Residual cough symptoms. Symptoms and manifestations

It often happens that after suffering illnesses, a person continues to suffer from coughing. This phenomenon sometimes lasts from two days to several weeks. If the cough remains after recovery from a cold or respiratory disease, this can be explained by the increased sensitivity of the bronchi, which has not yet stabilized after getting rid of the disease. In this case, the norm is if the residual reflex convulsive exhalations last no more than a few days and occur during:

  • Ambient temperature difference.
  • Inhalation of smoke, smog.
  • The occurrence of pungent odors and the appearance of other irritants that directly affect the respiratory system.

In such cases, the treatment of residual cough will be only symptomatic, since recovery from the underlying disease has already occurred. It must be carried out, but you can do it yourself by conducting various procedures at home.

Residual cough: how to treat?

If, after getting rid of the underlying ailment, reflex spasms of the respiratory tract continue, techniques such as:

  • Carrying out inhalations.
  • Applying compresses, applying warming procedures.
  • Symptomatic massage treatment.
  • The use of traditional medicine.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Room humidification.

How to cure residual cough with inhalation?

One of the secrets of effectively getting rid of the consequences of diseases in the form of incessant spastic reflex exhalations is the inhalation of various vapors and suspensions. They can be carried out using special devices - nebulizers. In the absence of such inhalers, they can be replaced with an ordinary saucepan or a kettle and a towel.

Inhalations help to get rid of residual cough, perfectly moisturize the bronchi, restore their normal functioning. An important point in the symptomatic treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon is that such procedures must be carried out every day. With their regularity, wet steam, falling on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, will activate the work of the cilia located on them, normalizing the full operation of the entire system.

There is a very large selection of different means for inhalation when coughing:

  • Medications (berodual, berotek, atrovent, fluimucil, lazolvan, ambrobene and others). Before starting the procedure, the medicine must be mixed with saline.
  • Mineral waters of slightly alkaline composition (Borjomi).
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Essential oils of chamomile, eucalyptus, menthol, orange, a few drops of which are added to the water.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs: thyme, sage.

When carrying out inhalations for the treatment of residual cough, simple rules should be followed:

  • Inhale the steam through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  • Carry out the procedure 60 minutes before a meal.
  • Do not eat after inhalation and do not go out.
  • Do not perform the procedure for too long (10-15 minutes is enough).
  • If allergic reactions occur, immediately stop the procedure.

Residual cough: treatment with chest compresses and warming

No less effective methods in the fight against reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, which continue even after getting rid of the underlying ailment, are the following:

  • Warm compresses. Superimposed on the chest (avoiding the heart area). In the symptomatic treatment of cough, components such as alcohol, honey, mustard, kerosene and others are used.
  • Rubbing the chest and back with animal fat, vodka, warming ointments.
  • Mustard plasters.
  • Mesh of iodine.

How to get rid of residual cough: treatment with massage?

Drainage manipulations perfectly help to get rid of the consequences of pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, respiratory diseases. Their secret lies in the fact that the head of a person during the procedure should be below chest level. To do this, a pillow or roller is placed under the neck. The procedure to be followed is very simple:

  • From the spine in different directions, it is necessary to retreat 1 centimeter and with pinching movements rise from the lower back to the shoulders. Make 20 stripes in one line. Step back a little. Perform the same number of repetitions. The last movements should take place on the sides of the patient, without touching his armpits.
  • With the edges of the palms, perform tapping manipulations diagonally (from the right edge of the lower back to the left shoulder and vice versa).
  • After that, you need to cough well.

Massage should be done daily. It stimulates the release of accumulated mucus from the respiratory organs, restores the mobility of the chest.

Residual cough: how to treat with traditional medicine?

Perfectly relieve spastic reflex exhalations, which remain as a reminder of a past disease, various methods and techniques popular among the people. These include:

  • The use of hot milk with butter and honey to soften the throat, relieve spasms and additionally warm the bronchi.
  • Reception of various infusions of herbal preparations, consisting of marshmallow, chamomile, licorice root, sage, thyme.
  • Use inside during the occurrence of attacks of residual cough mixture of 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons of honey.

Boosting immunity and moisturizing the room as important factors in the treatment of residual cough

It should not be overlooked that such elementary means as:

  • Maintain sufficient humidity in the room.
  • Stimulation of the immune system.

