Why do we have bad dreams? I have bad dreams - what to do.

During sleep, the human body rests from psychological and physical stress. But even when a person is resting, his the subconscious mind does not turn off completely, but works more slowly. Precisely because the human subconscious works during sleep, a person has the ability to dream.

Good dreams allow you to wake up in a good mood, bad ones upset and make you think about what it means.

Why do you have bad dreams

There are several reasons that become the primary sources of bad dreams:

  • overwork and severe fatigue of a person, which are observed on an ongoing basis;
  • the person is nervous and anxious in life;
  • the presence of a person's nervous disorders;
  • watching horror movies before bed or late at night;
  • the subconscious mind reproduces a bad picture purely by chance.

When a person is overworked, the brain is trying to get rid of excess negativity, information and does it that way. People with a weak nervous system take even minor problems very seriously, which leads to nightmares at night.

After watching a horror movie, a person may dream of a terrible story, but this will only happen once and will not happen again the next night.

If a nightmare is a dream every night, while a person has problems with the health of the nervous system, then this signal cannot be ignored. You need to consult a psychologist.

What needs to be done so that the nightmare does not come true

Nightmares at night - a factor that does not allow a person to rest, symbolizes the presence of problems. Often, such dreams are prophetic and have a specific meaning that can be deciphered by.

If a person has nightmares, then he can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. Read prayers.
  2. Perform rituals.
  3. Use spells.
  4. Look for other methods to solve the problem.

You can try each of the methods to get rid of unpleasant dreams at night to find out which one works.

Prayers for bad dreams

For an Orthodox person, prayer is an act of communion with God. Thus, people ask their Creator for protection, health, strength, goodness. Every believer knows what it takes read prayers before bed and then he can calmly, peacefully live the night.

If an unpleasant dream nevertheless visited a person at night, then you can read special prayers or “Our Father”.

  • find the text of a prayer from a terrible vision in a dream;
  • every morning, after a nightmare, read a prayer;
  • while reading the words of a prayer, fully consciously think that this is just a dream, it does not mean anything, you need to throw empty information out of your head.

Prayer will help a person to calm down mentally, slowly turn off all unnecessary thoughts, and fully realize the fact that we are under the care of the Higher powers.


To prevent a bad dream from coming true in real life, many people perform special rituals to help prevent this situation.

There are several rituals that are used to prevent nightmares:

  • make your own trap for nightmares;
  • put water near your own bed;
  • put your hands on your head, close your eyes, imagine that there is a waterfall in front of your eyes and verbally send your bad dreams there.

Before conducting a magical ritual, you need to carefully read the algorithm for its implementation. One wrong action can cause a person much more problems than the usual unpleasant moment during a night's rest.


So that a person does not have nightmares, he can read a magical conspiracy at night that will relieve unpleasant dreams. Often, people speak water, then drink it and go to bed. You can perform the ritual with water according to the following principle:

  • pour a little boiling water into a glass glass (the glass should not be faceted);
  • put in water 3 grains of rock salt and 10 sugar;
  • say seven times the conspiracy “Salt salts, sugar sugar, water leads, bad dreams take away”;
  • drink water from a glass and go to bed.

This is only one of the conspiracy options, in addition, you can use the following options:

"A good dream - rise, and a bad dream - crack in half."

"The night melts in the morning, so let my bad dream fly away."

“Saint Samson, take away the evil dream. I live long, but not to be thin. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

What else to do so that the bad vision does not come true

So that a nightmare does not come true, it should not be interpreted. No one should know what exactly a person dreamed about.

Additionally, you can perform magical rites, perform rituals, read conspiracies. After a bad dream, special rituals must be performed, but you can’t tell anyone about them either. Can write down the unpleasant sensation on a piece of paper and just burn it.

A person who has a bad dream can turn bedding inside out.

When You Can't Pay Attention

Not every bad dream needs attention. Before panicking, a person should find out the following facts:

  • on what day of the week the nightmare occurred, did the dream come from Thursday to Friday;
  • what events happened in a person’s life, were there any stresses;
  • what is the state of human health.

