and get down to work. After conducting research, scientists found that coffee, when consumed in moderation, only increases low blood pressure and does not affect normal blood pressure..

Blood pressure increases if you drink a lot of coffee, more than three cups a day. But this figure is purely individual and depends on many factors. For example, if a person does not drink this drink regularly, a surge in blood pressure can occur from just one cup.

Coffee has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. It improves microcirculation in them and strengthens the vascular wall. Caffeine in large quantities leads to vascular spasm and the development of tachycardia - rapid heartbeat. It is believed that it is best for people suffering from coronary heart disease to drink decaffeinated coffee.

Effect on the nervous system

We all know that when you feel tired and low in energy, you can drink a cup of coffee. This the drink actually stimulates the central nervous system, excites it. Caffeine helps a person wake up faster, focus on the task at hand, and collect his thoughts.

In large quantities, caffeine has a reverse effect on the central nervous system. If a person has had too much coffee, he begins to feel drowsiness, lethargy, loss of strength and general weakness.

Effect on the digestive system

Coffee stimulates the digestive system, promotes faster secretion of gastric juice.

Gastroenterologists do not recommend drinking this drink during exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as for people with increased production of hydrochloric acid.

Effect on the kidneys

Coffee has a diuretic effect. When consumed, the amount of urine produced increases. If you drink this drink frequently and do not drink water, dehydration and water-electrolyte imbalance may occur.

Effect on the liver

Coffee stimulates the flow of bile from the gallbladder. According to statistics, people who regularly drink coffee drinks are less likely to suffer from cholelithiasis.

How much coffee can you drink per day?

How much coffee can you drink without harm to your health and what will happen to your body if you drink this drink in large quantities? Doctors have calculated that a person can drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day. This is the amount of this drink that benefits the body and does not cause harm.

When drinking coffee in moderation, the body accelerates metabolic processes and improves the functioning of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications for coffee

Coffee as a daily drink is not for everyone. There are conditions in which it is contraindicated. These include:

  • Pregnancy. Scientists have proven that women who regularly drink this drink while pregnant have the risk of giving birth to a sick child with developmental pathologies increases several times. Coffee can also cause miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma.
  • Hypertension (primary and secondary).
  • Acute renal failure.
  • Peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic.
  • Reflux disease.

Is coffee with milk harmful for gastritis? It is believed that this drink can be consumed by people who have problems with the digestive system. Milk neutralizes the irritating effect of coffee on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Coffee overdose

Uncontrolled consumption of coffee can cause acute poisoning. It may develop when drinking more than 10 cups of this drink in a short period of time. A person, trying to keep himself in good shape and do as much work as possible, stimulates himself with coffee, without thinking about the possible consequences.

Acute coffee poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain and cramping in the stomach area. They may be accompanied by heartburn, nausea and vomiting;
  • hallucinations of a visual and auditory nature;
  • local convulsions or seizures;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • hyperthermia – increase in body temperature;
  • heart rhythm disturbance. Tachycardia and atrial fibrillation may develop;
  • an acute increase in blood pressure, which can drop sharply with severe caffeine intoxication;
  • shortness of breath, in which breathing becomes frequent and shallow, a person begins to feel a lack of oxygen;
  • neurotic changes. A poisoned patient feels anxious and becomes nervous.

In case of acute caffeine overdose, call an ambulance immediately. Before her arrival, make sure that the patient no longer drinks coffee. Give him sorbents to drink, such as activated carbon or atoxil. Then start drinking it with water. You need to drink as much as possible. Alkaline mineral water or regular table still water are perfect.

To summarize everything that has been written, we once again want to draw your attention to the fact that coffee is a healthy energy drink, but only if consumed in moderation. You can safely drink 2-3 cups of your favorite drink daily without fear of developing hypertension and heart problems. You should give up coffee if there are contraindications, which we discussed in this article. In this case, it can be replaced with other drinks, for example, green tea.



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