To fulfill the first condition, it is enough to use various humidifiers, prevent it from drying out, and do not turn on heaters. You can increase immunity by fully eating, taking vitamin C, giving the body adequate physical activity.

If the treatment does not help and the residual cough lasts more than 10 days after getting rid of the underlying ailment, then there is a high probability that the underlying disease has become chronic or other pathologies have arisen that cause the symptom. It does not matter if there are additional signs and ailments or not. The presence of a normal temperature is also not a guarantee of the absence of various diseases (chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis). In the case of a prolonged manifestation of convulsive reflex exhalations, it is imperative to visit a doctor, make sure that there are no ailments as the cause of the symptom, and ask a specialist how to treat residual cough.

Cases where treatment of residual dry cough after illness in adults and children is required is a frequent occurrence. Many patients are familiar with the situation when a cough can persist for a month or even longer after suffering a respiratory disease. Despite the completion of the manifestation of symptomatic signs and the improvement of the condition, the disease continues its activity.

Residual cough is an unpleasant consequence of the disease, which may not go away for weeks.


Residual cough is not uncommon. Most often, people who have had ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, pneumonia or bronchitis suffer from this symptom. The reason is that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract cannot quickly recover from the disease, and there is still a small amount of sputum in the bronchi and trachea, which the body is trying to get rid of. After ARVI, residual cough can be triggered by physical exertion, inhalation of cold air.

Methods of treatment

Medical experts say that the treatment of residual cough should not always be carried out. In some cases, a few days are enough for the unpleasant symptom to go away on its own. Therapeutic measures are necessary if the patient experiences discomfort, and a persistent cough does not go away even after taking antibiotics.

The use of drugs

To combat residual cough, medication is mandatory. They are divided into groups, depending on the nature of the impact and therapeutic orientation:

Cough medicines are selected by the doctor depending on the nature of the symptoms present.
  1. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. They are prescribed if inflammation of the upper respiratory tract becomes the cause of the residual symptom. In this case, the cause of the cough is removed at the local level and the infection is eliminated.
  2. Corticosteroids. They are rarely used because of the strong impact. Reception is necessary when transferring patients with hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, which occurs in severe form. Treatment with such drugs should be under the supervision of specialists.
  3. Antihistamines. They help stop the process of histamine release and reduce sensitivity to the substance at the cellular level.
  4. Mucolytics. They make it possible to remove the residual part of sputum from the lungs and bronchi from the body, especially if the natural process of coughing is difficult. Such a measure will lead to the complete elimination of the existing infectious symptom.

With residual cough, plenty of fluids are indicated.

If the cough does not go away after the illness, then the patient is not recommended to be limited only to drug therapy. There are additional measures to combat viral pathology. It is necessary to drink more liquid - this will reduce the activity of the manifested cough. Light breathing exercises are considered effective. The technique helps to remove the residual phenomenon rather quickly (about a week). The attending physician will tell the patient how to get rid of the obsessive symptom. During the period of cough activity, the immune system weakens. For this reason, steps must be taken to restore it. They include the use of immunomodulators or the use of vitamin complexes.

The duration of therapy, the dosage and the type of drugs used are set by the attending physician based on the data obtained as a result of the examination of the body. In some cases, the disease can be treated independently at home.

Benefits of Physiotherapy

Carrying out physiotherapeutic measures is necessary when confirming the respiratory direction of the cough. Course therapy is prescribed in the following cases:

UHF therapy helps to cope with inflammation and spasms of the bronchi
  • identification of an infectious effect on the patient's body with the simultaneous course of a previously established pathology;
  • the presence of a wet cough with a small amount of sputum;
  • the process of coughing remains due to a weakened immune system.

Physiotherapy involves several types of procedures. One of them, which is especially popular for residual cough, is UHF therapy. It is an effect on the body of a magnetic field with a thermal effect. The event is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and spasms (resulting from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections), restoring blood circulation and activating natural protective functions.

The electrophoresis procedure is no less effective - bipolar electrodes with fabric pads impregnated with medicinal substances are fixed on the patient's body. Most often it is an iodine solution, an extract of medicinal plants or antihistamine preparations.

Back massage is especially effective after suffering bronchitis or pneumonia. To normalize the general condition of the patient after a cold, vibration massage is prescribed. In addition to the main action, it is used to strengthen the muscular region of the chest. The session lasts 10-15 minutes. For the best effect, it is recommended to complete the full course without skipping (at least 10 days).