Often bad dreams appear because a person is very nervous and worried about something. It is in this case that an unpleasant dream should be ignored.

What days of the week to ignore nightmares

The dreams that a person visited on Monday may come true, but in reality everything will not be so emotional. From Thursday to Friday, a person has the opportunity to see prophetic dreams and these nightmares tend to come true.

On all other days of the week, you should not pay special attention to dreams, because, most likely, they will not come true in real life.

In what other cases not to attach importance

If you had a bad dream after a quarrel, emotional stress, watching a scary movie, then you should not pay attention to this.

When trouble visited in a dream only once, then this is also not a cause for concern.

Random dreams will no longer be repeated, and if you had a bad dream at night due to nervous tension, then you just need to get rid of the source of the problem.

How to get rid of bad dreams

There are many ways to get rid of bad dreams.

The most popular and effective are the following methods:

  1. Normalization of your psycho-emotional state.
  2. Appeal to a psychoanalyst.
  3. Trying to set yourself up for positive emotions only.
  4. Exclusion of watching a horror movie at night.
  5. Don't take everything too personally.

These tips help get rid of nightmares, tune in to the positive. Bad dreams are not yet a sign that everything in life will be terrible. Just don't mind the nightmares don't tell anyone about them and then this will not come true in reality. Often, bad dreams are a sign of overwork and stress. If you remove these factors, then there will be no bad dreams.

Surely, everyone throughout his life had a dream that he cannot forget. These are either dreams that mean something, or nightmares. In a dream, a person sees pictures and plots that remain in the subconscious, and the great psychologist Sigmund Freud gave the basic concepts and explanations related to this phenomenon.

Yes, we certainly want to know a lot about our dreams, but most often we have a question: “What should we do if we had a bad dream?”

There are people who undeniably believe in dreams, and they are important to them. Bad sleep can be a figment of the imagination or a reflection of a person's experiences. Doctors and psychologists believe that dreams are even associated with specific illnesses. For example, if a person has heart failure, they may feel like they are suffocating while sleeping. And people who are experiencing stress and dream of labyrinths or hopeless situations.

After the horror experienced in a dream, it is necessary, waking up, to try to recover. To do this, everyone must understand and say to himself that this is just a dream, the world stands still, and these events are unreal. After all, self-hypnosis is a powerful thing, and if you focus on what you see, then this will come true.

Some after a terrible dream just turn on the other side and continue to sleep peacefully. Well, if these nightmares and disturbing dreams are repeated often, you need to contact a psychologist. By the way, most people see terrible dreams in the morning, which is why they are well remembered.

In addition to the help of a psychologist, several methods are common among the people to combat poor sleep. For example, it has long been believed that if a nightmare is told to flowing water, then it will wash away and take everything bad with it. You can even just wash your hands and face with cold water and ask her to take away what she saw at night.

Some recommend throwing a pinch of salt into the water, and while it melts, tell the dream. It is believed that salt and water are unique substances that remember information. Thus, a person can get rid of the negativity and leave it in a glass of water.

A strong defense against evil and bad dreams is, of course, prayer. Probably, every peasant prays before going to bed, this should be done after waking up if he had a nightmare.

Another folk way is to remove the pillowcase from the pillow in the morning, turn it inside out and shake it out of the window to the street.

If fear haunts a person after sleep, you can describe it on a piece of paper, then burn it and throw the ashes into the toilet. Some prefer to tell a dream to a loved one before dinner so that it does not come true.

Despite everything, if even after a bad dream, you wake up and get out of bed with good thoughts, then the nightmare seen at night will never come true.

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Apocalypse or something else. Everyone has their own fears. However, after such dreams, I want to know what to do now and whether this will come true soon, only in reality? Let's take a closer look at what to do in such situations.