At home, inhalation is indicated using a nebulizer

Inhalations are also necessary to combat the residual form of cough, they can be done at home using a nebulizer. Therapy involves the use of mineral water, saline and decoction of medicinal plants. You can make your own steam inhaler. To do this, medicinal plants are added to a container of boiling water. If necessary, you can add a few drops of essential oil. The contents are boiled for 10 minutes, after which it should be covered with a cotton cloth. At the final stage, it is required to make a hole in the tissue and insert a tube into it. Inhalation is through the nose and exhalation through the mouth.

The duration and options for therapy are determined by the doctor.


In pharmacies, a large selection of medicines is presented, the action of which is aimed at eliminating cough and its residue. However, many patients prefer traditional medicine, which has been confirming its effectiveness for a long time. Therapy is allowed if there are no contraindications. The most common include:

Bitter radish juice is one of the most effective folk remedies for coughing.
  1. Juice of bitter radish. To obtain the remedy, the upper part is cut off from the fruit, the contents of the vegetable are cleaned and honey is added. It is advisable to drink the resulting juice on the first day after preparation.
  2. Collections from medicinal plants. Their reception should be distinguished depending on the type of reflex. With a dry cold cough, licorice, coltsfoot and violet are brewed, and with a wet one - chamomile and thyme. Reception is allowed to be carried out both in the complex and separately.
  3. To activate the expectoration process, the use of cabbage juice in combination with honey is prescribed. At the initial stage, it is necessary to melt the bee product with a water bath, after which cabbage juice is added to it. The remedy is taken twice a day.
  4. No less useful is fig milk for coughing. Milk and figs are boiled. After that, the infusion languishes for about 5-7 minutes. The remedy is suitable if the patient has a sore throat.
  5. An excellent solution for the treatment of prolonged cough is rye cake. To prepare it, you need to mix honey, vegetable oil, alcohol and mustard until a thick texture is formed. For therapy, the cake is wrapped in gauze and laid out on the chest area before a night's sleep.

A well-known folk healer is potatoes. It is necessary to boil the tubers, then mash and add half a teaspoon of soda. After cooling, the mixture is laid out on gauze and applied to the chest. The method is relevant if the patient has an acute attack of coughing, in which he begins to choke.

Preventive measures

The basis of the diet should be foods with a high protein content.

After suffering an infectious disease, in order to avoid re-infection and to restore strength, it is necessary: ​​regular walks in the fresh air, an active lifestyle, and in some cases, on the contrary, rest (more to sit or lie down).

Nutrition should be complete and balanced. The diet should include foods with a high protein content. It is useful to humidify the air in the room, ventilate, but avoid hypothermia, and do not neglect medical advice.

Despite the fact that the residual cough in an adult is usually the last symptom of a cold, it causes many inconveniences. It turns out that a person, having already recovered and returned to his usual rhythm, still cannot lead a full-fledged active life - he continues to be disturbed by a wet (in other words, “wet”) or dry cough, moreover, as often happens, in the most inappropriate situation: in the morning at work, in public transport, at important negotiations, at the cinema or at night in a dream. In this case, it would be much better to immediately begin to treat the residual cough than to let things take their course.

Causes of residual cough

Residual cough is not uncommon. Many who have had ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, pneumonia or bronchitis suffer from it. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract cannot recover from an illness in an instant, and there is still a certain amount of sputum in the bronchi and trachea, which the body reflexively tries to get rid of. After ARVI, residual cough can be triggered by physical exertion, inhalation of cold or polluted air; sometimes it even appears for no apparent reason.

How to treat residual cough

To fully cope with such a cough, an adult body will need from one to four weeks, and in some cases more, depending on the severity of the disease and the state of the human immune system. Therefore, when choosing drugs for the treatment of residual cough after bronchitis or SARS, it is important to pay attention to how long they are allowed to be used.

Smoking and alcoholic beverages, which are better to give up at least for a while, can interfere with a complete recovery, because during the recovery period, the thinned respiratory mucosa becomes very susceptible to irritants.

Despite the inconvenience that residual dry cough delivers, you should not sound the alarm. If there are no other symptoms, then you need to be patient and calmly begin treatment, because by itself, without the help of the body, coughing can take a very long time. In addition, if nothing is done, the recovery process may be delayed, and in addition there is a risk of complications. Irritated bronchi and trachea are a favorable environment for the development of a new infection that can be picked up anywhere. Therefore, the faster you cure a cough, the less likely the underlying disease will be.