If you had a bad dream from Sunday to Monday

As a rule, everything dreamed at this time is not any kind of prophecy or sign. Any dream event is evidence of the existence of some problems in everyday life. Also, bad dreams on this day can symbolize upcoming quarrels with family and friends, or be harbingers of minor problems at work. Why You Shouldn't Worry About Bad Dreams This day is led by, which is the personification of minor troubles, which means especially not to be afraid.

If in a dream you were burned or, conversely, you were drowning in water, then this does not mean at all that you will die soon in reality. Most likely, you will have to prepare for what will have to be done very soon. a lot of unpleasant and routine work. At the same time, this can be encountered not only in the workplace, but even in the household.

If you had a bad dream from Monday to Tuesday

On this day, your dreams are patronized by such a planet as Mars. He is militant and unpredictable, and the dreams seen at this time are a kind of warning to those who see him. It's a symbol upcoming bad events that can occur in any of the spheres of life, from personal life to unsuccessful trips.

In your life there is a person or even a group of people who will try to denigrate you, but you should not be afraid!

You need to try to remember the dream with all its small details and events and use the clues that were received.

In addition, an important point is that in a dream, you need to be very active and inventive. You have to fight and win. If this succeeds in a dream, then in reality after a losing streak the situation will be resolved in your favor. Mars is an extremely controversial planet and a dream that occurred on Tuesday comes true either after 7 days or after 7 years. Therefore, you need to remember what you saw as much as possible.

If you had a bad dream from Tuesday to Wednesday

It is generally accepted that dreams dreamed on this day do not come true. Usually, they do not promise anything bad. However, there are exceptions to the rule, because only bad stories do not come true. But, a dream promising future happiness, on the contrary, can become a reality. Just believing in it is enough.

These are turnarounds. Especially if you saw them in the morning. For example, if in a dream it happened, then very soon unbridled fun is coming, if you had to with someone, then in reality, on the contrary, you can expect reconciliation, and if you, then you can safely expect great relationships with others.

If you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday

The dreams that occurred during this period are patronized by Jupiter. Usually, they have a social character and symbolize something that happens in a career. Bad dreams that you saw during this period, you can not be afraid. Those events that happened to be observed in a dream are only reflection of your own thoughts and fears. The brain simply disassembled the information received lately and reflected it in its own way. Accordingly, all that is required of you is to stop being afraid of certain moments and start thinking about the good!

If you had a bad dream from Thursday to Friday

But during this period, dreams with a bad plot should be feared. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that - dreams come true". And it really is.

A bad dream seen at this time is a harbinger of unpleasant, and sometimes even tragic events in real life.

Moreover, it can come true, both up to the detail seen in a dream, and in a completely different way. Be sure to analyze the situation in which you had to take part in the dream. What was she connected to? What kind of people took part in it? How did it all end? Think about how catastrophe could have been prevented, and bring your ideas to life.

If you had a dream from Friday to Saturday

Such dreams also tend to come true in real life, however, in the end they will have a good ending. An event that seemed bad in a dream will in reality have positive and favorable consequences for the dreamer. You should prepare for what will have to pass some tests sent by fate that will lead to dramatic changes.

However, a bad dream does not mean at all that everything has long been decided for you and you have to fold your hands and meekly wait for the future. On the contrary, it is an opportunity look for clues and develop a plan to avoid bad consequences. For example, you can make attempts to improve your own situation, meet new people and make useful connections that will help you solve an upcoming problem. Try to become kinder to people and in general be more active and cheerful.

If you had a dream from Saturday to Sunday

"always before lunch!" - that's what our ancestors said. So, if you dreamed of a bad event, then it can happen in real life only until 12:00. After that, you don't have to be afraid of anything. However, if you wake up and understand that the dream you have seen is about to come true in real life, then you urgently need to figure out how to alleviate its consequences. Maybe, need other people's help. If so, then there is no time to waste. Get started right away!