To help the body cope with a dry or wet residual cough, you need to:

  • treat the disease that caused the cough;
  • drink plenty of fluids, especially water;
  • to walk outside;
  • humidify the room by any available means: from wet cleaning and frequent airing to the use of air humidifiers (especially at night);
  • drink warm milk with honey;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • eat well;
  • liquefy phlegm and get rid of it with expectorants.

Modern cough syrups with strong chemicals can be used for up to 5–10 days, while residual cough usually lasts longer. Cough syrup Dr. MOM ® , which contains extracts of 10 medicinal plants, unlike chemical syrups, can be safely taken for two to three weeks. It does not contain alcohol and has a complex effect: mucolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and also bronchodilator (the drug expands the airways, facilitating the flow of air into the lungs during bronchospasm). It is the "ideal ally" that helps you cure residual cough.

It is important to know

If you do not know how to deal with residual cough that lasts a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

For treatment post-infectious cough plant-based extracts are traditionally used (ivy leaves, pine buds, quince) - ask for a collection with these components at the pharmacy. Are used moisturizing inhalations, heating, compresses and even a special set of physical exercises. In folk medicine, there are also various recipes for residual cough treatment.

Herbal medicines provide expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic action, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

  • When residual wet, a good effect is given inhalations with eucalyptus, wild rosemary, coltsfoot, succession, plantain, yarrow.
  • Essential oils can be used for inhalation(sage, fir, eucalyptus, calamus, lime, pine, rosemary), saline. If there is no inhaler or nebulizer, inhalation can be done over a saucepan, inhaling the healing steam.
  • During the procedure, which lasts 5-10 minutes, you need to cover yourself with a towel. After the procedure, you can not immediately go outside, but you need to sit in a room with room temperature.

Warm compresses can be done with lard, badger fat, warming ointments based on essential oils. Rub the product of your choice on your chest and feet, wrap it in wax paper, then put on warm woolen socks and a scarf.

One of the traditional medicine recipes for dealing with post-cold cough is milk with figs. Boil 2-3 pcs. dry white figs in a glass of milk. Let the drink infuse. Then it should be drunk hot several times a day.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello! Please advise, what kind of sports can be done for an allergic child, in whom the allergy manifests itself in the form of a dry paroxysmal cough? Thank you.

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Another well-known cough remedy is black radish with sugar. Cut off the top of a large black radish, make a depression and pour honey or sugar into it. Then cover the radish with the cut top. A day later, juice will appear, which must be taken three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.

Simple exercises also help after a cold. This method is well suited for in children.

Exercise should be done several times a day.

  1. Push-ups with knees: the child does push-ups from the floor, bending his knees and lifting his feet up.
  2. To perform the second exercise, the child needs to lie with his back on the fitball, holds dumbbells in his hands and, as he exhales, spreads his arms to the sides (10 times), and then alternately takes his hands up and down.

These exercises increase lung capacity after a cold.

Another effective exercise is vibration massage. It is light tapping with the ribs of the palms along the spine (not along the spine!) For 1-2 minutes.

Inflating balloons is a known way to improve lung function. But children from this exercise often experience hyperventilation, which is accompanied by dizziness and vomiting. Instead, invite your child to play the harmonica - he will do it with pleasure several times a day.

To help your body restore the function of the respiratory tract, take care of strengthening the immune system - eat well, take vitamins, and exercise. Make sure that the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is not dry. You can soften it by dropping sea buckthorn or vaseline oil into your nose.

Often, after suffering respiratory or bronchopulmonary diseases in children, it continues to be present. Such a symptom is considered a residual phenomenon. It is important for parents to know whether this symptom needs to be treated and in what cases.

For the treatment of residual cough in children, various medications are prescribed, alternative therapies are used, including inhalation.

What is residual cough and what are its symptoms?

Residual cough in medical terminology is called, which continues after a cold or diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

During the period of illness, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected and inflammatory processes progress in them. When the disease passes and its symptoms disappear, the mucosa needs some time to recover. Residual cough can last from one to three weeks.In frequent cases, this phenomenon goes away on its own, so many doctors argue that special treatment is not required.

But there are times when such a cough turns into a chronic illness.

This usually happens when the disease is not completely cured - sputum and inflammatory foci remain. That is why this condition must be treated.

The main symptoms of residual cough in children include:

  1. Not a deep cough without sputum production, which manifests itself periodically, most often after the child wakes up.
  2. No elevated temperature.
  3. Cough is not accompanied by a runny nose and other symptoms of colds.

After the disease, it is important to monitor the child - if the cough gradually disappears, then there is no need to treat it. But when the symptom intensifies, then action must be taken. To do this, you need to consult a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In addition, alternative therapies are considered effective for residual cough. Also an effective method is holding.

It is mandatory to show the child to the doctor in case of a temperature that has risen after the disease, pain in the sternum, sputum with blood impurities and paroxysmal cough. These symptoms indicate that the disease is not cured, which means that serious consequences can develop.

Medical treatment

For faster cleansing of the respiratory tract from sputum with residual cough, experts prescribe various medications. The choice of such funds depends on what kind of cough is observed in the child.

When wet, apply, when dry -. Medicines that have an enveloping effect are also used.

To reduce irritation of the mucous membranes and eliminate residual effects, the following are considered effective:

  • Tusuprex is a dry cough medicine that blocks cough reflexes. For children under seven years of age, the daily dose becomes 40 milligrams.
  • - effectively promotes the removal of mucus. Available in the form of injection solutions, syrup, tablets, lozenges.
  • Libexin - has an anesthetic and antispasmodic effect. Great for dry barking coughs.

With a dry cough, drugs such as Erespal in syrup, Omnitus, Fluditec, Libeksin are used. When a small amount of sputum is excreted from the respiratory tract in a child, mucolytics are used:

  • Bromhexine
  • Ambrobene

Plant-based products, which are safer for children, also help. Therefore, medicines such as psyllium syrup are often prescribed.To increase the protective forces of the child after the disease, it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes. Children are recommended Univit, Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit.

Folk remedies are considered effective medicines for rare manifestations of residual cough. For children in such cases, the following alternative therapy is recommended:

  1. Homemade cough drops made with mint and ginger. To do this, burnt sugar is mixed with powdered ingredients. This remedy relieves sore throat and relieves coughing attacks.
  2. Black radish juice with honey. To make such a remedy, you should cut the core of the vegetable and pour honey into the formed bowl. This medicine has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect and is a valuable source of vitamins, which boosts the child's immune system.
  3. - a valuable product that prevents the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, contributes to the enveloping and moisturizing of the mucosa. It is taken alone or diluted with milk. Besides. Rubbing the sternum with this healing product is recommended.
  4. Drinking milk with soda. Boil 250 grams of milk and add a teaspoon of soda to it. It is recommended to drink the remedy before going to bed.
  5. Aloe and honey. This mixture quickly relieves cough, stimulates the immune system, and eliminates pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Milk with pine buds. To prepare this medicine, insist in the amount of one tablespoon in 0.5 liters of boiling milk. You need to use a little up to two times an hour.
  7. Decoctions of linden, licorice roots, rose hips, chamomile, raspberries, ginger, wild rosemary, help with residual coughing in children.

At home, it is recommended to do warm-ups with. Paraffin, honey cakes, various warming compresses are used for this purpose. You can rub the child's chest with camphor oil and turpentine to eliminate coughing.

Inhalation for residual cough

Inhalation procedures are considered one of the effective methods in the treatment of residual cough. They can be carried out in the usual way: over any container, covering your head with a towel, inhaling healing vapors.

However, the most effective and safest method is inhalation using.

For the inhalation method of treatment, the following agents can be used:

  • physiological solutions.
  • Mineral water Borjomi.
  • Soda solution.
  • Medicines (Ambrobene, ACC, Lazolvan,).
  • A couple of mashed potatoes.

Essential oils have a good cough effect: eucalyptus, mint, pine, chamomile, fir, rosemary, sage, lavender, cedar. A few drops of aromatic oil are added to saline or ordinary hot water.

Decoctions of medicinal plants effectively affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract:

  • Chamomile
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located.
  • Avoid contact with allergens and other mucosal irritants.
  • Establish proper drinking regimen for children.
  • Coordinate treatment methods with a specialist and follow all his instructions.
  • Provide a rational and balanced diet.
  • Strengthen the child's immune system by hardening and taking vitamins.


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