Is there a way regardless of the day of the week? Our ancestors took care of this and brought this useful information to us:

  1. First way. And the easiest. Don't believe what you see. It doesn't help very well, but it still works for some.
  2. The second way. Wake up and tell your dream to the water. It is believed that this method is the most effective, because. water can carry away all bad things with it. Of course, you need to tell not in a decanter of water, but in water from an open tap.
  3. The third way. Tell about what you saw. They say that the more people a dream is told, the less likely it is to come true.

Have a nice sleep!

What to do if you had a bad, scary dream. So that it doesn't come true?

    A bad dream does not have to be prophetic. Night terrors torment most people at least once a month, and this may be due to poor health, an uncomfortable sleeping position, or stale air in the room. It may also be a reflection of something actually seen or heard, since we are now constantly fed with negativity from TV screens. But to calm your nerves, you can really whisper to the running water, which should take your sleep with it. It is advisable not to tell anyone about it, because the voiced thought often becomes a reality. And be extra careful if this dream concerns you personally, because it’s not in vain that they say forewarned means armed. And less suspiciousness, assure yourself that a dream is just a dream, this is not true by definition.

    In addition to running water, which needs to be told a dream and sentences Where is the night - there is a dream (at the same time it would be nice to look, look out the window), there is one more expression, like a rhyme -

    Who's dream comes true, but it's not me

    concerns. Lord be with me, bad dream

    I always say this if I had a bad dream.

  • Even the most terrible dream you had, do not rush to immediately classify it as prophetic !!!

    The nature of our dreams is often banal, and those disturbing (terrible) dreams that we dream depend mainly either on the events we have experienced in recent days (weeks), or on our constant thoughts about something unpleasant, disturbing, which do not let go. and develop into certain images (even slightly distorted ones) in our dreams...

    And sometimes it’s even absurd, as happened recently with me ...

    I came home from work at 8 pm, turned on the TV out of habit (I don’t remember what was on at that moment, and it doesn’t matter) and lay down, so to speak, to rest ...

    I woke up in a cold sweat at about one in the morning from a nightmare with some fantastic horror movies... on people and all other evil spirits ... Apparently, just the sound background from the TV was the defining component of my nightmare ...

    I quickly turned off the TV and fell asleep further without any nightmares)))

    Do not believe in dreams! For most people, this is just the result of the work of the brain excited for one reason or another!)))

    Unless, of course, you have a good reason to consider yourself a seer...

    If you saw a bad and terrible dream, then you can follow the advice of my grandmother. She taught, getting up in the morning in a bad mood due to bad sleep, you need to say: Where the night is, there is the dream. It means that as the night leaves and the day comes, so let the bad dream go there irrevocably without harming you .

    My mother always tells me that before 12 days it should not be told to anyone. And you also need to say Samson-Samson three times, where the night is, there is a dream.

    But how do we know that a bad dream will definitely come true? Or maybe it is neutral dreams that portend trouble? It seems to me that the less we dwell on it, the easier it is to live.

    You just need to be sure that bad dreams do not come true. I believe that dreams are the result of our past emotions and thoughts, this is far from a prediction of the future, although there are prophetic dreams, but they become prophetic only when we truly believe in them. A bad dream means you had negative emotions. Try to think more positively so that such dreams do not occur.

    Most of our dreams are a reflection of reality. Perhaps we have seen or heard something terrible that has sunk into our heads. During sleep, complex processes take place in the brain, if the dream is shallow, the picture is remembered. If a person sleeps calmly and deeply, he does not remember anything, no matter how terrible the dream may be.

    If you still remember it, then you need to think about why he had a dream. Remember if you watched some terrible movie the day before, if you talked about death and misfortune.

    Much depends on the psychological state of the person. If he is exhausted, sick, he is tormented by fear of something real, then his dreams will be disturbing. It is necessary to decide how to streamline sleep, make it calm, strong, full.

    If the dream is already very disturbing and does not seem to be connected either with current events or with memories, of course, it is better to go to the bathroom in the morning, open the tap with cold water, speak softly all the dream to this water, close the tap and forget about it.

    If you had a bad dream, you need to get up in the morning, go to the bathroom, open the tap and tell your dream to the flowing water. All bad things will go away with water, the dream will not come true, you can tell it to anyone you want.

    All this mysticism: dreams, horoscopes, conspiracies, etc., pay less attention to it ... just get it out of your head and don’t wind it up ... otherwise you risk a lot of neuroses and suspiciousness for any reason

Bad dreams - a list of unique marker images that predict a Negative future. How to interpret what to do next to avoid misfortune.

What to do if you had a bad dream

If you or your child wakes up with any of the above, then don't panic. According to the revealed pattern, predictive dreams reflect future events from 1 to 5 days in accordance with the hour when they were dreamed. It's easy to remember.

Morning (with which we got up). Events will be fulfilled on the same day.
From 22.00 to 2.00 and from 4.00 to 7.00. Events will be executed from 2 to 3 days inclusive.
From 2.00 to 4.00. Events will be executed from 3 to 5 days inclusive.

We calculate, plus the day for greater security, if you are not sure about the hour of the sleep phenomenon. And we will know when to lay the straw.

What to do so that a bad dream does not come true

Yes, do not go where you planned on the eve of a bad dream. Refuse sudden offers on the day when your nightmare may come true. It's enough. If there is an accident ahead, it is only worth staying at home or at work for 5 minutes, and the trouble will pass by. If there is a fall, an injury, an attack by criminals ahead ... change your plans abruptly for the day when this should happen ... and let the criminals shrug, and the pillars fall to an empty place, and cinemas burn without people. Without you.

Chatted with a guy in neurosurgery. 25 years. Came to help my brother at the construction site. Fell off the opening from the third floor. Several vertebrae are broken. I made sure I didn't dream. The wife next to me reminded me that you woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night the day before. I remembered. He remembered how he flew into a black hole with a cry of horror.

So - it’s better for people to laugh at the dreamer’s superstition than to cry at his funeral.

Should I tell a bad dream?

Necessarily. Your story activates the main watchdog function of the body in the subcortex - vigilance. And later, if the consciousness notices in reality something similar to the details of your nightmare, then the subconscious mind will react with a reluctance to go to the shopping center, where the emergency exits are blocked, or buy a ticket to the theater, to which the terrorists have already arrived, etc. Remember the stories of those who suddenly, suddenly for themselves, slept through the doomed flight, or suddenly changed their minds about going to the Lame Horse, etc. This is how subconscious vigilance works.

Flight attendant Oleg Yermakov quit the airline a week before his plane was blown up.

According to the flight plan, I had a flight to Egypt on the 31st, but just a week before the terrible tragedy, I quit the company. There were personal reasons for this, but my father insisted in many ways ... He had a bad dream related to me, and he said; "Oleg, quit." And he insisted… He dreamed of a plane crash, how I crashed on this plane. I quit without a job."

Stayed alive.

Why do you have bad dreams? Dreams are neither good nor bad. It is we who evaluate them. Negative conditions have developed, and in a predictive (predictive) dream, we receive a signal about a future Negative event. Positive - we receive a signal about a future positive event.

But more often it happens. This was sent to my

"Today, a friend told the dream of her classmate, who dreamed of a wedding dress and she falls into a hole. She told this dream to everyone in the morning: her mother, classmates, sister. And on the way back from school, she was knocked down by the Volga! And she died!"

I can see by search queries what kind of dreams people come to my site with. Here are some of them on the eve of the Kemerovo tragedy, namely on March 25:

"I'm looking for a dream, I'm losing my granddaughter, I'm going crazy"
"the deceased is dreaming and says that he will come to the child's birthday"
"a dream many dead people are called to the cemetery"
"the child fell out of the window and died, why is this a dream"

I hope these dreamers took advantage of the information on the site. Good dreams to you!

Sergey Dolzhenko,
psychologist, translator of dream images



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